Ln a wired world, children unable to escape cyberbullying

Page created by Lori Padilla
ln a wired world, children unable to
escape cyberbullying
By Stephanie Chen, CNN
Oetoner 5, 2010 - Updated 1'(54 GMT (1954 HKT)

(CNN) -- Jason, 13, knows he is an easy target for bullies at his middle school in Long Island,
New York.
[... ]He prefers to wear skinny jeans and black zip-up hoodies, fashion choices that induce
comments like "emo" or "gay" from classmates. [... ]Other kids cali him a loser.
[... ]Last year, he says he became a victim of cyberbullying -- vicious, viral and incessant attacks
through text messages, e-mails and Facebook posts that have both replaced and supplemented
tradition al schoolyard bullying. [... ]
October marks National Bullying Prevention Month, a topic that has made headlines lately. Last
week, authorities found the body of Tyler Clementi, a New Jersey college student, who committed
suicide after two other students allegedly placed a camera in hi~ dorm room without his
knowledge and then broadcast his sexual encounter online.
The proliferation of cell phones, iPods and Facebook brings a complicated challenge for parents,
teachers and students: The constant exposure to technology and the web amplifies opportunities
for children to bully each other online.

    1. Qu'avez-vous compris du texte?
    2.    Donnez des informations sur Jason.
    3.    De quoi est-il victime?
    4.    Que marque le mois d'octobre?

    6. Quelle explication avance l'auteur face à ce problème?
Turn Off Your TV!

A new study reveals that watching less television may lead to a
longer life

Sitting in front of the television may be relaxing, but spending too much time in front
of the tube may take years off your life.

Thafs what Australian researchers found when they collected TV viewing information
fram more than 11,000 people aider than 25 years, The study found that people who
watched an average six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8 years less than those
who didn't watch any television. Also , every hour of TV that participants watched after
age 25 was associated with a 22-minute reduction in theif life expectancy,

l1's no mystery that sitting in front of the tube isn't exactly healthy. The more TV you
watch, the less physically active you are. And the less exercise you get, the more
Iikely you are ta develop diseases such as diabetes or heart problems.

Lennert Veerman ÎS the lead author of the study, which was publîshed in the British
Journal of Sports Medicine. Veerman works at the University of Queensland. He
acknowledges that it may not Just be the sedentary nature of watchîng TV that lowers
life expectancy, but also the poor diet that onscreen junk-food advertisîng can
promote. But Veerman says that the association between watchîng tao much TV and
lower life expectancy persisted, even after adjusting for diet


       Qu'avez-vous compris dans ce texte?
   -   A partir de quel document cet article a-t-il été écrit? (sur quoi cet article
       s'appuie-t-il ?)
       Qu'a démontré cette étude chez les plus de 25 ans?
       Qui est Lennert Veerman ?
   -   Quelle est son opinion?
Everyday Hero UK: Fundraising 2011                                                                         Page 1 sur 2


                                                            home      sponsor Il friend    fundraisers      èintisla."ery,ol

  Shweyga Mullah's Fundraising Page

       My target. EO.OO      Total raised: E26,164.60                                         DONAn:      ~,:)\l(

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         Thank you for Supporting Shweyga
          31 Aug 11 10:34 AM
          posted by Shweyga Mul ah

         This fundraising page has been set up by Anti-Siavery International. in eonjunction with
         CNN, to raise money for the treatment and care of Shweyga Mullah, a domestie worker for
         Hannibal Gaddafi in Libya who was found severely sealded by boiling water.

          CNN is helping aid agencies arrange for Shweyga ta be taken to an international burn clinie
          for treatment. It is estimated Ihat it will take up ta eight months for Shweyga to recuperate
          and the money raised will go to paying for any extra care she needs, including her living
          costs and flights.

          It was Dan Rivers, CNN Senior International Correspondent in Tripoli who tirst highlighted
          the plight of Shweyga Mullah. You can see his report on YouTube by copying and pasting
          the following link: hUp:flwww.youtube.eom/watch?

          Please be advised that the link contains graphie images tram the beginning that sorne may
          find upsetting.

          Money raised beyond the amount needed for Shweyga's care will be used by Anti-Slavery
          International, the world's aldest human rights organisation, which warks to protee! domestic
          workers frem abuse and slavery across the worid.

            back ta fundraising page

http://www.antis1averyfundraising.org/heroyages/viewyosts/helpshweyga                                         22/11/2011
Thank you for Supporting Shweyga
http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/impact. VOUT. world!

to raise money : récolter de l'argent
scalded : ébouillanté

    1. Qu'avez-vous compris de ce texte?
   2.   Qui est Shweyga Mullah? Précisez votre réponse?
   3.   Que lui est-il arrivé?
   4.   Quelle action a été mise en place pour aider Shweyga Mullah ?
   5.   A quoi va-t-elle servir?
   6.   Qui y participe?


   7. Quel est l'objectif de l'auteur de ce document?
   8. Qui va gérer les fonds collectés?
15 November 2011 Last updated at 16:32 GMT

Occupy Wall Street: New York police
clear.Zuccotti Park

New York police have disrnantled the Occupy Wall Street camp in Zuccotti Park
and arrested about 200 people following a raid in the early hours. [ ... ]

In a news conference, Mr Bloomberg said there was a conf!îct between protecting
public health and safety and protesters' First Arnendment rights.

"Unfortunately, the park was becoming a place where people came not to
pratest, but rather to break laws, and in some cases, to harm others," Mr
Bloomberg said.

"The First Amendment gives every l\Jew Yorker the right to speak out - but it
does not give anyone the right to sleep in a park or otherwise take it over ta the
exclusion of others.fi

Police spokesman Paul Browne said most people left the park when ordered, but
that a small group of people had refused.

The 200 or 50 people arrested ir'lcluded sorne who had chained thernselves
together. [ ... ]

The Occupy movement, inspired by the Arab Spring uprisings and econornic
protest camps in Spain, îs calling for a more equal distribution of the world's
wealth and a fairer response to the globa economic crisis.


Ql : Qu'avez-vous compris de ce texte?

Q2 : Quelles nuisances ont entraîné les manifestations?

Q3 : Quia dû faire la police?

Q4 : A que! choix difficile M. Bloomberg se trouve-t-il confronté?

Q5 : Quelles sont les revendications des manifestants?

Q6 : Quels évènements ont inspiré ce mouvement?

Q7 : Tous les manifestants ont-ils quitté les l1eux facilement?
Dai Greene believes football has 'no place' at Olympics

 Tuesday, 22 November 2011

World, Commonwealth and European 400m hurdles champion Greene is one of
Great Britain's best hopes for a home gold at the London Games. He insists football
should not be at London 2012 as it will "overshadow" traditional Olympie sports.

The British Olympie Association wants a football team to play in London but the
Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish football associations are against it.
Greene feels the Olympics has "no place" for football [... ] 1 hope that those big
football players don't overshadow those people who have trained for four years to be
there for that one moment. These guys want to win Premierships, Champions
League traphies and World Cup medals. They don't graw up wanting to be an
Olympie champion, they want to be the best in football. [... ]

The 25-year-old is a football fan and played for Swansea City's youth team but he
feels his view that football should not be played at the Olympics represents the
consensus among athletes. Most athletes wou Id agree with what l'm saying," said

"When some guy wins a gold medal in badminton or swimming, they want it to be
about them and their hard work and their story to get there.
"But sadly, in some of the papers, that might be overshadowed with what David
Beckham had for breakfast maybe - and that is not a great story fram our point of


                       De quoi parle le texte?/Qu'avez-vous compris dans ce texte?
                        Qui est Dai Greene?
                        De quel événement nous parle-t-il?
                        Quel point de vue defend-il?
                        L'univers du football lui est-il familier?
                       ..--- ··-·····--··-----····--·-·--·-·--·----··7
       '~....,                                         /
                 """                               /       i
                        "'.                    ./
Rise in 'school terror attacks'
E~y Sean Co'.. lgh;aL
BBC News, education and family

"Brutal atta'cks" on teachers
and pupils are being used as a
tactic of terror and political violence, says an international
A report from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultura!
Organisation warns of a "significant increase" in attacks on
These include assassinations and bornb attacks on staff and pupils in
31 countries around the world.
The report warns of the "degradation" of cornmunities facing such
"Education under Attack 2010", a report from the United Nations
agency published on Wednesday, reveals a pattern of systematic
attacks on teachers, pupils, schoois and universities.
Acid attacks
Warning of a rise in attacks in the past three years, the report
highlights teachers being murdered in Thailand, the destruction of
schools in Afghanistan, sexua! attacks on schoolgirls in the
Democratie Republic of Congo and "narco-guerrillas" trying to eontroi
schools in Brazil.
It identifies new trends, including
"the direct killing and mass
poisoning of schools students in Afghanistan and the mass abduction
of pupiJs for recruitment as suicide bombers in Pakistan".

Highlight : souligner
Trends: les tendances

- De quoi parle le texte 7
- Quel est le constat des Nations Unies sur la violence à l'école?
- Quelles sont les formes de violence évoquées dans le texte?
- Que se passe- t- il dans les écoles de la République Démocratique
du Congo 7/ Donner quelques exemples tirés du texte
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