Maryborough Hospital Patient Information 2019

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Maryborough Hospital Patient Information 2019
Maryborough Hospital
Patient Information 2019

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Maryborough Hospital Patient Information 2019
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians........3                           Meal Times........................................................ 15
Interpreter Service...............................................3          Children in Hospital........................................... 15
Welcome from the Chief Executive........................5                    Medical Team/Teaching of Health Professionals.15
Our Directions and Commitments...................... 6                       External Partners............................................... 15
Accreditation and Quality Management.............. 6                         Discharge from hospital..........................................15
About Maryborough Hospital.................................6                 Discharge Planning............................................ 15
Contact Us......................................................... 6        Discharge at Own Risk........................................ 16
General Information................................................8         Transfer to Other Facilities.................................. 16
Visitors.............................................................. 8     Your Care and Safety ..............................................17
Visiting Hours.................................................... 8         Fire Alarms/Emergency Evacuations................... 17
Parking ............................................................. 8      Leaving the Ward Area....................................... 17
Public Transport................................................. 8          Patient Identification ........................................ 17
Telephones........................................................ 8         Informed Consent.............................................. 17
ATM .................................................................. 9     Infection Prevention........................................... 19
Maryborough Hospital Auxiliary -                                             Clinical Handover .............................................. 19
Information Desk and Trolley Services ............... 9                      Changes in Your Health ..................................... 20
Chaplains and Pastoral Care Workers................. 9                       Ryan’s Rule ....................................................... 20
The Spiritual Centre (multi-faith space).............. 9                     Medication Safety ............................................. 20
Laundry ............................................................ 9       Preventing Falls................................................. 21
Mail................................................................... 9    Preventing Pressure Injuries
Zero Tolerance to Violence................................. 10               (sometimes known as bedsores) ....................... 21
Alcohol and Drugs............................................. 10            Blood and Blood Products................................. 21
Smoking............................................................ 10       Reducing Your Risk of Blood Clots...................... 22
Your Rights and Responsibilities............................10               Allied Health...........................................................22
What are your Rights?........................................ 10             Social Work........................................................ 22
What are your Responsibilities? ........................ 11                  Dietitian............................................................ 22
Advanced Health Planning................................. 11                 Occupational Therapy........................................ 22
Consumer Feedback - Compliments,                                             Speech Pathology.............................................. 22
Suggestions and Complaints.............................. 12                  Physiotherapy.................................................... 22
Choosing Health Care.............................................12          Pharmacy.......................................................... 22
Public Health Care............................................. 12           Other Patient Support Services..............................23
Private Health Care............................................ 12           Independent Patient Rights Adviser (IPRA)......... 23
Long Stay Patients............................................. 12           Aboriginal and Torres Strait
About Your Stay......................................................12      Islander Liaison Officers.................................... 23
Staff.................................................................. 12   Nurse Navigators............................................... 23
Pre-admission Clinic.......................................... 13            Telehealth.......................................................... 24
Admission ........................................................ 13        Other Services................................................... 24
How to Prepare for Your Operation..................... 13                    My Health Record............................................... 24
Day Procedure Unit (DPU)................................... 13               Medical Information .......................................... 24
Arriving on the Ward.......................................... 14            Patient Accounts................................................ 25
Bed Allocations and Single Rooms..................... 14                     Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS)................ 26
Personal Effects................................................. 14         Disclaimer ..............................................................26
Nurses Call System............................................ 14

Maryborough Hospital Patient Information 2019
Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service respectfully acknowledges the traditional
custodians of each part of country in the Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service
region, and we acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and
their ancestors from other sacred lands.
We pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging, of the land, air
and waters we service; and declare our commitment to reducing inequalities
between Indigenous and non-Indigenous health outcomes, in line with the
Australian Government’s Closing the Gap initiative.

Interpreter Service
Effective communication between patients and staff is important. Interpreter
services are available and will be organised by the nurse caring for you. All
information is confidential. Please speak with a member of staff for further
information about our interpreter services.

Maryborough Hospital Patient Information 2019
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

Maryborough Hospital Patient Information 2019
Welcome from the Chief Executive
Dear patients, families and friends,
Welcome to the Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service (WBHHS). While you’re in
our care it is our aim to make your stay as comfortable as possible.
The WBHHS has more than 3,700 employees and delivers public hospital and
health services to more than 214,000 people across the Wide Bay. The WBHHS is
made up of three regional hospitals in Bundaberg, Hervey Bay and Maryborough
and eight rural facilities in Biggenden, Childers, Eidsvold, Gayndah, Gin Gin,
Monto, Mundubbera and Mount Perry. Outreach services are also provided to
Agnes Water and the Discovery Coast area.
We are passionate about our Wide Bay community and the health of the people
living in it.
We are committed to providing you with consistently high standards of
personalised treatment and care in a safe environment and would like to make
your stay a positive experience.
Our vision, Care Comes First … Through Patients’ Eyes captures our aim to
support Wide Bay people to improve their lives by delivering patient-centred,
high-quality health care, in a friendly, compassionate setting. Patient safety
is a priority for our organisation and our wonderful staff do an excellent job in
delivering high-quality care across all services and facilities.
We are here for you, to support you and your family, to help you get well and
stay healthy. When caring for you, each one of our staff members will introduce
themselves and make you feel welcome. We consider it a privilege to care for
you and your family and will work in partnership with you to achieve the best
possible health outcomes.
If you have any questions or concerns about your care, I encourage you to
discuss them with your treating nurse, doctor or other health professional. They
may be able to resolve your issues immediately. Alternatively, you can contact
our Clinical Governance Support Unit on 4184 1824 or email: WBHSD-CGSU@
Finally, WBHHS is committed to preventing hospital infections. To help us
prevent the spread of germs and infections, we ask all our visitors and staff to
please use the hand hygiene gels before entering and leaving the hospital wards
and after patient contact.
Adrian Pennington
Chief Executive, Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

Maryborough Hospital Patient Information 2019
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

Our Directions and Commitments           During your stay you may be asked
Our directions and values are at the     to provide feedback on the services
heart of ‘why we do, what we do’ and     we provide. Although you are not
they define ‘the way we do things’.      obligated to respond, the WBHHS
Our directions and commitments are:      values feedback and will assist us to
                                         improve service delivery and patient
Enhance holistic care: We will put       care.
patients, carers and consumers at the
centre of all we do.                     About Maryborough Hospital
Deliver more care locally: We will       Maryborough and Hervey Bay
provide high-quality, innovative         hospitals work in close partnership to
services for our region.                 deliver high quality healthcare to the
Plan today for future infrastructure:    people of Fraser Coast.
We will develop our health               Settled originally in 1847,
infrastructure to meet our region’s      Maryborough is one of Queensland’s
needs.                                   oldest cities and was one of the
Develop and support our staff: We        busiest immigration ports in
will invest in and nurture our staff.    Australia in the second half of the
                                         1880’s. Maryborough Hospital was
Excellence through innovation: We        established on its current site in 1887,
will improve our services through        and has now grown to be a major
strategic partnerships, innovation and   provider of health services in the
efficient use of resources.              Wide Bay region. It provides a wide
                                         range of sub-acute and specialist
Accreditation and Quality                services, as well as community,
Management                               mental health, allied health, oral
All facilities in the WBHHS are          health and other support services.
accredited by the Australian Council     Maryborough Hospital has benefited
of Healthcare Standards against the      from substantial investment in
National Safety and Quality Health       infrastructure upgrades in recent
Service Standards. This means            years, and is equipped with leading-
that our commitment to provide           edge technology and highly qualified
the highest safe, quality care is        staff to provide you with the best
maintained to nationally recognised      possible care.
                                         Contact Us
WBHHS has entered an Australian-         For all enquiries, please phone the
first pilot Short-Notice Accreditation   hospital directly with the details of
Assessment Process to reinforce our      the ward or department that you wish
‘Quality Care Everyday’ philosophy.      to speak to and the Switchboard staff
The health service maintains a culture   will assist you.
of continuous quality improvement,
                                         Maryborough Hospital
and staff are committed to ensuring      185 Walker Street,
quality and safety of the services you   Maryborough Qld 4650
receive.                                 Telephone: (07) 4122 8222
6                                        Email:
Maryborough Hospital Patient Information 2019
                        TREATMENT           TREATMENT

         Suite 9/1-17 Hershel Court, Urraween

Maryborough Hospital Patient Information 2019
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

General Information                       At all times, the patient’s best interest
                                          is our priority and staff requests are to
Visitors                                  be respected.
We welcome and encourage families,        Parking
carers and friends to visit their
loved ones in hospital. Visitors can      Street parking is available. Be sure to
help patients recover faster, are an      check the signs for time-limited public
important source of support and           parking areas as limits may vary.
can also help reduce their anxiety        Limited parking is also available on
and stress. However, it is up to the      the hospital campus via an entry on
person in hospital to decide if they      Walker Street. The hospital does not
want visitors. Patients may request       accept liability for loss or damage to
no visitors at times, and this will be    vehicles or their contents.
respected and supported by our staff.
                                          Public Transport
Many complex processes and
procedures happen in healthcare.          A public bus stop is located on Walker
There may be times when visitors          Street at the front of the hospital.
are asked to leave an area for short      A free taxi phone is in the waiting
periods of time because of care           room near Reception.
being provided to the patient. If you
are unsure about the best time for        Telephones
visiting, we encourage you to talk        There is a public telephone located
directly to staff on the ward.            on Walker Street directly opposite the
Visitors who have colds or other          hospital. Inside the hospital, there is
infections should not visit until they    a public phone in the Main Reception
are well.                                 area. Please ask the staff if you need
                                          directions to access phones.
Visiting Hours                            Mobile phone use is permitted at
Maryborough Hospital has flexible         times. We request that your mobile
visiting hours from 11.00am – 8.00pm      phone is kept on ‘silent mode’
7 days a week. Some wards may have        to ensure it doesn’t disturb other
quiet or restricted times established,    patients or interrupt hospital routine
when lights are dimmed and visitors       or procedures.
are asked to leave the ward at these
                                          Mobile phone use within the hospital
times to allow patients time to rest,
                                          may be restricted upon the advice
recuperate or receive treatment. If you
                                          of staff, based on the care needs of
have permission from the Nurse Unit
                                          yourself and other patients around
Manager to stay with your loved one
during quiet/restricted time, we ask
you are mindful of noise during this      We ask that all mobile calls cease
time. Some wards/units may also limit     between 9.00pm and 8.00am in
visitor numbers for short periods of      consideration of other patients.
time or suggest immediate family only     At times, you may be asked to turn
to visit.                                 your phone off and you must comply
                                          with this request.
Maryborough Hospital Patient Information 2019
Staff and other patients are not to be     Chaplains and Pastoral Care
photographed or filmed.                    Workers
                                           Maryborough Hospital relies on the
ATM                                        services of volunteer chaplains who
An ATM is available at the café directly   will wear a WBHHS photo ID tag,
opposite the hospital.                     and also visiting clergy who are not
                                           employed by the WBHHS. Please
Maryborough Hospital Auxiliary             advise staff if you require assistance
- Information Desk and Trolley             to meet your spiritual needs.
The information desk is located in         The Spiritual Centre (multi-faith
the foyer of the Main Entrance area.       space)
The information desk is staffed            Maryborough Hospital offers a quiet
Monday to Friday 9.00am - 3.00pm           space for patients or visitors who
by Maryborough Hospital Auxiliary          wish to have some time away from
volunteers who assist visitors with        the ward, in an area of peace and
directions and information.                quiet reflection. The spiritual room
All Volunteers will wear a WBHHS           is located to the rear of the main
photo ID tag and an auxiliary name         building.
badge.                                     Please advise staff if you require
The Maryborough Hospital Auxiliary         assistance in access the room and
also operate a trolley service which       make sure the room is returned to its
visits patients’ rooms and waiting         original state after use.
areas each morning, Monday to Friday.
It stocks items for purchase such as       Laundry
newspapers, magazines, chocolates,         The Maryborough Hospital does not
snacks, drinks, sandwiches and other       provide a laundry service for personal
convenience items.                         belongings. Please bring enough
                                           clothing for your hospital stay, or
The Maryborough Hospital Auxiliary is
                                           arrange for your family to launder and
a non-profit community organisation
                                           return items to you.
with the aim of improving the comfort
of Maryborough Hospital patients,          Mail
and supporting the staff who work at
                                           Mail sent to you will be delivered
Maryborough Hospital. If you would
                                           to the hospital mail room and is
like to become involved with the
                                           collected regularly by staff. If you
Maryborough Hospital Auxiliary either
                                           are expecting mail, please advise
as a volunteer or to donate, please
                                           the Ward Clerk. If you have mail to
contact the Volunteer Co-ordinator.
                                           send, there is a Post Box opposite
Phone: 4122 8426 or email WBHHS-
                                           the hospital on Walker Street, or a
                                           member of staff will deposit outgoing
                                           mail in the hospital mailbox provided
                                           it has a stamp attached.

Maryborough Hospital Patient Information 2019
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

Zero Tolerance to Violence                  If you choose to continue to smoke,
Queensland Health has a ‘Zero               please walk to areas off the hospital
Tolerance to Violence’ policy. This         grounds to do so, and again, a
policy states that no person in the         reminder to dispose of butts in
hospital or the healthcare system           suitable bins.
should be exposed to verbal or
physical aggression. All staff, patients    Your Rights and
and visitors are encouraged to report       Responsibilities
breaches of the policy.
                                            What are your Rights?
Alcohol and Drugs
                                            The Australian Charter of Healthcare
Patients and visitors are not permitted     Rights provides information about the
to have alcohol or illegal drugs in their   rights of patients in the public health
possession while in hospital. People        system. As a patient, you have the
suspected of holding illegal drugs will     right to:
be referred to the Queensland Police
Service.                                    Access
                                            A right to health care. You have a
Smoking                                     fundamental right to adequate and
It is against the law to smoke at           timely care. Sometimes, this may not
public and private health facilities        be in the facility you first attend as not
and smoking is not permitted on any         all services are necessarily available
WBHHS property. The ban extends             everywhere.
to five metres beyond the boundary          Safety
of the hospital grounds. Disregard of
smoking policies can have serious           A right to safe and high-quality
consequences and may incur an on-           care. If you are unsure about what
the-spot fine.                              is happening to you or if you think
                                            something has been missed in your
Smoking is also not permitted at the        care, alert your health provider.
Walker Street bus stop.
Smokers are reminded to be
considerate of the environment when         A right to be shown respect, dignity
disposing of butts.                         and consideration. You are entitled to
                                            receive care in a way that is respectful
If you are a patient coming into            of your culture, beliefs, values and
hospital and you smoke, your tobacco        characteristics like your age and
use will be assessed and you will be        gender.
offered nicotine replacement therapy
(patches or gum) to help you stop           Communication
smoking during your hospital stay.          A right to be informed about services,
The patches and gum will reduce             treatment, options and costs in a clear
any withdrawal symptoms such as             and open way. Healthcare providers
cravings, irritability and anxiety.         will tell you about the care you are
                                            receiving and help you understand
                                            what is happening to you.

Participation                               •	Follow staff instructions for your
A right to be included in discussions           treatment and care
and choices about care. You are             •	Tell staff about any problems
encouraged to participate in decisions          you are having because of your
about your care.                                treatment or the treatment that you
                                            •	Be on time for appointments and
A right to privacy and confidentiality          let your health service know if you
of provided information. You can see            want to cancel, or if you change
your records and ask for information            your contact details
to be corrected if it is wrong.             •	Talk to your local doctor if your
Comment                                         condition changes while you are on
A right to comment on care and having           a waiting list for treatment
concerns addressed. Healthcare              •	Treat all people you meet in the
providers want to solve problems                health service (staff, volunteers,
quickly, but they need to be told about         patients/clients) with the respect
the problem first. If you have any              and consideration we all deserve
suggestions about how services could        • 	Advise staff if you are leaving the
be improved, please let staff know or           unit you have been admitted to,
complete a Feedback Form.                       even for a short time
For further information, please ask         •	Respect the confidentiality and
your nurse for a copy of the Australian         privacy of others.
Charter of Healthcare Rights brochure.
                                            Advanced Health Planning
What are your Responsibilities?             Age, illness or accidents may at some
We want to make sure you get the best       time make it difficult for you to make
possible care. To do this, please do a      decisions about your health care.
few things, such as;                        Advanced health planning means
                                            thinking and making choices about
•	Give staff as much information           your health wishes now, to guide
   as you can about your health and         future health decisions if you are not
   any beliefs that may affect your         able to.
                                            Ensure your wishes are discussed
•	Tell staff if you are taking any         with your doctor, family and friends.
   medicine, recreational drugs or          Bring documents such as Advanced
   natural remedies                         Health Directives or Enduring Power of
•	Tell staff if someone else is treating   Attorney with you to hospital.
   you for the same condition
•	Ask questions and talk to your
   family if you want to, before
   making any decisions about your

Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

Consumer Feedback -                        Public Health Care
Compliments, Suggestions and               If you choose to be a public patient,
Complaints                                 generally hospital services are free
Our staff is committed to delivering       of charge. However, you may have to
patient-centred, high-quality              pay a nominal fee for some services. If
healthcare which is built on               costs apply, they will be explained to
the foundations of meaningful              you.
relationships with our patients, their
family members and significant             Private Health Care
others.                                    If you have private health insurance,
                                           you may be eligible for private
We value your feedback –
                                           treatment at no cost. Our staff will
compliments, suggestions and
                                           assist you to record your choice using
complaints. You are encouraged
                                           the Patient Election Form.
to discuss any concerns or issues
relating to your visit at any of our       Long Stay Patients
facilities with your treating doctor, or
the nurse unit manager in your ward/       There is no cost for public patients
unit. Our goal, where possible, is to      while they require acute care. The
resolve issues at the initial point of     standard acute care period is 35 days.
contact. Alternatively, you can contact    This period can only be extended for a
the Clinical Governance Support            declared medical reason.
Unit on 4184 1824 from Monday to           If there is no medical reason for acute
Friday between the hours of 8.00am -       medical care after this period, a
4.00pm, to provide your feedback or        daily fee, set by the Commonwealth
visit       Government, will be charged. Staff will
widebay/consumer_feedback                  discuss this with you or you can talk to
Feedback Forms are also available in       a Social Worker.
each unit and at the Reception desk.
                                           About Your Stay
Choosing Health Care
Eligible Australian residents may          Our staff are here to support you and
choose to receive private or public        care for you while you are a patient in
hospital services that can both be         our hospital. All staff and volunteers
delivered from a public hospital.          wear hospital identification badges
Overseas visitors from countries           that include their photograph, name
that have signed agreements with           and job title and they will introduce
Australia are entitled to emergency        themselves as they care for you. If you
public hospital services free of charge.   are concerned about the identity of a
Phone Medicare on 132 011 to find out      visitor, please contact a staff member.
if this applies to you.

Pre-admission Clinic                       Under the National Healthcare
Prior to non-urgent surgery you may        Agreement between the
be required to attend a pre-admission      Commonwealth and State
clinic. The clinic is conducted for        Governments, all patients admitted
patients who are booked for surgery        to public hospitals are to be given
and for some diagnostic procedures.        the choice to be treated as a public or
Most often you will be seen by the         private patient. In response to this,
nursing staff, medical staff and           Queensland Health has developed a
anaesthetic staff. Consultation with       ‘patient election form’ that you will be
them will identify any health problems     requested to complete before or on
that need treating prior to surgery; any   admission.
tests you may require; allows for any      Please ask to speak to a Patient
discussions regarding instructions/        Option Liaison Officer if you would like
education on the plan of your care         to discuss this further.
and provides time for you to ask any
questions about your procedure.            How to Prepare for Your Operation
                                           What you can do:
                                           •	Follow the preoperative instructions
All planned admissions come to Main           given to you
Reception where staff will check your
                                           •	Tell the doctors and nurses about
contact details and paperwork are up-
                                              any medication you take
to-date. You will need your Medicare
card and any relevant concession           •	Ensure all your details are correct
cards such as pension or healthcare.       •	Tell the nurses if you have any
You will also be asked for details of         difficulty with mobility or will
private health insurance if relevant. If      need special care when you are
you are being treated for a condition         discharged home
for which you may recover damages          •	Let us know if you require a medical
from another party, you will be asked         certificate
to supply all relevant details to the      •	Arrange special transport home if
hospital, at the time of admission or         required
before discharge.
                                           •	Check and make sure you
Once you arrive in your designated            understand all the information on
ward or Day Surgery Unit, you will            the consent form before you sign it
be issued with an identification           •	Ask your doctor or nurse if you are
band as part of your admission. The           not sure about anything.
identification band will state your
name, date of birth and hospital           Day Procedure Unit (DPU)
identification number.
                                           The Day Procedure Unit caters for a
You will be asked to confirm these         range of patients and procedures
details and state what procedure           requiring a same-day stay. The unit
you will be having multiple times by       supports elective surgical activity
different staff. This may be frustrating   and endoscopic procedures. Unless
to repeat but this is a very important     otherwise advised, you will be
safety process.                            discharged home the same day.
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

When you are well enough, a nurse         Personal Effects
will discharge you according to your      You will need night attire, a dressing
doctor’s instructions and give you        gown, slippers, underwear and
information regarding your post-          toiletries such as soap, shampoo,
operative care. You may have a little     a toothbrush and toothpaste, hair
discomfort at your operation site. The    brush, razor and tissues.
nurse is the best person with whom to
raise any questions or concerns you or    Patients should bring their Medicare
your carer may have. It is imperative     card, pension and health benefit
that you and your carer follow your       cards, letter from your referring
post-operative instructions.              doctor (if any), any medications you
                                          are currently taking, relevant private
DPU nursing staff will phone you on       x-rays, glasses and hearing aids.
the next business day after discharge
to check on your progress and answer      If you have an enduring power of
any questions you may have. Please        attorney (medical treatment), or
be aware when we try to call you the      advanced health directive, please
hospital number will display as a         bring a copy.
‘private’ number or ‘no caller ID’.       If you are staying overnight you
                                          will have a bedside locker for your
Arriving on the Ward                      personal belongings. It is helpful if all
If you are being admitted via the         your belongings are labelled with your
Emergency Department, you will            name.
be collected from the Emergency           Please do not bring large amounts
Department and taken to your bed          of money, jewelry or other valuables
by ward/unit nursing staff. Details of    into the hospital. Please leave these
the ward layout and services will be      at home. While our staff take every
explained at this time. Your admitting    care, the WBHHS does not accept
nurse will assess your needs and          responsibility for any loss or damage
commence your care.                       that may occur to items you bring into
Bed Allocations and Single Rooms
The Maryborough Hospital has              Nurses Call System
single and shared rooms which             Should you require anything, do not
accommodate both private and public       hesitate to call on the nursing staff.
patients. Rooms are allocated based       The nurses’ call button is on the
on clinical need and may be mixed         bedside handset. It is only necessary
gender. Very ill or infectious patients   to press the button once, as the call
always have priority to single rooms.     registers in the nurses’ station until it
Your bed allocation may change            is switched off at your bed.
during your stay.

Meal Times                                 2. 	To assist in the advancement of
Meal times depend on which ward you            healthcare knowledge through
have been admitted to. However, a              research.
general guide is as follows:               Therefore, health profession students
Breakfast      from 7.00am                 and recent graduates assist with
                                           your treatment and are taught at the
Morning Tea from 10.00am                   bedside by specialist staff. You may
Lunch		        from 12noon                 be asked to discuss details of your
                                           illness and undergo examination by
Afternoon Tea from 2.30pm
                                           the students.
Dinner         from 5.00pm
                                           We believe you will appreciate the
If you are absent at meal times due to     importance of this training and hope
having an investigation or procedure,      you give us full cooperation if asked to
sandwiches can be provided. Each day       assist in the teaching process. Please
you will need to fill in your menu card.   be assured that we will respect your
The food menu is designed to provide       wishes to not participate at any time.
a selection of healthy food choices to
flexibly meet your appetite and dietary    External Partners
needs.                                     Some specialist services are provided
                                           for public patients through a public/
If your diet needs to be modified due
                                           private partnership. These include
to your illness or you have specific
                                           cardiology, ophthalmology, radiation
dietary requirements, your doctor will
                                           oncology and paediatric ear, nose
discuss this with you. The hospital
                                           and throat surgery. Referral to these
dietitian will be available to provide
                                           services does not incur a cost for
the necessary instructions so that
                                           public patients even though you may
you may continue your special diet at
                                           be treated in a private hospital.
home if required.

Children in Hospital
                                           Discharge from hospital
Children visiting the hospital are to be
                                           Discharge Planning
under the supervision of an adult at
all times.                                 Discharge planning commences early
                                           in your admission process to ensure
Medical Team/Teaching of Health            the return to your home environment
Professionals                              is well organised. Your Estimated Day
                                           of Discharge (EDD) will be provided
Your treatment and care remains our        to you and your family on your
primary concern. The Maryborough           admission. Plans for transport home
Hospital is also a teaching hospital,      can be organised for around this
which means that the staff have two        date. Any changes to your EDD will
other important duties:                    be discussed with you at the bedside
1. 	To train future health workers        handover.
     (student doctors, nurses, allied
     health professionals and other
     health care workers).

Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

Usually you will be discharged and       Transfer to Other Facilities
able to leave the hospital by 10.00am,   At times, it may be necessary to
so plan to have your transport home      transfer you to another health
organised for a 10.00am discharge.       facility, including our rural facilities,
Please remember to collect your          even if you do not reside in these
belongings, including any private        communities. Reasons that may make
x-rays and medications that you          your transfer necessary are:
brought into hospital.                   •	If you are a patient awaiting
Home care can be organised for              residential aged care
patients who have been clinically        •	If you are well enough but are
assessed to need help after discharge.      unable to go home and live
Please discuss any concerns you may         independently or with family
have with the staff looking after you.
                                         •	If you do not require acute care
If you are unsure of your current           and are well enough to transfer
discharge medications or any other          as part of your treatment plan and
details regarding your discharge,           discharge process
please ask the nursing/medical or
pharmacy staff prior to leaving. Also,   •	If you become acutely unwell.
please be aware of any follow-up         When a patient cannot return to their
appointments you need to make, or        home or to family:
that have been made for you.
                                         •	An Aged Care Assessment Service
                                            (ACAS) assessment will be
Discharge at Own Risk
Except in certain circumstances (e.g.
serious Infectious disease or those      •	The patient’s family/carers will be
who are detained under the Mental           required to list the patient’s details
Health Act), every patient has the          with all residential aged care
right to leave hospital when he/she         facilities within the Maryborough/
chooses. This may be a serious step         Hervey Bay area
when taken against the advice of your    •	The patient, family or carer will
doctor and requires great caution.          accept the first available placement
Should you decide to leave against          while remaining on the list at the
the advice of your doctor, you will         preferred facility for transfer later.
be asked to sign a form disclaiming
the hospital’s responsibility for your
However, if your condition does not
improve or causes you concern,
please do not hesitate to seek further
medical advice or return to the
hospital’s emergency department.

Your Care and Safety                      Your ID bracelet helps us to give
                                          you the right care, especially when
Safety and quality care is the top        giving out medications and other
priority of all WBHHS staff and we are    treatments. Staff members will check
committed to ensuring best possible       your ID before giving any treatment,
outcomes for our patients.                medications or other care by asking
                                          your full name, date of birth and
Fire Alarms/Emergency                     address and will check the ID bracelet.
Evacuations                               They will also ask you if you have any
The Maryborough Hospital is fitted        allergies. You will be asked these
with an advanced fire and smoke           questions many times during your stay
detection system. In each ward, there     and it’s important that you participate
is a fire evacuation plan.                in this safety requirement.
If there is a fire or other alarm,
                                          Informed Consent
patients will be guided by staff who
have special training to respond to       Informed consent is a two-way
emergencies. In these situations, it is   conversation between you and the
important to follow instructions.         health professionals treating you.
                                          Informed consent will occur before
When an alarm sounds, if it is safe to    providing your care, procedure or
do so, return to your ward and remain     therapy. It is important that you have
near your bed. Lifts must not be          sufficient information so that you
used under any circumstances in an        understand and make an appropriate
emergency.                                decision about the proposed
                                          treatment or procedure.
Leaving the Ward Area
                                          You will be provided with information
Please notify the nurse who is looking
                                          about what is involved, the benefits,
after you before leaving the ward area,
                                          risks and alternatives of treatment, as
as the nurse is directly responsible
                                          well as an opportunity to discuss your
for your safety whilst you are in the
                                          personal circumstances, beliefs and
hospital’s care.
                                          priorities. Providing this information
Patient Identification                    assists you to become more actively
                                          involved in your own health care
You will have an identification (ID)      decision making.
bracelet placed on your wrist when
you are admitted. It has your name,       Prior to completing a consent form,
date of birth and unique hospital         you will be provided the opportunity
reference number printed on it.           to consider the benefits, risks and
Please check to make sure that            alternatives of the treatment. If you
the information on your band is           later change your mind, you can
correct and advise staff if your ID       withdraw that consent, even if you
bracelet is damaged or lost. Having       have signed a form.
correct details on your ID band is an
important patient safety requirement.

NEW Horizons Hervey Bay retirement village share the belief that elderly people want and deserve a vastly
improved level of aged care, and the ability to remain at home as long as possible.
No one wants to leave the family home, but as age encroaches, remaining there can present many challenges for
older seniors.
New Horizons realise how important independence, dignity, security, freedom and wellbeing are to its residents, so
all villas offer support when you need it, and independence when you don’t.
Dawn Schaffer is available to discuss a potential resident’s individual needs, and will make the transition to New
Horizons an absolute breeze.
Dawn has been in the aged care industry for almost 30 years during which she has been responsible for finding
new homes for hundreds of seniors. Her passion is caring for the elderly and her training as a Registered Nurse
helps her to understand people’s needs and requirements, particularly when they reach a stage in their lives that a
little assistance is required.
Dawn joined New Horizons because of her belief that there is a wonderful alternative to moving into institutionalised
aged care and has put in place at New Horizons, systems to ensure that residents growing needs for care are
attended to while at the same time they enjoy the independence of their own home.
New Horizons ensures that peace of mind is a top priority, providing support from highly trained carers, and unique
access to a service tailored to the individual and their needs.
The retirement village in Scarness, is just minutes from the beach, shops, RSL, Botanic Gardens and more, and
are especially designed to be spacious, light-filled and comfortable.

       Get in touch with Dawn today on 1800 465 500
                                                          Stay for up to 14 days at no cost or obligation*
                                                             Meet the friendly residents and discover an
                                                                  independent lifestyle for yourself.

           % 0 15-23 McNally Street, Hervey Bay Qld 4655
Infection Prevention                     Clinical Handover
The Maryborough Hospital has high        Clinical handover is the sharing of
standards when it comes to protecting    information about you (the patient),
our patients from infection. Hand        between on-duty staff and the staff
hygiene is the single most important     who are coming on to take over your
factor in reducing hospital acquired     care. Performing the clinical handover
infections.                              at the bedside involves you in your
When we are fit and healthy we can       care, plans for discharge and allows
usually defend ourselves against         staff to discuss and ensure your care
many germs. Often our natural            continues as planned. They will check
defenses are weakened when we are        your medication charts, your plan of
not well, or after an operation. For     care and any other information which
your safety, it is very important that   is relevant, such as management of
everyone, including patients, their      wounds or pain. Ask questions if you
families and carers clean their hands:   don’t understand the information they
                                         are discussing.
•	Before and after entering a patient   You are an important part of this
   room or visiting someone in the       handover and staff will chat with you
   hospital                              about your progress to reaching your
• After going to the toilet              goals. It is very important that you tell
•	After blowing your nose, coughing     staff about any issues or concerns you
   or sneezing                           have so that they can be addressed as
                                         soon as possible.
•	Before, during and after preparing    If you do not wish to be involved or
   food                                  have your family/visitors present
• Before eating                          at clinical handover, please advise
• When your hands are visually dirty.    staff on duty and your decision will
                                         be respected. A brochure is available
All healthcare workers are expected to   if you would like further information
always perform hand hygiene in front     about Clinical handover at the
of you. If you have any concerns, feel   bedside.
free to remind them.
Alcohol based hand rub is in all
patient care areas and in high traffic
areas at the Maryborough Hospital.
Further information is available in a
Hand Hygiene brochure.

Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

Changes in Your Health                      Step 3: Phone 13Health (13 43 25 84)
Our staff are trained to take               or ask a nurse to call on your behalf
observations and to notice changes in       and request a Ryan’s Rule Clinical
your health which could indicate that       Review.
something is not quite right.               Ryan’s Rule is not for reporting
However, you know yourself best and         complaints. For further information,
you can help staff by letting them          ask for a Ryan’s Rule brochure.
know immediately if;
                                            Medication Safety
•	You don’t feel well, however
   insignificant it may seem                It is important that the team knows
                                            about any medications you are taking
•	You think there has been a change        or were taking prior to admission.
   in your condition                        This includes medications prescribed
•	You think that part of your care has     by your own doctor or bought over-
   been missed (e.g. medications            the-counter from a chemist or health
   missed).                                 food store, and includes any herbal or
Any patient or carer can activate a         homoeopathic preparations.
rapid response. Please ask nursing          We will also need to know of any
staff for further information. If           allergies you may have to antibiotics,
something is not quite right, then the      medications or foods.
sooner we know about it the quicker
                                            You should give ALL your medications
we can do something about it.
                                            to nursing staff when you come
Ryan’s Rule                                 into the hospital so they can be
                                            properly stored, this includes herbal,
Ryan Saunders was nearly three
                                            naturopathic and over-the-counter
years old when he tragically died in
                                            medications. This will be returned to
hospital. His death was found to be,
                                            you on discharge.
in all likelihood, preventable. Staff did
not know Ryan as well as his Mum and        While in hospital, all your medications
Dad knew him. When Ryan’s parents           will be locked in a medication
were worried he was getting worse           cupboard near your bed. Medications
they didn’t feel their concerns were        will be administered by authorised
acted upon in time.                         hospital staff to ensure appropriate
                                            dosing and to minimise the
Ryan’s Rule has been developed to
                                            occurrence of adverse drug reactions.
provide patients of any age, families
and carers, with another way to get         It is of the utmost importance, that no
help.                                       medications are taken by you without
                                            the consent of your doctor or the
Step 1: Talk to a nurse or doctor about
                                            nursing staff. Ask staff for a brochure if
your concerns. If you are not satisfied
                                            you would like additional information.
with the response –
Step 2: Talk to the nurse who is in
charge of the shift. If you are still not
satisfied with the response –

Preventing Falls                            Preventing Pressure Injuries
Some of the reasons for increased           (sometimes known as bedsores)
falls risks in hospital are that you are    When you spend time sitting or lying
in an unfamiliar place, you may suffer      still, your body can develop a sore
dizziness from medication, you don’t        area known as a Pressure Injury.
have your normal socks and shoes            These injuries can affect the muscle
to walk around in, or you can’t see         and bone if not identified and treated.
properly in the dark. If you have had       Anybody can develop a Pressure
an operation or have an injury to your      Injury. You can decrease the
hip, leg or knee, you may not be as         possibility if you:
steady on your feet as you usually are.
                                            •	MOVE – change your lying and
Falls can cause serious injuries so            sitting position as often as
please help us to help you to NOT fall         possible, even a small change can
over by:                                       help. Staff will help you change
•	Always using the call bell to ring for      position if needed
   help when needed before you move         •	Make sure you keep your skin and
•	Always turning on the light at night        bedding as dry as possible
   so that you can see clearly and          •	Make sure you eat well and drink
   avoid tripping over                         plenty of fluids
•	Always using your normal walking         •	Keep weight off bony parts of your
   aids (walking frame, walking stick)         body, e.g. heels, tail bone
•	Always wearing flat, non-slip shoes      •	Let staff know immediately if you
   with a proper back when you are             develop a sore spot where you’ve
   walking around                              been sitting or lying.
•	Always wearing your glasses and          A Pressure Injury Prevention brochure
   hearing aids when required               with more information is available.
•	Always making sure your bed is at
   knee height before getting out           Blood and Blood Products
• Never walking in just your socks          Some patients require blood
                                            transfusions as part of their treatment.
• Never climbing over bed rails
                                            Blood and blood components are
•	Never standing or trying to walk if      supplied by the Australian Red Cross
   you are feeling dizzy                    Blood Service. The Red Cross has strict
•	Never sitting on the edge of the bed     screening protocols for volunteers
   or somewhere you could slide off.        who donate blood.
There is additional information in a        If you are a Jehovah’s Witness or have
Stay On Your Feet brochure.                 an objection to receiving a blood
                                            transfusion, please tell your doctor.
                                            It is important that your wishes are
                                            recorded in your medical record and
                                            written on the hospital consent form.

Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

If you would like further information       A referral can be arranged through
when in hospital, please speak with         your nurse unit manager or doctor.
your nurse.
                                            Speech Pathology
Reducing Your Risk of Blood Clots           A speech pathologist will become
If you are in hospital for a major          involved in your care if you are
operation or serious injury or illness,     experiencing swallowing and/or
you are at increased risk of having         communication difficulties. The doctor
a blood clot in your leg or your lung.      or nursing staff will refer on your
Blood clots are prevented by using          behalf.
anti-clotting medication, mechanical
devices to keep the blood moving,           Physiotherapy
wearing compression stockings and           A physiotherapist may be involved in
by staying mobile and active as much        your care following an operation or if
as possible. Some of these measures         you are having difficulty with things
may be continued after discharge and        such as breathing, moving or walking.
it important to follow your medical         Physiotherapists also have specialist
team’s instructions to reduce the risk      involvement in rehabilitation. Your
of developing a clot.                       nurse unit manager or doctor can
                                            arrange a referral.
Allied Health
Social Work                                 The pharmacy department dispenses
Social workers are available to assist      medications for inpatients and
you and your family in managing the         specialised public hospital outpatient
emotional and physical impact of            prescriptions. In addition, our team of
illness and being in hospital through       clinical pharmacists visit wards and
support and counselling. Referral can       departments daily.
be arranged by your nurse or doctor.        Clinical pharmacists work with
                                            medical and nursing staff to ensure
Dietitian                                   that your drug treatment is safe and
Our nutrition and dietetics team will       effective and they are there to answer
ensure you have meal plans specific         any questions you may have about
for your illness. Referral to a dietitian   your medication.
will be arranged by your nurse or
doctor if required.                         During your hospital admission there
                                            is potential for your medications to
Occupational Therapy                        change. These changes may include
                                            new medications, changed doses
Occupational therapists are available
                                            or stopping some of your regular
to help people achieve and maximise
their level of independence in all
areas of daily living, including self-      You are encouraged to ask staff
care, domestic tasks, work, social          about your medications if you have
interaction and community access.           any concerns or are unsure about

If you feel confused with your             •	Facilitate communication between
discharge medications, talk to your           clinical staff, the patient and
ward pharmacist, doctor or nurse.             their family to help them better
Most patients will be given a list            understand their health condition,
of medications on discharge and               treatment and options
the hospital pharmacy department           •	Assist the patient and their family
will, with your permission, forward           by providing information so they
information to your GP and/or                 can access relevant support
community pharmacy.                           services during their hospital stay
                                              and on discharge from the hospital
Other Patient Support                      •	Provide assistance and information
Services                                      to access the Patient Travel Subsidy
                                              Scheme (PTSS)
Independent Patient Rights
                                           •	Work with staff to improve their
Adviser (IPRA)                                cultural capability and knowledge
The IPRA provides advice and support          to contribute to providing culturally
to consumers accessing mental                 appropriate patient care.
health services, their family and
support people. The IPRA can help          This service is available between
with explaining consumer/family            7.30am – 3.30pm, Monday to
rights, communicating with the             Thursday. Please contact the Hospital
treating team, completing advanced         Liaison Officers on (07) 4122 8724 or
health directives for mental health,       ask staff to arrange access.
appointing nominated support people        Nurse Navigators
and applying for legal representation      Nurse Navigators are a team of
for the mental health review tribunal.     registered nurses who provide a
The IPRA can be contacted on:              service for patients who have complex
(07) 4184 1824; mobile: 0447 750 516       health conditions. These nurses
or by emailing: WideBayIPRA@health.        are highly experienced and have a                                 comprehensive understanding of the
                                           health system.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Liaison Officers                  Nurse Navigators support and work
                                           across primary care, acute care and
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                           in close partnership with multiple
Islander Hospital Liaison and
                                           health specialists and health service
Support Service provides culturally
                                           stakeholders to ensure patients
appropriate, non-clinical support to
                                           receive the appropriate and timely
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                           care needed.
patients and their families during their
stay at the Maryborough Hospital.          The treating team will identify if you
                                           qualify for this service and assign a
The Hospital Liaison and Support
                                           Nurse Navigator to connect with you.
Service has been specifically designed
to assist people who identify as being
of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait
Islander origin, and can:

Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

Telehealth                                From 2018, every Australian will get a
The WBHHS is committed to making          My Health Record unless they choose
more services accessible locally and      not to.
supports the use of Telehealth in         Further information is available
clinically appropriate situations.
Using live videoconferencing, patients    or on the helpline 1800 723 471.
can receive care from a wider variety
of specialists and have more complex      Medical Information
treatment, such as chemotherapy,          You have the right to determine who
closer to home, reducing travel to        should be informed by your doctor
tertiary centres, such as Brisbane.       of your condition. In order to protect
                                          your privacy, medical information
We encourage all patients to ask their
                                          will not be released without your
specialist during their appointment
                                          consent. Should you be unable to
if their follow-up visits could be
                                          advise staff of this, the provision of
conducted via telehealth.
                                          information about you is restricted to
                                          your designated next of kin who can
Other Services
                                          then communicate to other family and
Maryborough Hospital offers a wide        friends. Following an operation, your
range of health services both for         relatives should first enquire at the
inpatients and outpatients, extending     ward about your condition and when
into community and other ambulatory       you can be visited.
                                          If further information is required, a
For more information about any of         member of the nursing staff will be
the services, or if you cannot find the   pleased to arrange for your relatives
information that you are looking for,     to speak with appropriate medical
please visit our website http://www.      staff. If you need a medical certificate, or contact     please see the attending nurse or your
Maryborough Hospital on (07) 4122         doctor prior to discharge.
                                          You have a right to access your clinical
My Health Record                          record and personal information held
My Health Record is an Australian         by WBHHS. (Whilst your treatment
Government initiative available to        record contains your personal
all Australians. It is a secure on-line   information it remains the property
summary of an individual’s health         of the WBHHS). Further information
information, including a patient’s        about this process is below. To
health summary, medication                access forms or for any queries,
prescribing and dispensing history,       please contact the Health Information
pathology reports, diagnostic imaging     Services on (07) 4122 8222.
reports and discharge summaries.
My Health Record can be accessed
and contributed to by the healthcare
providers involved in an individual’s

Applying for your own clinical             There is a mandatory application
records                                    fee for access applications relating
WBHHS is supportive of patients            to these documents, as well as
wishing to access a copy of their          processing and access charges. Please
clinical record. In most cases, patients   contact the Right to Information/
can usually access a copy of their         Information Privacy Decision Maker to
own clinical record by completing the      discuss these charges by phoning (07)
‘Administration Access Form’, proof        4325 6666.
of identification (such as a Driver’s
License) is required.                      Patient Accounts
                                           Eligible Australian residents may
Applying for personal information          choose to receive private or public
Access to patient information which is     hospital services that can both be
considered ‘personal’ and is sensitive     delivered from the Maryborough
in nature (e.g. mental health records      Hospital.
and children’s records) may be             Overseas visitors or ineligible patients
granted under the Information Privacy      are those that do not hold Medicare
Act 2009 (IP Act).                         entitlements and are responsible
Patients are required to complete          for fees and charges for hospital
the appropriate application form and       treatment.
provide proof of their identity before     If you choose to be a public patient,
any personal information can be            generally hospital services will be
released. There is no application fee      given free of charge. However, you
or processing charges for patients         may have to pay a nominal fee for
wishing to access their own personal       some services. If costs apply, they will
information, however, there may be         be explained to you.
an ‘access charge’; please contact
                                           If you choose to be a private patient
the Right to Information/Information
                                           by using your private hospital
Privacy Decision Maker to discuss
                                           insurance, there are benefits for the
these charges by phoning (07) 4325
                                           patient (no out-of-pocket expenses
                                           for admissions of one or more nights),
                                           for the hospital and clinical staff by
Applying for someone else’s
                                           retaining revenue locally to enhance
personal information                       services.
If you wish to access the
documentation of another person,           If you are admitted as a private patient
or access information on behalf of         you will need to give details of your
another person, which does not             health insurance during the admission
contain your personal information,         process and will be asked to sign a
you may be able to make an access          health fund claim form.
application under the Right to             Single rooms are allocated on a
Information Act 2009 (RTI Act).            clinical basis, with very ill or infectious
                                           patients always having priority.

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