Local Government Quadrennial Elections 2020 - Candidate Information Session January 2020

Page created by Emily Thornton
Local Government Quadrennial Elections 2020 - Candidate Information Session January 2020
Local Government Quadrennial Elections 2020
Candidate Information Session
January 2020
Local Government Quadrennial Elections 2020 - Candidate Information Session January 2020
Role of the ECQ

OUR PURPOSE: ensure the integrity of Queensland’s electoral processes through delivery of
accessible, fair and transparent elections.

OUR VISION: to be an evolving, trusted and respected Commission, serving a community
engaged in the democratic process.

• Deliver fair and transparent Queensland elections
• Increase electoral awareness and participation
• Continual improvement in electoral services
• Queensland has balanced representation across electoral boundaries
LG2020 facts and figures

• Plan (Jan-Jun 19); Prepare (July-Dec 19); Deliver (Jan-Mar 20) and Review (Mar-Jul 20)

• Around 3.3 million electors within 77 councils: 54 undivided and 23 divided councils

• Election methods: attend a polling booth or full postal voting or a hybrid service

• Electorate sizes vary, remoteness is a factor that increases complexity to deliver services

• A standard suite of services is offered for all elections, ECQ works with councils on
  arrangements to suit the particular needs of their electors

• 150 Returning Officers and Assistant Returning Officers appointed through open merit
  selection process controlled by ECQ

• Election day will require approximately 10,700 temporary election staff with about 1,300
  polling venues across Queensland.
Local Government Elections 2020
Belcarra and electoral laws
  ECQ is improving its systems and processes as recommended or required by reports and new

  • Inquiry report: A review of the conduct of the 2016 local government elections, the
    referendum and the Toowoomba South by-election – Independent Panel (2017); and

  • Operation Belcarra Report: A blueprint for integrity and addressing corruption risk in
    local government – Crime and Corruption Commission (2017); and

  • Local Government Electoral (Implementing Stage 1 of Belcarra) and Other Legislation
    Amendment Act 2018 – Queensland Parliament (2018); and

  • Local Government Electoral (Implementing Stage 2 of Belcarra) and Other Legislation
    Amendment Bill 2019 and Electoral and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 –
    Queensland Parliament (October 2019).
ECQ focus

• We engage with our stakeholders to build and improve professional working relationships
  and to ensure everyone understands their obligations.

• We promote compliance with electoral laws through education and information programs
  such as outreach activities, direct support and information products (fact sheets, handbooks
  and other resources on the ECQ website).

• Our compliance program supports and protects Queensland’s electoral system by helping
  candidates, councillors, third parties and others to avoid non-compliance with electoral laws.

• ECQ works cooperatively with a range of other organisations including with the Department
  of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs (DLGRMA), Department of Justice and
  Attorney-General (DJAG), the Queensland Integrity Commissioner, the Office of the
  Independent Assessor, the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) and the Local
  Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ).
2020 Local Government Election

• Local Government Change Commission - boundary review completed
     - 12 Divisions, 1 Councillor per division + Mayor
     - Counting the votes - Optional preferential voting (OPV)

•   Notice of Election to be issued - proposed 22 February 2020
•   Nomination period commences with issue of Notice of Election
•   Nominations close at midday on 03 March 2020
•   ECQ Returning Officer contact details published in Notice of Election

• Election Day is Saturday 28 March 2020
• Early voting (pre-poll), postal votes, mobile polling occur prior to Election Day.
Before you nominate

• Monitor ECQ website for information for candidates and prepare early
• Complete DLGRMA ‘So You Want To Be A Councillor?’ online mandatory
  training - must be completed prior to lodging nomination with ECQ

• Open a dedicated campaign bank account - must be used for all donations,
  loans and all campaign expenditure
      -   Bank account details are to be provided to ECQ with nomination
      -   Credit cards cannot be used to pay for campaign expenses

•   Set up account on Electronic Disclosure System (EDS)
       - ensure you are registered on the EDS by emailing fad@ecq.qld.gov.au
Before you nominate

•   Maintain complete and accurate records of all donations, gifts, loans and
    campaign expenditure
•   Commence disclosing donations and expenditure in the EDS in ‘real-time’
    (i.e. within 7 business days of transaction)

•   Prepare to declare personal and material interests and affiliations on nomination
     - memberships, political affiliations, contractual arrangements and processes with council, applications or
      representations made to council (must also include those of your close associates).

•   Be aware of prohibited donor laws - i.e. ban on all donations from property
•   New rules apply for groups of candidates - Register with the ECQ before
    conducting any group campaign activities
Candidate nomination process

• Nominate via the ECQ online portal or paper-based via the ECQ Returning Officer
• You can nominate as (1) an individual, (2) a member of a group of candidates, or
  (3) an endorsed political party member
• Dual candidacy is not permitted (you can nominate for mayor or councillor, not

• Nomination form completed (form will be available after Notice of Election is published)
• Declaration of affiliations, memberships, interests, contracts and arrangements with
• Endorsement from 6 electors (who are on the electoral roll in the division being contested)
• Nomination deposit $250, lodged at time of nomination (+4% votes then refunded)
• Close of nominations is at 12 noon on last day - Prepare early to avoid rush.
Disclosure obligations

All candidates have disclosure obligations before, during and after the election.

Disclosure period:
• For new candidates, the disclosure period starts when you decide to become a candidate, and
   ends 30 days after election day.
• For candidates who contested the 2016 quadrennial election, the disclosure period starts 30 days
   after the 2016 election, and ends 30 days after election day.

Real-time disclosure of donations and campaign expenses:
• If you receive a campaign gift/donation or loan of $500 or more, this must be disclosed to the
  ECQ by using the EDS within 7 business days.
• Since commencement of the new legislation on 20 Jan 2020, all campaign expenditure must be
  disclosed by candidates who incur expenses of $500 or more during their disclosure period within
  7 business days.
• During the last 7 days of the election, all expenditure and donations must be disclosed by
  candidates within 1 day.
Electoral advertising

• All electoral material needs to carry an authorisation, with the name and address of the
  authorising person clearly printed on it
  - includes signage, billboards, printed flyers, pamphlets and advertisements on social media
  - does not include t-shirts, balloons, lapel buttons, badges, car stickers, pens.

• How-to-vote cards:
  - must be authorised by the candidate, group of candidates or registered political party
  - must state the name and address of the person who authorised the card
  - must be in the correct approved format
  - must be submitted to the ECQ for approval at least 7 business days prior to distribution.

• Roadside signage is regulated under rules for State-controlled roads and local laws - refer to
  TMR and your council’s regulations.
Groups of candidates

• Recent legislation amendments contain several new requirements for candidates contesting
  the election as a member of a group:
     o Since the new laws commenced on 20 January 2020, groups of candidates who intend to conduct
       group-campaigning activities must register with the ECQ prior to conducting any group
       campaigning activities
     o Group activities may include: sharing donations or resources, combined advertising or fundraising
       activities, using same branding/slogan/images, joint how-to-vote cards or a common policy
       platform. (This does not include candidates endorsed by registered political parties)
     o An agent for the group must be appointed and will hold responsibility for ensuring accurate
       disclosure of gifts and expenditure for the group.

•   Only one dedicated bank account is required for a group. The details are to be provided to
    the ECQ when registering the group.
• Candidates who intend to run as a member of a group should contact the ECQ for more
  information and should register their group as soon as possible.
         - Group registration forms are available on the ECQ website www.ecq.qld.gov.au
More information and support

• Complete the DLGRMA online candidate training

• Monitor the ECQ website for fact sheets, handbooks & guides

• Contact the ECQ
   Website      www.ecq.qld.gov.au
   Telephone 1300 881 665
   Email        ecq@ecq.qld.gov.au
Thank you

  1300 881 665
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