23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 - Parishes ...

Page created by Annette Brown
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 - Parishes ...
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 5, 2021
St. Gabriel Catholic Church                                                     Saturday 5pm Mass
13734 Twin Peaks Road, Poway                                     Sunday 8:30am Mass (Livestreamed)
Phone: 858-748-5348                                                                  10:30am Mass
Text to Give: 858-771-2284                                                  12:30pm Bilingual Mass
Website: www.saintgabrielschurch.com                                                     5pm Mass
Email: office@saintgabrielschurch.com
                                                                             Mon & Wed 9am Mass
13734 Twin Peaks Road, Poway                                                Tues & Thurs 6pm Mass
Very Reverend Michael Froidurot, Pastor                                       Friday 12:10pm Mass
Phone:  858-748-5348
Rev. Patrick  Murphy, Senior Associate
Text to Give: 858-771-2284
Rev. Chuck Fuld
Rev. Jameswww.saintgabrielschurch.com
Email:  office@saintgabrielschurch.com
Rev. Hal Tindall, Retired
Deacon Ricardo Elizondo
Very Reverend Michael Froidurot, Pastor
Rev. Patrick Murphy, Senior Associate                        12:30pm Bilingual Mass (Livestreamed)
Rev. Chuck Fuld
Rev. James Rafferty                                                                      5pm Mass
Rev. Hal Tindall, Retired           Rev. Michael Froidurot, Pastor
Deacon Ricardo ElizondoRev. Patrick Murphy, Senior Associate
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 - Parishes ...
Mass Intentions                                                    Prayer List
 Saturday, Sept. 4                                               Please keep the following members of our
 5:00pm Mass                    Mary Ann & Bob Weschler,
 23rd Sunday in Ordinary        dec.                             faith community in your prayers.
                                                                 James Abernathy              Don Janiuk
 Sunday, Sept. 5                                                 Romeo Cobarrubias            Spencer Kerr
 8:30am Mass                    Mary Ann Garbarini, dec.         Joe & Eileen Fagan           Marcy
 10:30am Mass                   Robert Weschler, dec.                                         Roseann Marrtila
                                                                 Regis Fallon
 12:30pm (bilingual) Mass       Carlota Chavez, dec.
 5:00pm Mass                    Ron Meloy, dec.                  Sean Michael Fallon          Guadalupe Martinez
 23rd Sunday in Ordinary                                         Stanley Friesenhahn          Barbara Nowinski
 Time                                                            Suzanne Gordon               Linda Schaefer
 Monday, Sept. 6
                                                                 Joe Heightman                John Sloan
 9am Mass                       Stephanie Rodems, dec.           Christopher Hoslt Jr.        Fr. Hal Tindall
                                                                 Ann Jaburg
  Tuesday, Sept. 7
                                                                 Name(s) will remain on the prayer list for 2 months
/ 6pm Mass                      Nicolas Pantaleon, dec.
                                                                 during which time parishioners pray for the specific
                                                                 healing need of the individual. After that time,
 Wednesday, Sept. 8                                              trust in the Lord as He continues to embrace
 9am Mass                       Robert Weschler, dec.            you.
 Thursday, Sept. 9                                               Lord, we lift up all those who are facing illness
 6pm Mass                       Mary Romag, int.                 today. We ask You to bring healing, comfort and
                                                                 peace to their bodies, calm their fears and let them
                                                                 experience the healing power of Your love. Amen.
 Friday, Sept. 10
 12:10pm Mass                   Joeslito Salta, dec.
 Memorial of St. Gregory
 the Great, Pope & Doctor                                                  Pray the Rosary with us.
 of the Church
                                                                 Join us in prayer in the Church before daily Mass:
 Saturday, Sept. 11                                                             Mondays at 8:30am
 5:00pm Mass                    Dan Powell & Jameson
 24th Sunday in Ordinary        Harris                                  Tuesdays at 5:15pm for the unborn
 Time                                                                         Wednesdays at 8:30am
 Sunday, Sept. 12                                                               Thursdays at 5:15pm
 8:30am Mass                    Henry Yorba, dec.
 10:30am Mass                   Robin McBride, dec.
                                                                   The sacrament        mornings 9am
                                                                                  of Reconciliation is being offered
 12:30pm (bilingual) Mass       Jacqueline Baranda Arias,
                                dec.                                every Saturday from 3:45-4:45pm in the RCIA
 5:00pm Mass                    Cathy Chesser, dec.
 24th Sunday in Ordinary                                                          Church
                                                                            room off       paving
                                                                                     the church  courtyard.

   Our Mass Intention Calendar for January 2022-June 2022 will     The Parish Office is CLOSED on Monday,
               open on Friday, September 10. Visit
  www.stgabrielspoway.org/massintentions for more information.     September  6 in
                                                                         Join us    observance
                                                                                 in prayer        of Labor Day.
                                                                                           in the Church:

                                                                               Mondays at 8:30am
 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 5, 2021                                                         Page 2
                                                                         Tuesdays at 5:15pm for the unborn
   Christian Aldrete, Guadalupe Lopez-Aguilar, Juan Marcial                   Wednesdays at 8:30am
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 - Parishes ...
A note from the Pastor...
Dear St. Gabriel Family,
Last weekend we had the 5 year ceremony for our altar servers. Five years of
ministry is a wonderful thing to celebrate for anyone, but for these young ladies
and gentlemen who have served so faithfully at such a young age, it is a true
blessing. What a beautiful example they set for all of us. If you have any interest
in joining the altar server ministry, training begins in January. Children ages 10
and older who have received their First Communion are welcome to join. Feel free
to sign-up at our upcoming Ministry Fair on September 18 & 19.

If you were at one of my Masses last weekend, I gave out a bit of homework.
Visit: www.stgabrielspoway.org/prolife and watch the “Meet Baby Olivia” video.
This is a beautiful presentation of the miracle of life that our world desperately
needs right now.

In His Service, Very Reverend Michael Froidurot

This fall, along with our programs for our youth: Religious Education and
High School Youth Ministry, we will also have several other programs. On
Wednesday, October 6, the Young Adult Ministry will be leading “The
Search” for anyone interested in seeking answers to life’s biggest questions.
If you are interested, please visit www.stgabrielspoway.org/thesearch.
RCIA, or the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, will begin on October
12 for those adults who are interested in receiving one or more sacraments
(Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation) or are looking to find out more
about the Catholic faith. If you would like to know more about RCIA,
please visit www.stgabrielspoway.org/rcia.

Finally, we look forward to a wonderful concert by Sarah Hart coming
  Congratulations to Natalie Cruz, Christian Aldrete, Juan Pablo     Above is the same altar server class from 2016!
September    11 (see page 7). Let us focus on all the beautiful things to come
    Marcial-Arias, Guadalupe  Lopez-Aguilar  & Maggie   Woods
for our parish community and spend the next few weeks askingThank   God you
                                                                         to so much for 5 wonderful years of ministry.
     Saturday, September 11                            Saturday, September 11
direct us to the program that will best assist us in our journey towards Him.

In His Service,     Sarah        Hart  Concert     for   the whole family!
Very ReverendConcert      at 7pm
                Michael Froidurot                             Concert at 7pm
       Saturday,     September    Saturday,
                                    11      September
                                              Grammy nominated
 Join us for Mass at 5pm, food available artistJoin
                                                   Sarah Hart is one at 5pm, food available for
                                                       us for Mass
          for Concert
              purchaseat    7pm
                         from   6-7pm!Concert    atleading
                                            of the  7pmfigures
                                                                   in from 6-7pm!
    Amphitheater (by Msgr. Dollen Hall)
               Join usonfor
Our parish embarked         the Mass
                Join us for Mass Be   My at
                                  at 5pm
                                          Witness       food more
                                                               contemporary  for purchase
                                                                     than a year   Catholic from 6-7pm!
through parish surveys and a leadership team working to evaluate
  Bongiornos Pizza available for purchase from 6-7pm!                 musicour  today
community. Now you are called to be a part of this vision. On the weekend
   Overflow seating
of September        available
               11/12,  we willin the
                                  be grassy areaeach
                                      inviting    aboveand every one of you to sign
up for Beamphitheater,
           My Witness  bring  a blanket
                          small         to sitYou
                                  groups.      on! will be joined together with a
group of parishioners who are passionate about building       new socks
                                                                   up God’s kingdom.
You will grow in faith and in love for one another. We are not         jackets/sweatshirts
                                                                           meant to
   rd    alone.  Together    let us  be a light
23 Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 5, 2021   in the       peanut
                                                         darkness.    butter            jelly                    Page 3
                                                              water bottles
In His Service,                                                        toothbrushes/toothpast
               Join us for Mass at 5pm.
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 - Parishes ...
This Sunday’s Readings
First Reading: Is 35: 4-7a                                             Second Reading: Jas 2: 1-5
Thus says the LORD:                                                    My brothers and sisters, show no partiality
  Say to those whose hearts are frightened:                            as you adhere to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus
     Be strong, fear not!                                              Christ. For if a man with gold rings and fine clothes
  Here is your God,                                                    comes into your assembly,
     he comes with vindication;                                        and a poor person in shabby clothes also comes in, and
  with divine recompense                                               you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes
     he comes to save you.                                             and say, “Sit here, please, ”
  Then will the eyes of the blind be opened,                           while you say to the poor one, “Stand there, ” or “Sit at
     the ears of the deaf be cleared;                                  my feet, ”
  then will the lame leap like a stag,                                 have you not made distinctions among yourselves and
     then the tongue of the mute will sing.                            become judges with evil designs?
  Streams will burst forth in the desert,                              Listen, my beloved brothers and sisters.
     and rivers in the steppe.                                         Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to
  The burning sands will become pools,                                 be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom
     and the thirsty ground, springs of water.                         that he promised to those who love him?

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 146: 6-7, 8-9, 9-10                          Gospel: Mk 7: 31-37
R. Praise the Lord, my soul!                                           Again Jesus left the district of Tyre
The God of Jacob keeps faith forever,                                  and went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee,
  secures justice for the oppressed,                                   into the district of the Decapolis.
  gives food to the hungry.                                            And people brought to him a deaf man who had a
The LORD sets captives free.                                           speech impediment and begged him to lay his hand on
R. Praise the Lord, my soul!                                           him. He took him off by himself away from the crowd.
                                                                       He put his finger into the man’s ears
The LORD gives sight to the blind;                                     and, spitting, touched his tongue;
  the LORD raises up those who were bowed down.                        then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to
The LORD loves the just;                                               him, “Ephphatha!”— that is, “Be opened!” —
  the LORD protects strangers.                                         And immediately the man’s ears were opened,
R. Praise the Lord, my soul!                                           his speech impediment was removed,
                                                                       and he spoke plainly. He ordered them not to tell
The fatherless and the widow the LORD sustains,                        anyone. But the more he ordered them not to,
  but the way of the wicked he thwarts.                                the more they proclaimed it.
The LORD shall reign forever;                                          They were exceedingly astonished and they said,
  your God, O Zion, through all generations. Alleluia.                 “He has done all things well.
R. Praise the Lord, my soul!                                           He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”

                                     Program will celebrate the gifts of attending Mass
“Should I go to Mass this weekend?”
Many faithful wrestle with this question, amid the latest news of the coronavirus. But perhaps answering the question, “Why
should I go to Mass?” and understanding the blessings of encountering the real presence of Christ will offer the compelling
                                                                      He summoned the crowd again and said to them,
reason to attend Mass in person.                                      “Hear me, all of you, and understand.
To help
R.      promote
      The queen this, theat
                 stands   diocese
                             your is launching
                                  right  hand, aarrayed
                                                  7-week program
                                                           in       toNothing
                                                                                 thatthe  gifts one
                                                                                      enters    received
                                                                                                          outsideattending  Mass,that
                                                                                                                      can defile   none
greater than the Eucharist. Beginning on September 11-12, three consecutive weekends, taped homilies from the dioceseare
gold.                                                                 person;   but the   things   that come    out  from  within   will
The  queen takes  her place at your  right hand  in gold of           what defile. “From within people, from their hearts,
be presented at every parish. The taped homilies will be available on    our website or at sdcatholic.org/eucharist at noon on each
                                                                      come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder,
of theThe
R.     Sundays
          queenthey are presented,
                 stands             alonghand,
                         at your right     with resources.
                                                 arrayed in Please share  them with
                                                                      adultery,       fellow
                                                                                  greed,      parishioners,
                                                                                           malice,   deceit, friends   and family!
                                                                                                              licentiousness,   envy,

                                          Saturday, September
                                                     2021All these evils 11
gold.                                                                  blasphemy, arrogance, folly.
23 rd O daughter, and see; turn your ear,
Hear, Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 5,                             come from within and they defile.” Page 4
  forget your people and your father’s house.
                                              Concert atMany
R. The queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in
                                                           7pm of Jesus’ disciples who were listening said,
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 - Parishes ...
Lecturas de Este Domingo
Primera Lectura: DIs 35, 4-7a                                            Segunda Lectura: Sant 2, 1-5
Esto dice el Señor:                                                      Hermanos: Puesto que ustedes tienen fe en nuestro
“Digan a los de corazón apocado:                                         Señor Jesucristo glorificado, no tengan favoritismos.
‘¡Animo! No teman. He aquí que su Dios,                                  Supongamos que entran al mismo tiempo en su reunión
vengador y justiciero, viene ya para salvarlos’.                         un hombre con un anillo de oro, lujosamente vestido, y
Se iluminarán entonces los ojos de los ciegos                            un pobre andrajoso, y que fijan ustedes la mirada en el
y los oídos de los sordos se abrirán.                                    que lleva el traje elegante y le dicen: “Tú, siéntate aquí,
Saltará como un venado el cojo y la lengua del mudo cantará.             cómodamente”. En cambio, le dicen al pobre: “Tú,
Brotarán aguas en el desierto                                            párate allá o siéntate aquí en el suelo, a mis pies”. ¿No
y correrán torrentes en la estepa.                                       es esto tener favoritismos y juzgar con criterios
El páramo se convertirá en estanque                                      torcidos?
y la tierra seca, en manantial”.
                                                                         Queridos hermanos, ¿acaso no ha elegido Dios a los
                                                                         pobres de este mundo para hacerlos ricos en la fe y
Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 145
                                                                         herederos del Reino que prometió a los que lo aman?
R. Alaba, alma mía, al Señor.
El Señor siempre es fiel a su palabra,                                   Evangelio: Mc 7, 31-37
y es quien hace justicia al oprimido;
él proporciona pan a los hambrientos                                     En aquel tiempo, salió Jesús de la región de Tiro y vino
y libera al cautivo. R.                                                  de nuevo, por Sidón, al mar de Galilea, atravesando la
R. Alaba, alma mía, al Señor.                                            región de Decápolis. Le llevaron entonces a un hombre
                                                                         sordo y tartamudo, y le suplicaban que le impusiera las
Abre el Señor los ojos de los ciegos                                     manos. Él lo apartó a un lado de la gente, le metió los
y alivia al agobiado.                                                    dedos en los oídos y le tocó la lengua con saliva.
Ama el Señor al hombre justo                                             Después, mirando al cielo, suspiró y le dijo: “¡Effetá!”
y toma al forastero a su cuidado. R.                                     (que quiere decir “¡Abrete!”). Al momento se le
R. Alaba, alma mía, al Señor.                                            abrieron los oídos, se le soltó la traba de la lengua y
                                                                         empezó a hablar sin dificultad.
A la viuda y la huérfano sustenta
y trastorna los planes del inicuo.                                       Él les mandó que no lo dijeran a nadie; pero cuanto más
Reina el Señor eternamente,                                              se lo mandaba, ellos con más insistencia lo
reina tu Dios, oh Sión, reina por siglos. R.                             proclamaban; y todos estaban asombrados y decían:
R. Alaba, alma mía, al Señor.                                            “¡Qué bien lo hace todo! Hace oír a los sordos y hablar
                                                                         a los mudos”.

                                       El programa celebrará los dones de asistir a misa
"¿Debo ir a misa este fin de semana?".
R. Haz la prueba y verás qué bueno es el Señor.
 Muchos fieles se debaten con esta pregunta, en medio de las últimas noticias sobre el coronavirus. Pero quizá responder a la
Bendeciré al Señor a todas horas,
no  cesará "¿Por
             mi bocaquéde debo  ir a misa?" y comprender las bendicionesla
                            alabarlo.                                       defrivolidad.
                                                                                encontrar laTodas
                                                                                              presencia  realmaldades
                                                                                                     estas    de Cristo salen
                                                                                                                        ofrezcadela dentro
                                                                                                                                    razón dey
Yo           asistir
          siento      a misa endelpersona.
                  orgulloso         Señor,                                  manchan     al hombre”.
         alegrea su   pueblo esto,
                  promover     al escucharlo.
                                     la diócesisR.está lanzando un programa de 7 semanas para reintroducir los dones que se reciben al
R. Haz la prueba y verás qué bueno es el Señor.
 asistir a Misa, ninguno mayor que la Eucaristía. A partir del 11 y 12En     de aquel
                                                                                       tiempo,tres finesdijo
                                                                                                Jesús    de semana   consecutivos,
                                                                                                             a los judíos: “Mi carne  se es
Los   ojos del homilías     grabadas
                 Señor cuidan                                               verdadera   comida   y  mi  sangre  es verdadera
                                        de la diócesis en cada parroquia. Las homilías grabadas estarán disponibles en
                                   al justo,                                                                                   bebida”.   Al
   a su clamor están atentos        sus oídos.                              oír sus palabras,   muchos    discípulos  de Jesús  dijeron:
                              al mediodía     de cada uno de los domingos en    quemodo
                                                                            “Este   se presenten,
                                                                                           de hablarjunto  con recursos.
                                                                                                      es intolerable,    Por favor,
                                                                                                                       ¿quién  puede
Contra el malvado, en cambio, está el Señor,
 compártalas     con  sus feligreses,  amigos
para borrar de la tierra su recuerdo. R.        y familiares.               admitir eso?”
R. Haz la prueba y verás qué bueno es el Señor.                             Dándose cuenta Jesús de que sus discípulos
                                                                            murmuraban, les dijo: “¿Esto los escandaliza? ¿Qué
23  rd
 Traducción          inalOrdinary
            el realizada
               Señor       con la versión
                           hombre        Time
                                     justo        – September
                                            gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator Saturday, September
                                                                    5, 2021sería si vieran al Hijo del hombre subir a donde estaba
                                                                            antes? El Espíritu es quien da la vida; la carne para nada
                                                                                                                                       Page 5
y lo libra de todos sus congojas.
El Señor no está lejos de sus fieles                                        aprovecha. Las palabras que les he dicho son espíritu y
y levanta a las almas abatidas. R.                                          vida, y a pesar de esto, algunos de ustedes no creen”.
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 - Parishes ...
                                       MINISTRY HIGHLIGHT
  Ministry is about living out our faith in
  community. Our Liturgical Ministries offer
  the opportunity to live out our faith in Join us in prayer in the Church:
  community while serving at the central
                                                 Mondays at 8:30am
  component of Christian life: the Mass. Each
  of us has unique gifts that can enhanceTuesdays
                                            the    at 5:15pm for the unborn Join us in prayer in the Church:
  beauty of our liturgies and help those around Wednesdays at 8:30am              Mondays at 8:30am
› us have a  more  reverent and  meaningful      Thursdays at 9:00am        Tuesdays at 5:15pm for the unborn
  celebration of the Eucharist. Take a look at Thursdays at 5:15pm
                                                                                 Wednesdays at 8:30am
  our various Liturgical Ministries!
                                                                                               Thursdays at 9:00am
  Altar Servers:                                 Thursday mornings 9am                            Thursdays at 5:15pm
  Altar Server ministry offers young Catholics the
  opportunity to grow in their faith and become
  more active in the celebration of the Mass. Altar Church paving                              Thursday mornings 9am

  Extraordinary Ministers of Communion:
  Servers are young people who assist the priest
  Servers are young people who assist the priest and deacon during Mass. Boys and girls who have received First Communion and are at least
  ten years old are invited to become altar servers. Training starts in January, contact Ignatius Widjaja & Kyle Froland at 858-748-5348.
                                                                                                  Church paving
  While the Bishop/Priest alone is the Eucharistic Minister, since only he can consecrate the Sacred Species, all ordained Clergy (Bishop,
  and deacon during Mass. Boys and girls who
  Priest, Deacon) are the Ordinary Ministers of Communion. A lay person who meets the requirements can be trained as an Extraordinary
  have received First Communion and are at least
  Minister of Holy Communion to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Contact Deacon Ricardo Elizondo for more
  ten years old are invited to become altar servers.
  information: 858-353-1637.
  Training starts in January, contact Melinda
  Lectors: at 858-486-4497.
                                                                                           Join us in prayer in the Church:
  Lectors have the honor of proclaminig God’s Word to the congregation during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. For more information
  contact Richard Shea at 858-208-8179 (English) or MariaALopez at 858-699-1521 (Spanish). Mondays at 8:30am

  Ministers of Hospitality:                                                            Tuesdays at 5:15pm for the unborn
  A new ministry – Hospitality Ministers welcome fe
                                                  each person as they enter the courtyard. TheyWednesdays
                                                                                                will answer questions or direct parishioners to
                                                                                                              at 8:30am
  available resources, such as the Welcome Kiosk, and make them feel at home. For more information, contact the Parish Office: 858-748-
                                                 w                                              Thursdays at 9:00am
                                                 of                                             Thursdays at 5:15pm
  Ushers provide assistance with Church seating, distribution of worship aids, the Offertory collection, Communion lines and safety within the
  Church building. For more information, contacturDean Woods at 310-347-6453 (English). Jesus Thursday      mornings(Spanish).
                                                                                                    Cruz 858-705-3921   9am
    COVID-19 has greatly impacted our Liturgical Ministries. If you feel called to share your time
                                 vo                                     Church paving
              and talents at Mass,ritplease don’t hesitate to join a Liturgical Ministry!
 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 5, 2021                                                        Page 6
       The Search: This fall we are embarking on a series seeking the answers to life’s biggest questions!
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 - Parishes ...
September 11, 2021                           Women’s Ministry is
                              Isaac Bell will toll in memory of all
                                  those victims of 9/11 at:                         hosting a
                           5:46am, 6:03am, 6:37am, 6:59am,
    Carma White, the Bertran Family & Four
                               7:03am, 7:28am & 12 noon
                                                                            Sarah Hart Luncheon Program
    Seasons Flowers for the beautiful Easter
                environment Feel free to join us in the courtyard.            for all women of the parish
     Our Altar Servers, Lectors, Extraordinary                                 Saturday, September 11
      Ministers of Communion, & Ushers for COMING TO OUR PARISH
              your liturgicalISAAC
                               ministryBELL WILL TOLL IN MEMORY OF                  11am – 1:30pm, Msgr. Dollen Hall
                                                  You are invited to enter
      Our Music Ministry, especially: Susan
                                          ALL THOSE     VICTIMS                   Theme: “The Three Loves” Faith, Love
    Redlinger, Hillary Gaddis, Peter Kemper,         into this process of
                                                                                                 and Strength
   Cassidy MacIsaac, & Chrissy & Tim Hortontransformation. Become
                for your gift of song              a disciple for the New                          Cost: $15
  Our RCIA team, especially: Father Michael, Evangelization!                     Deadline to register: 9/5 (no walk-ins)
   Father Pat, Mary Romag, Laury MarkSweetnam,
                                        your calendars: Small Group                               Register at
  Mark     your  calendars:     Small
    & Debbie Mammen forFaith-Sharing    Group
                               working together  Faith-Sharing  begins  in
                                                begins in October! Sign-               www.saintgabrielschurch.com
         to pray Sign-up     weekend
                  for and prepare        is September 11/12. All are
                                    our RCIA
                               up weekend is September         11/12.
                                                   Mark your calendars: All
     welcome      to encounter
            candidates              Christ, reawaken your faith, and
                         & catechumens
                                  are welcome to Smallencounter Christ,
   Our Staff & Facilities
                    embark for countless hours ofoutreach.Group Faith-
                               on missionary
                      hard work reawaken your faith,      and embark
                                                      Sharing          on
                                                               begins in
    All of our clergy who dedicates theirmissionary    outreach.Sign-up
                                             time October!
     to bringing the blessings of the Mass to weekend is September
             each and every one of us.
                                                  11/12. All are welcome
    Our entire parish family for bringing the
    “I am
  light     excited
         of Christ     about
                      us   us the   Be My
                               in prayer
                         through   your    inWitnesstoprogram
                                               the Church:
                                        presence!                  Christ,
                                                                 taking place at St. Gabriel’s because I believe our greatest
   strength as a parish is that we are truly family.your
                                                      Onefaith, andthings family does is to know one another. Our
                                                           of the
                           Join us
                     Mondays       in prayer in the Church:
                                at 8:30amembark
  small faith groups will help all of us know     on other
                                               each   missionary
                                                             better and to form a stronger family!” - Debbie Hibbs
              Tuesdays at 5:15pm for the unborn outreach.
                                 Mondays at 8:30am
                   Wednesdays at 8:30am                                              Join us for Mass at 5pm.
                         Tuesdays at 5:15pm for the unborn
                     Thursdays at 9:00am                                    Food will be available for purchase from
                               Wednesdays at 8:30am
                     Thursdays at 5:15pm                                                      6-7pm.
                                 Thursdays at 9:00am
  Mark your calendars: Small Group Faith-Sharing begins in October! Sign-up weekend is September 11/12.
                                 Thursdays at 5:15pm
        All are welcome
                  Thursdayto encounter
                                         Join    in prayer your
                                                             in thefaith, and embark on missionary
                                                                          new socks
                              Thursday mornings  Church:
                                                      9am                 peanut butter           jelly
                         Church paving Mondays at 8:30am     water bottles             toothbrushes/toothpaste,
                                                             wipes                     deodorant
                           Church   paving
                                Tuesdays  at 5:15pm for      lotion                    sunscreen
                                  Jointhe  unborn
                                       us in                 miraculous medals
                                             prayer in the Church:                     rosaries
                                Wednesdays at 8:30am         crucifixes                prayer cards
                                        Mondays at 8:30am notes offering prayer
                                 Thursdays at 9:00am
                                Tuesdays  at 5:15pm for the unborn
                                                             new/gently used blankets & sleeping bags
                                 Thursdays at
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – September     5,5:15pm
                                                2021                                                   Page 7
                                      Wednesdays at 8:30amindividually packaged granola bars
                                                             individually packaged trail mix
                                            Thursday       at 9:00am
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 - Parishes ...
            Sunday Collection
                                                                                                                     23rd Sunday in
     Collection                 Amount               Contributing                                                    Ordinary Time
    8/28 & 8/29                 Received             Households                                                      archstl.org

 Plate/Loose Cash            $1,245.51             Unknown
 Envelopes/Checks            $8,653.00             152                       “Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to be
 Online Giving               $13,564.50            170                       rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he promised to
                                                                             those who love him?” JAMES 2:5
                                                                                                                       to gain the whole
 Weekly Total                $23,463.01            322                                                                 world and forfeit
                                                                             What is more important – being rich in faith or rich in
Thank you so much for your generous support of our parish!                                                             his
                                                                             possessions? Society tells us that possessions are most
                                                                                       important. God teaches a different      (Matthew
No gift is too small. There are many ways to give including:                                                           16:26)
    • Online Giving                                                                    we are rich in faith, we keep God first and
                  Thank -you
                          through   ourgenerosity!
                              for your  website, click Donate
                                                                                       experience true joy and peace. When we put
    • Text to Give - text the amount to 858-771-2284
    • Cash or Check Envelopes – bring to Mass or pick                                                                  St. we
                                                                                       possessions first, we soon realize  Francis
                                                                                                                               can of
          up an envelope in the back of church or mail your                                     never have enough and  Assisi onceissaid,
          donation to the Parish Office                                                         fleeting. When we put“Remember,
                                                                                                                         faith over you
                                                                                                possessions we truly realize it is better to
                                                                                                                       are what you are in
                                                                                                          give than receive.
                                                                                                                    the eyes of God,
         4.9% to
                   20 years  financed
                       our operating   through$27,000
                                                                                                                    and nothing else.”
National Knights   of Col,
                 Thank  youNew   Haven,
                             for your    CT.
                                                               The National Conference of Bishops in the US has We  calledoften
                                                                                                                            for a forget
No gift is too small. Your ongoing generosity                                                        our lives?     this  stewardship
                                                             collection to respond to the humanitarian and significant church recovery
during these difficult times is appreciatedneeds             and due to the recent earthquake in Haiti. Envelopes   wisdom when we
                                                                                                                       are available in the
 Contact us the
             give   backOffice
                 Parish     to those      in need
                                    to receive      in our
                                                 weekly  envelopes.
                                                            back of the church, please note “Haiti fund” on the envelope.
                                                                                                                    all of ourYou   can also
community!                                                 donate online to    gain the whole world and forfeit
                                                                            at www.saintgabrielschurch.com.     Choosehis
                                                                                                                    talent,  andastreasure
                                                                                                                                    the fund.
Your continued generosity toward our Building Fund will                    life?”  (Matthew    16:26)
 AmountallowBudgeted:     $26,000/week
                 us to continue              for the
                                  to pay off our            Everyone is encouraged to join the Church in being ato
                                                                                                                     visible  more of to the
                                                                                                                    world’s    riches.
                                                                healing presence of Jesus alive in the world through this collection.    We
 and ministry of the Everyparish
                             dollar counts!
                                                                           St. Francis of Assisi once said, “Remember,
                     Envelope      Donations                                                                        need to setyou  our
                 Thank you for your generosity!                            are  what  you  are in the eyes   of  God,   and nothing
You may still give using your regular Sunday                                                                        priorities   based on
Thanks      by bringing
        to your             it to Mass.
                 generous giving            You can
                                   to the Building    also
                                                   Fund andmail
                                                            the            else.”                                   God’s values and
2018  Annual  Catholic  Appeal   refund  we have made
your gift to our Parish Office at 13734 Twin Peaks     an
additional principal payment of $100,000 this month. This
Road, Poway, CA 92064.
debt reduction will be reflected in the March bulletin. Thank
                                                                                often  forget this stewardship     wisdom      when we
                                                                                                                    not the values
                                                                                                                    the material world.

                                                                           all of our time, talent, and treasure to gain more of
you for your
           Arecontinued  support
               you an adult       of St.who
                            ages 18+     Gabriel’s!
No gift is too small. Your ongoing generosity during these
 • has never been baptized and wishes to
                                                                                world’s riches. We  For
                                                                                                      needthetorepose     of the soul of
                                                                                                                 set our priorities
                                                                                       Luna Martinez
                                                                           based on God’s     valuesVillalpando
                                                                                                      and not the values of the
difficult times is appreciated and helps us give back to
      become Catholic                                                      material world.                    Sarah Collette
 • hasin need
       been     in our
            baptized      community!
                     in another faith tradition
Don’t and
                                                                Monday, September 6                 8/12/21
      forget       to become
             St. Gabriel’s     Catholic
                            when  you are planning your end of the

the   has been   baptized
            collection      Catholic
                       or the        butfund
                              building    hasare
                                              nottax deductible.]6:30-8pm in Spanish
year giving for 2018! As a non-profit organization, gifts to either
 • general                                                                               May the choirs of angels come to
      received one or more sacraments and wishes                                Monday, August   23may they speed you to
                                                                                         greet you,
      to do so
 •    is interested in discerning and learning more
                                                                Monday, September  13     in Spanish
                                                                                          paradise. May the Lord enfold
      about the Catholic faith?                                       7-8pm in English        you, in His mercy, may you find
                    RCIA is for you!
                                                                                     Monday, August 30
                                                                                                                  eternal life.
          Visit www.stgabrielspoway.org/rcia                                             7-8pm in English
                         Text to Give
23rd Sunday
You          in Ordinary
         for more
     can donate   information. Time – September 5, 2021
                     via text message by                                                                                           Page 8
texting the donation amount to:
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 - Parishes ...
 Religious Education Office                        Phone: 858-748-7475                     Email: reled@saintgabrielschurch.com

 Registration is
 Registration is now
                 now closed
                     closed for
                            for 2021-2022
                                2021-2022                                         La inscripción está cerrada para 2021-2022
 IfIf you
      you missed
          missed this
                    this year,
                         year, we
                               we will
                                    will have
                                         have registration
                                                registration for
                                                              for next
                                                                   next year      Si te perdiste
                                                                         year starting  in Marcheste año, tendremos inscripciones para el próximo año a
 Almost all     classes2022.
                         are full.Almost
                                    We still                                      partir
                                                                                      onde  marzo deat2022.  Casi todas las clases están llenas. Todavía
                                          all have room
                                                      are for
                                                           full.6 We
 starting    in March                         classes               andstill
                                                                             graders      Thursdays     3:30pm.    Contact   the Religious   Education
 Officeforif you  want7more    information.                                       tenemos espacio para los alumnos de 6º y 7º grado los jueves a las
 room         6th and    th
                            graders  on Thursdays at 3:30pm. Contact
                                                                                  3:30pm. Póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa si
 the Religious Education Office if you want more information.
                                                                            desea más información.
 Classes begin October 5, 6, & 7
 Classes begin October 5, 6, & 7                                     Las clases    comienzan     el 5,in6 the
                                                                                                          y 7Msgr.
                                                                                                              de octubre
 Parents, please watch your email for important information regarding      in-person   classes. Meet                 Dollen Hall on the
 Parents, please watch your email for important information          Padres,  por favor miren su correo electrónico para información
 first day. After children are dismissed to their class, parents need to stay for an important informational meeting.
 regarding in-person classes. Meet in the Msgr. Dollen Hall on importante sobre las clases en persona. Reúnanse en el Salón
 the first day. After children are dismissed to their class, parents Monseñor Dollen el primer día. Después de que los niños sean
 need to stay for an important informational meeting.                despedidos a su clase, los padres necesitan quedarse para una
                                                                            importante reunión informativa.
 Catechist Meetings:
 Catechist Meetings are scheduled in room C6 as follows:              Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del
 Upcoming Dates
 Kindergarten,                   Sacrament 1: Tuesday, September 7 at traductor
                  1 Gradeto& Remember
                                                                      5pm       www.DeepL.com/Translator
 April 1: Holy 2 & 2Thursday
                          Grade: Tuesday, September 14 at 5pm April 19-23: Classes Resume
                        th th th
 Middle School (6 , 7 , 8 ): Thursday, September 16 at 3:30pm
 April  2: GoodDates
 Upcoming             Fridayto Remember
 3rd, 4th, 5th: Tuesday,    September 21 at 5pm
 April 1:
 April 4: Holy
 Aide   Meeting
 April 12-16:   Spring Classes
                       Break - NO CLASSES
          April 19-23:         Resume
 All aides should attend an orientation meeting on Tuesday, September           Dates
                                                                        28 at 5pm       to C6.
                                                                                  in room  Remember
 April  2: Good  Friday
 If you are unable to attend your meeting time, please email Melinda at reled@saintgabrielschurch.com.
                                                                 April 1: Holy Thursday
 April 4: Easter Sunday
                                                                          April 19-23: Classes Resume
 April 12-16: Spring Break - NO CLASSES
 We are still in need of aides at all sessions. Classes            start
                                                                 April     October
                                                                        2: Good       5. Give Melinda a call at 858-
                               HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY
 748-7475 or email reled@saintgabrielschurch.com                    to 4:
                                                                 April  join  thisSunday
                                                                           Easter  important and rewarding
 We truly appreciate our St. Gabriel Knights of Columbus for their donation fo children’s Bibles for the home
 ministry.                                                       April 12-16: Spring Break - NO CLASSES
Youth    families
      Minister:       and
                Kierstin    some
                         Rowell,    of our classrooms.
Youth Group every Monday, 7-8:30pm in C1 (no Youth
Group     appreciate
       on Labor        our St.
                  Day:         Gabriel
                                  6). Knights
                       September               of Please remember to arrive a little early to get your
                                       this week.
Life         for their
     Nights return  ondonation  fo children’s
                       Sunday, October
  COVID screen before class starts.           Bibles for
                                         3! Register soon!
Grupo  home  Supply
        de Jóvenes
                         Drive   a Success
                              los lunes,and  someenofC1our
                                         7-8:30pm          (no hay
  Thank  you  to all the wonderful  parishioners who   donated         We trulyforappreciate
                                                                school supplies                our St.
                                                                                   our classrooms!  OurGabriel
                                                                                                                 will now of
                                                                                                                          be able
Grupo de Jóvenes en el Día del Trabajo: 6 de septiembre).
¡Las     Porter’s
      Nocheswrite,    2 regresan
               de Vida
                          glue      class
                                    our     will3write
                                      domingo    start  November
                                                       on              Columbus for their donation fo children’s Bibles for
                                                          the whiteboards!
                                                  de octubre!
¡Inscríbete pronto!                                                  the home school families and some of our
Visit               classes continue this week. Please
         website: www.stgabrielspoway.org/youth-ministry        for classrooms.
Registration     to arrive aandlittle
             for 2021-2022        for aearly
                                        link to to
                                                ourget your
                                                   wishlist of items
for making our youth room awesome!
            begin before
                     Octoberclass6. Youstarts.
                                            must have already The in-person classes continue this week. Please
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 5, 2021                                                  Page 9
 Upcoming to
 registered   Dates       of this group. We will followremember to arrive a little early to get your
                      to Remember
                 be part
 April Porter’s
       1:        2ndregulations
                      grade classpublished
          Holy Thursday
 the “COHORT”                     will start NovemberAprilCOVID
                                             by the state. 19-23:screen
                                                                  Classes before
                                                                          Resumeclass starts.
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 - Parishes ...
Quality Auto Body Repair & Painting                Contact Kathryn Dickens to place
 Jim & Debbie Faaborg - Parishioners               an ad today! kdickens@4LPi.com
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     Contact Kathryn Dickens to place
     an ad today! kdickens@4LPi.com
         or (800) 950-9952 x5809

                      Midland Rd.

 John L. Augustine, D.V.M.
 Norman K. Switzer, D.V.M.

                                      For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com                        St. Gabriel Catholic Church, Poway, CA                      A 4C 05-1124
St. Gabriel Catholic Church
            Office Directory                                         Parish Ministries
Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:30am – 5pm         Altar Servers – Melinda Casteloes…………..486-4497
        858-748-5348 - www.saintgabrielschurch.com         Be My Witness – Fr. Pat Murphy……………748-5348
        Email: office@saintgabrielschurch.com              Bereavement Support – Madeline Lorentz......578-6109
                                                           Children’s Liturgy – Joy Salvatori.…….........748-5348
Pastor………….Very Reverend Michael Froidurot                 Coping w/ Cancer – Lorraine Baumann……..486-2841
Senior Associate……….Reverend Patrick Murphy                Finance Council – Bill Engelbrecht…..…619-997-4583
Deacon Ricardo Elizondo……..…..858-335-7262                 Funeral Coordinator – Debbie Mammen…….229-8289
                                                           Hispanic Ministry……………………………748-5348
                                                           Knights of Columbus – Alberto Aldrete….....722-5817
Office Staff                                               Lectors – Rich Shea………………….....760-504-3244
Dora Stepanian-Torres…............................….x207   Ministers of Communion – Dcn. Ricardo...…335-7262
Laury Sweetnam………....……….………….x200                         Ministers of the Sick ……………..…………748-5348
Business Manager                                           Pro-Life Ministry – Jim McBride....………...204-9933
Mary Romag…………..……………………..x203                             RCIA – Fr. Michael Froidurot.…...................748-5348
        dre@saintgabrielschurch.com                        Re-Engaged – Anne Skalsky………..…..858-212-4863
                                                                            or Amy Woods……...…619-933-6459
Facilities Manager                                         Rosary Makers – Brian Faraci……...…..619-847-3717
“Pugs” Clarence Walters                                    Scrip Sales – Shaila Schaible…………...619-840-4245
Reception Hall Manager                                                      or Kathy Saville…………....335-2990
                                                           Sunday Café – Jan Garon……………..……..748-5348
Nelly Vivas-Cruz……………………….……x208
        nelly@saintgabrielschurch.com                      SVDP………………………………………..748-5348
                                                           Ushers – Dean Woods……..……………310-347-6453
Director of Religious Education                            Women’s Ministry – Debbie Hibbs…………442-7612
Melinda Casteloes………….……….………..x206                        Young Adults – Kierstin Rowell……….748-5348x202
Assistant Director of Religious Education
Ashely Ibarra………….…………….………..x204
Youth Minister
Kierstin Rowell…..…...……….……858-435-0752
        youth@saintgabrielschurch.com                      Anointing of the Sick: Contact the Parish Office.
Director of Weddings                                       Baptism: Parents should be registered &
Laury Sweetnam…………………....……..…x200                               attending for 6 months, class is required.
        weddings@saintgabrielschurch.com                         Contact the Parish Office for more info.
Choir Director                                             Confirmation: Contact Kiersten Rowell at the
Susan Redlinger……………….…...619-631-8360                           High School Youth Ministry Office
                                                           First Holy Communion: Contact the
                                                                  Office of Religious Education
St. Gabriel Gift Shop           858-748-5348x210
Hours: By Appointment Only, call to make an appointment    Marriage: Advance notice of at least nine
       giftshop@saintgabrielschurch.com                          months and prep. classes required, contact
                                                                 the Parish Office
To report suspected   Environment
                    sexual misconduct visit                Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:45-4:45pm in the
safeinourdiocese.org.                                            RCIA room
To report suspected sexual misconduct visit
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