Marden Matters Term 2 2019 - Marden Senior College

Page created by Byron Powell
Marden Matters Term 2 2019 - Marden Senior College
Term 2 2019

                                                                                               your pathway to success

  From the Principal
                                    Marden Matters
                                                  As a student, now is the time to reflect on what   Adult Re-Entry Cup. The Student Government
                                                  you have achieved to date and to re-visit your     Association (SGA) are also offering a range
                                                  personal goals. Energy and motivation can flag     of activities as does the library, which is a
                                                  at this time of the year and it can be a good      great place to shelter from the cold weather.
                                                  time to re-consider what motivates you to          And don’t forget that Monday to Thursday
                                                  strive to do your best at school for your future   lunchtimes you can get the blood pumping at
                                                  plans.                                             the MARS gym.

                                                  Although there is no single recipe or secret to    The SGA, who support many events, continues
                                                  academic success, research and experience          to seek new ways to provide opportunities
                                                  show that the level of success is often related    for students to connect and participate in
                                                  to:                                                the college community, including the Formal
                                                  • enjoying the feeling of progress and             scheduled for early Term 3. So there is plenty
                                                       achievement through setting and               on offer at the college. Get involved.
                                                       re-setting short term goals
                                                  • studying for short, high-intensity bursts
We welcome about 50 new students to Marden             – quality of study is more important than
Senior College for the start of semester               quantity
two. These students have a clear sense of         • being prepared to take risks with your
the opportunities on offer as a member of              learning, try creative directions and learn
a member of a purposeful adult learning                from your mistakes
environment. All the best to these students       • seeking enjoyment and finding things of
and their families for this new phase in their         interest in your studies helps - be curious
education.                                        • committing to your study, attend classes,
                                                       meet deadlines and persist
With the shortest day for the year now            • networking with other students – socially
behind us (Winter Solstice, 21 June), there            and for study support
is a real sense of progress amongst our 800       • looking after yourself – sleeping,
or so continuing students. Semester one                eating, exercising and balancing other
10-credit subjects are complete, a number of           commitments are all important.
assessments are finished in full year subjects
and Stage 2 trial exams are being conducted       There are many different ways of achieving
before the end of the term. Fun fact - students   personal goals. The trick is to find what works
studying year-long courses are now 2/3rds of      for you. If you need any support to re-assess      Keep an eye on that light at the end of the
the way through the academic year. So that        your goals, a conversation with your teacher       tunnel and remember that any study will hold
end of the year light is shining brighter and     or mentor a good place to begin, as is making      some challenges but it can also be enjoyable,
longer in more than one way.                      an appointment with one of the counsellors in      and persistence will get you much closer to
                                                  Student Services.                                  your ultimate goal. I leave you with this quote
                                                                                                     from famous physicist Albert Einstein (1879-
                                                  A way to keep motivated is to get more             1955): “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I
                                                  involved in college life. Recent successful        stay with problems longer.”
                                                  events come to mind: Pedal Prix, Culinary
                                                  Challenge competition participation, chess
                                                  tournament and other lunch activities. There       Stephen Inglis
                                                  will be a second 6-hour Pedal Prix at Victoria
                                                  Park on the first Saturday in Term 3 - join in,
                                                  get involved or simply pop in for a look to
                                                  show your support. Marden SC is also in the
                                                  process of forming a football (aka soccer) team
                                                  to play against Thebarton for the prestigious
Marden Matters Term 2 2019 - Marden Senior College
Pedal Prix
On 15 June, the Stage 2 Sport and Recreation
class saw the chequered flag waved as the
Marden Senior College Pedal Prix team –
Maelstrom II embarked on their opening race
of the season.

The team set a consistent pace throughout the
day and managed to only have two punctures
for the day. The team managed an impressive
total of 153 laps which is a total of 174.4km.
Jaydin Williamson led the way with 35 laps
and the best lap time of 1 minute 40 seconds.
Stefan Johansson also completed 35 laps at
a consistent pace. All riders chipped in with
multiple stints throughout the 6 hours.

A special thank you to everyone who came to
support on the day, most notably Lucy, Jayke,
Stephen as well as Malcom and Graeme for
their much needed leadership during the day.
Overall an impressive display from the team
which shows plenty of potential for the next
race on Saturday 27 July.

There are still positions available for the next
race, please contact Graeme or Malcolm if you
are interested.
Marden Matters Term 2 2019 - Marden Senior College
This term the SGA has worked hard to voice the students’ opinions and
raise funds for the Marden Senior College Formal. We have worked to
put together a formal for the students of MSC and have kept in mind
what the students really want. The theme of the formal is ‘Red Carpet
Glam’, a night filled with glamour and fun. We urge our fellow students
to book their formal tickets ASAP and also to bring more than one
person to the formal. The tickets can be purchased at the bookroom and
the formal will be held at The Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hindley Street on
Friday 9 August 2019.

For all this to happen the SGA has worked hard in designing various
fundraisers such as BBQs, pancakes and Kahoots. A BBQ was held on
20 May and the SGA would like to thank the students who bought items
from the BBQ and helped raise the formal funds.                                       MARDEN SENIOR COLLEGE FORMAL 2019

Another fundraiser was held on Wednesday 26 June, it was a Disney
themed Kahoot, held in the library. The winner received a $10 voucher                     Red Carpet
for DJ’s Cafe. The same week also had pancake day on Thursday, there
were plain pancakes with custom toppings and was quite popular with
the students and staff.
                                                                                               09 AUGUST 2019 AT 6:30 PM-10:30 PM
The SGA urges all students to please partake in fundraisers, not only are
                                                                              H O T E L G R A N D C H A N C E L L O R 6 5 H I N D L E Y S T , A D E LAIDE SA 5000
we raising funds for the formal, we are also working very hard to design
fundraisers that the student body will enjoy. Don’t forget to also get your                                                             Tick
$1 chocolates from the library!                                                                                                              et
                                                                                                                                        Boo s on sa
                                                                                                                      !                      kro          l
                                                                                                                 IDED                            om! e at th
                                                                                                             ROV                                        TICK     e
                                                                                                      AL P           1                         $70
For each fundraiser a lot of hard work is put in by the SGA and                          U R S E ME Main &
                                                                                                                                                    ...      ETS
                                                                                     C O          e e ,
corresponding staff. We hope that the students will get involved and               3           tr
                                                                                         1 En Dessert wards
                                                                                                               .             .
                                                                                                              m o try.                  aini      t an it
also have fun themselves. If students have any concerns regarding any                                6:0  0 p
                                                                                                                    en               the     ng $        d
                                                                                             vals             pon than                            45 b
event, please feel free to come and speak to one of the SGA members.                    Arri ktails u               E R
                                                                                                                                              of A      efo
                                                                                            Mo   c
                                                                                                              L A T
                                                                                                                               or                  ugu re
The listing of the SGA members is up on the windows of the SGA office                          Arr i v e
                                                                                                             N O s o ion.

in the cafeteria/lunch hangout space.                                                                 pm!            ump
                                                                                               6:30 ol cons
                                                                                                    l c o h

Vishitha Sadipirala
SGA Member
Marden Matters Term 2 2019 - Marden Senior College
From the Pastoral Care Worker                                                                            Wearable Art
As I stood outside the cafeteria on this two         “Success is stumbling from failure to failure        Recently our Stage 1 Wearable Art
degree, frosty morning, I stated to someone it       without loss of enthusiasm.” (Winston                students participated in a resin jewellery
was freezing and was advised, that as it was         Churchill)                                           workshop with designer Hannah Carlyle
two degrees it was not technically freezing. I                                                            (@hannahcarlylejewellery on instagram)
began to contemplate just how I would start          Failure, simply put, is giving up. “I get knocked    Students were engaged from beginning to end.
my Marden Matters article. Obviously the             down but I get up again…” (Tubthumper by             Watch this space!
recent frosty mornings seemed a topical point.       Chumbawanda 1997) then, is the recipe for
Some spoke of ice on their windscreens; some         success!
just looked at me when I commented on the
chill with a “do ya think…?” type expression.        The mornings are really cold; maybe not
Another as stated alerted me to the science of       freezing but cold. They may be really wet and
cold; that is, 2 degrees is not freezing!            windy too. At the halfway mark of the year, we
                                                     are tired, cold, maybe suffering all the different
Here is a question;                                  lurgies around at this time of year; but, the
What is the source of cold? That is, from nature’s   Winter Solstice has passed; the days will get
perspective, what creates cold? We know the          longer and eventually warmer too. And the
sun creates warmth; what creates cold? And           best news of all, there is no source of failure!
for that matter what creates darkness? Once          There is nothing on the planet scientifically, in
again from nature’s perspective, the sun             nature, anywhere, that creates failure.
creates light also, so what creates the dark?
                                                     Now more than ever, just keep getting up.
Of course there is no ‘source of cold’ in nature;    Keep coming to school. Keep asking for help.
nor is there a ‘source of darkness.’ Cold is         Keep on keeping on. Failure can’t exist if you
simply the absence of heat, or the removal           just persist. That’s me saying that – I want that
of heat. Dark is simply the absence of light.        quote to go down in history – “Failure can’t
So the cold on this morning was derived from         exist if you just persist!” Failure is simply the
the absence of heat, caused by the time of           absence of persistence. Edison, Churchill
year, the position and tilt of the earth’s axis in   and many great figures from history knew it;
relation to the sun, etcetera. I have no doubt       Chumbawamba knows it. Success is coming
my scientist friend will enlighten me more –         – it’s up to you.
but you get the gist!
                                                     Oh, and for the scientists out there: I know
So my next question then, is what causes             there are only 24 hours in a day and we don’t
failure? What is the source of failure? Some         get more; we simply have more daylight in our
might expect me to say it is an absence of           allotted 24 hours…. you get the gist!
effort. Absolutely not!
                                                     Tim Wells
“I have not failed. I have just found 10,000         Pastoral Care Worker
ways that won't work.” (Thomas A Edison)

   Culinary Challenge
Congratulations to our two teams from the Food Processing class who participated in the Culinary
Challenge last Monday - Carissa Fischer and Domin Joseph; Georgia Lynch and Jade Brusnahan.
Both achieved Bronze medals and a great learning experience. Well done to the students and
trainer, Tony Iommazzo.
Marden Matters Term 2 2019 - Marden Senior College
Careers Information
Keep up to date with the latest in careers         Uni and TAFE Entry                                 uniTEST for Flinders University
information:                                                                                          Are you keen to enhance your opportunity to
                                                   Term 3 is a very busy time for all students who    attend university? Do you wish to increase
MHS Careers                                        are intending to study at University or TAFE in    your options to gain a place in the course you             2020. Not only are your subjects in full swing,    want? Are you looking at a way to show the
guide-2019/                                        but TAFE and all three universities, Flinders,     university that you have the ability to succeed
                                                   Adelaide and the University of South Australia     at university study? Then uniTEST is your
MHS Careers produce weekly bulletins that          are holding their Open Days for prospective        chance to impress!
are packed full of valuable information about      students. These are excellent opportunities for
careers and tertiary education. This service       students to gather information about various       uniTEST is an aptitude test that has been
is completely free for Marden Senior College       courses in the lead up to making applications      designed to assess the kinds of generic
students, as you and your parents have access      through SATAC for tertiary study in 2020.          reasoning and thinking skills that underpin
under our subscription. To gain access to all                                                         studies at higher education and that are
of the career resources on the website, go         Open day activities for Flinders University will   needed for students to be successful. uniTEST
to Study Work Grow and start exploring your        occur on Friday 16 and Saturday 17 August          assesses this reasoning and thinking across
options.                                           2019. Adelaide University and the University of    the broad domains of mathematics, science,
You will need to enter our school code:            South Australia are holding their open day on      humanities and social sciences.
Marden19                                           Sunday 18 August 2019.
(It’s case sensitive so use a capital M)                                                              Flinders is offering uniTEST to any eligible
                                                   Uni Guides will be distributed as soon as they     applicant wishing to enhance their opportunity
                                                   become available in early Term 3. Counsellors      to attend university. Flinders will select
My Future                                          are able to provide one on one support to          students based on both an applicant’s Year 12                       students who need assistance in making a           results (60% weighting toward the ATAR score)
                                                   TAFE/Uni application during Term 3.                and uniTEST performance (40%).
My Future has been updated significantly
and is now an even better resource. This is                                                           Whilst it won’t guarantee you a place at
available for South Australian students and is     Tertiary Education EXPO at Marden                  university, if you do well in the test the results
a great replacement for the old “Job Guides”       (flyer on back page)                               will be taken into consideration by Flinders,
and bullseye posters, neither of which are                                                            and it may assist you to enter your course
being produced in hard copy any more.              As part of our service to students we have         of choice. If however you don’t do so well
                                                   organised for the three universities and many      in the test, don’t worry as you cannot be
                                                   other training organisations to come to Marden     disadvantaged by sitting uniTEST.
Skillsroad                                         Senior College on Thursday 15 August, 2019                  from 12pm until 1:30pm. This visit will provide    Marden Senior College is a test centre for
                                                   students with an opportunity to:                   uniTEST. More information will be distributed
Is a completely free resource that is also         • speak with advisors from the tertiary            to students as we near the test day.
extremely good to help students find their             education sector                               Additional information can be found at
feet in the world of work. Like the My Future      • gather information about courses       
website, Skillsroad has a test that you can do     • enquire about alternative entry pathways         how-to-apply/special-entry/unitest.cfm
to identify jobs that may suit your interests.         into university.

For more info or a tour through these resources,   This event will be held upstairs in the 600        Work Experience
feel free to drop into Student Services and        building.
speak with a counsellor.                                                                              A work experience placement can provide you
                                                                                                      with a great insight into a particular job or the
  Sculpture in memory of teacher, Ted Everingham                                                      world of work in general. Your performance
                                                                                                      in the placement is assessed and can be a
                                                                                                      valuable addition to your personal portfolio,
On Friday 14 June, a memorial was held to                                                             as well as providing you with feedback about
unveil a new sculpture in memory of Ted                                                               the employability skills you need to develop.
Everingham, a well loved, passionate and                                                              Completion of work experience along with
dedicated maths teacher who sadly passed                                                              some additional tasks can provide you with
away 22 May 2018.                                                                                     a SACE Stage 1 unit as part of Community
                                                                                                      Studies. Changes in the process regarding
                                                                                                      preparation for work experience require that
                                                                                                      you speak to a counsellor at least 1 week prior
                                                                                                      to commencement.

                                                                                                      Come and have a chat with the student
                                                                                                      counsellors if you would like to know more
                                                                                                      about any of the opportunities detailed above.
Marden Matters Term 2 2019 - Marden Senior College
Marden Senior College Library
It has been an eventful term 2 at Marden and in     played and the puzzle and colouring in sheets                        the library to use before and after school and
the library. There have been a number of events     are replenished as people complete them.                             during recess and lunch.
to promote reading, literacy, learning, as well
as community events. It has also been a busy                                                                             An enthusiastic team of staff are available
time for students working on assignments,                                                                                to assist students in the library. We are open
while also making use of the resources for                                                                               each day from 8:30am until 3:45pm Monday,
recreational purposes.                                                                                                   Tuesday and Thursday and until 3:30pm on
                                                                                                                         Friday. On Wednesday we are open until 8pm
Online resources It is crunch time for                                                                                   with evening classes happening at the school.
many students with a new semester starting,                                                                              So, there are plenty of opportunities to come
assignments due and trial exams looming.                                                                                 in and work.
Some of the online resources available from
the library link on the front page of the MSC       Come in and see the activities available in                          Sue Johnston, Library Manager
website and library catalogue page may be
useful at this time. The library has an extensive
range of resources you can access either in the       School Holiday Workshops
library and/or via the MSC website under the
Library link including books, online magazines
and electronic databases. For example
Clickview has thousands of videos available
from this resource. Most students will be using
the Online Referencing Generator (ORG) that
can assist in the preparation of bibliographies
so you can show your teachers the range of
resources you have used in your work. The tool
is available on the library page on the website
and on the links section of the catalogue. If you
need any help to find or use the ORG or any of
the other resources, then please ask. Library
staff are always to help out.

A variety of displays have been set up to
promote events this term. The entrance to
the library has been promoting wellbeing.
                                                                                                                                           9 – 12
We have also promoted History Month, World                                                                                                 JULY 2019
Environment Day, Refugee Week, National
                                                                                                                                           LEARN FROM
Reconciliation Week, the final Game of Thrones
                                                                                                                                           INDUSTRY EXPERTS!
shows and the 50th Birthday of the “Very
Hungry Caterpillar” book. Exhibitions at other
venues, eg, the State Library and Art Gallery
have also been promoted.
                                                         iDrawing                                  Collaborative                            Mixed Media
                                                         Workshop with                             Drawing with                             Animation
                                                         Therese Williams                          Alex Beckinsale
                                                                                                                                            Friday 12 July
                                                         Tuesday 9 July                            Thursday 11 July                         1pm – 3.30pm
                                                         2pm – 3.30pm                              10.30am – 1.30pm                         Payneham Library
                                                         St Peters Library                         St Peters Youth Centre
                                                                                                                                            Get creative with GooRoo Animation
                                                         Learn how to create art using your        Draw big and draw together in this       by learning to create your own 2D
                                                         smartphone or tablet with local artist,   workshop with artist Alex Beckinsale.    stop motion animation.
                                                         Therese Williams. You will need to        Learn to use a range of materials and
                                                         bring your own device.                    approaches to drawing to produce a
We have also been fortunate to have                                                                large scale collaborative art work.
student input into events. The annual chess
competition has been taking place in the                 To book a place, please visit or contact
                                                         Youth Development Officer, Michaela Kis at or 8366 4622
library and attracted competitors as well as
observers hoping to be able to offer advice
on moves! Chocolate sales to assist the SGA
with fundraising for the Formal have also been
popular, especially on those cold days!             City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters
                                                    175 The Parade, Norwood SA 5067
                                                    Telephone    8366 4555
The activities on offer during the break times      Facsimile    8332 6338
have been popular. A number of jigsaws have         Email
been completed, chess games have been               Website
Marden Matters Term 2 2019 - Marden Senior College
P.A.R.T.Y. Program
                                                                                         your pathway to success

                                                                                              AN INVITATION

                                                                             Principal’s Tour &
                                                                             Information Session
                                                                                                4 September 2019
Thirty Stage 1 and 2 students attended the Prevent Alcohol and
Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y) program at the RAH on Thursday                               9:30am - 10:30am &
30 May. Students learnt about how different behaviours are classed as
high risk taking behaviours such as; alcohol, drugs, driving and other                                   4:30pm - 5:30pm
risk taking behaviours and the consequences that the behaviours can
have. This program was run by emergency department nurses who gave                                     For more information visit
different stories of their experiences with young people who engage in
risk taking behaviour and end up in hospital.                                                  
Students also got the opportunity to follow a trauma patient via a
mannequin through the journey that they would take in the hospital.
We started in the emergency department where students got to be
hands on with administering medical procedures to the mannequin
such as moving the patient from the ambulance bed to the hospital
bed, inserting breathing tubes, cutting off clothing, pumping oxygen,
connecting fake blood supply and giving injections. Then we moved with
the patient to the ICU where students got to give compressions and see
the mannequin die. We also met with different allied health professionals     Specialist Senior Secondary Education
such as ambulance officers, physios, orthopaedics, organ donor team as
                                                                             ✓ Academic Excellence ✓ SACE Stage 1&2 ✓ Flexible Learning
well as a trauma survivor who is a quadriplegic from his trauma incident.
                                                                                    ✓ VET ✓ Registered Training Organisation (RTO 40046)
Students were engaged for the whole day and found the hands on
approach confronting but interesting and useful. A few points were                                                       Marden Senior College
highlighted throughout the day that teaching staff need to reinforce/                                          Marden Road, Marden SA 5070
teach our students; students do not know basic first aid such as the                                                           (08) 8366 2888
simple recovery position, students do not know what a standard drink                                                       Fax (08) 8362 0451
is - amount or alcohol content of drinks, and that ambulance officers do                                       International +61 8 8366 2800
not call the police if drugs are involved; only when they feel threatened.                                      
Marden Matters Term 2 2019 - Marden Senior College
AT MARDEN               Come and meet representatives
                          from a wide range of tertiary
                        education and career pathways

                        15 AUGUST 2019
                                   11:30AM – 1:30PM
                                    (FOLLOW SIGNAGE ON DAY)

✓ Academy of Interactive     ✓ International College of
  Entertainment (AIE)          Hotel Management (ICHM)
✓ Australian Defence Force   ✓ Maxima
  Academy (ADFA)             ✓ Motor Trade Association
✓ Australian Nursing and       (MTA)
  Midwifery Federation       ✓ Outside Ideas
✓ Career Employment Group    ✓ Rising Sun
✓ CDW Studios                ✓ Tabor
✓ Clipjoint                  ✓ TAFE SA
✓ Flinders University        ✓ University of Adelaide
✓ HITsa                      ✓ University of South
✓ Independent Institute        Australia

                                          For more information contact Gabe Turci at
                                     Marden Road, Marden SA 5070    (08) 8366 2800
Marden Matters Term 2 2019 - Marden Senior College Marden Matters Term 2 2019 - Marden Senior College
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