Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency Unmasked in Two Children With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease - Pediatrics

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Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency Unmasked in Two Children With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease - Pediatrics
Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency
                           Unmasked in Two Children With
                           Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
                           Ryan W. Himes, MD,a Sarah E. Barlow, MD, MPH,a Kevin Bove, MD,b Norma M.
                           Quintanilla, MD,c Rachel Sheridan, MD,b Rohit Kohli, MBBS, MSd

Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency (LAL-D) is a classic lysosomal storage                               abstract
disorder characterized by accumulation of cholesteryl ester and
triglyceride. Although it is associated with progressive liver injury, fibrosis,
and end-stage liver disease in children and adolescents, LAL-D frequently
presents with nonspecific signs that overlap substantially with other, more
                                                                                                      aSection of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department
common, chronic conditions like nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD),                             of Pediatrics and cDepartment of Pathology and
metabolic syndrome, and certain inherited dyslipidemias. We present 2                                 Immunology, Texas Children’s Hospital, Baylor College
                                                                                                      of Medicine, Houston, Texas; and bDepartment of
children with NAFLD who achieved clinically significant weight reduction                              Pathology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and dSection
through healthy eating and exercise, but who failed to have the anticipated                           of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of
improvements in aminotransferases and γ-glutamyl transferase. Liver                                   Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

biopsies performed for these “treatment failures” demonstrated significant                            Dr Himes conceptualized the report and drafted the
microvesicular steatosis, prompting consideration of coexisting metabolic                             initial manuscript; Drs Barlow, Bove, Quintanilla,
                                                                                                      and Sheridan reviewed and revised drafts; Dr Kohli
diseases. In both patients, lysosomal acid lipase activity was low and LIPA                           conceptualized the report and revised the initial
gene testing confirmed LAL-D. We propose that LAL-D should be considered                              draft; and all authors approved the final manuscript
in the differential diagnosis when liver indices in patients with NAFLD fail                          as submitted.
to improve in the face of appropriate body weight reduction.                                          DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-0214
                                                                                                      Accepted for publication Jun 7, 2016
                                                                                                      Address correspondence to Ryan W. Himes, MD,
Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency                   low-density lipoprotein cholesterol                6701 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77030. E-mail: himes@
                                                   (LDL-c) and depressed high-density       
(LAL-D) is an autosomal recessive,
single gene disorder, caused by                    lipoprotein cholesterol levels. In spite of        PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online,
mutations in LIPA (OMIM #278000)                   the later presentation in these patients,
resulting in lysosomal accumulation                there is evidence of clinically significant        Copyright © 2016 by the American Academy of
                                                   liver disease and liver-related mortality          Pediatrics
of cholesteryl ester and triglyceride
                                                   among children and adolescents with                FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Dr Himes has served on
in hepatocytes, endothelium, and
                                                   LAL-D, underscoring the importance                 an advisory board, speakers’ bureau, and been
myeloid-derived cells. Depending                                                                      a site investigator for an epidemiology study
on ethnicity and race, prevalence                  of identifying affected patients.3                 on lysosomal acid lipase deficiency, for Alexion
estimates range from 1:40 000 to                                                                      Pharmaceuticals; Dr Barlow has served as site
                                                   The diagnosis of LAL-D, particularly in            investigator for an observational database on
1:300 000.1,2 LAL-D may present in
                                                   children and adolescents, is hampered              lysosomal acid lipase deficiency, for Alexion
early infancy with malabsorption and               by the lack of specific clinical findings,         Pharmaceuticals; Dr Kohli has served on an
catastrophic liver failure culminating             the broad spectrum of disease                      advisory board and speakers’ bureau for Alexion
in death before 6 months of age, a                                                                    Pharmaceuticals; and Drs Bove, Quintanilla, and
                                                   presentation, and significant overlap
clinical phenotype formerly called                                                                    Sheridan have indicated they have no financial
                                                   with more common diseases. In                      relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
Wolman disease. On the other hand,                 primary care practices, as well as
                                                                                                      FUNDING: No external funding.
LAL-D may present insidiously                      specialty clinics, features of LAL-
in children and adolescents with                   D, like hepatic steatosis, elevated
variable and nonspecific findings like             aminotransferases, and dyslipidemia,                 To cite: Himes RW, Barlow SE, Bove K, et al.
hepatosplenomegaly, hepatic steatosis,             are more often seen coexisting with                  Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency Unmasked
                                                                                                        in Two Children With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver
elevations in aminotransferases, or a              conditions like nonalcoholic fatty liver
                                                                                                        Disease. Pediatrics. 2016;138(4):e20160214
lipid profile characterized by elevated            disease (NAFLD), metabolic syndrome,

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PEDIATRICS Volume 138, number 4, October 2016:e20160214                                                                                 CASE REPORT
Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency Unmasked in Two Children With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease - Pediatrics
Patient 1: A, Initial liver biopsy reveals predominantly microvesicular steatosis. Macrovesicular steatosis is distributed in ~10% of hepatocytes (hematoxylin
and eosin, original magnification, ×400). B, Masson Trichrome stain highlights mild fibrous expansion of portal tracts (×100). C, Follow-up liver biopsy EM
demonstrates numerous membrane-bound lipid vesicles in hepatocytes and Kupffer cells (uranyl acetate and lead citrate).

and certain inherited dyslipidemias.                  PATIENT 1                                              After 6 months, the patient was seen
NAFLD, linked tightly to overweight                                                                          in follow-up; her BMI was stable
and obesity, is estimated to                          An 8-year-old Hispanic girl                            (21.1, 93rd percentile); however,
affect 33% of adults4 and 9.6% of                     presented to her pediatrician after                    her aminotransferases remained
children5 in the general population,                  nuchal acanthosis nigricans was                        elevated (AST, 131 U/L; ALT, 171
                                                      identified during a school-wide                        U/L), so a diagnostic liver biopsy
making it the most common
                                                      screening program. Her weight was                      was performed. The biopsy revealed
chronic liver disease in the United
                                                      38.1 kg (89th percentile), height                      mixed micro and macrovesicular
States. Unfortunately, there are no
                                                      134.7 cm (53rd percentile), and                        steatosis with minimal lobular
laboratory-based diagnostic tests for
                                                      BMI 21.1 (94th percentile). Based                      inflammation and stage 1 lobular
NAFLD, and although routine liver
                                                      on her BMI and the presence of                         and portal fibrosis (Fig 1 A and
imaging such as ultrasound may be
                                                      acanthosis nigricans, screening                        B), interpreted as consistent with
suggestive of hepatic steatosis, its
                                                      laboratory tests were performed that                   NAFLD.
sensitivity is poor until steatosis
                                                      revealed the following: aspartate
exceeds 30%.6 Thus, only liver biopsy
                                                      aminotransferase (AST), 207 U/L                        Over the next 3 years, the patient
can discriminate between simple
                                                      (normal, 15–40 U/L); alanine                           participated in structured programs
hepatic steatosis, a nonprogressive
                                                      aminotransferase (ALT), 401 U/L                        for weight management and
or slowly progressive form of NAFLD,
                                                      (normal, 7–35 U/L); total cholesterol,                 ultimately reduced her BMI to the
and the more aggressive nonalcoholic
                                                      235 mg/dL (normal,
was low, 0.011 nmol/punch/hour,
and confirmatory Sanger sequencing
of LIPA revealed a homozygous
mutation, c.894G>A, which alters a
splice site and leads to skipping exon
8, resulting in ~97% reduction in
enzyme activity.7

A 16-year-old white girl presented
to the emergency department with
fever and symptoms suggestive of
a urinary tract infection. She had
severe obesity, her weight was
137 kg (>99th percentile), height
160.5 cm (35th percentile), with
a resultant BMI of 53.18 (>99th
She underwent a renal ultrasound
that confirmed pyelonephritis                     FIGURE 2
but also incidentally revealed                    Patient 2: A and B, Liver biopsy reveals predominantly microvesicular steatosis distributed in ~30%
splenomegaly. Her blood counts                    of the hepatocytes. Patches of macrovesicular lipid were uncommon (hematoxylin and eosin, original
                                                  magnification, ×200 and ×400). C, Masson Trichrome stain demonstrates the severe nonuniform,
suggested hypersplenism with
                                                  dense periportal, and bridging fibrosis (×20). D, EM reveals numerous membrane-bound, empty-
low platelet (78 000/μL) and                      appearing, lipid vesicles (lysosomes) in hepatocytes, consistent with LAL-D. The mitochondria
leukocyte (3100/μL) counts. Based                 are universally contracted with marked dilatation of the inner crystal spaces. This diffuse
on these initial observations, the                mitochondriopathic change is not typical of LAL-D and is likely a secondary stress change related to
                                                  concomitant NAFLD (uranyl acetate and lead citrate, ×12 000).
treating inpatient service requested
laboratory tests and consulted
gastroenterology. Relevant initial
                                                  An abdominal ultrasound revealed                    microvesicular steatosis, minimal
test results included the following:
                                                  normal hepatic echogenicity and no                  lobular inflammation, and stage 3
AST, 57 U/L (normal, 15–45 U/L);
                                                  organomegaly. An abdominal MRI                      to 4 fibrosis (Fig 2 A, B, and C). EM
ALT, 87 U/L (normal, 7–35 U/L);
                                                  with liver elastography demonstrated                revealed prevalent membrane-bound
γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT),
                                                  splenomegaly, but also reported                     lipid droplets, as well as diffuse
108 U/L (normal, 7–32 U/L);
                                                  a nodular liver with an increased                   mitochondrial abnormalities typical
LDL-c, 102 mg/dL (normal,
                                                  liver stiffness value of 7 kPa; a                   of metabolic stress in obese patients
45 mg/dL); and
                                                  of significant liver fibrosis.8 The                 of steatosis and the EM findings, the
triglycerides, 83 mg/dL (normal,
                                                  child was discharged with advice to                 differential diagnosis was broadened
obesity. This included normal                     her liver indices, though improved,                 (p.A307D) and c.1055_1057delACG
results for α-1 antitrypsin PI-type,              remained elevated despite significant               (p.D352del). Each has a population
antismooth muscle antibody,                       weight loss: AST, 33 U/L; ALT, 58                   frequency of
DISCUSSION                                             treatable; Wilson disease and                          LAL-D, whether for closer medical
We report 2 children with LAL-D,                       autoimmune hepatitis are examples                      supervision or for consideration of
who were initially diagnosed and                       of conditions routinely tested for                     treatment. Encouraging results from
treated for NAFLD. Their diagnoses                     in this context. LAL-D, which can                      clinical trials12–14 of recombinant
were established only after liver                      be ruled out with a blood-based                        lysosomal acid lipase, now approved
biopsies, performed 1 or more                          enzyme analysis, has not, up to this                   for use in the United States, may
years into follow-up, demonstrated                     point, been part of this diagnostic                    portend a viable therapy for this
findings atypical for NAFLD. Both                      evaluation in most centers. This is                    group of patients. We conclude,
were consistent with predominantly                     in spite of clinical guidelines from                   given the accessibility of clinical
microvesicular steatosis, suggesting                   Europe9 and the United States10 that                   laboratory-based testing for LAL-
the possibility of a competing or                      endorse consideration of monogenic                     D, availability of potential curative
coexisting diagnosis. Indeed, we                       causes of steatosis and utilization                    treatments, and the data from
believe that these patients had                        of noninvasive testing initially in                    our report, there is a supportive
both NAFLD and LAL-D, the latter                       children, before they undergo liver                    rationale for testing for LAL-D among
coming to attention only after                         biopsy.                                                patients with suspected NAFLD who
additional studies were performed,                                                                            do not respond to routine lifestyle
                                                       It is now recognized that LAL-D                        interventions.
when clinically meaningful weight                      may be both underdiagnosed2
reduction failed to achieve expected                   and associated with significant
improvements of laboratory                             morbidity and mortality, even among                       ABBREVIATIONS
parameters. In case 2, the severity                    pediatric and adolescent patients.
of hepatic fibrosis at such an                                                                                   ALT: alanine aminotransferase
                                                       In a literature review, Bernstein
early age would not be expected                                                                                  AST: aspartate aminotransferase
                                                       et al3 identified 135 patients with
in NASH alone. Moreover, diffuse                                                                                 EM: electron microscopy
                                                       LAL-D presenting after infancy; 4
mitochondrial stress changes are                                                                                 GGT: γ-glutamyl transferase
                                                       of 8 liver-related deaths occurred
not a component of LAL-D, but are                                                                                Ig: immunoglobulin
                                                       in patients under 21 years of age
frequently observed in NASH. These                                                                               LAL-D: lysosomal acid lipase
                                                       and children aged 5 to 14 years old
phenotypically similar diseases are                                                                                      deficiency
                                                       accounted for all 9 liver transplants
not necessarily mutually exclusive.                                                                              LDL-c: low-density lipoprotein
                                                       reported. Burton et al11 presented
In a practical sense, the diagnostic                   a similar rate of pediatric liver
                                                                                                                 NAFLD: nonalcoholic fatty liver
evaluation of suspected NAFLD                          transplantation, 8.1%, among a group
should, at a minimum, address                          of 49 patients with LAL-D. On this
                                                                                                                 NASH: nonalcoholic steatohep-
conditions that are potentially                        background, there appears to be
life-threatening or those that are                     value in identifying individuals with

POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Dr Himes has served on an advisory board, speakers’ bureau, and been a site investigator for an epidemiology study on
lysosomal acid lipase deficiency, for Alexion Pharmaceuticals; Dr Barlow has served as site investigator for an observational database on lysosomal acid lipase
deficiency, for Alexion Pharmaceuticals; Dr Kohli has served on an advisory board and speakers’ bureau for Alexion Pharmaceuticals; and Drs Bove, Quintanilla,
and Sheridan have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 138, number 4, October 2016                                                                                                      e5
Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency Unmasked in Two Children With
                      Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  Ryan W. Himes, Sarah E. Barlow, Kevin Bove, Norma M. Quintanilla, Rachel
                          Sheridan and Rohit Kohli
                            Pediatrics 2016;138;
  DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-0214 originally published online September 13, 2016;

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Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency Unmasked in Two Children With
                     Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
 Ryan W. Himes, Sarah E. Barlow, Kevin Bove, Norma M. Quintanilla, Rachel
                         Sheridan and Rohit Kohli
                           Pediatrics 2016;138;
 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-0214 originally published online September 13, 2016;

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                       located on the World Wide Web at:

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