China's digital army Inside the PLA's C4I revolution - Shephard Media

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China's digital army Inside the PLA's C4I revolution - Shephard Media

                                                              digital army
                                                    Inside the PLA's C4I revolution

                  Air defence networks     GEOINT solutions           Rugged computers


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China's digital army Inside the PLA's C4I revolution - Shephard Media


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China's digital army Inside the PLA's C4I revolution - Shephard Media
        Grant Turnbull          3 EDITORIAL COMMENT                                                   FEATURE
        Tel: +44 (0)20 3179 2583                               New year, new you                                            24 THE BIG PICTURE
        Asia-Pacific Editor                                                                                                      Geospatial intelligence is crucial for military
        Gordon Arthur
                                                          4 NEWS                                                                 users, and many manufacturers take different
        North America Editor
        Ashley Roque                • Raytheon falls out of JSTARS Recap                              approaches to designing tools for defence
                                                                 programme                                                       applications. However, such technology is now
        Staff Reporter
        Alice Budge                                            • US Army outlines new command post initiative                    also being explored for its potential in the
        Contributors                                           •Japan shifts military posture                                    commercial sector.E
        Claire Apthorp, Angus Batey, Joe Charlaff,
        Gerrard Cowan, Peter Donaldson,
                                                               • Tactical radios for the Philippines
        Krassimir Grozev, Alexander Mladenov,                  • Thales doubles down on cyber security                          FEATURE
        Doug Richardson, Richard Scott,
        Beth Stevenson, Alan Warnes, Andrew White                                                                           30 TOUGHER STUFF
        Production and Circulation Manager
                                                             FEATURE                                                             Rugged computing is in a phase of rapid
        David Hurst                                       8 A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH                                          change in the military domain, as developers
        Production Editor                                      Huge C4I strides have been made in the                            seek to incorporate the best elements of
        Elaine Effard
                                                               People’s Liberation Army, and while not without                   commercial technology while retaining the
        Sub-editor                                             its challenges, the advent of a new Strategic                     required levels of durability and security.
        Georgina Smith
                                                               Support Force, with all its attendant secrecy, will
        Digital Development Manager
        Adam Wakeling                                          undoubtedly prove a thorn in the side of future                  FEATURE
        Graphic Designer                                       US operations.                                               34 COMMANDING THE WAVES
        Kam Bains                                                                                                                To manage naval operations with success, a
        Advertising Executive                                 FEATURE                                                            C2 system must allow interoperability, data
        Louis Puxley
                                                          14 A QUESTION OF INTERCEPTION                                          analysis and synchronicity, and navies such
        Head of Advertising Sales
        Kevin Bethell                With technological evolution creating both a                      as the USN are investing heavily to ensure that
        Tel: +44 (0)20 3179 2587                               heightened risk of airborne threats and a                         they have the most robust technology in place.
        VP Business Development                                diversity of ways of addressing these dangers,
        Mike Wild
                                                               militaries globally are determined to select the                  FINAL WORD
        Richard Thomas
                                                               best systems in order to take the menace of                  40 SHAPING COMMUNICATION
                                                               missiles to task.                                                 Alan Dewar, C4ISR product line director at BAE
        VP Content
        Tony Skinner                                                                                                             Systems, spoke to DB about how the company
        Managing Director                                     FEATURE                                                            is consolidating tactical data links to enhance
        Darren Lake                                       19 THE SKY IS THE LIMIT                                                capabilities for future operations.
        Chairman                                               Limited budgets and an often-fraught
        Nick Prest
                                                               relationship with the West, including sanctions,
        Annual rates start at £90                              have seen the Pakistan Air Force buy a range of
        Tel: +44 (0)20 3179 2592                               foreign equipment as well as developing
        Web:                            indigenous solutions to defend its skies and
        Digital Battlespace is published six times             borders. DB visited the country to assess the air
        per year by The Shephard Press Ltd, Saville            force’s locally developed air C2 networks and
        Mews, 30 Saville Road, London, W4 5HG, UK.
        Subscription rates start at £90. PCM CitySprint        other capabilities.
        is acting as mailing agent. Articles and
        information contained in this publication are
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        the written permission of the publishers.

        Print by Buxton Press, Derbyshire, UK
        © The Shephard Press Ltd, 2018.
        ISSN 1759-345X
                                                          Front cover: Established in 2015, the People’s Liberation Army’s Strategic Support Force is now the Chinese military’s lead
        The Shephard Press Ltd                            organisation for space, cyber offence and defence, technical reconnaissance and EW domains. (Image: Shutterstock)
        Saville Mews, 30 Saville Road,
        London, W4 5HG, UK
        Tel: +44 (0)20 3179 2570
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                                                                                              VOLUME 10 NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 DIGITAL BATTLESPACE                              1

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China's digital army Inside the PLA's C4I revolution - Shephard Media
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China's digital army Inside the PLA's C4I revolution - Shephard Media

                                                                                                                 In the next issue
                                                                                                                 • SATCOM part 1
      Grant Turnbull, Editor                                                                                     • SIGINT/ELINT
                                                                                                                 • Border surveillance EO/IR

     New year, new you                                                                                           • Tactical comms

     The start of a new year is a good chance for          against a peer threat in a congested or              Germany, France and the UK, are looking at
     us to put the previous 12 months behind us            contested environment’. It was criticised for        moving forward with new communications
     and start afresh with resolutions that aim to         not being simple or intuitive enough, and            and networking projects in 2018. The UK, for
     break old, often bad, habits and the inevitable       also for being heavily dependent on industry-        instance, will continue to leverage work
     poor life choices we sometimes make and,              provided field service representatives.              already done on the next-generation
     instead, capitalise on the good things we’ve             Instead, the US Army wants to leverage            Morpheus programme, in particular a £330
     done. Reducing the amount of alcohol we               the ‘innovation explosion’ currently under           million ($444 million) contract placed with
     drink, stopping smoking and losing weight are         way in the communications sector and                 General Dynamics UK last April for the
     usually the top of the list for a revitalised self.   transform its acquisition process to keep up         development of a new architectural approach
        It’s no different for the C4I community            with these seismic changes. As part of this,         known as Evolve to Open. The British Army is
     as industry and the armed forces look to              it will establish a new command aimed at             expected to contract other elements of
     start new initiatives in 2018 or build on             modernisation, known as the Army Futures             Morpheus this year, including the Battlefield
     successes already achieved. As ever, a new            Command, with networking being one of six            Management Application.
     year means a renewed purpose to achieve               key priority areas that it will look at when it is      The German Army is also undertaking a
     goals set out. It also means taking a step            stood up this summer.                                significant communications and overall
     back and learning from the past, avoiding                This new command for 2018 could                   battle management modernisation, with
     the mistakes that sometimes plague major              revitalise and reinvigorate army acquisition.        two programmes known as Mobile Tactical
     projects. Indeed, many individuals and                Less-established players will also be hoping         Communications and Mobile Tactical
     organisations will be hoping that 2018 will           that this new buying process could mean              Information Network. Several companies
     be the year that their endeavours bear fruit.         their innovative solutions win out over the          used 2017 to position themselves for a
                                                           same old multi-billion-dollar contractors.           soon-to-be-released RfI. Both efforts could
     Networking challenges                                    Either way, the US Army has to find a             be highly lucrative for industry, with
     Nowhere is that more so than in major                 solution to its networking challenges, and           estimates suggesting the German Army will
     networking projects, which are often fraught          this will be the year in which we get more of        allocate around €4-6 billion ($4.8-7.2
     with technical difficulties and so ambitious          an idea about the direction in which its             billion) to the modernisation process.
     in scope that they implode due to cost                heading. In some good news at least, it                 Challenges still remain, and as projects
     overruns and delays. Indeed, 2017 was                 appears that the army’s attempts to fuse its         increase in scope and become more
     challenging for the US Army in this respect           air defence enterprise through a single              ambitious (and unwieldy), the chances of
     as it decided to effectively cancel its major         network as part of its Integrated Air and            failure inevitably increase. If that’s not
     networking modernisation programme                    Missile Defense (IAMD) programme is                  daunting enough, the increasingly
     known as the Warfighter Information                   progressing well, despite early software             contested and congested nature of
     Network-Tactical – or WIN-T.                          hiccups. With its underlying IAMD Battle             communication networks, including the
        WIN-T was supposed to be one of the                Command System, the army will be able to             growing cyber threat, is also adding to the
     service’s flagship projects, but last                 exploit open architecture standards and a            issues facing both OEMs and the armed
     September the army’s Deputy Chief of Staff            significantly improved air defence picture           forces. Nevertheless, as 2018 goes on,
     (G-6) Lt Gen Bruce Crawford announced its             (see p14).                                           industry will be hoping its new year’s
     premature end, describing it as ‘not the                 And it’s not just the US embarking on major       ambitions can achieve results, unlike trying
     network that we need to fight and win                 C4I programmes. Several countries, including         to cut down on those evening tipples.  ▪
       WWW.DIGITAL-BATTLESPACE.COM                                                   VOLUME 10 NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 DIGITAL BATTLESPACE          3

DB-01-18_p03_Comment.indd 3                                                                                                                          1/11/2018 3:11:55 PM
China's digital army Inside the PLA's C4I revolution - Shephard Media

        Raytheon falls out of JSTARS Recap programme
         Northrop Grumman is expected to be             development) testing, particularly when
         confirmed as the radar subcontractor for       demonstrating its mission system
         the USAF’s Joint Surveillance Target Attack    interoperability at maximum data rates.
         Radar System (JSTARS) Recap programme             Northrop Grumman is also a contender
         after the Government Accountability Office     for the programme’s prime contract to
         (GAO) dismissed three protests by Raytheon     deliver 17 converted business jets to
         on 28 December 2017.                           provide intelligence-gathering capabilities
            Raytheon was originally awarded a           using mature, modern subsystem
         contract in 2016, alongside Northrop           technology to reduce vulnerabilities and
         Grumman, to mature its radar subsystem         integration risks.
         technology and perform risk-reduction             The down-selection for the EMD phase of
         efforts for the programme. The company         the programme is anticipated in early 2018,
                                                                                                                                     Photo: US DoD
         had offered its Archimedes radar for the       following technology readiness assessments,
         new JSTARS fleet, and claimed last year        with bids from Lockheed Martin and Boeing
         that flight tests had demonstrated that it     also in consideration for the prime.                The ground surveillance aircraft have
         met or exceeded key requirements.                 The programme, valued at just over $7          provided the service with wide-area
            While specific technical details about      billion, calls for JSTARS Recap to achieve        moving target detection capabilities using
         its radar design remain limited, Northrop      initial operational capability by early 2024 to   Northrop Grumman’s AN/APY-7 radar to
         Grumman claimed that its subsystem             replace the air force’s ageing fleet of E-8C      locate, classify and track targets in all
         performed well during pre-EMD                  JSTARS (pictured), which were first deployed      weather conditions.
         (engineering, manufacturing and                during Operation Desert Storm in 1991.            By Alice Budge, London

           US Army outlines new command post initiative
                                                        evaluations, unit rotations at the National       mechanism should allow for
                                   Photo: US Army
                                                        Training Center and Joint Readiness Training      collaborative, cost-effective acquisition
                                                        Center, and army warfighting assessments.         during prototyping activities.
                                                           CPI2 was authorised in December 2017              To meet an ‘aggressive timeline’ for
                                                        and will be executed in three phases, with        contracting, prototyping, testing and
                                                        the first seeing selected units equipped          fielding, the initiative will look at
                                                        with mobile platforms, secure wireless and        leveraging commercial and government-
                                                        intelligent power solutions.                      developed components.
                                                           According to the US Army, these units will        CPI2 will bring together existing
           The US Army has announced a new              conduct their own integration of systems          programmes through a ‘systems of
           modernisation effort that will improve       onto platforms to inform future command           systems’ approach. The army will also
           the expeditionary command post               post designs.                                     work with the science and technology
           capability of its units.                        ‘We’re taking on this integration effort to    community to keep pace with the rapid
              Revealed on 10 January, the               get the baseline design right,’ said Crosby.      technical developments going on in this
           Command Post Integrated Infrastructure       ‘Then it’s a matter of modifying that design      space. This may include technologies that
           (CPI2) will address mobility issues and      to fit the specific needs of a unit.’             enhance camouflage, reduce electronic
           ensure the integration across platforms         For Phase 2, the PM MC will lead and           signatures and provide antenna remoting.
           of communications hardware and               execute the prototype activities of five             Another essential component will be
           mission command applications.                brigade sets of command post solutions,           working directly with soldiers for
              The main goals for CPI2 will be           with each unit’s assessments informing an         continual feedback, and ensuring that a
           reducing cognitive load on troops and        eventual programme of record, to be               proposed solution requires minimal
           implementing network capacity for            established in Phase 3.                           training, said Crosby.
           expeditionary mission command,                  According to a US Army release, the               The US Army will hold an industry day
           according to Col Troy Crosby, Project        service will invite industry to compete and       in the near future to discuss CPI2 and
           Manager Mission Command (PM MC).             participate in certain aspects of the             share a projected acquisition timeline,
              The effort will leverage lessons          integration effort via what is known as           along with established requirements.
           learned from past network integration        other transaction authority. That                 By Grant Turnbull, London

          4     DIGITAL BATTLESPACE JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 VOLUME 10 NUMBER 1                                           WWW.DIGITAL-BATTLESPACE.COM

DB-01-18_p04-06_News.indd 4                                                                                                                 12/01/2018 12:00:32
China's digital army Inside the PLA's C4I revolution - Shephard Media

      Japan shifts military posture
      Japan’s MoD is considering the acquisition
                                                                                                                                     Photo: US DoD
      of EW aircraft to blunt enemy air defences
      and command networks, with several jets
      to be procured from FY2019-23.
         This requirement is expected to be
      incorporated into the updated Medium-
      Term Defense Program when it is released
      later this year, as Japan experiences
      heightened concern over North Korean
      ballistic missile and nuclear aspirations.
         Tokyo’s quest will be good news for
      Boeing, OEM of the EA-18G Growler
      (pictured), which is essentially the only
      aircraft in this class that is available to       Tokyo is also anxious about China’s                The country is also looking to mount Joint
      the country. Australia and the US are          continued military build-up, including ships       Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile Extended-
      the Growler’s only operators to date.          and aircraft that routinely encroach upon          Range (1,000km) missiles on F-15J
         The platform can carry AN/ALQ-99 high-      the fringes of its territory.                      fighters. In addition, research is under way
      band jamming pods, AN/ALQ-218 detection           Notably, Japan is eyeing new assets to          on an indigenous land attack cruise missile
      pods and AGM-88 HARM missiles. The USN         improve its strike capability and its ability to   (which the MoD called a ‘high-velocity glide
      already has Growlers based in Japan, so        respond to regional threats. For example, it       missile’) as well as a new anti-ship missile.
      the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF)       will procure air-launched Joint Strike Missiles       Although Japan previously stuck closely
      presumably has some degree of familiarity      from Kongsberg. These 500km-range                  to a strictly defensive military posture since
      with the platform.                             munitions can be carried by the F-35A.             its defeat at the end of World War II, all of
                                                                                                        this now signals a blurring between a
                                                                                                        defensive and offensive approach.
      Tactical radios for the Philippines                                                                  The country is set to establish two Aegis
                                                                                                        Ashore installations to protect against
                                                        The third project funded by the Philippine      North Korean ballistic missiles.
       Photo: author
                                                     government is for an unknown number of                Japan’s FY2018 Defense Budget request
                                                     5W VHF handheld radios for the navy’s              was the largest ever at ¥5.19 trillion ($45.8
                                                     C4ISTAR programme. This batch is worth             billion), a 1.3% increase from 2017. It
                                                     PHP300 million.                                    included funding for two E-2D Hawkeyes,
                                                        These three projects fall under the             part of a four-aircraft requirement to boost
                                                     reprioritised list of the AFP’s Horizon 1          surveillance over its southwestern region.
                                                     modernisation programme that covered the              The JASDF is improving the capability of
                                                     2013-17 period. Originally, these purchases        its E-767 AWACS aircraft, by funding new
                                                     were listed under Horizon 2 (spanning the          central computing devices and installation
     The Department of Budget Management in          2018-22 timeframe), but the army                   of EW support equipment for one of the
     the Philippines has released funds for three    re-ordered its priorities and decided it           type. A total of ¥14.4 billion has also been
     separate programmes encompassing                needed the radios more urgently.                   allocated for the production of the first
     communications to benefit the Armed                Funding was made available when the             RQ-4B Global Hawk UAV.
     Forces of the Philippines (AFP).                government decided to defer its PHP6.5                Finally, Japan is researching
       The army will receive 3,185 VHF               billion acquisition of a shore-based missile       electromagnetic pulse (EMP) shells, with
     handheld radios under a budget of PHP678        system that had been approved by former            the aim of producing a prototype that
     million ($13.8 million). It will also acquire   president Benigno Aquino.                          ‘incapacitates the functions of sensors and
     150 HF manpack radios of 20W output                In early January 2018, the AFP announced        information systems’. The MoD will also
     worth PHP223.5 million. These are being         further funding of approximately PHP25             study EMP protection technology.
     supplied by Harris Corporation using the US     billion for force modernisation in 2018.           By Gordon Arthur, Hong Kong
     government’s FMS mechanism. The types           Among the big-ticket items are light attack
     are likely to be from the Falcon III family,    helicopters, combat utility helicopters and                For more news, visit
     which the AFP has previously ordered. First     firepower upgrades for M113 APCs.           
     deliveries are expected later this year.        By Gordon Arthur, Hong Kong

        WWW.DIGITAL-BATTLESPACE.COM                                           VOLUME 10 NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 DIGITAL BATTLESPACE         5

DB-01-18_p04-06_News.indd 5                                                                                                                   12/01/2018 12:00:33
China's digital army Inside the PLA's C4I revolution - Shephard Media

         Thales doubles down on cyber security
         The proposed Thales/Gemalto merger                 This is a problem that the defence
         announced at the end of December 2017           community has struggled to address.
         has helped shine light on the grey area         The position presently adopted by most
         where defence contractors and what might        major militaries – that cyber is a domain,
         be termed the ‘traditional’ information-        like air, land, sea and space, with
         assurance world are beginning to overlap.       specialist operators and capabilities
            The deal will be worth a total of €5.6       assigned to it – seems to make sense.
         billion ($6.7 billion) in cash and debt, if        This may create different stovepipes
         approved by Gemalto’s shareholders, and         to replace the ones the construct was
         the Franco-Dutch company’s name will            designed, in part, to eliminate. The risk is
         become a brand under the wider Thales           that cyber operations, which affect every
         umbrella.                                       domain, will be seen as a specialist
                                                         discipline, conducted separately and to
         Cloud of confusion?                             be addressed only by trained personnel.         Thales counts 19 of the world’s biggest 20
         Beyond the financial implications, the             The uncomfortable truth, of course, is       banks as customers for its cybersecurity
         announcement inadvertently highlighted          that cyber security is everyone’s problem:      offerings. (Image: Thales)
         how difficult it can often be to understand     if an intruder gains access to a classified
         what goes on at the intersection of cyber       system because someone in a non-                   Ultimately, the real significance of the
         defence and information assurance.              security role has not received appropriate      proposed deal may not be that it is
            Some of this is down to terminology.         training, the system will be compromised        unprecedented or surprising, but that it
         Among those reporting on the deal, there        regardless of how formidably trained and        confirms a logical and potentially widely
         was disagreement even on things as basic        well-equipped the cyber division may be.        beneficial trend.
         as what Gemalto actually does. Both                                                                Cyber vulnerabilities put not just
         Reuters and the Wall Street Journal             Constructive combinations                       individuals or businesses but entire
         described the company as a ‘chipmaker’ –        With access to government departments,          countries at risk; yet the organs of the
         a reference to the part of the business         defence primes are in an excellent position     state have tended to appear uncertain
         that makes integrated circuits used in          to win state-level cyber security contracts.    about how best to achieve the security a
         so-called ‘smart’ payment cards using the       Conversely, while experienced information       nation requires, because so much of the
         EMV standard, and SIM cards for phones.         assurance providers often have the talent       cyber infrastructure is in private, rather
            The joint press release put out by the       and expertise to deliver the capability, they   than government, hands.
         two manufacturers chose to describe             often lack the trust and the relationships         Awarding state-level cyber security
         Gemalto as ‘the global leader in digital        at higher levels.                               contracts to defence primes will not make
         security’, stressing its expertise in              A merger can provide all parties with the    any difference if the products and services
         biometrics, encryption and secure               desired outcome – the customer gets the         they provide are not up to the task.
         software. The description of the company        best security solution via a trusted long-      However, if governments are looking to the
         as a ‘digital security solutions provider’      term partner, while the companies win the       same companies that provide their military
         suggested a more obvious reason for why         business they need to thrive.                   platforms and systems to secure their
         a multinational defence/security prime             BAE Systems, Boeing, Lockheed Martin         wider digital infrastructure, it suggests that
         might have taken an interest.                   and Raytheon are four of the highest-           an appropriate level of attention may be
            Similarly, most coverage referred to         profile examples of defence primes that         being paid to the problems our increasing
         Thales’ expertise in aerospace, defence         have increased capability and added             reliance on digital technologies raises.
         and transportation, but there was scant         clients in the cyber security market               Thales will be better placed to win those
         mention in any of the reports about the         through acquisitions. In this sense, Thales     contracts after this deal goes through, and
         French company’s dominance of the               is simply following established practice.       its customers will get a better, broader,
         financial security market place. According         It is a further bonus for Thales that        more extensive suite of digital security
         to its website, Thales counts 19 of the         Gemalto sits at the nexus of financial          capabilities.
         world’s biggest 20 banks as customers           services and security, dovetailing nicely          Perhaps the fact that this deal appears to
         for its cyber security offerings.               with that banking security portfolio. The       make business sense is evidence that
            One of the biggest problems cyber security   EMV chip work may be loss-making for            cyber security is at last being seen as
         professionals have to contend with is that      Gemalto at present, but it was no surprise      neither a defence problem nor a private
         the challenge is big and all-encompassing, it   that Patrice Caine, Thales’s chairman and       sector problem, but a nation-state problem,
         is sometimes difficult to even see where the    CEO, confirmed that the division would be       requiring nation-state-level solutions.
         sector begins and ends.                         retained.                                       By Angus Batey, London

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DB-01-18_p04-06_News.indd 6                                                                                                                  12/01/2018 12:00:33
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         A force to be
               Huge C4I strides have been
               made in the People’s
               Liberation Army, and while
               not without its challenges,
                                                           reckoned with
                                                           domains. Upon its formation, Xi stated:      it was created. Personnel numbers and
                                                           ‘The Strategic Support Force is a new-       total constituent units are unknown. It
               the advent of a new                         type combat force to maintain national       is also unclear to whom it directly
               Strategic Support Force,                    security and an important growth point       reports, though in peacetime it might
                                                           for the PLA’s combat capabilities.’          be the Joint Staff Department (JSD) of
               with all its attendant                         Centralising many previously disparate    the Central Military Commission (CMC).
               secrecy, will undoubtedly                   PLA elements, the PLASSF is a force rather   Units would be attached to theatre
               prove a thorn in the side                   than a service. Gen Gao Jin, previously      commands during wartime. The PLASSF
                                                           commandant of the Academy of Military        is primarily staffed by the army, but a
               of future US operations.                    Science, as well as a PLA Rocket Force       small number of air force and navy
               By Gordon Arthur                            (PLARF) member, is its commander.            personnel also serve, possibly for
                                                              In a useful analysis of the PLASSF        liaison rather than operational roles.

                       he People’s Liberation Army (PLA)   for The Jamestown Foundation, John              The PLASSF is formed of pre-existing
                       has been undergoing serious         Costello wrote: ‘The SSF has become a        building blocks from the four former
                       restructuring under President       force optimised for combat in space,         general departments, all rolled into a
               Xi Jinping’s tutelage. One major            cyberspace and the electromagnetic           new umbrella organisation providing
               transformation was the creation of          domain that will enhance the PLA’s           greater intelligence collection
               the Strategic Support Force (SSF) on        capability to fight and win future           professionalism. ‘The reforms have thus
               31 December 2015.                           informatised wars.’                          far employed a “bricks not clay”
                  Supporting the PLA’s ‘information                                                     approach to reorganisation,
               umbrella’, the PLASSF is responsible for    Building a mystery                           repurposing whole, existing institutions
               the space, cyber offence and defence,       The PLASSF remains rather shadowy,           and reforming them into new
               technical reconnaissance and EW             with scant information emerging when         organisations to align with new

           8     DIGITAL BATTLESPACE JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 VOLUME 10 NUMBER 1                                        WWW.DIGITAL-BATTLESPACE.COM

DB-01-18_p08-13_Chinese.indd 8                                                                                                           1/11/2018 4:13:12 PM

      paradigms, presumably with more minute          units needed to be placed under some                with integrating space more closely into
      changes to follow,’ said Costello.              other command. Thus, instead of bitter              operations, the creation of the SSF
         Within the force, a Space Systems            competition between services as to who              signifies an important shift in the PLA’s
      Department (SSF-SSD) and Network                gets what, a new organisation could simply          prioritisation of space and portends an
      Systems Department (SSF-NSD) have been          absorb existing units and help retain               increased role for PLA space capabilities.’
      confirmed. It may also have an electronic/      officers in billets that might otherwise have          The authors add: ‘We believe that
      electromagnetic systems department.             disappeared in the reorganisation into five         the creation of the SSF was not intended
         ‘The force looks to be primarily designed    theatre commands.                                   to streamline all of China’s space
      around two operational imperatives. One is         Speaking on condition of anonymity, a            enterprise under one command, but
      peacetime/wartime integration… Two, the         US-based cyber-intelligence professional            was instead intended to facilitate joint
      SSF is intended to shift the PLA’s most         told DB: ‘We’re yet to see a designator             operations by providing operational
      strategic, informatised missions from a         change in related units. There are not a lot        commands with the information warfare
      discipline-centric to domain-centric force      of troop movements but there are shifts at          infrastructure necessary to conduct
      structure,’ Costello observed.                  the general staff level. They’re putting poles      informatised local wars.’
         Regarding the integration, the PLA’s         in the ground for foundations and, in the              Indeed, the main function of the SSF-
      ability to rapidly transition to a wartime      next three years, they’ll probably close            SSD appears to be the launch and
      footing is greatly enhanced because             facilities and consolidate.’ Underscoring           operation of satellites to provide C4ISR,
      operational groups are now under domain-        the challenges in better understanding the          such as space-based reconnaissance,
      centric verticals already optimised for         PLASSF, he noted that PLA operations                communications and navigation.
      warfighting. In the past, it would have         security is ‘unbelievably better since              Consequently, the department controls
      required copious coordination across            [Edward] Snowden’, assessing that it is             four satellite/aerospace launch facilities
      military regions and general departments        ahead of the US at the moment.                      (Jiuquan, Taiyuan, Wenchang and Xichang)
      to commence strategic operations. With                                                              and a variety of space telemetry, tracking
      just one dedicated organisation responsible     Deterrence division                                 and control facilities.
      for space and information warfare (IW)          Let us take a more detailed look at the                The SSF-SSD also took over some
      forces, capabilities can be better integrated   PLASSF’s components, beginning with the             GSD units, including the Aerospace
      into a joint structure.                         SSF-SSD. Mentioned in China’s 2015                  Reconnaissance Bureau and Satellite Main
         In terms of Costello’s second point,         Defence White Paper as a military domain,           Station. Some space units not directly
      space, cyber and EW units were once             space is critical as the PLA enhances               related to the creation of the PLASSF were
      organised according to their specific           strategic deterrence and its ability to fight       also transferred, examples being R&D
      speciality, but now they form a warfighting     informatised local wars.                            institutes like the China Nuclear Test
      domain. Costello gave the example of               The RAND Corporation recently                    Base/21st Experimental and Training Base,
      cyber operations, where the Third               published a report entitled ‘The Creation           which also researches directed-energy
      Department (3PLA) of the former General         of the PLA Strategic Support Force and Its          weapons. Such a focus aligns with the
      Staff Department (GSD) conducted                Implications for Chinese Military Space             PLASSF’s mission to be a ‘new-type force
      espionage, while the Fourth Department          Operations’. The report notes that ‘tasked          responsible for new-type capabilities’.
      (4PLA) handled attack. Such missions are
      now integrated so that intelligence,            The PLA Air Force is rapidly improving its C4ISR and early warning capabilities with platforms such
      defence and offence are dealt with in a         as this KJ-500 AEW aircraft boasting an active electronically scanned array radar. (Photo: author)
      single domain. ‘This new organisational
      construct is also intended to enable
      previously impossible levels of unified
      planning, force construction and
      operations,’ Costello concluded.
         Before the creation of the PLASSF, IW
      skills reposed in the two aforementioned
      GSD departments, seven technical
      reconnaissance bureaux and three service
      technical reconnaissance bureaux (air
      force, navy and army). The latter take care
      of service-specific ELINT/COMINT,
      electronic attack, defence and support
      measures, and EW intelligence gathering.
         This raises a third purpose for creating
      the PLASSF, a bureaucratic one. With the
      four general departments downgraded, key

        WWW.DIGITAL-BATTLESPACE.COM                                            VOLUME 10 NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 DIGITAL BATTLESPACE            9

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                                                                                                             understand the enemy’s trend, help troops
                                                                                                             plan combat operations and ensure victory
                                                                                                             on the battlefield.’
                                                                                                                Cyber forces fall under the SSF-NSD,
                                                                                                             with the former 3PLA at its core. Costello
                                                                                                             commented: ‘The 3PLA is the Chinese
                                                                                                             military’s premiere cyber espionage
                                                                                                             organisation, and their pre-eminence in this
                                                                                                             domain makes them a natural fit as the
                                                                                                             primary “tent pole” for the SSF’s cyber
                                                                                                             force.’ Additionally, the SSF-NSD can jam
                                                                                                             SATCOM and GPS, and conduct computer
                                                                                                             network operations (CNO) against space
                                                                                                             facilities and satellites.
                                                                                                                Other allied units are the previous GSD’s
                                                                                                             56th and 58th Research Institutes, while
         These Dongfeng EQ2050E 4x4s of the PLA ground forces seen at a parade in Beijing are obviously      former technical reconnaissance bureaux
         configured for EW missions. (Photo: author)                                                         are also believed to have been transferred
                                                                                                             to the SSF-NSD. ‘These moves are reliable
            RAND’s authors claim: ‘We found no               enterprise appears to do little to              indicators not only that the core functions
         evidence that units subordinated to the             ameliorate the fragmented nature of the         of the 3PLA have moved, including its
         services have been handed over to the SSF or        space programme. In fact, the PLA could         administrative responsibilities, but also that
         that units responsible for direct-ascent counter-   have enacted a more drastic set of              the NSD itself may be synonymous with the
         space missions, missile defence and mobile          organisational reforms, such as                 3PLA, essentially acting as a renamed,
         satellite launch have been subordinated to the      establishing an executive agent for             reorganised version of the former
         SSF.’ Nor is the PLASSF responsible for the         space… or giving the entire space mission       department,’ Costello assessed.
         China Manned Space Agency.                          to a particular service.’ For now, the PLA         As well as cyber warfare, the 3PLA is
            Less certain is the overall counter-space        seems to think the creation of such an          responsible for SIGINT/COMINT. Costello
         operation, which Beijing is unlikely ever to        overarching force premature.                    reflected: ‘If the NSD is solely focused on
         acknowledge in any case. While the SSF-                                                             cyber warfare, as its name implies, then the
         SSD could be responsible for co-orbital             Cyber warfare                                   traditional SIGINT mission of the nationwide
         missions of this kind, where weaponised
         satellites attack enemy satellites, other
         related operations (eg direct-ascent
                                                             The 2015 White Paper identified
                                                             cyberspace as one of four ‘critical security
                                                             domains’ alongside far seas, space and
                                                                                                             network of technical reconnaissance
                                                                                                             bureaux would need to find a new home.
                                                                                                             This is a substantial portion of the 3PLA’s
                                                                                                                                                                           Do you kn
         capabilities) have been retained by services
         like the PLARF. Some counter-space
         activities could fall under the PLASSF but
                                                             nuclear. The PLA’s 2013 ‘Science of Military
                                                             Strategy’ states that ‘local war under
                                                             informatised conditions is system-versus-
                                                                                                             personnel, facilities and organisational
                                                                                                             mass. Currently, it is unclear if the CMC will
                                                                                                             split this operation away from the 3PLA but,
                                                                                                                                                                           what‘s go
                                                                                                                                                                           in your th
         not its SSD, examples being EW missions             system warfare’ and that ‘in the future, no     given the trajectory of the reforms, this
         against enemy SATCOM, navigation signals            matter whether we will face an enemy with       seems likely.’
         and cyber operations against ground-based           superior equipment or an enemy with                If they have not already, the computer
         facilities.                                         inferior equipment, we will always need to      network attack (CNA) capability of the 4PLA
            China currently has 204 satellites in orbit,     focus on paralysing enemy warfighting           and computer network defence mission of
         including over 75 for remote sensing (eg the        systems and emphasise striking at               the former GSD Informatisation Department
         Gaofen, Haiyang, Huanjing, Jilin, Tianhui and       systems, striking at vital sites and striking   should also move to the SSF-NSD.
         Yaogan families encompassing ELINT, EO,             at nodes, with the most universal and              Within the next decade, China plans to
         synthetic aperture radar, staring camera and        practical method of doing so being              have set up a handful of world-class cyber-
         stereoscopic imagers). By 2020, it will also        asymmetrical operations’.                       security schools within universities to train
         have expanded its BeiDou navigation system             The Pentagon’s latest annual report          a new breed of cyber warriors, offering
         into a global constellation of 35 satellites. In    on China adds: ‘PLA writings distinguish        obvious advantages for the PLA. The first
         August 2016, China launched its first               between peacetime and wartime cyber             batch of state-sponsored pilot programmes
         experimental quantum communications                 operations. In peacetime, PLA cyber             was approved in September, one recipient
         satellite – technology that will have future        missions include defending                      of which was the Strategic Support Force
         defence applications.                               electromagnetic space and cyberspace            Information Engineering University.
            An incidental question is whether the            because of China’s increasing reliance on       Graduates will complete a three-year
         PLA will establish a space force. The RAND          the information economy. During wartime,        degree and those with greatest promise will
         report opines: ‘China’s post-reform space           cyber capabilities can help the PLA             be fast-tracked to the PLASSF.

          10    DIGITAL BATTLESPACE JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 VOLUME 10 NUMBER 1                                              WWW.DIGITAL-BATTLESPACE.COM

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      Force multiplier                                           weapons, equipment and performance.             have retained force-wide information
      The PLASSF’s most mysterious section                       This helped improve the military’s              support units because it fears losing
      is EW. Previously the 4PLA (the Electronic                 confidence in conducting force-on-force,        control over information.
      Countermeasure and Radar Department) was                   real-equipment confrontation operations in         Costello continued: ‘At this point, it
      responsible for strategic and national EW,                 simulated EW environments.’                     remains unclear whether and to what
      and offensively and defensively jamming                       China could have merged cyber and EW         extent the SSF will incorporate an
      communications, radar and GPS, and this                    into a single integrated discipline, with one   informatisation or information support
      whole department could have moved across                   side focusing on data and the other on          mission. Some informatisation units are
      to the PLASSF. China can employ such effects               electronic equipment. Indeed, those             confirmed to have moved to the SSF, but
      from the land, sea and air, including UAVs.                units tasked with EW are believed to be         these could be the exception rather than
         ‘Speculatively, the SSF may create an                   undertaking CNO. Such coordinated               the rule.’ This suggests a bifurcation of
      equivalent electronic or electromagnetic                   capabilities could conduct more holistic        operations, where the JSD-ISB looks after
      systems department, analogous to the SSD                   attacks against enemy command                   information assurance (ie ensuring C2
      and NSD, to oversee a force to fight in the                networks. Incidentally, it is inevitable that   system integrity and functionality)
      electromagnetic domain,’ Costello said. If                 China will use reclaimed islets in the South    while the PLASSF pursues ISR and
      so, the traditional SIGINT mission of the                  China Sea for EW purposes as it extends         information support.
      3PLA could also have ended up here.                        its defensive perimeter.
         The Pentagon report states: ‘The PLA                       According to Costello, the Information       China’s capability
      sees EW as an important force multiplier,                  Communications Bureau of the JSD did            The most interesting yet challenging
      and would likely employ it in support of all               not initially transfer to the PLASSF. Thus,     aspect is assessing the PLASSF’s
      combat arms and services during a conflict.                the PLA’s highest-echelon organisation          warfighting ability. China joined the party
      The PLA’s EW units have conducted                          responsible for C2, the Information             late in terms of network-centric and IW
      jamming and anti-jamming operations,                       Support Base (JSD-ISB), remains under           capabilities, so it is seeking to catch up
      testing the military’s understanding of EW                 the JSD. The highly centralised CMC may         with, and surpass, the US.

        WWW.DIGITAL-BATTLESPACE.COM                                                      VOLUME 10 NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 DIGITAL BATTLESPACE     11

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                                                                                                              considerably behind the Five Eyes Alliance
                                                                                                              (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK
                                                                                                              and the US) and Russia’.
                                                                                                                 Much has been written about China’s
                                                                                                              use of ‘black-hatters’, but Stupples
                                                                                                              believes the PLA is not employing
                                                                                                              hacktivists. While the government is
                                                                                                              reluctant to engage such people, it has
                                                                                                              been willing to establish relationships and
                                                                                                              obtain their hacking tools.
                                                                                                                 China has an advantage in terms of
                                                                                                              secrecy too. As a large country, it can keep
                                                                                                              some ELINT emissions secret as they are
                                                                                                              disseminated deep in the interior. By
                                                                                                              contrast, the US emits signatures all over the
                                                                                                              world, allowing adversaries to analyse them.

         The PLA operates a range of intelligence-gathering facilities around China. This secretive ELINT/    Addressing challenges
         SIGINT facility with geodesic dome is located atop the tallest mountain in Hong Kong.                Although the PLA is introducing new
         (Photo: author)
                                                                                                              equipment and modernising, challenges
                                                                                                              in C4ISR undermine joint operations,
            Technological areas that China is                the use of malware to penetrate others’          something that requires efficient
         researching are: directed energy; AI;               industrial systems is widespread. A second       cross-service information sharing and
         hypersonic weapons; and quantum                     thread is intense technical intelligence         intelligence fusion. As a traditionally stove-
         technologies (eg communications, radar,             reconnaissance to understand the                 piped organisation, the PLA thus suffers
         navigation and sensing). The PLASSF is also         capabilities of others’ electronic systems,      from an incoherent, uncoordinated and
         focusing on civil-military integration to           particularly in Asia-Pacific.                    sometimes duplicated approach when
         leverage innovations, including research into          Thirdly, reconnaissance malware               integrating various capabilities.
         hardware device hacking and GPS spoofing/           penetrates critical infrastructure to identify       When asked to compare China and the
         mimicking. We may also expect a build-up in         weaknesses in preparation for conflicts.         US, the US cyber expert responded to DB:
         China’s remote sensing capabilities.                After that, China enhances capability by         ‘It’s like comparing apples and oranges.
            China is copying the Russian route of
         building IW capabilities, according to Dr
         David Stupples, professor of electronic
                                                             fully integrating CNE and CNA. Finally, it
                                                             ties all these threads together with an IW
                                                             strategy to achieve information dominance
                                                                                                              The US tends to be very targeted – there’s
                                                                                                              not much splatter. They’re self-controlled
                                                                                                              and there’s a lot of oversight. The US has
                                                                                                                                                                            Get comp
         and radio systems and director of EW                in a major conflict.                             significant technical capabilities for
         systems research at the University of                  Stupples said China’s ELINT satellites        hardware and supply chain attacks.
         London. ‘They’re taking this very seriously         are not yet on par with US equivalents but       However, the PLA doesn’t have so much

         indeed. It’s aimed specifically at Asia-            they are catching up. The thing to watch,        capability in this way. The US has levels of
         Pacific but they’re putting in more global          he highlighted, was the army’s rapid             sophistication that outweigh China.’
         assets,’ he warned. This is reflected in            increase in ELINT assets as part of ‘a               He added that China ‘grabs everything,
         the fact that an estimated 200,000                  major thrust’.                                   including intellectual property and
         Chinese personnel (civilian and military)              He assessed: ‘Certainly, China’s EW           financial data. They steal everything they                    Rohde & Schwarz technology p
         are engaged in IW, consuming an annual              capability is improving in strides, but the      can and they have a system to digest that                     decision-making information. W
         budget of $10-15 billion.                           technology employed within the EW assets         for the government, Communist Party and                       of signal intelligence systems
            Stupples reported: ‘The dominant                 is not as modern as it appears and could         military. They have armies of people to                       mission. Our complete turnkey
         strategy of the PLA is to coordinate the use        be ten years or more out of date, although       digest it all. Their capabilities are very                    scalable, customizable – and a
         of CNO, computer network exploitation               intensive industrial espionage is being          good, as are their defences, but the US
         (CNE), EW and kinetic strikes designed to           employed to catch up.’                           still leads in tailored access operations.’         
         neutralise/degrade an enemy’s C4ISR                    Stupples said China does not have the             Nevertheless, the PLASSF is becoming
         systems, thus creating blind spots that             worldwide reach of Russia, but that will         more professional and deadly. ‘They’ve
         could be exploited.’                                change going forward. He added: ‘China’s         cleared house and advanced quickly, and
            The professor highlighted five major             CNE/CNA/CNO capability is good and               there’s no moonlighting allowed by troops
         threads to China’s IW strategy. One is              could be approaching parity with the US,         now.’ After being fingered for some high-
         industrial espionage to acquire hi-tech             but it has some way to go to reach parity        profile cyber attacks in the US, China did
         intellectual property rights to boost               with Russia.’ While its EM and cyber             not desist from such operations but it did
         indigenous industry. He pointed out that            SIGINT capabilities are improving, they ‘lag     pause and retarget its efforts.

          12    DIGITAL BATTLESPACE JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 VOLUME 10 NUMBER 1                                               WWW.DIGITAL-BATTLESPACE.COM

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         The cyber expert said China could                       dead reckoning and celestial navigation        process will presumably entail
      ‘cripple logistics and finance’ in the US,                 instead of relying solely on GPS.              undertaking deeper, more difficult
      maybe even the Pacific Fleet’s logistics so                                                               changes than previous changes have
      as to impact its warfighting capabilities.                 Future steps                                   presaged. For the SSF, this will be the
      Nonetheless, he said the US military                       Costello concluded that the CMC had            test to see whether the PLA can fully
      ‘would be relatively immune’ from Chinese                  initially focused on broad strokes to effect   implement the concepts and guiding
      cyber attacks.                                             change in larger PLA organisations like        paradigms that will enable better
         How then does China rate against Asia-                  the PLASSF in ‘above-the-neck’ reforms.        warfighting, or institutional barriers and
      Pacific peers? The American source said:                   This minimises their disruptiveness and        vested interests will win the day.’
      ‘Regional countries are completely                         helps generate buy-in from leadership on          RAND concluded that the PLASSF is a
      overmatched by China. For the foreseeable                  future cuts, though ‘some incongruences        work in progress. ‘The significance of
      future, certainly in the next five years,                  remain at lower levels’.                       the SSF’s establishment should not be
      China will have the upper hand against                        Additionally, the PLA needs to establish    underestimated, however. The pathway
      Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Southeast                      principles to guide IW in both peacetime       provided by the SSF to further develop the
      Asia and India. These have defences that                   and wartime, as well as create promotion       PLA’s information warfare forces, including
      are like cheesecloth.’                                     pathways for information warfighters into      its space forces, opens the door for these
         In the face of such an overmatch by the                 theatre commands.                              capabilities to be further integrated into
      PLA, the cyber expert said militaries need                    Costello said: ‘To fully follow through     PLA warfighting through the development of
      to disconnect from the traditional internet                on the conceptual framework employed           both doctrine and personnel.’
      and go proprietary with end-to-end                         for the SSF, deeper, more painful cuts            There is no doubting that the PLA’s
      encryption. Militaries also need the                       will need to happen. The PLA is now            IW and space warfare capacities are
      capability to return to high-frequency                     embarking on “below-the-neck” reforms,         significantly advancing, and in such a way
      radios when networks degrade, and                          likely to be implemented over the              that will critically affect US military
      services need to be able to fall back on                   remaining three-year period… This              operations of the future. ■

        WWW.DIGITAL-BATTLESPACE.COM                                                     VOLUME 10 NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 DIGITAL BATTLESPACE    13

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                                                                                           Manufacturers such as MBDA are
                                                                                           looking at how they can network a
         With technological evolution creating both a                                      range of their systems for increased
                                                                                           capability in the air defence space.
         heightened risk of airborne threats and a diversity                               (Photo: MBDA)
         of ways of addressing these dangers, militaries
         globally are determined to select the best systems
         in order to take the menace of missiles to task.
         By Grant Turnbull

                   ir and missile defence is one of the most challenging and        especially if the latter have a limited or
                   complex tasks that a military can undertake. The difficulty is   ambiguous air picture. Conflicts over the last
                   growing as airborne threats from state and non-state actors      two decades have shown that both
         become faster, stealthier and increasingly deadly. The potential for       technology and crews can misidentify targets,
         friendly fire incidents also remains. To address these challenges,         leading to fratricide and even the shooting
         armed forces worldwide are looking at how they can improve overall         down of civilian airliners in the case of MH17
         networking capabilities to get the most out of their sensors, shooters      over eastern Ukraine. During the invasion of
         and soldiers in a more contested and complex environment.                    Iraq in 2003, there were several friendly fire
            Defending the skies from enemy air attacks – whether by UAVs,              incidents involving Patriot missile batteries,
         ballistic missiles or various manned aircraft – involves a wide variety        the US Army’s premier air defence system.
         of technology from sophisticated radar sensors that detect and track                Dozens of these systems – consisting
         an incoming target to potent interceptors that complete the kill chain           of radars, launchers and command
         and eliminate the threat. Those tasked with air and missile                      centres – were deployed during the
         defence are often responsible for hundreds of lives, including                   invasion, providing an air shield for
         those of civilians, and so must ensure they detect, correctly                    advancing forces. Despite its valued role
         classify and engage a threat as rapidly as possible to avoid                     defending massed troops from theatre
         mass casualties.                                                                 ballistic missiles in Iraq, it was involved
                                                                                           in two fatal surface-to-air (SAM)
         Patriot problems                                                                    engagements involving both US and
         However, these stressing targets can place extreme pressures                        UK fighter aircraft on bombing sorties.
         on systems as well as on air defence personnel,                                        Those blue-on-blue incidents, as

         A question
         of interception


DB-01-18_p14-17_Air_Defence.indd 14                                                                                      1/12/2018 3:52:17 PM

      well as several instances of being ‘lit          mission command components of all air             weapon components so they can be
      up’ by unknown Patriot radars, had a             defence systems – including Patriot – share       network-enabled and hook in to the IFCN.
      destructive effect on the air force’s trust      the same interfaces and connect into a            This capability is expedited by government-
      of the missile batteries. At one point, an       common C2 network. This interdependency,          owned, non-proprietary interfaces and an
      F-16 unknowingly destroyed a Patriot radar       according to the service, will provide ‘total     open architecture that utilises common
      with an anti-radiation missile owing to          operational capabilities not achievable by        messaging protocols such as the Data
      miscommunication and a lack of signature         the individual elements’.                         Distribution System.
      in its radar warning threat library.                The US Army’s overarching modernisation
         In his comprehensive analysis of the          programme for its air defence enterprise is       Revolutionary measures
      role of air power in the Iraq War, Benjamin      Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD),        Speaking to lawmakers in June,
      Lambeth wrote in The Unseen War that             which is run by the US Army’s Program             programme executive officer for PEO
      ‘many allied pilots believed that the Patriot    Executive Office Missiles and Space. This         Missiles and Space, Barry Pike, said that
      posed a greater threat to them than did any      aims to resolve the deficiencies discovered in    IBCS remains the US Army’s number one
      SAM in Iraq’s inventory.                         past conflicts, including increased chances of    missile development priority. ‘The IBCS
         ‘Among the main problems associated           fratricide as a result of an ambiguous air        will facilitate affordable, competitive
      with Patriot batteries was their failure to      picture and critical decisions being made by      modernisation at the AMD component
      remain linked into the overall air picture as    lower-level soldiers with inadequate              level through standardised government-
      they moved forward along with the ground         information. It also aims to significantly        controlled interfaces to the Integrated
      forces’ advance,’ he stated. This was            update the army’s existing ‘antiquated’ and       Fire Control Network.
      attributed to many Patriot crews setting up      stovepiped mission command system, which             ‘The IBCS will be fielded to all echelons
      and going operational before linking back        limits sensor and shooter choices, resulting in   of army AMD battlefield forces to defend
      into the air picture and at times not even       threats often being missed.                       against: close- to medium-range ballistic
      notifying the main centre responsible for           The foundation for this modernisation is       missiles; cruise missiles; manned and
      all air assets throughout the theatre of         the IAMD Battle Command System (IBCS),            unmanned aircraft; air-to-ground missiles;
      operations, known as the Command Air             with the prime contractor for this being          and rockets, artillery and mortars,’ he added.
      Operations Center.                               Northrop Grumman. Along with IBCS                    According to PEO Missiles and Space, the
         This ‘contributed to the fratricide           software, IAMD will also include an               benefits of the IAMD include: a significant
      potential, in that disconnected but              Engagement Operations Center, which is            improvement in combat identification (vis-à-
      operating Patriots could not use the             a mission command centre that provides            vis fratricide reduction); defence of a larger
      common air picture to help identify radar        command, staff and engagement functions.          area against a full spectrum of threats;
      targets as friendlies’, Lambeth explained.       An ‘organic communications infrastructure’        more responsive engagement in complex
         With these operational lessons in mind,       known as the Integrated Fire Control              operational scenarios with advanced
      the US Army has used the years since the         Network (IFCN), allows fire control               engagement techniques; greater situational
      Iraq War to develop a technology roadmap         connectivity and distributed operations.          awareness and understanding of the
      that follows a ‘system-of-systems’ acquisition      There are also common ‘plug-and-fight’         airspace through a composite and
      approach, whereby sensors, shooters and          interface kits that adapt sensor and              distributed air picture; flexibility in the

            A visual representation of
            MBDA’s new Network-Centric
            Engagement Solutions, which
            brings together various assets
            using common C2 software and
            secure interfaces to expand and
            increase the quality of the air
            picture. (Image: MBDA)

        WWW.DIGITAL-BATTLESPACE.COM                                             VOLUME 10 NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 DIGITAL BATTLESPACE       15

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