Mental health of refugees and displaced persons in Syria and surrounding countries: a systematic review

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Mental health of refugees and displaced persons in Syria and surrounding countries: a systematic review
       Intervention 2013, Volume 11, Number 3, Page 276 - 294

       Mental health of refugees and
       displaced persons in Syria and
       surrounding countries: a systematic
       Constanze Quosh, Liyam Eloul & Rawan Ajlani

       Over the past two years, Syria went from being the       an ongoing refugee crisis that began in
       third largest refugee hosting country in the world to    2006, as a consequence of the Iraqi war.
       the largest refugee producing country. This article      The war triggered complex emergencies in
       provides the ¢ndings ofa systematic literature review    countries throughout the region as a massive
       on the mental health and psychosocial support            in£ux of refugees spilled across its borders.
       context, and the mental health pro¢le of refugees        Prior to the eruption of the armed con£ict
       (primarily Iraqi) and civilians in Syria. This           in Syria, the government had implemented
       review covers two periods: the complex refugee           a generous policy towards the stay of
       emergency that started in 2006 as a result of war        refugees. However, the escalating arrival of
       in Iraq, and the current internal displacement and       Iraqi refugees in 2006 put an immense
       acute complex emergency starting in 2011. The            strain on the already under resourced
       systematic review of the published and grey literature   mental health sector (Quosh, 2011). With a
       on the mental health pro¢les of Iraqi and Syrian         population of fewer than 22 million (World
       refugees and those Syrians who have been internally      Factbook, 2010), according to government
       displaced includes complementing analyses of the         estimates in 2010, the Syrian Arab
       needs and resources of di¡erent a¡ected populations,     Republic hosted 750,000 Iraqi refugees,
       using assessment results from Syria and surrounding      nearly half a million Palestinians and several
       refugee hosting countries. The problematic lack          thousand refugees from Somalia, Sudan
       of recent literature is noted, and the need for more     and Afghanistan.
       rigorous assessments, applied research and accessible    Over a short period of time, Syria went from
       grey literature identi¢ed.                               the third largest refugee hosting country,
                                                                primarily for Iraqi refugees (United
       Keywords: internally displaced, Iraq,                    Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
       Jordan, Lebanon, mental health and psycho-               (UNHCR), 2012a), to the largest refugee
       social support programming, refugee, Syria,              producingcountry, with morethan1.9 million
       systematic review,Turkey                                 Syrians escaping its borders in less than
                                                                two years. It is further estimated that in 2013,
                                                                more than 4.25 million Syrians were inter-
       Introduction                                             nally displaced (O⁄ce for the Coordination
       Syria is currently in the midst of a crisis level        of Humanitarian A¡airs (OCHA), 2013d,
       complex emergency, which started in 2011.                Map 1 and 2). A United Nations (UN)
       This situation is further compounded by                  and Government of Syria joint assessment

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Quosh et al.

       mission, in March 2012, highlighted mental       Background
       health and psychosocial support (MHPSS)          Refugees in Syria: ¢rst crisis
       as one of the most urgent concerns resulting     Refugees in Syria have experienced
       from the crisis. Foundations for MHPSS           quickly diminishing resources and the
       programming include understanding the            deterioration of economic and living
       mental health pro¢le of concerned popu-          conditions.This is largely due to the fact that
       lations, mental health systems and contexts.     refugees do not have the right to work
       This article describes the mental health         legally in Syria, compounded by the recent
       pro¢le of Iraqi refugees and Syrians during      general breakdown of the economy and
       both of the above mentioned periods,             security. The overwhelming majority of the
       within the context of a coordinated response     recent refugees arriving in Syria (91%)
       initiative for MHPSS programming in              were from Iraq,62.2% of those sought refuge
       Syria. It is complemented by an analysis         in Syria six or more years ago, primarily in
       of the shifting MHPSS resources and infra-       urban settings. Most refugees expected to
       structure available to a¡ected populations       stay temporarily, but only 34,323 individuals
       in Syria (Qoush, this issue), and inter-agency   were resettled to a third country between
       collaboration in Eloul et al. (this issue).      2007 and mid-2013 (UNHCR, 2013a).
       There is general evidence that exposure          This has led to a general lack of prospects
       to continuous, distressing and potentially       and loss of hope among those remaining,
       traumatic events, depletion of resources,        who are also increasingly at risk. Further-
       forced displacement and lack of security         more, 37.7% in 2012, and 43.1% in 2013,
       can all negatively impact mental health          have been identi¢ed as highly vulner-
       and increase risk of maladaptation. There        able with speci¢c needs1. Out of 95,000
       is, however, a lack of research regarding        registered refugees in 2012, 35.1% of the
       the impact of prolonged uncertainty and          families were female-headed households.
       the instability of protracted displacement       In addition, more than 20,000 individuals
       settings, as well as of renewed violence         were identi¢ed with a critical medical
       and insecurity, on the mental health and         condition; more than 9,000 are survivors of
       resilience of refugees and internally dis-       torture or extreme violence, and more than
       placed persons (IDPs) in Syria. That said,       6,000 are women at risk (UNHCR, 2012a,
       increasingly regular assessments, supple-        2013a).
       mented by research conducted in the              The frequency and severity of protec-
       region, have given indications of mental         tion incidents a¡ecting refugees in Syria
       health outcomes and directions for program-      has risen sharply since 2012, including
       ming. A systematic review of available           harassment, kidnappings and killings
       published and grey literature (see below for     (UNHCR, 2013a). Although by 2012, the
       full discussion) was conducted to provide        number of refugees registered with the
       an overview to inform MHPSS program-             UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) was also
       ming and coordination in Syria, and              declining, as many have £ed the rising
       neighbouring, refugee hosting countries.         con£ict. At the beginning of 2013, there
       Both populations are of focus due to the shift   were still more than 71,000 registered
       of MHPSS programming in the region, from         refugees in Syria (51% female, 49% male),
       protracted humanitarian and development          which has since declined to 50,000 by July
       aid to complex emergency e¡orts.                 2013 (Figure 1).

Copyright © War Trauma Foundation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Mental health of refugees and displaced persons in Syria and surrounding countries: a systematic review
       Intervention 2013, Volume 11, Number 3, Page 276 - 294

                               Iraqi population registered with UNHCR since end of 2007
                     250 000

                     225 000

                     200 000

                     175 000

                     150 000

                     125 000

                     100 000

                      75 000

                      50 000

                      25 000

                       End of 2007 End of 2008 End of 2009 End of 2010 End of 2011 End of 2012 End of May

       Figure 1: UNHCR Syria registered refugees (source: UNHCR, 2013b).

       Internally displaced Syrians, Syrian refugees and        infrastructure (especially health care infra-
       a¡ected populations due to the current con£ict:          structure, including the lack of essential
       second crisis                                            medications and supplies). Also, com-
       By mid-2013, the UN estimated that nearly                pounding this emergency, ‘the con£ict has
       one in three Syrians required assistance.                deepened social, political and sectarian fault
       More than 4.25 million Syrians are inter-                lines, a¡ecting the delicate fabric of Syrian
       nally displaced. Delivering aid is di⁄cult               society’ (OCHA, 2013b, 4). Importantly,
       in some areas due to limited access, and                 OCHA has reported that ‘the a¡ected popu-
       an underfunded humanitarian operation.                   lations have exhausted their resources and coping
       Many thousands have been killed and                      mechanisms [. . .]. Traditional community sup-
       injured since the ¢ghting erupted in March               port mechanisms are failing due to displacement
       2011.                                                    and distrust. This has had a signi¢cant impact
       Di¡erent phases and varying displace-                    on the psychological wellbeing of the population
       ment patterns can be observed associated                 and may lead to increased protection risks’
       with intensity and locality of con£ict.                  (OCHA, 2013b, 13).
       Many people were displaced several times                 Iraqi refugees from the ¢rst crisis settled
       before deciding to leave the country. By                 mainly in urban settings and Syrians
       July 2013, more than 1.9 million Syrians                 a¡ected by the current con£ict are over-
       had crossed borders into neighbouring                    whelmingly displaced, and re-displaced,
       countries. The situation is compounded                   into urban centres (such as Aleppo, Homs
       by an economic crisis, rises in criminality              and Damascus). As a result, both crises
       and vulnerability, as well as limited access             have an urban displacement population
       to clean water, food and health care.                    pro¢le, which has implications for service
       Additionally, there is a breakdown of basic              delivery.

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Quosh et al.

       Map 1: Map of Syrian governorates with IDPs and people in need (source: OCHA,

       Map 2: Map of Syrian governorates and people in need, movements and refugees
       (source: OCHA, 2013d)

Copyright © War Trauma Foundation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Mental health of refugees and displaced persons in Syria and surrounding countries: a systematic review
       Intervention 2013, Volume 11, Number 3, Page 276 - 294

       Methodology                                             the inclusion criteria, for the respective
       Systematic literature review                            reviews are summarised in Appendixes 1
       A systematic review of published and grey               and 2 to this article, which may be found at
       literature was undertaken by the UNHCR                  the website,
       MHPSS programme in Syria during its                     As the number of identi¢ed published
       initiation phase and in preparation of the              studies was very low for Iraqi refugees in
       ¢rst Consolidated Appeal Process for                    Syria, the scope was expanded to Iraqi
       Iraqi refugees2, launched in December                   refugees in the region. The overall number
       2008. Literature was reviewed for articles              of published studies in the region was low
       and reports annually, during the pre-                   as well; therefore the review also included
       paration periods of inter-agency appeals                grey literature. Grey literature comprises a
       and regional response plans, between 2010               diversity of document types produced by
       and 2012.                                               agencies, academics, and governments,
       With the changing situation, and the                    ‘where publishing is not the primary activity of the
       Syrian Humanitarian Assistance Response                 producing body’ (Scho«pfel, 2010). Figures 2
       Plan (SHARP) launched by the govern-                    and 3 detail the di¡erent stages and the
       ment of Syria in collaboration with UN                  selection processes of the studies. Literature,
       agencies in 2012, a recent systematic                   in both English and Arabic languages,
       literature review was undertaken that also              was included.
       included Syrian IDPs and refugees in the                These searches identi¢ed a total number
       region.                                                 of 5203 and 2112 articles for the Iraqi
       The aim of a continued systematic review                refugee and the Syrian refugee populations,
       of literature was to ensure that UNHCR                  respectively. Without duplicates, this com-
       and inter-agency programming, assessments               prised a published literature of 4725 and
       and coordination are evidence and good                  1992 articles. The ¢rst author reviewed all
       practice informed, particularly in terms of             abstracts with regard to relevance; 30 articles
       the mental health status and pro¢le of the              on Iraqi refugees were identi¢ed for full
       concerned population.                                   text review, however, no article ful¢lled
       The theoretical foundation for this review              inclusion criteria for the Syrian populations.
       is framed by the bio-psycho-social-spiritual            The detailed full text review of these articles
       approach and the psychosocial frame-                    led to 16 on Iraqis con¢rmed as meeting
       work re£ected in the Inter-Agency Standing              the inclusion criteria. Due to the lack of
       Committee Guidelines on Mental Health and               published studies on the mental health
       Psychosocial Support in Emergencies (Inter-             of Syrian IDPs and refugees, additional
       Agency Standing Committee, 2007).                       studies were identi¢ed that provide infor-
       For published literature, standard biblio-              mation on the mental health status of
       graphic sources were systematically                     the population before the crisis. Out of
       searched, including PsycINFO, PubMed                    the 15 that were included from the database
       and Medline, using di¡erent combinations                search for full text review, seven were
       of search terms synonymous to mental                    selected.
       health, Iraqi and Syrian refugees and                   Grey literature was identi¢ed by contac-
       geographic locations, such as Syria and                 ting humanitarian networks and MHPSS
       neighbouring countries. The search termi-               coordination groups in the region, and
       nology used to identify studies, as well as             through searching the internet platform

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Quosh et al.

                                                                  Iraqi refugees - systematic review

                                                    5203 studies identified                   >100 documents identified through coordination
                                               through database keyword search                      groups, NGOs, MHPSS platforms

                                                478 duplicates       4725 studies selected for               67 documents selected for
                                                  excluded               abstract review                          abstract review

                                                  4697 studies           30 studies selected for       39 documents              28 documents
                                              excluded on basis of      full text review on basis      selected for full      excluded on basis of
                                                abstract review             of abstract review           text review            abstract review

                                                                                 Studies and documents included on

                                                   14 Studies excluded                                                          19 documents
                                                                                        basis of full text review
                                                    on basis of full text                                                    excluded on basis of
                                                                                   4 studies 15 documents in Syria
                                                         review                                                                 full text review
                                                                                  12 studies 5 documents regionally

       Figure 2: Iraqi refugees: overview systematic review process ^ selected studies and papers.

                                                         Syrian IDPs and refugees - systematic review

                                                      2112 studies identified                 >50 documents identified through coordination
                                                through database key word search                    groups, NGOs, MHPSS platforms

                                                120 duplicates       1992 studies selected for            40 documents selected for
                                                  excluded               abstract review                       abstract review

                                                                       0 studies selected
                                                   1992 studies                                  15 documents            29 documents
                                                                       for full text review
                                                excluded on basis                                selected for full    excluded on basis of
                                                                           on basis of
                                                of abstract review                                 text review          abstract review
                                                                        abstract review

                                                15 studies included for
                                                 of full text review for
                                                                                          Documents included on             2 documents

                                                 context Information
                                                                                          basis of full text review         excluded on
                                                                   7 studies               5 documents in Syria            basis of full text
                                                 8 studies
                                                                  additionally            8 documents regionally               review

       Figure 3: Syrian IDPs and refugees: overview systematic review process ^ selected studies and papers.

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Mental health of refugees and displaced persons in Syria and surrounding countries: a systematic review
       Intervention 2013, Volume 11, Number 3, Page 276 - 294 More than 100 documents                      Jordan (seven out of 16 published studies).
       were identi¢ed and reviewed for Iraqi                   In contrast, among the 20 identi¢ed grey
       studies, and more than 50 for Syrian studies,           literature assessments, 15 were conducted in
       according to the criteria.                              Syria and ¢ve in the region. Comparatively,
       Twenty assessments on Iraqis and 13 on                  many health assessments were conducted,
       Syrians were con¢rmed for inclusion in                  however, most did not include an assessment
       the review. In addition to this, all PhD and            of mental health, or if mental health was
       master theses from the Faculty of Psycho-               included, it was not appropriately de¢ned
       logy and Education at the University of                 and measured.
       Damascus were reviewed for the speci¢ed
       time period. Out of 284 studies, one was                Research design
       related to Iraqi refugees in Syria (Al                  The majority of the published studies
       Ammar, 2009/2010). Due to the lack of                   were based on quantitative research, while
       grey literature on the mental health of                 the majority of the grey literature used
       Syrian IDPs, additional grey literature was             qualitative methods. Many refer to the
       identi¢ed that provides information on                  di⁄culties in accessing communities in an
       the mental health status of the population              urban displacement setting. The quality
       before the crisis. Out of 10, from the full             and diversity of the research does not
       text review, only one was selected (sum-                warrant further quantitative analysis.
       maries can be found in Table 2 of the
       Appendix, published online, http://links.               Results: mental health of Iraqi refugees                                        The ¢ndings are summarised in relation to
       Ultimately,16 articles (and seven additional            what is of interest to MHPSS programming
       articles) were identi¢ed through formal                 for the populations of concern. The full
       bibliographic searches and 33 (and one                  summary of all studies can be found in
       additional assessment) through grey litera-             Table 1 of the Appendix, online, http://links.
       ture identi¢cation, which provided a total    
       of 49 (and 8 additional) articles and assess-           Across di¡erent assessments, the majority
       ments of published and grey literature                  of refugee and host communities were
       included in this review. The lack of available          indicated to be very resourceful, with
       literature on Syrians can be attributed to              comparatively high levels of education
       the recent nature of the crisis, however                and diverse professional backgrounds.
       there is a lack of mental health studies in             There was a willingness to support each
       Syria, in general.                                      other, but this was often contained
                                                               within the family environment as lack of
       Findings: systematic review                             trust and a restrictive external environment
       Iraqi refugees                                          prevented social organisation.The majority
       Geographic location and population of studies           perceived religious beliefs and practices
       The research on mental health and Iraqi                 (Jayawickrama & Gilbert, 2008), as well
       refugees is very limited. Of the published              as caring for younger family members,
       articles identi¢ed, only four studied Iraqi             to be their main sources of support and
       refugees in Syria, and 12 in the region,                meaning.
       with the majority of the research with                  Very similar data were reported in studies
       Iraqi refugees in the region undertaken in              with Iraqi doctors in Jordan (Doocy, Malik

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Quosh et al.

         According to a survey based on                WHO survey conducted in 2010 in Syria
         the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire              reported sadness (60%), desperation, loneli-
         (HTQ) conducted in Syria in 2007              ness and anxiety (50%), sleeping di⁄culties
         (Centers for Disease Control and Pre-         (50%), a sense that everything requires
         vention/UNHCR 2007):                          more e¡ort than usual (50%) (WHO, 2010).
                                                       While some studies did not identify gender
            80% of Iraqi refugees participating       nor age di¡erences, others reported that
             said they had witnessed a shooting        Iraqi women have higher rates of a¡ective
            77% stated being a¡ected by air           disorders than men (Community Develop-
             bombardments and shelling, or             ment Center/UNHCR, 2007; Doocy et al.,
             rocket attacks                            2013), while middle-aged and older men
            75% reported that someone close           trend towards higher rates of anxiety dis-
             to them had been killed or murdered       orders and posttraumatic stress disorder
            72% reported being witnesses to a         (PTSD). In addition, exacerbation of epi-
             car bombing                               leptic and non-epileptic seizures, substance
            68% reported interrogation or             abuse, increased body pains and somatisa-
             harassment (with threats to life)         tion were reported.
            22% said they had been beaten by          Reports on Iraqi refugees in the region
             armed groups                              con¢rmed a high sense of isolation, lack of
                                                       social support, loss of networks and safe
         Other reports indicate a high incidence       spaces, family con£icts, and lack of future
         of kidnappingandgenderbasedviolence.          opportunities, as well as their e¡ect on men-
                                                       tal health (Le Roch et al., 2010; El-Shaarawi,
                                                       2012; Community Development Centre /
       & Burnham, 2010) and Iraqi refugees in          UNHCR, 2007; Al Obaidi & Atallah,
       Egypt (Al Obaida, 2009).                        2009).
       Di⁄culties in adjusting to the forced dis-      Studies have also documented de-profession-
       placement situation are often linked to         alisation and the feeling of being ‘not useful
       unmet basic needs, and the lack of livelihood   in society’, particularly among men and
       opportunities. Doocy et al. (2011) assessed     adolescents (International Organization
       food security and living conditions of          for Migration (IOM), 2008). In some
       Iraq refugees in Jordan and Syria, and          extreme cases, desperation in adults led to
       demonstrated dire ¢nancial needs and            self-harm or harming others, notably in the
       limited availability of assistance.             form of suicide attempts, survival sex and
       In quantitative surveys, symptoms of heigh-     child abuse. Importantly, fundamental
       tened anxiety and depressed mood were           role shifts due to the inaccessibility of
       often found, ranging from 42% among             work and socio-economic di⁄culties often
       samples of Iraqi refugees in Jordan to above    resulted in domestic and sexual violence
       80% in Syria (Center for Disease Control /      (Jayawickrama & Gilbert, 2008; Le Roch,
       UNHCR, 2007). In a secondary analysis of        et al., 2010; CDC/UNHCR 2007; SARC/
       two assessments in Syria and Jordan, 44%        DRC, 2007; Refugee International, 2009;
       of the adult respondents in Syria reported      Chynoweth, 2008). Moreover, psychological
       depressed mood, compared to 17% in              stress and desperation intensi¢ed as the
       Jordan (Cope, 2011). Respondents to a           length of stay increased (Bader et al., 2009;

Copyright © War Trauma Foundation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Mental health of refugees and displaced persons in Syria and surrounding countries: a systematic review
       Intervention 2013, Volume 11, Number 3, Page 276 - 294

       LeRoch et al., 2010). This oppressive and               to already fragile social networks, mental
       unstable climate often also made it imposs-             health care services and other assistance.
       ible for many displaced Iraqis to address               According to mental health professionals
       and process traumatic experiences that                  in Syria, many refugees have presented
       occurred prior to, during and after their               renewed, multiple and complex vulner-
       £ight, potentially exacerbating symptoms.               abilities with increased existing high levels
       Parents were concerned about education                  of anxiety, fear, hopelessness and depression,
       for their children (some studies reported               increased relapse among clients, and
       high school drop-out rates, e.g. Centers                regression to maladaptive coping mech-
       for Disease Control / UNHCR, 2007),                     anisms (e.g., increased suicide attempts,
       peer relationships and aggression among                 domestic violence). Many have considered
       children, unstable family situations, stunted           the di⁄cult option of returning to an
       development, and child abuse. Parents also              unstable and insecure Iraq. In a UNHCR
       reported increased attachment, aggressive-              study conducted in February 2012, an over-
       ness (among boys), withdrawal (among girls),            whelming 75% of respondents stated that
       developmental problems, learning di⁄culties,            the current deteriorating situation has had
       and enuresis among children (Le Roch,                   a negative impact on their psychosocial
       et al., 2010; Tsovili, Coutts & Quosh, 2010).           and physical wellbeing (UNHCR, 2012b).
       Refugees attributed their psychological                 Unfortunately, no further studies or assess-
       problems to past (potentially traumatic)                ments are available on Iraqi refugees in
       experiences, as well as present distress and            Syria since the beginning of the recent crisis,
       adjustment di⁄culties (Salem-Pickartz,                  which prompted a shift of focus.
       2009).‘Current perceived needs wasfound to mediate
       the association between past traumatic exposure         Findings: systematic review
       and distress in Jordan’ (Jordans et al., 2012).         Syrian IDPs and refugees
       The current situation appeared to be exacer-            Geographic location and population of studies
       bating pre-existing mental health problems.             Out of the 13 grey literature assessments
       According to the preliminary analysis of a              identi¢ed for Syrian IDPs and refugees, ¢ve
       UNHCR assessment on psychosocial well-                  studied Syrian IDPs and eight studied
       being, distress and functioning, the overall            Syrian refugees in the region. A few additional
       psychosocial wellbeing of the refugee popu-             articles, as well as grey literature pre-2011,
       lation has been consistently low, and the               were included in the mental health pro¢le of
       overall concept for psychosocial wellbeing              Syrians in the Appendix online, in order to
       is understood as a multi-faceted idea of                provide additional contextual information,
       fatigue (Quosh, 2013).                        
       Since mid-2011, the dynamics of the context
       have changed signi¢cantly, which has had                Research design
       dramatic e¡ects on the wellbeing of refugees,           Five of the assessments were based on
       as well as the host community. Refugees have            quantitative methods and eight on qualita-
       been especially susceptible to the deteriorat-          tive methods. Many refer to the di⁄culties
       ing situation in Syria. Essential needs                 of conducting assessments inside Syria due
       have become more acute. Many refugees                   to the prevailing insecurity. The quality
       have been displaced from their Syrian                   and limited number of assessments do not
       neighbourhoods, thus limiting their access              warrant further quantitative analysis. There

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Quosh et al.

       has not been any comprehensive assessment       fatigue, fear and loss of control, as well as
       of the mental health of Syrian IDPs and         family separation due to displacement and
       a¡ected populations since the beginning         shifts in gender roles. Across the di¡erent
       of the crisis. Some small scale assessments     assessments, heightened levels of distress,
       provide snapshots of the current situation      anxiety, fear, frustration, grief, fatigue, and
       and indicate priority areas.                    depressed mood were found as well. The
                                                       review of available studies and assessments
       Results: mental health of Syrian IDPs           also highlighted isolation and lack of social
       These ¢ndings are summarised in relation        support. None of the assessments speci¢ed
       to what is of interest to MHPSS program-        or quanti¢ed ‘high levels’. An assessment in
       ming for the populations of concern. The        the northern governorates of Syria also
       full summary of all studies can be found in     reported that communal tensions were attri-
       Table 2 of the Appendix online, http://links.   buted to assistance being insu⁄cient to meet                                 the needs of all those a¡ected (Assessment
       Across the di¡erent assessments, it was         Working Group for Northern Syria, 2013,70).
       reported that the majority of the displaced     Parents reported that their children are
       and a¡ected host communities were mobilis-      fearful and show ‘signs of signi¢cant emotional
       ing resources, such as community networks       distress, such as nightmares, bed-wetting, or
       and support. Many referred to religious         becoming uncharacteristically aggressive or with-
       beliefs and practices as a primary source of    drawn; any loud noise reminds the children of the
       support (UNHCR/SARC, 2013).                     violence they £ed from. Children with disabilities,
       According to a stakeholder assessment           chronic diseases or from single parent families are
       in 2012 (MHPSS Working Group, 2012),            particularly vulnerable and do not have equal access
       60% of the respondents indicated a lack of      to services. [. . .] Some children are exposed to
       basic needs impacting mental health and         maltreatment and neglect from parents who them-
       wellbeing. This lack of basic needs was con-    selves are showing high levels of distress and
       ¢rmed during a second stakeholder assess-       are unable to cope with their own di⁄culties’
       ment at the beginning of 2013 (UNHCR/           (Assessment Working Group for Northern
       SARC, 2013), with increased severity. The       Syria, 2013, 70).
       lack of security, sudden forced displacement,   Mothers were concerned about interrup-
       destroyed homes and lack of shelter, or         tions in education for their children and
       overcrowding in collective shelters, lack of    the e¡ects of not having basic needs met.
       access to schools, health care and other        High school dropout rates were reported
       services, high unemployment and poverty         (UNICEF, 2013; Assessment Working Group
       were all reported to be priority concerns.      for Northern Syria, 2013, 75). Serious child
       Stakeholders covered the areas of               protection concerns for tens of thousands
       Damascus, rural Damascus, Homs and              of children have been reported, including:
       Aleppo, but could not provide information       killing and maiming; sexual violence;
       on other governorates.                          torture; arbitrary detention; recruitment
       Similar to the ¢ndings among Iraqi              and use of children by armed forces; and
       refugees in Syria between 2008 and 2011,        exposure to explosive remnants of war
       focus groups in 2012 conducted by UNHCR         (Assessment Working Group for Northern
       with internally displaced Syrians in areas      Syria, 2013, 68; UNICEF, 2013, 9). An
       around Damascus, con¢rmed high levels of        increased number of early marriages and

Copyright © War Trauma Foundation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Mental health of refugees and displaced persons in Syria and surrounding countries: a systematic review
       Intervention 2013, Volume 11, Number 3, Page 276 - 294

       child labour was also reported (UNHCR/                  camp in August 2012 (IMC/UNICEF, 2012)
       SARC,2013). A remote assessment found that              highlighted increased levels of fear, worry,
       children’s exposure to extreme violence is              grief, boredom and psychological distress
       causing serious psychological distress and              (45% felt intense fear all or most of the time).
       impacting school performance (UNICEF,                   The most frequently cited coping methods
       2013).                                                  were praying, smoking and socialising
       It is di⁄cult to assess the scope of sexual             with friends and family. Particularly, with
       violence in Syria, but reports point to                 lack of durable solutions and livelihoods,
       alarmingly high rates, including in combi-              the level of frustration, anger and aggression
       nation with physical violence and torture,              is increasing (Rudoren, 2013).
       and a signi¢cant portion of the reported                WHO, in collaboration with the Jordanian
       incidences involving men and boys as                    Ministry of Health, IMC and Eastern
       targets. Although there remains a lack of               Mediterranean Public Health Network
       sexual and gender based violence (SGBV)                 (EMPHNET) is planning to conduct a
       assessments, according to INGO reports                  mental health needs assessment in Amman,
       stigmatisation of this subject, shame and               Irbid, Ramtha, Mafraq and the Zaatari
       distrust led to massive under reporting                 camp (Inter-Agency Standing Committee
       (Assistance Coordination Unit (ACU),                    Mental Health And Psychosocial Support
       2013; International Rescue Committee                    Reference Group (IASC MHPSS RG),
       (IRC), 2012; Assessment Working Group for               2013). Results were not available at the time
       Northern Syria, 2013).                                  of this literature review.

       Results: mental health of Syrian refugees regionally    Lebanon
       As there is not su⁄cient literature yet                 A similar assessment by IMC, at the
       covering the mental health of IDPs in Syria,            northern Syrian/Lebanese border showed
       assessments that have been conducted                    comparable results to the one in Jordan
       with Syrian refugees in the region are also             (IMC, 2011). The participants reported
       analysed in this paper. It is noted that the            anxiety, feeling depressed, lethargy, eating
       experience of displaced people who leave                and sleeping problems, anger and fatigue.
       their country of origin di¡ers from that of             In particular anger, fear, anxiety, feeling
       those who remain, and that the length of                depressed and stress a¡ected relationships
       time since displacement has an impact on                within families, daily functioning and
       adjustment and stressors. All of these factors          health. Mothers described changes in the
       will a¡ect results in data collection, how-             behaviours of their children, and expressed
       ever, the parallel needs are signi¢cant and,            di⁄culties in handling them, as well as
       given the lack of information on IDPs,                  an inability to show a¡ection. Positive
       worth evaluating.                                       coping mechanisms included going out,
                                                               exercising, and playing with one’s children.
       Jordan                                                  Negative coping mechanisms were primarily
       A rapid MHPSS assessment with Syrians in                smoking, watching TVand doing nothing.
       Jordanian host communities in February                  An assessment in the Bekaa Valley (Pe¤rez-
       2012 (International Medical Corps (IMC)/                Sales, 2013), showed similar overwhelming
       Jordan Health Aid Society (JHAS), 2012)                 emotional responses for most respon-
       and with Syrian refugees in Za’atari refugee            dents, and reported that wellbeing is greatly

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Quosh et al.

       attributed to ful¢lling basic needs such         and adaptation. Three out of four Syrian
       as su⁄cient income, shelter and food.            children have lost a loved one in the ¢ghting,
       Similar priority concerns were reported          more than 60% experienced events where
       in di¡erent locations (Me¤decins Sans            they felt their lives were in danger, and
       Frontie'res (MSF), 2012). According to Pe¤rez-   50% had been exposed to six or more
       Sales (2013), feelings of humiliation, linked    traumatic events. However, 71% of the
       to the frustration with dependency on            girls and 61% of the boys also had strong
       aid, were prevalent. While other studies         close relationships to trusted persons for
       indirectly present links between unmet           help and support. At the same time, 30%
       needs, dignity, humiliation and also sexual      reported that they had been separated
       violence (Doocy et al., 2011; Chynoweth,         from their families. Also, around 60%
       2008), the Pe¤rez-Sales assessment (2013) is     of the children reported symptoms of
       the only identi¢ed assessment that clearly       depression (signi¢cantly higher among
       links unmet basic needs with feelings of         girls), 45% reported symptoms of PTSD,
       humiliation and impacting dignity.               22% aggression and 65% psychosomatic
       Negative emotions seemed to increase             symptoms to a degree that seriously reduced
       over time. Among the refugee community           the children’s level of functioning (O«zer
       a lack of unity, community organisation,         et al., 2013, 36). Similar prevalence rates:
       support, trust and con¢dence was reported,       61% PTSD; 53% anxiety; and 54% depres-
       as well as increased frustration and anger.      sion, were reported from a study with
       SGBV, as well as experiencing torture,           Syrian refugees in four camps at the
       were reported among both men and women.          southern Turkish border (Marwa, 2012,
       Praying was described as the main coping         2013). The nongovernmental organisation
       strategy (Pe¤rez-Sales, 2013).                   (NGO) Malteser International, planned
       According to a study by Mobayad in camps         to conduct a mental health assessment in
       (referred to in Abou-Saleh & Mobayad,            Turkey during the second half of 2013 (IASC
       2013) prevalence rates of PTSD were              MHPSS RG, 2013).
       identi¢ed, from 36% to 62%, among adult
       refugees. The main predictors for PTSD           Limitations
       among adults were exposure to ¢ghting            Major weaknesses in the design and robust-
       and hostility, as well as a history of trauma    ness of studies constrain the analysis of the
       before the con£ict. Prevalence rates of PTSD     review. Some of the main weaknesses are:
       were reported, from 41% to 76%, among
       children. The main predictors for children          Most research focuses on global
       were the number of traumatic experiences             categories of mental health problems,
       related to the con£ict. An increasing                disorder symptoms (particularly of
       number of arranged early marriages and               mood and anxiety disorders), and psy-
       survival sex is reported in Jordan, as well as       chosocial distress from a vulnerability
       Lebanon (McLeod, 2013; IRC, 2012).                   perspective.
                                                           There is less attention to resources,
       Turkey                                               resilience and coping perspectives that
       According to the Bahcesehir Study (2013),            are an important part of understand-
       Syrian children in Islahiye camp in southern         ing the mental health pro¢le of the
       Turkey display di¡erent levels of functioning        community.

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Mental health of refugees and displaced persons in Syria and surrounding countries: a systematic review
       Intervention 2013, Volume 11, Number 3, Page 276 - 294

            There is very little culture-grounded             The review likely identi¢ed most of the
             research that focuses on positive factors         literature relevant to the review aim.
             of adaptation                                     One constraint of the structured review
            Only one study on resilience, as a                process relates to the comprehensiveness of
             protective factor against developing psy-         the search process, the criteria, restricted
             chopathology, was identi¢ed; however it           time span and languages used to include
             was conducted in a resettlement context           articles and documents. Only the ¢rst author
             (Arnetz et al., 2013), and indicates              was engaged in the systematic review, which
             a multi-dimensional and partially                 did not allow for a double blind selection
             interrelated idea of vulnerability and            of articles. E¡orts were made to identify
             adaptation.                                       Arabic (grey) literature and a number of
            Culturally relevant conceptualisation             resources were identi¢ed and translated.
             of dignity and humiliation, as well as            Only a few ful¢lled the inclusion criteria
             their relation to unmet basic needs, are          and it is possible that some resources were
             rarely addressed.                                 not identi¢ed.
            Few studies used mixed-method                     The time span covered a longer period than
             approaches, sampling strategies often             the actual crisis periods in order to identify
             relied on convenience samples (not ran-           general studies on mental health of the
             domly selected) and sample sizes tended           population of concern for the purpose of
             to be small and not representative.               better understanding context and baseline.
            Many studies did not provide su⁄cient
             information on methodology, the meas-             Discussion
             urement instruments used and the                  This systematic review provides an overview
             validity of those measures for the context,       of existing literature and a foundation to
             consent procedures and stigma, as well            inform MHPSS programming. It indicates
             as ethical considerations or approval by          a clear need for more comprehensive
             ethics committees.                                and integrated mental health assessments
            Many health and disability assessments            with robust mixed-method research designs
             only provided results in the overall              and urban assessment methodologies.
             categories of physical and mental dis-            The analysis further suggests that health
             abilities.                                        assessments should integrate mental health
            Particularly     assessments      identi¢ed       aspects more consistently and rigorously.
             through the grey literature search have           During the systematic review, only a few
             methodological shortcomings.                      studies could be identi¢ed for Iraqi refugees
            Most studies pay limited attention to             and displaced Syrians. The low number
             cultural concepts, as well as terminologies       can be attributed to several di¡erent con-
             without validation in the native language         straints; primarily limited physical access
             of study participants. Measurements               to the most a¡ected areas (particularly due
             for psychosocial problems and mental              to the humanitarian and urban displace-
             disorders carrydi¡erentdegrees of stigma-         ment context), and limited capacity and
             tisation, which may impact reporting.             competing priorities severely impacting
             There is also limited attention accorded          support and service provision. Given that
             to potential cultural tendencies to express       this review covers mental health data for
             distress through somatic complaints.              the two major displacement crises of this

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Quosh et al.

       decade, there is very little known about           The ability to address basic needs and
       the mental health and resilience of the            daily stressors, as well as past (potentially
       displaced populations.                             traumatic) experiences, is important
       Based on the identi¢ed studies, the majority       in explaining mental health outcomes.
       of the assessed populations were able to           However, few studies looked at the complex
       adjust to extremely di⁄cult situations. How-       interrelationship between past and current
       ever, much of the research focused on global       stressors, as well as the link between di¡erent
       categories of mental health problems and           aspects of wellbeing and mental health,
       mental disorder symptoms. Respective ¢nd-          including what contributes to resiliency and
       ings are consistent with the high prevalence       adaptation. It is important to understand
       rates documented in the refugee and forced         this complex relationship, including aspects
       migration literature, particularly of depres-      such as dignity, humiliation and coping,
       sion and PTSD among adults and children,           as well as cultural concepts of mental
       as well as signi¢cant variations in those          health. Fatigue (taaban) was identi¢ed as an
       rates. While it was reported that mental           overarching concept to express psychosocial
       health problems co-occur with health pro-          distress among Iraqi refugees, but there is
       blems, there was no systematic assessment          neither research on idioms of distress and
       of psychosomatic conditions, pre-existing          wellbeing, or on help-seeking behaviour in
       chronic or severe, and comorbid mental             either forced displacement context.
       disorders, as well as cumulative exposure          Humanitarian aid delivery must include
       to potentially traumatic events. The focus         considerations that do not exacerbate
       on sets of symptoms fails to present the           mental health problems and psychosocial
       diversity of responses at di¡erent levels          distress, nor negatively impact wellbeing.
       (including at the community level) and             In order to close the research/practice gap,
       provides limited information for a com-            research needs to be oriented towards
       prehensive, context sensitive and integrated       what is relevant to inform humanitarian
       response.                                          aid delivery.
       No coherent patterns for age, gender,              Given the importance of grey literature
       education, background, or for factors that         and assessments in informing MHPSS
       would indicate higher risk or protection,          programming and coordination in these
       were identi¢ed. However, decreased socio-          situations, the relatively low quality of their
       economic status, loss of meaningful social         designs and result presentations is prob-
       roles and support were indicated to result in      lematic. It is vital to increase investment
       worse mental health outcomes. Religious            in technical guidance, capacity building,
       and spiritual coping, as well as social support,   and ¢eld/academic collaboration, as well as
       was identi¢ed as protective factors. It was        applied ¢eld relevant research.
       shownthat inadditiontotheriskofdeveloping          Desk reviews of humanitarian assessments
       mental health problems, there is a high            often rely on accessible grey literature
       risk for developing social problems in both        (mostly in English). Due to limitations
       crises. Parents in both settings were very         in accessing academic search databases,
       concerned about interrupted education              available studies are often not included
       for their children. There is a need to invest      in desk reviews, lowering the quality of
       more in assessments of children’s psycho-          the assessment. Facilitation of access to
       social wellbeing.                                  academic journals for humanitarian aid

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Mental health of refugees and displaced persons in Syria and surrounding countries: a systematic review
       Intervention 2013, Volume 11, Number 3, Page 276 - 294

       providers, or collaborations with academic              References
       institutions (e.g., through regular external             Abou-Saleh, M. & Mobayad, M. (2013). Mental
       systematic reviews), could ¢ll this gap.                   Health in Syria. International Psychiatry, 10(3),
       Given the di⁄culty of tracking grey                        58-60.
       literature and respective assessments, it is
       suggested that data collection tools be                 Al Ammar, K. (2009/2010). [Post Traumatic
       developed that make these easily available                Stress Disorder resulting from the war in Iraq:
       to organisations and agencies interested, e.g.,           Diagnostic study with a sample of displaced Iraqis.]
       through dedicated groups on, or                 Unpublished master’s thesis, University of
       other platforms.                                          Damascus, Damascus, Syria. (publication in

       Conclusion                                              Al Obaidi, A. S. & Atallah, S. F. (2009). Iraqi
       The protection and basic needs of refugees                 refugees in Egypt: An exploration of their
       and IDPs in Syria continue to intensify as a               mental health and psychosocial status. Interven-
       result of the displacement and pronounced                  tion, 7(2),145-151.
       economic and political insecurity generated
       by the past two years of armed con£ict. More             Arnetz, J., Rofa,Y., Arnetz, B., Ventimiglia, M. &
       and more refugees and IDPs are entirely                    Jamil, H. (2013). Resilience as a Protective
       dependent on assistance provided by inter-                 Factor Against the Development of Psycho-
       national agencies. The current literature                  pathology Among Refugees. Journal of Nervous
       review indicated rising levels of psychosocial             and Mental Disease, 201(3),167-172.
       distress, and an anticipated further increase
       in people identi¢ed with mental disorders               Assessment Working Group for Northern
       requiring reinforced, culturally appropriate               Syria. (2013). Joint Rapid Assessment of
       mental health care, psychosocial and                       Northern Syria II (J-RANSII) - Final Report.
       community based support (UNHCR,                            Retrieved from:
       2013a). Although living in distinct environ-     ¢les/resources/JRANS%20II%
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       displaced populations assessed indicate
       many similarities alongside context speci¢c             Assistance Coordination Unit (ACU). (2013,).
       characteristics. As a result, there is increased           Joint Rapid Assessment of Northern Syria ^Interim
       demand for context sensitive, integrated,                  Report (draft). ACU. Retrieved from:http://
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       programmes, with close links to protection,                pdf.
       health, education and livelihood. Coverage
       of MHPSS among IDPs and refugees in                       Bader, F., Sinha, R., Leigh, J., Goyal, N.,
       di⁄cult to access areas is minimal, while                   Andrews, A., the, I. M. C., study team,
       demand for services is expected to continue                 Valeeva, N., Sirois, A. & Doocy, S. (2009).
       growing in light of the ongoing violence,                   Psychosocial Health in Displaced Iraqi
       requiring increased inter-agency capacity                   Care-Seekers in Non-Governmental Organiz-
       building e¡orts. These should be based                      ation Clinics in Amman, Jordan: An Unmet
       on more comprehensive and systematic                        Need. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 24(4),
       assessments and research studies.                           312-320.

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