Making a difference
through health
How PwC is helping to
change lives
Impact case studies


    Making a difference                        PwC’s purpose is to “build trust in
                                               society and solve important problems.”
                                                                                         It is a privilege to work with clients from
                                                                                         across the health spectrum – from
    through health                             Our Partners and staff demonstrate a
                                               commitment to this purpose every
                                                                                         providers to payers, medical device
                                                                                         companies, governments and NGOs, and
                                               day in the work we do with our Health     healthcare new entrants drawn from a
                                               Services clients. We do so because of     wide spectrum of other industries – to
                                               a deep and passionate recognition of      help solve their most challenging issues
                                               the importance of health to society –     and to allow them to take advantage of
                                               because health matters.                   the opportunities opening up. It is also
                                                                                         heartening to know that we are having a
                                               In a world facing massive health          positive impact and making a difference
                                               challenges and an industry undergoing     to the lives of people around the world.
                                               profound disruption, we are active
                                               participants in helping businesses,
                                               governments and individuals through
                                               the transition to a new health economy.
                                               In doing so we strive to:

                                               • support the improvement of health
                                                 and well-being around the world;

                                               • build trust in the health system;

                                               • solve complex health problems so
                                                 that better and more sustainable
                                                                                         Patrick Figgis
                                                 health systems emerge; and
                                                                                         PwC Global Leader, Health Services
                                               • have a positive impact on society.

                                               This collection of case studies is an
                                               example of just a few engagements
                                               that show our strong desire to make
                                               a difference.

2    Making a difference through health How PwC is helping to change lives

    One happy island: Reducing                                                                       What did PwC do?
                                                                                                     The Aruban Health Insurer, the hospital
                                                                                                     and the government asked PwC to help in
    diabetes and improving                                                                           the assessment of the gravity of the issue
                                                                                                     and understand what this meant to their
                                                                                                     people and economy.
    health in the Caribbean                                                                          The first phase of our work, carried out
                                                                                                     from 2012 to 2014, consisted of defining
                                                                                                     and implementing a national system
                                                                                                     for making quality and efficiency of
                                                                                                     healthcare transparent. The system
                                                                                                     chosen and implemented focused on
    Background                                          The issue                                    “diagnose related groups”; it combines
    Aruba is a small island in the southern             Surprisingly, Aruba suffers one of the       information about patients, diagnoses
    Caribbean Sea and is part of the                    highest percentages of diabetes in the       and treatments, with the goal of
    Kingdom of The Netherlands. Aruba                   world; 16.24% of the Aruban population       assessing performance/activity based
    enjoys one of the highest standards of              suffer from diabetes, versus 8.33%           funding needs.
    living and lowest unemployment rates                globally.3 Through the combination
    among its Caribbean neighbours.1                    of data from various health care             The generated data from the newly
                                                        stakeholders it was estimated that 57%       implemented registration system revealed
    The Aruban health care insurer (AZV)                of the diabetes patients are currently       alarmingly high numbers of complications
    is the sole insurer for the island’s                unknown or hidden from within the            linked to either diabetes and/or obesity
    population of 112,000 inhabitants.                  health care system. The issue with           and illustrated just how much strain
    The Aruban hospital Dr. Horacio E.                  these patients is that they emerge in        diabetes puts onto the Aruban economy
    Oduber Hospitaal (HOH) is located near              the hospital in the late stages of their     and its healthcare system.
    Oranjestad, Aruba’s capital, and has a              condition and have already become
    capacity of 290 beds with an average                in need of radical treatment.                Since 2014 PwC has closely collaborated
    occupation rate of 78.8% in 2014. HOH’s                                                          with both health care providers as well
    ambition is to belong to the best regional          Due to the dominant tourist industry,        as insurers to tackle the consequences
    hospitals and to provide regional and in            consisting of mainly US and Dutch            of diabetes on the average life of the
    particular cases sub-regional care.2                tourists, the Arubans have access to all     Arubans. Our approach was to elaborate
                                                        modern supermarkets and convenience          and further develop the connections
                                                        foods. However, since Aruba is an            between healthcare providers by
                                                        island, healthy and fresh food are           introducing and implementing a
                                                        relatively expensive.                        multi-disciplinary treatment of diabetes.

                                                        Combined with the fact that the native       Through the network of PwC Netherlands
                                                        cuisine of Aruba has a Caribbean or          we were able to bring expertise to the
    The first phase of our work,                        Creole basis where food is frequently        island by providing a subject matter
    carried out from 2012 to 2014,                      deep-fried, the effects of this run          specialist on multi-disciplinary diabetic
                                                        through everyone’s average daily life.       care. Together we are redesigning the
    consisted of defining and                                                                        treatment process of diabetes. Through
    implementing a diabetes                             Practically all Arubans encounter diabetes   our work with the Aruban authorities and
    registration system.                                and obesity in their lives. Many have        hospital we strive towards the goal of
                                                        friends or relatives who have lost limbs     establishing a treatment that reduces the
                                                        or have become immobile as a result of       escalations of a patient’s condition into
                                                        their condition.                             severe complications, consequently
                                                                                                     reducing the associated costs of
                                                                                                     traumatic treatment.

    1 CIA World Factbook
    3 International Diabetes Foundation

4     Making a difference through health How PwC is helping to change lives
Thomas Coenen

                                                                                            Consultant, PwC Netherlands

                                                                                            T: +31887921369

                                                                                              Potential reduction of

  16.2%                                                   8.3%
                                                                                              complications as a result of
                                                                                              integrated diabetic care

                                            vs                   Global                                        Dialysis

    population suffering                                 population suffering
       from diabetes                                        from diabetes

Source: International Diabetes Foundation

                                                                                                               Diabetic foot

What impact did we make?                     Five years on
A healthier Aruban population; through       We believe that by 2020 the work we
our work we have provided ways to            have brought to Aruba will have
improve the health care system and           contributed to achieving a significant                            AWG2,4M
captured key medical data. Already we        reduction in diabetes suffered by the
have traced numerous previously              Aruban people. The best scenario
unknown sufferers of diabetes and            would be a drop from 16.4% to below
established new protocols.                   the average of the world population                               Heart failure

                                             suffering from diabetes; all hidden
In addition to increasing the knowledge      patients will be discovered and will
of medical professionals through             be treated according to the
intensified dialogue-through-connection      multi-disciplinary protocol.
and education, our work has helped                                                                             AWG1,4M
increase the quality of treatment and        By benchmarking the process to Canadian
service to diabetic patients. This means     processes, it is calculated that by 2025
general practitioners can better monitor     the primary five complications from

their patients, are better equipped to       diabetes will potentially be reduced by
ensure treatment takes place and have        56% on average (see sidebar).
access to medical data from specialists,
pharmacists and laboratories through         Currently we are also making preliminary
integrated technology protocols.             steps towards primary prevention and                              AWG0,7M
                                             similar treatments for other chronic
Patients receive coordinated care from       conditions like heart failure and obesity.
their own general practitioner who is        Together with the Aruban people and
connected to the right expertise and there   healthcare stakeholders on the island                             Eye & kidney damage

is now an integrated network generating      we strive towards increasing our impact
key diabetes data. We have helped connect    on the island.
stakeholders and put in place nation-
wide coordinated steps for improvement       Besides the benefits generated within the
                                             health care system itself, it is calculated                       AWG0,3M
in the health of the Aruban population.
                                             that significant macro-economic benefits
                                             will be gained additionally. Employers           Source: HOH data benchmarked with data from
                                             will be able to better deploy their              the Canadian Institute for Health Information
                                             workforce with less absenteeism and
                                             fewer cases of amputation. Next to this,
                                             the government itself will see a reduction
                                             in welfare payments. The macro-economic
                                             potential factors at 2.4 times the reduction
                                             in complications.

                                                         Making a difference through health How PwC is helping to change lives       5
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