Ma azine - Are You Ready For The Future? Clutch for Perfect on! - Hammer Kupplungen

Page created by Glenn Hardy
Ma azine - Are You Ready For The Future? Clutch for Perfect on! - Hammer Kupplungen

Issue   1

                          m a g az i n e

        Are You Ready For The Future?
        Clutch for Perfection!
        TOGG - New Automobile of Turkey
        Change, Transformation and Technology
Ma azine - Are You Ready For The Future? Clutch for Perfect on! - Hammer Kupplungen
Hammer Clutch UK LTD                            Hammer Kupplungen GmbH
Unit 19 Maple Leaf Industrial Estate Bloxwich   Sanettastrasse 1, Tor 1 72469 Meßstetten
Lane Walsall West Midlands WS2 8TF              Phone: +49 7431 96 14 628
Phone : +44 01922 720910                        Fax: +49 7431 96 14 633
Fax: +44 0870 170 9766                             
Hammer Kupplungen Russian Federation            Dönmez Debriyaj A.O.S.B. 10039 Sk. No.2
195220,Санкт-Петербург , Улица Гжатская,        35620 Çiğli - İzmir
дом 22 корпус 4, Кв. 523                        Phone: +90 232 376 87 66
Phone: +7 931 589 07 47                         Fax: +90 323 376 89 99                        
Ma azine - Are You Ready For The Future? Clutch for Perfect on! - Hammer Kupplungen
                                                           General Manager

     Place of Management
 Dönmez Debriyaj San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
  Atatürk Organize Sanayi Bölgesi
    10039 Sk. No:2 Çiğli / İZMİR                New generation purchasing       4
       Tel: +90 232 376 87 66
      Faks: +90 232 376 89 99
                                       International Automotive Engineering
                                                          Conference 2019

           Hatice İVİT                                                          6
                                                 New Automobile of Turkey
         Ahmet COŞKUN                                          New Product

         Editorial Board
                                                             Solutrans 2019
        Nazmi KARAKAŞ
          Okan İNÖN
         Teoman ALTIN                             Export Trips: Kazakhstan /
           Ali ELMAS                                             Uzbekistan
      Muammer GÜVENCİ
          Ali BOZKURT
         Alim GÜRGEN
                                                    Export Trips: Brazil 2019   14
        Nurten CANAN
       Murat HAKTANIR
      Kutluhan ZEYTÜNLÜ
                                                   After Sales Support Team
      Mustafa Mert KUTLU
                                                                  in Kayseri!
        Serkan ÖZMEN
         Aslı BİLGİNER

                                                  Donmez Clutch in Kayseri
       Graphic Design by

            Samet ÖZ
                                                                NACV 2019
          Published by

        Metro Matbaacılık
   Yahya Kemal Beyatlı Caddesi
                                               2nd International Distributors
     No: 94 BEGOS 3. Bölge
       35400 Buca / İZMİR
       Tel: 0232 290 33 11
                                              Automechanika Istanbul 2020       27
       Fax: 0232 290 33 21

       Date of Publication           Change, Transformation and Technology
           MART 2020

                                           Internal Communication Meeting       29
        Cover photo by

            Samet ÖZ
                                                               HR in Figures

                                              Security Culture in Workplaces
Ma azine - Are You Ready For The Future? Clutch for Perfect on! - Hammer Kupplungen
                      DESIGNS, WHICH IS OUR R&D VISION.

                      Dear Hammer Kupplungen Friends,

                      Despite the contraction in the domestic     In addition to the spare parts market,
                      market and the global crisis, our           we have started to work with new main
                      exports, which increased significantly in   industries with the strength of our
                      the past year, have contributed greatly     quality level, technological and design
                      to the stable growth of our company         capability. We have started partnership
                      in recent years. While aiming for the       with Anadolu Isuzu and Otokar from
                      top with our Hammer Kupplungen and          Turkey, and this partnership will
                      Dönmez brands in the world markets,         continue by increasing. We have also
                      we continue to maintain the market          carried out great projects with the
                      leadership that we have achieved in         world giant vehicle manufacturer Iveco
                      our country in recent years.                from Italy.

 WE HELD OUR INTERNAL COMMUNICATION                               We are expecting record participation
                                                                  this year to our international distributors
 MEETING, WHICH IS A PART OF THE IMPORTANCE                       meeting that we shall organize before
 WE ATTACH TO OUR HUMAN RESOURCES, WITH                           the Automechanika Istanbul fair to
                                                                  be held in early April. I believe that
 THE PARTICIPATION OF ALL OUR STAFF ON THE                        this event will be of great benefit in
 FIRST WORKING DAY OF THE NEW YEAR. I BELIVE                      explaining our company vision and
                                                                  developments in our company to the
 THAT THE INFORMATION I GAVE ABOUT OUR                            world.
 COMPANY'S ACTIVITIES AND FUTURE PLANS                            Hope to be together on our journey
 WAS VERY USEFUL. IN THE SECOND PART OF                           that is always forward,

 THIS MEETING, WE REWARDED THE BEST WORKS                         Sincerely,


Ma azine - Are You Ready For The Future? Clutch for Perfect on! - Hammer Kupplungen
Hello,                                      every branding - marketing or digital
                                            marketing action is a waste of time,
We already finished 2019 and entered        if not in vain. Because that company
through the doors of a new decade.          will get sick after a while for the same
With all its reality, It can be said that
2019 showed us a preview for a              So, what are these three responsibilities
digitalization beyond our imaginations.     and what should we particularly do in
                                            the automotive industry?
Electric      vehicles,     autonomous
vehicles, artificial intelligence, big      • Department Transformation: It
data, roboticization, industry 4.0          is the departmentalization carried
and even the first air taxi, the first      out correctly that makes a company
unmanned technology store, birth of         a brand. Steps that are more
the first babies with modified genes to     concrete should be taken in terms
make them HIV immune, smart home            of departmentalization in 2020 in
assistant robots… None of these is          order to achieve branding which is                       Editor
the subjects of a science fiction movie;    the basic lack of SMEs accounting
they are today's facts!                     for 95% of Turkey's economy.                Büşra ÖVET HAKTANIR
                                            Emphasizing the importance of
Technological developments in the           department       transformation      in
first month of 2020 also tell us how        2020, Sağlam drew attention to the
intense this year's agenda will be.         subject as follows; “Department
Researchers from the University of          transformation enables the realization
Bremen and University of Ioannina           of     transparency,     responsibility
developed the vaccine, which has            awareness,      accountability    and
only been tested in mice for now and        internal communication within a
can treat 60% of all types of cancer.       company.”
In addition, immediately afterwards,
stem cells from frog at the level of        • Corporate Academy: In order to
embryos were combined with robots           keep pace with the transformation
designed with algorithms, and this          process I mentioned at the beginning
was the first in the world and the first    of the article and even to lead change
robots consisting entirely of living        in our field, our primary priority will
cells were designed! All of these were      be the sustainable construction of the
announced in January!                       educational processes. Companies
                                            with a lack of educational setup may
So, what should be the trends that          face with difficulties in meeting their
our companies, particularly those           expectations in 2020.
which maintain their existence in the
automotive supply industry, should          • Digital Branding: In the context of
follow in this intensive technological      this article, we can say that our last
agenda? Branding Turkey published           and most important responsibility
the article “Branding Trends 2020” for      is digital branding. We are in times
companies from all industries that seek     when offline and online marketing
the answer to this problem. According       are evaluated together or they
to the article on 2020 Trends in            definitely    intersect    somewhere.
Branding, companies have 3 main             Companies that cannot dominate
responsibilities in 2020. These are;        digital processes and do not plan a
                                            step further in digital branding under
• Department transformation                 these circumstances seem to be going
• Corporate Academy                         to take their place among those who
• Digital Branding                          cannot progress in accordance with
                                            the branding trends in 2020.
Mürsel Ferhat, owner and editor-in-
chief of Branding Turkey, who made a        • Those who want to read the full
statement on the issue said;                article can scan the QR code below!

“Brand consultancies, carried out in        Have a pleasant
a recitative style without analysis and     reading...
strategy, fail. However, it is necessary
to approach the issue from the most
basic point of view, in other words,
to eliminate the causes that lead
the firm to become ill. Otherwise,
Ma azine - Are You Ready For The Future? Clutch for Perfect on! - Hammer Kupplungen

                                         The difference between this new        are looking for ways to improve
                                         structure and the old structure is     costs without sacrificing quality.
                                         as follows: In the old structure,
                                         according to the orders opened         4. We work to integrate digitalization
                                         after supplier reviews and price       into all our processes and believe
                                         negotiations,     the     Purchasing   that instant report monitoring and
                                         department were carrying out all       alert systems will help us make our
                                         the domestic procurement, import       structure more proactive.
                                         and subcontracting processes.
                                         In the new structure; purchasing       The innovations we have targeted
                                         department continues to perform        as Purchasing in the coming years
                                         price negotiations with suppliers      are as follows:
                                         and find new suppliers, but is not
                                         involved in the shipment of orders     • To carry out studies for “Supplier
                                         to the factory. During the shipment    Preliminary Evaluation Form”,
                                         phase, our Planning and Logistics
                                         Department carries out the process     • To prepare a “Supplier Handbook”
                                         according to our ERP system over       in electronic and printed form to
                                         the suppliers and unit prices agreed   communicate with our suppliers
                                         by the Purchasing department.          faster and to provide information
                                                                                about the procedure of our

WE ARE                                   So, what do we do as Dönmez
                                         Clutch within the scope of Strategic
                                                                                Purchasing process,

READY FOR                                Purchasing?                            • To create a section for Purchasing

                                                                                on our website and to establish the
                                         Within the scope of Strategic          “Supplier Portal” on this page,

                                         Purchasing, we continue our
                                         activities in 4 steps and work to      • To move our tender system
PURCHASING!                              improve them continuously:             which we conduct through e-mail
                                                                                communications to the “E-Tender”
                                         1. Just as the Sales Department        environment and to expand the
                                         succeeds by communicating with         tender system to cover other
                                         its customers in the field, from       product groups and services
One of the idioms that we have           same point of view, we believe
heard for years about purchasing         that making field visits to our        As Hammer Kupplungen, it is very
and emphasizes the importance of         suppliers plays an important role in   important for us to establish a
this department for companies is         strengthening relations with them.     sustainable relationship with our
undoubtedly the expression “Money        From time to time, we make analysis    suppliers. We hope that we will
is earned when purchasing goods”.        by including our Quality and R&D       make good progress every year
A new structure was launched in          team in field visits, and carry out    with our valuable suppliers and
the Purchasing Department in             studies to improve each other with     expand our supplier network. We
July 2019 in order to improve the        our suppliers.                         wish you happy New Year.
Purchasing activities, which are also
important for Dönmez Clutch, and         2. We carry out price negotiations                               Aslı BİLGİNER
to provide better service to our         and contract management, which
suppliers / all stakeholders without     are indispensable for the purchasing
sacrificing quality. While the focus     Within the scope of price
of our previously logistic operations    negotiations, we manage a process
including Purchasing department          based on a win-win understanding
into total structure that performs       with our suppliers, taking into
strategic purchasing actions, logistic   consideration the conditions of the
operations have been separated           market and the data we have.
from Purchasing and started to be
carried out under the Planning and       3. We conduct market and material
Logistics Department.                    studies, price-material analysis
                                         and value analysis for alternative
                                         supplier and material research. We

Ma azine - Are You Ready For The Future? Clutch for Perfect on! - Hammer Kupplungen


Our R&D team attended the 4th IAEC
conference, which aims to convey the
steps to be taken in engineering issues in
the automotive industry, and the current
dynamics of engineering in the automotive
industry, with a technical perspective of
international expert opinions.

The main theme of “Electric Vehicle
Technologies and Its Future” was discussed
at the International Automotive Engineering
Conference - IAEC'19, which was organized
on November 7-8, 2019 by OIB, OSD,
OTEP, TAYSAD with the cooperation of
SAE. Within this context, “Global Electric
Vehicle     Outlook”,    “Li-Ion    Batteries:
Current Status and Recent Developments”,
“Electric Vehicles: Markets, Polıcies and
Emissions     (Light   Vehicles)”,   “Electric
Vehicle Technologies”, “Battery and Battery
Management Systems”, “Eelectric Vehicle
Charging Infrastructure and Grid”, “Electric
Vehicles and Its Impact on Auto Industry in
Turkey”, “Success Stories” and “Commercial
Vehicles in The Age of Electrification” were
the main topics that were discussed.


Ma azine - Are You Ready For The Future? Clutch for Perfect on! - Hammer Kupplungen

TOGG – Turkey’s                         autonomous
                                                                                  world, we fully support the domestic
                                                                                  automotive process.
Automotive!                             (sport utility vehicles) in 2022. New
                                                                                  We hope to see our new, domestic
                                        services, user experiences and
                                                                                  and national vehicles, that will be
                                        business models will be developed
                                                                                  launched and that are deserved by
Anadolu Group, BMC, Kök Group,          within the peripheral of our smart
                                                                                  a country like Turkey that has large
Turkcell, Zorlu and the Union           and connected vehicle ecosystem.
                                                                                  export volume and is ambitious in
of Chambers and Commodity               We will facilitate the creation of
                                                                                  industry, on the roads of the World.
Exchanges        of    Turkey(TOBB)     novel ideas and technologies with
combined their forces on June           our business partners and start-ups.’’
25, 2018 to establish (Turkey’s         These are the first sentences that        Nazmi KARAKAŞ
Automobile Joint Venture Group          welcome you when you visit TOGG's
Inc.-TOGG), in the pursuit of           website; our sentences on the
creating a brand that we will have      subject are as follows: This is a very
national intellectual property rights   exciting and very proud start!
and compete in the global arena.
                                        As a company that has been in the
We are starting this journey with       automotive spare parts industry for
native electric, connected and          many years and exports to the whole

Ma azine - Are You Ready For The Future? Clutch for Perfect on! - Hammer Kupplungen

Ma azine - Are You Ready For The Future? Clutch for Perfect on! - Hammer Kupplungen
          NEW PRODUCT

                                           AROCS - ACTROS - TOURISMO

                 430 mm Push Type Clutch Set
                Our work on the clutches for Mercedes Euro6 vehicles has been continuing intensely, and we are
                proud to announce to our valued customers the 430 mm push-type clutch set we have produced
                for semi-automatic vehicles.

                We think it would be useful to share information for all clutches used in these new Euro6
                Mercedes vehicles. Since the clutch sets of these vehicles are self-adjusting (X-tend), the clutch
                system should be changed as a set, otherwise the probability of problems will be very high.

                Please continue to follow us.

CODE       O.EM.NO          SACHS        VALEO   DIAMETER                                EXPLANATION

700 531   028 250 44 01   3400 700 531             430      ACTROS-AROCS OM471 Eng../G211-12 Gearb.    SET        ADJUSTABLE PRESS   PUSH
                                                                                                                  – DISK             TYPE

029 074   471 030 23 05   3421 601 074             430      ACTROS-AROCS OM471 Eng../G211-12 Gearb.    FLYWHEEL    WITH



                           Nazmi KARAKAŞ

        SOLUTRANS

 As Hammer Kupplungen, we took
 part in the international road and ur-
                                           SOLUTRANS received accreditation
                                           from the International Organization of
                                                                                       It is expected that the change and de-
                                                                                       velopment in the automotive industry
 ban transportation solutions fair SO-     Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, OICA.          will continue at an increasing pace in
 LUTRANS as an exhibitor for the first                                                 the near future, with the new technolo-
 time, which took place between 19-        In the age of digital and new techno-       gies developed by commercial vehicle
 23 November 2019, in Lyon, France.        logy, SOLUTRANS 2019 brought new            manufacturers and studies on vehicles
                                           industry trends together by bringing        operating with alternative energy sour-
 Solutrans is the only organization or-    together the new SOLUTRANS 4.0 fi-          ces.
 ganized in France that brings toget-      eld and players working on technolo-
 her all global stakeholders operating     gies applied to intralogistics and ICT      As Hammer Kupplungen , we took
 in the field of commercial vehicles.      for heavy vehicles and urban vehicles.      part in SOLUTRANS in 2019 in order
                                                                                       to follow the sectoral developments
 The biennial fair has become the          The fair also hosted a number of inno-      and increase our awareness in one of
 biggest meeting of electric heavy         vative start-up and R&D laboratories        our target markets, the French market;
 vehicles and urban vehicles in Euro-      from major industrial companies wor-        It has been very efficient in terms of es-
 pe, exceeding 50,000 visitors with        king on models for the use of unman-        tablishing new contacts, increasing our
 the increase in the number of visi-       ned aerial vehicles and robots in future    brand awareness and introducing our
 tors compared to the previous one         technological solutions and distributi-     new products.
 in 2017.                                  on models. The main topic highligh-
                                           ted at the fair was commercial freight
 With the participation of 900 exhibi-     and passenger transport systems and
 tors and the brands represented, a        the creation of tomorrow’s vehicles. In     Kutluhan ZEYTÜNLÜ
 47% increase in the number of exhi-       this context, it is clearly seen that the
 bitors has been achieved compared         subject of “environment”, which is one
 to 2017, 31% of the new exhibitors        of our main problems, has become the
 was their first participation. The fair   common focus of all stakeholders in
 hosted exhibitors from 23 foreign         the automotive industry.
 countries and visitors from 33 co-
 untries, furthering its international     Until 2025, major players in the auto-
 status, especially in the European        motive industry continue their work to
 and North African markets. As a con-      electrify commercial vehicles used pri-
 firmation of this worldwide success,      marily in the city.

                                          "Kyrgyzstan Autonomous Socialist
                                          Soviet Republic"; they later realized
                                          the mistake they had made and
                                          changed the name to the “Kazakhstan
                                          Soviet Socialist Republic”.

                                          Kazakhstan is a member of the United
                                          Nations, the European Security and
I would like to state that I am happy     Cooperation Agency, the Euro-
to write this article to be published     Atlantic Cooperation Council and
in the World of Hammer Magazine           Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
about Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan,          Kazakhstan is also involved in
which I traveled between October 28       regional integration movements; it
- November 8, 2019.                       is a member of the Commonwealth
                                          of Independent States, the Eurasian
Kazakhstan has a very important           Economic Community (EURASEC)
position in Central Asia, and is one      and the Central Asian Cooperation
of the seven independent Turkish          Organization (CACO).
state today (Others are Azerbaijan,
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,      The Republic of Kazakhstan, a
Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey and        parliamentary republic, has been
                                          governed by the governments led by
Turkmenistan). It is the ninth largest    Nursultan Nazarbayev since it gained     Kazakhstan, which gained political
country in the world with an area of      its independence from the Soviet         and      economic       stability  after
2,724,900 km² (equal to the surface       Union on December 16, 1991.              independence, has large oil, uranium,
area of Western Europe). Its neighbors                                             iron, gold and lead reserves.
are Russia in the north, Turkmenistan-    Nazarbayev was re-elected President      Kazakhstan is an important country
Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan in the          in January 1999 for seven years, after   due to its natural resources and lands.
south, and China in the east with         he took office in 1991. Nazarbayev       It is one of the few countries in the
which they have recently developed        was re-elected as the President in       world with mineral and raw material
their political and economic relations.   the last Presidential election held      deposits in terms of volume and
The roots of contemporary Cossacks        in December 2005. On August 30,          variety. Kazakhstan is the most uranium
go back to the Kazakh Khanate,            1995, the second Constitution of         exporting country in the world. The
which was established in 1400s.           the country after the independence,      amount of uranium extracted from
They lived under the Soviet regime        which extended the powers of the         the ground is greater than the sum of
until 1991, when they declared their      President, was adopted. According        the three countries that follow it. This
independence from 1920, when the          to this Constitution, the Republic of    amount corresponds to 7 times the
Russians took over their sovereignty.     Kazakhstan is a democratic, secular      production of Russia and 44 times the
The Soviet Union Administration           state of law.                            production of the USA.
first made an interesting mistake
and identified the region as the

Kazakhstan has a continental climate        have the maintenance of their vehicles     Uzbekistan declared its sovereignty
due to the large mountains that prevent     performed and the parts replaced in        on June 20, 1990 and independence
sea air from entering the interior areas.   Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is the second       on September 1, 1991. With
It has a wide temperature range from        country with the largest spare parts       the     referendum     held   on    29
-19 degrees in winter to +26 degrees        and heavy vehicle turnover potential in    December 1991, the declaration of
in summer. Although Kazakhstan is not       the region after Russia. In the country,   independence was approved. After
one of the most popular tourism                                                        gaining its independence, Uzbekistan
countries in the world, it has all                                                     established relations with developed
the possibilities to offer tourists                                                    countries especially in the economic
an exciting holiday to meet their                                                      field. Uzbekistan had the opportunity
expectations. It is stated that the                                                    to sell its rich underground resources
originality of Kazakhstan is eco-                                                      to foreign countries. Uzbekistan has
ethnic tours and in these tours,                                                       become one of the strongest states
travelers will learn the way of life                                                   in Central Asia shortly after gaining
by visiting the unusual locals'                                                        its independence thanks to its long-
settlements. In some settlements                                                       established state tradition and is
of Kazakhstan, the way of life has                                                     now competing with Kazakhstan
not changed for several hundred                                                        for the leadership of Central Asia.
years. It can be really exciting to                                                    Islam Kerimov was the president of
meet the traditions of the locals.                                                     the country from the independence
Eco tours cover the unique natural          we are known more and more every           date of the country until his death on
regions of the country. Today, hunting      day in the sector with our Hammer          September 2, 2016.
and fishing are officially permitted in     Kupplungen brand.
some areas. It should also be noted                                                    One of the important geographical
that the submontaneous regions of           Now let's talk about Uzbekistan,           features of this country is that
Kazakhstan are very popular among           located in the center of Central           Uzbekistan is one of the two countries,
climbers. Many interesting national         Asia. Its neighbors are Kazakhstan,        along with Liechtenstein, that it and
holidays are celebrated in Kazakhstan       Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan        its neighbors do not have a coast.
throughout the year. The most               and Turkmenistan; and its area is          With the Karakalpakistan Autonomous
interesting for tourists is the holiday     447,400 km2. The country ranks third       Republic founded in 1936, Uzbekistan
of Nauryz-meymary, which is the             among the CIS countries in terms           is divided into 13 regions. These
beginning of the New Year, according        of population size, after Russia and       regions are: Andijan, Bukhara,
to Star Almanac. Celebration begins         Ukraine, and the first among Central       Jizzakh, Qashqadaryo, Namangan,
on March 21 and takes 2-3 days.             Asian countries; there are 100 ethnic      Samarqand, Surxsondaryo, Sirderyo,
Open-air festive parades and music          groups in the country.                     Tashkent, Fergana, Xorazm and
concerts,       traditional    desserts,                                               Navoiy. Uzbekistan hosts important
interesting sports competitions                                                        historical cities such as Bukhara and
and numerous games - these                                                             Samarkand. These cities are the
are only a small part of all the                                                       cultural monuments where East and
entertainment on this important                                                        West have met for thousands of years.
official holiday.                                                                      When we assume the Silk Road as a
                                                                                       body, these points form the main body
The leading main vehicle brands                                                        of that body. The great commander
in the Kazakhstan market are                                                           in history, Emir Timur declared
KAMAZ, RENAULT, DAF, MAN,                                                              Samarkand as the capital. More than
VOLVO, ISUZU, IVECO and                                                                four thousand historical monuments
SCANIA. KAMAZ vehicle use,                                                             and sites throughout Uzbekistan are
which remains from Soviet habits                                                       protected by special policies, not only
and appears in Kazakhstan                                                              in Samarkand, Bukhara, but also in
state vehicles and local people's           The population is 80% Uzbeks, 3.8%         Tashkent, Hive, Hokand, Nemengan,
preferences, is gradually replaced by       Russians, 4.9% Tajiks, 3.6% Kazakhs,       and Qarshi (Nasaf).
VOLVO, DAF and other vehicles, in           2.2% Qaraqalpaqs and the rest is from
line with changing world dynamics.          other nations (Tatar, Kyrgyz, Turkmen,     Bukhara is located in Central Asia.
Due to the routes used in transit           Ukrainian, Azeri, Armenian, Belarusian,    Today, it is a historical city within the
passes to Russia and Uzbekistan and         Jewish, German, Korean etc.).              borders of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
cheap workmanship, drivers prefer to                                                   According to archaeological research,

the city of Bukhara is at least 2500        1,268 buses in 2010, 964 buses
years old. Muslims consider this city,      in 2011 and 1010 buses in 2012.
hosted by ma wara’un-nahr, very
valuable.                                   In the statement made by Uzbek
                                            Auto Industry (“Uzavtosanoat”)
The city of Bukhara has an important        Press     Department,    it    is
place in Turkish history as well. It is     reported that 245,700 cars
noted that Alp Er Tunga resided in this     were manufactured at the GM
city from time to time and his grave was    Uzbekistan factory in 2014 and
located here. According to legend,          that 55,000 were exported.
the Turkish presence in the region is       According to company data,
also very old. Bukhara has been under       the production volume of
the rule of Akhuns, Gokturks and            companies operating in the
Turgeshes for many years throughout         automotive industry increased
history. It is considered as one of the     by 11.1% in 2014 and reached
important cultural and civilization         8.9 trillion Soms. In 2014,
centers of the region.                      245,700 personal cars, 3,800
                                            “ISUZU” brand buses and
When       the    structure    of  the      trucks, 1200 MAN brand trucks
manufacturing industry is analyzed,         and 133,700 engine systems
it is seen that the most important          were produced by the factories
sector, which has the priority and is       within the company. Automotive
developing and attracts the attention       products     manufactured     in
of foreign investors, is the automotive     Uzbekistan are exported to CIS
industry. In the automotive sector of       countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan,
Uzbekistan, significant developments        Azerbaijan, Ukraine, as well as other
have been achieved in the country           countries such as Indonesia, Brazil,
with the joint venture established          Turkey and Korea. However, in 2014,
by Uzbek State Automotive Industry          personal car sales to Russia was
Inc.(Uzavtosanoat) and with the             37,695 units after a decrease by 38%
contribution of German Daimler-             compared to 2013.
Benz and Daewoo companies of
South Korea. Daimler-Benz Company           A factory was established by
produced 400 buses in 1995; these           German MAN Company in 2009 and
are the first Mercedes buses produced       commenced production in the same
in the country. A significant part of       year; the factory manufactured 772
this production was sold through            trucks in 2009, 832 trucks in 2010,
Asaka Bank, which was established by        839 trucks in 2011, 910 trucks in 2012,
Uzavtosanoat.                               1200 trucks in 2013 and 1200 trucks
                                            in 2014.
On the other hand, GM Company
invested in Tashkent for car engine         An investment was made for the
production and started production in        production of intracity and intercity
2010.                                       buses and midi-buses in the unused
                                            facilities of Tashkent Chkalov Aviation
In addition, Koç Holding, together          Production Factory, which was
with its Uzbek partner Uzautosozlash,       established by Uzbek State Auto
established the Samkoçauto factory          Industry Inc. and Mercedes Benz in
with a capital of 64 million dollars,       May 2010.
which produces commercial vehicles
and sales accessories in Samarkand.         As in Kazakhstan, our Dönmez and          in the spare parts sector is based on
                                            Hammer brands continue their              the fact that the products are made in
However, this partnership ended             development in the market thanks          Germany, Turkey and China.
and the factory started to produce          to our two customers. In this country
Japanese Isuzu brand commercial             where the perception of quality does      Mustafa Mert KUTLU
vehicles in 2007. This factory produced     not fit properly, the distinction made

                                         say that the potential in the country is     and numerous protected habitats. This

                                         real. Nevertheless, it is also necessary     unique environmental heritage makes
                                         to pay attention to political changes        Brazil one of the 17 megadiverse
                                         and corruption in the country.               countries. For this reason, Brazil
                                                                                      is always the subject of important
                                         Brazil, the largest country in Latin         global interests and debates about
The Brazilian economy has been           America, is the fifth largest in the world   deforestation   and   environmental
growing steadily since the 2013 crisis   in terms of surface area and the sixth       protection.
and is also called the "Giant of Latin   in terms of population. Brazil with its
America". As Hammer Kupplungen           capital, Brasilia, and its most populous     Brazil's current constitution, adopted
Clutch, we are proud of being in         city, São Paulo, is multicultural due        in 1988, describes it as a democratic
this big market for years with our       to mass migration lasting more than          federal republic. Due to its rich culture
export brand Hammer Kupplungen.          a century worldwide and embodies             and history, the country ranks thirteenth
In addition to the potential arising     different ethnic groups. Brazil, which       in the world in terms of the number of
from the size of its market, Brazil      has a coast to the Atlantic Ocean in         values included in the UNESCO World
is a key country in many respects.       the east, has a coastline of 7,491 km.       Heritage List.
The country has a major impact on        It has borders with all countries in
the continent's industry in terms        South America except Ecuador and             The complexity of the tax system in
of    technological     development,     Chile. Amazon River basin has a wide         Brazil should be specifically mentioned.
legislation and business culture. As a   range of natural resources, including        This issue is so complex and important
company that has been exporting to       a vast tropical forest, diversity of         for companies; because, on average,
Brazil for the past ten years, we can    wildlife, diverse ecological systems,        changes occur in regulations regarding
                                                                                      taxes, rates or social contributions

every three hours.

                                                                  Nevertheless, the risks in appearance

                     Brazilian Economy                            are mainly due to the decline in
                                                                  foreign demand and the delay
                     The Brazilian economy is considered          in reforms. Analysts forecast a
                     a developing economy. It has the             2.1% growth in 2020. The growth
                     ninth largest GDP in the world. It has       projected for 2021 is 2.5%.
                     been the largest coffee producer in
                     the world for the last 150 years. The        Brazilian Commercial Vehicles
                     population of coastal areas in Brazil        Industry:
                     is more than 200 million. Recent data
                     show that the economy is stagnant but        The commercial vehicle industry
                     on an upward trend.                          in Brazil is characterized by local
                     Data for September 2019 showed a
                     positive outcome in the third quarter        Ford in Bahia, Iveco and Mercedes-
                     in the domestic economy because of           Benz in Minas Gerais, DAF, VW and
                     the jump in both economic activity and       Volvo in Parana, MAN "VWCO" in
                     retail sales. In addition, data for the Q4   Rio de Janeiro, Sul and Mercedes-
                     of 2019 indicate a broad momentum,           Benz in São Paulo, Scania, Toyota
                     with the production PMI remaining            and VW.
                     in the expansion zone for the third          The new truck and bus domestic
                     consecutive month in October, and            market has increased by + 33%
                     increase in investments in November          annually in the past two years; the
                     2019.                                        number of vehicles expected to
                     Predictions for 2020                         be sold in 2019 has reached 103
                                                                  thousand.     Commercial    Vehicle
                     Growth has been achieved this year,          production is expected to increase
                     based on the recovery of confidence          by + 7.5%. In 2019, domestic
                     and the compromising monetary                production reached 115 thousand
                     policy. The renewed confidence tends         vehicles.
                     to turn to new business areas. In
                     addition, the government is constantly       The number of new commercial
                     taking measures to improve household         vehicles to be licensed in 2020 is
                     spending and allow workers to                expected to increase by 16.9%
                     benefit from the unemployment                and the production is expected
                     fund. Increase in employments make           to increase by 13.4%; however, a
                     the high consumption sustainable.            decrease of -22.7% is expected in
                                                                  the country's exports

                                                                                         weather conditions. Its climate
                                                                                         is typically a climate affected by
Hammer Kupplungen in                       São Paulo                                     monsoon. Summer temperatures are
Brazil                                                                                   between 17 and 28 degrees Celsius,
                                           São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil
                                                                                         and winter temperatures are between
Our company, which has been                and the seventh largest city in the
                                                                                         11 and 23 degrees Celsius.
exporting to Brazil for more than          world. This makes the city an important
ten years, has managed to become           destination for business and leisure          The places to visit in São Paulo can be
a wanted brand in the Brazilian            travelers who want to enjoy Brazil and        listed as follows;
market. Our goal is to always go           South America. It is especially rich in
one-step further and become                terms of historical, political and cultural
the first preferred and most sold          value and allows visitors to experience       • Paulista Boulevard
clutch systems manufacturer in our         the authentic and unforgettable               • Banespa(Altino Arastes) Building
distributors' portfolio. Competition       characteristics of a fascinating country.
in the clutch systems market in Brazil                                                   • Catedral da Sé
is quite fierce. For this reason, we are   Due to its historical heritage, São Paulo     • Edifício Copan
trying to do everything better than        is home to many sculptures, parks,
                                                                                         • Estação da Luz
our best, and organize technical           museums and galleries. These create
                                           the perfect environment to sightsee           • Ibirapuera Park
travel for our distributors minimum 3
times a year; thus we keep our finger      while enjoying the sights and sounds
on the pulse of the market.                of this destination.

                                           Located in Southeastern Brazil, São
                                           Paulo is known for its unpredictable                                   İgnasi CUNILLERA

In this issue of Hammer
Magazine we prepared
                                               from Ankara, 9.5 hours from Istanbul
                                               and 12 hours from Izmir.
                                                                                             a. Kayseri Castle

an article for you about                       Kayseri is one of our most accessible
                                               cities in terms of rail network. Kayseri is
Kayseri, the third largest city                one of the stops of the Eastern Express
of Central Anatolia Region.                    running between Istanbul and Kars,
                                               the Erzurum Express running between
Have a pleasant reading…                       Ankara and Erzurum, and the Van Lake
Kayseri is a city founded on the foothills     Express running between Ankara and
of Mount Erciyes and has hosted many           Tatvan. In addition, rail transportation
civilizations such as Rome, Byzantine,         between Kayseri and Adana is
Seljuk and Ottoman Empire in the past.         provided with Erciyes Express.
It is believed that the first settlement in    For those who prefer the airline travel,
Kayseri started in the Copper Age; the         Kayseri Airport, which offers both
historical Silk Road also passes through       domestic and international flights,
Kayseri. Kayseri, which is located in the      is located 5 km from the city. You            The Castle, which dates back to
Middle Kızılırmak section, is a rapidly        can directly fly to Kayseri in 1 hour         3rd Century BC, has 2 gates and
growing and developing city.                   15 minutes from Istanbul and 1.5              18 bastions; 1 door was opened in
                                               hours from Izmir. Travel to Kayseri by        the recent history. Contrary to the
The name of the city of Kayseri comes                                                        ordinary, Kayseri Castle was built on
from the name “Caesarea”, which was            plane from abroad is possible with a
                                               connecting flight from Istanbul.              a flat terrain, therefore, it is one of
given to the city during the Roman                                                           the rare examples. The castle, which
Empire. It is known that this name
came from the title of “Caesar”, which         Places to See                                 started to be restored in 2013, was re-
                                                                                             opened in 2019 and started to serve
was given to the Byzantine emperors.           Kayseri is one of Turkey's richest and        as a culture and art center. The castle,
This title was used as Kayser in the           most protected places in terms of             which has an area of 6 thousand
Ottoman period. Some sultans used              historical buildings. The fact that it is     square meters, includes educational
the title of Kayser-i Rum.                     located right in the middle of Anatolia       areas, a library, cafeterias, meeting
Kayseri, which is one of the leading           and therefore the trade routes pass           rooms      and    an    archaeological
cities in Turkey in terms of industrial        through there, made the city culturally       museum.
facilities, is in the first rank in            rich. There are important historical
furniture, food, metal goods, textile          buildings from the Seljuk period in the       b. Kayseri Clock Tower
and packaging production; it also              city.
has precious metals such as gold,              We recommend you to sightsee Kayseri
copper, lead, asbestos, zinc, iron and         on foot, if it is not a cold season. You
manganese. Standing out in agriculture         can choose one of the short and long
and animal husbandry, Kayseri                  tours prepared by Kayseri Metropolitan
welcomes thousands of tourists every           Municipality.
year with its rich historical monuments.
                                               1. Kayseri Republic Square
How to get there?
                                               When you stop at Cumhuriyet Square
It is possible to reach Kayseri by road,       in the heart of the city and look around,
rail and air.                                  you can see the historical legacies of        During the reign of Sultan Abdulhamit
You can use personal cars or intercity         the Byzantine, Seljuk, Ottoman and            II, an edict was issued to build a clock
buses to reach by road. It is 4 hours          Republican eras from the Castle that          tower and muvakkithane (places built
                                               dates back to Roman Period.                   next to the mosques and used by the

c. Kurşunlu Mosque                         3. Alaca Kumbet                               5. Kayseri High School
                                                                                         National Struggle Museum

                                           It is one of the symbols of the city. It is   Historical Kayseri High School, Kayseri's
                                           located in the middle of the road about       first modern educational structure, is
It is located between Kayseri Grand        300 meters from the Hunat Madrasah.
Bazaar and Hilton Kayseri. It is rumored                                                 an impressive stone-built building that
                                           According to the inscription, it was          was built in 1904 in accordance with
that it was one of the two mosques         built in 1280 by Amir Jamaladdin
built in Kayseri by Sinan the Architect.                                                 the Neoclassical architectural style of
                                           bin Muhammad. There is a pyramid-             the Abdulhamid period. Today, it is
Since Sinan the Architect was 97 years     shaped cone on the cupola
old at that time, there are doubts                                                       called as Kayseri High School National
                                                                                         Struggle Museum.
about this rumor. It is worth seeing       4. Gevher Nesibe Hatun
pen embroidery and ornaments.
                                           Madrash ve Şifahane                           Kayseri High School has an important
                                                                                         place in the history of the National
2. Hunat Hatun Mosque ve                                                                 Struggle. During the War of
Complex                                                                                  Independence, the National Assembly
                                                                                         moved to Kayseri for a while, since
                                                                                         Ankara had a risk of being occupied.
                                                                                         The historical building was used as
                                                                                         the National Assembly for a while in
                                                                                         this short period when it had the title
                                                                                         of “Second Capital”. 62 high school
                                                                                         senior students from Kayseri High
                                                                                         School participated in the Sakarya
                                           Gevher Nesibe Hatun Madrasah and              Pitched Battle as volunteers and all of
                                           Şifahane, located in Mimar Sinan              them were martyred at the front.
                                           Park, which is one of the first Turkish
                                           medical centers in Anatolia has an            High school is also the place where
                                           architecture with an open courtyard           Atatürk's picture that is identified with
                                           and four iwans. The madrasah is               the alphabet revolution was taken.
                                           used today as the Seljuk Civilization
                                           Museum. In the museum, the period             6. Kayseri Atatürk House
Built by Mahperi Hatun, wife of            from the beginning of the Turkish
Alaaddin Kaykhubat and mother of           history in Anatolia to the fall of the
                                           Seljuks is presented interactively using
Gıyaseddin Kaykhusraw, Hunat Hatun
                                           technology. Information about Seljuk
Complex has mosque, cupola, Turkish        architecture, art, science and clothes
bath and madrasah sections. The            is presented. The place, also called
complex, built in 1238, is one of the      as Double Madrasah, was the place
best examples of Seljuk architecture       where health seekers visited 800 years
with its stone carvings and majestic       ago. In the section about Şifahiye,
appearance. While the 800 year old         where mental patients are treated with
building had been about to collapse, it    water and music, information about the        It is one of the few classic Kayseri
was restored and brought to life by the    diseases and the treatment methods            houses that have survived. İmamzade
Regional Directorate of Foundations.       and instruments used in that period           Rasit Aga Mansion, built in the 19th
There are 22 workshops in which            is presented. The tomb of Gevher              century, was built of wooden material
                                           Nesibe is located in the madrasah.            and the exterior is covered with cut
Turkish-Islamic Arts are performed.
                                           Gevher Nesibe Sultan Fountain and             stones. The mansion is today used as
                                           Avgunlu Madrasah can be seen right            Atatürk House and Museum. Ataturk,
                                           next to it.                                   who came to Kayseri

on December 19, 1919 after the Sivas           with its magnificent view. Kayseri           It is said that there were about 200
Congress, stayed here. The museum              Erciyes is also one of the important         churches and monasteries in the
displays 41 works including Atatürk's          ski resorts of our country. Erciyes          valley in the years 850. There are still
photographs taken in the city and the          Ski Center, which has undergone a            some frescoes from the early years
declaration he published in Kayseri.           rapid change in the last 5 years with        of Christianity in some churches.
                                               a project of 275 million Euros, is           The source of authentic rag dolls of
7. Talas                                       advancing towards becoming a Mini            Cappadocia spread throughout the
                                               Davos with increasing number of ski          world is Soğanlı.
                                               tracks and mechanical facilities.
                                                                                            What to eat?
                                               9. Agirnas Underground cities
                                                                                            Kayseri, which has a rich culinary
                                                                                            culture, is a gourmet paradise with
                                                                                            its cuisine consisting mainly of bakery
                                                                                            and meat foods. Only with bacon
                                                                                            ravioli and we know this ancient
                                                                                            Anatolian city, creating a wonderful
                                                                                            gourmet kitchen with Turkey's tour
                                                                                            began to make his name as one of the
Talas is a place to see with its historical                                                 better destinations
streets, stone buildings, old houses,
mosques and churches. Talas, at the                                                         Featured flavors in Kayseri
foot of Mount Erciyes, is an important
settlement      that    still   preserves      As in Nevşehir, there are many               · Pastırma, (Bacon) is a food identical
its old cultural texture. Mazaks,              dwellings, churches and underground          to Kayseri. Be sure to eat the most
Cappadocians, Romans lived in Talas,           cities for protection purposes, dug          delicious pastrami of Kayseri, which
which dates back to 1500 BC. One of            around Kayseri. There are more than          is very windy due to its geographical
the European travelers who saw the             twenty underground cities in Kayseri.        location and quite ambitious in
mansions buried among vineyards,               Most of the rock and underground             fattening, here.
gardens and fruits mentioned Talas as          settlements in the region are in a
the "Versailles of Cappadocia".                beauty that can compete with other
                                               parts of Cappadocia in terms of
Talas, the trade center of Kayseri             architecture.
during the period when non-Muslims
lived, turned into a modest settlement         Ağırnas Underground City, located
that lost its commercial importance as         in Asagi Pinar, at the entrance of the
a result of the Armenians and Greeks           village of Ağırnas, has a history dating
leaving the city. Harman Mosque, Ali           back to the years before Christ. One
Saip Paşa Mosque, and the American             of the important places to visit in
College located in Upper Talas are             Kayseri. The exact length of Ağırnas
among the places to be seen. The               Underground City is unknown. There
Andronike Church, which was built              are even those who say that it extends       · Traditional Kayseri Manti (meat
in 1886, one of the most beautiful             to Cappadocia.                               pastry), is actually quite different from
buildings of Talas, was converted into                                                      the meat pastry we know, or rather
a mosque in 1925..                             10. Soganli Valley                           the pastry we know as Kayseri meat
                                                                                            pastry. One or two scoops of thick
8. Mount Erciyes                                                                            yogurt are added on the meat pastry,
                                                                                            which is made up of tiny grains such
                                                                                            as a juicy soup with tomato paste.

                                               It is worth seeing with its fairy chimneys
                                               and natural beauty. It was an escape
Erciyes Mountain, which is 3916                point for Christians in the 4th century
meters high, rising on the plain of the        and dozens of different churches were
savannah, is 25 kilometers away from           built here.                                  · Yağ Mantısı, (Fat meat pastry) It has
the city center and is very beautiful                                                       a very nice presentation in terms of its

shape. The dough, which is opened           · Hand Cut Kadayif, One of the special      Where to go?
in a larger size than traditional ravioli   desserts of Kayseri. Unlike the kadayif
and added baking soda, is cut square        we know, the dough, which is opened         · A place where you can find Çemen’s
by square and minced in the middle,         by hand and cut into thin strips, is        Gurme, Çemen’s Mutfak, Lunchbox
folded at the edges and combined            lined up on the tray and covered with       and Vanilin Chocolate local Kayseri
from the middle. And it turns out such      walnuts and baked until it turns golden     flavors and much more, which has
an elegant, flower-like shape. Then it      brown. Then, the syrup is poured on         started its activities in Kayseri and
is fried in oil and served with yogurt,     it. It is a delicious sherbet dessert and   located in the Mix Kayseri Life Center
mint and sesame seeds                       hand cut Kadayif is so light..              in the city center..
                                                                                        · Although the Hacı Steakhouse has
                                                                                        been operating for 2 years already
                                                                                        welcomes visitors from all over Turkey.
                                                                                        · Ünlü Kelleci, is an address that you
                                                                                        can choose only for pöç, which is one
                                                                                        of the most special tastes you can
                                                                                        taste in Kayseri.
                                                                                        · Sukru Ustanin Yeri is famous for
                                                                                        its tandoori kebab, dry casserole and
· Yağlama, a delicious meal consisting                                                  kadayif cooked on wood fire. If you
of minced meat sprinkled in layers                                                      stop by Şükrü Usta; Just say that you
between thinly rolled dough, like a                                                     are a guest in Kayseri and prepare a
medium-sized serving plate.!                                                            mixed plate.
                                                                                        · Elmacıoğlu İskender is a truly
                                                                                        admirable establishment that prepares
                                                                                        and brings many unique flavors of
                                                                                        Kayseri cuisine right before your eyes.
                                                                                        It is the address of many people for
                                                                                        crowded and long evening meals with
                                                                                        reasonable prices.
                                                                                        · In addition to these places, Kervansaray
                                                                                        Restaurant, located on the top floor of
                                                                                        Hilton Kayseri, which is the first 5 star
· Tepsi Mantısı, a crunchy cookie!                                                      hotel of Kayseri and part of Kayseri city
Because this scrumptious meat pastry                                                    skyline, offers exquisite flavors.
variety, which is made by laying the
mini tiny grains side by side in a
medium-sized tray, is suitable to be                                                                                 Serkan ÖZMEN
eaten by seed fences. The image
of the tray ravioli, which is served
by pouring yogurt on it, is beautiful
enough to enter your dreams at night.

· Nevzine, One of the most famous
desserts of Kayseri cuisine. A local
dessert, which is made at weddings,
holidays and important days, is served
to important guests as it is not done
very often.


                                         AK OTOMOTİV

                                        AKSU TIR SERVİSİ

1       2


                                       BAYKAN OTOMOTİV

3       4



5       6

                                          ÇELİK OTO


7       8

                                         DEMİRAL OTO
                                          TIR SERVİSİ


9       10




                             11                       12



                             13                       14



                             15                       16



                             17                       18


        OTO FINDIK

                             19                       20


                                                     OTO GÜLTEKİN

                                                      OTO VAROL

21                22

                                                        ÖZ OTO

                                                       PAN OTO

 23               24



 25               26

                                                      YILDIRIM OTO

                                                ZARALIOĞLU OSM OTOMOTİV

 27               28




   NACV 2019

  North American Commercial
      Vehicle Show 2019

We attended the fair held in Atlanta,
Georgia, USA between October 28-31,
2019 with our general manager Ahmet
Coşkun and our export manager Buğra
Tüzomay. We had a very successful
fair with the participation of Mehmet
Taşkın from Hammer Truck Parts, the
partner of our Hammer Kupplungen
brand in the United States. We aim to
make a lot of noise in the American
market with our brand Hammer
Kupplungen, which exports products
to 80 countries.

   NACV 2019

  North American Commercial
      Vehicle Show 2019



30-31 MARCH / 1 APRIL
Dear followers,

Last year, we realized the 1st
International Distributors Meeting
in Izmir with our export partners by
signing a new ground in the history
of Hammer Kupplungen.

We hope that we have an unforgettable
three days with our partners from all
over the world, on the first day of
the three-day organization we met
with our partners in Izmir, touring the
factory on the second day, and visited
the Şirince & Automotive Museum on
the last day. With this motivation, we
would like to announce that we are
very excited for our event that will
take place in a hotel in Kuşadası this
time between 29-30 March and 1
April 2020!

See you at the 2nd International
Distributors Conference in 2020!


                        AUTOMECHANIKA ISTANBUL 2020

                                                   YOU’RE INVITED!
                                                   HALL:2 C105
                                                         İstanbul 2020
                                                         Turkey's    Leading      International
                                                         Automotive      Industry    Exhibition

DEBRİ YAJ Sİ STEMLERİ                                    (typographical title)

                                                         Automechanika started to be
UYGUN Fİ YAT, OE KALİTESİ !                              organized in 1971; it is developing
                                                         every day to become the most
                                                         important meeting place in the
                                                         industry, trade, maintenance and
                                                         repair department, and it becomes
                                                         even more important for companies.

                                                         As Hammer Kupplungen we are
                                                         happy to meet you in Istanbul in 2020
                                                         as we do every year.

                                                         We are very happy to announce to
                                                         you, our readers that our stand area
                                                         has changed this year and that we
                                                         have moved to a larger area than in
                                                         the past!


                                                         See you on April 2-5, 2020!      +90 232 3768766
                                                         Hall: 2 / C105


Technology                               camera by blinking your left eye, or
                                         you can read the instant message from
                                                                                     The company, which was founded in
                                                                                     2015 and produced its first prototypes
                                         your friend without interrupting your       in 2017, wanted to develop the lens a
                                         activity or without interrupting the        little more by listening to the rapidly
                                         person you're talking to.                   changing      technological     trends.
As scenarios that each of us can                                                     With the advancement of wireless
realize in the future for many years,    It is stated that the images will be        technologies that provide fast data
We are experiencing a period when        much clearer and sharper than the           flow, increased battery efficiency
everything we see in movies and          previous models, thanks to the Micro-       and improved eye tracking sensors,
series is becoming a reality that we     LED screen inside the lens, which           the Mojo lens appears to be an eye-
accepted as scenerious for many          can be designed specifically for the        controllable smartphone.
years and that may be realized in the    person's eye structure. In addition,
future. We are already in an episode     more efficient energy use and higher        The lens can be saved to the phone
of the Jetsons cartoon. We can say       brightness will be possible with LED        in the form of a photo or video, it can
that it is not the day that we did not   technology.                                 be matched with the details of the
say it was done. What I am going to                                                  contacts in the phone book and can
                                         The battery of the lens is designed to be   be displayed as information instantly,
tell you now is to remind everyone's     located in the region that corresponds
minds about the scenes engraved in                                                   and navigation applications can be
                                         to the colored part of the eye, and in      displayed in three dimensions with the
our memories in the Matrix movie.        this area there will be a processor and
A technology company called Mojo                                                     information received from the phone.
                                         5 gigahertz radio transceivers. The
Vision announced that it has begun       company has designed, developed             For now, in the prototype model, it
to develop the first augmented           and manufactured all these parts from       is necessary to quickly look to the
reality contact lenses in the world!     scratch.                                    left to see the menu and the arrow
Mojo Vision is a technology company                                                  that appears to mark an option. The
                                         Prototype models can be tried by a          interface, which is used with the
with 84 people who previously            large number of people in 2020. In
worked for Google, Apple, Microsoft,                                                 development and updating of the
                                         addition, the material from which the       software over time, is expected to
Amazon, Motorola, Johnson &              lens is produced will allow the eye
Johnson, Philips Healthcare, and                                                     become much more practical and
                                         to continue to breathe so that it can       aesthetic.
Zeiss. Developing lenses that work       be used for longer hours without any
with augmented reality technology        discomfort compared to traditional          In addition to all these, it is expected
for almost five years, the company       lenses.                                     that these lenses will assist people with
has proven to the world that it is                                                   visual impairment just like hearing aids.
the most promising company in            The biggest goal of Mojo Visions is         Various alternative scenarios seem
this field by introducing the latest     that these lenses can be introduced         to be possible, such as increasing
model Mojo Lens. Mojo Vision,            and released according to their             or decreasing the ambient light,
which has invested $ 108 million so      purpose without being compared with         enlarging the text with digital zoom,
far, is trying to produce lenses that    other lenses. Despite this, they will be    or ensuring near-far clarity in more
make text and visuals appear on          removed from the sterile environment        advanced models.
real objects. Imagine you can see        in the morning, such as the lenses
the weather when you look at the         used for vision disorders, and will be      I think we're even back into the future!
weather and your heart rate or sugar     removed from the bedtime in the
level when you look at the space on      evening.
the home screen. Imagine that you                                                                          Büşra ÖVET HAKTANIR
can accessthe messages by blinking
your right eye, you can access the

The     second     of     our   internal
communication meeting, the first of
which took place in August 2019,
was held on 2 January 2020 at the
AOSB Atatürk Conference Hall with
the participation of all our employees.
The program, which started with the
opening speech of Human Resources
Manager Teoman Altın, continued
with the Occupational Health and
Safety training of OHS Specialist Alim
Gürgen, and Occupational Physician
Recep Yıldız, presentation of General
Manager Ahmet Coşkun and Kaizen
Award Ceremony.
In the Kaizen Awards ceremony,
presented by our Method Engineer
Nurten Canan, according to the 32
Kaizen suggestions given in the second
half of 2019 and the 1st place after the
evaluation, certificates and awards
were given to our employees. Kaizen
suggestions have been completed in
the categories of exhibitors with our
Chairman Hasan Dönmez and Board
Members Ayşe Pakkan and Mukaddes
Yağcı, Production Efficiency, Material
Improvement, OHS / Ergonomics,
SMED / Set Up, Quality Improvement.
Our General Manager Ahmet Coşkun
and Department Managers presented
the participant awards of the project.
We thanked the Kaizen participants
of Production Manager Abdullah
Esmeroğlu and all the departments of
the company, and celebrated the new
year together with all our employees,
with the cake we cut with the
participation of our General Manager
and Board Members to say ' Hello to
the year 2020'.


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