Magazines and the printers that are making it 16 - litho landa web paper - Print Business

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Magazines and the printers that are making it 16 - litho landa web paper - Print Business
the magazine for forward thinking printing
OctOber 2013



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                            and the printers that are making it 16

Magazines and the printers that are making it 16 - litho landa web paper - Print Business
The rules have changed.
   What worked in the
 past no longer applies.
  The question is: what
   makes a successful
  print business today?
FORWARD THINKING PRINTING is a day-long forum to               Premium Sponsor
equip leaders of print businesses with the ideas and
answers to questions about how to lead their companies
into a secure, prosperous future. Six expert panels
discuss the key issues that all printers face. There are so
many options, so many opportunities, so little time to
make the right choice. FORWARD THINKING PRINTING is
the way to learn from those who have made these choices
for their businesses. Litho, digital, large format, finance,
whatever you need to know. Just ask.
How much of my time will this take? Just one day, on
31 October 2013 at Stationers’ Hall in central London.
How much is it going to cost me? £120 ex vat including
lunch, with discounts for multiple tickets.
How do I get more information? Call 01580 236456 or
email or scan the QR code
Magazines and the printers that are making it 16 - litho landa web paper - Print Business
over the coming years. Publishers want to understand the digital
channels, whether mobile or web, because they believe there are
substantial opportunities for them out there, if only they could get the
model right: is it subscriptions or ad sales, short pithy stories of intricate
story telling involving video and sound?
   This means that their resources, profits earned through print, are
directed away from the paper based product. We think that this is foolish
and that an equal if not greater amount of resource should be directed to
the printed formats, the paper used, printed effects and so on. When a
magazine is right, there is still no better of engaging with readers and no
better place for advertising. Too little effort is spent trying to get this
   Some printers have worked and are working hand in hand with
publishers to help them cope with the new reality, that digital will exist
alongside litho, that interaction between the two can enhance the
experience of both. These are the leaders in the magazine sector and there
                                                                                                                    OCTOBER 2013
are lessons for all printers faced with clients who have supped deeply at the                                       NEWS Berforts BT&D may
well that says digital will inevitably supplant print.                                                              need to move from Frome;
   We promote such Forward Thinking Printing. It’s part of what we are                                              Bobst joins up with Kodak 4
and what we do. So it also the impetus to staging a one day event in
                                                                                                                    I&I Binder goes to Bible
London to bring the real life experiences of leading print companies to a
                                                                                                                    printer; Chili delivery is hot;
live audience. The day will cover the subjects that every printer needs to
                                                                                                                    Healeys opts for Dash 8
understand and that perhaps few currently do: web to print, automation,
standards, the place for large format printing and so on. It’s not an                                               NANOGRAPHY Landa is later
exhibtion, it’s not a conference as such, but it will provide ideas to take                                         than hoped, but improving
away, to implement and to help improve the business prospects of all types                                          all the time 14
of print company.
   When it comes to the challenge of digital competition to print, it is not                                        COVER STORY Magazine print
just a challenge for magazine printers. It is a challenge that all companies                                        regains confidence 16
face. Waiting is not an option, making the right choice is essential. And the                                       WORKFLOW New Rips and
best choices are made by the best informed.                                                                         workflows to meet digital
                                                                                                                    needs 24

EDITORIAL GARETH  WARD 01580 236456 • 07866 470124

                          PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTION
           DEBBIE WARD 01580 236456 • 07711 696190
Published by Print Business Media Ltd. 3 Zion Cottages, Ranters Lane, Goudhurst, Kent TN17 1HR. © Copyright Print Business Media Ltd 2013. All rights reserved. Apply for T&Cs.
Magazines and the printers that are making it 16 - litho landa web paper - Print Business

Berforts BT&D granted last minute
extension to expiring factory lease
Berforts Bt&D has been                and light industrial units on the                                          and Eynsham. The combined
granted a 12-month extension          site, but no printing works.                                               turnover is put at more than £25
to the lease on its vast factory in      It modified the application in                                          million.
Frome, only weeks before the          February to include demolition                                                The coming year will be spent
lease was due to expire at the end    of the factory, studio and social                                          seeking a settlement which will
of September.                         club and to erect 150 homes                                                almost certainly result in the
   The landlord, London &             on the site. Frome council                                                 print business leaving the site,
County (Frome), had warned            opposed the plans, wanting to                                              but not it is hoped, Frome.
the company more than a year          see the book printer, the town’s                                              The company has been on the
ago that the issue needed to          largest employer, remain on the                                            Caxton Road site for more than
be resolved and in November           site.                                                                      30 years in a factory which is far
last year submitted a planning           But at a meeting with Mendip                                            in excess of what is needed for
application for housing, offices      Council the objections were                                                the volumes of books produced
                                                                              Berforts BT&D was the
                                      withdrawn and outline planning                                             on today’s equipment.
                                                                              result of a merger Felix
                                      permission was granted. As                                                    London & County (Frome)
                                                                              Dennis rescued in 2008 and

                                      part of this the print business,                                           became owner of the site when
                                      now Berforts Butler Tanner &                                               a previous financial crisis in
                                      Dennis following the creation of                                           2006 led to the sale and lease-
                                      a new business in July, has been       result of a merger between          back agreement on the site. But
                                      given the extension to its lease to    the business Felix Dennis had       it was not enough to stave off
 “At the Paper
                                      allow it to remain in situ, at least   rescued in 2008 and Berforts,       its acquisition by MPI, fall in
 Industry Charitable                  for the immediate future.              led by Gerald White and with        insolvency and rescue by locally
 Trust Sporting                          The new business was the            factories in Stevenage, Hastings    based publisher Felix Dennis.

 Luncheon on the
 15th March 2013,
 I made comments
                                      Two sides condemns think tank
 in my address to                     two sIDes has attacked                                                     Two Sides, the report appears
 the audience that                    a think tank report calling for                                            to ignore the clear choice that
                                      further use of digital technol-                                            consumers express for paper
 I now recognise                      ogy and communication by                                                   based media for many types of
 were understood                      government.                                                                documentation and the needs
 by many to mean                         While there is little remark-                                           of millions of citizens without
                                      able in the ‘Smarter, Better,                                              digital access,” the organisation
 that Paperlinx is                    Faster, Stronger’ report                                                   says.
 insolvent, cannot                    produced by the Policy                                                        On the contrary the report
                                      Exchange think tank, it does                                               deals with this issue, first saying
 pay its debts and
                                      call for the elimination of paper                                          that as the non enfranchised die
 is a credit risk. I                  based communication between             Martyn eustace is the              off, the problem will become
                                      government departments.                 director of Two sides.             less, that charities and commer-
 retract my comments
                                         The result of adopting the                                              cial entities could help those
 in their entirety                    recommendations would be               more than 100 tonnes of paper a     unable to use the internet to do
 and I apologise to                   “significant savings in terms          day as the arrival of two articu-   so and thirdly it recommends
                                      of time, paper, money and              lated trucks filled with letters    some kinds of incentive to
 Paperlinx for any
                                      carbon”. It is not claiming that       and paperwork might suggest.        encourage digital adoption.
 embarrassment                        digital is good, paper is bad.         Nor does a claim that the Crown        However, Policy Exchange,
 caused”.                             Indeed, the report acknowl-            Prosecution Service prints out      while swallowing the statistics
                                      edges that paper is comfortable        1 million sheets of paper a day,    about smart phone growth and
  Jeremy Martin                       to read and easy to annotate.          that is it uses 1,000 tonnes of     tablet use, ignores the lamen-
 President of the                        It uses some far fetched            paper a day which would be          table broadband and wireless
                                      examples to state its case. The        good news for paper suppliers if    coverage in many parts of the
 Paper Industry
                                      DVLA in Swansea has one of             entirely accurate.                  country which must hobble its
 Charitable trust.                    the biggest government print              Two Sides has condemned          belief that happy citizens will
                                      works, but scarcely converts           the report. “In the opinion of      be digital citizens.

4   October 2013                        Get the latest news every Monday morning:
Magazines and the printers that are making it 16 - litho landa web paper - Print Business
Magazines and the printers that are making it 16 - litho landa web paper - Print Business

Bobst and Kodak announce plans
for digital packaging press
BoBst and KodaK have                cations”. The latter area would         Jean-Pascal Bobst, ceo of the      and productivity for industrial
gone public on plans to produce     be easiest to implement and          Bobst Group says: “Flexibility,       packaging.”
digital presses for packaging       has already attracted the atten-     time to market and improved              Kodak ceo Antonio Perez
applications using Kodak’s          tion of Fuji through its work        total cost of ownership are           adds: “Our agreement with
Prosper heads. Bobst first indi-    with Inca and from HP. Both          increasingly important to our         Bobst is a great example of
cated that it was planning to       have launched inkjet presses         customers. Our companies are          how the new Kodak wants to
provide digital presses at Drupa,   for corrugated applications this     working together on innova-           do business, leveraging our
but confirmation that it was        year.                                tive industrial solutions that        technologies through collabo-
working with Kodak has had to          Kodak has not yet produced        will offer our customers unique       ration and synergistic product
wait until the company success-     a Prosper head or array to print     opportunities to expand their         development for the benefit
fully emerged from Chapter 11.      across the width of a corrugated     businesses. We are looking            of customers, partners and for
   Details about the projects the   case in a single pass. This is far   forward to completion of devel-       Kodak.”
two are working on and their        from impossible, however. A          opment work and rigorous                 Packaging is largely untapped
status will be announced next       flexible packaging application is    testing, and ultimately to the        territory for digital printing and
year.                               less likely as Prosper uses water    announcement of innovations           as well as the flat bed inkjet
   In a joint statement, the        based inks which will give rise to   to our customers.”                    machines, HP has versions of
explanation was that the work       drying issues. In folding carton,       The Bobst way is to talk about     its Indigo B2 press to attack the
was “in response to increas-        any personalisation is more          products “only when they are          sector, Canon has delivered its
ing demand for new solutions        likely to be produced on press       really working in an industrial       first Océ Infinistream to a beta
addressing flexible, folding        than in the platen or folder gluer   way,” a spokesman explains.           site and packaging is a large part
cartons and corrugated appli-       that Bobst makes.                    “They must have the speed             of Landa’s plans.

Duplo names fifth London Calling venue
duplo’s fifth London                only a provider of short run         with centralised buying poli-         Calling, but there is a theme for
Calling event will take place at    equipment for smaller digital        cies. It is aiming to attract 20-30   the two day event, 5Is. These
Somerset House on The Strand        printers, UK managing direc-         of the largest printers in the        are innovation in applications,
at the end of November. It          tor Peter Jolly says it is moving    country to the London Calling         inspirational ideas, intelli-
will once again try to put into     up market with more robust           event. Jolly himself started the      gent finishing and integration
context the company’s finishing     machinery which will appeal to       ball rolling when representing        at an iconic venue, market-
equipment by linking to web         larger printers, especially with     the East Anglia region, he sold       ing manager Sarah Crumpler
ordering, digital printing and      a requirement to finish digitally    a System 5000 bookletmaker to         explains. Duplo has taken a
production of different final       printed sheets.                      Anton Group in Basildon.              first floor exhibition space at
products.                              The company appointed a              The company has yet to             Somerset House overlooking
  But where Duplo may previ-        national accounts manager this       announce the partners that will       the courtyard which is a seasonal
ously have been considered          year to better target print groups   be working with it on London          home to an ice rink.

wim Maes returns to Xeikon after acquisition completion
Wim maes is returning               outstanding shares at the same          Maes comments: “I’m                and ThermoFlexx platemaking
as CEO of Xeikon following          €5.85 that Bencis paid Punch         pleased to once again lead            solutions. With the acquisition
completion of its acquisition by    International                        Xeikon and increase the level         in place, Xeikon is in perfect
private equity investors Bencis        Maes stepped down as CEO          of innovation we started a few        shape to grow and offer solu-
Capital Partners and Gimv-XL.       at the end of last year, though      years ago. Xeikon became a            tions that meet our customers
The former is now the largest       remained an advisor to the           leader in digital dry toner-based     needs – today and in the
shareholder in the Belgian          company, Frank Deschuytere           label and package production;         future.”
digital printing and platesetter    who had led the company has          built on the Xeikon 8000 Series          Progress on Trillium, its high
company.                            now departed. The appoint-           to successfully launch the            speed high quality high viscosity
  It currently holds around         ment of Maes will be confirmed       innovative Trillium technol-          liquid toner press, has reached
two-thirds of the issued shares.    at an EGM in November, though        ogy and extended the product          the point where Xeikon has put
The company has immedi-             begins his official duties today     portfolio with prepress offer-        the machine through its paces
ately proposed a buy back of        (September 23).                      ings including BasysPrint CTP         for potential beta customers.

6   October 2013                         Get the latest news every Monday morning:
Magazines and the printers that are making it 16 - litho landa web paper - Print Business
Magazines and the printers that are making it 16 - litho landa web paper - Print Business
& Investments

Benford Uv has landmark Dual Uv
installation at somerset Graphics
UK specialist Benford                   “We saw Komori’s H-UV              new ink with all the disruption       fridge) when not in operation.
UV has supplied a dual UV            when it came to market a couple       that might cause.”                    Start up is 30 seconds. And
system to Somerset Graphics          of years ago as well as the LED          The answer was a Dual              because there is no additional
in Ontario, Canada, the first        systems which were not at the         system, allowing a customer to        heat generated, customers are
time the company has fitted its      time powerful enough to be            move from a four lamp conven-         able to print on a greater range
Dual UV technology to a new          of use. We saw there was an           tional UV set up to a single-lamp     of materials, including plastics.
installation.                        opportunity and ran tests at a        Eco UV when the time is right            For Somerset Graphics the
   The systems offers users a        customer which had our UV             to make the switch. This is now       appeal is being able to print on
best of both worlds approach,        system, but with an ink from          a standard part of the Benford        uncoated papers with the same
allowing the company to run its      Arets and using half a lamp           UV system. While it would be          colour impact as on coated
new Komori LSX 629+C with            instead of four lamps. It was         possible to switch from one into      stocks. It also runs an interdeck
standard UV inks or with the         exactly the same result, but with     the other and back again, this is     system, allowing it to print a
higher sensitivity UV inks that      much less power required.             unlikely except for exceptional       white and dry this before print-
are a match for single-lamp UV          “As a result we started to offer   jobs.                                 ing process colours. A 12kW
systems.                             Eco UV as a single lamp system,          The power savings from             lamp is used to cure the white,
   Managing director Marc            but customers we were dealing         running a single-lamp system          though power used is just 2kW
Boden says that the company          with were reluctant to commit         can be significant, Boden points      says Boden. Another lamp is
has had significant success with     to it. There were happy with the      out. The Eco UV system on a           fitted in the delivery.
the twin approach as companies       existing UV set up and to carry       B1 KBA was drawing 28 amps               Benford is better known for
are unsure whether to commit         on as they were despite the huge      at 10,000 sph with just 2.6           retro fit systems, both conven-
to single-lamp systems and are       power savings because they            amps (equivalent to the power         tional UV and now the Dual UV
looking for a fall back.             would have had to introduce a         consumption of a domestic             approach.

Kohmann develops PrintChecker for offline inspection
Kohmann, known as a                                                                                              measure from 5.6 metres to 6.8
producer of window patching,                                                                                     metres depending on the deliv-
pick and place and folder gluers,                                                                                ery options chosen.
has developed an offline inspec-                                                                                    UK agent is Friedheim Inter-
tion machine for checking the                                                                                    national which expects interest
quality of printed cartons, and       PrintChecker feeds flat blanks under a camera system.                      from carton printers and from
other media that might need a                                                                                    digital printers, especially
visual inspection before delivery    hickeys and so on, will be            checking quality at 170dpi will       involved in braille, inkjet and
to the client.                       ejected.                              operate at 230m per min while a       digital labelling applications.
   The Kohmann PrintChecker             This level of quality              4K system will monitor quality           Fr i e d h e i m  has     also
feeds flat blanks along a vacuum     inspection is required in phar-       at 340dpi, but at 120m per min.       announced that the Palamides
belt under a camera system           maceutical, cosmetic and                 Because there are upper belts      banding systems can now cope
which checks the printed result      tobacco packaging as well as          to hold the blanks in position,       with smaller products than
with an approved master file.        for high quality food and drink       the camera will scan the entire       previously. The new automatic
Any blanks that fall short of        packaging.                            image, amounting to an area           delivery system can handle small
the required quality, through           There are options on the           450mm across. A side register         booklets and folded box inserts
poor foiling, loss of detail in      inspection level which affects the    alignment section is an option.       down to 60x65mm in multiple-
type areas, variations in colour,    processing speed. A 2K camera         The PrintChecker 450 will             up production.

JR Press installs Polar guillotine to feed its two Ryobi presses
specialist small format                The ease of program-                 “Given that we wanted a              Ryobi’s, Xerox digital press
packaging printer JR Press has       ming and operation swung the           premium product, we believe          and range of inhouse finishing
installed a new Polar guillotine     decision towards the Heidel-           this offers fair value for money.”   options. As well as premium
to both cut boards down to a size    berg-supplied guillotine says            The machine is installed           packaging, the company
suitable for its two Ryobi presses   owner Geoff Fone. “Price               in new premises in Daventry          produces general commercial
and to cut finished work.            came in after that,” he explains.      where the company has the            print.

8   October 2013                      Get the latest news every monday morning:
Magazines and the printers that are making it 16 - litho landa web paper - Print Business
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Magazines and the printers that are making it 16 - litho landa web paper - Print Business
& Investments

Healeys chooses optimus Dash as
part of £1.25m investment
H e a l e ys P r i n t e r s ,                                                                              ROI.” Dash is a non traditional
Ipswich, has taken delivery of                                                                              MIS based around defined prod-
an Optimus Dash MIS and will                                                                                ucts and automating estimate
spend until the new year inte-                                                                              generation.
grating it into the production                                                                                 It will also run on iPads for
workflow and replacing the                                                                                  remote quotation generation.
incumbent MIS.                                                                                              “It will speed up their esti-
   The investment takes the                                                                                 mating, will generate job bags
company’s spending this year                                                                                automatically and accelerate
to £1.25 million following                                                                                  invoicing,” he adds.
installation of a five-colour                                                                                  The installation will also
Speedmaster XL75.5L earlier                                                                                 involve integration with
this year. Further investment                                                                               Healeys’ Vpress web to print
is earmarked before the end of                                                                              system. After a slow start this is
                                   Healeys’ managing director Philip Dodd says the Dash
the year, says managing director   decision followed the installation of the XL75.5L.                       starting to pick up, says Dodd.
Philip Dodd, without further                                                                                   “We are building and deploy-
explanation.                                                                                                ing sites for customers and we
   The decision on a new MIS       needed,” he says. “The eventual     work and what better way than        are planning to revamp our web
involved a lengthy investiga-      decision was actually surpris-      to turn around estimates in          site within the next three or four
tion, eventually coming down to    ingly easy as Optimus was the       super quick time?”                   months to have an online print
a choice between two suppliers.    clear winner.”                         Optimus sales director Steve      shop where customers can buy
“Optimus made it very clear that      The immediate impact will        Richardson adds that “Dash can       digital and litho products. The
they wanted to do business with    come from the speed of gener-       cope with Healys’ digital and        transition into a different type
us, producing a 54pp report        ating an estimate to quote for a    other work and fits with the lean    of printer is gathering pace at
after someone had been here        job. Sales and marketing direc-     philosophy they have adopted.        the moment,” Dodd explains.
to spend time on site to gather    tor Kelly Harris adds: “Buyers      It’s going to bring significant         After a sluggish summer,
data about our operation. They     shouldn’t have to wait for a        improvement to the way that          Dodd reports that the company
then sent someone down for two     price. We want to demonstrate       Healeys does business. And           is operating flat out during
days to build the templates we     to our clients that we want their   will lead to a very demonstrable     September.

Precision takes on another Renz Inline 500 unit
Precision Printing will                                                                                     respond when we do get a break-
install a second Renz Inline 500                                                                            down and they have been here to
wire bound book and calendar                                                                                do health checks and provide an
production unit to cope with                                                                                onsite store of parts as we start
peak season demand in the run                                                                               into the busy season. It has been
up to Christmas.                                                                                            this speed of response that has
   The investment comes just                                                                                won them the new business.”
two years after the first of the                                                                               The year has already been one
Renz machines was installed        the second Renz Inline 500 will face the first.                          of further growth for Precision
at the Barking factory. It has                                                                              with installation of one of the
proved a great success, says       expecting to reach this volume         The installation will require     first Indigo 10000s in the UK.
production director Andy Skar-     immediately, there are other        some reorganisation. The first       This has increased the volume
pelis, hence the decision to       reasons driving the investment      machine is being shifted so that     of digital work the company can
return for a second machine.       in a second machine. “We are        the second can be positioned         produce and has again shifted
The requirement comes as           anticipating growth in wire         facing it. This will allow the two   the dynamic between digital and
Precision continues to build       bound products,” he says, “ but     lines to be operated by three        litho productions.
volume in photo products,          also the SLAs we have agreed to     people, maintaining lean manu-          Further investment is
particularly photobooks and        have come down so that we have      facturing principles.                already earmarked for the
personalised calendars.            just 24 hours to produce from          Experience with the first         bindery with an automated
   The Inline 500 is capable of    order received. I was asked ‘can    Renz has been excellent, says        Horizon folder due to be deliv-
producing 30,000 calendars a       we do this?’ and said that we       Skarpelis. “The Renz service         ered from IFS in the next few
day and while Skarpelis is not     would need another machine.”        department has been fast to          weeks, he explains.

10   October 2013                  Get the latest news every monday morning:
                                                                                                                         & Investments

Chili Publisher Previews v4 fOr
DeCember launCh Of wOrkflOw
Three years after coming to         same elements. In a poster this       browser window will increase           example, a user would set up a
market with the first flavour of    might switch text from above          the appeal to packaging design-        conventional flat plan and popu-
Chili Publisher, the company has    to below an image, depending          ers, and interfaces to Esko at the     late it with styles and content
previewed Version 4 to an appre-    on which delivers the greater         output side, will do the same for      from spreads, changing the posi-
ciative audience of distributors,   impact.                               converters.                            tion and size of text and image
customers and prospects in a           At output V4 will export an           Now the company is now              boxes according to predefined
former warehouse somewhere          HTML5 compliant document              looking towards sign and display       rules. The cover will also adjust
on the edge of Brussels.            and can also output in an ePub        as so far untapped market where        according to the width of the
   The formal release comes in      format for digital viewing, either    the ability to edit content for        spine, leading to the reposition-
December but what could be          on a tablet or as content rich        customised signage and large           ing of elements on the cover
demonstrated was enough to          email.                                format print opens web to print        page to cope with the extra width
whet the appetite for a product        Where previous versions have       to these providers.                    of the spine. The aim with Chili
which should be considered          been based on Flash, which               Such technology is not              Publisher is to cover all the bases.
alongside XMPie, DirectSmile        was great for speed and font          installed overnight, so there are         There are no plans to offer
and Pageflex, if not in advance     handling because it is an Adobe       relatively few uses at present, the    a ‘lite’ version at an entry level
of them. Certainly being the        product, the new version also         developer is not saying exactly        price (currently think in terms
freshest on the stall helps in      offers HTML5 in a move which          how many. Nor is UK agent              of €35,000 for a server licence).
terms of use of latest platform     will allow access to the applica-     Workflowz, which between               Neither are there plans to extend
technologies. Chili Publisher       tion via the iPad. Both formats       sales in the UK and Australia,         Chili Publisher into a full work-
will remain an editing tool so      will be offered in Version 4, but     is responsible for 18% of the          flow solution. There are enough
will never acquire the campaign     the future clearly lies away from     user base. Dominion Print in           out there to have no need to rein-
management functions that           Flash. The company is actually        Australia became a customer            vent the wheel it seems. Chili
others offer. It can however be     going further, transcribing what      earlier this year and in the UK,       Publish also has OEM agree-
integrated into a cross media       amounts to 700,000 lines of           ESP has the application for its        ments with Esko and Agfa to use
workflow as dealers like Work-      code into the DotNet environ-         Colour Hub. Others, says Alan          the technology in their browser
flowz have demonstrated.            ment, from where it is a short        Dixon, signed up earlier under         based editing applications.
   New features in V4 include a     step to HTML5 or any future           NDA terms so remain anony-                The APIs are published which
preflight function to show what     platform that comes along to          mous. Tharstern MIS sells a            enables a developer to plug the
a final document might look like    replace it. The company is            version of the software and the        software into other workflow
once converted into the Chili       currently midway through what         close link to Tharstern was part       applications, as Workflowz
Publisher document. This is not     it describes as a two-year project,   of the appeal to Dominion.             has done with Tharstern and
a production level preflight, but   but is able to demonstrate some          Many of the 120 sites world-        Metrix for example. It can also
to ensure that when OTF files       functionality at least on the iPad.   wide, however, are in Benelux          be configured to scrape content
from Google Docs or OpenOf-         In short Chili Publisher is going     and 40% of users have a                from a Facebook account or
fice are imported, the user knows   to be future proof.                   commercial print background.           LinkedIn to generate a mailing
what to expect to see at output.       The product started as a web       There is a growing user base in        list, as promotion for an event.
Structured text can be imported,    to print tool for editing docu-       the Americas with applications            A printer replacing an exist-
mapping this to predefined para-    ments via an InDesign pane            including school yearbooks. The        ing web to print application can
graph styles. Along with anchors    without the user having to            biggest installation supports          expect to be up and running in
to link images with related text,   install InDesign. This has been       44,000 users and is a project          a week, a completely new user
this provides automatic page        enriched to include design for        based on brand management.             would take a little longer, but
generation, in catalogues for       packaging – supporting marks          Another is an online greetings         knowledge of InDesign and
example.                            for die cutting, varnish and glue     cards publisher and printer.           workflows means that for those
   The alternative views function   lines as well as white and other         The product will remain             with some knowledge, the train-
will also rearrange documents to    spot colours. 3D representa-          a feature rich online docu-            ing requirement for designers is
show a different design using the   tion of the final pack in the         ment editor. In a catalogue, for       low.

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Get the latest news every monday morning:                   October 2013                   11
& Investments

First Kolbus Km600C perfect
binder goes to Christian trust
The BiBle & Gospel Trust,                                                                                    trimmer which had the edge
a Christian non-profit making                                                                                over anything else we had seen
publishing venture, has bought                                                                               for quality and speed.” The line
the UK’s first Kolbus KM600C                                                                                 installed is now connected to a
perfect binder since its launch at                                                                           polywrapping line for wrapping
Drupa last year.                                                                                             and addressing then packed in
   The deal was sealed when                                                                                  boxes for dispatch.
Kolbus demonstrated that the                                                                                    The charitable organisation is
binder could produce a two-                                                                                  linked to the Bretheren evangel-
page perfect bound book. This                                                                                ical movement across the globe.
was a 152x99mm trim size                                                                                     This means that 60% of what is
volume with a single sheet of                                                                                produced in Surrey is destined
130gsm paper and four-page                                                                                   for export. While the UK is
cover.                                                                                                       the main plant, the charity has
   To enable this the normal         the Bible & Gospel trust chose the Kolbus Km600C when it                production sites elsewhere in the
twin score on the cover became       was shown it could produce a two-page perfect bound book.               world. One of these has taken
a single score line. The trial                                                                               delivery of the Kolbus KM470
went on to bind these products       year. At the other end of the       of Malawi. There are longer         Ratiobinder that the KM600C
at 9,000cph with trimming on         scale it also produces a range of   booklets and bibles produced        has replaced.
a Kolbus HD153P three-knife          more traditional bibles. Not all    and distributed worldwide.             Greg Bird at Kolbus UK adds:
trimmer.                             the tracts are this small, some       Plant manager John Marsh          “The line is up and running and
   The specialised products          run to 24pp and are produced in     says: “We did trials using some     living up to expectations. We
are needed for the more than         a number of languages includ-       of our existing products and        were delighted that it was able
3 million tracts that the plant      ing Chinese, Hindi, Danish and      were impressed by the KM600         to fulfil the speed and quality
in Chessington produces each         Chichewa, the national language     – particularly the gatherer and     criteria of BGT.”

B&D boosts bookletmaking with Horizon from IFs
B&D prinTinG Services in             meet deadlines,” he says. That      as the most recent installation.    the SPF/FC200A means we can
Leyland has doubled its book-        overtime element has now been          “Much of our work is for         produce a greater volume of
letmaking capacity through the       eliminated by the 4,500cph          people that supply inlays for the   work which helps us meet the
installation of a Horizon SPF/       bookletmaker without adding to      gaming and DVD industries. A        increase in demand we have seen
FC-200A line from Horizon’s          manning costs as it replaced an     lot of work goes into the smaller   for a wider variety of jobs and
UK dealer IFS.                       older SPF/FC-10 machine.            sizes even though there are not     shorter runs.”
   The investment has had               The company can be handling      a massive number of pages. We         Without the overtime issue,
an immediate impact, says            digital and litho print through     also produce A5 cinema guides       the investment has not only eased
joint managing director Glen         Xerox mono and Nexpress             throughout the country plus a       the bottleneck, it has provided
Whewell. “We had got to the          colour for digital print and        wide range of general commer-       the capacity for the company to
stage where we were working          Heidelberg for litho work,          cial print,” says Whewell.          quote for bookletmaking jobs
longer and longer hours just to      including a five-colour XL75-5         “The fast and easy set up of     confident it can complete them.

mGI meteor DP8700XL will aid photobook growth at 2m Print
norfolk prinTer 2M                   the MGI press is that it offers     up new revenue streams for us.”     a pricing model based on a selec-
Print has installed an MGI           our customers not only high            The company runs an Indigo       tion of toner coverage choices.
Meteor DP8700XL digital              quality reproduction, but the       5500 and has developed an           Thus letterheads with minimal
press to print covers and larger     size of sheet allows us to print    online photobook business using     consumption are charged at a
formats for its growing photo-       digital formats that we previ-      different brand names to target     different rate to full coverage
book business.                       ously had to manufacture with       different market segments. As       sheets. “We can determine the
  The company had considered         tricky finishing techniques using   well as the extended format,        approximate coverage and cost
investment in a second Indigo,       SRA3 substrates. The MGI            achieved through a flat paper       per page to choose which press
but says Mark Hipperson (who         8700 can also print on plastic      path design, 2M is in favour of     will be more beneficial to our
runs the business with father        and envelopes which again is        the charging method. There is       overall margin,” Mark Hipper-
Mike) says: “The attraction of       unusual and we feel will open       no click charge, instead there is   son explains.

12    October 2013                   Get the latest news every monday morning:
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ThE nExT nano
           enny Landa apologises for being                                                           the sheets could see beyond the defects to
           late. He has just arrived from the           Benny Landa flew                             look at ultra sharp dots and vibrant colours.
           US, taking a taxi from Heathrow
           to one of the hotels on the Bath
                                                         into the UK last                            At Chinaprint, quality had reached 70%
                                                                                                     of the goal of matching offset quality that
Road. It is the taxi driver who needs the
apology, not a meeting room of journal-
                                                        month to present                             Landa has set and by Print last month, it
                                                                                                     had climbed again to 85%, and quality, if
ists and analysts waiting to catch an update            the next stage of                            consistent, is sellable. Landa continues: “We
about Landa Nanography, the process that                                                             are setting a new standard for digital quality.
jolted last year’s Drupa into life.                     developments in                              Indigo has set the standard for digital print-
   It is not great news. The first installations
will take place not this year, but before the
                                                           nanography.                               ing in quality. We are aiming at a new
                                                                                                     standard for digital, to match offset speed
end of 2014. This will be the carton version                                                         and offset quality.”
of the press in a B1 format. The commercial                                                             The samples that are passed around are
printing version, with perfecting, comes six       gone. The press has a more sober appear-          far better than those pinned behind Perspex
months after that. The 430 print businesses        ance with an almost conventional design,          at Drupa. Almost all the artefacts have
who signed letters of intent at Drupa will         feeder to delivery stack, part offset press,      gone, there is sharp text, even reversed
have to wait a little longer. None, however,       part digital. The control desk, at the delivery   out of a solid. There is little by way of the
has changed their mind because of the delay,       end, becomes the Landa Operator Cockpit,          variable gloss levels that can be a giveaway
still believing that this untested technology      a comfortable operating zone where the            when looking at digital printing. There is
will transform printing, or at the very least      minder uses touch screens to monitor work-        a wide range of substrates including films,
add a powerful tool to their current produc-       flow and set up the press, using CCTV to          uncoated papers and board. However, these
tion capability.                                   check what is going on inside the press, there    are carefully selected samples (all gathered
                                                   is a conventional table to look at quality, a     in lest any should slip into a journalist’s bag)
First Benny Landa greets everybody,                coffee cup holder and dock for an iPod.           and limited in size. There is no full out sheet,
settles at one end of the table and decides           “When we spoke with our customers              no like for like comparison to offset and no
to discard most of the prepared Power-             we found that our control panel was in the        proof to check against. This will no doubt
point presentation, or at least to rip through     wrong place,” says Landa. “At the moment          come in the next year as the machine comes
relevant parts of it at high speed. The            operators need to be at the delivery, so          closer to market and engineers understand
analysis remains much as it was a Drupa:           moving to the side of the press to operate        more about how it performs.
the worldwide printing industry remains a          it was too much. We have come up with the
vast one; that printers have difficulty above      cockpit which is integrated into the delivery     and as the First customer delivery
the volumes that are comfortable for digital       stack and is designed around the operator.        comes closer. The first machine will go to
printing until the run lengths that suit offset    Operators have been ignored by machine            a printer in North America or Europe and
kick in and that nanongraphy is the answer         designers, but just as John Deere came up         while the first presses shipped will be pilot
to this dilemma.                                   with fully enclosed comfortable cabs for          machines they will be paid for by custom-
   According to Landa’s analysis, just 2% of       tractor drivers to meet their needs, we are       ers, rather than manufacturer controlled
the 50 trillion pages produced each year are       doing the same.” Landa explains. Whether,         beta presses. They will also perform as they
printed digitally. The industry is worth $800      like Massey Fergusson and Claas that also         should. Landa is categorical about this: “We
billion a year, covering commercial, packag-       offer creature comforts to farm hands, other      will not be shipping machines to customers
ing and publishing print. Only the latter          press manufacturers emulate Landa is an           until we have offset printing quality.
is vulnerable to digital substitution.“No          open question.                                       “One mistake I will never make again is to
matter how you look at it, there’s an industry        Print quality has leapt forward from           ship a product before it is ready. This means
that’s so vast and untouched by digitisation       Drupa. At that show Landa says quality            that the product that gets into the custom-
that it’s hard to imagine,” he says.               was 25% of where the company wanted               er’s hands will be a real zinger.”
   But things have changed since Drupa. The        it to be, with numerous streaks and visible          He is less sure about some of the finer
most glaring difference is the giant touch         artefacts that rendered the sheets unsellable.    details, the absolute number of colours the
screen along one side of the machine. It has       But, he explains, printers looking closely at     press could reproduce for example, but he

14   October 2013                    Get the latest news every Monday morning:

is certain that its gamut is broader than the    Benny Landa is confident that the                plastic container shown at Drupa to a larger
litho standard on coated papers. It appears      improvements of the samples shown                capacity pumped system for the process
that this comes down to the purity of the        at Drupa (left) and those he brought             colours. Special colours will be supplied in
colours that pigment particles smaller than      with him for the update (right) shows            the original drums. When the flexible pack-
the wavelength of light produce.                 that the required quality is almost              aging web press arrives it will be able to
   He is certain too that Nanography can         there.                                           print an opaque white ink, though not using
match 65% of the PMS colours from four-                                                           nanographic pigments.
colour process printing. This rises to 75%       minute to give a printing speed of 10,000iph.        A first ink production site is being built in
of the swatch book with extra orange, green          This composition of this belt explains       Israel, others will follow in Asia and Europe.
and violet. Developers are confident they        how Landa has been able to achieve the           Likewise Landa has identified a site which
can cover reflex blue and reach rhodamine        breakthrough that others describing the          will be a production plant for the Landa
red with the seven-colour inks. As a result      concept of offseting an inkjet image to an       branded presses. Presses from licensees will
Landa says one company producing FMCG            intermediate carrier drum or blanket before      follow. Komori is keen to start production,
brands is talking looking to change its          reaching the paper have fallen down on. The      Heidelberg retains its interest in the technol-
designs and corporate colours to take advan-     belt needs minimal surface energy or else it     ogy and has made no statements beyond that
tage of the fast turnaround, digital quality     will retain the image film rather than release   it is keeping a watching brief, while Manro-
that the technology offers. Not surprisingly     it to the substrate. Most materials with these   land Sheetfed, which declared it would be
there were no names.                             properties, self adhesive backing paper for      looking to retrofit existing presses with the
                                                 example, generally use a silicon coating,        Landa technology, will not be able to do
Nor is he disclosiNg details of the              which is water repellent and thus useless for    so with this configuration of nanography.
partner at the front end of the press control-   a water based ink.                               Other partners are interested, Landa says.
ling the colour management and ripping.              Exactly how Landa has cracked this
There is no serious talk about variable data     problem is explained in the 50 patents           ThaT is NoT surprisiNg. The
printing (although it is possible) because       that were filed in April last year. None has     promise seen at Drupa remains, even if some
the target is high quality print in the 1,000-   reached publication stage. Keeping the tech-     of the showmanship has been diluted. Some
10,000 sheet range. Even so firing data at       nology under wraps was a calculated risk, he     of the promise is being delivered through
the equivalent of 175lpi quality across a B1     explains. “At one time every time I had an       the samples and the company is listening to
sheet is a challenge for any Rip provider.       innovation I would file a patent application,    its customers. Part of that conversation has
   Beneath the surface there have been           but it then takes 10-12 years to develop into    been about the cost of ownership. A further
other changes. The inkjet heads at Drupa         a commercial product and by that time you        eyebrow raiser is that users will pay a click
produced 600dpi and those have been              have lost 50% of the patent’s life and you       charge on what is the most productive digital
replaced with ejectors capable of 1,200dpi,      have told your competitors what you are          press yet conceived. Landa insists that since
which can again be changed should the            developing.                                      Indigo, printers have become accustomed to
millions of dollars poured into inkjet               “There is a risk that someone else gets      payment in this way. There will be a service
research result in a better quality head. This   there first, but now we have 20 years patent     charge on top.
is as it was before. The position of the heads   protection ahead of us.”                            The question is whether it will be worth it.
has been altered to make it easier for an                                                         A good number of printers believe it will be.
operator to access and replace them.             These cover The machiNe, the                     However, Landa needs to impress the finan-
   There is access needed too for the imaging    process and the ink. Others will only be         cial community as well as printers, because
belt which is replaceable component. It is       able to supply ink on payment of royalties       the company with no revenue and no product
crucial to the success of the technology as      to Landa. And running at speeds of a litho       is looking to raise $200 million, completing
it has to accept the water based ink, carry      press, with ink coverage associated with         this by the end of the year. It is not essential
enough heat to evaporate water in the time       toner and litho inks rather than inkjet, on      as Landa has his own wealth to fall back on,
taken to reach the transfer point where the      B1 formats beyond other digital technolo-        but outside finance will help position what
now dry image is pressed to the paper. The       gies, nanographic presses are going to use a     could be a truly disruptive business, the
belt holds ten image positions so each is        lot of ink. This is recognised in changes to     second digital print revolution.              n
pressed into action at a rate of 16 times a      the ink supply system from the collapsible

get the latest news every Monday morning:                 October 2013                  15

         or an industry which according to                                                             Lifestyle remains a growth sector, particu-
         the digital evangelists, is supposedly            reports of                               larly for independent publishers able to focus
         in terminal decline, magazines are
         not going quietly. The latest round
                                                           magazines’                               on a regional and scalp local businesses for
                                                                                                    ads. One of the latest of these, the Cheshire
of ABC figures for the leading commercial
magazines may not make for optimistic
                                                       demise are greatly                           Magazine, comes from the same stable as the
                                                                                                    Mayfair Magazine and Canary Wharf Maga-
reading, but it is difficult to separate a cycli-       exaggerated and                             zine and is aimed at the same ultra affluent
cal effect due to recession which has reduced                                                       audience, but with door drop delivery to
discretionary spending for many consum-                print remains most                           make sure it falls into the right manicured
ers, from any long term structural decline
because people have fallen out of love with
                                                             popular.                               hands. The first issue is published this
                                                                                                    month, a second comes out before Christmas
their magazines.                                                                                    and then the plan is to take the title monthly.

At the releAse of the ABCs,                         Shortlist and Time Out have a combined          nevertheless the uplift in
Condé Nast UK managing director Nicho-              distribution of more than 1.56 million          publishing activity has not staved off overall
las Coleridge, went on record saying: “Our          copies a week. The Evening Standard’s           decline. One paper merchant reports that
sales show magazines continue to play an            weekly supplement could be considered part      LWC volumes are down 9% year on year
important role in the lives of our discerning       of this as the parent paper is given away on    compared to 2012, and while this will
readers, bucking the trend in several cases.        the streets of London.                          include a reduction in sections and some
Print remains encouragingly in demand,                                                              substitution of grades, SC instead of LWC
while research released earlier this week           the guArdiAn Added a glossy maga-               for example, the trend finger is pointing
by Condé Nast shows that readers engage             zine about fashion to its normal Saturday       downwards.
with magazines for similar amounts of time,         supplement in order to report on trends from       Business to business magazine publishers
irrespective of whether consumed in print           the London Fashion Week and will repeat         have in many instances fallen out of love with
or digital format. We will continue to offer        the process in the Spring. BBC Worldwide is     the magazines on which their companies
readers the highest quality editorial on the        preparing the Antiques Roadshow magazine        were formed. Magazines cannot offer the
platform of their choice.”                          for a spring launch next year. Top Gear has     margins that events, whether conferences
                                                    already proved a massively successful spin      or exhibitions, can produce and in certain
But the figures did show areas                      off from the television show.                   markets websites with paywall protection
for concern. Top shelf magazines, to use a             There are other areas of growth,             can be very effective. This is the case where
euphemism, have lost much of their raison           particularly where a magazine has a close       the publisher provides hard to obtain data
d’etre to the internet. Now their semi house        association with a retail brand. What started   that is vital to the running of the reader’s
trained siblings, the men’s weeklies, are also      with the supermarkets, Tesco, Sainsbury,        business. In other cases, switching to a web-
suffering steep falls, even before concern          Waitrose, Asda and so on, has continued into    first or web-only product is a means to cut
from supermarkets has had its effect. The           clothing. Fashion brand Very has commis-        costs as advertising declines.
circulations of Nuts and Zoo fell by 35% and        sioned Northern & Shell to produce a 156pp
23% respectively and there will be questions        monthly to be sent to customers of Shop         uBM, whiCh At one tiMe published
about whether they can carry on. Meanwhile          Direct and carried with OK! magazine. Print     Printing World, the Cabinet Maker, the
Condé Nast’s GQ magazine lost just 2.0%             run will be 400,000.                            Engineer, Estates Gazette and a host of
of readers in the same period.                         Haymarket produces the customer maga-        other long standing titles, is in the process
   There were circulation falls across many         zine for Sports Direct, which likewise goes     of selling off what little remains of a once
parts of the women’s market as well, but this       to its mail order or web customers and is       vast empire of print. It is not alone. Reed
can be countered by growth in the freemium          available in store. The first issue came out    Business International has shed or closed
market, that is free distribution titles that       in September and there are hopes it can         titles, switching many, Computer Weekly for
have a strong editorial ethos. Sport, Stylist,      become a monthly magazine.                      example, to online publications. Haymarket

16 October 2013                           Get the latest news every Monday morning:

                                                                                                   Recently Esquire launched a weekly
                                                                                                   digital version which is yet to be
                                                                                                   evaluated, but printed magazines
                                                                                                   remain the most popular version

has shed titles resulting in what were weekly      T3 has been one of the success stories for     what they should do to help themselves
magazines becoming fortnightly, halving the     Evolved Media Solutions, which specialises        manage this process. There are new things
amount of print and paper used.                 in creating tablet editions for print maga-       for them to think about.”
   The viability of the business to business    zines. As well as consumer titles, it has also       What they need to think about is how to
weekly has been undermined by the loss of       produced tablet versions of leading business      make money from digital. For the moment,
recruitment advertising. It has evaporated,     title the Grocer. Dennis Publishing with a        outside the committed businesses like
partly because of the economy and partly        stable of technology titles is another that has   Future Publishing, print remains the driver
because of a switch to online ads. Govern-      embraced digital editions. “Others are coming     for the revenues that are being invested in
ment has decreed that its staffing needs can    around to the idea of being more organised        digital formats.
be met through the internet, striking at        and to broadening their horizons,” says senior
magazines that used to reply on public sector   media consultant Gavin Hammond. “There            The ppa’s publishing fuTures
recruitment. The days of the business to        are those like T3 which adopted the technol-      survey reported that print titles bring in
business weekly in print are, it would seem,    ogy early on and can expect to sell 200,000       78% of revenue and that in two years’ time
numbered.                                       downloads at £3.99. The Economist noticed         this will have dropped to 71%, while digital
   Instead business to business publishers      that business executives were early adopters      ventures bring in 8% of revenues now and
are using websites, many with some kind         of the iPad and so were placed to consume         will rise to 15%, making up for the loss in
of payment system to access specialist          their magazine in this way.”                      print revenues.
information and statistics that are hard to                                                          Forecasts can go wrong. Seven years ago a
obtain elsewhere. Online can provide useful     There is also The halfway house                   Pira and BPIF report predicted the demise
discussion forums for professionals to share    of using augmented realilty and embed-            of fashion magazines, arguing logically that
experiences.                                    ded codes in images to link to video and          digital could show live videos, could zoom
                                                other content to enhance the printed page.        in on details and could link to shops to buy
The business model is less clear for            “People are wanting to maximise the impact        the outfits on display. It did not happen. In
most consumer magazines, though this has        of what they spend on print,” he explains. A      the US recent issues of Vogue have beaten
not prevented publishers exploring different    typical example is adding player interviews       records and in the UK, Grazia’s September
models. Hearst Magazine’s Esquire launched      and highlights to those scanning a football       issues, covering the London Fashion Week,
a weekly tablet magazine last month so it is    programme.                                        attracted more than 400 advertising pages
too early to say how successful the venture        Flippy pages versions of magazines are         for the first time. Reports that the printed
will prove. Haymarket’s Autosport intro-        straightforward to produce (InDesign will         magazine is on its last legs are somewhat
duced an iPad version 18 months ago which       export a Flash version for example) but ulti-     exaggerated.
has quickly gathered loyal readers; T3 has      mately the experience of using a tablet to
been one of the most successful to make the     read a magazine will be different to reading      a seminar in london this week
transition from page to screen, its gadget      that title on paper. There are more oppor-        (October 16) underlines this. Called the
focused content proving an ideal match for      tunities to link video and audio content and      Modern Magazine it is a celebration of the
the new technology.                             to link directly to advertisers. Eventually       printed publication. Jeremy Leslie, founder
   T3 is published by Future Magazines,         publishers will need to design for the differ-    of organiser MagCulture, says: “The maga-
the publisher that has committed most to        ent styles of product.                            zine industry has continually been written
digital transformation. In the six months                                                         off in recent years, yet magazines continue
to March this year, it sold 5 million digital   This will Then impose constraints                 to be published and read.
editions and says digital advertising has       on the assets that a publisher holds, images,        “Despite fewer big launches and smaller
grown to 57% of the total, up from 47%          words and so on. This, says Hammond,              budgets, magazine makers have risen to the
a year earlier. However, while subscriptions    demands a suitable digital asset management       challenging times and we are witnessing one
to digital editions rose 75% to top 300,000,    system. “Publishers need to think about           of the most exciting creative eras in edito-
this is still below what one magazine might     their assets and bundling them together.          rial thinking and innovation. A golden age
achieve in copy sales.                          We are trying to talk to our customers about      of creativity.”

get the latest news every Monday morning:                          October 2013      17
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