Etisalat Group: Spearheading the digital future while achieving record results - Telecom Review

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Etisalat Group: Spearheading the digital future while achieving record results - Telecom Review

                                                       the digital
                                                     future while
                                                   record results
                                                           Eng. Hatem Dowidar,
                                                            CEO, Etisalat Group

 The sky’s the limit:       It’s all about the chips:   Navigating the
 Space welcomes             Opportunities in times      data processing
 Arab satellites in orbit   of crisis                   highway
Etisalat Group: Spearheading the digital future while achieving record results - Telecom Review

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Etisalat Group: Spearheading the digital future while achieving record results - Telecom Review
Etisalat Group: Spearheading the digital future while achieving record results - Telecom Review
MAY 2021                                                     CONTENTS                                                           2


    6                                                                                                               14

           Etisalat Group: Spearheading the digital future              ICT now a foundation to ensure sustainable
           while achieving record results                               development

    18                                                                                                              22

       Nokia’s network expertise and software solutions                 Women empowerment at the heart of Zain Group’s
       helping telcos carry out their 5G evolution                      initiatives

     20      The sky’s the limit: Space welcomes Arab
             satellites in orbit

     24      How the Unified Billing facilitates digital
             transformation: A story from Nexign and               40     It’s all about the chips: Opportunities in times of
             MegaFon                                                      crisis

     26      Growth trends in fiber optic cable use                42     Network automation and SD-WAN discussed at
                                                                          Telecom Review virtual panel
     28      Tedmob CEO: “We don’t just build your digital
             business, we accelerate it”                           50     Navigating the data processing highway

     34      How telcos will succeed with 5G campus
             networks                                              52     What does the surge in electric vehicles mean for
                                                                          the ICT industry?
Etisalat Group: Spearheading the digital future while achieving record results - Telecom Review
MAY 2021                                                    EDITORIAL                                                             3

                                                                                                        Toni Eid,
     Editor in Chief & Senior ICT Analyst                                                                founder
                   Toni Eid                                                                        editor in chief
                                                   Telecom Review International

    Senior Journalist & Content Manager
              Christine Ziadeh

                                              Digital pass:

                   Elvi Correos

               Jonathan Pradhan

                Editorial Team
   Christine Ziadeh (Lebanon), Corrine Teng
     (Singapore), Elvi Correos (UAE), Jeff
    Seal (USA), Jennifer Saade (Lebanon),
                                              A call to the WHO
     Jonathan Pradhan (UAE), Marielena        For over a year now, the whole world is grappling with the repercussions of a
      Geagea (Lebanon), Toni Eid (UAE)        serious pandemic. The travel industry has been affected more than anything else.
                                              The events’ business is also one of sectors that are bearing the brunt despite
              Advertising Enquiries           the organization of virtual events that have been a good solution but never an
               Mohammed Ershad
                                              alternative to in-person events.

                Graphic Designer              The talk of a global digital pass which includes our Covid19 medical records
                  Tatiana Issa                comprising of PCR tests results and vaccination update, was promising but
                                              unfortunately hasn’t materialized yet.
              Responsible Manager
               Joseph Bou Daher
                                              As this is a new pandemic, confusion reigned around who is the right authority to
                       News                   approve this pass - is it the WHO, the IATA, or each airline in coordination with the
           Provided in cooperation with       country’s health authority?
           AFP, the global news agency
                                              Trials were conducted between UK and Singapore flights and the Emirates and
                  Published by                Dubai Health Authority will have their own pass soon so whereby vaccinated
                                              residents can fly without presenting any documents or waiting for confirmation
                                              ahead of travel.

              Trace Media Ltd.
                                              The EU health chief said in statement that as of June, vaccinated travelers will be
            Zouk Mikael, Lebanon              eligible to travel without having to undergo quarantines within the union countries,
            Kaslik Sea Side Road,             but strictly for the vaccines approved by the EU.
       Badawi Group Building, 4th Floor,
      P.O. Box 90-2113, Jdeidet el Metn       Why haven’t all the efforts deployed to launch a unified global pass borne fruit?
             Tel. +961 9 211741
             M. +961 70 519 666
                                              The WHO has been very slow and this delay was pushing many local authorities to
                                              take independent actions.
             Trace Media FZ.LLC.
            Dubai Media City, UAE             The United Nations should push the WHO to take responsibility and save the
        Building 7, 3rd Floor, Office 341
         P.O. Box 502498, Dubai, UAE
                                              economy and millions of jobs around the world whether in the airlines business,
             Tel. +971 4 4474890              hotels or even ground staff at airports.
             M. +971 55 639 7080
                                              The technology is available and it has proven its success in global digital platforms,
                   Printing                   therefore, immediate action should be taken.
        United Printing and Publishing

            © All rights reserved
      Publication of any of the contents
                 is prohibited

               Year 16 | Issue 173
Etisalat Group: Spearheading the digital future while achieving record results - Telecom Review
Etisalat Group: Spearheading the digital future while achieving record results - Telecom Review
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Etisalat Group: Spearheading the digital future while achieving record results - Telecom Review
MAY 2021                                  COVER STORY                                          6

                                                        The telecom industry
                                                        is undergoing an
                                                        unprecedented digital
                                                        transformation. With
                                                        evolving technologies
                                                        such as 5G, artificial
                                                        intelligence (AI), big data,
                                                        Internet-of-Things (IoT),
                                                        autonomous vehicles,
                                                        (M2M) communication,
                                                        cloud, robotics, and
                                                        blockchain, as well as
                                                        the introduction of new
                                                        business models to cater
                                                        to the changing customer
                                                        demands, Etisalat Group
                                                        remains at the forefront
                                                        of digital innovation in
Eng. Hatem Dowidar, CEO, Etisalat Group                 telecommunications.

Etisalat Group:
                                                                         ocusing on end-to-end
                                                                         digitization, Etisalat
                                                                         underpins the digital
                                                                         revolution by adapting
                                                                         to an increasingly

Spearheading the
                                                                         tech-reliant lifestyle,
                                                                         supporting businesses
                                                        on the way they operate and deliver
                                                        value, and providing smarter solutions
                                                        toward government and cities. 2020 has

digital future while
                                                        been a challenging year and yet Etisalat’s
                                                        journey was transformational as it
                                                        braces the “new normal” and accelerates
                                                        further toward the future.

achieving record
                                                        Among its outstanding feats are a robust
                                                        financial performance, recognition
                                                        as the strongest brand in the Middle
                                                        East and Africa region, brand new

                                                        investments for telecom infrastructure
                                                        and technological advancements, and
                                                        extended efforts for achieving massive
                                                        digital transformation.
Etisalat Group: Spearheading the digital future while achieving record results - Telecom Review
MAY 2021                                                   COVER STORY                                               7

Etisalat recorded the highest annual          “In this time of uncertainty, our primary
results with net profits touching Dh9         goal is to keep our valuable customers,
billion & 3.8% YoY growth                     employees, and society fully connected.”
With an international footprint that
extends to 16 countries across Asia,          Following this, the unveiled Q1 2021
the Middle East, and Africa, Etisalat         results display a continuation of the
continued its focus on enhancing the          strong performance the company has
core business and exploring new growth        achieved over the past year. In detail,
opportunities, while being well-equipped      consolidated revenues for the first
for delivering its digital capabilities and   quarter amounted to Dh13.2 billion,
solutions.                                    representing an increase of 0.8%

As a result, Etisalat’s dedication
                                              YOY and 1.2% quarter-over-quarter.
                                              Moreover, the consolidated net profit
                                                                                             Etisalat recorded
to building a robust, agile, and
transformative business allows a strong,
                                              after Federal Royalty amounted to Dh2.3
                                              billion, representing a 7.9% increase YoY
                                                                                            the highest annual
sustainable, and profitable shareholder       and 14.7% quarter over quarter, resulting
value and returns. In retrospect, Etisalat    in a net profit margin of 18%.              results with net profits
Group announced its consolidated
net profit for the year 2020 of Dh9           In terms of Earnings Before Interest,       touching Dh9 billion &
billion, recording a 3.8% year-on-year        Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization
(YOY) growth that has been attributed
to strong growth in international
                                              (EBITDA), it is stable compared to the
                                              prior year with a 51% EBITDA margin,
                                                                                             3.8% YoY growth
operations. Since 2016, these results         amounting to Dh 6.8 billion, representing
are among the highest annual profits          an increase of 0.7% YOY and 7.4%
recorded by the Group.                        quarter over quarter.

Eng. Hatem Dowidar, CEO, Etisalat Group       The company’s generated first-quarter
emphasized that Etisalat’s advanced           results are the outcome of its efforts to
network, recognised for being the             serving consumers in the new work-
fastest mobile network in 2020, and its       and-learn-from-anywhere scenario,
ability to adapt and implement plays an       according to Hatem Dowidar. Besides,
instrumental role during the pandemic.        the leading telco will continue to focus
Etisalat Group: Spearheading the digital future while achieving record results - Telecom Review
MAY 2021                                                COVER STORY                                                            8

on capitalizing on opportunities and        reflecting investors’ confidence in        globally in the strongest brands index.
enhancing the overall customer              Etisalat Group’s performance, strong       Etisalat achieved this global brand
experience while delivering long-term       financial profile, and credit ratings.     strength through its continuous efforts
value for all shareholders.                 Specifically, Aa3 stable (Moody’s) and     and investments in accelerating value
                                            AA- Stable (S&P Global) are considered     to its consumers across markets
In fact, during the Annual General          within the highest ratings in the          with the launch of many successful
Meeting (AGM), the Etisalat Group           industry.                                  innovative global branding initiatives.
shareholders agreed to distribute a full-
year cash dividend of 80 fils per share     More so, Morocco-based Maroc               This recognition put Etisalat up 17
for the FY 2020 and additional one-         Telecom, the first global telecom          spots in the global 500 brand value
time special dividends of 40 fils per       operator in the country, continuously      ranking from 225th to 208th and is
share. This brings the total dividend per   expands its 4G mobile network              ranked among the top five strongest
share to AED 1.20. Not only that, but       coverage that reached 99% of the           telecom brands across global markets
shareholders also approved raising the      Moroccan population in 2020. This          and the strongest telecom brand in the
non-UAE national (foreign) ownership        is one of the impacts of the signed        MEA region.
limit from 20% to 49%.                      deal worth Dh10 billion dirhams
                                            between the telco and the Moroccan         For the fifth year in a row, Etisalat has
Etisalat Group’s new bonds issuance         government in 2019 to develop              retained its title of the most valuable
aims to maximise shareholders value         telecoms infrastructure over the next      telecom portfolio of brands, touching
by reducing the cost of funding             three years.                               over AED 40 billion, including Etisalat
Etisalat Group has announced the                                                       Misr, Mobily, Ufone, Maroc Telecom,
successful completion of a bond             Etisalat made history becoming the         PTCL and is also the only telecom
issuance worth one billion euros to         strongest telecom brand in MEA             brand to retain AAA brand rating.
refinance the maturing bond it had          region and ranked among the top 5
issued in 2014 for the acquisition of       telecom brands globally                    Commenting on Etisalat’s
a controlling stake (53%) in Maroc          In January 2021, Etisalat made history     achievements, David Haigh, CEO, Brand
Telecom. Issued in two tranches, the        when Brand Finance, the world’s            Finance commented saying, “When
first is a 7-year tranche amounting to      leading independent brand valuation        COVID struck in 2020, Etisalat led from
500 million euros with an annual yield      and strategy consultancy, named it the     the front ensuring business continuity,
of 0.4 percent while the second tranche     strongest brand across all categories      digital and innovative solutions…
is for a 12-year period worth 500           in the Middle East and Africa (MEA)        staying relevant and enabling the
million euros with a 1 percent annual       region. The Group scored a Brand           nation with the fastest network on the
yield.                                      Strength Index (BSI) score of 87.4         planet, Etisalat has earned its place as
                                            out of 100 and a corresponding AAA         the region’s ‘Strongest Brand.’”
The bond issuance was very successful       brand strength rating – the only brand
as it witnessed a remarkable demand         in the region to achieve this rating. It   Etisalat’s 5G network will play an
from local and international investors,     put Etisalat among the top 25 brands       important role in delivering the fastest,
MAY 2021                                                     COVER STORY                                              9

smartest and best connectivity to Expo         Etisalat’s services in the 5G network will
2020                                           play an important role in delivering the
Focusing on its vision to ‘drive the digital   fastest, smartest and best connectivity
future to empower societies,’ Etisalat         to ensure that the massive security and
has been at the forefront to bring digital     logistical readiness is in place for the
ambitions to reality by spearheading           mega world expo.
the deployment of the 5G network
and setting a major benchmark in the           Commenting on Etisalat’s participation,
industry.                                      Dr. Ahmed Bin Ali, Group Senior Vice
                                               President, Corporate Communication,
“Etisalat has become a key regional and        Etisalat, commented saying, “As the             Etisalat driving the
international player in 5G especially with     Official Telecommunications and
one of the biggest world expo powered
by 5G to be held next year”, said Etisalat
                                               Digital Services Premier Partner of
                                               Expo 2020 Dubai, Etisalat is proud to
                                                                                                digital future to
Group CEO.                                     have supported Pavilions Premiere and
                                               the debut of Terra – The Sustainability
                                                                                               empower societies
The upcoming Expo 2020 Dubai is                Pavilion. We delivered state-of-art
being seen as an event that will foster        telecommunications and digital services,         bringing it to the
global trade and bring countries               providing a superior visitor experience
together to come up with real-life             thanks to the fastest network on earth.”        forefront of digital
solutions to business challenges
worldwide. The UAE has been lauded
by the participating countries for its
                                               Innovative customer service strategy
                                               and adoption of the digital-first
technological infrastructure to host such      marketplace has been the key driver
massive world events. As the country’s         for Etisalat’s success and growth
leading telecommunication company,             in leading the 5G revolution and the
Etisalat is the preferred premier digital      successful launch of global brand-
services and telecommunications                building initiatives. Etisalat has tirelessly
partner of Expo 2020 Dubai and it is           led digital innovation in the country by
prepared to deliver the 5G connectivity        working on several digital initiatives in
for the millions of delegates and visitors     infrastructure, entertainment, and smart
participating in the event.                    cities.
MAY 2021                                                COVER STORY                                                              10

Etisalat’s vision to ‘Drive the digital     enterprises (SMEs) by creating an           deployment of its 5G network that
future to empower societies’ brings it      abundance of opportunities in the UAE.      enables applications in areas such
to the forefront of digital innovation in                                               as AI, IoT, virtual reality (VR), and
telecommunications                          To ease the pain points of the SME          augmented reality (AR). It strives to
Etisalat launched a slew of services        sector in times of the pandemic, Etisalat   address Industry 4.0 opportunities
in the first quarter of 2021. “Striking     partnered with Etihad Airways to            to benefit enterprises from various
the right partnerships with technology      provide mobile and digital solutions for    technological use cases in areas
leaders and entrepreneurs in close          the SMB and startup community. Under        such as energy, healthcare, education,
partnership with government and             the agreement, Etihad and Etisalat          transport, and entertainment, providing
private sector were key factors to push     aim to jointly design special products,     new revenue opportunities.
us to innovate and lead in this space,”     offers, and activities that support SMB’s
Dowidar pointed out.                        to start and grow their business with       In the B2B segment, Etisalat has
                                            the latest innovative and convenient        partnered with Nokia to launch a
In February, Etisalat launched the          solutions.                                  5G network for enhanced mobile
Smiles food order and delivery                                                          broadband (eMBB) services, expand
services in the UAE as part of its effort   Similarly, Etisalat’s Digital Financial     5G coverage, and unlock new revenue
to innovate and enhance customer            Services (DFS) partnered with               opportunities. Under the arrangement,
experience. In April, Etisalat vowed        Al-Futtaim to enable secure and             Nokia has deployed its AirScale radio
to donate 5% of all food orders             contactless payment options for             platform, based on 3GPP 5G New
placed on its Smiles app, to UAE’s          eWallet customers across the country.       Radio (NR) standards, utilizing massive
‘100 Million Meals’ campaign. The           Additionally, as part of its commitment     Multiple Input Multiple Output (ma-
donations provided food parcels for         to support and empower people of            MIMO) radio technology.
disadvantaged individuals and families      determination, Etisalat partnered
across 20 countries in the Middle East,     with the Ministry of Community              To support next-gen networks, Etisalat
Asia, and Africa during the Holy Month      Development to launch a web extension       and Cisco are building the region’s first
of Ramadan.                                 to make accessing the web autistic          open and autonomous, and secured
                                            friendly. Etisalat collaborated with        network. Etisalat will leverage Cisco
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin            Brussels-based IT company Bliss             AI/ML automation to simplify Etisalat
Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and       to come up with a web extension             Emirates Internet Exchange (EMIX)
Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of      aimed at empowering autistic people         operations with a set of innovative use
Dubai honored Etisalat along with other     and personalizing their browsing            cases aimed at providing intent-based
contributors for its role in raising over   experience.                                 and closed-loop automation solutions
Dh188 million from the humanitarian                                                     to the EMIX network.
campaign. The ‘Fourth Industrial            Etisalat has been prominent in
Revolution’ solutions will be led by        the growing global ecosystem of             Additionally, Etisalat Misr and Huawei
entrepreneurs and small and medium          telecommunication with the rapid            completed the first VoLTE call using
MAY 2021                                                 COVER STORY                                                              11

Huawei’s Virtual IMS which allow the        technologies such as 5G, AI, cloud,           strengthened through the partnership
Single Voice Core solution support          and blockchain                                of Nokia and Mobily in deploying
for 2G/3G/LTE/5G/VoBB all in one            The Middle East is among the leading          narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT)
core to avoid the complex integration,      regions for digital transformation,           technology across its infrastructure.
operations, and maintenance for the CS      and Etisalat contributes to this by           More than 4,000 LTE base stations have
core and IMS coexistence.                   focusing on creating more value in            been enabled to support enhanced
                                            the lives of customers and the growth         NB-IoT cell connectivity. This will help
Key investments for telecom                 of businesses, as well as utilizing a         businesses including energy, transport,
infrastructure                              combination of technologies such              and health to deliver improved
The UAE was ranked first in the Gulf        as 5G, AI, cloud, and blockchain in           customer experience through Mobily’s
and the wider region on its telecom         empowering digital societies.                 network.
infrastructure, according to a United
Nations (UN) e-government survey.           Cloud and data centers are among              “With communication and connectivity
The Telecommunications and Digital          the innovative solutions that Etisalat        gaining more significance and demand
Government Regulatory Authority             Digital has to offer. Providing traditional   more than ever during the pandemic,
(TDRA) previously mentioned that            colocation and managed services for           telcos play a critical role in closing this
telecom operators in the country have       more than two decades, Etisalat’s cloud       gap of digital readiness by becoming
allotted a huge budget for infrastructure   services have been operational for four       the engines of resilience and innovation.
investment, making the UAE’s                years and are growing exponentially.          Moving ahead, network modernization
infrastructure among the best in the        It has 11 data centers within the UAE         and digital transformation play a key
world in terms of fiber optic services      with 18,500 m2 of raised floor and 23         role in bringing this change to society,”
and overall network coverage.               MW of power, with colocation services         Hatem Dowidar remarked.
                                            from six data centers in Dubai, three
Etisalat plays a major role in these        in Abu Dhabi, and one each in Al Ain          Taking all this into consideration, the
investments. By being the first national    and Fujairah that are mainly used for         all-inclusive digital transformation
telecom provider, initiator of the first    international carriers.                       provides the telecom industry with
rollout of commercial Internet services                                                   significant growth opportunities.
in the region, up to the first launch of    At Help AG, unmatched technical               Standing still as a leading telecom
commercial 5G in the region, Etisalat       expertise and industry-leading                network, Etisalat serves as a backbone
has been focused on establishing a          cybersecurity solutions are made              of the digital economy, bringing digital
well-connected network that could be        available. As Nicolai Solling, chief          transformation and innovation across
the difference in achieving a long-         technology officer at Help AG explained       markets.
lasting digital transformation.             in line with the State of the Market
                                            Report 2021, cybersecurity takes
In detail, the network coverage today       collaboration amongst all responsible
reaches across the country with 4G          actors in the government and private
LTE network coverage touching 99.70%        sectors. This is a must to improve the
and 3G covering 99.82%, while fiber-to-     region’s digital security landscape.
the-home (FTTH) has reached 95.7% of
homes across the UAE. Along with this,      Citing an example, the UAE Trade
network deployments in 5G reached           Connect (UTC) is a unique platform that
over 35% covering the main cities in
                                            will enable UAE banks and the supply
                                            chain industry to join the platform to
                                                                                                    Etisalat is a leading
                                            combat fraud and duplication in the
The UAE, particularly Fujairah, is          trade finance space. Banks such as                     telecom player with
ranked as the biggest location for          Commercial Bank International (CBI),
submarine landings in the region. Thus,     Commercial Bank of Dubai (CBD),                       the fastest network in
Etisalat has invested in data centers to    Emirates NBD, FAB, Mashreq Bank,
complement its telecom infrastructure
called SmartHub. Known as the biggest
                                            National Bank of Fujairah (NBF), and
                                            Rakbank can send invoice information
                                                                                                  the world & ranked as
carrier hotel, it minimizes latency
and delivers outstanding end-user
                                            into a private permissioned blockchain
                                            network. This information is then run
                                                                                                  the strongest telecom
performance. Also, it includes direct
access to a major cloud platform,
                                            through Etisalat’s fraud detection
                                            system, which uses AI to check the                         brand in MEA
Etisalat’s IP network, and the Middle       authenticity of the invoice data.
East’s largest Internet Exchange.
                                            At the same time, fostering informed
Etisalat contributes to creating            decisions based on real-time
more value in the lives of customers        information for business success,
and the growth of businesses with           Etisalat’s IoT solutions have been
MAY 2021                                             INTERVIEW                                                        14

                                        ICT now a
                                        to ensure
                                        Following a string of recent conferences and the release
                                        of its 2020 Annual Report, Telecom Review catches up
Charles Yang, President of Huawei       with Charles Yang, President of Huawei Middle East, on
Middle East
                                        plans for the region.

                   s a key driver       users with the best customer             region, is relatively good. Traffic
                   of digital           experiences. In addition, we will        across the Middle East increased
                   transformation       work with operators and partners to      approximately 40% last year due to
                   and larger           explore 5G commercial use cases.         the pandemic, because almost all
                   socio-economic       For example, in Saudi Arabia, we         activities are online now, such as
                   development,         work with stc and Aramco to use 5G       online meetings, online education,
                   what are Huawei’s    technologies to improve efficiency       and online shopping. Last year’s
current plans for the development of    and reduce costs. Now we have just       pandemic has affected many
5G in the region?                       signed a 5G port in Oman. In the UAE,    industries, raised more demands on
What we see is that the combination     we cooperate with ADNOC in oil and       the ICT communications industry,
of 5G, cloud, and AI has become a       gas, as well as Abu Dhabi Airports, to   and brought more opportunities as
significant development trend and a     develop 5G use cases.                    well.
new engine for the expansion of the
digital economy.                        Through all this, we provide the best    But as you said, there are factors
                                        technologies and services to our         that affect operators’ growth and
From the perspective of 5G, the         customers, in turn promoting the         profitability. I think it’s mainly from
Middle East has experienced the         development of the digital economy.      two sides. Many countries’ entire
first wave of 5G construction thanks                                             economy declined to a certain extent
to the joint efforts of governments     With 5G on the fast track, what do       due to the impact of the pandemic,
and operators. Huawei is one of the     you think is the main obstacle to the    which may affect the profitability of
most important 5G solution providers    growth and profitability of telecom      operators. Second, due to the impact
in the region. We will continue to      operators today?                         of the pandemic, international flows
support operators in 5G construction,   The situation of operators in the        between countries are restricted,
build the best networks, and provide    Middle East, especially in the GCC       and some expatriates working in the
MAY 2021                                                INTERVIEW                                                        15

region left. I think this has brought      In the past 30 years, Huawei has
some impact on the revenue of              deployed 1,500 networks worldwide,
operators.                                 serving 3 billion people in more          pandemic. In this regard, what is
                                           than 170 countries and regions.           Huawei’s plan to support economic
We have heard a lot of news                So far, no major incident related to      recovery in the Middle East?
about Huawei’s contribution to             cybersecurity privacy protection has      Ultimately, the pandemic has
the automotive business. Can you           occurred.                                 accelerated digital transformation.
clarify the company’s plans in this                                                  During the pandemic, global network
regard?                                    Huawei recently joined OIC-CERT, a        traffic has increased by approximately
Electric cars and smart cars are           leading international cybersecurity       50%. Cloud migration has become
certainly a trend for the future. In the   platform. This is the first time Huawei   the first choice for enterprises, and
meantime, core technologies such as        has joined the cybersecurity platform     85% of enterprises have chosen
artificial intelligence, 5G, and cloud     of the Islamic world, and Huawei is       cloud services. At the same time,
services will play a big role.             the organization’s first leading ICT      demand for home broadband has
                                           member. OIC-CERT is committed to          increased by more than 20% in the
To confirm, Huawei is not building         providing expertise in cyber crisis       last year. All these changes indicate
its own vehicles. Instead, we              management and continuously               that ICT will become a new engine of
focus on using our ICT solutions           protecting cybersecurity through          digital economic growth in the post-
as a component supplier for                global cooperation. As a member of        pandemic era.
smart vehicles, helping traditional        this organization, we will work with
manufacturers build better vehicles.       all cybersecurity stakeholders on an      The pandemic has also made us
We provide smart components to our         open and transparent platform to          realize the importance of globalization
customers, including cloud services        ensure end-to-end cybersecurity.          and diversification for the future. To
for smart cars, smart cockpits, smart                                                face the challenges posed by the
networking, and smart electrics.           That said, I believe that cybersecurity   pandemic, we must work together to
                                           is not the responsibility of only one     build a solid foundation to ensure the
Huawei’s smart vehicle solutions           enterprise, nor can it be achieved by     sustainable development of the digital
have unique advantages. For                one enterprise alone. Cybersecurity       economy.
example, we have mature full-stack         needs to be built by the whole
ICT development capabilities in the        society. I have always stressed
to-business market, as well as an          that Huawei is willing to sign
understanding of experience design         cybersecurity agreements with any
in the consumer market. Overall, our       country in the region.
solid understanding of consumers
can be reflected in the innovation of      Can you share with us your
smart car parts to make consumers          expectations for Huawei’s business
more comfortable. Second, our              growth in the Middle East in 2021?
consumer-facing design capabilities        In general, we are very confident in
are very strong, especially process        the Middle East business this year.              In the past 30 years,
design. Therefore, we hope to make         This is because we have gained the
smart cars more competitive through        trust and support from governments,              Huawei has deployed
joint efforts between Huawei and           operators, and enterprise partners in
traditional auto manufacturers.            the Middle East over more than 20
                                           years. I think operators’ businesses
                                                                                               1,500 networks
With so many projects in hand, what
do you see as Huawei’s contribution
                                           are stable, and I think the enterprise
                                           network market will grow rapidly.
                                                                                             worldwide, serving
to enhancing network cybersecurity
in the Middle East?                        As for the impact of US sanctions
                                                                                           3 billion people in more
First, Huawei has 30 years of practice     on Huawei, the US has had no
in cybersecurity. We have an end-to-       impact on our ICT infrastructure                  than 170 countries
end process, from procurement to           business locally. First, we have
R&D to production to final operations.     inventory. Second, our supply chain                    and regions
Huawei Middle East often invites           is diversified. Therefore, we are
global cybersecurity experts to            confident that the ICT infrastructure
communicate with governments of            of telecom operators and enterprise
countries to share their experience        businesses will not be affected.
in cybersecurity governance, to
help build cybersecurity processes,        We know that countries around
and to improve the cybersecurity           the world have different plans
capabilities of countries overall.         to overcome the impact of the
MAY 2021                                            REGIONAL NEWS                                                          16

Saudi Arabia: 5G leader within GCC region, 127% faster 5G
speed globally
                                          countries and faster 5G speed than        around the world during Q1 2021,
                                          the global average.                       the Kingdom’s 5G emerged as 127%
                                                                                    faster at 322.42 Mbps.
                                          The maturity of the 5G market is
                                          said to be measured from the ratio        In retrospect, Saudi Arabia has
                                          of samples from devices that are          a new plan to allocate 23 GHz of
                                          connected to 5G to the number of          spectrum to boost 5G speeds and
                                          samples from all 5G-capable devices       coverage. The Communications and
                                          per country. Within the GCC region,       Information Technology Commission
                                          Saudi Arabia had the highest ratio        (CITC) released the 3-year “Outlook
                                          (83.4%) during the first quarter of the   for Commercial and Innovative Use
                                          year. Qatar is ranked second (80.9%),     of the Spectrum in Saudi Arabia”
                                          followed by the United Arab Emirates      that elaborates how the spectrum
                                          (UAE) with 77.4%, Kuwait (68.5%), and     allocation can support a wide range
                                          Bahrain (57.9%). Oman, which is the       of technologies including mobile,
                                          most recent one to have launched          satellite, and Wi-Fi.
In the Q1 2021 findings of the Internet   commercially-available 5G this year
performance analyst firm Ookla,           has the lowest ratio of only 6.1%.        On the other hand, the UAE records
Saudi Arabia is ahead of the 5G                                                     the fastest mobile speed in the GCC,
network landscape across the Gulf         As a result of Ookla’s speed test         with 100.99 Mbps. Moreover, mobile
Cooperation Council (GCC) region and      comparing Saudi Arabia’s median           users with 5G-capable devices in
around the world. The Kingdom has         download speed over 5G with an            Qatar had the highest 5G availability
the highest 5G adoption among GCC         average of 5G download speeds             (38.1%).

UAE leads in world’s mobile network speed race
                                          of 183.03 Mbps and 177.10 Mbps,           Etisalat has contributed to the UAE
                                          respectively.                             ranking first in terms of mobile network
                                                                                    speed. This is yet another milestone
                                          The Speed Test Global index, which        achievement for the UAE as well as
                                          assesses over 135 countries,              Etisalat’s testament to its relentless
                                          compares internet speed data from         efforts towards its strategy and vision
                                          around the world on a monthly basis.      to ‘Drive the digital future to empower
                                          Data for the index comes from the         societies’.
                                          hundreds of millions of tests taken by
                                          real people using the speed test every    As the country’s leading mobile
                                          month.                                    operator and world’s fastest mobile
                                                                                    network, Etisalat is uplifting the
                                          Mobile network speed is regarded          national performance, enabling the ICT
The UAE has ranked as a leader in a       as a major contributing factor to         aspirations of the country’s leadership.
global mobile index as the country        the well-being, economic wealth
with the fastest mobile network speed     and social prosperity of a nation.        Ookla had recognised Etisalat for
in the first quarter of 2021, according   This achievement has a lot of             being the fastest mobile network
to the latest data from Ookla, a global   favourable implications for a enabling    operator worldwide in 2020 providing
leader in fixed broadband and mobile      environment for future aspirations,       its subscribers the most superior
network testing applications, data        country’s ICT agenda, productivity of     experience with the fastest mobile
and analysis.                             businesses, amongst others.               speeds from anywhere in the world.

With a download speed of 178.52           This significant achievement adds         Just recently Etisalat has partnered with
Mbps in March, the country overtook       one more feather to the UAE’s cap,        Nokia to deploy 5G network, providing
South Korea and Qatar in the mobile       and comes at an opportune time            enhanced mobile broadband services
broad speedtest in the Global Country     with the recent declaration of 2021       and expanding 5G coverage and revenue
Mobile rankings. The UAE also             as “Year of the 50th” as the nation       opportunities. Nokia’s 5G portfolio
overtook both countries in January        celebrates its milestone Golden           supports Etisalat’s mission of driving the
and February, with download speeds        Jubilee.                                  digital future to empower societies.
MAY 2021                                                INTERVIEW                                                        18

  Dalia Nabil, Head of Pre-sales, Cloud
  and Network Services, Nokia MEA

Nokia’s network expertise and
software solutions helping telcos
carry out their 5G evolution
OSS/BSS modernization is important in the era of 5G and digital transformation. Dalia
Nabil, Head of Pre-sales, Cloud and Network Services, Nokia MEA explains to Telecom
Review all about the transformative impact of 5G on OSS/BSS systems and the role
that Nokia is playing in that space.

               G is a transformative      One of the many challenges to             world, especially after the pandemic,
               technology. How will it    overcome to fully realize the future of   expectations for new use cases
               transform and impact       5G, is the complexity of the current      and opportunities are exponentially
               OSS/BSS systems?           operations and business support           increasing. Much of the promise of
               5G, which is               systems (BSS). For decades, service       these new use cases will come with
               fundamentally              providers have been implementing          the implementation of new 5G core
               different from previous    complicated and customized layers and     technologies that enhance the ability
technologies, is all about use cases      silos, which led to a platform far from   to deliver dynamic end-to-end network
and new business opportunities.           being agile and dynamic.                  slicing and automated operations.
5G networks is a platform for value
creation, to support new business         With the acceleration of the launch of    Service providers must maximize
models (B2B2B and B2B2C).                 commercial 5G services around the         their return on investment by enabling
MAY 2021                                                  INTERVIEW                                                               19

dynamic new business capabilities           uphold will be too dynamic for static,      how are you addressing the security
to capture every revenue opportunity        open-loop operational systems and           aspect?
brought by 5G. That cannot be               processes to keep up. Automation            Nokia has the network expertise,
achieved with static legacy business        and AI need to be “designed-in” to          software solutions and global services
and operations support systems              5G service and network operations           to help telecommunications companies
(OSS/BSSs), having old architectures,       from the start. This will help service      plan for and carry out their 5G
limited flexibility and lack of real-time   providers with four concerns in             evolution. Our deep understanding of
monetization capabilities.                  particular: cost, quality, agility and      5G operations and our end-to-end 5G
                                            security.                                   portfolio provide a clear path forward
Monetization solutions must also                                                        to connect the network to the business,
be open to enable CSPs to digitally         For service providers to address            monetize using new business model,
interact with customers and partners.       those challenges and automate               adopt closed-loop processes and
In addition, business agility is required   successfully, service providers will need   establish a truly outside-in approach to
so that highly dynamic digital services     to put in place an automation-native        innovation.
can seamlessly be brought to market         architecture.
rapidly. All of these must be delivered                                                 Nokia has extensive references around
with greater operational efficiency than    What impact does network slicing            the globe and is trusted by 270+
ever to support the massive growth in       have on OSS/BSS?                            service providers supporting 1.8 billion
data and devices at lower costs.            In the 5G era, the network-as-platform      subscribers for monetization and
                                            will act as enabler of enterprise           OSS. For reference, Nokia deployed 5G
How important is it to modernize            innovation – for use by enterprises         CHF, that is already live in Tier-1 NAM
OSS/BSS in the 5G era? What are the         to develop and deliver solutions to         operator’s multivendor 5G SA Core
challenges here?                            their own markets. By leveraging            serving millions of customers. Other
A wise man once said, “You cannot           the software-based capabilities of          reference is with Singtel, based on a
keep doing the same things over and         the 5G network, service providers           Network as a Service (NaaS) approach
over and expect different results”.         will create virtualized portions of the     that provides customers with highly
Capitalizing on 5G opportunities will       network (“slices”) that they can sell       customizable services for a variety of
require a complete rethinking of the        to third parties who can then build 5G      5G use cases and applications enabled
traditional approaches to both network      capabilities into their own enterprise      by Nokia’s next-generation operations
and service operations, including the       and consumer offerings.                     suite.
people and processes that power
them. But that evolution should happen      The service provider network will           Security remains a key consideration
incrementally, with automation and AI       consist of many slices, each can be         for all service providers as they move
essential to getting service providers      adapted to a different industry set         towards 5G. What’s essential is that
from where they are today to where          of requirements in terms of latency,        security be built into 5G services by
they want to be - a fully integrated,       throughput and other parameters.            design, not as an afterthought. It
outside-in, market-driven approach to       Whether it is a university campus, a        needs to be in place any time a new
operations.                                 mining company or a multi country           service is launched, or new partners
                                            logistics player, each enterprise could     and customers are connected to the
Modernization is critical to be able to     have a “slice” of the network to deliver    network. Without it, the massive new
dynamically turn network, technology        its use cases. These slices will then       revenue opportunities of 5G will be at
and other assets into business. The         need to be orchestrated, operated,          risk.
challenges are many including:              and assured in closed-loop cycles so
• Legacy customized systems with ad         agreed-upon service-level agreements        There are three key things service
  hoc point-to-point integrations           (SLAs) are upheld.                          providers would require for security
• Complex IT architectures with no                                                      operations in the 5G era: 1) a holistic
  open interfaces                           According to Analysis Mason,                security management approach; 2)
• Siloed organizations with manual          enterprise-focused business use cases,      implementation of the SOAR model
  steps and no close loop processes         such as mobile edge computing and           (security orchestration, analytics and
• Legacy offering with existing             network slicing, will require modern,       response); and 3) digital trust.
  customer base not used to digital         scalable, real-time charging systems.
  channels                                  Further, the report states that, “…it       By connecting silos, enabling “cross-
• Long time to market (TTM) in order        will be beneficial for service providers    slice visibility”, harnessing AI, SOAR
  to define new service/offering            to deploy all new stacks to support         systems and maintaining digital trust,
                                            these use cases rather than investing       service providers can ensure the
What role does automation play in the       in enhancing legacy billing/charging        highest degree of assurance for all
modernization and optimization of           systems.”                                   network activities, all while relieving
OSS/BSS?                                                                                human beings from tasks they won’t
5G network-based services with              Where is Nokia in OSS/BSS                   otherwise be able to keep up with in the
multiple slices and diverse SLAs to         modernization for 5G networks? And          complex, dynamic 5G environment.
MAY 2021                                                 ICT FEATURE                                                             20

                                                                                         pan-Arab satellite communications
                                                                                         organization. Founded by the 21
                                                                                         members of the Arab League, Arabsat
                                                                                         — considered as the leading satellite
                                                                                         services provider in the region — has
                                                                                         been serving the needs of the Arab
                                                                                         world for over 40 years.

                                                                                         Similar to other regions, the Middle
                                                                                         East and North Africa (MENA) is
                                                                                         rich in experience and unique in its
                                                                                         perspective regarding satellites. Here
                                                                                         are some of the groundbreaking Arab
                                                                                         satellites launched:

                                                                                         Arabsat-1A. In February 1985, the first
                                                                                         Arabsat satellite launched into orbit.
                                                                                         This signals the Arab world’s entry into
                                                                                         space. Due to malfunction, it was soon
                                                                                         followed by the deployment of Arabsat-
                                                                                         1B. The latter is done alongside Saudi
                                                                                         Prince Sultan bin Salman’s historic
                                                                                         space trip aboard NASA’s Discovery

The sky’s the limit:

                                                                                         Inmarsat GX5. Launched in November
                                                                                         2019, this satellite delivers roughly

Space welcomes
                                                                                         double the combined capacity of the
                                                                                         entire existing GX fleet. Equipped
                                                                                         with a significantly expanded ground

Arab satellites in orbit
                                                                                         station network and enhanced cloud-
                                                                                         based processing, GX5 supports the
                                                                                         rapid growth in customer demand
                                                                                         for GX services in the Middle East,
“Space is the gateway to science, and science is the                                     particularly for aviation connectivity
                                                                                         and government/commercial maritime
driver to the future economy,” said His Highness Sheikh                                  services.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai and                                       FalconEye. Launched in December
                                                                                         2020 in line with the UAE’s 49th
Vice-President, Prime Minister of the UAE.                                               national day, FalconEye is the fourth

                                                                                         reconnaissance satellite launched by
                     he Middle East         Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the United        this country. Developed together with
                     is known as a          Arab Emirates (UAE) have established         Airbus Defence and Space and Thales
                     frontrunner for        space agencies and operate their own         Alenia Space, the satellite is specifically
                     innovation, and this   satellites.                                  designed for mapping, agricultural and
                     is not only limited                                                 environmental monitoring, and urban
                     to technological       By definition, satellites establish secure   planning, as well as to support the
                     advancements           and reliable communication networks          needs of the UAE’s Armed Forces.
that we can benefit from in a tangible      and overcome connectivity gaps in
manner. Space science and technology        remote or rural areas. The multi-            KhalifaSat: the first Emirati satellite
have become an essential field for          billion-dollar satellite industry has        built from the ground up was launched
countries seeking to develop their          seen phenomenal growth for the past          into orbit in October 2018. This
terrestrial infrastructures and human       decades and is anticipated to prosper        heralded a new era in global space
resources in various areas.                 further as the interest for space            exploration within the Emirates.
                                            innovation surges.                           Developed by a team of young Emirati
As a matter of fact, Arabs have invested                                                 engineers from the Mohammed
billions of dollars in various programs     A preview on Arab satellites                 Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC),
that will benefit academic, technical,      The beginning of the Arab space              KhalifaSat is equipped with the latest
and economic fields. Algeria, Egypt,        age can be credited to Arabsat, the          in space and imaging technology,
MAY 2021                                                  ICT FEATURE                                                             21

intended to be used in urban planning        Alcomsat-1: Launched in December            communications industry is booming
and designing smart cities.                  2017, the successful broadcasting of        in terms of development due to
                                             public television and radio channels is     globalization and a myriad of factors
MeznSat: This 3U CubeSat developed           made possible from the new Algerian         such as cultural, technological,
by students from Khalifa University          satellite Alcomsat-1. It successfully       financial, and geographical. As more
and the American University in Ras Al        carried out the broadcasting of five        satellites are launched and more
Khaimah was launched in September            public television channels (National        services are available to a wider
2020. This satellite would provide data      Programme, Canal Algerie, TVA3,             audience, the regional satellite
on greenhouse gas concentrations             TV4, and TV5) and 57 radio channels,        regulation may very well undergo
using a shortwave infrared                   previously broadcasted by foreign           further adaptation in the current
spectrometer. It also collects data on       satellites.                                 generation.
the red tide phenomenon in the UAE.
                                             Maroc-TUBSAT/Mohammed VI-A and              Among the key factors in the growth
DMSat-1: Launched in March 2021,             VI-B: Morocco launched the country’s        of the MENA small-satellite market
Dubai Municipality collaborated with         first microsatellite Maroc-TUBSAT           are the increasing need for earth
MBRSC to develop the Emirate’s first         in 2001. Aside from this, Morocco’s         observation operations, growth
nanometric environmental satellite that      two earth observation satellites,           of small satellite launch vehicles,
will map air quality and monitor climate     Mohammed VI-A and Mohammed                  emerging telecom sector as well as
change in the UAE. The data provided         VI-B are the most capable optical           increased investment by venture
by the satellite will be used to find        surveillance satellites owned by any        firms. Additionally, climate change and
solutions to confront the challenges         African nation. The two satellites, their   rising terror threats are some of the
of urban pollution and climate change.       launch services, and ground support,        other major factors which are driving
Moreover, it explores the future             reportedly cost Morocco between 500         the demand for small satellites in the
environmental reality within the UAE.        million and 600 million euros.              region.
Thus, the launch of the satellite is part
of the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy           The current state of the Middle East        According to 6Wresearch, the Arab
2050 and UAE Energy Strategy 2050.           satellite market                            region has substantial growth
                                             “The UAE’s potential and varied             prospects until 2025. The governments
Shaheen Sat: This locally-made               programs in the space sector under          are taking several initiatives to upgrade
satellite was successfully launched          the leadership’s long-term vision           the communication and navigation,
in March 2021. The satellite will            can reinvigorate the rich history of        broadcast, and remote sensing
photograph Earth from space and track        Arab-Islamic scientific contributions       applications through the launch of
ships from low orbits. Being among the       to humanity. It is time for the Arab        low-cost small satellites in space.
new generation of small-size satellites,     world to return to the age of scientific    The UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Africa
it includes a high-resolution imaging        developments, achievements,                 are the key growing regions of the
telescope that provides satellite images     and contributions for the sake of           overall MENA small satellite market;
to serve Saudi Arabia’s development          humankind’s progress. Through these         particularly the latter as it has relatively
goals of employing artificial intelligence   programs and more, we can once              low connectivity rates.
techniques and big data.                     again welcome the Arab-Muslim
                                             nations to the forefront of scientific      Currently, leading satellite operators
EgyptSat 1/MisrSat-1: This is Egypt’s        leadership,” said His Excellency Hamad      include the Thuraya Satellite
first Earth remote sensing satellite         Obaid Al Mansoori, Head of the UAE          Communication Company, Al Yah
launched in 2007. It is currently defunct    Digital Government and Director             Satellite Communications Company,
now as the contact with the satellite        General of the Telecommunications           and MBRSC. These operators are
has been lost since 2010. On the other       and Digital Government Regulatory           destined to provide more advanced
hand, a series of Egyptian satellites        Authority.                                  satellite services over the years.
dubbed “Next” will be launched starting                                                  SES’ research shows that 30% of the
from December 2021.                          In the MENA region, there are a             Middle East’s population will have 5G
                                             few organizations that provide              networks by 2025. This technological
MisrSat-2/EgyptSat 2: To demonstrate         guidance and regulate the satellite         advancement will affect satellite
Egypt’s capacity for space exploration,      telecommunications industry. These          innovation in the future. Hussein Oteifa,
the MisrSat-2 satellite will be 100%         include the ITU’s Arab Regional             General Manager, Sales, Middle East,
manufactured locally and is scheduled        Office (ARO) in Egypt, established in       SES Networks commented: “Given
for completion by August 2022. While         1991; Arabsat; and the Arab States          the diverse geographical landscape
in September 2022, the EgyptSat              Broadcasting Union (ASBU) which give        of the region, and satellite’s unique
2 satellite will be launched to be           certain rights and responsibilities that    ability to connect remote areas, there
used in sensor applications with a           are tantamount to regulation.               is definitely huge potential to integrate
photographic accuracy of two meters.         By and large, the satellite industry        high-performance satellite seamlessly
This is designed in cooperation with         is as diverse as it is complicated.         into 5G networks and accelerate the
China.                                       In the MENA region, the satellite           rollout.”
MAY 2021                                           WOMEN IN ICT                                                           22

Women empowerment
at the heart of Zain
Group’s initiatives
Women are excelling in the ICT industry which proves
the need to bridge the gender gap in order to give                                              Jennifer Suleiman, chief
                                                                                        sustainability officer, Zain Group
women more opportunities to prove their skills in
the field. Zain Group has recently published a report
entitled “Women in Tech - Bridging the Gender Gap in                             economies from reaching their
STEM Fields” to highlight this matter. In an exclusive                           full potential as it omits half of the
                                                                                 population’s potential and talent to
interview with Telecom Review, Jennifer Suleiman, chief                          contribute to the economy.

sustainability officer, Zain Group explains more about                           How is Zain addressing the gender
                                                                                 gap in STEM?
the report’s outcomes and her influencing role as a                              Zain is continually driving equality
leading woman in the ICT field.                                                  programs, recognizing the need to

                                                                                 push an agenda that is cohesive,
                  ain Group released    gap is considered “the unfinished        inclusive, and fair to all. This thought
                  its thought           business of our time.”                   leadership report is another tool to
                  leadership report                                              highlight the extent of the exclusion
                  2021 entitled         As the number of girls gaining an        of women from STEM-related fields,
                  “Women in Tech        education increases, disparities         and what is needed to close the
                  - Bridging the        associated with access to                gender gap across the region and
                  Gender Gap in         opportunities, quality and topics        beyond.
STEM Fields.” What are the main         they choose to study becomes more
highlights of the report? And what      evident. It is imperative for girls to   The company established a number
impact did it have on the industry?     further develop themselves in STEM       of initiatives that aim to close
The report focuses on exploring         education, as careers in these areas     the gender gap in STEM where
important issues regarding the cause,   are seen as the jobs of the future,      it supported the Women in Data
nature, and effects of the challenges   driving innovation, social well-being,   Science Conference (WiDS), which
faced by women as related to STEM.      inclusive growth, and sustainable        emphasized the importance of
Zain’s 2021 Thought Leadership          development.                             women’s participation in the global
Report provides insights on the                                                  digital economy. The company then
gender gap in STEM, highlighting        Women are underrepresented in            committed and achieved its target of
its impact on socio-economic            the technology sector and even           certifying over 100 women across its
development across the board.           though large strides have been           country operations in the field of data
                                        made in STEM education, it has           science and data analytics.
Women account for half of               not translated into employment.
the world’s population and              Studies have shown that even though      In Bahrain, Zain launched Girls for
are fundamental to ensuring a           countries have largely invested in       Tech Camp in partnership with the
sustainable future and peaceful         improving girls’ education including     Supreme Council for Women and
societies. There has been some          STEM education, cultural and             Clever Play, which is an organization
progress made towards achieving         societal constraints have hindered       that aims to inspire children’s
a more equitable society, however,      this needed transition, impacting        curiosity and passion for STEM.
there is still a long way to go and     societies in a dramatic manner. This     Established in October 2019, the
according to the UN, the gender         gap in STEM employment prevents          program aims to equip 1,000 girls
MAY 2021                                            WOMEN IN ICT                                                    23

between the ages 8 and 14 years
with 10 hours of training in coding.

As a woman in the ICT field, what
are the challenges that you faced
to reach a leadership position? And
how did you overcome them?
The company’s evolution and
its effort to continue to drive the
agenda of sustainability provided
the opportunity to really understand
the role sustainability plays within
the context of digital services and
technological advancements. This
gave me the opportunity to grow
with the company and continued to
encourage me to drive and lead in
this realm. It is extremely important
to set the vision of what the function
does and consistently revise, adapt
and evolve with the upcoming trends
and ever-changing landscape. I was
able to leverage on the symbiotic
relationship of technology and social
movements and how they help one

In your opinion, how can the status
of gender inclusion in the ICT
industry be improved?
ICT as an industry must set proper
targets in place and ensure that
it integrates the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) as a
framework and guiding principle
as it will ensure gender inclusion is
embedded within all functions of the
business. By creating a clear strategy
and end-goal that actively combats
gender biases will help in building
an efficient ecosystem that has an
inclusive, resilient, and equitable
direction.                               What message can you relay              movement for others to join and
                                         to women aspiring to join the           advocate for inclusion.
As women bring a unique perspective      ICT workforce? And to the ICT
to problems, marginalizing them          companies in our region?                Find mentors who inspire you
from certain fields leads to negative    Determination and drive are key         and nurture those relationships.
consequences. This risk is evident in    to driving change. We must work         Connecting with other people
STEM, as some technologies might         collectively as men and women           who have been in your position
be developed with unconscious            to see change and development.          especially in the ICT industry, can
biases integrated within those           As ICT companies, it is part of our     really help with achieving your goals
solutions. As such, the inclusion        social contract to be as inclusive as   and aspirations and overcoming
of women must start in the design        possible - not only from and gender     obstacles. ICT companies must
process of products, services and        perspective but also of people with     continue to drive gender inclusion
policy creation. With the world          disabilities and other marginalized     as they have an opportunity to
migrating towards a digital economy,     communities. Companies in the           address the digital gender divide.
we must ensure that when digital         region must invest in programs that     Technological adoption is moving at
solutions are created, women’s           promote inclusivity, monitor and        an extremely rapid pace, as such the
perspectives and viewpoints are          assess impact, leverage on cross-       industry must make sure that it is
considered from inception.               sector partnerships, and spark a        leaving no one behind.
You can also read