May 2, 2021 Fifth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church

Page created by Sylvia Strickland
May 2, 2021 Fifth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
May 2, 2021
Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 2, 2021 Fifth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
Preparing for worship
   It’s hard to believe it’s May already. Win-      to wait for it to mature again. The hope is that
ter seemed longer than usual, what with the         years from now we’ll look out on a warm sum-
pandemic and that crazy freeze in late February     mer day and see it bearing fruit. And like the
that seemed to leave all of nature in shock. Even psalmist in our reading today, we will tell future
now, we’re waiting and watching as trees and        generations about how it came to be delivered.
shrubs find their way back to what looks like life.    Meanwhile, the dead trunks and branches
   The biggest victim of the freeze at our house    need to be cut away, not just to make room for
is the fig tree in our back yard. It was a trim-    new growth but to take away the memory of
ming from a fig tree at LeAnn’s previous house,     what had been. We can’t live in the past; we can
and that one was a trimming from an old family      only live for today and tomorrow.
friend’s house. We planted it in our yard nine         As winter gives way to spring, and spring to
years ago when we moved in, and we’ve watched summer — and as we come out of this time
with anticipation each year as it slowly has        of isolation and waiting — consider what you
stretched skyward. By last summer it was eight      need to do to make room for new growth. What
feet tall and finally mature enough to produce      needs to be pruned away and dragged to the
a handful of figs. We just knew this would be       fire? What do you need to do to bear fruit?
the year when it would explode with fruit like         As we prepare for worship and as we break
its ancestors. But then came that brutal week       bread and pass the cup, remember who ulti-
in February. Today, the fig tree’s trunks and       mately gives us life. Remember who gives us
branches are brown and hard with death.             hope for a fruitful tomorrow. Remember who is
   The good news is that all around the base        the true vine from which all good things grow.
there are fresh green shoots with leaves big
enough to cover Adam and Eve. Yes, the fig                                             —Jeff Hampton
tree is alive and is coming back, but we’ll have

         4316 Abrams Road ■ Dallas, Texas 75214 ■ 214-452-3100 ■
                   Partnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
             Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ

On the cover: The Vine and the Branches, © 2016 P. Solomon Raj | Eyekons
May 2, 2021 Fifth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
May 2, 2021
                                          Fifth Sunday of Easter

Chiming of the Hour

Prelude                                       Ein’ feste Burg                            Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg

Opening Sentences                                                                                          Mike Meripolski

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and bless God’s holy name. Bless the Lord and forget not all God’s bene-
fits of health and life and every good and perfect gift. We worship you, we give thanks to you, O God.
Accept now the meditation of our hearts and the praise from our lips.

Hymn 223                              Crown Him with Many Crowns                                                    diademata
 & b b 44 œ                                   ˙.         œ       œ
                          œ œ     œ œ                                           œ            œ         œ       ˙.         œ
           1. Crown him with man - y crowns, the Lamb    up - on his throne; hark!
           2. Crown him the Lord of life,    who tri - umphed o’er the grave, and

   b                                                                 œ        œ      œ œ œ                     ˙.
           3. Crown him the Lord of love!    Be - hold   his  hands and side, those

 &bb œ                œ    œ      œ       nœ œ œ œ                                                                        œ
          how     the heaven - ly  an - them drowns all mu - sic but its own:                                              a -
          rose    vic - to - rious in the     strife for those he came to save;                                           his
   b                                        ˙.                                                                 ˙.          œ
          wounds, yet vis - i - ble a - bove, in beau - ty glo - ri - fied:                                               all

 &bb œ            œ                                  œ       œ           nœ          œ
                           œ      œ                                                              œ
          wake, my soul, and              sing      of him               who        died         for        thee,         and
          glo - ries now we               sing     who died,             and        rose         on         high,         who
   b œ.            œ
                   J œ œ
          hail, Re - deem - er,           hail!    for thou              hast       died         for         me!          Thy
 &bb                                  œ      œ       œ           œ              œ        œ        œ        œ          w
          hail   him as thy       match - less     king through all        e - ter - ni - ty.
          died    e - ter - nal    life    to      bring, and      lives that death may   die.
          praise and glo - ry     shall not         fail through - out     e - ter - ni - ty.

Greeting to Worshipers                                                                                 Debbie Meripolski

May 2, 2021 Fifth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
Psalm Reading — Psalm 22:25–31                                                     Leanna Coyle-Carr

From you comes my praise in the great congregation; my vows I will pay before those who fear him.
The poor shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek him shall praise the Lord. May your hearts live
for ever! All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord; and all the families of the
nations shall worship before him. For dominion belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.
To the Lord, indeed, shall all who sleep in the earth bow down; before him shall bow all who go
down to the dust, and I shall live for him. Posterity will serve him; future generations will be told
about the Lord, and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn, saying that he has done it.

Tú inspiras mi alabanza en la gran asamblea; ante los que te temen cumpliré mis promesas. Comerán
los pobres y se saciarán; alabarán al Señor uienes lo buscan; ¡que su corazón viva para siempre! Se
acordarán del Señor y se volverán a él todos los confines de la tierra; ante él se postrarán todas las
familias de las naciones, porque del Señor es el reino; él gobierna sobre las naciones. Festejarán y
adorarán todos los ricos de la tierra; ante él se postrarán todos los que bajan al polvo, los que no
pueden conservar su vida. La posteridad le servirá; del Señor se hablará a las generaciones futuras.
A un pueblo que aún no ha nacido se le dirá que Dios hizo justicia.

Family Dedication                                                                       George Mason
  Ben and Rebecca Yarborough with Elise Nichole and Julia Catherine

We welcome into the life of the church today Elise Nichole Yarborough and Julia Catherine Yarborough,
daughters of Ben and Rebecca Yarborough. Through today’s dedication, the family and the congrega-
tion pledge together to raise Elise and Julia in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, so that when
they reach an appropriate age they may choose for themselves to follow Jesus Christ as savior.

Prayers of the People                                                                    Jim Hancock

                     Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
                 Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
                    Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins,
                            As we forgive those who sin against us;
                   And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
                           For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
                                  and the glory forever. Amen.

Gospel Reading — John 15:1–8                                                           Claudia Barner

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine-grower. He removes every branch in me that bears
 no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit. You have already been

May 2, 2021 Fifth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
cleansed by the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch
cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am
the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart
from me you can do nothing. Whoever does not abide in me is thrown away like a branch and with-
ers; such branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words
abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this,
that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.”

                                      This is the word of the Lord.
                                          Thanks be to God.

“Yo soy la vid verdadera, y mi Padre es el labrador. Toda rama que en mí no da fruto, la corta; pero toda
 rama que da fruto la poda para que dé más fruto todavía. Ustedes ya están limpios por la palabra que
 les he comunicado. Permanezcan en mí, y yo permaneceré en ustedes. Así como ninguna rama puede
 dar fruto por sí misma, sino que tiene que permanecer en la vid, así tampoco ustedes pueden dar fruto
 si no permanecen en mí. “Yo soy la vid y ustedes son las ramas. El que permanece en mí, como yo en
 él, dará mucho fruto; separados de mí no pueden ustedes hacer nada. El que no permanece en mí es
 desechado y se seca, como las ramas que se recogen, se arrojan al fuego y se queman. Si permanecen
 en mí y mis palabras permanecen en ustedes, pidan lo que quieran, y se les concederá. Mi Padre es
 glorificado cuando ustedes dan mucho fruto y muestran así que son mis discípulos.”

                                      Esta es la palabra del Señor.
                                            Gracias a Dios.

Message                                “Can We Survive Alone?”                         Ashley Robinson

Anthem                                      This Gift is Free                            Fred Gramann
                                           Sanctuary Choir
                                         Recorded June 3, 2019

              Come to the waters all who are thirsty. O come and drink. This gift is free.
               Come to the table all who are hungry. O come and feast. This gift is free.

         Come to the tree of life laden with fruit for you. O come and taste. This gift is free.
       Come to the banquet hall. A place is set for you. O come and sit awhile. This gift is free.

                        Why do you buy food which cannot feed the soul?
                      Or labor on for that which will not make you whole?
          Come unto me and taste the food I give. Come unto me so that your soul may live.

May 2, 2021 Fifth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
Celebration of the Lord’s Supper                                                          Leigh Curl

            All followers of Christ are invited to partake of the Lord’s Supper, whether you
           are a Wilshire member or not. Today, you are invited to gather whatever elements
             you have at home to join in the Communion of the saints at the Lord’s Table.

Passing of the Peace                                                                      Leigh Curl
                            May the peace of the Lord be always with you.
                                        And also with you.

Affirmation of Faith                   This is the Threefold Truth                     acclamations

Sharing of Decisions                                                                Ashley Robinson

Benediction                                                                         Ashley Robinson

Postlude                                      Hymn to Joy                               arr. Al Travis

Thank you for giving. Your generosity is allowing Wilshire to continue its ministries in new
and creative ways during this unprecedented time. Although we’re mostly not in the building, the
work of the church continues. To get started or manage your giving, visit
May 2, 2021 Fifth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
Meet today’s worship leaders
Claudia Barner and her husband, Joe, have been             Debbie and Mike Meripolski joined Wilshire in
members of Wilshire and Compass Class since                2004 and are members of Epiphany Class, where
1974. They raised two sons, Robert and Todd, at            Debbie is director. Their daughter, Ann, also is a
Wilshire. Claudia is a deacon, a missions volunteer        member of Wilshire. Debbie is chair-elect of
and is active in WOW! ministry. She is a retired           deacons, a Stephen Minister and works as a grant
dietitian and assistant professor.                         manager for Interfaith Family Services. Mike
                                                           serves on the Building and Grounds Committee
Jim Hancock joined Wilshire in 2012. He is a               and works as staff attorney for Legal Aid of
retired Baptist pastor and associational director of       NorthWest Texas.
missions. He is an itinerant preacher, a member of
Discovery Class and previously served on the
Pathways to Ministry Committee.

Staff contacts
George A. Mason            Jessica Capps                   Ashley Robinson             Linda Garner
Senior Pastor              Minister to Senior Adults       Pastoral Resident           Parish Nurse 
214-452-3132               214-452-3129                    214-452-3153                214-452-3151
Heather Mustain            Julie Girards                   Jenna Sullivan              Geri McKenzie
Associate Pastor           Minister to Children            Pastoral Resident           Associate Director for    Pathways to Ministry
214-452-3110               214-452-3104                    214-452-3155      
Darren DeMent              Joan Hammons                    Preston Bright
Associate Pastor           Minister to Preschoolers        Associate Pastor Emeritus   Dale Pride                                     Facilities Manager
214-452-3102               214-452-3141                    Randy Crosland    
                                                           Director of Operations      214-452-3101
Doug Haney                 Leanna Coyle-Carr     
Associate Pastor           Pastoral Resident               214-452-3146
214-452-3123               214-452-3154                    Lori Gooden
                                                           Director of Finance
Jeff Brummel               Leigh Curl            
Associate Minister         Pastoral Resident               214-452-3131
of Music/Organist    214-452-3152
Tapestry                                                          News & Announcements
                                                                  May 2, 2021

        IN THE PARK
             Churchwide Picnic
          Sunday, May 16 • 5–7 p.m.
       Flag Pole Hill (8015 Doran Cir.)
   Bring the family and join us for a Wilshire Reunion at our annual
   picnic! We’re excited to meet in person for fellowship and music
   from Darren DeMent and friends. We won’t be serving food, but
     feel free to bring a meal or snack for yourself and your family.
  Water and an individually-packaged treat from the Wilshire kitchen
    will be provided. Wear your mask and bring your own chairs or
  blankets. Social distancing will be observed and sign-up is required.

                        Sign up to attend 
      The sign-up link can be found anytime at

                 Keep up with all the Wilshire news at or on social media or
                 via the Wilshire app. At present we are worshiping online only. Worship
                 premieres Sundays at 8:30 a.m. on Wilshire’s YouTube channel and website.
New members:
Ben and Rebecca Yarborough

Summer worship volunteers needed
Volunteers are needed to serve as greeters,
ushers and childcare workers when Wilshire
resumes in-person Sunday morning worship
starting June 6. If you can help, contact Barbara
Clayton ( To help in
the area of childcare, contact Joan Hammons

Library announces open hours
Wilshire’s library is now open every Tues-              Coyle-Carr reception May 16
day and Wednesday in conjunction with the               All are invited to say farewell to Leanna and
re-opening of the church building on those              Aaron Coyle-Carr at a drive-through reception
days. Library hours are 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on         on Sunday, May 16, from 4 to 5 p.m. in the porte
Tuesdays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesdays.           cochere. Leanna is finishing her two-year term
Drive-up service is available other weekdays.           as a pastoral resident, and Aaron, a Wilshire
Email your book requests to librarian Barbara           resident from 2017 to 2019, has accepted the
Peterson at; she’ll con-         call to become senior pastor at First Baptist
tact you when your items are ready to pick up.          Church in Morehead, Kentucky.

      Sunday worship in the Sanctuary
      resumes June 6. Services at 9 & 11 a.m.
      Childcare will be offered. Details to come.
Next Midweek Bible
                     Study is May 12
     Wednesday, May 12, is the date for the            Full details are in the participant’s guide,
   next Midweek Bible Study at noon in the           available here or at the registration link.
   Sanctuary. The in-person event lasts about 45       Midweek Bible Study is livestreamed on
   minutes and features prayer, music and Bible      our YouTube channel and can be seen later.
   study led by Senior Pastor George Mason.
     Held every other week since its April start,
   Midweek Bible Study will be offered weekly                Sign up for May 12 
   starting Wednesday, May 26.
     George is currently leading a study of          HOW TO SIGN UP: Click above for May 12.
   favorite Psalms, and Psalm 23 will be the topic   Sign up links can be found anytime at
   on May 12. Masks and sign-up are required, Or you can sign
   and worship orders on pews indicate where         up by contacting Barbara Clayton at 214-452-
   to sit. Please observe social distancing.         3125 or

Book clubs
■ The WOW! Brown Bag Book Club meets
on Zoom one Thursday a month at noon. On
May 6, the group will discuss Ann Patchett’s
The Dutch House. Contact Abbey Adcox at or Carolyn Murray at to sign up.
■ The WOW! Tuesday Evening Book Club                          Sunday, May 23, 5 p.m.
meets on Zoom monthly at 7 p.m. On May 11,                      North parking lot
the group will discuss Isaac’s Storm by Erik Lar-
son. To sign up, contact Debby Burton at                   Includes senior recognition
■ The Anti-Racism Book Club will discuss                  Graduating high school seniors will be rec-
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo            ognized during Church in the Lot on May 23.
on Thursday, May 20, at 7 p.m. Register for the          Bring a chair or stay in your car and listen via
Zoom link at                 FM signal. Masks and distancing required.

                                                              Sign up for May 23 

drive for The
Family Place
  The Family Place’s                                                         MAY 5
largest shelter is still                                         Chicken Cordon Bleu w/ Champagne
undergoing major                                                Cream Sauce, Smashed Red Potatoes,
repairs for damage                                             Grilled Vegetables, Bread w/ Butter, $12
caused in February’s
snowstorm. Following                                           Mixed Field Greens, Grilled Flank Steak,
                                                               Fresh Vegetables & Herbed Vinaigrette,
their stay in Wilshire’s                                        Pasta w/ Pesto, Bread w/ Butter, $12
building after the
sudden evacuation of                                            Grilled Flank Steak on French Bread w/
their shelter during the                                    Caramelized Onions, Sun Dried Tomatoes, Arugula
storm, we would like to provide bedding sets as                & Swiss, Pasta w/ Pesto, Potato Chips, $10
a symbol of our care and friendship as they pre-                   Chocolate Chip Cookies (2), $1.25
pare to move back into their facility in June.                           Key Lime Pie, $2.50
  You can join in this effort by sponsoring a
bedding set or two (or more!). Each set costs
$30 and includes twin sheets, pillowcase and a
bedspread/blanket. Sets have been chosen by              ■ Takeout meals from Wilshire’s
the Family Place and will be purchased from              kitchen are offered for curbside pickup
their vendor for a cost of $30 each. Wilshire            each Wednesday.
has committed to fund 120 sets.
  Each client will take their bedding with them          ■ Proceeds help defray the cost of
as they settle into a new home after leaving the         paying our dedicated kitchen workers
shelter. You may register to sponsor bedding             during the pandemic.
at Individual
contribution receipts will be provided. Con-             ■ Ordering for May 5 is open
tact Abbey Adcox with questions at aadcox@               now on the church website.                                          ■ Order, pay and choose lunch or
  The Family Place ( is a
nonprofit agency that empowers victims of                dinner pickup by end of day Tuesday,
family violence by providing safe housing,               May 4, then pick up your food on
counseling and skills that create independence           Wednesday.
while building community engagement and
advocating for social change to stop family vi-          ■ Full instructions at ordering link.
olence. Founded in 1978, it is the largest family
violence service provider in Texas, with three
emergency shelters providing 177 shelter beds                Order now for May 5 
each night.

“We are so excited about our plans to offer summer camps for children and preschoolers this summer!
 Our hope is to meet in person with limited capacity following safety guidelines while also offering
 virtual options. We’ll learn ways to show compassion to ourselves and others, ways to express ourselves
 creatively and how we fit into a larger story. We hope you can join us for one or more of our opportunities
 to have fun while building our relationship with God and others.”— Julie Girards, Minister to Children

                                                               recreation, missions and other fun activities. Although
CHILDREN’S EVENTS                                              activities will be led by Passport staff, we will provide one
                                                               chaperone for every five campers to help with supervision.
                                                               Chaperones are needed. We will return to Wilshire around
Compassion Camp is the theme for
                                                               4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 27.
this year’s VBS for children who have
                                                               Dates: Saturday–Tuesday, July 24–27
completed kindergarten through grade
                                                               Cost: $350. A $100 deposit will guarantee your student’s spot.
6. In-person VBS is limited to 15 per
grade. We will also offer a Take-Home
VBS option with interactive materials                          PRESCHOOL EVENTS
and videos to be enjoyed anytime.
Dates: Monday –Friday, June 21–25, 9 a.m.–noon.                VBS: COMPASSION CAMP
Registration Deadline: June 16 Cost: Free                      For preschoolers who turned 3 years old through 5 years old
                                                               by Sept. 1, 2020, but have not completed kindergarten. Class
CREATIVE ARTS CAMP                                             sizes are limited. We will also offer a Take-Home VBS option
Listen to Your Art is back this summer — bigger, better        with interactive materials and videos to be enjoyed anytime.
and LIVE! Creative Arts Camp has something for everyone        Dates: Monday–Friday, June 21–25, 9 a.m.–noon
who has completed kindergarten through grade 6: music,         Registration Deadline: June 16 Cost: Free
drama, movement/dance, visual art, sewing, cooking,
cartoon drawing, commercial/video creations, photography,      PRESCHOOL FRIENDS CAMP
creative writing and more! Participants will rotate through    This year’s theme is “I Can Care About Others.” This camp is
artistic outlets in small groups and will also choose a        open to preschoolers who turned 3 years old through 5 years
personal expression rotation.                                  old by Sept. 1, 2020, but have not completed kindergarten.
Dates: Monday–Friday, July 12–16, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Half-day       Dates: Monday–Friday, July 19–23, 9 a.m.–noon.
option, 9 a.m.–noon. Full-day campers will bring lunch;        Registration Deadline: July 12 Cost: $60
snacks and drinks will be provided. Families and guests are
invited Friday at 5:30 p.m. for a pizza dinner ($3/person)
and a 6:30 p.m. performance and art showcase.
                                                               All camps are open to the community.
Cost: $150, full day or $75, half day. Includes supplies,
T-shirt, snacks, a super creative staff and more! Limit 75.    Preregister at
                                                               Questions? Contact Julie Girards for children’s events at
PRETEEN CAMP                                         , Joan Hammons for preschool events
Passport Kids! Camp in Brownwood, Texas, is for kids           at or Candy McComb for Creative
who have completed grades 3 through 6. We’ll depart by         Arts Camp at
bus at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 24, and will stay in
                                                               Our camps have indoor and outdoor activities planned, but the
air-conditioned cabins at the Heart of Texas Baptist Camp      format of each camp is subject to change should the CDC and
and Conference Center. Students will participate in            Wilshire COVID-19 Task Force establish new safety guidelines
high-energy worship, interactive Bible study, creative         as the public health situation evolves into the summer.

At Wilshire, we only have the
                                                            This Week
church we decide to be by our                               Saturday, May 1
                                                            ■ WOW! Garden Brunch, Prayer Garden,
own giving. Here are seven giving                             10 a.m.
methods you can use to help us                              Sunday, May 2
build a community of faith shaped                           ■ Morning Worship, virtual, 8:30 a.m.
by the Spirit of Jesus Christ.                              ■ Bible Study, online, times vary by class
                                                            ■ Children’s Sunday School, Zoom, 10 a.m.
ONLINE. Schedule a recurring or one-time gift               ■ WSM Sunday School, Zoom, 10 a.m.
charged to your debit or credit card or directly            ■ Carillon Ringers, Sanctuary, 2:15 p.m.
as an ACH from your checking account. Visit                 ■ Refining Faith Workshop, Zoom, 2:30 p.m. (be sure cookies are enabled            ■ WSM Afternoon Worship and Bible Study,
on your phone or tablet).                                     Community Hall, 4 p.m.
AUTOMATIC BANK PAY. Go to your bank’s                       Tuesday, May 4
website, log in to your individual bank account             ■ Stephen Ministry Training, Zoom, 6 p.m.
and follow the instructions to set up Wilshire as a         ■ Stephen Ministry CE & Supervision,
new payee. Your bank will print and cut a check.              Zoom, 6:30 p.m.
BY MAIL. Send to Lori Gooden, Wilshire Baptist              Wednesday, May 5
Church, 4316 Abrams Road, Dallas TX, 75214.                 ■ Ukulele rehearsal, virtual, 10:30 a.m.
Please write on your check if it is intended for the        ■ Koinonia Café To Go order pickups,
Unified Budget or another purpose.                            south parking lot, 11 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.
                                                            ■ Midweek Update & Reflection video, online
TEXT. Using your smartphone, text WILSHIRE
                                                            ■ COVID-19 Advisory Task Force, Zoom,
and the dollar amount (example: WILSHIRE
                                                              5:30 p.m.
50) to 73256, then follow the link that pops up.
The first time you use this option, you will enter          ■ WSM Watershed, north parking lot, 6 p.m.
credit card and contact information. All text gifts         ■ Sanctuary Choir, Sanctuary, 7 p.m.
will be applied to the Unified Budget.
                                                            Thursday, May 6
WILSHIRE APP. Download the Wilshire app                     ■ WOW! Spring Bible Study, Zoom, 9:30 a.m.
from the App Store or Google Play to make gifts             ■ Women’s Ministry Brown Bag Book Club,
easily from your phone or tablet.                             Zoom, noon

DONATE STOCKS. Call Lori Gooden at
                                                            Sunday, May 9
214-452-3131 for information on how to donate               ■ Morning Worship, virtual, 8:30 a.m.
appreciated stocks.                                         ■ Bible Study, online, times vary by class
                                                            ■ Children’s Sunday School, Zoom, 10 a.m.
FROM YOUR IRA. For those over 70.5 years                    ■ WSM Sunday School, Zoom, 10 a.m.
of age, tax-free IRA gifts offer a huge financial           ■ Refining Faith Workshop, Zoom, 2:30 p.m.
benefit. They reduce your future tax burden and             ■ WSM Afternoon Worship and Bible Study,
can fulfill your Required Minimum Distribution                Community Hall, 4 p.m.
for 2021.

Rapid-response teams available
Health Response Team is comprised of medical professionals in the church who are willing to
make themselves available for general counsel and encouragement. These volunteers are not dis-
pensing medical care but are available for general questions and guidance, especially when it may
be harder to get to a doctor. Lead contact is Linda Garner, or 214-452-3151.
Food and Supplies Response Team is comprised of volunteers from our Missions and Ad-
vocacy committees who are at the ready to help those who are isolated and need food or other
supplies brought to them. We have identified existing designated and budget funds that will be
used to meet urgent needs of members, such as food and medicine and limited rent assistance.
Lead contact is Heather Mustain, or 214-452-3110.
Spiritual Support Response Team is comprised of trained lay leaders and staff who are
available to talk with members who are lonely, scared or just need to talk during this time of
isolation. This is not a substitute for professional counseling. Volunteers will call care receiv-
ers on at least a weekly basis to listen to them and offer emotional support. Other referrals for
additional identified needs will be made to the appropriate teams or staff. Lead contact is Gail

Pray for Wilshire health care workers
Preston Adkins                       Rita Hamilton                        Mike Plunk
Joshua Bautista                      Joey Hamilton                        Ross Prater
Tanya Benson                         Deborah Herford                      Lyn Prater
Gina Biddle                          Jeff Jones                           Nancy Quelland
Cayce Brumley                        Tori Korson Wingfield                Katie Smalling
Courtney Carter                      Desiree Krieger                      Connie Smith
Joni Cabaniss                        Micki Lacker                         Jim Sterling
Ann Cossum                           Bobby Louder                         Nancy Stretch
Karen Cotter                         Linda Martinez                       Robin Sullens
Kelli Culpepper Hall                 Marty McElya                         Claire Tommey
Joannah DeMent                       Alyssa McElya                        Jim Walton
Diana Early                          Sheri McShan                         Amy Wilson
Janda Edwards                        Damien Mitchell                      Jenny Wolff
Linda Eggert                         Allison Moore                        Alan Wright
Linda Garner                         Sheri Mosser                         Rebecca Yarborough
Kirsten Granberry                    Monica Mullins
Linda Gregory                        Chad Mustain

Pray for Wilshire

As schools and school districts grapple with the complexities of having school
during covid-19, we have compiled a list of Wilshire members who work in
education. Keep them in your prayers and consider offering encouragement in
the form of a note, email or phone call. We apologize for any omissions; please
let us know of names that should be added to the list.

Kelly Akins                J.D. Isip                   Paige Pendery
Amy Anderson               Katie Koshkin               Mary Lea Phillips
Debbie Atchley             Catherine LaChey            Sarah Plunk
Hugh Atkinson              Debbie LaChey               Robin Pokladnik
Lynne Beard                Thomas Lee                  Priscilla Pope-Levison
Casey Boland               Jack Levison                Lyn Prater
Leigh Ann Brown            Jennifer Madding            Michael Prysock
Jake Bruehl                Ralph Manuel                Aaron Reindel
Reagan Brumley             Candy McComb                Sarah Rose
Kristin Cabaniss           Tricia McCoy                Gerald Shilling
Hillary Campbell           Jane Melton                 Jeanne Spreier
Sunny Carroum              Christie Michie             Megan Thompson
Karen Cotter               Laura Mirochna              Sara Tinsley
Silvia DeLaCruz            Ellen Mooney                Carol Tommey
Joannah DeMent             Wendy Moore                 Janis Townsend
Elizabeth Felton           Mary Morgan                 Jonni Walls
Shana Gaines               Meredith Mosley             Jenn Weaver
Thomas Hare                Monica Mullins              Katie Wilke
Dawn Hallman               Shannon Nadalini            Jenny Wolff
Sherry Hicks               John Parnell

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