LIONS CLUB 1992 - Lions Club NZ

Page created by Dave Robertson
LIONS CLUB 1992 - Lions Club NZ

VOLUME 27           ISSUE 8       MARCH 2019



LIONS CLUB 1992 - Lions Club NZ
                 PO BOX 461 OAMARU 9444
MEETING                 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm
                        Brydone Hotel
PRESIDENT               Judy Phillips
                        9 Wye St, Oamaru
                        Phone 434 6462
SECRETARY               Lee Frith
                        18 Conway St, Oamaru
                        Phone 437 0027
APOLOGIES               Trish Hinton
                        Phone 437 2749
                        By Tuesday evening please.
TREASURER               Kathreen Begley
                        11 Trent Street
                        Oamaru 9400
                        Phone 434 6132
BULLETIN                Fay Birtles
                        8 Taward Street
                        Oamaru 9400
                        Phone 437 1113
Please put $26 in a named envelope to pay for your meal. Cheques
to be made out for meal only $26. No change will be given.
BANKING For members who use internet banking our account details
are: Account number: 03 0937 0101951 00 Account holder name: North
Otago Lions. In details section please put your name and payment type
e.g. subs.
Our bulletin can be viewed online at
Click on Members Area, North Otago and then Bulletins.

LIONS CLUB 1992 - Lions Club NZ
21st March
Cashiers:         Kathreen Begley and Genevieve Heselwood
Hostesses:        Barbara Williams and Jan Selfe
Grace:            Sharon Doran
Introduction:     Sandy Kennard
Thank you:        Shelia Paul
Raffle:           Barbara Bain and Rose Luxford
Programme:        Quinten Orr and the Ventures that attended a
                  camp in North Island

                Monthly Coffee Club
             Saturday 6th April - 10:30

18th April
Cashiers:         Kathreen Begley and Sandy Kennard
Hostesses:        Fay Birtles and Ann Hodder
Grace:            Joan Watson
Introduction:     Zona Kennedy
Thank you:        Annie Beattie
Raffle:           Ann Gibson and Shirley Forbes
Programme:        Jenny Roberts, life after YNR Surgery

If You Are Unable To Do Your Allocated Duty....
   Please arrange for someone to do it for you
   And also let the president know who is doing your duty for you

If you are not going to be at the tea meeting or are bringing a guest
please let Trish 437 2749 know by TUESDAY evening
This is important. The caterers require the correct numbers.
If bringing a guest it is your responsibility to pay for their meal.
NB: If no apology is received you will be charged for your meal.

Presidents Rant
Well the mornings are starting to get that feel of
autumn, but I’m sure good days are still ahead of
us. Lots of things are ahead of us this year with
Ann and her team catering this weekend, well
done girls very proud of you all keeping the lions
flag flying high. This catering has came about
from the Historical ball in November. We are
getting a very good name out in the community for our fantastic
catering. Judith has set a attentive date for cheese rolls - early May,
which she will tell you more at the dinner meeting. Walked into the
supermarket and a lady asked me about cheese rolls and had sold 10
dozen before I had even got to the check out.
I’m looking forward to our look around The Castle those that have
already done it say you need to go a few times to take it all in that it is
that great.
My look back this month is fundraising the fun we had and still have
at caterings, cheese roll making and the great dedication when it
comes to raffle selling but my favourite is cheese roll making yes it’s
hard work but oh so much fun laughter and companionship. This to
me is Lions.
I had a phone call from Raeowna she is coping not to bad and is
overwhelmed by the love and support that has flown not just from
Lions but from the North Otago Community. She has her only
Granddaughters wedding coming up which all the family are all
looking forward to. The day after our phone chat Jen called in to see
her which was great.
                      Well my friends that’s it for now lunch time has
                      just about finished and I had better get back to
                      doing some work.
                                                             Cheers Judy

                      PS Thanks for the Birthday wishes they were all
                      very much appreciated

DG Tony’s Thoughts.....
Summer has come with some very hot daytime
temperatures and very warm nights. This is a big
weather change from early in the season.

Now that clubs are back being active could you
please consider attracting new members to help lift
our membership up above the 1250+ required for
our District. Please help our membership co-
ordinator Vicki Gould with her efforts to encourage ”Ask One”, and also our
World President Gudrun Yngvadottir is encouraging us to have more
women members inducted.

Hopefully clubs are putting in place the new boards for next year. As
training is being offered to incoming officers, I please ask that members
attend these days.

As the District Conventions are now taking place over the next five weeks,
Shirley & I will be spending most weekends away.

With our own Convention being hosted by Rakaia Club the last weekend in
March, I encourage you to get your registrations in as soon as possible
before March 12th. The Theme for the Saturday night is “Flower Power”
which should be lots of fun.

We are looking forward to catching up with you in Rakaia.

                                                     District Governor Tony
                                             “Together We Serve Better”

                           Next Board Meeting:
                ARA Institute, Thursday 4th April - 7:30pm

Genevieve Heselwood
Most of you are probably aware that I am an
Australian. I was born in Melbourne in 1944 and
consider myself to be among the first of the baby
boomers. My father had been shipped home from the
Desert Warfare in the Middle East the year before
with bullet wounds to an arm and a leg that prevented
him from continuing his war campaign and left him
with a legacy of health problems for the remainder of
his life.
I am an only child, my mother was quite a bit older
than my father and she was almost 40 when I was born. I always thought
that was why I was the only one but todays mums often start their child
bearing years at round 40. So there must have been another reason but I
never asked. They were great parents, totally devoted to one another,
talented and admired community members. When my mother died at 95 she
bore no resemblance to the vibrant mother of my youth as the ravages of
Alzheimer's left her without hair, teeth, speech or movement. Such a sad
We lived in various small towns in Victoria. My father was a shire
secretary and then a Town Clerk for some rural municipalities. At 12 I went
to boarding school, a strict Brigidine Convent Education was for me, where
girls were expected to do well and go out into the world and make their
mark. We only had 3 baths a week and the rest of the time we washed in a
basin of cold water, morning and night. We wore our school uniform 7 days
a week, from when we got up in the morning till we went to bed at night.
The gates were locked at nightfall and the school was surrounded by a high
brick wall. We never knew whether it was to keep us in or intruders out.
56 years ago I started teacher training at the Ballarat Teachers College. 2018
has seen me finally fully retired. Teaching has been a great career for me. Its
a job that you can do as little or as much of as you like. Perfect for part time
work when you have a young family or are semi retired and a job that you
can pick up anywhere in the world. Many life long friendships have been
made with staff, parents and pupils. I’m pleased to say todays children
remain as refreshing now as they were 56 years ago but I believe their

I did my OE with a group of friends in the early70’s, travelling overland for 3
months from Katmandu to London. 24hours after leaving the high city lights
of Melbourne we were face to face with lepers begging in the streets of
Nepal. The smell of stale urine as we walked those streets still lingers in my
nostrils. Culture shock would be an understatement. We went through
Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq. Countries no longer on the tourist trail for very
obvious reasons. That was the start of many amazing travel experiences for
me. As you will be aware, travel does get into your blood and thoughts of
new experiences have never been far from my mind even when my purse
strings have been tightened. Dreams are free.
In 1975, when I was 30, I came to New Zealand encouraged by a boyfriend
I had met through mutual friends. He thought we might further our
relationship if I was over here working. (he farmed at Five Rivers). I had
applied to the Catholic Education Board in Dunedin and was appointed to St.
Josephs in Oamaru. My mother and I sat on our sunny veranda looking at the
map of New Zealand. We decided it was only a small hop to Five Rivers
from Oamaru. Little did we realise there was a bloody big mountain range in
between......I didn’t see much of the man from 5 Rivers but met Keith instead
and decided that if I didn’t settle down soon I probably never would. I have
lived on Oamaru ever since.
We have 2 children who, unlike their father, do not have withdrawal
symptoms when they head north across the Waitaki River, and have travelled
extensively. The downside of that is I have a Slovakian son in law and an
English daughter in law. They are both lovely but their roots lie elsewhere
don't they. Our Paul and Tracey are lucky enough to have cherished
memories of both sets of grandparents none of whom were young when they
were born. We now have 2 English born/England living grandchildren, 11
and 9, plus a 3 year old grandson in Dunedin.
Although I have now lived much longer in New Zealand than Australia, and
I barrack unreservedly for the All Blacks when they play the Wallabies, I
still travel on an Australian Passport. I believe one never forgoes ones
country of birth. I will always be an Australian even if it means I have had to
bear the brunt of a semi life time of back handed jokes in the process. I
spent the first 10 years of living in NZ apologising for being an
Australian……. “I’m an Australian , but don’t hold it against me !!!!“…..was
my stock phrase. Gotta love you Kiwis.

Club Reports
Planning for the wedding on March 16th is well in hand with the
menu and special needs settled. There is a buffet meal for 30 and
supper for 60 people. We have enough people helping and don't
require any donations.
                                                           Ann H

The Date for Cheese Rolls will be the 11th of May provided it is okay
with Waitaki Girls. I am waiting for them to get back to
confirm. Order forms will be handed out at next tea meeting. This is
our biggest project for woman hours, please try to give as many hours
as possible on the day to make it easier for everyone.

Membership We had two inducted at the February meeting. Jessie
May Tepper is interested in becoming a member.
                                                          Barbara W

Zone Report
Cabinet want to give each club $300.00 to be used towards promoting
Lions. Has also been suggested that we send copies of bulletin to
people that are interested in becoming members of Lions, as this way
they can keep up to date with the goings on. There is no national
speech maker competition this year, district is going to hold a speech
competition, but no date has been set yet.

Dates to be confirmed at next zone meeting for the Speech Makers.
Kan Tabs
Please keep them coming, if I am not home please just leave over the

Venue Liaison
4370027, CELLPHONE 027699913, AS I WILL BE
AWAY.                                Trish

                  March                       April
              11 Judy                      8 Jill
                                          10 Rose M
                                          16 Jan

 Caring For Our Members
 Members responsible for visiting anyone who is unwell or
 needing our support are…

 March                         Backup
 Genevieve and Judith      Ann H and Sandy
 April                        Backup
 Ann H and Sandy           Rose L and May

 If you are unable to do this duty please arrange for another
 member to do it for you.

Adrienne Alding                            434 7471 021 253 4566
Pam Anderson                               437 1366 027 205 6840
Barbara Bain                            437 1849 021 0850 2046
Annie Beattie                                                                   021 0859 7069
Kath Beauchamp                          437 1068   021 328 603
Kathreen Begley                  434 6132
Fay Birtles                              437 1113 021 156 3721
Jacquie Coe                                                            437 0831 021 207 1565
Sharon Doran                         437 2144 027 295 3452
Ruth Dove                           437 1159 021 0252 8256
Jen Farquharson                            434 7256 021 209 6535
Jeanette Fodie                                                         434 6121 021 055 3556
Shirley Forbes                   434 2544 021 260 1676
Lee Frith                                  437 0027 027 699 9137
Ann Gibson                               434 2523 027 689 3832
Florence Hellyer                                                       434 3044
Genevieve Heselwood                              434 6649       027 423 0137
Jean Hesselin                                        027 664 3900
Trish Hinton                            437 2749       021 137 9642
Ann Hodder                       03 689 8808       021 190 4484
Judith Isbister                           434 1422       027 431 0133
Kaylene Joyce                     03 689 3866       027 388 3092
Sandy Kennard                                         027 434 8101
Zona Kennedy                                                           434 7771
May Ludemann                           434 7191       027 499 8957
Rose Luxford                          434 2623       021 275 2000
Jill MaCartie                             434 2098       021 075 4967
Rose McDonald                              437 2354       027 430 2700
Irene Mitchell                      434 2340       027 343 9623
Beryl Naismith                       437 2762       021 114 4292
Myrel Parsons                                437 0388       027 211 4271
Gaylene Paterson                    434 1215 027 478 6346
Janet Paterson                       437 1216 021 0274 5186
Sheila Paul                     03 689 2273 027 228 9589
Judy Phillips                        434 6462 021 188 0682
Heather Robb                                437 1739 021 119 2232
Sara Rowe                                 434 2061 027 592 7671
Jan Selfe                                434 6065 021 184 0690
Jodi Selwyn                                   027 459 7558
Lyn Warrington                        434 5045 021 157 5861
Joan Watson                            434 1226 027 343 8817
Barbara Williams                         437 1322 021 257 9201
              For privacy reasons this information is for use of Lions members only
President:                Judy Phillips
Imm Past President:
1st VP:                   Trish Hinton
2nd VP:                   Ann Hodder
3rd VP:
Secretary:                Lee Frith
MyLCI Secretary:          Genevieve Heselwood
Treasurer:                Kathreen Begley
Tail Twister:             May Ludemann
Lion Tamer:               Lyn Warrington
Director 1:               Jeanette Fodie, Sharon Doran
Director 2:               Florence Hellyer, Shirley Forbes
Membership:               Barbara Williams
Bulletin Editor:          Fay Birtles

Project                   Judith, Pam, Sara, Sharon, Ann G, Heather,
                          Barbara B, Ruth, Jill
Catering:                 Ann H, Jeanette, Jacquie, Joan, Beryl, Rose M
Youth:                    Florence Sandy, Myrel, Rose L Jen, Sara
Finance:                  Kathreen, Irene
Appeals:                  Janet
Membership:               Barbara W, Sheila. Judy
Programme:                Trish, Adrienne, Annie
Social:                   Shirley, Jan, Kath, Zona
Alert:                    Judy
Publicity:                Judy, Fay
Health and Welfare:       Pam
Dinner Meeting Liaison:   Trish
Kan Tab:                  Trish Hinton

CHARITABLE TRUST:         Trish, Sandy, Judith, Barbara W, Lee, Barbara B

We Serve

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