Married Hacked at first sight: Dating tips for your data breach response plan

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Married Hacked at first sight: Dating tips for your data breach response plan
Cyber Security

Married Hacked
at first sight:
Dating tips for your data
breach response plan
                                        You left your laptop at the pub and         it. But we know what it feels like if our
By Ledlin Lawyers*
                                        it has a copy of your organisation’s        own privacy is breached.
                                        debtor ledger and customer list on it            With the commencement of the
                                        – should you be worried?                    Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data
                                            Your phone goes missing. It             Breaches) Act 2017 (Cth) (“Privacy
                                        is unlocked and can be used to              Act”) on 22 February 2018, not only
                                        access the servers at work – is that a      is there an obligation on businesses
                                        problem?                                    to notify the regulator (the OAIC)
                                            One of your staff opens an email        about a “serious data breach” but also
                                        attachment seemingly giving details         a requirement to have a Data Breach
                                        of an ATO tax refund – ransomware           Response Plan.
                                        has been installed and you are locked            Credit Professionals who deal
                                        out. What should you do?                    in risk management daily will know
                                                                                    privacy is yet another area of business
                                        Notifiable Data Breaches                    where their risk management skills
                                        (“NDB”)                                     can come into their own. Protecting
                                        When we talk about “privacy”, it is an      the assets of the business is a core
                                        intangible concept for most of us; we       responsibility for credit managers. The
                                        can’t see it, touch it, smell it, or hear   requirement for an NDB Response

Terry Ledlin                            Natalie Ledlin                              Holly Jackson

Married Hacked at first sight: Dating tips for your data breach response plan
Cyber Security

                                                                                   2. Don’t assume whether it’s a real
                                                                                      data breach or not – always assess
                                                                                      any data breach;
                                                                                   3. Don’t omit important people or
                                                                                      information from the notification;
                                                                                   4. Don’t skip the review or its
                                                                                   5. Don’t destroy evidence that may
                                                                                      be valuable in identifying the
                                                                                      cause of the breach.

                                                                                   Takeaway points
                                                                                   There are a number of key points that
                                                                                   you can take from this article back to
                                                                                   your team and business:
                                                                                   1. You need a plan setting out how to
                                                                                      deal with any data breach.
                                                                                   2. Think of it like a fire drill – have a
                                                                                      team organised and practice your
                                                                                      proposed response regularly.
                                                                                   3. Don’t forget your suppliers –
                                                                                      in this cloud-based world your
Plan is an ideal opportunity for credit   zz Have your notification obligations       data could be held anywhere.
managers to shine.                           been triggered?                          APP 11 provides that where an
                                          zz If required, conduct a formal            entity “holds data” it means that
The Do’s                                     assessment within 30 days.               the entity has “possession or
If there has been an “eligible data       3. Notify the breach                        control of a record that contains
breach” incident, you have a date         zz Is notification necessary to the         personal information”. The term
with data whether you like it or not.        OAIC and affected individuals?           “holds” extends beyond physical
An eligible data breach is where there    zz What information should be               possession of a record meaning
are reasonable grounds to believe            provided in the notification?            that, if the storage of that record
that unauthorised access, disclosure      zz How is the notification to be            is outsourced to a third party, then
or loss of information will result in        made?                                    the entity will also be responsible
serious harm to any individuals to        zz Consider all your obligations under      in the event of a data breach by
whom the information relates. Here is        the NDB Scheme.                          that third party.
our checklist of what to do when this                                              4. You should ensure that you know
happens:                                  4. Review the breach                        how any supplier proposes to
                                          zz What lessons have been learned?          manage a data breach. Have they
1. Contain the breach                     zz What actions can be taken to             had data breaches in the past?
zz Consider the value of your data           prevent future data breaches?            Have they a record and reputation
   – i.e. what sort of data are you       zz How can your security, privacy           for trustworthy services? Do you
   dealing with? What is at stake?           policies and handling procedures         need to ensure your contracts will
zz If a breach occurs, move promptly.        be improved?                             protect your company in the event
zz Consider potential and actual data     zz Document the review of the data          of a breach?
   breaches to be serious.                   breach from start to finish.          5. In your Response Plan consider
zz Consider calling in cyber security                                                 template letters, website
   experts.                               The Don’ts                                  notifications, email notifications,
                                          To make the marriage Response Plan          an emergency hotline, a press
2. Assess the breach                      successful, here are our tips for what      release and engaging external
zz Obtain and evaluate any and all        not to do:                                  consultants to review your process
   information about the breach           1. Don’t ignore or delay a response         and security safeguards.
zz Determine and understand the              to any actual or suspected data       6. Don’t forget to regularly
   risks posed by the breach.                breach;                                  de-identify your data. If you have

                                                                  March 2018  •  CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA          47
Married Hacked at first sight: Dating tips for your data breach response plan
Cyber Security

   a data breach incident and your        see      obligations. Instead of paying alimony,
   data is years old, you may be          law/privacy-act/notifiable-data-          respondents who breach the Act can
   forced into advising far more          breaches-scheme.                          be liable for fines ranging up to $2.1
   affected parties than strictly              There’s a popular reality TV show    million. Those penalties will simply
   necessary. Regular cleansing of        where couples (who have never met         be insignificant if you consider the
   the database will ensure any data      before) meet at the altar to express      damage to reputation and trust when
   breach is limited only to current      undying commitment and loyalty for        your customers find out their privacy
   customers.                             life to each other, and then spend        has been breached and you have
7. Don’t forget about cyber               several weeks mostly experiencing         failed to respond appropriately.
   insurance, which can provide           spousal remorse.                              This really is one relationship that
   a further tool in your risk                 The Privacy Act is a bit like that   you need to make work.
   management kit.                        – we swear we are going to faithfully
                                          follow its guidelines and promise         *For more information check out our Insights
Don’t go on a blind date                  our customers they can trust us with      page at
                                                                                    our-insights/ or contact any of the team at
– your lawyer can help you                their most personal information,          Ledlin Lawyers on Ph: (02) 8488 3389 or
Your lawyer can offer “relationship       and then we pay lip service to our        email:
advice” when it comes to Privacy
matters, including:
1. Carry out a Privacy review and
   audit to establish exactly what is
   required for your organisation;
2. Advise on compliance with the
   Privacy Act and notifications to
   both individuals and the OAIC;
3. Consider and review any third-
   party contracts or arrangements
   to ensure that your company is not
   unnecessarily exposed to any data
   breach risk;
4. Negotiate contract amendments
   with your suppliers and any other
5. Assist with policies and procedures
   for privacy and Data Breach
   Response Plans;
6. Provide template notification
   documents (i.e. letters, website
   and email notifications, etc.) in
   case an eligible data breach does
7. Prepare and deliver privacy
   training guides for staff; and
8. Any other risk management issues
   tailored to your organisation.

What’s Next?
You can expect to hear over the next
12 months plenty more about this new
regime. Certainly, the Regulator has
been active and will continue to be so.
The Regulator’s website has a large
amount of information designed to
assist business with its obligations,

Married Hacked at first sight: Dating tips for your data breach response plan Married Hacked at first sight: Dating tips for your data breach response plan
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