LOBBYISTS 2021 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly

Page created by Floyd Floyd
LOBBYISTS 2021 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Directory of
Massachusetts    LOBBYISTS 2021
LOBBYISTS 2021 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
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LOBBYISTS 2021 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
GREG M.         PETER J.         MATTHEW P.   VICTORIA E.

Providing comprehensive state
and municipal advocacy.


LOBBYISTS 2021 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
A                    Theodore J. Aleixo, Jr.
                                      Essential Strategies Inc.
                                      One State Street, Suite 1100
                                                                        Joseph D. Alviani
                                                                        Alviani Associates (Joseph D.
                                                                        Alviani dba Alviani Associates)
                                                                                                              Rafael Antigua
                                                                                                              JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
                                                                                                              4 New York, Plz Floor, 17
Anthony Arthur Abdelahad              Boston, MA 02109                  8 Holbeck Corner                      New York, NY 10004
Ventry Associates LLP                 (617) 227-6666                    Plymouth, MA 02360                    (212) 499-1404
1 Walnut Street                                                         (617) 645-5628
                                      Daniel Allegretti                                                       Chelsea Elizabeth Aquino-
Boston, MA 02108                      Exelon Generation Company, LLC    Oamshri Amarasingham                  Fenstermaker
(617) 423-0028                        1 Essex Drive                     American Civil Liberties              Mass Mentoring Partnership
Tate Abdols                           Bow, NH 03304                     Union of Massachusetts                75 Kneeland Street
Onex Partners Advisor Inc.            (603) 290-0040                    211 Congress Street                   11th Floor
161 Bay Street                                                          Boston, MA 02110                      Boston, MA 02111
                                      Matthew John Allen                (617) 482-3170                        (617) 695-2476
Toronto , ON M5J 2S1, CA              American Civil Liberties
(416) 362-7711                        Union of Massachusetts            Robert J. Ambrogi                     Derek Armstrong
Brendan Scott Abel                    211 Congress Street               Law Office of Robert Ambrogi          Bank of America, N.A.
Massachusetts Medical Society         Boston, MA 02110                  128 Main Street                       100 Federal Street, MC: MA5-100-09-12
860 Winter Street                     (508) 410-1547                    Gloucester, MA 01930                  Boston, MA 02110
Waltham, MA 02451                                                       (978) 317-0972                        (617) 434-8613
                                      Travis Allen
(781) 434-7682                        Enterprise Rent-A-Car             Shannon Ames                          Kristina Ragosta Arnoux
Lisa C. Adams                         Company of Boston, LLC            Low Impact Hydropower Institute       Magellan Health
Massachusetts Municipal Association   10 Second Avenue                  329 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 6        8621 Robert Fulton Drive
1 Winthrop Square                     Burlington, MA 01803              Lexington, MA 02420                   Columbia, MD 21046
Boston, MA 02110                      (781) 852-0865                    (781) 538-4266                        (802) 238-0077
(617) 426-7272                        Nancy Leah Allen Scannell         Christopher R. Anderson               Robert Ash Jr.
Aaron Judd Agulnek                    MSPCC a Division of Eliot         Low Impact Hydropower Institute       Massachusetts Competitive Partnership
Jewish Community Relations Council    Community Human Services          329 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 6     535 Boylston Street
126 High Street                       3815 Washington Street, Suite 2   Lexington, MA 02420                   Boston, MA 02116
Boston, MA 02110                      Jamaica Plain, MA 02130           (781) 538-4266                        (617) 236-4099
(617) 457-8674                        (617) 587-1510
                                                                        Leda Ann Anderson                     George Atanasov
Sharon Aiesha Washington              Marwa Alnaal                      Massachusetts Medical Society         Johnson & Johnson
Action for Boston Community           Massachusetts Dental Society      860 Winter Street                     P.O. Box 323
Development, Inc.                     2 Willow Street, Suite 200        Waltham, MA 02451                     Reading, MA 01867
178 Tremont St.                       Southborough, MA 01745            (781) 434-7668                        (781) 557-8630
Boston, MA 02111                      (508) 449-6042
                                                                        Kathleen Anderson                     Chester Atkins
(617) 348-6211                        Brianna Aloisio                   The Walden Woods Project              Tremont Strategies Group LLC
Charles Thomas Alagero                The Boston Foundation             44 Baker Farm Road                    One Beacon Street
Massachusetts Medical Society         75 Arlington Street, 3rd Floor    Lincoln MA 01773                      Suite 16300
860 Winter Street                     Boston, MA 02116                  (781) 259-4700                        Boston, MA 02108
Waltham, MA 02451                     (617) 338-1700                                                          (617) 236-5830
                                                                        Lisa Marie Andoscia
(781) 434-7001                        Jason A. Aluia                    Rosewood Consulting Inc.              Ellen Attaliades
Allison Alaimo                        Massachusetts Association         3 Peach Street                        Association of Developmental
Veterans Inc.                         of Health Plans                   Wilbraham, MA 01095                   Disabilities
69 Grove Street                       40 Court Street, 5th Floor        (413) 575-3400                        1671 Worcester Road
Worcester, MA 01605                   Boston, MA 02108                                                        Framingham, MA 01701
                                      (617) 338-2244                    Holly Andreozzi                       (508) 422-7156
(508) 791-1213                                                          Banc of America Public Capital Corp
David Albright                        John Alvarez                      100 Federal Street                    Kathryn Audette
Jewish Alliance For Law               New Brighton Landing LLC          Boston, MA 02110                      Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
And Social Action                     100 Guest Street                  (617) 434-7760                        450 Brookline Avenue, BP 101
18 Tremont Street, Suite 320          Brighton, MA 02135                                                      Boston, MA 02215
Boston, MA 02108                      (617) 746-2475                                                          (617) 632-4433
(617) 227-3000

LOBBYISTS 2021 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
John Augustine                               Michael Avitzur                                Madeleine Bair                                Molly Baldwin
  Barclays Capital, Inc.                       Boston Bar Association                         Free Press Action Fund                        Roca, Inc.
  745 Seventh Avenue                           16 Beacon Street                               P.O. Box 60238                                101 Park Street
  New York, NY 10019                           Boston, MA 02108                               Florence, MA 01062                            Chelsea, MA 02150
  (212) 526-5436                               (617) 778-1942                                 (202) 265-1490                                (617) 889-5210
  Karley Ausiello                              Amara Azubuike                                 Matt Balanda                                  Kim A. Barber
  United Way of Massachusetts Bay, Inc.        Children’s Hospital Boston                     Schroder Investment Management                Automobile Insurers Bureau
  51 Sleeper Street                            300 Longwood Avenue                            North America Inc.                            of Massachusetts
  Boston, MA 02210                             Boston, MA 02115                               7 Bryant Park 18th Floor                      101 Arch Street
  (617) 624-8146                               (617) 355-8555                                 New York, NY 10018                            Boston, MA 02110

                                                                                              (212) 632-2965                                (617) 439-4542
  Martha Auster
  Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated                                                         Kelly Balavender                              Olivia K. Barker
  50 Northern Avenue                                                                          Graticule Asia Macro Advisors LLC             The Coca-Cola Company
  Boston, MA 02210                             Steven A. Baddour                              800 Third Ave 31st Fl                         41 Lufkin Street
  (857) 358-7201                               ML Strategies, LLC                             New York, NY 10022                            Essex, MA 01929
                                               One Financial Center                           (212) 485-3654                                (202) 578-8166
  James M. Avery                               Boston, MA 02111
  Pierce Atwood, LLP                           (617) 348-4400                                 Donald Baldini                                Thomas Barnett
  100 Summer Street 22nd Floor                                                                Liberty Mutual Insurance                      Roche Diagnostics Corporation
  Boston, MA 02110                             Omaira Badillo                                 175 Berkeley Street                           9115 Hague Road
  (617) 488-8100                               1199SEIU                                       Boston, MA 02116                              P.O. Box 50457
                                               108 Myrtle Street, 4th Floor                   (617) 654-5679                                Indianapolis, IN 46250
                                               Quincy, MA 02171                                                                             (317) 521-3106
                                               (617) 284-1147

                                         GOVERNMENT AND P UBLIC AFFAIRS P RACTICE
      MQM advances client initiatives in State and Municipal Government by providing effective representation in government
      relations, business marketing and public affairs services.

      MQM develops and implements successful strategies for a broad array of business, institutional and organization-based projects,
      including strategic advice and counsel on legislative and administrative initiatives, and in public affairs and community relations.
      We also work closely with the client to help identify and develop business-to-business marketing opportunities; establish
      productive public/private partnerships for commercial and quasi-governmental entities, and provide successful representation in
      all levels of the government procurement process.

      Client Industries & Initiatives
      MQM’s Government and Public Affairs practice area includes a variety of accomplishments on behalf of numerous major national
      and local clients, in the following industry sectors:
     • State legislative and administrative initiatives in life sciences, biotechnology, health care, transportation, energy, alcoholic beverages and real estate.
     • State and Municipal procurement awards for construction, land use and development, leasing, outdoor advertising and vendor service contracts.
                                                Terence McDermott, Esq., William McDermott, Esq., Stephen Miller, Esq.
                                                                      Jan Rose, Vice President

                                                                      McDermott, Quilty & Miller LLP LLP
                                                                        100 Franklin
                                                                        50 Rowes     Street,
                                                                                 Wharf       Suite5530
                                                                                         * Suite   701
                                                                        Boston, Massachusetts 02110
                                                                 Telephone 617-946-4600
                                                                           617-946-4600 * Fax 617-946-4624

                                                                                                                             MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2021 | 3

Lawyers Weekly                                               The space you purchased has been reserved and the above copy must
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LOBBYISTS 2021 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Carlo Basile                                          Mission Statement:
                                                            Smith, Costello & Crawford is a regulatory and
                                                            legislative policy firm dedicated to helping our
      Smith Costello Crawford                               clients achieve success through consulting, lobbying,
      One State Street, 15th Floor                          and legal services. Our team brings proven strategic
      Boston, MA 02109                                      expertise, first-hand public service experience, and political acumen
      (617) 523-0600                                        to frame the advocacy agenda specific to your needs. We represent
                                                            clients in a variety of sectors, including healthcare, energy, cannabis,
      Email: cbasile@publicpolicylaw.com                    and financial services.
      Website: www.publicpolicylaw.com                      Areas of Expertise:
                                                            Executive and legislative lobbying, public policy development, business to
                                                            business, procurement, and government relations.

Suzanne Barrali                            Mary Elizabeth T Barwick                        Andrew Beckwith                               Daniel Bennett
SAGE Therapeutics                          RAI Services Company                            Massachusetts Family Institute                148 South Main Street
215 First Street                           401 North Main Street                           400 TradeCenter, Suite 1950                   Sherborn, MA 01770
Cambridge, MA 02142                        Winston-Salem NC 27102                          Woburn, MA 01801                              (508) 314-6505
(716) 868-9606                             (336) 741-3014                                  (781) 569-0400
                                                                                                                                         Ryan Berard
Paul Barry                                                                                 Geoffrey C. Beckwith                          Massachusetts Nurses Association
Boston Scientific Corp.                    Carlo Basile                                    Massachusetts Municipal Association           340 Turnpike Street
1455 Pennsylvania Avenue,                  Smith Costello & Crawford                       1 Winthrop Square                             Canton, MA 02021
NW Suite 925                               50 Congress Street, Suite 420                   Boston, MA 02110                              (781) 414-0012
Washington, D.C. 20004                     Boston, MA 02109                                (617) 426-7272
(202) 637-8020                             (617) 523-0600                                                                                Harris E. Berenson
                                                                                           Gregory Francis Beeman                        The Hanover Insurance Group
                                                  (See box on this page
Katherine Barry                                  for more information)                     Associated Builders and                       440 Lincoln Street, N430
Novo Nordisk Inc.                                                                          Contractors, MA Chapter                       Worcester, MA 01653
23 Surfside Road                                                                           100 Unicorn Park Drive, Suite 1               (508) 855-2399
Scituate, MA 02066                         Jill Batty                                      Woburn, MA 01801
(609) 987-5800                             Cambridge Health Alliance                       (781) 273-0123                                Caitlin R. Beresin
                                           350 Main Street, 5th Floor                                                                    ML Strategies, LLC
Valerie Barsom                             Malden MA 02148                                                                               One Financial Center Boston, MA 02111
                                                                                           Kathy Bell
Barsom Associates                          (781) 338-0301                                                                                (617) 348-4400
                                                                                           Murphy Donoghue Partners
7 Howe Street
                                           Patricia Baumer                                 100 Cambridge Street, 14th Floor              Jodie Berezin
Watertown, MA 02472
                                           Greater Boston Real Estate Board                Boston, MA 02114                              MASSPIRG Students
(617) 407-6344
                                           3 Center Plaza Mezzanine Suite                  (617) 720-1900                                294 Washington Street
Mary E. Bartlett                           Boston, MA 02109                                        (See box on page 6                    Boston, MA 02144
Arthritis Foundation                       (617) 423-8700                                         for more information)                  (608) 385-1285
1355 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, GA 30309                          Phineas Reed Baxandall                                                                        Michael Bergan
(518) 588-5858                             Massachusetts Budget and                        Laurene Belsito                               Tremont Strategies Group
                                           Policy Center, Inc                              Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance                 3 Post Office Square
John Bartley                               595 Franklin Street                             18 Tremont Street                             Boston, MA 02109
Beacon Hill Consulting Group               Cambridge, MA 02139                             Boston, MA 02108                              (617) 263-1495
20 Ashburton Place                         (617) 864-6624                                  (617) 939-1872
2nd Floor                                                                                                                                Leslie Bernal
Boston, MA 02108                           Elizabeth Dello Russo Becker                    Patrick James Bench                           Stop Predatory Gambling Foundation
(617) 216-2060                             Massachusetts Association of                    Benchmark Strategies, Inc                     60 Island Street
                                           766 Approved Private Schools                    1 Boston, Place Suite 2600                    Lawrence, MA 01840
                                           607 North Avenue Suite 18-3                     Boston, MA 02108                              (978) 683-4339
                                           Wakefield, MA 01880                             (617) 733-1290
                                           (781) 245-1220

LOBBYISTS 2021 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Boston’s premier public policy law group.

   Smith, Costello & Crawford
is a regulatory and legislative policy firm dedicated
   to helping our clients achieve success through
       consulting, lobbying, and legal services.

  Influential. Agile. & Responsive.
LOBBYISTS 2021 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Kathy Bell                                          Areas of Expertise:
       Murphy Donoghue Partners                            Appropriations & funding; construction; coalition
       100 Cambridge Street, 14th Floor                    building; community relations; ethics, lobbying &
       Boston, MA 02114                                    campaign finance; government relations; health care
                                                           reform advocacy; issues research & drafting; lobbying
       (617) 720-1900
                                                           / government relations; permitting & approvals; public policy; real estate
       Email: kbell@murphydonoghue.com                     & project development; regulatory advocacy & consulting; state & local
       Website: murphydonoghue.com                         advocacy; technology
       Representative Clients:                             Mission Statement:
       Atrius Health, FedEx, Lahey Health Systems,         We provide comprehensive legislative services and effective marketing
       MA Council of Community Hospitals,                  strategies for navigating today’s complex political environment by
       Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance                 combining strategic thinking, valued relationships and a proven
       Company, McDonald’s, Microsoft, Pfizer, Inc.        reputation for delivering real and immediate results.

Peter C. Bernard                            Katherine Andrews Bilotas                     Nicola Bocour                                 Jon N. Bonsall
Massachusetts Grower Advocacy Council       Eli Lilly & Company                           Giffords                                      Keegan Werlin LLP
9 Coram Street                              28 Beechwood Road                             P.O. Box 51196                                99 High Street, Suite 2900
Taunton, MA 02780                           Braintree, MA 02184                           Washington, D.C. 20091                        Boston, MA 02110
(774) 322-6045                              (617) 285-6512                                (973) 715-9385                                (617) 951-1400
Lynda Bernard                               Bruce Loring Bird                             William L. Boffi                                Alan B. Borgal
The Brennan Group, Inc.                     Vinfen                                        Nichols College                               Animal Rescue League of Boston
1 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor                  950 Cambridge Street                          123 Center Road                               10 Chandler Street
Boston, MA 02108                            Cambridge, MA 02141                           Dudley, MA 01571                              Boston, MA 02116
(617) 305-4120                              (617) 441-1770                                (508) 213-2215                                (617) 226-5613
Arthur Bernard                              Thomas F. Birmingham                          Ashley Bogle                                  Mark Borowski
Travaglini Eisenberg Kiley LLC              Pioneer Institute, Inc.                       Health New England, Inc.                      1101 New York Avenue NW, Suite 700
One International Place Suite 1820          185 Devonshire Street Suite 02110             One Monarch Place Suite 1500                  Washington, D.C. 20005
Boston, MA 02110                            Boston, MA 02110                              Springfield, MA 01144                         (120) 260-7721
(617) 439-7775                              (617) 723-2277                                (413) 787-4000
                                                                                                                                        Daniel Edward Bosley
Robert Bernstein                            Nicholas Robinson Black                       Susanna Jane Bohme                            Dan Bosley Consulting Services
Bay State Strategies Group, LLC             The Trustees of Reservations                  Community Labor United                        3 Elmwood Ave
130 Bowdoin Street, Suite 309               200 High Street, 4th Floor                    8 Beacon Street, 5th Floor                    North Adams, MA 01247
Boston, MA 02108                            Boston, MA 02110                              Boston, MA 02108                              (413) 884-4100
(617) 367-1004                              (703) 507-1060                                (617) 723-2639
                                                                                                                                        Mary Ann Bourke-Clancy
Michael Thomas Best                         Sarah Blake                                   Stephen A. Boksanski                          Cooperative Credit Union
National Consumer Law Center                220 Donald Lynch Boulevard                    BCB Government Relations, Inc.                Association, Inc.
7 Winthrop Square                            Marlborough, MA 01752                        44 School Street, Suite 710                   845 Donald Lynch Boulevard
Boston, MA 02110                            (508) 804-9183                                Boston, MA 02108                              Marlborough, MA 01752
(617) 226-0320                                                                            (617) 423-6600                                (508) 229-5605
                                            Allison Blanck
Sunindiya Bhalla                            Animal Rescue League of Boston                Thomas M. Bonarrigo                           Sarah Kaminer Bourland
Roca                                        10 Chandler Street                            64 Hancock Street                             Patients for Affordable Drugs Now
101 Park Street                             Boston, MA 02116                              Braintree, MA 02184                           1120 20th Street NW, Suite 501-S
Chelsea, MA 02150                           (617) 426-9170                                (617) 930-1600                                Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                                                                                                        (202) 734-7555
Christienne Killeen Bik                     William Thomas Bloodworth                     Eva Bonime
Fallon Health                               Global Payments, Inc.                         SEIU Local 32BJ                               Kevin J. Bourque
10 Chestnut Street                          1 TSYS Way                                    25 West 18th Street, 5th Floor                Pharmaceutical Research and
Worcester, MA 01608                         Columbus, GA 31901                            New York, NY 10011                            Manufacturers of America, Inc.
(508) 368-9523                              (706) 329-5884                                (212) 388-2175                                950 F Street NW, Suite 300
                                                                                                                                        Washington, D.C. 20004
                                                                                                                                        (202) 835-3547

LOBBYISTS 2021 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Katherine Ann Bourque                     Danielle Elizabeth Boyd            John Brennan                           Donna Brown
Unitil                                    American Wagering, Inc.            The Brennan Group, Inc.                Massachusetts Chapter of NAHRO
6 Liberty Lane West                       6325 S Rainbow Boulevard, #100     1 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor             990 Washington Street, Suite 209
Hampton, NH 03842                         Las Vegas, NV 89118                Boston, MA 02108                       Dedham, MA 02026
(603) 773-6486                            (304) 549-9338                     (617) 305-4120                         (617) 367-0008
Ruth A. Bourquin                          Catherine Boyle                    Timothy Brennan                        Douglas Scott Brown
American Civil Liberties                  Autism Housing Pathways, Inc.      The Brennan Group, Inc.                UMass Memorial Health Care
Union of Massachusetts                    22 Willowdale Road                 1 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor             365 Plantation Street, Suite 300
211 Congress Street                       Winchester, MA 01890               Boston, MA 02108                       Worcester, MA 01605
Boston, MA 02110                          (617) 893-8217                     (617) 305-4120                         (508) 334-0424
(617) 482-3170
                                          Robert Bradford                    Julie Brennan                          Shawn Brown
George L. Boveroux                        North Shore Chamber of Commerce    Manchel & Brennan, P.C.                Youth Guidance
U.S. Bank National Association            5 Cherry Hill Drive, Suite 100     100 River Ridge Drive, Suite 308       50 Milk Street, 16th Floor
1095 Avenue of the Americas, 13th Floor   Danvers, MA 01923                  Norwood, MA 02062                      Boston, MA 02109
New York, NY 10036                        (978) 774-8565                     (617) 796-8920                         (617) 935-5791
(917) 256-2834
                                          Richard William Branca             Edward J. Brennan, Jr                  Karyn E. Brownell
Casey Harvell Bowers                      The Malloy Group, Inc.             Law Office of Edward J. Brennan, Jr    Bank of America, N.A.
Environmental League of Massachusetts     47 Winter Street, 8th Floor        80 Washington Street, Suite O-53       100 Federal Street, MC: MA5-100-09-12
15 Court Square                           Boston, MA 02108                   Norwell, MA 02061                      Boston, MA 02110
Boston, MA 02108                          (617) 686-0147                     (781) 982-9143                         (617) 434-7141
(781) 771-5404
                                          James Bradford                     Marc Breslow                           Thomas Brownlie
Julianne Bowler                           JMB Strategies Group, LLC          Climate XChange Education & Research   Pfizer Inc.
Atlantic Charter Insurance Company        3 Marc Drive, Unit 3B6             31 St James Avenue                     235 East 42nd Street
25 New Chardon Street                     Plymouth, MA 02360                 Boston, MA 02116                       New York, NY 10017
Boston, MA 02114                          (617) 694-2853                     (551) 482-5127                         (415) 903-2800
(617) 488-6643
                                          Edward W. Bray                     Stacey Burks Briggs                    Charlotte Bruce
Jacquelynne Jeanette Bowman               LEARNING ALLY                      T-Mobile USA, Inc.                     BMC Health System Inc.
Greater Boston Legal Services             20 Roszel Road                     695 Grassmere Park                     One Boston Medical Center Place
197 Friend Street                         Princeton, NJ 08540                Nashville, TN 37211                    Boston, MA 02118
Boston, MA 02114                          (609) 243-7610                     (615) 424-9224                         (617) 638-6732
(617) 371-1234
                                          Maryanne Bray                      Robert J. Brink                        David Allen Bryant
Peter Thomas Bowman                       Massachusetts Nurses Association   Social Law Library                     Massachusetts Association of
Verizon Communications                    340 Turnpike Street                John Adams Courthouse 1                Community Development Corporations
6 Bowdoin Square, 10th Floor              Canton, MA 02021                   Pemberton Square                       15 Court Square
Boston, MA 02114                          (781) 249-9581                     Boston, MA 02108                       Boston, MA 02108
(857) 415-5162                                                               (617) 226-1307                         (617) 379-5927
                                          Peter A. Brennan
Amy Elizabeth Boyd                        Massachusetts State Automobile     Kerry Britland                         Christopher N. Buchanan
Acadia Center                             Dealers Association                Eversource                             Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
31 Milk Street, Suite 501                 One McKinley Square Sixth Floor    247 Station Drive                      31 Home Depot Drive PMB 295
Boston, MA 02109                          Boston, MA 02109                   Westwood, MA 02090                     Plymouth, MA 02360
(617) 742-0054                            (617) 451-1051                     (781) 441-8391                         (617) 997-2971
Brigid Boyd                               Jack Brennan                       Elizabeth Bailey Brodeur               Edward Buckley
United Way of Massachusetts Bay           The Brennan Group, Inc.            Safety Insurance Company               Braeburn, Inc.
51 Sleeper Street                         1 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor         20 Custom House Street                 450 Plymouth Road, Suite 400
Boston, MA 02210                          Boston, MA 02108                   Boston, MA 02110                       Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
(617) 624-8252                            (617) 305-4120                     (617) 951-0600                         (202) 306-7940

                                                                                                           MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2021 | 7
LOBBYISTS 2021 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Lucy F. Bullock-Sieger              William A. Burns                   Maria Ollari Cahill                       John Campbell
BlueWave Solar                      Southcoast Hospitals Group, Inc.   Abbott Laboratories                       Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
111 Huntington Ave #650             101 Page Street                    2 Kathys Path                             26 Copper Beech Drive
Boston, MA 02199                    New Bedford MA 02740               Scituate, MA 02066                        Portsmouth, RI 02871
(803) 606-6364                      (508) 973-5885                     (781) 545-6670                            (401) 847-2237
Stephen J. Buoniconti               Katherine Bridget Butler           David D. Cahill                           Bradford Campbell
Buoniconti & McCary, LLC            Cooperative Credit Union           BCB Government Relations, Inc.            Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
One Boston, Place Suite 2600        Association, Inc.                  44 School Street, Suite 710               1500 K Street NW, Suite 1100
Boston, MA 02108                    845 Donald Lynch Boulevard         Boston, MA 02108                          Washington, D.C. 20005
(617) 933-7255                      Marlborough, MA 01752              (617) 423-6600                            (202) 230-5159
                                    (508) 683-1040
Stephen Paul Burgay                                                    William J. Cahill, Jr.                    Michael Francis Canavan
Boston University                   Mehreen Butt                       The Hanover Insurance Group               AFT Massachusetts
One Silber Way 8th Floor            Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund   440 Lincoln Street                        38 Chauncy Street, Suite 402
Boston, MA 02215                    1055 Commonwealth Avenue           Worcester, MA 01653                       Boston, MA 02111
(617) 353-1168                      Boston, MA 02115                   (508) 855-3955                            (617) 423-3342
                                    (617) 629-8604
John P. Burke                                                          Amy Laura Cahn                            Robert W. Capstick
Beacon Hill Consulting Group        Kelly Buttiglieri                  Conservation Law Foundation               Yankee Atomic Electric Company
20 Ashburton Place                  Brain Injury Association           62 Summer Street                          49 Yankee Road
Boston, MA 02108                    of Massachusetts                   Boston, MA 02110                          Rowe, MA 06424
(617) 308-4418                      30 Lyman Street, Suite 10          (617) 850-1730                            (617) 699-4262
                                    Westborough, MA 01581
Richard Burke                       (508) 475-0032                     Ashley Calabrese                          Joseph Capuano
Fallon Health                                                          Novartis Services, Inc.                   Government Insight Group, LLC
10 Chestnut Street                  Steve Byrne                        38 Warren Road                            1 Beacon Street, 25th Floor
Worcester, MA 01608                 Tremont Strategies Group           Sturbridge, MA 01518                      Boston, MA 02108
(508) 368-9050                      One Beacon Street Suite 16300      (203) 410-7936                            (617) 788-3105
                                    Boston, MA 02108
Sean William Burke                  (617) 236-5830                     Lawrence Calderone                        Allen Bradford Card
Northeast Clean Energy Council                                         Boston, Police Patrolmens’ Association    Card and Associates
250 Summer Street, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02210                                      C                295 Freeport Street
                                                                       Boston, MA 02122
                                                                                                                 300 M Street, SE 402
                                                                                                                 Washington, D.C. 20002
(617) 600-7203                                                         (781) 424-6222                            (202) 997-5497
                                    Mary Darlene C Lombos
Eric Burl                           Greater Boston Labor Council       Michael Caljouw                           James Joseph Carey
Man Investments Inc.                8 Beacon Street, 5th Floor         Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts   Liberty Utilities (New England
452 Fifth Avenue 27th Floor         Boston, MA 02108                   101 Huntington Avenue                     Natural Gas Company) Corp.
New York, NY 10018                  (617) 723-2370                     Boston, MA 02199                          36 Fifth Street
(212) 649-6841                                                         (617) 246-3499                            Fall River, MA 02721
                                    Lucia Cristina Caballero                                                     (774) 627-2876
Stephen Burm                        Boston Bar Association             Kevin Callahan
Anheuser-Busch Companies            16 Beacon Street                   ebay, Inc.                                Christopher Richard Carlozzi
One Busch Place                     Boston, MA 02108                   1250 I Street NW, Suite 1200              National Federation of
Saint Louis, MO 63118               (617) 778-1964                     Washington, D.C. 20005                    Independent Business
(314) 577-2000                                                         (202) 572-1700                            6 Beacon Street, Suite 625
                                    Bill Cabral                                                                  Boston, MA 02108
Andrew R. Burmeister                Professional Fire Fighters         Francis X. Callahan                       (617) 482-1327
Strategic Education, Inc.           of Massachusetts                   Mass. Building Trades Council, AFL-CIO
2303 Dulles Station Boulevard       Two Center Plaza                   35 Highland Avenue                        John Carlson
Herndon, VA 20171                   Boston, MA 02108                   Malden, MA 02148                          Ceres
(703) 561-2031                      (617) 523-4506                     (781) 321-6282                            99 Chauncy Street
                                                                                                                 Boston, MA 02111
Rob Burns                                                              Gabriel Camacho                           (617) 247-0700
Massachusetts Brewers Guild, Inc.                                      30 Sturgis Way
P.O. Box 2096                                                          Dedham, MA 02026
Framingham, MA 01701                                                   (617) 717-8245
(508) 405-9115

Thomas P. Carney                        John Cashwell                              Joanne Chan                                 Jennifer Childs-Roshak
Thomas P Carney Associates              Blackstone Aaministrative                  Pharmaceutical Research and                 Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund, Inc.
PO Box 129                              Services Partnership                       Manufacturers of America, Inc.              1055 Commonwealth Avenue
South Easton, MA 02375                  345 Park Avenue, 15th Floor                950 F Street NW, Suite 300                  Boston, MA 02215
(508) 577-0820                          New York, NY 10154                         Washington, D.C. 20004                      (508) 259-0519
                                        (646) 482-8953                             (202) 835-3547
Paul Eugene Caron                                                                                                              Colin Chiles
Paul E. Caron Associates                William F. Cass                            Ben Chandhok                                Mylan Inc.
15 Crestview Road                       The Suffolk Group                          Biotechnology Innovation Organization       660 North Capitol Street NW, Suite 600
East Longmeadow, MA 01028               24 School Street                           1201 Maryland Avenue SW, Suite 900          Washington, D.C. 20001
(413) 427-7630                          Boston, MA 02108                           Washington, D.C. 20024                      (202) 507-5318
                                        (617) 303-4567                             (202) 962-9514
Dawna Lisa Carrette                                                                                                            Monique Wing See Ching
The Small Property Owners Association   Scott Cassel                               Steven G. Changaris                         Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center
26 MT Auburn Street                     Product Stewardship Institute, Inc.        MA Chapter, National Waste                  1 State Street
Cambridge, MA 02138                     One Beacon Street, #14B161,                and Recycling Association                   Boston, MA 02109
(978) 857-6724                          Boston, MA 02108                           482 Southbridge Street, #373                (617) 426-1228
                                        (617) 236-4822                             Auburn, MA 01501
Michael Carson                                                                     (508) 839-4751                              Thomas V. Chiomento
Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare              Louis Anthony Cassis                                                                   Exelon Generation Company, LLC
93 Worcester Street                     Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of MA           Christopher J. Chapman                      300 Exelon Way
Wellesley, MA 02481                     50 Braintree Hill Office Park, Suite 301   Pilgrim Strategies, LLC                     Kennett Square, PA 19348
(617) 509-6040                          Braintree, MA 02184                        20 Ashburton Place                          (610) 765-6928
                                        (617) 770-9999                             2nd Floor
Andrea Hilda Carter                                                                Boston, MA 02108                            Max Padraic Ciarlone
Delaney Policy Group                    Daniel Cence                               (413) 519-7212                              MASSPIRG Students
24 School Street, 2nd Floor             Boston, Strategic Consulting, LLC                                                      294 Washington Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02108                        177 Milk Street, Suite 610                 Shaun Chapman                               Boston, MA 02108
(214) 450-3081                          Boston, MA 02109                           Weedmaps                                    (803) 521-1218
                                        (617) 695-9555                             c/o Smith Costello & Crawford
Nicholas Carton                                                                    50 Congress Street                          Stephen Clark
Juul Labs, Inc.                         Pat Cerundolo                              Boston, MA 02109                            Massachusetts Restaurant Association
560 20th Street                         Foley Hoag LLP                             (245) 249-5454                              160 East Main Street
San Francisco, CA 94107                 155 Seaport Boulevard                                                                  Westborough, MA 01581
(781) 974-9022                          Boston, MA 02210                           Courtney B. Chelo                           (508) 303-9905
                                        (617) 832-1252                             MSPCC
James Mitchell Carvalho                                                            3815 Washington Street, Suite 2             John J. Clarke
UFCW Local 1445                         Timothy Ceurvels                           Boston, MA 02130                            Mass Audubon
30 Stergis Way                          Eversource                                 (617) 587-1513                              6 Beacon Street, Suite 1025
Dedham, MA 02026                        247 Station Drive, SW-380                                                              Boston, MA 02108
(800) 439-1445                          Westwood, MA 02090                         Karen Yu-zhen Chen                          (617) 523-8448
                                        (617) 424-2132                             Chinese Progressive Political Action Inc.
Matthew Dennis Casale                                                              28 Ash Street                               Neil Clarke
MASSPIRG                                Kim Chamberlain                            Boston, MA 02111                            Massachusetts Teachers Association
294 Washington Street, Suite 500        Securities Industry and Financial          (617) 357-4499                              2 Heritage Drive 8th Floor
Boston, MA 02108                        Markets Association                                                                    Quincy, MA 02171
(617) 747-4314                          1101 New York Avenue, NW, 8th Floor        Jondavid Chesloff                           (617) 878-8192
                                        Washington, D.C. 20005                     Massachusetts Business Roundtable
Kevin Casey                             (202) 962-7411                             141 Tremont Street, 5th Floor               Marie Clarke
Harvard University                                                                 Boston, MA 02111                            International Sleep Products Association
114 Mount Auburn Street, 6th Floor      Alandra Deanine Champion                   (617) 728-0881                              501 Wythe Street
Cambridge, MA 02138                     Massachusetts Municipal Association                                                    Alexandria, VA 22314
(617) 495-4820                          1 Winthrop Square                          Sarah Chiaramida                            (571) 482-5428
                                        Boston, MA 02110                           Massachusetts Association
                                        (617) 426-7272                             of Health Plans                             Jeff Cleland
                                                                                   40 Court Street, 5th Floor                  Amazon.com Services, Inc.
                                                                                   Boston, MA 02108                            601 New Jersey Avenue NW Suite 900
                                                                                   (617) 338-2244                              Washington, D.C. 20001
                                                                                                                               (202) 482-2900

                                                                                                                   MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2021 | 9
Candace Clement                      Jay Colbert                        Brian M. Condron                        Tracy Corley
Free Press Action Fund               Professional Fire Fighters         The Home for Little Wanderers           Massachusetts Institute for a
40 Main Street, Suite 301            of Massachusetts                   10 Guest Street                         New Commonwealth Inc.
Florence, MA 01062                   Two Center Plaza                   Boston, MA 02135                        11 Beacon Street, Suite 500
(202) 265-1490                       Boston, MA 02108                   (617) 927-6300                          Boston, MA 02108
                                     (617) 523-4506                                                             (617) 224-1645
Thomas James Clinton                                                    Lydia D. Conley
NAGE                                 Susan Cole                         Association for Behavioral Healthcare   John Joseph Corrigan, Jr.
159 Burgin Parkway                   Mass Advocates for Children        251 W. Central Street, Suite 21         Corrigan & Associates
Quincy, MA 02169                     25 Kingston Street Ste 200         Natick, MA 01760                        251 Harvard Street, Suite 15
(781) 316-4322                        Boston, MA 02111                  (508) 647-8385                          Brookline, MA 02446
                                     (617) 357-8431                                                             (617) 264-9800
Heather A. Clish                                                        Daniel J. Connelly
Appalachian Mountain Club            Sonya Coleman                      ML Strategies, LLC                      Martin G. Corry
10 City Square                       Stop Handgun Violence              One Financial Center                    Corry Associates, LLC
Boston, MA 02129                     12 Broadway                        Boston, MA 02111                        6 Beacon Street, Suite 312
(617) 391-6580                       Beverly, MA 01915                  (617) 348-1685                          Boston, MA 02108
                                     (503) 956-1284                                                             (617) 429-7555
Nora Cohen                                                              Michelle Consalvo
Anti-Defamation League New England   Megan M. Collins                   750 9th Street NW Suite 757             Thomas Anthony Cosmer
40 Court Street, 12th Floor          Massachusetts Nurses Assocaition   Washington, D.C. 20001                  PineBridge Investments LLC
Boston, MA 02108                     340 Turnpike Street                (617) 588-8589                          65 East 55th Street Park Avenue Tower
(617) 406-6362                       Canton, MA 02021                                                           New York, NY 10022
                                     (785) 548-0768                     Kevin M. Considine                      (646) 857-8331
Kathryn Ross Cohen                                                      Considine & Furey, LLP
Children’s League of Massachusetts   Dan Collins                        One Beacon Street                       Andrea Costa
11 Beacon Street, Suite 820          New England Power                  22nd Floor                              Preti Strategies
Boston, MA 02108                     Generators Association             Boston, MA 02108                        60 State Street, Suite 1100
(617) 695-1991                       33 Broad, Street, 7th Floor        (617) 723-7200                          Boston, MA 02109
                                     Boston, MA 02109                                                           (617) 451-8600
Robert Neil Cohen                    (617) 902-2344                     Lee A. Constantine
Cohen Partners                                                          Massachusetts Bar Association           Jessica Costantino
18 Main Street Extension Suite 403   Daniel Combs                       20 West Street                          AARP Massachusetts
Plymouth, MA 02360                   DCI Group AZ, L.L.C.               Boston, MA 02111                        1 Beacon Street, Suite 2301
(781) 868-4778                       1828 L Street, NW Suite 400        (617) 338-0692                          Boston, MA 02108
                                     Washington, D.C. 20036                                                     (617) 305-0538
Andrew Paul Cohen                    (202) 546-4242                     Stephanie Cook
Health Law Advocates, Inc.                                              Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund
One Federal Street, Floor 5          Patricia E. Comfort                P.O. Box 4184                           Michael Costello
Boston, MA 01776                     League of Women Voters             New York, NY 10163                      Smith Costello & Crawford
(617) 275-2891                       of Massachusetts                   (646) 324-8250                          50 Congress Street, Suite 420
                                     90 Canal Street, Suite 414                                                 Boston, MA 02109
Nadine Cohen                         Boston, MA 02114                   Aimee Coolidge                          (617) 523-0600
Greater Boston Legal Services        (857) 452-1715                     Pine Street Inn                                (See box on next page
197 Friend Street                                                       444 Harrison Avenue                           for more information)
Boston, MA 02114                     Stephen Conant                     Boston, MA 02118
(617) 603-1734                       Anbaric Development Partners       (617) 892-9107                          Danny Cottler
                                     401 Edgewater Place                                                        Tableau
William Dal Col                      Wakefield, MA 01880                Christine M. Cooney
Potomac Communications Strategies                                       Cigna Corporate Services, LLC           55 Broadlawn Park, Apt. 17B
                                     (781) 708-0441                                                             Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
2850 Eisenhower Avenue Suite 100                                        900 Cottage Grove Road, B6LPA
Alexandria, VA 22314                 Chris Condon                       Bloomfield, CT 06002                    (914) 661-1855
(703) 373-0635                       SEIU Local 509                     (804) 904-3473                          Robert K. Coughlin
                                     293 Boston Post Road West                                                  Massachusetts Biotechnology Council
                                     Marlboro, MA 02472                                                         300 Technology Square, 8th Floor
                                     (774) 843-7509                                                             Cambridge MA 02139
                                                                                                                (617) 674-5100

Michael Costello                                     Mission Statement:
                                                                Smith, Costello & Crawford is a regulatory and
                                                                legislative policy firm dedicated to helping our
           Smith Costello Crawford                              clients achieve success through consulting, lobbying,
           One State Street, 15th Floor                         and legal services. Our team brings proven strategic
           Boston, MA 02109                                     expertise, first-hand public service experience, and political acumen
           (617) 523-0600                                       to frame the advocacy agenda specific to your needs. We represent
                                                                clients in a variety of sectors, including healthcare, energy, cannabis,
           Email: mcostello@publicpolicylaw.com                 and financial services.
           Website: www.publicpolicylaw.com                     Areas of Expertise:
                                                                Government relations, executive and legislative policy, energy, healthcare
                                                                and financial services, and public policy advocacy.

Karen Grasso Courtney                      Carmel Anne Craig                                Alastair Cribb                                   Gregg Croteau
K Courtney and Associates                  Association for Behavioral Healthcare            Cummings School of Veterinary                    UTEC
6 Beacon Street                            251 W. Central Street                            Medicine at Tufts University                     15 Warren Street, #3
Boston, MA 02108                           Natick, MA 01760                                 Ballou Hall 3rd floor                            Lowell, MA 01852
(617) 283-9925                             (508) 647-8385                                   Medford, MA 02155                                (978) 856-3990
                                                                                            (617) 627-4220
George Coutros                             Christopher “Kit” Crancer                                                                         Margaret Crowe
Sanofi US                                  Center for Diagnostic Imaging                    Lucia Cristina Caballero                         Massachusetts Teachers Association
55 Corporate Drive                         5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 400                Boston Bar Association                           2 Heritage Drive, 8th Floor
Bridgewater, NJ 08807                      Minneapolis, MN 55416                            16 Beacon Street                                 Quincy, MA 02171
(908) 981-6317                             (612) 930-7273                                   Boston, MA 02108                                 (617) 878-8192
                                                                                            (617) 778-1942
Nicholas Covino                            Terry Craven                                                                                      Erin McAleer Crowley
William James College                      Boston Court Appointed                           Kade Crockford                                   Project Bread
1 Wells Avenue                             Special Advocates                                American Civil Liberties                         145 Border Street
Newton, MA 02459                           85 Merrimac Street, Suite 401                    Union of Massachusetts                           Boston, MA 02128
(617) 327-6777                             Boston, MA 02114                                 211 Congress Street                              (617) 723-5000
                                           (617) 780-4055                                   Boston, MA 02110
John F. Cox                                                                                 (617) 482-3170                                   Polly Crozier
McGlynn & McGlynn                          Cheryl L. Crawford                                                                                GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders, Inc.
4 Norman Street                            MassVOTE                                         Timothy Joseph Cronin                            18 Tremont Street, Suite 950
Salem, MA 01970                            41 West Street, Suite 700                        Climate XChange Education & Research             Boston, MA 02108
(978) 740-4091                             Boston, MA 02111                                 31 St James Avenue                               (617) 426-1350
                                           (617) 542-8683                                   Boston, MA 02116
Julie E. Cox                                                                                (551) 482-5127
Astellas Pharma US, Inc.                                                                                                                     Daniel Cullinane
1001 G Street NW, Suite 800/900E           Jennifer Crawford                                                                                 Kearney Donovan & McGee, LLC
Washington, D.C. 20001                     Smith Costello & Crawford                        George Cronin                                    40 Court Street, 11th Floor
(202) 741-1963                             50 Congress Street, Suite 420                    Rasky Partners                                   Boston, MA 02108
                                           Boston, MA 02109                                 70 Franklin Street                               (617) 263-1400
Amanda Cox                                 (617) 523-0600                                   Boston, MA 02110                                        (See box on page 13
Liberty Square Group                                                                        (617) 443-9933                                         for more information)
                                                   (See box on next page
4 Liberty Square, 5th Floor                       for more information)                             (See box on next page
Boston, MA 02109                                                                                   for more information)
(617) 695-0369                             Nancy Frey Creed                                                                                  Deirdre Cummings
                                           Springfield Regional                                                                              MASSPIRG
William F. Coyne, Jr.                      Chamber of Commerce                              Thomas Croswell                                  294 Washington Street, Suite 500
William F. Coyne., Jr., Esq. P.C.          1441 Main Street                                 Tufts Associated Health                          Boston, MA 02108
Six Beacon Street, 505                     Springfield, MA 01103                            Maintenance Organization                         (617) 747-4319
Boston, MA 02108                           (413) 755-1309                                   705 Mt. Auburn Street
(617) 367-1610                                                                              Watertown, MA 02472
                                                                                            (617) 972-1001

                                                                                                                            MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2021 | 11
Jennifer Crawford                                  Mission Statement:
                                                         Smith, Costello & Crawford is a regulatory and
                                                         legislative policy firm dedicated to helping our
      Smith Costello Crawford                            clients achieve success through consulting, lobbying,
      One State Street, 15th Floor                       and legal services. Our team brings proven strategic
      Boston, MA 02109                                   expertise, first-hand public service experience, and political acumen
      (617) 523-0600                                     to frame the advocacy agenda specific to your needs. We represent
                                                         clients in a variety of sectors, including healthcare, energy, cannabis,
      Email: jcrawford@publicpolicylaw.com               and financial services.
      Website: www.publicpolicylaw.com                   Areas of Expertise:
                                                         Energy and environmental policy, cannabis licensing and regulation,
                                                         legislative research and drafting, financial services, and public safety.

      George F. Cronin                                   Mission Statement: Rasky Partners, Inc. is one of the
                                                         most recognized public affairs firms in the country,
      Managing Director                                  offering government relations services on the local, state
                                                         and federal levels. Our seasoned experts have years of
      Rasky Partners, Inc.                               experience in legislative and executive branch lobbying,
      70 Franklin Street, 3rd Floor                      coalition building, procurement, regulatory tracking, permitting and
      Boston, MA 02110                                   licensing, digital advocacy, community relations, public sector business
      (617) 391-9628 • (617) 443-9944 fax                development and ballot campaign management. Rasky Partners, Inc.
                                                         also has a highly respected issues management, crisis and litigation
      Email: gcronin@rasky.com                           communications practice. We deliver the results that matter to our clients.
      Website: www.rasky.com

William J. Cunningham                    James Gerard Curley                              Eugene R. Curry                              Lawrence H. Curtis
Ameresco, Inc.                           Boston University                                Law Office of Eugene R. Curry                Winn Co
111 Speen Street, Suite 410              One Silber Way, 8th Floor                        3010 Main Street                             6 Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Framingham, MA 01701                     Boston, MA 02215                                 Barsntable, MA 02630                         Boston, MA 02109
(508) 661-2200                           (617) 353-1168                                   (508) 737-1432                               (617) 742-4500
Jennifer Elizabeth Cunningham            Sean Curran                                      Michael Anthony Curry                        Michael Cusher
Banc of America Public Capital Corp      Waterville Consulting                            Massachusetts League of                      Mass Audubon
100 Federal Street                       84 State Street, Suite 900                       Community Health Centers                     6 Beacon Street, Suite 1025
Boston, MA 02110                         Boston, MA 02109                                 40 Court Street, 10th Floor                  Boston, MA 02108
(617) 413-9331                           (617) 335-7744                                   Boston, MA 02108                             (617) 523-8448
                                                                                          (617) 988-2262
Donna C. Cupelo                          Suzanne Curry                                                                                 Michael Cuzzi
Verizon Communications                   Health Care For All                              Jared L. Curtis                              Brookfield Renewable Energy
6 Bowdoin Square 10th Floor              One Federal Street, 5th Floor                    Curtis Holdings, LLC                         Marketing US LLC
Boston, MA 02114                         Boston, MA 02110                                 One Washington Street                        200 Liberty Street, 14th Floor
(857) 415-5178                           (617) 275-2977                                   Boston, MA 02108                             New York, NY 10281
                                                                                          (978) 831-3019                               (617) 823-4846

Daniel R. Cullinane                                  Email: dcullinane@kdmpc.com
                                                              Website: www.kdmpc.com
         Kearney Donovan & McGee LLC                          Areas of Expertise:
         40 Court Street, 11th Floor                          Public policy, procurement, strategy development,
         Boston, MA 02108                                     regulatory affairs, health care, public construction, organized labor,
         (617) 263-3389 phone                                 community development, stakeholder engagement, coalition
         (617) 263-1401 fax                                   building, government and community relations

                 D                         Gerard D’Amico
                                           Ofiices of Gerard D’Amico
                                           310 Willowbend Drive
                                                                                         Kristina Davis
                                                                                         Deloitte & Touche LLP
                                                                                         200 Berkeley Street
                                                                                                                                       Daniel J. Delaney
                                                                                                                                       Delaney Policy Group
                                                                                                                                       11 Beacon Street, Suite 720
Omar Daghestani                            Mashpee, MA 02649                             Boston, MA 02116                              Boston, MA 02108
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated   (508) 477-7615                                (617) 437-2648                                (857) 239-8471
70 West Madison Street, Ste 2400           Steven J. D’Amico                             Joshua M. Davis
Chicago, IL 60602                          SEIU Local 888                                GS Public Strategies LLC                      William A. Delaney
(312) 454-3800                             25 Braintree Hill, Suite 306                  400 Atlantic Avenue                           Kearney Donovan & McGee, LLC
                                            Braintree, MA 02184                          Boston, MA 02110                              40 Court Street, 11th Floor
Gregory D’Agostino
                                           (617) 241-3316                                (617) 574-4110                                Boston, MA 02108
Lynch Associates, Inc.
                                                                                                                                       (617) 263-1400
12 Post Office Square 6F                   Judith Danek                                  Manolet Dayrit
Boston, MA 02109                           Health New England, Inc.                      KPMG LLP
                                                                                                                                              (See box on next page
(617) 574-3399                                                                                                                               for more information)
                                           One Monacrh Place Suite 1500                  345 Park Avenue
Peter D’Agostino                           Springfield, MA 01144                         New York, NY 10154
                                           (413) 233-3053                                (212) 872-3845                                Mark Delaney
Lynch Associates, Inc.
                                                                                                                                       Delaney & Associates, Inc
12 Post Office Square 6F                   Cinda Thi Danh                                Lindsay L. De Santis                          6 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02109                           Preti Strategies                              Massachusetts Pharmacists Association         Boston, MA 02108
(617) 574-3399                             60 State Street, Suite 1100                   500 West Cummings Park, Suite 3475            (617) 723-4080
Matthew J. Dailida                         Boston, MA 02109                              Woburn, MA 01801
                                           (617) 226-3815                                (781) 933-1107                                Scott Delaney
Motorola Solutions
                                                                                                                                       Delaney & Associates, Inc
500 West Monroe, 43rd FL                   Dave Danning                                  Andrew DeAngelo                               6 Beacon Street
Chicago, IL 60661                          Massachusetts Teachers Association            Greater Boston Plumbing                       Boston, MA 02108
(708) 785-8298                             2 Heritage Drive 8th Floor                    Contractors Association                       (617) 723-4080
James M. Daiute                            Quincy, MA 02171                              35 Braintree Hill Office Park, #108
                                           (617) 878-8701                                Braintree, MA 02184                           Brian Delburn
Massachusetts Association of 766
                                                                                         (978) 777-8764                                Tenet Healthcare Corporation
Approved Private Schools, Inc.             Justin Davidson                                                                             1445 Ross Avenue Suite 1400
607 North Avenue Suite 18-3                Massachusetts Association of Realtors         William Delahunt                              Dallas, TX 75202
Wakefield, MA 01880                        333 Wyman Street                              Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott LLC           (469) 893-2000
(781) 245-1220                             Waltham, MA 02451                             1717 Pennsylvania Ave NW, 12th Floor
                                           (781) 839-5510                                Washington, D.C. 20006                        Jose M. Delgado
William Daley
                                                                                         (202) 659-6622                                MGM Springfield
Goldman Sachs                              Stephen Jeffrey Davis                                                                       One MGM Way
71 South Wacker Drive, Suite 500           Daedalus Software, Inc. (DSI)                                                               Springfield, MA 01103
Chicago, IL 60606                          101 Main Street, 14th Floor                                                                 (413) 273-5000
(312) 655-4600                             Cambridge, MA 02142
                                           (617) 674-8173

                                                                                                                      MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2021 | 13
William A. Delaney                               Email: bdelaney@kdmpc.com
                                                        Website: www.kdmpc.com
       Kearney Donovan & McGee LLC
       40 Court Street, 11th Floor
       Boston, MA 02108
       (617) 901-6415
       (617) 263-1401 fax

Adam Joseph Delmolino                   Edward J. Dever                          Luke A. Dillon                 R. Stanton Dodge
Massachusetts Health &                  Dever & Dever                            Life Insurance Association     DraftKings Inc.
Hospital Association                    9 Park Street, Suite 200                 of Massachusetts, Inc.         222 Berkeley Street, 5th Floor
101 Arch Street, Suite 1741             Boston, MA 02108                         20 Park Plaza, Suite 630       Boston, MA 02110
Boston, MA 02110                        (617) 248-6616                           Boston, MA 02116               (301) 980-2133
(781) 262-6030                                                                   (617) 375-9200
                                        Sara VanArsdale Dewey                                                   Richard J. Doherty
Catherine DelVento                      Conservation Law Foundation, Inc.        Salvatore DiMasi               AICUM, Inc
Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership   62 Summer Street                         Massachusetts Housing          11 Beacon Street, Suite 1224
6 Beacon Street                         Boston, MA 02110                         and Shelter Alliance           Boston, MA 02108
Boston, MA 02108                        (617) 850-1754                           7 Bulfinch Place, Suite 201    (617) 742-5147
(617) 686-4241                                                                   Boston, MA 02114
                                        Veena Dharmaraj                          (617) 367-6447                 Brian Doherty
Dominique Demar                         Sierra Club Massachusetts Chapter                                       Massachusetts Assisted
Corry Associates, LLC                   50 Federal Street, 3rd Floor             Richard A. Dimino              Living Association
6 Beacon Street, Suite 312              Boston, MA 02110                         A Better City                  465 Waverly Oaks Road, Suite 300
Boston, MA 02108                        (617) 423-5775                           33 Broad Street, Suite 300     Waltham, MA 02452
(617) 429-7555                                                                   Boston, MA 02109               (781) 622-5999
                                        Joseph Paul Diamond                      (617) 502-6240
Ashley DeMauro                          Massachusetts Association for                                           Dan Dolan
Excellence in Education in Action       Community Action (MASSCAP)               Kate Dineen                    AICUM
215 S. Monroe Street, Suite 420         105 Chauncy Street, 3rd Fl               A Better City                  11 Beacon Street, Suite 1224
Tallahassee, FL 32301                   Boston, MA 02111                         33 Broad Street, Suite 300     Boston, MA 02108
(850) 391-4200                          (617) 357-6086                           Boston, MA 02109               (617) 742-5147
                                                                                 (617) 502-6240
                                        Eric W. Dickson                                                         Peter Ross Doliber
Brian Dempsey                           UMass Memorial Health Care               Daniel F. DiTullio             Alliance of Massachusetts YMCAs, Inc.
Dempsey, Lucey & Associates             365 Plantation Street, 300               Assumption College             6 Beacon Street, Suite 312
11 Beacon Street, Suite 1120            Worcester, MA 01605                      500 Salisubry Street, Office   Boston, MA 02108
Boston, MA 02108                        (508) 334-3330                           of the President               (978) 237-2633
(617) 742-2000                                                                   Worcester MA 01609
                                        Nicholas DiGeronimo                      (508) 767-7478                 Janet Susan Domenitz
       (See box on next page            Barclays Capital, Inc.                                                  MASSPIRG
      for more information)             125 High Street                          Stephen C. Dodge               294 Washington Street, Suite 500
                                        Boston, MA 02110                         Massachusetts Petroleum        Boston, MA 02108
Erin DeSantis                           (617) 330-5934                           Council, a division of the     (617) 292-4800
American Chemistry Council                                                       American Petroleum Institute
11 North Pearl Street                                                            11 Beacon Street, Suite 1230   Kate Donaghey
Suite 1400                                                                       Boston, MA 02108               Melwood Global
Albany, NY 12207                                                                 (617) 227-4227                 8 Beacon Street
(518) 432-7835                                                                                                  Boston, MA 02108
                                                                                                                (617) 676-3000

Brian S. Dempsey                               Areas of Expertise:
          Dempsey, Lucey & Associates                    Legislative and executive lobbying; regulatory
          11 Beacon Street Suite 1120                    advocacy and consulting; appropriations and
          Boston, MA 02108                               funding; government relations; public policy
          617-742-2000                                   development and political strategy; coalition
                                                         building and negotiation; and detailed knowledge
          Email: Brian@dempseylucey.com
                                                         of public policy issues including health care,
          Website: www.DempseyLucey.com                  business and economic development, utilities and
                                                         energy, environment, and gaming.

Zachary M. Donah                      Joseph M. Donovan                          David Dreher                              Annette R. Duke
Massachusetts Society of CPAs         Nelson Mullins                             Ernst & Young LLP                         Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
105 Chauncy Street, Floor             One Post Office Square, 30th Floor         200 Clarendon Street                      40 Court Street, Suite 800
Boston, MA 02111                      Boston, MA 02109                           Boston, MA 02116                          Boston, MA 02108
(617) 303-2411                        (617) 217-4739                             (617) 375-3872                            (617) 357-0700
Edward Donahue                        Deborah Anne Donovan                       Andrew Dreyfus                            Paul Dullea
American Family Life Assurance        Acadia Center                              Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts   Massachusetts Academy
Company (AFLAC)                       31 Milk Street, Suite 501                  101 Huntington Avenue                     of Trial Attorneys
1932 Wynnton Road                     Boston, MA 02109                           Boston, MA 02199                          561 Virginia Road Building 4, Suite 218
Columbus, GA 31999                    (617) 742-0054                             (617) 246-3800                            Concord, MA 01742
(202) 371-7559                                                                                                             (781) 425-5040
                                      Laura Dooley                               James F. Driscoll
Edmund Donnelly III                   StubHub, Inc.                              Massachusetts Catholic Conference         Emily Dulong
AT&T                                  1440 G Street, NW                          66 Brooks Drive                           Massachusetts Health &
160 Federal Street, 17th Floor        Washington, D.C. 20005                     Braintree, MA 02184                       Hospital Association
Boston, MA 02110                      (202) 841-9099                             (617) 746-5620                            101 Arch Street, Suite 1741
(617) 406-9378                                                                                                             Boston, MA 02110
                                      Nikki Dostoomian                           Thomas Drummey                            (781) 262-6025
                                      The Brennan Group, Inc.                    2 Warren Street
Roger Donoghue                        1 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor                 Plainville, MA 02762
Murphy Donoghue Partners              Boston, MA 02108                           (508) 930-5958                            James Dunbar
100 Cambridge Street, 14th Floor      (617) 305-4120                                                                       O’Neill and Associates
Boston, MA 02114                                                                 Evan Dube                                 31 New Chardon Street
(617) 720-1900                        Amy Dow                                    Sunrun Inc.                               Boston, MA 02114
                                      New Brighton Landing LLC                   9 School Street                           (617) 646-1000
       (See box on next page          100 Guest Street                           Marion, MA 02738
      for more information)           Brighton, MA 02135                         (774) 553-5234                                   (See box on page 17
                                      (617) 746-2475                                                                             for more information)
                                                                                 Shawn Duhamel
Paul T. Donovan                       Allyson Perron Drag                        CK Strategies, LLC                        Hillary Jean Dunn
Kearney Donovan & McGee, LLC          American Heart Association                 15 Broad Street                           Disability Law Center
40 Court Street, 11th Floor           300 5th Avenue, Suite 6                    Boston, MA 02109                          11 Beacon Street, Suite 925
Boston, MA 02108                      Waltham, MA 02451                          (617) 391-9441                            Boston, MA 02108
617-263-3320                          (781) 373-4522                                                                       (617) 723-8455
                                                                                 Kellie Duhr
       (See box on next page          Jeffrey Robert Drago                       Sazerac Company, Inc.                     Eric C. DuPont
      for more information)           Drago + Toscano, LLP                       1101 West 34th Street, #302               The Guardian Life Insurance
                                      15 Broad, Street, Suite 610                Austin, TX 78705                          Company of America
                                      Boston, MA 02109                           (512) 426-7825                            10 Hudson Yards
                                      (617) 391-9450                                                                       New York, NY 10001
                                                                                                                           (617) 529-4967

                                                                                                            MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2021 | 15
Roger Donoghue                                     Areas of Expertise:
      Murphy Donoghue Partners                           Appropriations & funding; business strategies &
      100 Cambridge Street, 14th Floor                   positioning; coalition building; community relations;
      Boston, MA 02114                                   ethics, lobbying & campaign finance; government
                                                         relations; grassroots; healthcare reform advocacy;
      (617) 720-1900
                                                         issues research & drafting; lobbying; permitting & approvals; political
      Email: rdonoghue@murphydonoghue.com                navigation; professional licensure; public policy; real estate & project
      Website: murphydonoghue.com                        development; regulatory advocacy & consulting; state & local advocacy
      Representative Clients:                            Mission Statement:
      Atrius Health, FedEx, Lahey Health Systems,        We provide comprehensive legislative services and effective
      MA Council of Community Hospitals,                 marketing strategies for navigating today’s complex political
      Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance                environment by combining strategic thinking, valued relationships
      Company, McDonald’s, Microsoft, Pfizer, Inc.       and a proven reputation for delivering real and immediate results.

      Paul T. Donovan                                    Email: pdonovan@kdmpc.com
                                                         Website: www.kdmpc.com
      Kearney Donovan & McGee LLC                        Areas of Expertise: Public policy, procurement,
      40 Court Street, 11th Floor                        strategy development, government and community
      Boston, MA 02108                                   relations
      (617) 263-3320
      (617) 263-1401 fax

Joseph Duque                               James William Durkin                       Zach Effron                                   Anne Eisner
Trinity Highway Products, LLC              AFSCME Council 93                          J.P. Morgan Securities, LLC                   Mass Advocates for Children
2525 N. Stemmons Freeway                   8 Beacon Street                            383 Madison Avenue Floor                      25 Kingston Street, Ste 200
Dallas, TX 75207                           Boston, MA 02108                           New York, NY 10179                            Boston, MA 02111
(207) 404-6621                             (978) 866-2283                             (212) 834-2437                                (617) 357-8431
Robert A. Durand
Durand & Anastas                                            E                         Carolyn Ehrlich
                                                                                      American Civil Liberties Union, Inc.
                                                                                                                                    Sandra A. Ellis
                                                                                                                                    Massachusetts Nurses Association
Environmental Strategies                                                              125 Broad Street                              365 Shrewsbury Street
27 Prospect Street                         Cabell T. Eames                            New York, NY 10004                            Worcester, MA 01604
Marlborough, MA 01752                      Better Future Project                      (212) 519-7865                                (508) 756-5800
(774) 249-8199                             30 Bow Street
                                           Cambridge, MA 02138                        James Eisenberg                               Susan Rachel Elsen
Matthew Durand                             (617) 945-5242                             Preti Strategies                              Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
Cumberland Farms, Inc.                                                                60 State Street Suite 1100                    40 Court Street, Suite 800
165 Flanders Road                          Anika Van Eaton                            Boston, MA 02109                              Boston, MA 02108
Westborough, MA 01581                      31 Milk Street                             (617) 451-8600                                (617) 357-0700
(508) 270-7267                             Boston, MA 02109
                                           (617) 778-7195

James B. Dunbar                                        Mission Statement:
          O’Neill and Associates                                 O’Neill and Associates is New England’s largest
          31 New Chardon Street, Boston, MA 02114                full-service public affairs consulting firm, offering
                                                                 government relations services on the local, state
          (413) 239-1055 • (617) 646-1290 fax
                                                                 and federal levels. Our government relations services
          Email: jdunbar@oneillandassoc.com                      include legislative and executive branch lobbying, coalition building,
          Website: www.oneillandassoc.com                        appropriations, procurements, permitting and licensing. O’Neill
                                                                 and Associates also offers litigation support, crisis management,
          Areas of Expertise:
                                                                 community relations and public relations services.
          Federal and state executive and legislative
          lobbying, government procurement,                      Representative Clients:
          regulatory affairs, B2B relationship                   Massachusetts Chemistry & Technology Alliance, Nouria Energy,
          development                                            Rectrix Aviation, Xerox, Tishman Construction, TransCOR

Erin Engstrom                                Brett Ewer                                    Debra Fastino                                  John V. Fernandes
Eversource                                   CrossFit, Inc.                                Coalition for Social Justice                   John V Fernandes
247 Station Drive                            1250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 700            156 Ryan Street                                100 Cambridge Street
Westwood, MA 02090                           Washington, D.C. 20036                        New Bedford, MA 02740                          Boston, MA 02114
(617) 424-2132                               (508) 560-2738                                (508) 982-8157                                 (508) 935-7625
Johannes Hubert Epke
Conservation Law Foundation, Inc.                               F                          Matthew G. Feher
                                                                                           KP Law, P.C.
                                                                                                                                          Maureo Fernandez y Mora
                                                                                                                                          Clean Water Action
62 Summer Street                                                                           101 Arch Street, 12th Floor                    88 Broad Street, Lower Level
Boston, MA 02110                             Sana Fadel                                    Boston, MA 02110                               Boston, MA 02110
(617) 850-1754                               Citizens for Juvenile Justice                 (617) 556-0007                                 (617) 338-8131
                                             44 School Street, Suite 400
Jenny A. Erickson                            Boston, MA 02108                              Amy Elisabeth Feinman                          Michael Joseph Ferrante
Life Insurance Association                   (617) 338-1050                                Anti-Defamation League New England             Massachusetts Energy
of Masschusetts, Inc                                                                       40 Court Street, 12th Floor                    Marketers Association
20 Park Plaza Suite 630                      Emiliano Falcon                               Boston, MA 02108                               One Van de Graaff Drive Suite 100
Boston, MA 02116                             American Civil Liberties                      (617) 406-6303                                 Burlington, MA 01803
(617) 375-9200                               Union of Massachusetts                                                                       (781) 365-0844
                                             211 Congress Street, 3rd Floor                Calvin Feliciano
Kris Erickson                                Boston, MA 02110                              SEIU Local 509                                 Michael Ferrari
Preti Strategies                             (617) 482-3170                                293 Boston, Post Road                          Northeastern University
60 State Street Suite 1100                                                                 Marlborough, MA 01752                          716 Columbus Avenue, Suite 598
Boston, MA 02109                             Michael Edward Falcone                        (774) 843-7509                                 Boston, MA 02120
(617) 451-8600                               43 Broad Street                                                                              (617) 373-7180
                                             Hudson, MA 01749                              Daniel Felton
Anna Elizabeth Esten                         (978) 212-5507                                AMERIPEN                                       Scott Ferson
Conference of Boston                                                                       1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 252                 Liberty Square Group
Teaching Hospitals, Inc.                     Patrick James Farrell                         St. Paul, MN 55114                             4 Liberty Square, 5th Floor
11 Beacon Street, Suite 710                  Fallon Health                                 (651) 288-3431                                 Boston, MA 02109
Boston, MA 02108                             10 Chestnut Street                                                                           (617) 695-0369
(617) 723-6100                               Worcester, MA 01608                           Sandra Fenwick
                                             (508) 368-9057                                Children’s Hospital Boston                     Michael Edward Festa
Derrick Everett                                                                            300 Longwood Avenue                            AARP Massachusetts
Educators for Excellence                     Steven Farrell                                Boston, MA 02115                               1 Beacon Street, Suite 2301
121 E Berkeley Street Floor 2                Metropolitan Boston Housing                   (617) 919-3055                                 Boston, MA 02108
Boston, MA 02118                             Partnership, Inc.                                                                            (617) 305-0561
(516) 640-0081                               1411 Tremont Street                           Marcus Wayne Ferguson
                                             Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120                    The Hartford Financial                         Lisa Field
                                             (617) 425-6673                                Services Group, Inc.                           Massachusetts Nurses Association
                                                                                           One Hartford Plaza                             340 Turnpike Street
                                                                                           Hartford, CT 06155                             Canton, MA 02021
                                                                                           (860) 547-4187                                 (781) 571-9731

                                                                                                                          MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2021 | 17
Areas of Expertise:
      Benjamin Fierro III                               Legislative and regulatory lobbying, government
                                                        relations, public policy development, procurement,
      Lynch & Fierro LLP                                amicus brief writing, Lobbying Law compliance,
      Counsellors At Law                                trade association counsel, and legal advice in matters
      6 Beacon Street, Suite 425                        involving the Dover Amendment, Fair Housing and the
      Boston, MA 02108                                  Americans With Disabilities Act.
      (617) 350-4088                                    Mission Statement:
      (617) 350-4066 fax                                At Lynch & Fierro we work diligently on our clients’ behalf, with a strong
      Email: bfierro@lynchfierro.com                    commitment to our core values of integrity, professionalism, enthusiasm
      Website: www.lynchfierro.com                      and success. We help our clients achieve their goals by developing and
                                                        advancing legal and public policy arguments that influence legislators,
                                                        regulators, bureaucrats, municipal officials and judges.

Laurence Matthew Field                   Stephen James Finnegan                      Caroline Fisher-O’Neill                         Charles Flaherty
Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance      Stephen J Finnegan                          Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc.             Capitol Consulting
One Beacon Street, 5th Floor             One State Street, Suite 1500                31 Worcester Street                             130 Bowdoin Street Suite 1801
Boston, MA 02108                         Boston, MA 02109                            Boston, MA 02118                                Boston, MA 02108
(617) 681-5336                           (617) 523-5433                              (617) 512-1242                                  (617) 227-9940
                                         Thomas Michael Finneran                     Matthew Fishman                                 Tierney Rose Flaherty
Benjamin Fierro                          Finneran Global Strategies                  Partners HealthCare System                      Ventry Associates LLP
Lynch & Fierro LLP, Counsellors At Law   7 Countryside Drive                         399 Revolution Drive                            1 Walnut Street
6 Beacon Street, Suite 425               Mattapan, MA 02126                          Somerville, MA 02145                            Boston, MA 02108
 Boston, MA 02108                        (617) 593-4401                              (617) 278-1007                                  (617) 423-0028
(617) 350-4088
                                         Robert C. Finneran                          Charles Fiske                                   Timothy Flaherty
       (See box on this page
                                         Robert Finneran Consulting Services         The Arc of Massachusetts                        POM of Massachusetts LLC
      for more information)
                                         42 Eighth Street, Suite 1410                217 South Street                                3870 Peachtree Industrial
                                         Charlestown, MA 02129                       Waltham MA 002453                               Boulevard, Suite 340-198
Stuart Matthew Louis Figueroa            (617) 241-3841                              (781) 891-6270                                  Duluth, GA 30096
Association for Behavioral Healthcare                                                                                                (770) 441-9500
251 W. Central Street, Suite 21          Kelsey Ryan Fiori                           John F. Fitzgerald
Natick, MA 01760                         Nexamp, Inc.                                New Boston, Strategies Group Ltd.               Neil Flanagan
(508) 647-8385                           101 Summer Street                           1208 VFW Parkway, Suite 301                     Jefferies LLC
                                         Boston, MA 02110                            West Roxbury, MA 02132                          520 Madison Avenue 4th Floor
Griffin Finan                              (857) 301-9848                              (617) 512-7431                                  New York, NY 10022
DraftKings Inc.                                                                                                                      (212) 336-7022
222 Berkeley Street, 5th Floor           FayeRuth Fisher                             Emily Fitzmaurice
Boston, MA 02110                         1199SEIU                                    44 Temple Place, 5th Floor                      Kevin Flanagan
(301) 980-2133                           108 Myrtle Street, 4th Floor                Boston, MA 02108                                Massachusetts Correction
                                         Quincy, MA 02171                            (617) 812-4553                                  Officers Federated Union
Lewis Martin Finfer                      (617) 284-1142                                                                              159 South Main Street, Suite A
Massachusetts Communities                                                            Roberta Fitzpatrick                             Milford, MA 01757
Action Network                           Matt Fisher                                 Arbella Insurance Group                         (774) 396-6477
14 Cushing Avenue                        FGRHUB                                      101 Arch Street
Dorchester, MA 02125                     328 K Street                                Boston, MA 02110                                Edenilson Fleischmann
(617) 470-2912                           South Boston, MA 02127                      (617) 951-4600                                  265 Winter Street, 3rd floor
                                         (617) 356-8150                                                                              Waltham, MA 02451
Italo Fini                                                                           JoHanna Gita Flacks-Dunning                     (857) 228-1410
99 Eastern Avenue                        Christina Fisher                            Third Sector New England
Worcester, MA 01605                      Technology Network aka TechNet              89 South Street, Ste 700                        Danielle Anne Fleury
(774) 232-8550                           100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1301            Boston, MA 02458                                Massachusetts Nonprofit Network
                                         Boston, MA 02114                            (253) 670-2316                                  2 Atlantic Avenue 1st Floor
                                         (617) 367-9929                                                                              Boston, MA 02110
                                                                                                                                     (617) 330-1188

Heriberto Flores
Partners for Community
11-13 Hampden Street
                                 Geoff Foster
                                 15 Warren Street, #3
                                                                       Samantha Rae Freedman
                                                                       1 GEICO Plaza 5T
Springfield, MA 01089            Lowell, MA 01852                      Washington, D.C. 20076                 Katrina Gaddis
(413) 272-2215                   (978) 856-3947                        (301) 718-5796                         Boston Strategic Consulting, LLC
Carlos Diego Floresguerra        Lauren Fowler                         Rosemarie Freeland                     177 Milk Street, Suite 610
TerraForm Power, LLC             The Novus Group                       Massachusetts Community                Boston, MA 02109
200 Liberty Street, 14th Floor   137 Lewis Wharf                       College Council                        (617) 695-9555
New York, NY 10281               Boston, MA 02110                      27 Mechanic Street 104                 Peter Austin Gagliardi
(646) 992-2400                   (617) 391-0065                        Worcester, MA 01608                    Way Finders, Inc.
                                                                       (413) 883-0020                         120 Maple Street, 4th Floor
Kia Floyd                        Donna K. Fox
Facebook, Inc.                   Compass Consulting LLC                Brad Freeman                           Springfield, MA 01103
575 7th Street                   10 Court Street, Box 205              AICUM, Inc                             (413) 233-1661
NW Washington DC 20004           Arlington, MA 02476                   11 Beacon Street, Suite 1224           David Gahl
(202) 368-7469                   (617) 645-5215                        Boston, MA 02108                       Solar Energy Industries Association
                                                                       (617) 742-5147                         1425 K Street, NW Suite 1000
Brian Joseph Flynn               Todd Foy
Greater Boston Legal Services    Massachusetts League of               Shaya French                           Washington, D.C. 20005
197 Friend Street                Community Health Centers              Boston Center for Independent Living   (518) 487-1744
Boston, MA 02114                 40 Court Street, 10th Floor           60 Temple Place, 5th Floor             Christine Galamb
(617) 603-1629                   Boston, MA 02108                      Boston, MA 02111                       New York Life Insurance Company
                                 (617) 988-2235                        (617) 338-6665                         51 Madison Avenue
Christopher Flynn
Massachusetts Food Association   Rodney Francisco                      Heather Lynn Friedmann                 New York, NY 10010
31 Milk Street, Suite 518        Sunovion Pharmaceuticals              Tufts Associated Health                (212) 576-4625
Boston, MA 02109                 84 Waterford Drive                    Maintenance Organization               Mark J. Gallagher
(617) 542-3085                   Marlborough, MA 01752                 705 Mt. Auburn Street                  Massachusetts High
                                 (508) 357-7330                        Watertown, MA 02472                    Technology Council Inc.
Timothy Foley                                                          (617) 218-7344
1199SEIU                         Maryanne Frangules                                                           2400 District Ave., Suite 110
108 Myrtle Street, 4th Floor     Third Sector New England              Kelly V. Friend                        Burlington, MA 01803
Quincy, MA 02171                 89 South Street, 7th Floor            Nexamp, Inc.                           (781) 786-2662
(617) 284-1103                   Boston, MA 02108                      101 Summer Street, 2nd Floor           Maureen T. Gallagher
                                 (617) 279-3395                        Boston, MA 02110                       Massachusetts Down
John Lawrence Foley                                                    (617) 431-1440
Clark University                 Eugenia Bess Frank                                                           Syndrome Congress
950 Main Street                  NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts        Katherine Margaret Froehlich           20 Burlington Mall Road, Suite 261
Worcester MA 01610               15 Court Square, Suite 900            NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts         Burlington, MA 01803
(508) 793-7444                   Boston, MA 02108                      15 Court Square, Suite 900             (781) 221-0024
                                 (617) 556-8800                        Boston, MA 02108                       Lisa Gallatin
Elizabeth Foley                                                        (617) 556-8800
Columbia Gas of Massachusetts    Brittney Franklin                                                            Massachusetts Teachers Association
4 Technology Drive Suite 250     Massachusetts Municipal Association   Gretchen Fuhr                          2 Heritage Drive 8th Floor
Westborough, MA 01581            1 Winthrop Square                     Exelon Generation Company, LLC         Quincy, MA 02171
(508) 836-7000                   Boston, MA 02110                      545 Boylston Street, Suite 700         (617) 878-8192
                                 (617) 426-7272                        Boston, MA 02116                       Geoffrey A. Gallo
Jocelyn Forbush                                                        (617) 717-7945
The Trustees of Reservations     Virginia Fraser                                                              AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP
200 High Street, 4th Floor       Deloitte Consulting LLP               Nicholas A. Fyntrilakis                3 Merles Lane
Boston, MA 02110                 One PPG Place                         Massachusetts Association              Stratham, NH 03885
(617) 542-7696                   Pittsburgh, PA 15222                  of Insurance Agents                    (603) 772-1559
                                 (412) 841-8200                        91 Cedar Street                        Timothy F. Galvin
Benjamin Forman                                                        Milford, MA 01757
MassINC                                                                                                       Partners HealthCare System
                                                                       (508) 634-7352                         399 Revolution Drive
11 Beacon Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02108                                                                                              Somerville, MA 02145
(617) 224-1645                                                                                                (857) 282-5181

                                                                                                   MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2021 | 19
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