A Marriage Story Summer Camp Options - Rooted in childhood, lasting a lifetime - Beachwood Buzz

Page created by Ron May
A Marriage Story Summer Camp Options - Rooted in childhood, lasting a lifetime - Beachwood Buzz
February 2020

A Marriage Story
 Rooted in childhood,
 lasting a lifetime

         begin on page 44

                            February 2020   n   Beachwood Buzz 1
A Marriage Story Summer Camp Options - Rooted in childhood, lasting a lifetime - Beachwood Buzz

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2 Beachwood Buzz   n   February 2020
A Marriage Story Summer Camp Options - Rooted in childhood, lasting a lifetime - Beachwood Buzz
Letter from
                                                                                                         THE EDITOR
                                                                                                         By Debby Zelman Rapoport

                           S    everal months ago, Women of Fairmount Temple asked me to share
                               my story about how I created and built Beachwood Buzz. The word
                           “sure” rolled off my tongue a little too easily. Then, reality sunk in. I’m not
                           comfortable with public speaking, and I found the idea of talking for 20
                           minutes to be daunting. Accepting this challenge was out of my comfort
                           zone, yet I followed through, created a plan, and I was the group’s guest
                           speaker on January 7.
                              One word that consistently           Satellite Employment, so I
                           stands above all others in my life is   worked temporary jobs and as               ntuition
The one thing that you     “gratitude.” I use it as a foundation   an employment counselor. I               Two years later, Beachwood
have that nobody           in both my personal and business        then worked in a few sales and        Buzz was taking too much time
                           worlds, and I built my presentation     administrative positions. Once        away from Andy’s full-time
else has is you.
                           upon it. This month, I’m pleased to     my children were born, I became       position and he had no choice
Your voice, your mind,     share my story with you.                a stay-at-home mom.                   but to back out. I then had
your story, your vision.                                                                                 a choice to make – to call it
                                rade School                           iming                              quits or continue on my own. I
So, write and draw
                              I have enjoyed creating                In 1996, Andy Shupp, who was        followed my intuition and chose
and build and play         art ever since grade school. I          married to my cousin, stopped         the latter. I enjoyed creating
and dance and live as      remember painting, drawing,             over to discuss a business            the magazine, I could work
                           and creating collages. I was in         opportunity. Everything starts        from home, and I believed that
only you can.
                           my zone whenever there was              with an IDEA, and his was to          Beachwood Buzz filled a void in
                           a box of crayons nearby, and I          create a local magazine.              our community. I also knew that
~ Neil Gaiman              thought I would continue along                                                its potential was greater than
                           that path.                                It would saturate the               what it was in those infancy
                                                                     Beachwood market                    years, so I created a plan.
                                 ethink                              Design would be created                The City of Beachwood had
                              In 1976, as a high school junior,      by Andy                             been producing a quarterly,
                           it was time to consider college           Editorial would be written          four-page newsletter that was
                           and majoring in art. I was very           by me                               sent out to businesses and
Passion is energy.         fortunate to have had a four-year         Advertising would be a              residents, and I knew that I could
Feel the power             free ride through college, but            split responsibility                publish city information in a
                           my parents wouldn’t approve of                                                more cost-effective manner and
that comes
                           a major in art. They felt I should        This 20-second business plan        distribute it to the community
from focusing              major in something that would           was a WINNER.                         on a more regular basis, so I
on what excites you.       be more marketable, so I chose                                                created a proposal that City
                           business at the University of             We would sell enough ads to         Council supported. I then
                           Cincinnati – first in accounting,         cover costs, and split the profit   created similar proposals for the
~ Oprah Winfrey            then as a double major in                 I blurted out, let’s call it        Beachwood Board of Education
                           accounting and marketing, and             Beachwood Buzz                      and the Beachwood Chamber
                           then marketing.                           Next, Andy came over with           of Commerce. This combined
                                                                     logo choices and we agreed          support helped create a stronger
                                fter College                         on one                              foundation upon which to build.
                              Marketing is a pretty broad            Naturally, we then went out to
                           major and I didn’t know how               sell this idea                          ri-C
                           to proceed. When you major in             (We) Exceeded our first-               After Andy left, I hired a
                           accounting, one may become                month’s goal by selling             graphic designer. Because I’ve
                           an accountant. In engineering,            enough ads to more than             always loved art, I enrolled in
                           an engineer; architecture, an             cover costs                         Tri-C’s graphic design program.
                           architect. My parents owned               (We) Repeated the process           It had been years since I was a

                                                                                                         Continued on page 6.

                                                                                                  February 2020    n   Beachwood Buzz 3
A Marriage Story Summer Camp Options - Rooted in childhood, lasting a lifetime - Beachwood Buzz
Who We Are
                                                                                                            Debby Zelman Rapoport
                                                                                                                Yocheved Wylen
                                                                                                             Senior Account Executive
                                                                                                                  Scott Morrison
                                                                                                                 Staff Photographer

A Marriage Story: Rooted in Childhood, Lasting a Lifetime                                                       Tybee Zuckerman

                                        octors Gretta and Michael Jacobs                                        Stephen Valentine
                                        have accomplished one of the more                                           Art Director

                                        elusive and uncommon of marriage                                            Arlene Fine

                                 practices…a blissful, lifelong relationship.                                       June Scharf
                                                                                                                    Jen Stern
                                    “I tried to avoid him as best I could,” says Gretta with a twinkle          Contributing Writers
                                 in her eye. “I was interested in the taller guys at med school.”                  Jerry Zelman
                                                                                                            Vice President of Operations
                                 by June Scharf                                                                 Letters to the Editor
                                 Photos by Scott Morrison, Discovery Photo                                  Please send letters via email to
                                 Story starts on page7.                                                           Calendar Section
                                                                                                         Please send information about clubs,
                                                                                                          organizations, events and meetings
                                                                                                         to beachwoodbuzz@gmail.com. The

       Grand opening in December!                                                                         deadline is the 10th of each month.

                                                                                                                 Article Submissions
  Stop Your Pain and Start Your Healing!                                                                   If you have a story idea or photos
                                                                                                              you would like to share, email

                                                                    find out how

                                                              your first freeze
                                                                                                          Beachwood Buzz is distributed via

                                                                 can be free                             the U.S. Post Office to every resident
                                                                                                          and every business, every month.
                                                                                                          If you live outside our distribution
                                                                   and prizes, including                    area, subscriptions are available
                                                                                                            by sending your name, address
                                                               ELITE VIP package will
                                                                                                           and a check for $36 (12 issues) to
                                                                     be withdrawn,                                  Beachwood Buzz
          First TRUE Whole Body N2                                  over $5,000                                       P.O. Box 22194
         Cryotherapy Chamber in US!                               during Grand                                 Beachwood, Ohio 44122
    From Pain Management to Cryo Fitness.                           Opening!
      From Body Contouring to Anti-Aging,                                                                    Beachwood Buzz is published
         all in one studio! You Matter!                                                                   monthly. Reproduction in whole or
                                                                                                          in part in any manner without the
                                                                                                         written permission of the publisher is
 Localize Cryotherapy • Advance
                           ance Compression -
                                                      first                                                        strictly prohibited.

 BoaMax2 & NormaTec2 • Infrared Wellness
 Pro Pod Sauna • LED Therapy-Face
                                ace and Body •                                                                  Editorial Information
 Cryofacial • T-Shock Pagani Cryo Skin                                                                   email beachwoodbuzz@gmail.com

 & Body with ADICELL Diagnostic • Oxygen
 Bar Detox & Oxygen Facial • Vibration Fit                                                                  Advertising Information
 Plate & Massage Chair and more                                                                             call 216.297.0200 or email
                                                                                                                   P.O. Box 22194
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 www.coreelitecryo.com                                       CRYOTHERAPY & WELLNESS STUDIO
 Solon Square Shopping Center
 33315 Aurora Rd.,
 Solon, OH 44139                                                                                                      2016
                                                                                                         Beachwood Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                               Business of the Year

4 Beachwood Buzz   n   February 2020
A Marriage Story Summer Camp Options - Rooted in childhood, lasting a lifetime - Beachwood Buzz

Male and female heart
attack symptoms:
What’s the difference?    Some differences          says Matthew Kaminski, MD, a cardiologist      “More than 90% of women have at least one
                          between men and           at Cleveland Clinic Beachwood Family           risk factor for heart disease. It’s important to
                          women are obvious,        Health and Surgery Center.                     talk to your doctor so these can be identified
                          but not all. Although                                                    and addressed,” says Dina Sparano, MD,
                          a woman’s heart           Dr. Kaminski notes these common male and
                                                                                                   a cardiac electrophysiologist at Cleveland
                          may look like a           female heart attack symptoms:
                                                    • Chest pain                                   Clinic Hillcrest Hospital.
                          man’s, it’s not the
Matthew Kaminski, MD                                • Sweating/cold sweats
Cleveland Clinic          same.                                                                    Dr. Sparano also stresses the importance of
Beachwood Family Health                             • Fullness, indigestion or a choking feeling   learning basic CPR. “Cardiac arrest is often
and Surgery Center        A woman’s heart           • Light-headedness or dizziness
                          and interior                                                             the first presentation of heart disease. CPR
                                                    • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
                          chambers are usually                                                     could save the life of someone close to you
                          smaller. The walls        Men often have heart attacks at a younger      one day.”
                          of the chambers           age and more frequently than women. While
                          are thinner. And,         chest pain is the most common symptom
                                                    for all people and should never be ignored,    If you believe that you may be having a
                          a woman’s heart
                          pumps faster than         women can have other symptoms as well.         heart attack, call 911 immediately.
Dina Sparano, MD          a man’s, but expels                                                      To make an appointment with
Cleveland Clinic                                    Unusual symptoms for women include:
                          less blood with each
Hillcrest Hospital                                  • New or dramatic fatigue                      Dr. Kaminski at Beachwood Family Health
                                                    • Shortness of breath                          and Surgery Center, call 216.839.3000;
“Heart attack symptoms can vary by gender,          • Neck, back or jaw pain                       with Dr. Sparano at Hillcrest Hospital, call
but some symptoms are similar for both,”            • Nausea/vomiting                              440.449.8890.

    Ask the Experts: Heart Health
    Renowned experts will share tips on how to keep your heart healthy.
    Specialists from Cleveland Clinic’s           Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020 | 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.         You don’t want to miss this. Bring
    Sydell and Arnold Miller Family Heart         Executive Caterers at Landerhaven                   your questions and bring a friend!
    & Vascular Institute will answer your         6111 Landerhaven Dr., Mayfield Heights
    questions, share their expertise, and                                                             Cost: $10 (includes meal)
    provide clinical insights on the best         Event kicks off with:
                                                                                                      Reservations required:
    ways to protect your heart – including        • Free health screenings
    tips on weight management and                 • Wellness information booths
    nutrition.                                    • Giveaways and more                                Questions? Call 440.312.4804.

                                                     No matter what life throws at you, we’ve
                     “Is it
                                                     got the care you need, where you need it.
                      heartburn                      We’re here for you at
                      or a heart                     Cleveland Clinic Hillcrest and South Pointe hospitals.

                                                     Visit ClevelandClinic.org /Access

                                                                                                       February 2020     n   Beachwood Buzz 5
A Marriage Story Summer Camp Options - Rooted in childhood, lasting a lifetime - Beachwood Buzz
Continued from page 3.

student. I was the oldest in my          media continues to evolve.                 her. I learned that experiences
classes, and the process was             Some industries choose to                  are much more valuable than
somewhat intimidating. I set             use it, others don’t. I choose to          possessions. I learned the true             Because I like lists, I leave
the bar high, aced every class,          focus on those who see value in            meaning of gratitude – for big            you with this double dose of
and a few months later began             Beachwood Buzz.                            and little things alike. I learned        gratitude:
to design the magazine myself,              Despite the changing times,             that every day is a precious gift,
which brought my career full             this magazine continues to grow.           and tomorrow is guaranteed to             Give back
circle – back into the art world.        I am grateful for the dedication           no one.
                                                                                                                              Remember to step out of
                                         of my talented team and
                                                                                                                              your comfort zone
    nderstand                            advisors who help with every                     nergy
   As each year passes, I                aspect of this business. None of              I believe that the energy we           Act as though success is
understand more about this               us can control what happens in             put out into the universe is what         your only option
business and life in general. I          an industry, but we can control            comes back to us. I strive to exert       Talk with people who know
make an effort to slow down,             how we respond. I continue to              positive energy into all I do, and        more than you do and listen
live in the present moment,              see success as my only option,             to step out of my comfort zone            to what they say
and have a positive outlook. I           to live life with balance in               from time to time.
                                                                                                                              Imagine possibilities. Build
also enjoy sharing inspirational         mind, and do what I want to do                                                       ideas by asking, ”What if?”
columns with our community               today so if something happens                  If you have a story to share or
and giving back.                         tomorrow I won’t regret not                if you wish to keep your business         Try something new
   We live in a world where              doing it yesterday.                        name in front of the Beachwood            Understand that each day
violence is sensationalized in                                                      community, please email                   is a gift
the news. I decided a long time                arcy                                 beachwoodbuzz@gmail.com.
                                                                                                                              Decide to be your best self
ago to keep everything positive             My sister, Darcy, lost her 10-year      There is no time like the present.        and to follow your dreams
in this magazine: personal               battle with cancer four years ago.
interest stories, upcoming               She never complained, and for the            With gratitude,                         Encourage others to be their
events, business stories, and            last few years of her life her main                                                  best selves and to follow
                                                                                                                              their dreams
anything else that has a local           priority was to create memories
angle and a positive spin. Print         with her family. I learned a lot from


                                    BUILDING OUR
                           FOUNDATION                                                 Master LEGO builder,
           A Beachwood Schools                                                      E.J. Bocan, will display his           LEGO artwork
                                                                                                                          of Arthur Gugick
                                                                                                                                                 LEGO art
                                                                                 work and create a community art                                projects for
           Foundation Fundraiser                                                       project resulting in a                on display          children
          and celebration of the                                                   mosaic honoring Mr. Gugick

  Arthur S. Gugick Memorial Scholarship                                                                    SUNDAY,
                                                                                     Raffle              FEB. 23, 2020                            Open
                                                                                                                                                LEGO play
                                                                                                           12 - 4 PM                            sponsored
                                                                                                                                              by Snapology
                                                                                                     BEACHWOOD HIGH SCHOOL                    of Beachwood

                                                                                     Music                    $20 • Adults
                                                                                   and Food            $10 • Children 3 and older
                                                                                                             & BHS Alumni
                                                                                                                             Decorate          Beachwood
                                                                                                           LEGO            your own lego         Schools
           BEACHWOOD                                                                LEGO
                                                                                                        challenges         cookie (gluten         LEGO
           HIGH SCHOOL                                                              movies
                                                                                                         (all ages)         free option         robotics
             C l a s s o f 19 9 9                                                                                            available)      demonstrations

6 Beachwood Buzz           n   February 2020
A Marriage Story Summer Camp Options - Rooted in childhood, lasting a lifetime - Beachwood Buzz
A Marriage Story
Rooted in childhood,
lasting a lifetime

 By June Scharf

         octors Gretta and
         Michael Jacobs
         have accomplished
 one of the more elusive
 and uncommon practices
 of marriage… a blissful,
 lifelong relationship.
    Their marriage story has its roots in
 Johannesburg, South Africa, where their
 educational paths continually crossed. They met
 in preschool at age three, and both skipped first
 grade because of their exceptional intelligence.
 They were sent to different elementary schools,
 but ended up together for the last two years.
 They attended different high schools, but their
 paths again realigned when they pursued their
 medical educations at the same university, at
 age 16. In South Africa, students enter medical
 school straight out of high school.
    “I tried to avoid him as best I could,” says
 Gretta with a twinkle in her eye. “I was
 interested in the taller guys at med school.”
    She knew, however, that Michael took
 outstanding notes, so they studied together.
 They had been friends for years previously, and
 their families were connected through regular
 card games between Michael’s grandmother
 and Gretta’s mother.
    The couple’s many convivial experiences over
 the years foreshadowed what was to come: they
 are true teammates. They support each other’s

                                                     February 2020   n   Beachwood Buzz 7
A Marriage Story Summer Camp Options - Rooted in childhood, lasting a lifetime - Beachwood Buzz
Part of their relationship’s                      “It’s a testament to how I felt about him      home. “He a rock; he’s always there. Even
                                                 that I suffered from sneezing for days, but       though he says the most outlandish things
  alchemy seems to lie                           I persevered and became used to the cats          sometimes, he’s very kind and his heart is the
  in how they strike a                           after a few years.”                               best.” She also believes their temperaments
                                                    They both adored their pets and still have a   are very well matched.
  solid balance between                          photo of their cream-colored grand champion           “We always support what the other one is
  their common and                               hanging in their Beachwood home.                  doing,” he adds. “We are both the ‘boss,’ but
                                                                                                   one of us has a ‘y’ at the end!”
  contrasting interests.                                                                               Nonetheless, she notes that, “He has the
                                                   The couple became engaged at age                weirdest sense of humor and sometimes
interests and become full role players in some   22 and married at 23 (their birthdays are         mocks me!”
esoteric and mildly eccentric endeavors.         precisely one month apart). A measure of              They would agree that theirs is the kind of
   For example, when Michael was growing         their relationship’s alchemy seems to lie in      love that bends and flexes and doesn’t take
up, his hobby was breeding pedigreed             how they strike a solid balance between           life too seriously.
Persian cats, which he imported from             their common and contrasting interests.               Their medical careers were never in
Holland and England. At one point, when          And their consummate respect for each             conflict either, she reports. “I’m as proud of
he had 27 felines at home and he needed to       other is added to the mix. They support each      him as can be.”
build housing for them outside in the mild       other unequivocally. This formula has been            She also states that Michael is very
climate, Gretta became his co-conspirator.       working for 47 years.                             artistic and creative. These traits expressed
This is how she first got to really know           “He’s the sanest person I know,” Gretta         themselves in the kitchen (a pseudo
Michael, but it came at a price – she was        remarks from their recently purchased and         chemistry lab!). When their children were
terribly allergic to cats.                       completely remodeled Beachwood ranch              young, they would bake a birthday cake with



 Gretta and Michael in elementary school.

8 Beachwood Buzz     n   February 2020
A Marriage Story Summer Camp Options - Rooted in childhood, lasting a lifetime - Beachwood Buzz
20 eggs and Michael carved a castle with a
moat out of it. He also did all the decorating
and frosting.

   It was never a predictable path that they
would be united in marriage.
   “We were buddies, but I didn’t think I’d
marry him. I wasn’t seeking a husband – that
was the last thing I was looking for because I
was in medical school.”
   Michael, however, has the handling of
Gretta down to a science. And he appreciates
how she puts up with him, adding, “She’s
a good person.” As a pillar of mental and
emotional stability, he appears amused
by the way Gretta approaches all the
vicissitudes that life has to offer – including
four cranky teenagers, all present at the
dinner table long ago. They were the catalyst
for the enforcement of Gretta’s DNA rule:
Do Not Argue.
   “Each child had a different opinion on         Gretta and Michael – now and then.
everything,” she recalls.
   She was occasionally on her own with
the children when Michael traveled globally
to deliver lectures. Those were challenging
times, she recalls.
   Their two oldest children, born in South
Africa, are heavily involved in science now.
Erica earned a PhD. in biochemistry and
works at Rockefeller University in New
York where she studies protein complexes
with a particular interest in host-pathogen
   Kevin is a genetic epidemiologist, with an
interest in cancer genetics. He has worked
for the NIH and several genetic testing
companies, and is highly published. He lives
in Ann Arbor with his wife, Sarah, and their
canine and feline menageries.
   The two younger children were born in
the U.S. Paul is a medical-imaging expert
who works and lives in Beachwood with his
wife, Alexandra, and their children, Max, Sam,
and Sally. They receive generous amounts of
babysitting from Gretta and Michael. David,
their youngest, is a mechanical engineer who      interest in pathology, and Gretta’s practice      at the same university and hospital system. After
lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Crystal,     was in surgical pathology whereas Michael’s       34 years of practice, she retired in 2013.
and son, Miles.                                   was in clinical microbiology.                        Their lives together have been guided
                                                     Michael became the medical director of         largely by their careers, but also by their
                                                  Clinical Microbiology and was a professor         niche interests. One of them is a passion
   In 1979, several years after medical school    of pathology, with a career lasting 40 years,     for opera – they attended more than 100
graduation, Gretta and Michael immigrated         from which he retired in 2019. He now works       international performances that featured
to Cleveland and continued their careers in       one day a week at the same institutions.          their favorite lyric tenor, Raul Gimenez.
medicine at University Hospitals and Case            Gretta became the head of Renal, Liver and        Reading historical fiction is one of
Western Reserve University. They share an         Transplant Pathology and an associate professor   Michael’s long-held interests. But with these

                                                                                                          February 2020     n   Beachwood Buzz 9
A Marriage Story Summer Camp Options - Rooted in childhood, lasting a lifetime - Beachwood Buzz
two intellectuals,             the challenge herher
                        the challenge
       two intellectuals,                             latest,   greatest
                                                          latest,   greatestinterest.
is intensified    by  often    reading
       is intensified by often reading
their fiction    in Spanish
       their fiction            - they
                       in Spanish    – they
                                                    the   pastfew
                                                                        years,    one
                                                                      “If“Ifit itdoesn’t
                                                                                                          The Jacobs’
take lessons
the length
       take lessons
                of some
       the length
                      of some
                                       AndAnd I’ll paint
                                 books   could crocheted
                                                    I’ll paint     she
                                                                                                          Relationship Advice
reach 900 pages. Cases in point:
       reach    900  pages.   Cases  in point:  winter
                                                    winter for  all
                                                               for    her
                                                                    all her  family
                                                                                 family  members.
                                                                                          members.        •    Just be good to each other
       the Harry
the Harry           Potter
               Potter        series,
                       series,  and and                  Renovating
                                          books Renovating
                                      books                                theirhome
                                                                        their        homeisisaa           •    Don’t be competitive and strive to outdo
       by   Ildefonso   Falcones
by Ildefonso Falcones and Maria     and  Maria      more     recent     joint
                                                more recent joint project, with   project,   with
                                                                                                               each other
Dueñas.Dueñas.                                      changes        made
                                                changes made throughout theirthroughout        their
           Aside  from   all
    Aside from all the mentalthe  mental            1,800    square      foot,
                                                1,800 square foot, 60-year-old     60-year-old            •    Consider yourselves a team, as in “I’m for him/
activity,   they they
                  enjoy enjoy   walking
                           walking                  residence,
                                          about residence,
                                      about                          includingvaulting
                                                                 including            vaultingmost
                                                                                                 most          her and he’s/she’s for me”
       five   miles every   day
five miles every day around the  around   the       of   the  ceilings.    They
                                                of the ceilings. They previously      previously          •    If something is meant to be, it’s meant to be
neighborhood               together.
                     together.     TheyThey         lived
                                                lived    in in  a largehome
                                                            a large         homeininMoreland
       also   take water   aerobics   classes       Hills  until   2015      when      they   wanted
                                                                                                          •    Having a lot in common helps
also take water aerobics classes                Hills until 2015 when they wanted
       at  the  JCC. In the   nice
at the JCC. In the nice weather,    weather,        to   downsize       and
                                                to downsize and live closer to   live  closer  to their   •    Fighting:
       they    spend  time
they spend time gardening    gardening              son’s   family     in Beachwood.
                                                their son’s family in Beachwood.                                  Gretta – “We used to fight early on, and I
       in their  backyard,    which
                                  theythey               “We   walked   inin totosee seethis
in their   backyard,    which                       “We    walked                                              came to the conclusion that so many things
       recently   redesigned,
recently redesigned, replanted    replanted         property       and    our
                                                property and our realtor said,    realtor  said,‘This
       and enlarged. It was featured in is not      is not the house for you!’ We said,                        are not that important. To get your way or to
and enlarged. It was featured in                          the house for you!’ We said,
       Beachwood Buzz last year.
Beachwood Buzz last year.
                                                    it’s perfect!”
                                                it’s perfect!”
                                                                                                               get an acknowledgement that you’re right, it’s
           The genesis for some of their                 Much like this house that they                        not worth it. People fight over the stupidest
    The genesis for some of their                   Much like this house that they
       other activities can be traced               lovingly transformed into a home,
other activities can be traced
       to the moment when Gretta
                                                lovingly transformed into a home,
                                                    they nurtured a relationship that
                                                                                                               things. I usually swallow my pride. I’d say that
to the moment when Gretta                       they nurtured a relationship that                              he’s right 100% of the time, too.”
       is taken with a thought and                  has withstood time and trials. It’s a
is taken with a thought and                     has withstood time and trials. It’s a
       gleefully says to Michael: “I have
gleefully says to Michael: “I have
                                                    solid testament to what’s possible
                                                solid testament to what’s possible
                                                                                                                  Michael (with a virtual wink and a nod) –
       an idea… ,” to which he patiently            when two hearts and minds find
an idea… ,” to which he patiently               when two hearts and minds find                                 “Actually, I’m only right 99% of the time.”
       listens. And he always supports              mutual fulfillment.
listens. And he always supports                 mutual fulfillment.

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                                                                                                                     28699 Chagrin Blvd. • 216-831-4444
                                                                                                                       Mon – Saturday 10 to 6:30 • Sun noon to 4

      10 Beachwood Buzz               n   February 2020
February Buzz from State Representative Kent Smith

                    appy February, Beachwood Buzz readers! During the first days of 2020, I
                    attended the swearing in ceremonies in Beachwood, Euclid, Richmond
                    Heights and Woodmere Village. Those ceremonies launched the transition
             from past campaigning to new partnerships in governance for 2020. To new and
             returning mayors and council members, I say: treat your colleagues with respect
and find opportunities for cooperation that will advance positive outcomes in your cities.
   With that in mind, let me       of Elections website. DO THAT            conversation about voting and           You can register to vote
raise two subjects that are both   NOW, before February 18.                 cover these three things:            at www.MyVoteOhio.com.
critical and coming up fast:          It is important for everyone          1. If you want to be able to vote    The Cuyahoga County Board
1. The March 17 Primary            reading this to proactively exercise        for president in November,        of Elections phone number
   Election.                       your voting rights. If you fail to use      make sure you vote in March.      is 216.443.VOTE (8683).
2. The 2020 United States          them – you may lose them.                2. The deadline to register to       Questions? Contact my office
   Census, which is next month’s      Think I’m kidding? The                   vote in the March Primary is      at 614.466-5441 or Rep08@
   topic.                          Ohio Secretary of State began               February 18.                      OhioHouse.Gov.
                                   removing inactive voters this            3. The Primary is on March
   First thing’s first—you         past fall. In Cuyahoga County,              17 this year (That’s right!          State Representative Kent
must be registered to vote by      33,868 voters were removed                  St. Patrick’s Day!). The state    Smith represents Ohio’s 8th
February 18 to participate in      from the valid voter database               has departed from the “first      House District which includes
the March 17 Primary Election.     and 3,312 from this District                Tuesday of the month”             Beachwood, Euclid, South Euclid,
If you’re not registered, you      (including Beachwood) lost                  tradition for the 2020 Primary.   Richmond Heights,
can’t vote. Whether you think      their ability to vote.                      People will miss it unless we     East Cleveland, Woodmere
you’re registered or you’re not       So, during the month                     remind them. So – don’t get       Village and a little bit of the
sure, check on the County Board    of February, let’s start a                  purged, Beachwood!                City of Cleveland.

       Health Education Seminars                                                      NOBEL LAUREATES LECTURE SERIES

       This popular series features physicians                                        This series will
       from University Hospitals Connor                                               highlight each of the
       Integrative Health Network who will                                            2019 Nobel Prize
       offer lectures on Integrative Health                                           winners, their
       Medicine including acupuncture,                                                research, and why
       massage therapy, chiropractic care,                                            they were awarded
       stress management, and more.                                                   a Nobel Prize.
       Mondays, March 2–30                                                            Tuesdays,
       6 p.m. Dinner                                                                  March 3–April 7
       6:30-8 p.m. Lecture and Q&A                                                    7–8:30 p.m.
       UH Connor Integrative Health Network                                           CWRU-Siegal Lifelong Learning
       25001 Emery Road, Warrensville Heights                                         25700 Science Park Drive, Beachwood


                                                                                                         February 2020   n   Beachwood Buzz 11
We Invite You to
                            usi n es s N et w o rk in 2 020
                Grow Your B
                                     ar . L e t u s h e lp you set new goals.
                       It’s a new ye
                                                        e m b  e rs an d fo cu s on creating
                                   e value our m
              At the Chamber, w                   to  m  e e t  e ac h m e mber’s needs.
                 individualized expe                                                                                          programs,
                                                                                                  po rt unities, cost-saving                       ng
                                                   er business presen
                                                                          ce, ne   tw or kin g op                           merce has somethi
                          ok  in g fo r a st ro ng                                  th e Be  ac hw oo d  Chamber of Com               le to m ee t
Whether you’re lo                                      t like-minded peop
                                                                                                              ogramming is avail
     at io na l se ss io ns  or a chance to mee                  ur bu  sin es s. Th  e Chamber’s rich pr
educ                                                  hance yo
                           ur employees to en
to offer you and yo                                                                                                             ood
                           and includes:                                                                    • Taste of Beachw
your unique needs                                                    ith  a Pr  ofes sio nal                               Ev  ent
                                                        • Engage w                          nnection        • Community
            kin  g  Af te r 5                                          d  W  om    en’s Co                                  !
 • Networ                                               • Beachwoo                                             New in 2020
 • Monthly Luncheon                                      • G olf O ut ing
                            g Professionals
 • Beachwood Youn

               r Benefits R                         anging From:
 Utilize Membe                                                                          C om pensation), Buy Ri
                                                                                                                 te (office supplies
                                                                 lutions (W or  ke  r’s                              tural gas bills),
                                 n) , Pa ra m ount Preferred So                    av e m on ey   on electric and na
  Anthem (hospita      liz at io                                  gy Advis or s (s                                 processing).
                         d  Ex   (s hi pp in g) , Community Ener          g to  ol ) an d H ea rtland (credit card
  and furniture), Fe                                  t (digital marketin
       he x (p ay ro ll se  rv ices), SLN Connec

                                                                                                                                  als in 20         20!
   Join Us!                                                                                ne tw or k an d w or k towards your go
                                                                      ow your business
                         in us at an up  coming event to gr                        chwood.org.
    We invite you  to jo
                                           in g  pr og  ra ms, visit www.bea                           beachwood.org
    For a complete sc
                       hedule of   up co m
                                                         na l  in fo rm at io n, email membership@
                         ogram or obtain ad
    To register for a pr
    or call 216.831.00
                                                                                        ting you soon!
                                       co m m  itt ee , w e   lo ok forward to mee
     On behalf of the m

                                                                                                   Eng a gement
                    Peter Young
     Donna Cook and
                   m mittee Co-chairs
     Membership Co

                                                                                                       B e lo n g i n g
      Goren Dillard
                        pment Manager
      Membership Develo

                                                                                                   I n vo l ve m e n t
           ou r Voi ce in th e Business Comm
                              org • 216.831.0003

         www.beachwood.                         r
                              Rd. • Second Floo
         23355 Mercantile
          Beachwood, OH
Free Financial Literacy Seminar by Wall Street Expert

         n Thursday, February 20, Ivy Zelman will host a free, financial-literacy seminar to help individuals
         learn how to analyze and value individual stocks and understand the basics of investing. She
         held a seminar in August and scheduled another seminar because of her passion to educate.
   “Women need to manage          me compelled to pay it forward       After nearly a decade, she was a
their personal net worth, build   to help others.”                     victim of a merger and therefore           . . . it’s important to stay
wealth for themselves, and           At the very least, Ivy feels      went to work for Credit Suisse
have the confidence to hold       that everyone should know the        where she worked her way
                                                                                                               involved and informed, to
investments to realize their      following: Take control but ask      up to managing director and                work with your financial
compounding growth over           for help if you need it. It’s easy   became the number one ranked              expert or trust your own
time,” she said. “When I talk     to let someone else manage the       housing analyst in the country.       analysis, and to know where
with women about what I do        finances while you raise kids        In 2007, after predicting that
professionally, their reactions   or run your household, but it’s      the housing market was poised
                                                                                                              your money is being spent,
are often the same. They admit    important to stay involved and       for a massive correction, she left                    saved, or wasted.
to not knowing anything about     informed, to work with your          Credit Suisse to fulfill her desire
finance, which bothers me         financial expert or trust your       to be an entrepreneur and                Ivy will not be making any
because so many of them are       own analysis, and to know where      started her own independent           recommendations on stocks or
working really hard but don’t     your money is being spent,           research firm, Zelman &               suggest any type of investment
know how to create wealth for     saved, or wasted.                    Associates, with offices in           strategy to anyone in attendance.
themselves.                          Ivy was featured on the           Beachwood and New York City.          The information shared at the
   “Talking with small groups     cover of Beachwood Buzz in              Ivy’s program, Free Financial      seminar is to be used solely for
of women fulfills a part of me    December, 2019. Her career           Literacy, will take place at SITE     informational purposes and
like nothing else I have ever     began to take off when she           Centers, (formerly DDR), 3333         should not be regarded as an
experienced. Maybe it’s because   started working as an analyst        Richmond Road, from 6:30 -            offer or solicitation of an offer to
of my struggles and ability to    at Salomon Brothers, a New           7:30 pm. Please RSVP to Kim Gray      buy or sell a security or to open a
overcome challenges that make     York investment banking firm.        a kim@zelmanassociates.com.           brokerage account.

                                                                                                      January 2020     n   Beachwood Buzz 13
HEY NEIGHBOR!                                                                                                          by Arlene Fine

Political Newcomers Ready to Serve

           n November 5, voters brought two new faces to the table – Mike Burkons to Beachwood City
           Council for a four-year term and Jillian DeLong to Beachwood Board of Education for a two-
           year-term. This month’s Hey Neighbor helps you get to know Mike and Jillian a little better.
Mike Burkons
O    n election night Mike Burkons discovered running for Beachwood City Council a second time did the trick. He now joins
     the other six council members to form a policy-making body that determines Beachwood’s future growth and direction.
  “While I had a certain amount of influence as an outsider with an            wonderful place to raise a family,” Mike said.
opinion and a microphone, now I have the power of the vote,” said                A graduate of Connecticut College and Cleveland Marshall School of
Mike, 44. “As an elected member of council my voice can be heard loud          Law, Mike, an entrepreneur, is the owner and founder of Charitee Golf
and clear and I plan to use that voice for the issues and projects             LLC, a company that sells products to golf courses. His hobbies include
                                  I believe in.”                               golf, playing softball in the Beachwood Men’s Softball League, and
                                              Among the items on Mike’s        being a life-long but “tormented” Browns, Cavs, and Indians fan.
                                                 agenda is the improve-
                                                    ment and expansion                  “While I had a certain amount of influence as an
                                                       of youth spaces,
                                                         recreation                       outsider with an opinion and a microphone,
                                                           areas, and                                now I have the power of the vote.”
                                                            park spaces.
                                                             “Beachwood           As a very involved dad, Mike said he had great role models in his
                                                             is a great        parents, Dr. David Burkons and Sandy Kirschenbaum Burkons, who
                                                             community         continue to provide invaluable support and advice. He is also grateful
                                                             and if we         for his closely knit family, including his brothers Zak and Danny, and
                                                            spend our          their families, all of whom live just five minutes away from him. “We
                                                           money right,        are so fortunate that our kids are so near their cousins and all of our
                                                        we can make it         extended family,” he said.
                                                      even better,” he said.      As Mike reflects on what lies ahead for him on City Council, he
                                                     Along with                encourages Beachwood residents to get to know him. “I’m very
                                               Beachwood’s city services       approachable and want people to contact me whether they like
                                         and accessible location, Mike         or disagree with something I’ve done. I like to hear all sides of the
                               and his wife Nikki, the parents of two          argument. A free and open dialogue is one of the best ways we can
children Jack, 7 and Ellie, 5, moved to Beachwood seven years ago              grow in the right direction as a city.”
because of the schools and great sense of community. “This is a                   To contact Mike, email Mike.Burkons@beachwoodohio.com.

 Kindergarten Registration                                                     BHS 50-year Reunion
                    Kindergarten      Thursday, April 23, 4:30 pm,             Attention Class of ‘70 – Our 50-year Reunion is Just Around the Corner!
                 registration         at Bryden Elementary School.
                 begins               Screening for kindergarten is            Friday, August 21                        For more information, visit
                 February 10.         scheduled for Wednesday,                 Rustic Grill at StoneWater Golf Club   Beachwood70.com.
   If you have a child who will       May 6, 8:30 am, at Bryden                1 Club Drive
 be entering Kindergarten in          Elementary School.                       Highland Heights
 the fall of 2020, please visit          Should you have any
 beachwoodschools.org/school/         questions about registering for          Saturday, August 22
 NewStudents.aspx.                    kindergarten, please contact             Beechmont Country Club
    Kindergarten Parent               Grace Perryman, district registrar       29600 Chagrin Blvd.
 Orientation is scheduled for         at 216.464.2600, ext. 244.               Pepper Pike

14 Beachwood Buzz       n   February 2020
Jillian DeLong
T  he ten years Jillian DeLong has worked at Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) as the manager of College Assets and Mail
   Operations stands her in good stead as she assumes her role as a newly minted member of the Beachwood School Board.
    “At Tri-C, I hire interns and work with the co-op program,” said
Jillian. “This enables me to mentor and interact with students, many              “I never assume anything and always ask questions
of whom are able to turn their internships into full-time positions
upon graduation.”                                                                                           to find out the answers.”
    During her Tri-C tenure, Jillian has seen first-hand the need to give
students up-to-date educational tools to help ensure their success.             Realizing the importance of open
“I understand budgets and know the importance of allocating                  communication with other
sufficient funds to provide the essential resources every student            Beachwood parents,
needs,” she said.                                                            Jillian encourages
    Along with her full-time job, Jillian, 42, has a full schedule at        community
home. A graduate of Cleveland State University, Jillian is married to        members to
Beachwood native Daniel Small. The couple are parents of Ellie Small,        contact her.
6, and Oliver Small, 7.                                                      “I was voted
    Spending time with her family is a high priority for Jillian. She is a   into this
PTO member, leads her daughter’s Girl Scout Troop, and is involved in        position by the
the ACE Mentor Program. “The weekends are filled with many events            residents and
revolving around our kids’ interests,” Jillian said. “My husband and I       I will always be
enjoy attending community activities and meeting other Beachwood             there for them,”
parents who appreciate Beachwood as much as we do.”                          she said. “I want to
    As Jillian approaches her term on the Beachwood School Board,            hear from everyone
she is both excited and a bit anxious. “I look forward to collaborating      – the good or the bad
with the other School Board members, but I’m nervous because I’m             – and hope community
new to the position,” she said. “I’m ready to get to work and promise        members will not hesitate to contact
to do my best. I never assume anything and always ask questions to           me to share their thoughts.”
find out the answers.”                                                          To contact Jillian, email jdelong@beachwoodschools.org.

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                                                                                                        February 2020    n   Beachwood Buzz 15
Self-Love –
                                                                          The Best Love of All

                                                                          A   s Valentine’s Day approaches and you’re
                                                                              thinking about gifts and cards for your
                                                                          loved one’s, I wanted to make sure you don’t
                                                                          neglect the most special person in your life.
                                                                             That person is YOU!                tank up before you can fully give
                                                                             The fact is you are amazing.       to others.
                                                                          You are special and deserving!           It’s about honoring your core
                                                                          You were born with gifts and          values and boundaries as well as
                                                                          talents and even imperfections        nurturing your mind, body, and

     Have Confidence                                                      that make you uniquely you.
                                                                             How many of us are so busy
                                                                                                                spirit. It’s about being willing to
                                                                                                                receive as much as you’re willing

     with Your Home Care.                                                 thinking about how we can
                                                                          make other people happy but
                                                                                                                to give.
                                                                                                                   What are some ways to
                                                                          put ourselves and our own             practice self-love?
     When you choose JFSA as your home care                               needs last?
     provider, you not only receive the highest                              Have you been holding onto         1. Take a 15-minute break each
     quality care and plenty of services to choose                        the belief that loving and caring        day to do something just for
     from, you get something extra: Confidence.                           for yourself is somehow selfish?         you. Try a guided meditation
                                                                             Before my cancer diagnosis,           (Insight Timer is a good app),
     Our nurses and home health aides want                                this was definitely my belief. I         go outside and breath the
     you to be as independent as possible and                             pushed myself way too hard so            fresh air, take a candle-lit bath
     enjoy the confidence you gain when working                           that I could be the best mother,
     with our supportive and caring staff.                                wife and career woman. In all         2. Put limits on people who suck
                                                                          actuality, I was looking for love        your energy
                                                                          and acceptance from something
       • Skilled Nursing
                                                                          outside of me.                        3. Before you go to sleep, write
       • Medical Social Worker                                               In the process, I lost all sense      three things you love about
       • Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy                          of myself and wasn’t completely          yourself or three things you
       • Home Health Aides                                                present to anything or anyone            did well today
       • Medication Management                                            in my life.
                                                                             One of the many lessons learned    4. Fuel your body with whole,
       • Lifeline Medical Alert
                                                                          during my cancer journey was             healthy foods and drinks
       • Home Cleaning                                                    to think differently about loving
       • Kosher Home Delivered Meals                                      myself and I cannot encourage you     5. Step outside of your comfort
       • Holocaust Survivor Support Services                              enough to do the same.                   zone and try something new
       • JFSA Shuttle On-The-Go! Free Transportation                         Loving yourself is to accept
                                                                          yourself for who you are in this        Make self-love a practice and
                                                                          moment. It doesn’t mean that          you will soon see your life and

        Call 216.378.8660                                                 you don’t strive to do better
                                                                          and be better, but that you
                                                                                                                health transform for the better!

                                                                          appreciate where you are right          To loving yourself,
                                                                          now. It doesn’t mean that you           Hayley Dubin
                                                                          become self-absorbed and                Certified Health Coach
                                                                          uncaring, but that you fill your        www.revivewellness.com
                                                                              “Owning our story and loving ourselves through
                                         of Cleveland

                                            jfsa-cleveland.org                that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do.”
                        Medicare, Medicaid and most insurance accepted.                            ~ Brené Brown

16 Beachwood Buzz   n   February 2020
Ileen Kelner Juried High                                                       We Want to Make You
School Art Show                                                                     SMILE
February 9 - March 1
Beachwood Community Center
Opening Reception
Sunday, February 9 • 2-4:30 pm                    Ileen Kelner
                                                  Photo by Scott Morrison,
Awards Ceremony 3 pm                              Discovery Photo.

                 Beachwood Arts      Saturday, 10 am - 3 pm; and

                                                                                Dr. Trudy Amstadt
               Council invites       Sunday, 10 am - 1 pm. The show
               you to attend its     and opening reception are free
               annual Ileen Kelner   and open to the community.
               Juried High School
Art Show. This special exhibit
                                        In 2018, this show was
                                     renamed in memory of Ileen
                                                                                  Our Expertise
will feature inspiring artwork       Kelner, “Mrs. Beachwood,” one             • Complete Exams, X-Rays & Cleanings
by students who represent 22         of Beachwood Arts Council’s                    • Fillings, Crowns & Bridges
regional high schools.               past presidents and most                           • Cosmetic Dentistry
  Gallery hours are Monday           active members who started the
through Friday, 9 am - 4 pm;         show 25 years ago.
                                                                                              • Whitening
                                                                                      • Full & Partial Dentures
 BAC presents art exhibitions that are free and open to the public                         • Dental Implants
       and offers enriching programs, outings, workshops,                                • Personalized Care
        music performances and volunteer opportunities.
         Support the arts in Beachwood and join today!                                           Call Us!
        For details, visit www.beachwoodartscouncil.org.                          216-595-1420 • www.trudyamstadtdds.com
                                                                             3690 Orange Place, Suite 525, Beachwood OH, 44122

CWRU-Siegal Lifelong
Learning Programs
  The following events are           Eastside Conversations
being offered in February by         Lunch and Lecture
CWRU-Siegal Lifelong Learning.       Israel’s Recent Elections:
For details, pricing, and            Lessons From The Past,
registration, visit                  Thoughts On The Future
case.edu/lifelonglearning.           Doron Kalir
                                     Clinical Professor of Law,
The Making Of Shtisel:               Cleveland-Marshall College of
A Jewish Odyssey                     Law, Cleveland State University                    Gold & Silver Leaf Frames
Yahonatan Indursky                   Friday, February 21 • 12 - 1:30 pm                       Sculpture Bases
Award-winning Writer                                                                   Frame Restoration & Repair
and Director                         We Seek The Meaning Of Life:                             Custom Mirrors
Tuesday, February 11 • 7 - 8:30 pm   Reading In The                                            Photo Frames
                                     Face Of Destruction                            Beautifully Framed Artwork for Sale
Ponevezh Time:                       Ravenel Richardson
Film Screening And Discussion        Visiting Scholar, CWRU
Yahonatan Indursky                   Wednesday, February 26 • 7 pm                  $20 Off Framing Over $100
Award-winning Writer
                                                                              One Discount Per Visit • Expires 12/31/20
and Director                         Beyond Suffrage: Women’s
Wednesday, February 12               Reform Networks And The Road
6:30 - 8 pm                          For Women’s Rights
                                     Einav Rabinovitch-Fox
                                     Visiting Assistant Professor,
                                     History, CWRU
                                     Thursday, February 27 • 7-8:30 pm

                                                                                               February 2020   n   Beachwood Buzz 17
Can You Tell Me How to Get . . .                                                             by Jennifer Stern

                           was filled with nostalgia as I watched the co-founders of Sesame Street being
                           honored at the Kennedy Center Honors Gala, an annual program presented
                           since 1978 in the Kennedy Center Opera House that honors those in the
                         performing arts for their lifetime of contributions to American culture.
                         Sesame Street is the first-ever television show to be celebrated.
   In 1969, Sesame Street co-       while remaining relevant to           growth mindset and focus                Sesame Street’s emphasis is
founders Joan Ganz Cooney           the times.                            on learning.                         always on resilience, compassion,
and Lloyd Morrisett, along with        Since Sesame Street first aired,       There are more than 150          and being emotionally and
Muppets creator Jim Henson          the show’s cast was diverse,          versions of Sesame Street,           physically healthy. These lessons
and countless puppeteers,           representing all people. All          produced in 70 languages.            are communicated through
researchers, educators, and         children could see themselves on      It was created for children to       modeling, repetition, and
mental health professionals,        Sesame Street learning, growing,      learn letters and numbers, but       humor that is age appropriate,
shared a goal and a vision for      and playing side by side in a         accomplishes so much more.           accessible, honest, and relevant.
kids to enter school ready to       space of acceptance, tolerance,       Its diverse cast of actors and          Dignitaries, politicians, actors,
succeed on academic, social,        kindness, and compassion.             Muppets use humor, compassion,       singers, authors, and poets stop
and emotional levels.                  As Sesame Street starts its 51st   and creativity to teach children     by Sesame Street, a show that
   They believed that they could    year, actors and Muppets – Big        how to explore and manage            continues to engage children
use the addictive qualities of      Bird, The Count, Cookie Monster,      difficult feelings, challenging      in becoming smarter, stronger,
television to do something          Grover, Ernie and Bert, Kermit,       situations, and perhaps most         and kinder. The timeless and
good for young children – to        Miss Piggy, etc. – continue to        important, how to be a good          impactful lessons learned on
inspire, support, educate, and      honor the show’s original vision      friend and neighbor. The show        Sesame Street are ones that
prepare them for school and         of bringing children into a world     never avoids challenging topics,     children and adults alike can
life. And for 50 years they have    of inclusiveness, tolerance,          such as divorce, grief, community    choose to emulate in order to be
stayed true to this mission,        curiosity, and kindness with a        violence, conflict resolution,       good friends and neighbors, and
                                                                          coping with incarceration,           to help make our world kinder

     Your house
                                                                          family homelssness, foster           and smarter.
                                                                          care, handling emergencies,             Sesame Street is a place that,

   is not selling!
                                                                          illness, living with disabilities,   no matter who you are, where
                                                                          understanding mental illness,        you come from, what you look
                                                                          differences, insecurities,           like, or the challenges you are
                                                                          or challenges.                       facing in life, you are welcome.

   Call me and lets
                                                                                                                  Can you tell me how to get to
                                                                             Sesame Street is a place          Sesame Street . . .

   get the right
                                                                             that, no matter who you               Jennifer Stern, LISW, is a Loss and
                                                                                are, where you come            Bereavement Specialist at Ellen
                                                                                                               F. Casper, PH.D and Associates

   job done
                                                                            from, what you look like,
                                                                                                               in Beachwood. For more
                                                                                or the challenges you          information, call 216.464.4243.
                                                                            are facing in life, you are        Visit her website, www.

   for you!                                                                                  welcome.          transformativegrief.com, and
                                                                                                               sign up for monthly posts.

  Donna Glazer
    Cell: 216-402-6990                                                                       City of Beachwood
  donnaglazer@howardhanna.com                                                                   Summer Trips
                                                                                 Atlanta, Georgia • Los Angeles, California
                                                                              Montreal-Quebec City • The Greenbrier Resort
                                   Legendary Service                                              For details, see page 59

18 Beachwood Buzz    n   February 2020
Menorah Park Celebrates
Community Leaders
    One of the most enjoyable        passion. Adrienne is incredibly
aspects of Menorah Park’s Annual     dedicated to causes near and
Meeting is honoring members of       dear to her heart and engages
the community for their expertise    with a spirit of warmth,
in the field of geriatrics and for   intellect, and philanthropy.
their commitment to leadership       She has made a strong impact
and volunteerism. These include      during her early tenure on the
support of the Menorah Park          Menorah Park board.                              The Menorah Park
core values and the promise to                                                 Aging Resources Center Presents:
help people live empowered, live
better, and be inspired.
                                                                                A Spring Dinner Conversation
   Congratulations to Geriatric
Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Brian
Appleby, who received the Heller
                                                                             Help, I Need Somebody!
Award; Adrienne Goldberg,                                                  Stop Pain from Stopping You
the Irving I. Stone Award; and
Marilyn Bilsky, the David N.             The David N. Myers Award                          Featured Speaker:
Myers Award.                         honors the memory of David
    The Heller Award honors          Myers and reflects devotion           Steve Saneda – Physical Therapist
the good work and memory             to the community and Jewish              Peter B. Lewis Aquatic & Therapy Center
of Dr. Arnold Heller, who was        values. Marilyn is a doer             Certified Specialist in Chronic Pain Management
a committed, compassionate           dedicated toward making life
medical director at Menorah          better through volunteerism,
Park. Dr. Appleby is known for       extraordinary leadership,            • Gain additional insight into chronic pain
his excellence in the pursuit        community involvement, vision        • Learn effects of exercise
and understanding of early and       and devotion to mankind. She         • Find out how physical therapy is part of a comprehensive
aggressive dementias, once           is appreciated for her work            approach to helping you maintain your mobility
believed to be hopeless, and         throughout the community and
his depth of understanding of        her commitment at Menorah
the genetics and physiology          Park to bring bright spots to                Thursday, March 12, 2020
underlying these disorders.          everyone’s days.                                Dinner Hour 5:30 p.m.
As a physician affiliated with
University Hospitals Cleveland
                                                                                     Conversation 6:30 p.m.
Medical Center, he is known by                                                  Menorah Park Saltzman Auditorium
his patients as a gifted intellect                                                27100 Cedar Road, Beachwood
with compassion committed
to his patients and ensuring                                                       Program and Dinner are Free of Charge
quality care.                                                                       Seating Limited – Reserve Space Early

                                                                                 RSVP to Beth Silver, 216-839-6678,
                                     Pictured left:
                                                                                    or bsilver@menorahpark.org
                                     Dr. Sara Stein presents award to            no later than Thursday, February 20
                                     Dr. Brian Appleby

                                     Above, from top:                                 Aging Resources Dinner Conversations
   The Irving I. Stone Award                                                   are sponsored by the Earl and Barbara Franklin Fund
honors the memory of                 CEO Jim Newbrough, Menorah                           Kosher Dietary Laws Observed
Irving Stone, and his drive          Park Life Trustee Enid Rosenberg,
and commitment toward                and Stone Awardee Adrienne
the Cleveland community              Goldberg                                      Encouraging the spirit of learning
and beyond. Adrienne truly                                                            for adults ages 45 and up.
                                     Myers Award Recipient Marilyn
exemplifies this year’s annual
                                     Bilsky and family celebrate in the
meeting theme as a person
                                     Sallie and Robert D. Deitz Piazza
of strong purpose and

                                                                                                   February 2020    n   Beachwood Buzz 19
Beachwood                              Planning a Large Family Reunion?
 History Book Club
    The Beachwood History
                                        Find Out How at February Meeting of the
 Book Club is an independent
 club that meets at the
                                        Jewish Genealogy Society of Cleveland

 Beachwood Library. New
 members always welcome!
                                            earning how to plan a family reunion will be the focus of the
 Questions? Contact Margaret                upcoming meeting of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Cleveland
 Reardon at 440.292.7739 or                 on Sunday, February 9, 1:30 pm, at Park Synagogue East, 27500
 margaret_reardon@att.net.              Shaker Boulevard, Pepper Pike.
 Wednesday, February 26                    JGSC member Deborah Katz                          how could we connect with          for Programming; Fran Golden,
 7pm                                    will share lessons learned in the                    the Western Reserve Historical     vice president for Membership;
 The Woman’s Hour:                      process of planning a family                         Society Research Library that      Noreen Goldstein, treasurer;
 The Great Fight                        reunion that drew 200 Katz                           held our Katz archive?” She had    Barbara Davis, secretary; and
 to Win the Vote,                       relatives to Cleveland during                        little more than seven months      trustees Jane Rothstein (term
 by Elaine Weiss                        the summer of 2019, when                             to reach family members from       expiring 12/31/2022) and
                                        the city was host to the annual                      across the country and plan        Jaime Klausner (term expiring
 Monday, March 23                       conference of the International                      the three-day celebration to       12/31/2020). Russ Maurer will
 7 pm                                   Association of Jewish                                honor ancestors who journeyed      continue his term as trustee
 The Water Dancer,                      Genealogical Societies.                              to America from Padzelva,          (term expiring 12/31/2021).
 by Ta Nehisi Coates                       “The IAJGS annual conference                      Lithuania.                            Board members are available
                                        was announced for Cleveland                              The meeting will include the   from 1 pm at a help desk to
 Thursday, April 30                     and I was inspired,” Deborah                         election of 2020 officers and      assist with individual research
 7 pm                                   says. “Would there be any                            trustees. Nominees include         questions. Guests are welcome
 The Pioneeers,                         interest in a larger family reunion                  Stewart Hoicowitz, president;      and can RSVP at Programming@
 by David McCullough                    around the conference and                            Sylvia Abrams, vice president      JGScleveland.org.

 MON-FRI, 2-6 PM
 MON-FRI, 2-6

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20 Beachwood Buzz       n   February 2020
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