March 2023 | Gazette Life

Page created by Casey Graham
March 2023 | Gazette Life
March 2023 | Gazette Life | 1
March 2023 | Gazette Life
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2 | Gazette Life | March 2023
March 2023 | Gazette Life
Contents                                                                                                                                 March 2023

     GAZETTE LIFE                                                                  BURSTING INTO LIFE

Ed's letter                                                                                                                    Regulars
Lanzarote will turn green in more ways than one            the music will be playing, the Guinness will be                     06      Local News
this month, as springtime arrives on an island             flowing and the craic will be mighty.
                                                                                                                               08      Island Info
that will be buzzing from start to finish.
                                                           But that's not all. Carnival parades in Costa
                                                                                                                               20      Crossword
Rains in February may have put the damper on               Teguise, Playa Blanca, Haría and Tinajo will
a few holidays, but they also mean that the island         bring more rhythm, noise, colour and joy to the                     32      Recipe
will be dressing up in greenery for March. Every           island, while the Hindu festival of Holi will also
few years we also get a beautiful display of wild          return.                                                             42      Maps
flowers, whose delicate colours light up all sorts
of unexpected corners of the island, and the               The March events also remind us of a more                           50      Property
conditions are perfect for such a show right now.          painful anniversary. Three years ago, a two-
                                                           week lockdown was announced two days before                         70      Sport
It's a wonderful time to get out to Lanzarote's            St Patrick's Day. Those 14 days would become
countryside and see the brief but unforgettable            six weeks, and an island that relies on tourism                     72      Marketplace
way the island can burst into breathtaking                 faced its biggest challenge in recent history, with
                                                                                                                               75      Classifieds
beauty.                                                    travel restrictions that endured until last year.
                                                                                                                               78      Tide Times/Weather Watch
Also dressing up in green will be hundreds of              Now, the resorts are full, the island is starting to
islanders celebrating St Patrick's Day. This has           boom again and, if all goes well, this will be the                  79      Tel Numbers
become a special event on Ireland's favourite              first normal March we'll be experiencing for four
holiday destination, and you can guarantee that            years. Let's celebrate it with heart and soul.                      81      Horoscopes

Published By                                                                                         EMAIL CONTACTS
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CANARY ISLAND IMPACT SERVICES S.L.                   that material published in the magazine is      EDITORIAL:
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                                                                                                                                          March 2023 | Gazette Life | 3
March 2023 | Gazette Life
05                    Tourism Row
                        Dodgy headlines in British papers
                        damage Lanzarote.
  12                    Doing Business
                        A chat with José Valle, president of
                        Lanzarote's Chamber of Commerce.
                                                               We interview Jacobo

  18                    Lanzarote Time                           Medina, the PP
                                                               party's candidate for
                        Machine                                 Cabildo President.
                        Fire in Teguise!

  22                    The Secret Cave
                        A guided walk to a beautiful hidden


34                                                                Isle
                                                                   We visit the
                                                                 stunning Islote
                                                                 de Fermina in
What's On                                                           Arrecife.
Your guide to March
events on the island.

St Patrick's                                                     14
Everyone's welcome to the                                      The Piper
Irish party (except snakes)!                                     Pilot
                                                                 The Canaries
                                                               seen from above.

4 | Gazette Life | March 2023
March 2023 | Gazette Life

                                                                                      “BRITISH TOURISTS
                                                                                     REMAIN AS WELCOME
                                                                                        AS ALWAYS.”

  The Atlantic Museum

 Lanzarote was the centre of a media storm last
 month after sensationalist British newspapers
 claimed Lanzarote wanted fewer British tourists.

 On 2nd February, the Tenerife-
 based newspaper Canarian Weekly
                                          term tourist strategy is to reduce
                                          mass tourism by attracting fewer,
                                                                                   IS LANZAROTE SATURATED?
 published an article with the            wealthier tourists. This is already      On Lanzarote, María Dolores Corujo's speech
 misleading headline “Lanzarote.          happening – Lanzarote had fewer          was criticised by political rivals for “damaging
 We need less British tourists”.          tourists last year than it did in the    Lanzarote's image”. Members of the PP and
 The article was based on a recent        last “normal” year of 2019, but it       CC parties did not address the inventions of the
 speech by Cabildo President María        made more money.                         British press, but condemned the President for
 Dolores Corujo at the FITUR                                                       declaring that Lanzarote was a “touristically-
 travel fair, in which she outlined the   A second part of the plan is to
                                                                                   saturated zone” at a major travel fair intended to
 island's tourism plan and claimed        reduce reliance on the British
                                                                                   attract business.
 the island was “saturated”.              market by promoting the island in
                                          other countries. The UK supplied         Corujo defended her statements, saying that
 At no point did she say that             53% of Lanzarote's international         other Spanish destinations had also taken action
 Lanzarote needed fewer British           tourism in 2022, a higher share          to control tourism and seek quality over quantity,
 tourists, but that didn't stop UK        than in the ten previous years,          but did not withdraw her claim that Lanzarote
 papers such as The Mail Online           and the island is keen to spread         was saturated.
 reporting “Lanzarote says it is fed      risk. Unforeseen events, such as a
 up with having so many British           recession in the UK, the collapse        That's because most islanders agree with her. Last
 tourists visiting the island – and       of a major airline or the volcanic       year Lanzarote attracted 2.3 million tourists - 15
 wants FEWER UK tourists”.                ash cloud of 2011, have all affected     for every resident living here, and the effects have
 Hundreds of online commenters            the island's economy in the past.        been seen in areas such as public transport, rents
 responded angrily to the headlines,                                               and the environment. Upper limits on tourist
 with many threatening to avoid           If successful, the strategy may          numbers have existed for decades to address this,
 Lanzarote or take holidays               result in fewer tourists overall, with   but the rise of independent travel and unlicensed
 elsewhere.                               British tourists making up a smaller     holiday lets mean that official figures do not
                                          share. But there is no plan to limit     match reality.
 But there is no plan to limit British    British tourists, who will remain as
 tourists. Part of Lanzarote's long-      welcome as they always were.

                                                                                                              March 2023 | Gazette Life | 5
March 2023 | Gazette Life
                                                                                                 Lanzarote residents had the rare chance to see
ALDI ARRIVES; LIDL TO                       LUNAR ROVER IN HARÍA                                 a moon rover exploration vehicle in action last
COME TO PLAYA BLANCA                                                                             month, when a CoRob-X (Co-operative Robots for
On 22nd February Aldi opened the doors                                                           Extreme Environments) rover was presented in the
of its first supermarket on Lanzarote                                                            Plaza de Haría.
since a branch in Arrecife closed several
years ago. The new Aldi is located on the                                                        The rover has been brought to Lanzarote as part
Rambla Medular in Arrecife, just on the                                                          of a project which uses caves in Haría to simulate
left as you arrive from Playa Honda.                                                             conditions on the moon’s surface. The project
                                                                                                 involves mapping terrain, measuring gravity and
Meanwhile, Yaiza Ayuntamiento has                                                                investigating jameos (volcanic tunnels).
granted a licence for the construction of
a LIDL supermarket in Playa Blanca.

Yaiza Mayor Óscar Noda announced the
                                            PLAYA BLANCA                            HELLO, CAMPERS!
licence last month, and thanked LIDL        BUS CHANGES
and Club Lanzarote, who will take charge                                            An Airbnb user in Arrecife
                                            Yaiza Ayuntamiento announced            has caused controversy
of roads, pavements, lighting and other
                                            a new modified bus timetable as         by offering visitors the
supporting infrastructure while LIDL
                                            well as a new bus line that came        possibility of “urban
build the store. Works should take nine
                                            into force last month.                  camping”       in various
months and Noda said the supermarket
is scheduled to open in December.                                                   dome tents located on
                                            To address the public transport         the roof of their property.
                                            issues on Lanzarote, Yaiza              The average price is €15             The owner also reserves the right
                                            Ayuntamiento, along with the            a night.                             to penalise guests with a fine of €35
                                            Cabildo de Lanzarote, have                                                   for “going into the wrong room,
                                            published a modified bus timetable      Guests will be able to use           tent or bed.”
                                            with the introduction of a new 62       the indoor facilities, such as
                                            bus line (following the same route      the kitchen and bathroom,            While some guests have reported
                                            as the 60 but half the stops.)          but are forbidden to enter           that the tents are “clean and
                                                                                    private rooms. Smoking               comfortable”,    others     have
                                            You can find the new timetable at       is banned in the property,           complained that an extra blanket
                                                        with penalties of €500.              costs €5.

      Spanish Wills and advice on English Wills                English Speaking Solicitors                       Tel: (+34) 928 815 262
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         Arrecife Main Office               By appointment only Tuesday & Thursday 9am - 1pm           By appointment only
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         35500 Arrecife - Lanzarote         35580, Playa Blanca - Yaiza - Lanzarote                    (Opp. Lidl beside Hiperdino Express and Tias Land Registry Office)

6 | Gazette Life | March 2023
March 2023 | Gazette Life
COSTA TEGUISE SPORTS CENTRE PLANNED                                                                                           Cabildo representatives
                                                                                                                              open the Tabayesco road.
Teguise Mayor Oswaldo Betancort has                       opened football pitch in Costa Teguise.
announced that an 8,000 square metre sports
centre will be constructed next to the recently-          The centre will serve as a base for more
                                                          than 20 sporting clubs, including handball,
                                                          basketball, futsal, judo, hapkido and
                                                          skating. Betancort also said that it would
                                                          have a semi-Olympic swimming pool and
                                                          accommodation for visiting teams.

                                                          Betancort publicly signed the contract
                                                          authorising the planning stage of the sports                       TABAYESCO ROAD FINALLY RE-OPENS
                                                          centre. However, no fixed dates have been                          After several years of closure due to the risk of
                                                          announced for the project yet.                                     landslides, the Cabildo reopened the LZ-207 road
                                                                                                                             from Haría to Arrieta, which passes through the
                                                                                                                             lovely little village of Tabayesco.
                                                                                                                             The twisting road runs alongside the Barranco de
MASKS OFF ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT                                                                                                Chafaris, one of the largest valleys in the north of
From 7th February, face masks were no longer               aeroplanes that had been in place for                             the island, which channels water from the highest-
compulsory on public transport and planes in               almost three years. However, you'll still                         lying parts of Lanzarote to the sea.
Spain.                                                     need to keep a mask handy if you're going
                                                                                                                             However, this caused erosion and frequent landslides
                                                           to chemists shops, hospitals, health centres
The law lifted the requirement for masks                                                                                     on the road, which was closed in 2018. Five years,
                                                           and other “socio-sanitary” establishments,
to be worn on buses, taxis and Spanish                                                                                       €500,000 and a lot of roadworks later, the road is
                                                           such as dentists and opticians.
                                                                                                                             open once again.

                                                                       RAIN, HAIL, AND TORNADOES
                                                                       Lanzarote ticked all the weather boxes last                 The island also experienced hail, briefly
                                                                       month, recording instances of rain, hail,                   covering La Geria and Timanfaya in a white
                                                                       calimas and even some small tornadoes.                      blanket almost resembling snow. On the same
                                                                                                                                   day, a small tornado was filmed in Tahíche
                                                                       Just as the island’s weather looked to be                   and Teguise. Heavy calimas followed in mid-
                                                                       improving, Lanzarote reminded us that                       February.
                                                                       we’re not quite done with the rain yet. The
                                                                       north of the island caught the worst of                     However, rain on Lanzarote always brings
                                                                       the downpours, with instances of flooding                   beauty, and the island should be dressed in
                                                                       around the island.                                          spring greenery by the time you read this.

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                                                                                                                                                   March 2023 | Gazette Life | 7
March 2023 | Gazette Life
REMEMBERING RAQUEL                                                                                       EMERGENCY REPORT
                                               In the film she was chased by a giant turtle at
                                               Papagayo and snatched by a pterodactyl at El Golfo,
                                               but it was her deerskin bikini and statuesque figure
                                               that featured on one of the most iconic film posters
                                               of all time.

                                               Welch stayed at the Parador Nacional – the white
                                               building on Arrecife's seafront that is now home to
                                               the UNED. Juan Brito Martín, the archeologist and
                                               folklorist, was working as one of the few taxi drivers
Raquel Welch, who died last month at the       on the island at the time. He told us that “She was a
age of 82, came to Lanzarote just as the       very nice woman, very well put together.” Like most
island was changing forever.                   islanders, censorship meant that neither he, nor the
                                               local Canarian wrestlers who acted as caveman
In winter 1965, the year before César          extras, saw the film until several years later.
Manrique returned and the Fariones Hotel
opened, Welch arrived to film One Million      Since that first premiere, Lanzarote has appeared in      Marcos Bergaz, councillor for the Emergency
Years BC, which would launch her as the        dozens of films and TV programmes. But few are            Consortium on Lanzarote, highlighted two
biggest sex symbol of the 60s and 70s.         likely to have the same impact.                           causes for concern last month while presenting
                                                                                                         the annual report on emergency call-outs in 2022.

                                                                                                         1,097 services were carried out in 2022, 6% more
                                                                                                         than in 2021. Of these services, 347 were related to
BOOSTER JAB CAMPAIGN                                                                                     fires, 156 to traffic accidents and 187 were rescues.
The Canarian Health Service has                                                                          “There has been an increase of 92.5% in
reminded islanders that anyone registered                                                                the number of traffic accidents, said Bergáz.
with the health service can request a                                                                    “Another aspect in which the figures increased
second booster jab against Covid 19.                                                                     was the burning of rubbish containers, rising
                                                                                                         from 62 interventions to 113”. Several people
Those who have recently suffered a case                                                                  have been arrested in relation to the burning of
of Covid must wait until three months                                                                    containers, he added.
from the infection before receiving the jab.
                                                                                                         To conclude, he thanked “the commitment
You can ask for an appointment at the          Over 60s should have already received their               and professionalism of the fire brigade and
Mi CitaPrevia app or website, or call          boosters, but in the case that they haven't, the same     consortium staff in furthering the safety of
112 or 928 301 012.                            advice applies.                                           Lanzarote and La Graciosa.”

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8 | Gazette Life | March 2023
March 2023 | Gazette Life
CRICKET NEWS                    Lanzarote will be competing      CAT AND DOG OF THE MONTH
                                for some silverware. We are
Cricket on Lanzarote took       currently holding practice                                        LINA
a bit of a knock during the     sessions and nets for
pandemic, but it's on the       anyone who is interested in                                       Lina is a friendly female pastor-mix. This five-year-
way back.                       playing, or at least joining                                      and-eight-month-old girl was rescued by the shelter
                                in and getting involved.”                                         with her pups. All her pups have been adopted to
                                                                                                  good homes, but Lina is still waiting for her second
                                The     2023     Lanzarote                                        chance at happiness. Could it be with you? Find out
                                International T20 Cricket                                         more about her at or book
                                Tournament is coming up                                           an appointment on 928 173 417 (English spoken). Dog
                                on the 24th to 26th March                                         walkers welcome from
                                and will be held at the                                           10.30 13.00 Monday-
                                Puerto     Del    Carmen                                          Saturday      (Saturday
                                Football Ground.                                                  by appointment only).
Peter Starmer told us
                                                                                                  If it is your first visit,
“Lanzarote     still   hosts    For further information
                                                                                                  please bring ID.
its     annual       cricket    and updates go to Cricket
tournament, and as always,      Lanzarote Facebook page          ENECO
a representative team from      or call Pete on 650643713.
                                                                 Eneco is a happy little male black cat. He is very
                                                                 affectionate and loves people. This six-year-old boy also
                                                                 gets on well with other cats. He would be the perfect
LANZAROTE LEADS TOURISM                                          addition to the right home. Find out how to meet him
                                                                 and about adoptions at
Lanzarote airport welcomed 628,000 passengers in                 There are also limited places for people to help with
January, 50% more than in January last year, and 10.3%           socialising cats. Email
higher than in the last January before the pandemic, in

The figures make Lanzarote the Canarian airport that
has seen the highest amount of growth.

3.9 million arrived on the Canaries in January, of which
2.5 million were international, while 1.4 million came
from Spanish airports. Although both markets have
increased, domestic arrivals have shown greater growth
than overseas visitors.

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                                                                                                                        March 2023 | Gazette Life | 9
March 2023 | Gazette Life

 Interview: Jacobo Medina, PP candidate for Cabildo President.
                                                                                             Cabildo Vice President during the first years of the current
                                                                                             legislature. We met him at the Gran Hotel in Arrecife.

 “WHEN WE'RE IN                                                                              What have the PP achieved on Lanzarote in the
                                                                                             last four years?

 POWER,YOU NOTICE”.                                                                          Currently we're in opposition in the Cabildo, but until
                                                                                             November 2021 we were part of the ruling group and, of
                                                                                             course, much of that time was spent under the pandemic.
                                                                                             We helped develop Lanzarote Covid Safe, which was
                                                                                             an innovative project that helped the island recuperate
                                                                                             valuable tourism.

                                                                                             As Minister for Public Works I worked on a lot on the
                                                                                             improvements that we're seeing the results of now, such as
                                                                                             the new and renovated roads all over the island, including
                                                                                             those in Nazaret and Tabayesco. When the PP are in
                                                                                             power, you notice.

                                                                                             What are the obstacles holding Lanzarote back?
                                                                                             The main problem is the lack of a viable Island Plan.
                                                                                             We're still working with a plan dating from 1991 that is
                                                                                             more than 30 years old. The Cabildo President has thrown
                                                                                             another proposed plan in the bin, but winning an absolute
                                                                                             majority would free us to push a new plan through.

                                                                                             What about the current tourism strategy?
                                                                                             On that we're in agreement that the island should pursue
                                                                                             quality over quantity. But claiming that the island is
                                                                                             “saturated” at a tourism fair, as the Cabildo's President
                                                                                             did recently, is damaging.

                                                                                             How about renewable energies?
                                                                                             Opportunities have not been taken. We could be pioneers
                                                                                             in this area and be moving towards an island that is 100%
                                                                                             renewable, but we should have started that 20 years ago.

                                                                                             We'd make it easier for wind farms and solar energy parks
                                                                                             to establish themselves on the island, and we'd also like to
                                                                                             change the public transport contracts on the island, which
                                                                                             have not been updated for years.

                                                                                             Why did the PP form a pact with the Socialists to
                                                                                             govern the Cabildo and Arrecife in 2019? Was it
                                                                                             part of a strategy to remove the Coalición Canaria
                                                                                             (CC) from power?
                                                                                             No. We've worked with the CC in the past, but they have
                                                                                             also tended to treat the PP like a junior partners. In 2019
                                                                                             we sought an agreement with the Socialists that would

                                                                                             work in the general interest, and this resulted in the
         ocal elections take place throughout Spain on 28th May, and                         breaking of a hegemony.
         will dictate how Lanzarote is governed for the next four years.                     How successfully do you think the pandemic was
         Over the next months, we'll be talking to key figures from the                      managed on Lanzarote and the Canaries?
  three main parties on the island, starting with Jacobo Medina, the                         That was mostly out of our hands, although we were
                                                                                             involved in security aspects such as the evacuation of
  PP's candidate for Cabildo President.                                                      tourists following the lockdown. What was necessary was
                                                                                             to use the opportunity that the lockdown provided to
  At 35 years of age, Jacobo Medina will be one of the youngest candidates on the island,    improve the island with public works.
  but his youth hasn't stopped him reaching the highest level of island politics. He's the
  Secretary General of Lanzarote's branch of the Partido Popular (PP), Spain's closest       We've criticized the failure to reactivate the economy
  equivalent to the British Conservatives, and held the title of Public Works Minister and   immediately after the pandemic. We demanded easier

10 | Gazette Life | March 2023
hiring conditions, which have been rejected. For the PP, the best
social policy is jobs.

No British or EU foreign national will be able to vote for
                                                                        THE PP ON LANZAROTE
you, as they are only allowed to vote at municipal level.                                                          predicting they will become stronger
What are your views on that?                                                                                       following the elections.
Of course people who live here and contribute should be
allowed to vote, but that's a decision at national level, and                                                      The party's strongholds are in
unfortunately there's been no movement for years.                                                                  Arrecife, where the party's Lanzarote
                                                                                                                   president Astrid Pérez has been the
How will the fortunes of the PP at a national level affect                                                         Mayor for the last four years; and
your chances in the elections?                                                                                     Tías, where Francisco “Pancho”
Favourably, I believe. The PP is polling well at a national level,                                                 Hernández governed the municipality
and a lot of that is due to the party's leader, Alberto Nuñez Feijóo,                                              until 2019. The PP has also had a
who has brought two important qualities: First, experience –                                                       strong presence in the Cabildo.
he's ruled Galicia for four terms; and second, confidence. He
looks like a leader and is seen as a safe pair of hands.                                                           National corruption scandals affected
                                                                                                                   the party at the last elections, after

Lanzarote politics can seem bitter and partisan. What                          he Partido Popular (PP) is a        the government's support for oil-
are relations really like between representatives of                           national Spanish party that         drilling off Canarian coasts had
different parties?                                                             has ruled Spain under José          deeply damaged its support in the
                                                                        María Aznar from 1996 to 2004 and          Canaries. However, the party is now
Respectful, usually. Campaigning is one thing, but at the end
                                                                        Mariano Rajoy from 2011 to 2018.           keen to show that these issues are
of the day we all know we have to sit down and talk with each
                                                                        With conservative and traditionalist       behind it. The collapse of the centre-
                                                                        tendencies, it is Spain's main right-      right Ciudadanos party and the lack
In summary, why should voters place the PP slip in the                  wing party.                                of support for the far right Vox party
ballot box?                                                                                                        in the Canaries mean that the PP
                                                                        The PP are currently the third force       continue to be the main right-wing
Because we're the party of good management, as has been
                                                                        in Lanzarote politics, with recent polls   national party on the islands.
shown by the work of Astrid Pérez in Arrecife and Pancho
Hernández in Tías.

                                                                                                                      March 2023 | Gazette Life | 11

  “IMPROVEMENT,                                                                  Interview: José Valle, President of Lanzarote's Chamber of Commerce.

    Jose Vallé

                                                                                             “WE NEED TO SHOW
                                                                                            THAT WE OFFER MORE
                                                                                            THAN JUST BEACHES.”

  Lanzarote's Chamber of Commerce
  can be found in an impressive modern
  building close to Arrecife's hospital.
  It's the organization created in 2006 to
  look after Lanzarote's business interests,
                                                                           Valle with the board of the Chamber of Commerce.
  promote small and medium-sized
  businesses and nurture new ones.                                        we need to improve all the time, remaining competitive, and laying the
                                                                          ground for more successful business.”

                                                                          Fourthly: sustainability. “I'm proud that Lanzarote has been chosen
        José Valle was elected President of the Chamber last June,
                                                                          of one of 13 Industrial Clusters in the world by the World Economic
        taking over from José Torrres. Last month we headed to the
                                                                          Forum,” says Valle. “ the Canary Islands Net Zero project will turn us
        Chamber to meet him and ask what he saw as the priorities
                                                                          into a laboratory and a world reference for sustainability in tourism.”
        for Lanzarote under his presidency.
                                                                          Finally, I'd like to see our ports used to their full potential. The Marina
        “There are five priority areas for me,” says Valle. “ First,
                                                                          in Arrecife is being improved, and Playa Blanca's new port will make
        renewing Arrecife and developing its tourist potential. The
                                                                          connections to Fuerteventura and, I hope, other islands faster and easier.”
        capital has been left behind, but we've signed an agreement
        with the Metropoli Foundation to create a project of urban        “Improvement, improvement, improvement,” is how Valle sums up the
        renewal similar to one seen in Bilbao.”                           way forward for Lanzarote.
        “Then there's training,” he continues., “We need to prepare
        young people and adults here on the island, so that we            BUSINESS NURSERY
        have the human resources necessary to improve the island's
                                                                          The Chamber of Commerce would like to remind all British and other
        businesses, which are mainly related to tourism”.
                                                                          foreign business owners that it is there for all businesses on the island,
        The island's tourist plan is the third priority: “Lanzarote       offering the tools , assistance and advice that can help your business thrive.
        depends on tourism. That's a fact we have to face. But the
                                                                          At the Chamber there are several specialised desks where you can find
        current strategy focuses on attracting higher-spending visitors
                                                                          out about help with the Cabildo and institutions, external commerce,
        over mass tourism. The pandemic was terrible, but it gave us
                                                                          training and renewables, and there is also a Business Nursery with room
        the chance to appreciate our island with fewer crowds, more
                                                                          for 17 start-ups.
        space. We need to show that we offer more than just beaches –
        promoting our tourist centres, our food and drink, our events     You can call for an appointment on 928 82 41 61, or just pop in for a chat.
        and all the ancillary businesses that reinforce Lanzarote's
        tourist appeal and contribute to its unique identity. And         Thanks to Pilar Hernández for her assistance.
12 | Gazette Life | March 2023
Should you fear being tax resident in Spain?
                            By Paul Montague, Partner, Blevins Franks  

The Canary Islands continue to be a popular                We often come across people who would love to live      recommendations – every family is different after all.
destination for retired British expatriates. Living        in Spain but are too worried about how much tax
here offers many benefits, and the lifestyle is very       they will pay to actually make the move. They are       They will evaluate your current tax liabilities, consider
conducive to a healthy and happy retirement. Of            limited to spending short periods in their Canary       your personal situation and objectives, and look at
course, like any country, there are some drawbacks,        Islands holiday home instead.                           what Spanish compliant arrangements would work
and a key concern for many people is the Spanish tax                                                               for you and how much tax you could save. They can
regime.                                                    But you don’t necessarily need to fear taxation in      then provide a strategic, tax-efficient financial plan
                                                           Spain. While tax rates can look high, the Spanish       to achieve your aims - you may be very pleasantly
It is important to understand how being Spanish            tax regime does present tax mitigation opportunities    surprised by your new tax bill in Spain.
resident will affect your tax position. Once you meet      – the way you hold your assets and take income from
any of the criteria that make you tax resident here        them can make a significant difference to how much
(you spend 183+ days in Spain, or your centre of           tax you pay. Many British expatriates continue to
economic or vital interests is here), you are liable for   hold the same arrangements they had in the UK, but
Spanish tax on your worldwide income, gains and            this can be a very costly mistake.                          Summarised tax information is based
wealth, and subject to the Spanish succession and gift                                                                   upon our understanding of current
tax regime.                                                Ask a specialist cross-border tax and wealth                laws and practices which may change.
                                                           management adviser to review your investment                 Individuals should seek personalised
Besides the expected income and capital gains taxes,       portfolio, pensions and other assets. Your adviser                          advice.
Spain additionally imposes an annual wealth tax            should take the time to get to know your personal
which generally affects those with net worldwide           situation. They need to get a clear picture of your          You can find other financial advisory
assets over €1,000,000. Combined together, this can        circumstances, objectives, long-term plans and estate        articles by visiting our website here
result in a discouraging annual tax bill.                  planning wishes in order to provide tailor-made          

                                                                                                                                    March 2023 | Gazette Life | 13

     The Isle of Alegranza.

                                                                                                        on an aircraft carrier. All airports are different
                                                                                                        – Tenerife North is often cloudy, for example,
                                                                                                        while Gran Canaria has two big runways.

                                                                                                        WHAT DO YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE
                                                                                                        ISLANDS FROM A BIRDS-EYE-VIEW?
                                                                                                        All sorts of things. I love flying to Lanzarote.
                                                                                                        It's forbidden to fly over Timanfaya but I love
                                                                                                        seeing El Golfo and going up to La Graciosa.
                                                                                                        On Fuerteventura you see long white beaches
                                                                                                        and crashing seas, and the western islands are
                                                                                                        much greener. The Canaries are dry in the
                                                                                                        summer, but after rain, everything goes green
  Stanislav Kaljban is a 47-year old flying instructor from Slovakia
                                                                                                        in just a few days.
  whose blog, The Piper Pilot, regularly shows the most spectacular
  aerial views of the Canary Islands, photographed from the vantage                                        Mount Teide above a sea of cloud.
  point of a Piper training aircraft.
  STAN, TELL US HOW ALL THIS                        our little training plane gets to mix with the
  STARTED.                                          big boys – it's a busy international airport with
  I wanted to be a military pilot originally, but   lots of passenger planes.
  back then the Berlin wall had just fallen and
  no one knew what was going to happen with

                                                          “I NEVER
  the Soviet Migs I would have been flying. I
  followed another career, but the dream never

                                                        GAVE UP ON
  died, and when I came to Tenerife in 2004, I
  joined a flying club, eventually becoming an

  The blog began in 2010. I'd bought an iPhone           MY DREAM                                       DO YOU EVER SEE PLACES YOU'D
                                                                                                        LIKE TO VISIT ON THE GROUND

                                                          TO FLY.”
  5, took it up to the top of Mount Teide and                                                           LATER?
  was amazed by the photos. At first, it was                                                            Often. For example, the old airport at La
  mostly a way for me to keep memories, but it                                                          Gomera fascinated me for five years, so I
  picked up more and more followers all round                                                           arranged a trip there and wrote a long blog
  the world.                                                                                            post about it.
                                                    IS THERE AN AIRPORT THAT'S
  WHAT   IS   YOUR                FAVOURITE         CHALLENGING?
  CANARIAN AIRPORT?                                 Not really, but La Gomera sometimes worries         Stan's amazing blog can be found at www.flywithstan.
  Tenerife South - it's my home base, the           people the first time. It has cliffs all around,    com, but you can also follow him on Facebook,
  controllers there are great and I like the way    and the winds can be strong. It's like landing      Instagram and Twitter. Search for The Piper Pilot.

14 | Gazette Life | March 2023
March 2023 | Gazette Life | 15
Paradise Isle                                                                                 Photos: Rens Königs

       The Islote de la Fermina finally opened to
       the public on January 30th. We took a look
       at Arrecife's beautiful new tourist attraction.

                          his small island just off the shore near the Gran Hotel
                          used to be called “the island of love” by locals, because
                          it was a popular place for young couples to seek a little
                 privacy. But its official name is Islote de la Fermina, named
                 after a local businesswoman who built a shipyard there in the
                 1920s. In the 1970s, the Cabildo acquired the isle and César
                 Manrique was hired to design the project.

                 It never opened. Delays and bureaucracy kept the island
                 closed for several years, and it was in an advanced state
                 of neglect until it was renovated recently. And now,
                 finally, anyone can stroll across the wooden bridge to this
                 lovely place.

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16 | Gazette Life | March 2023
The first thing you notice is the brilliant white of   sunbathers, but a perfect place for children to     Views like this are the big surprise awaiting the
the floor and the aquamarine of the abstractly-        play hide and seek. A lighthouse made of lava       visitor to the Islote. Not only does it offer fine
shaped pools, studded with jet black rocks and         overlooks the bay.                                  outlooks over Arrecife's bay; it also gives stunning
leaning palms. The design echoes Manrique's                                                                views south to Fuerteventura and the Ajaches
pool at Jameos del Agua, or his stunning Lago          The tempting pool contains unheated sea             mountains.
Martiánez in Tenerife.                                 water, and will open later in the year. There's
                                                       also a pleasant café, whose staff wear the tunics   As the setting sun's rays burst through dramatic
Canarian plants have been carefully planted            Manrique designed for the tourist centres, and      cloud, burnishing the horizon, you realise that
everywhere – tabaibas, veroles, drago trees            buildings where award-giving functions will be      those lovers who led their partners here were
and palms – and one end of the island has              held. Indoors, those huge Manrique windows          looking for more than intimacy – they also found
several black basalt windbreaks – meant for            frame views of Arrecife's seafront.                 romance, inspiration and beauty.

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                                                                                                                          March 2023 | Gazette Life | 17

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                                                                                                        • Fresh Food & Healthy Diet
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                                                                                                 LANZAROTE TIME MACHINE
                                                                                                 EACH MONTH WE LOOK AT...
                                                                                                 THE STORY BEHIND AN OLD
                                                                                                PHOTOGRAPH OF LANZAROTE.

                 Teguise's main church has survived six centuries of misfortune, but it remains
                        and it abides, the centrepiece of Lanzarote's historical capital.

The Church of Our Lady of             capital of the island until 1847.     fire and all efforts to extinguish    tower, making it the tallest building
Guadalupe in Teguise in the           Over the centuries it has been        the blaze failed. The fire spread     on the island at that point.
central square of Teguise is one      attacked, pillaged and burnt by       quickly, reaching the tower and
of the prettiest churches on          pirates and raiders on a number       stopping the clock at 12.25.          The main photo shows Teguise
Lanzarote, visited and passed by      of occasions. But the end of piracy                                         men and boys, all wearing their
hundreds of thousands of tourists     did not mean an end to disaster.      Fortunately, some brave locals        caps and sombreros, in front of the
who attend the Sunday market                                                plunged into the smoke-filled         burnt-out church, which appears
each year. But its simple, tranquil   On the 6th February 1909, an          building and rescued the image of     to be still smouldering. Several of
beauty hides a turbulent past.        altar boy lit a candle to melt the    the Virgin of Guadalupe for whom      the men seem to be aware they
                                      wax on some metal candlesticks he     the church is named, as well as       are being photographed – a rare
First established in the 15th         was cleaning. Just before midday,     three other images of saints.         event in those days – and are
century, the Church of Guadalupe      he left the candle near a cupboard                                          posing for the camera. A Guardia
is the mother church of Lanzarote     and climbed the tower to ring         The church was rebuilt with           Civil officer, in his distinctive cape
and the principal place of worship    the bells. When he returned, the      donations from local residents, and   and tricorn hat, can be seen on
in Teguise, the town that was         sacristy of the church was on         in 1914 a dome was added to the       the left.

18 | Gazette Life | March 2023
March 2023 | Gazette Life | 19
Prize Crossword

 1                  2                  3                   4                  5                   6                  7            This   month's      fab   crossword
                                                                                                                                  celebrates the 60th anniversary
                                                                                                                                  of the Beatles' first album, Please
                                                                                                                                  Please Me, which was released on
                                                                                                                                  22nd March 1963.

                                                                                                                                  Once you've finished twisting,
 8                                                                            9                                                   shouting and solving, send a
                                                                                                                                  photo of the completed crossword
                                                                                                                                  to      or
                                                                                                                                  WhatsApp it to +34 628628083 with
                                                                                                                                  your name, before 15th March, and
                                                                                                                                  you could win a bottle of wine from
 10                                              11
                                                                                                                                  the fantastic La Geria bodega or
                                                                                                                                  a €10 voucher for Hankey Panky's
                                                                                                                                  diner in CC Montaña Tropical,
                                                                                                                                  Puerto del Carmen.

                                                                                                                                  Last month's winners were Nigel
 13                 14                                                                                               15           Price from Costa Teguise (La Geria
                                                                                                                                  wine) and Kevin Manns from Puerto
                                                                                                                                  del Carmen (Hanky Pankey's
                                                                                                                                  voucher). Well done, lads and
                                                                                                                                  you can pick up your prizes at the
                                                                                                                                  Bookswop in Puerto del Carmen.
 16                                                        17                           18        19

                                                                              20                                                   1. Type of book the Beatles wanted
                                                                                                                                   to write in 1966 (9)

 21                                                        22                                                                      2. Distressed, or tipped over (5)
                                                                                                                                   3. Cut grass with a machine or
                                                                                                                                   scythe (4)
                                                                                                                                   4. Right, appropriate (7)
                                                                                                                                   5. The Beatles seventh studio
                                                                                                                                   album in 1966 (8)
                                                                                                                                   6. Cocktail of gin, sweet red
                                                                                                                                   vermouth and Campari (7)
ACROSS                                                                                                                             7. Give way to, or produce (5)
     1. Beatles bass player (4,9)                                                                                                  12. Beatles love song by 1 across,
     8. Period after 1945 (4-3)                                                                                                    sung partly in French (8)
     9. US Fashion magazine or Madonna hit (5)                                                                                     14. Type of suntan nudists get?(3-4)
     10. 1 across sang about this lovely meter maid (4)                                                                            15. British comedian Harry, of
     11. Dr ........, British R&B band led by Wilko Johnson (8)                                                                    Loadsamoney fame (7)

     13. Beatles song that mentions 4,000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire (1,3,2,3,4)                                               17. Jewish clergyman (5)
     16. Huge desert in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa (8)                                                                     19. First name of Beatles drummer
     18. Tennis player Steffi (4)
     21. Small hammer used by a judge or auctioneer (5)                                                                            20. First name of Beatles rhythm
                                                                                                                                   guitarist (4)
     22. Rich cake or junior Girl Guide (7)
                                                                                                                                   21. “Happiness Is A Warm...” -
     23. 1965 Beatles song about Scandinavian furnishings (9,4)
                                                                                                                                   1968 Beatles song (3)

Last month’s answers Across: 1. Sweet Caroline 8. Moped 9. Chewing 10. Largest 11.Niger 12. Kirsty MacColl 16. Idler 18. Mint Tea 20. Heave Ho 21. Bebop 22. The Joshua Tree
Down: 1. Some Like It Hot 2. Emperor 3. To Die 4. Ascot 5. Oceanic 6. Icing 7. Edgar Allan Poe 13. Torpedo 14. Mammoth 15. October 17.Leave 19. Nubia

20 | Gazette Life | March 2023
March 2023 | Gazette Life | 21

                                                                                                   WALK INFO
                                                                                                   Distance: 4 kms.
                                                                                                   Time: 2 hours.
                                                                                                   Terrain: Easy, apart from
                                                                                                   some scrambling over rocks.
                                                                                                   Notes: Cave only accessible
                                                                                                   at low tide.
                                                                                                   Public transport: No. 9.
                                                                                                   Get off as you enter the village
                                                                                                   as this is closer to the beach.

Take care to visit at low tide.

Órzola's cave offers some terrific photo                                   Playa de la Canteria.
opportunities, but it's also a walk that
requires a little caution and planning.
Let tour guide David Penney lead the

        Our walk starts at the SUMA supermarket on the left-
        hand side as you enter Órzola. Head towards the village,
        but take the first turn on the left just after you cross a small
        bridge. Although there are no signposts, you will know that
        you are on the right route as the tarred road stops very
        quickly and becomes a rough and narrow track.

        Within a few minutes you will see a white building on the
        right-hand side and a sign which reads DANGEROUS
        BEACH. We continue along the dirt track as it snakes
        round to the right, then to the left and back round to the
        right, until we come to a car-parking area at the end of
        the track.

        Several locals call this remote beach “Playa Peligrosa”
        (“dangerous beach”), although its actual name is Playa de
        la Cantería. Despite its beauty, it is not known by most
        tourists and is more popular with experienced surfers.

22 | Gazette Life | March 2023

During the winter months the cliffs above are used as a      We had to watch the time because the tide starts to come in fairly fast
launching point by many paragliders.                         and if you don’t pay attention you can get cut off. We clambered back
                                                             over the rocks and dropped back down to the beautiful golden, long
DO NOT let the beauty of this wild beach tempt you           sandy beach.
into taking a dip. It is not a place for swimming - there
are strong currents and rip tides, no lifeguards and lives   We enjoyed a walk to the far side and took a few moments to look back in
have been lost here.                                         admiration of our experience where we truly had discovered a hidden gem.

We timed our arrival perfectly as the hidden sea cave        Photos provided courtesy of ADRIYANA HODGE.
can only be accessed at low tide, when you also get a
broad, beautiful expanse of wet sand. Check the Tide
Tables in this magazine or online and don't take any         For further information about walks around Lanzarote please contact,
risks.                                                                  DAVID Penney via email
                                                                         OR via WhatsApp message 0034 649389888
From the beach car park, we walked across the entire
length of the beach to the left.

We have now reached a rocky point and clambered                                                                             Gift Vouchers Available
up to the top, where we can see the sea cave tucked              1/2 hour
away to our left. There are several sections of the rocks          €20
which act like steps down to the left and lead us to the         Full hour
                                                                   €40               Physiotherapy - Rehabilitation
mouth of the sea cave.
                                                                      Massages: • Deep tissue + triggerpoints • Relaxing • Dry Needling

The timing has to be judged well so you don’t get
caught out by a wave, I advise my friends to keep their
training shoes dry if possible because the rocks are very                                                     na

slippery when they are wet. Once on a previous visit
I saw a local guy who was over confident, didn’t pay
attention to the hazards and slipped in to the ocean.

We spent about 30/40 minutes at the cave, taking photos
and even having a little paddle. Again care must be taken
here because just outside the mouth of the sea cave            C/ Janubio nº 1 - Puerto del Carmen - Los Mojones Near the Restaurant Arena
there is a sunken step in the sand and if you don’t pay
                                                              Cita Previa: / For appointment call: (+34)   928 515 836 or (+34) 620 269 179
attention you can be in much deeper water very quickly.
                                                                                                                   March 2023 | Gazette Life | 23

Lanzarote is full of perfume shops, and the
island's low VAT makes buying scents here
a tempting proposition. So make sure
you know what you're doing before you
head to those shelves of enchanting little
bottles and boxes.

On 6th May, King Charles will be anointed with a specially-created
                                                                        The internet can do millions of            shop, hunt down the fragrances you
perfume as part of his coronation, just as his mother was 70 years
                                                                        things, but it still can't let you smell   fancy trying and start the practical
ago with a blend of ambergris, jasmine, benzoin, civet, orange
                                                                        a perfume. Nevertheless, online            work.
flowers, roses, musk and cinnamon, that is kept in a battered old box
                                                                        shopping and investigation will let
of Guerlain's Mitsouko scent.                                                                                      Sample and spray
                                                                        you find out what the most popular
Perfume is potent, powerful stuff; central to ritual and courtship      fragrances are, and read reviews
                                                                        to see which ones might suit your          Choose three or perfumes to
for millennia, and an eternal symbol of status, wealth and sensual                                                 sample. Spray one on each wrist
pleasure. Buying the stuff can also be hugely enjoyable, and may be     own personality. Don't forget to ask
                                                                        friends for their recommendations,         and one on your collar bone, so that
the start of a lifelong obsession. Here's how to shop for scents.                                                  you can nuzzle down to smell it,
                                                                        too – they might even offer you a
                                                                                                                   Wait a few seconds for the alcohol
Do your research                                                        squirt.
                                                                                                                   to evaporate and then see how the
Choosing the right perfume for you is a process that should not         The more you know in the first             top notes of the scent strike you. If
be hurried. First, do a little research before you face those shelves   place, the better you'll be prepared.      you like it, make a mental note, or
carrying hundreds of different scents.                                  Then you can head to a perfume             leave yourself a voice message, then

24 | Gazette Life | March 2023
walk out of the     The right strength
                                                    Pay attention to strength, and choose the right
                              We're      not        concentration for your requirements. Eau de
                              kidding. Walk         Cologne lasts1-3 hours; Eau de Toilette, 3-8
                              out, go home          hours; Eau de Parfum, 6-12 hours and Pure
                              and take your         Parfum, 12-24 hours.
                              own      sweet
                              time. Perfume         You will, of course, pay a higher price for stronger
                              manufacturers         perfume, but it's also worth remembering that
                      often focus on the top        many perfumes work better in lighter strengths.
                notes, knowing that many            Tip: Eau de Toilette is often the first release of a
            shoppers buy immediately. But           scent, and regarded as the best version. If you like
         you'll want to know that the scent         a scent enough to buy it, be sure to try the EDT.
      you choose is a keeper.
                                                    Gender fluid
Smell the perfumes again over the next couple
of hours. You'll soon notice how the scent          It's unwise to get too hung-up about women's
develops as the top notes fade and the middle       and men's perfumes. While sweet light floral
notes and bass notes come to the fore. A scent      fragrances have traditionally been aimed at
you loved at first may lose its allure over time,   women, and woody, smoky, spicy scents are
while less immediate scents can really come         perceived as more masculine, the main reason
into their own if you give them a chance.           that scents are separated in shops is to guide the
                                                    shopper, especially those looking for gifts.
Don't spray perfume in the air and walk
through the mist sniffing. Perfume doesn't work     The recent rise of unisex perfumes shouldn't
like that – it is meant to be worn on warm skin.    fool you, either. While many of these scents are
That's also why spraying it on clothes is not       absolutely gorgeous, “unisex” usually refers to
recommended – you need to give perfumes a           a lighter, cleaner, outdoorsy fragrance. If that's
proper road test in the right conditions.           what you're after, fine; if not, look elsewhere.

                                                                      March 2023 | Gazette Life | 25
                                 Lanzarote's special relationship with Ireland is
                                 celebrated this month on and around 17th March - St
                                          Patrick's Day, or el dia de San Patricio.
                                 1,500 miles separate Ireland from              community has been behind some of the
                                 Lanzarote but the two islands in the           most successful events on the island.
                                 Atlantic Ocean have been entwined for
                                 centuries, and never more strongly than        While there simply aren't enough Irish to
                                 today, when the Irish presence on the island   ever match the amount of tourists that
                                 is visible in every resort and Lanzarote has   the UK or Germany bring, the country
                                 become a household name in Irish homes.        is, without doubt, one of the most faithful
                                                                                markets that returns to island year after year
                                 Irish merchants changed the face of the        after year, often on the Irish-owned airline
                                 Canaries and Lanzarote in the 18th and         that has transformed tourism on Lanzarote.
                                 19th centuries, and those old names live
                                 on among their descendants and on street       The links between the island only seem
                                           signs. Both islands share a sad      to get stronger, with a Primark opening in
                                            history of famine, emigration,      Arrecife a little later this year, and tourism
                                             and the welcome arrival of         going great guns. New associations such as
                                              more recent prosperity; and       the Lanzarote Irish Network have emerged
                                              both are familiar with the        to promote these links even more strongly,
                                               same religion and currency.      and support from Lanzarote politicians has
                                                                                been warm.
                                                Lanzarote has been the
                                                holiday destination of          St Patrick never came to Lanzarote, of
                                                choice for Taoiseachs and       course. Even if he had, he wouldn't have
                                                 Irish Presidents; it's given   found any snakes to banish. But his name
                                                  hundreds of talented Irish    will be everywhere this month. Over the
                                                  musicians and bar owners      next pages, we'll tell you what's going on
                                                  a living, and the Irish       during the week Lanzarote goes green.

26 | Gazette Life | March 2023
March 2023 | Gazette Life | 27
AY 2 0 23
                                 This month, Lanzarote will celebrate its biggest St
                                 Patrick's Day celebration for four years. Whether you're
                                 Irish or not, this is one of the best days out on the island.
                                       Here's what's happening in Puerto del Carmen.

                                 12TH - 17TH MARCH                             After that the music and partying will begin
                                                                               in earnest, with the following performers
                                 This year, the Cheltenham Festival will       taking the stage:
                                 start on the 12th March and end on
                                 St Patrick's Day itself. The festival is         Gayle O' Donovan
                                 hugely popular among Irish racegoers
                                                                                  Rhythm Republic
                                 and punters, and you'll be able to enjoy
                                 the highlights in several bars and pubs          Celtic Roots (with Irish dancers)
                                 in the resorts, with the Cheltenham
                                 Gold Cup race starting at 3.30 pm on             Dessie Hynes
                                 St Patrick's Day.
                                                                                  After Party
                                 15TH MARCH                                       Wallis Bird and her Band.
                                 12.00 HURLING ON THE BEACH
                                                                               All are welcome, and party goers are
                                 The fast and furious traditional Irish
                                                                               encouraged to wear green, put on silly hats
                                 sport will take place on Playa Grande in
                                                                               and anything else that will add to the party
                                 Puerto del Carmen. Everyone is invited
                                 to an event that always has a great fun
                                 atmosphere. Teams of 5 can enter, and         Entrance is free; however organiser
                                 competitors must be over 18.                  Brendan Byrne tells us he hasn't found
                                                                               the support he'd have liked for this year's
                                 17TH MARCH                                    event, and there'll be a bucket or two
                                 ST PATRICKS DAY CONCERT                       going round for voluntary donations
                                                                               towards the costs.
                                 11 AM: Mass at the church in Puerto del
                                 Carmen, followed by the Official Open-        People are reminded that they are not
                                 ing of the St Patrick's Day celebrations in   allowed to bring their own alcohol to the
                                 the Plaza del Varadero (Old Town Har-         event. But there'll be plenty of refreshments
                                 bour), with Tías Mayor José Juan Cruz         available at the stalls run by the 14 pubs
                                 and Irish Consul Eileen Izquierdo.            and bars taking part in the event.

28 | Gazette Life | March 2023
Ireland & Lanzarote
The Lanzarote Irish Network will be celebrating St Patrick's Day in
style this month, with two very special events.

The LIN is a collaborative network that aims to foster links between
Ireland and Lanzarote across business, culture and sports. Those
links are never closer than on St Patrick's Day, as the following
events will prove.
On Thursday 16th of March, there'll                    A special homage will be held                          his name survives through                          Boat owners are invited to join
be a St. Patricks Gala Dinner at                       in honour of a figure who                              descendants    and   streets                       a “cruise-in-company” from
Arrecife's Gran Hotel, with guest                      represents more than 200 years                         named in his honour.                               Playa Blanca on the Sat 18th
arriving for a VIP reception at 7.30                   of close relations between                                                                                Morning of the event at 0800
pm for dinner at 8.30. There'll                        Ireland and Lanzarote. William                         Two days later, on 18th March,                     hrs stopping at Puerto Calero
be several VIP business guests                         Topham Walsh, from County                              the Regatta de San Patricio                        at 1130 hrs and heading on
and the Keynote Speaker will                           Cork, arrived on Lanzarote                             will celebrate its third annual                    to Arrecife to view the racing.
be Pilar Morena, the director                          around 1815, where he married                          event at 2pm on Saturday 18th                      The Regatta will be followed
of the Canarian Government's                           a local woman from an influential                      March, as members of the Real                      by a reception at 1730 hrs,
investment authority, Proexca.                         family and adopted the Spanish                         Club Nautico of Arrecife and                       Irish music and dancing and
Music and dancing will be provided                     version of his name: Guillermo.                        the Royal Irish Yacht Club                         presentation of the Kilcullen
by Celtic Roots & Lanzarote Folk &                     He went on to become Mayor Of                          compete for the Kilcullen                          trophy at the Real Club
Irish Dancers.                                         Arrecife on two occasions, and                         trophy.                                            Nautico Arrecife.

     Join our Irish Lanzarote Business Community and
     friends for a unique Gathering of Friends.

     THUR 16TH MARCH,                                                                                      SAT 18TH MARCH,
     GRAN HOTEL ARRECIFE                                                                                   REAL CLUB NAUTICO ARRECIFE
     7.30 pm: VIP Reception                                                                                III Regatta de San Patricio
     8.30 pm: Gala Dinner
                                                                                                           2pm: Regatta starts, followed by a reception at the Real
     • Keynote Speaker: Pilar Morena, Director Proexca                                                     Club Nautico where the Kilcullen Trophy will be presented.
      (Canarian Govt Investment Authority)
     • VIP Business Guests                                                                                 Sponsors
     • LIN Awards                                                                                          • Real Club Nautico de Arrecife
     • Music by Celtic Roots & Lanzarote Folk & Irish Dancers                                              • Royal Irish Yacht Club
     • Dress code: Formal

     Contact                                          Patrons                        Kilcullen Kapital Partners
     Tel: +34 634 579 040                             Lanzarote Investments

At Real Club Náutico Arreciffe (RCNA) announcing the KILCULLEN Warrior Trophy for Regatta San Patricio 18 March. This is a challenge between the Royal Irish
Yacht Club (RIYC) and RCNA. 2023 will be the 3rd year of the Trophy and the first winner in 2021was Rafa Barbadillo’s yacht “ Rotini”. L to R: Manuel Torres
Director Deportivo – Sección Náutica R.C.N.Arrecife, RCNY Sailing Director, Enda O Coineen, Kilcullen Kapital & RIYC with Julio Romero Ortega Presidente RCNA.

                                                                                                                                                                 March 2023 | Gazette Life | 29
                G       REEN
   St. Patrick's Day will be celebrated
 in all of Lanzarote's resorts and its
   capital, but it's Puerto del Carmen
     where the main event will take
  place. The island's biggest resort is
   the cradle of the Irish community
  on Lanzarote, who have turned the
 harbour area into a sea of green for
              several years.
One of the centres of St. Patrick's Day in Puerto del Carmen is Dicey
Reilly's bar, just down the hill from the Biosfera shopping centre.                                     Brendan Byrne and Mayor José Juan Cruz
Landlord Brendan Byrne has been the powerhouse behind the St.                 Rebecca prepares the
Patrick's celebrations in recent years, and he's been as busy as ever this    food at home, boiling
year, arranging bands to fly over from Ireland, organising the concerts,      the potatoes with the
talking to the 14 other bars who'll be officially involved in the event and   bacon and mashing
looking for support from the authorities.                                     the spuds with plenty
                                                                              of butter, cream and
Brendan's looking forward to the event, and believes it will be bigger        salt. This year, lucky
than ever this year as Lanzarote bounces back after three years of            customers can enjoy
tourist activity being affected by the pandemic.                              the food from 5pm,
                                                                              while it lasts.
Rebecca at Nelly's Bar, in the little square called CC Olvin just behind
Dicey Reilly's, is a witness to how important St. Patrick's has become in     The St Patricks's Day celebrations have also been supported
Puerto del Carmen. This year will her 18th St Patrick's on Lanzarote,         by the local authorities. The Church of Nuestra Señora de
and every year she's served up free cabbage and bacon – Irish soul food       Lourdes in Puerto del Carmen's old town holds a mass to mark
- to eager customers. “The first time I did it I prepared one piece of        the day, and Mayor José Juan Cruz and his predecessor Pancho
gammon; one cabbage and about ten potatoes. This year it'll be 20             Hernández have both offered support and use of municipal
lumps of bacon, 20 cabbages and 200 potatoes,” she laughs.                    property to allow the celebrations to take place.

                                                                              Last year, Mayor Cruz opened the celebrations with a speech
                                                                              in which he said “St. Patricks Day is associated with the colour
                                                                              green, the shamrock, the luck of the Irish and the happiness of
                                                                              all the Irish on Lanzarote and in this resort.”

                                                                              “We're overjoyed that the Irish feel at home in Puerto del
                                                                              Carmen, and that they choose it as their favourite holiday
                                                                              destination time and time again.”

30 | Gazette Life | March 2023
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