OHCE CREED - OSU Extension

Page created by Amy Stevenson
OHCE CREED - OSU Extension

We believe the family should come first in the life of the individual,
the community, and the nation. We will build our homes on love and
mutual respect. We shall endeavor to discover the potential in our
children and our neighbor’s children and to help them develop their
personalities in such a manner that they make a worthwhile
contribution to life.

We shall maintain high standards in our homes through research
and education to promote better use of our environment and better
living conditions for all.

We shall encourage a faith in a God of love who is forever revealed
through natural laws and human personalities.

We shall have faith that strong leaders shall go forth from our homes
and communities, carrying with them throughout the universe the
ideals that we have proclaimed.

District Extension Director……………….………………….………………….….….…..…..Nancy Johnson
District 4-H Specialist……………………………………….…………….….…………………..……....…Vacant
District FCS Program Spec………………………………..…………………….….….…….......Brenda Miller

President……………………………...……….………….………………..…..…………...…..….....Leslye Owen
District Representative…………………………………….……….……………..….……...….Mildred Taylor
State Treasurer………………………………………………….………..…………..................Karen Pospisil
Assoc Dean & Asst Dir, OCES-FCS...................................................................Dr. Jorge Atiles
Assoc. Dean-College of Human Environmental Sciences…………....…...Dr. Shiretta Ownbey
Food Specialist……………………………………………………….............................Dr. Barbara Brown
Research Professor and Family Science State Specialist……………………Dr. Ronald Cox, Jr.
Family Resource Management State Specialist…………………….………………...Cindy Clampet
Older Adult Nutrition Specialist……………….……….…………………….......….Dr. Janice Hermann
Resource Management………………………….………..……………………...…..…..…Dr. Sissy Osteen
Housing and Consumer Specialist..………………………………….……..……..…..……Dr. Gina Peek
CNEP (Community Nutrition Educ. Program) Coordinator……………….……..Candance Gabel
Co-Parenting Project Coordinator………………………………………….…..…….………….Katey Masri

 Creek County OSU Extension
 17806 W. Hwy. 66
 Kellyville, OK 74039
 Phone: (918) 224-2192
 Fax: (918) 227-6329
 Web Site: http://oces.okstate.edu/creek

Family & Consumer Sciences and OHCE Advisor/CED ………………...…..…….Nancy D. Self
Agriculture ………….............................………….…………………………….........…...Olivia Toothman
4-H & Youth Development..…………………………………….………………..…....…………....Randi Hill
4-H Program Assistant…………………………………………….…….……....…...Stephanie McDougal
EFNEP (Expanded Food & Nutrition Asst.)…………...………….….……….……..….....Marie Gibbs
Extension Secretary…………………………………………………………....……...…..…………..Tina Trout


1928-29 Mrs. E.C. Bartlett …………………………………………………….………….…….…….…..Mannford
1930-31 Mrs. Leo Bowers ………………………………………….………..….…….....….…………….. Bristow
1932-32 Mrs. W. C. Wallace ……………………………………….………..……..........………………...Bristow
1933-35 Mrs. Bert Hinton ………………………………………….…….…………..……...…..………Mannford
1936-37 Mrs. John S. Groom……………………………………….…………….....…..…………...……….. Slick
1938-39 Mrs. Lester Johnston …………………………………………………….…..……….……….….Bristow
1940-41 Mrs. Anna Phillips ………………………………………………………..…....………….……Drumright
1942-43 Mrs. B.E. Spears …………………………………………..…………..……..…………..…....Mannford
1944-45 Mrs. H. P. Fisher…………………………………………….………….……...………….………….…Slick
1946-47 Mrs. L. F. Blosch …………………………………………..……….………..……..………..…....Bristow
1948-49 Mrs. John Groom………..……………………………………….………………..…..…………….... Slick
1950-51 Mrs. J.E. Dykes……………………………………………...…….………..………..…….……... Bristow
1951-52 Mrs. B. G. Rose………………….…………………………….………………………..………….. Bristow
1953-54 Mrs. Jack Kiggins …………………………………………...…………………...….…………...Sapulpa
1955-56 Mrs. W. O. Whiteford ……………………………………..…………………….………….…….Bowden
1957-58 Mrs. H. J. Beckham……………….……………………….………….……………………….…..…..Olive
1959-60 Mrs. J. A. Nelson …………………………………………………….……………….…....……….Bristow
1961-62 Mrs. W. V. McFarlin ……………………………………….……...……………….……..………Sapulpa
1963-64 Mrs. Lonnie McPeak ...…………………………………..………….…………………….…….……Olive
1964-66 Mrs. Clarence Vaughan ……………….………………..………..……….……….…….……Peg-Away
1967-68 Mrs. Tom Gish ……………………………….……………..………………...….…..……….While Away
1968-70 Mrs. B.E.Beal …………………………………………..……….………………………….……….…...Olive
1970-72 Mrs. R. L. Carpenter ……………………………….……..….…………………………..…….Lone Star
1972-74 Mrs. Emerson Burke……………………………….……..………………………..…….….…..Sapulpa
1974-76 Mrs. Lyle Perryman ……………….………………….……………………………………….…..…..Olive
1976-78 Mrs. Carroll Long ………………………….………………………………………….……..…….Tibbens
1978-80 Mrs. Ellen Crenshaw …………………….…………………………………….…………..…….Tibbens
1980-82 Mrs. Lillie Ivy ……………………………….………………..………………………….………Farmerette
1982-84 Mrs. Johnnie Burgess ………………….………………..………………….…..…….………Lone Star
1984-86 Mrs. Nell Kelley ………………..………….……………….……………………..………...………Sooner
1986-88 Mrs. Marian Rushing ………………….……………………….………………..………………….Kiefer
1988-91 Mrs. Era Mae Ashton ………………….……………………….…..……………..……………Kellyville
1991-92 Mrs. Fern Patterson …………….……….…………………………………..…..………...While Away
1993-94 Mrs. Diane Gardner …………………….………………..………….…………..……………...Sapulpa
1995-96 Mrs. Cleo Gish ………..………………….………………………………………..…………..While Away
1997-00 Mrs. Janice Brunk …………………….…………………....………………..…………………..Sapulpa
2001-02 Mrs. Freddie Lortz …………………………………………………………..……………….While Away
2003-04 Mrs. Barbara Weaver ………………..………….………………………….…….....…….While Away
2005-06 Mrs. Joy Van Landingham……………………………..……….………......…..….PatchworkPals
2006-07 Mrs. Joy Van Landingham …………………………….……….………………………………Tibbens
2008-10 Mrs. Janice Fulton ………………………………………………….………….….……..….While Away
2010 Mrs. Cheryl McCoy ………………………………………...………………………….…………..…Kiefer
2011 Mrs. Vyone Kimball ………………………………………..……….…………………………....Sapulpa
2012-13 Mrs. Marty Hausner ………………………………………………….…………………….….…Sapulpa
2014-15 Mrs. Barbara Weaver……………………………………………..….…………………...…While Away
2016-19 Mrs. Connie Wilson………………………………………..…………….……………..…………….Kiefer
2020- Mrs. Margie Juby…………………………………………………………………………………..Kellyville

OHCE Programs

Norma M. Brumbaugh Award – Oklahoma Home and Community Education administers the
Miss Norma M. Brumbaugh Scholarship by sponsoring three $500 scholarships to
Oklahoma Extension Educators. Recipients may apply for the second consecutive year. A
person who has received the award for two years must wait five years after the second
award to apply again. Purpose: To provide a program and funds for aiding County Extension
Educators to obtain advanced professional training that will better equip them for continued
service to Oklahoma families.

OHCE State Student Scholarship – OHCE offers one $1,000 scholarship, annually to a
student enrolled in OSU with the following requirements: 1) The student must be full time
status with a sophomore or above classification; 2) Must be a Human Environmental
Sciences or Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources student; 3) Must be either a child
or grandchild of a current OHCE member or a former 4-H member. The scholarship shall be
administered by the 4-H Foundation.

Pennies for Friendship – OHCE is a member of the Associated Country Women of the World
(ACWW). “Pennies for friendship” was established by the ACWW with the thought that if
members’ world-wide would give one penny per year to the organization, a central office
would be established to support a secretary. Through the years ACWW has grown providing
office maintenance, two newspapers, E-mail, communications, United Nations links,
networking, and a number of other educational projects for the betterment of women and
children in the world. All OHCE members’ pennies collected each year are used to help with
those expenses. Money is sent directly to the ACWW.

Country Women’s Council / USA Projects – WATER FOR ALL is a project in which OHCE
members will be raising funds for and contributing to our affiliate, Associated Country
Women of the World, who will dig water wells in third world countries in order to provide
fresh drinking water and better sanitation for thousands of people.


 Article I - Name
 The name of the organization shall be Oklahoma Home and Community Education,
Creek County, Incorporated.

 Article II-Object
 The object of this organization shall be to promote the mission of OHCE to strengthen
individuals, families and communities through education, leadership development and
action, in cooperation with the affiliated Creek county local groups.

 Article III-Membership
Section 1 The membership of the Creek County Oklahoma Home and Community
Education, Incorporated shall consist of all county organizations for Home and Community
Education whose membership support and advance its objectives and whose bylaws do not
conflict with those of the parent organization. The Oklahoma Home and Community
Education, Incorporated does not discriminate by gender, race, color, age, disability, religion,
national origin, economical circumstance or status as a veteran in any policies, practices of

Section 2 Classification
 A. Active member shall be an individual who belongs to OHCE local group affiliate
 and shall pay dues to the state organization.

Section 3 Dues
 A. The dues of Creek County OHCE shall be $2 in addition to the OHCE state dues
 B. Dues for the next calendar year are due to the State Treasurer by Nov. 1.
 C. The OHCE calendar year shall be Jan. 1 through Dec. 31.

Article V-Officers
Section 1 Officers. The elective officers of the organization shall be president, vice
 president, secretary, and treasurer. The president and treasurer will be
 elected in odd years, and the vice-president and secretary will be elected in
 even numbered years. No officer may serve more than two consecutive
 terms, a term being two years.

 Election of officers will take place at the Fall Council prior to January 1 of the
 year they will be serving. The outgoing president shall appoint a nominating
 committee of three members. This shall not exclude nominations from the

 The president shall appoint a reporter, sunshine Girl and devotional leader.
 They shall not serve more than two consecutive terms, a term being two years.

 The outgoing president shall be appointed as Parliamentarian for not more
 than two terms, a term being two years.

Section 2 Eligibility. The officers of the county organization shall be members of the
 organization and shall represent different areas of the county with no more
 than two elected officers per club serving in any one year. The nominating
 committee may select a candidate for president from any group in the county
 except the group of the current president. No officer shall be eligible to the
 same office for more than two consecutive terms. All Executive officers of the
 county organization must have served as an officer in his/her local group in
 the capacity to which he/she is elected.

 Article VI-Executive Committee
Section 1 The Executive Committee shall be composed of the elective officers of the
 county organization, the local group president and secretary and the county
 Extension Educator. The Executive Officers are the President, Vice-President,
 Secretary, Treasurer and parliamentarian.

Section 2 The Executive Committee shall have supervision over all the affairs of the
 county organization during the interim meetings of the county organization
 and shall keep a full and complete record of all its proceedings.

Section 3 The Executive committee shall meet at the call of the President of the county
 organization or the county Extension Educator.

Article VII-Meetings
Section 1 Regular Meetings. The county organization shall hold at least four regular
 meeting during the year.
Section 2 Special Meetings. The president of the county organization or the County
 Extension Educator with the approval of the Executive Committee may call
 special meetings of the county organization.

 Article VIII-Representation
Section 1 Voting Body. The voting body of the county organization shall consist of the
 president and secretary of each group or their alternates, and the executive
 officers of the county organization.

Section 2 Oklahoma Home and Community Education. The official county delegates to
 the state organization for Oklahoma Home and Community Education annual
 meeting shall be the county organization President and Secretary, with the
 Vice-President and Treasurer as first and second alternates. In the event no
 organization officer can attend, the county President shall select delegates to
 attend. The county organization will pay for the organization officer’s
 expenses up to $120 each.

Section 3 Award winners. The Outstanding County Member, Outstanding Rookie
 Member, Young Homemaker Member and Heart of OHCE Member will serve
 as representatives of the county organization at the Northeast District OHCE
 Meeting. Their expenses: i.e. luncheon ticket and gas (up to $30) will be paid
 by the county organization. In the event that one or all of our representatives
 are selected as the Northeast District Organization delegate, the county
 organization will pay their expenses to the state meeting (up to $100) and buy
 them corsages.

 The county organization will provide plaques (or an equal gift) for the above
 county winners if they are a District Winner.

Oklahoma Home & Community Education
 Creek County Bylaws

 Article 1 – Duties
Section 1 The President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the county
 organization and Executive Committee. He/she shall appoint, subject to the
 approval of the Executive Committee, such standing and other special
 committees as may be necessary. He/she shall perform such other duties as
 usually pertain to the office of President. The President is encouraged to
 attend a meeting of each group at least once in he/her two years in office.

Section 2 The Vice-President. The Vice-President shall be chairman of the Program
 Committee. In the absence of the President, she/he shall preside at all
 meetings of the organization and the Executive Committee. In case of
 vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall assume the title
 and duties of the President.

Section 3 The Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the county
 organization and Executive Committee. He/she shall be custodian of all
 official papers and records. She/he shall keep a correct list of the officers
 and members of the county organization Executive Committee, standing and
 special committees. The Secretary shall provide the county and group
 presidents with a copy of the minutes from any organization and Executive
 Committee meetings as soon as possible following the meetings.

Section 4 The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect all monies belonging to the county
 organization and shall disburse such funds upon the order of the county
 organization or Executive Committee. He/she shall make a report of the
 income and expenditures of the organization at each meeting of the county
 organization, and Executive Committee.

Section 5 The Reporter. The Reporter, in cooperation with the Extension Educator, shall
 report to county newspapers and other publications, the activities of the
 county organization. He/she shall cooperate with the local group reporters in
 planning countywide publicity activities.

Section 7 The Extension Educator. The Extension Educator shall report upon the
 progress of the county organization at each regular meeting of the county

Article II-Monies
Section 1 Executive Officers & Sunshine Girl Expenses. The county organization will
 reimburse the Executive officers and Sunshine Girl up to $20 per year for
 expenses (i.e. long distance phone calls, stamps, cards, etc.) incurred while in

Section 2 Committee Expenses. The county organization will allow each committee up
 to $50 for expenses.

Section 3 Organization Scholarship. The awarding of the organization scholarships will
 be based on criteria established by the Education Committee and approved by
 the voting delegates at a county organization meeting. The scholarships will
 be $500. Each group is encouraged to contribute $15 to the scholarship
 funds. To be eligible for the organization scholarships, the applicant must be
 a resident of Creek County. One scholarship will be awarded to a graduating
 senior. The second scholarship will be awarded to an adult going back to
 school, or another graduating high school senior, or to a student of higher
 education who is close to graduating.

 Article III-Quorum

Section 1 A quorum at any meeting of the county organization shall consist of two-thirds
 of the accredited voting delegates.

Section 2 A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum at any

 Article IV-Amendment of Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution of this organization the assets of the organization would be
transferred or distributed exclusively to another similar organization as to the purpose or
purposes having an Internal Revenue Service determination or ruling Exemption from
Federal Income Tax under section 501 C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or
comparable provisions of Federal Statutes then in effect.

The Ada Duncan
 Memorial Scholarship

 A member of the Kiefer Club, Ada Duncan was a fifty-year member in OHCE.
 She was very active until the last few months of her life. She was on the
scholarship committee and was very active for several years. Ada believed that
 it was important to provide scholarships based on need, and criteria to Creek
 County residents. Ada felt the need for education for both graduating high
school seniors and returning adults to higher education. Being very involved in
 the Creek County OHCE Scholarship Quilt Show, she would work tirelessly to
make it a success. She could be seen at various events selling quilt show raffle
tickets for the scholarships. She was adamant that she get a color copy of the
 quilt to show people what she was selling. You might have seen her at the
 Creek County Fair selling the tickets next to the raffle quilt. She was always
 proclaiming the value and excellence of OHCE and the
 Creek County Quilt Show.


 Preside at all meetings.
 Start meeting promptly at appointed time.
 Have carefully prepared agenda.
 Keep order throughout the meeting.
 Conduct meetings according to good parliamentary procedure.
 Decide a tie vote.
 Remember that the president is the presiding officer and does not take part in debate
 on questions.
 See that all members are notified of any change in regular meeting place.
 Appoint Project Leaders and all necessary committees.
 See that officers & committees are performing duties.
 Call special meetings.
 Attend Executive Board Meetings
 Attend Officers Training.
 Attend district meetings.

 Perform the duties of the President in case of absence.
 Take charge of program portion of meeting.
 Appoint leaders to attend Leader Training meetings.
 See that leader is notified of time and place of leader training meetings.
 Attend Officer Training meeting.
 Attend county program planning meeting.
 Act as leader in case of absence or disability of the


 Keep accurate minutes of all group meetings.
 Attend to all correspondence.
 Send required monthly, yearly, and other reports to Extension Educator FCS office at
 specified times.
 Attend Executive Board meetings.
 Attend Officer Training meeting.


 Keep record of all monies received and disbursed.
 Make an in-depth report of all monies received and disbursed at each group meeting.


 To send news releases to the local and county newspapers and other publications
 reporting the accomplishments of the group and its individuals.


 Attend Leader Meetings. Plan & prepare presentation
 and make lesson less than 20 minutes.
 Notify Vice-President if it is impossible for you to attend the Leader Meeting or be at
 regular group meeting.
 Pick up lesson from extension office.
 Give the lesson to the local members.


 Meet with committee and set goals.
 Carry out goals.
 Communicate with the group so everyone works together.
 Report what has been done in local group meetings and in county reports.


 Attend regularly.
 Be on time.
 Be attentive and courteous to presiding officer and program leaders by refraining from
 visiting while business meeting and program are carried on.
 Accept responsibility when called upon.
 Observe good parliamentary procedure.
 Do not let your duties as hostess keep you from attending the meeting.


 Always address the chair (President) and gain recognition before speaking.
 To make a motion the member should say – “I move that …….” not “I make a motion…..”
 Every motion must have a second. (Members need not stand to second a motion).
 Motion should always be restated by President.
 There should be no discussion on a question until motion is before the house.
 A motion should always be voted on.
 Stand when making a report or a motion, be seated during the discussion.
 The President stands whenever he/she addresses the house but may sit during the
 lengthy discussion.
 The Secretary stands to read the minutes but may sit while they are being discussed.
 She may check the roll rather than call the roll.
 Members should not talk to others during the business session or when the leaders are
 giving the demonstration.

Set-up – Set up must be completed at least 30 minutes before the council.
The assigned club needs to:
Set up tables and chairs.
Put paper on the tables.
Set up Head Table including: Podium, Audio-Visual equipment, and Flag.
Set out agendas and sign-in sheet.
Have at least one member sit at the registration table to welcome everyone
to the meeting and to make sure everyone signs in. Distribute nametags for
everyone to wear.

Kitchen – The assigned club needs to: Check out cabinet key from Extension
Office and check ahead of time to make sure you have the supplies you
need. (Plates, napkins, utensils, tea, coffee, condiments, etc.)
Make tea and coffee.
Set out the plates, napkins, and utensils.
Arrive at least 30 minutes early to take food as members arrive.
Wash the utensils following the meal.
Return supplies to the OHCE cabinets and return cabinet key to the Extension

Clean Up – Everyone in attendance should help:
Remove table paper.
Stack chairs.
Fold and put away tables.
Throw away trash.

 Setup & Registration Kitchen
 Spring Meeting Timberlake Kiefer
 Summer Meeting While Away Lone Star
 Fall Meeting Busy Bees Kellyville
 Winter Meeting Sapulpa Tibbens

 President…………………..…………….……………..……... Margie Juby
 21755 W 221st St So, Kellyville, 74039, 918-671-5543

 Vice-President…………………………..…..…………..………Rosalie Peterson
 1006 W Taft #342, Sapulpa, 74066, 918-346-9393

 Secretary…………………………..……………………….…..Jean Land
 PO Box 1411, Sapulpa, 74067 918-216-4399

 Treasurer……………………………...………….…………..Yvonne Mears
 1243 E. McKinley, Sapulpa, 74066, (918) 224-0263

 Parliamentarian………………………..…………………. Connie Wilson
 756 W 147th Place, Glenpool, 74033, (918) 527-6890

 Devotional Leader……………….……….………………...Terra White
 9739 S 177th W Ave, Sapulpa, 74066 918-948-3993

 2020 Goals

 Local clubs work together on a County Project.

 Recruit culturally diverse new members.

 Increase the membership and clubs to include more outlying

 Increase the interest and participation in the County Free Fair.

 Encourage more members to be Food Handler Card holders.

 Participate in World Food Day – October 16, 2020.

 Cultural Enrichment
 Rosalie Peterson, 1006 W Taft #342, Sapulpa, 74066, 918-346-9393

 Adam Mason, 17182 Graceland Rd., Kellyville, 74039, 918-720-3344

 Healthy Living
 Mary Myers, 13899 W. 186th So, Sapulpa, 74066 918-321-5322

 Resource Management
 Natalie Griffin, 7201 W. 191st St. So., Mounds, 74047, 918-521-0396

 Budget (County Treasurer)
 Yvonne Mears, 1243 E. McKinley, Sapulpa, 74066, 918-224-0263

 By Laws (County President)
 Margie Juby, 21755 W. 221st St. So., Kellyville, 74039, 918-671-5543

 County President and All Local Group Presidents

 Connie Wilson, 756 W. 147 Place, Glenpool, 74033, 918- 322-3855
 Ella Jo Yocham, 1701 So. Water, Sapulpa, 74066, 918-688-7884

 Scholarship Committee
 Judy Hutchins, PO Box 324, Kellyville, 74039, 918-247-6728
 Phyllis Lowe, 1824 Woodland Rd., Sapulpa, 74066, 918-224-5173

 Awards, Yearbook Committee, Leadership & County Fair
 Chair: Vice-Presidents of Groups

 Quilt Show Committee Chairs
 Fern Patterson, 1113 E Courtney Cir., Sapulpa, 74066, 918-224-0245
 Connie Wilson, 756 W 147th Pl, Glenpool, 74033, 918-322-3855
 Kathy Goodman, PO Box 18, Kellyville, 74039, 918-247-3383
Tommy & Margie Juby, 21755 E 221st St So, Kellyville, 74039, 918-671-5543
 and One Representative from Each County Group


 Lone Star…………………….……….……………………………….…………..………..…….Sapulpa
 While Away……….…………………….……..………………………...……………………....Kellyville
 Kiefer………………………………..…..……………………………………………..….…...Busy Bees
 Kellyville……………………………….………………………………………………………While Away
 Busy Bees…………………….…………………….………….…….………………………….Lone Star

 2020 Council Meeting Dates

 Creek County Fairgrounds
 11:00 am

 Spring Council………………………………….….…..….……March 13, 2020

 Summer Council……………………………….….….…………...July 17, 2020

 Fall Council……………………………………….…….……..October 24, 2020

 Winter Council…………………………….……..…………December 4, 2020

 Setup & Registration Kitchen
Spring Meeting Timberlake Kiefer
Summer Meeting While Away Lone Star
Fall Meeting Busy Bees Kellyville
Winter Meeting Sapulpa Tibbens

 BRISTOW – Est. 2019
(2nd - Wednesday, 10:00 A.M., Trinity Baptist Church, Bristow)
 President …………….…………………..………... Joyce Kinslow
 219 W. 8th Ave, Bristow, 918-367-9166
 Vice-President……………………………………….Bristol Fisher
 209 E 2nd, Bristow, 918-729-9600
 Secretary……………………………………………Janet Byrd
 PO Box 42, Slick, 74071, 918-607-2041
 Treasurer…………………………………………………...Ray Kinslow
 219 W. 8th Ave, Bristow, 918-367-9166

 BUSY BEES – Est. 2019
 (2nd - Thursday, 6:30 P.M., Sapulpa Community Resource
 Center, Sapulpa)

 President…………….…………………..………...Kathy Robinson
 17010 Graceland Rd., Kellyville, 207-841-5233
 Vice-President……………………………………….Adam Mason
 17182 Graceland Rd., Kellyville, 918-720-3344
 Secretary……………………………………………Margaret Sutton
 1220 Ridge Oak Rd., Sapulpa, 74066, 918-695-3050
 Treasurer…………………………………………………...Lisa Parker
 824 W Roosevelt, Sapulpa, OK 74066, 918-814-6576

 KELLYVILLE – Est. 1945
 (1st Wednesday, 12:00 P.M., Methodist Church, Kellyville)

 President…………….…………………..………...Patti VanKalsbeek
 P. O. Box 193, Kellyville, 74039, 918-671-5758
 Vice-President……………………………………….Ella Jo Yocham
 1701 S. Water, Sapulpa, 74066, 918-688-7884
 Secretary……………………………………………Judy Hutchins
 PO Box 324, Kellyville, 918-247-6728
 Treasurer…………………………………………………...Jo Morris
 12844 S. 241st W. Av., Sapulpa, 74066, 918-247-6992

2020 LOCAL OHCE OFFICERS (Continued)

 KIEFER – Est. 1960
(2nd Wednesday, 10:00 A.M., Kiefer Community Center)

 President……………………………………………... Rosalie Peterson
 1006 W. Taft #342, Sapulpa, 74066, 918-346-9393
 Vice-President…………………………………………..Ida Conley
 PO Box 309, Kiefer, 74041, 918-904-7658
 Secretary……………………………………………Joan Almeida
 315 W. Donna St., Sapulpa, 74066, 918-896-5093
 Treasurer…………………………………………………Connie Wilson
 756 W 147th Place, Glenpool, 74033, 918-527.6890

 LONE STAR – Est. 1946
 (3rd Thursday, 6:30 P.M., Creek County Fairgrounds)

 President…………………………………………………. Tracy Ellis
 9012 S. 49th W. Ave., Tulsa, 74131, 918-519-7924
 Vice-President…………………………………………Natalie Griffin
 7201 W 191st St. So. Mounds, 74047, 918-521-0396
 Secretary………………………………………………...Megan Williams
 20180 So. 129th W Ave, Sapulpa, 74066, 918-740-0939
 Treasurer………………………………………………... Marcy Ellis
 15795 S 87 W Ave., Sapulpa, 74066, 918-260-0062

 SAPULPA – Est. 1953
(1st Monday, 10:00 A.M., Creek County Extension Office)

 President………………………………………………Nelda Margerum
 1270 Panther Lane, Sapulpa, 74066, 918-706-1021
 Vice-President…………………………………………Joyce Kinslow
 219 W. 8th Ave, Bristow, 918-367-9166
 Secretary……………………………………………...Jean Land
 PO Box 1411, Sapulpa, 74067, 918-216-4399
 Treasurer……………………………………………….. Marty Hausner
 6724 Canyon Rd., Tulsa, 74131, 918-224-7834

2020 LOCAL OHCE OFFICERS (Continued)

(1st Tuesday, 10:00 A.M., Creek County Extension Office)

 President…………………………………………………...Paul Slaton
 12304 W 86th St So., Sapulpa, 918-224-6402
 1st Vice-President………………………………………..Joan Almeida
 315 W. Donna St., Sapulpa, 74066, 918-896-5093
 2nd Vice-President ………………………………………...Peggy Blodgett
 P. O. Box 2093, Sapulpa, 74067, 918-227-3972
 Assistant Vice-President ………………………………………...Cathy Mattix
 2909 West E St., Jenks, 918-299-6406
 Secretary/Treasurer……………………………………………...Helen Hood
 16280 W. 81st So., Sapulpa, 74066, 918-698-5880

 TIBBENS – Est. 1949
(2nd Monday, 10:00 A.M., Yvonne Mears’ Home, Sapulpa)
 President………………………………………………….Eddie Graham
 14169 S. 185th W. Pl., Kellyville, 74039, 918-442-6626
 Vice-President…………………………………………….Yvonne Mears
 1243 E McKinley, Sapulpa, 918-224-0263
 Secretary…………………………………………………Joy VanLandingham
 1039 E Hastain Pl., Sapulpa, 74066, 918-227-0501
 Treasurer………………………………………………..Emma Graham
 14169 S. 185th W. Pl., Kellyville, 74039, 918-613-1521

 TIMBERLAKE – Est. 1982
 (3rd Monday, 6:30 P.M., Member’s Homes)

 President…………………………………………….Linda Rankin
 2641 Valwood Lane, Sapulpa, OK 74066, 918-224-4729
 Vice President ……………………………………………….Debra Henry
 15063 W. 111th St. So., Sapulpa, 74066, 918-607-8000
 Secretary………………………………………..Debby Presley
 617 So. Oklahoma, Sapulpa, OK 74066, 918-230-4727
 Treasurer ……………………………………………….. Martha Cole
 810 Shadow Lane, Sapulpa, 74066, 918-227-1404

2020 LOCAL OHCE OFFICERS (Continued)

 WHILEAWAY – Est. April 1951
(1st Monday, 10:00 A.M., United Methodist Church, Sapulpa)
 President……………………………………………..Linda Hughes
 710 S Poplar, Sapulpa, 74066, 918-227-4808
 Vice-President…………………………………………….Barbara Weaver
 13145 Kevin Lane, Sapulpa, 74066, 918-200-5572
 Secretary………………………………………………Louise McGuire
 403 N Elizabeth, Sapulpa, 74066, 918-232-0848
 Treasurer……………………………………………….Phyllis Lowe
 1824 Woodland Rd., Sapulpa, 74066, 918-224-5173

Bristow Club Monthly Meetings

Spirit Bank, Bristow 10:00 am

January 8th July 8th
February 12th August 12th
March 11th September 9th
April 8th October 14th
May 13th November 11th
June 10th December 9th

Busy Bees Club Monthly Meetings

Sapulpa Community Resource Center, Sapulpa 6:30 pm

January 9th July 9th
February 13th August 13th
March 12th September 10th
April 9th October 8th
May 14th November 12th
June 11th December 10th

Kellyville Club Monthly Meetings

Methodist Church, Kellyville 12:00 pm

January 8th July 1st
February 5th August 5th
March 4th September 2nd
April 1st October 7th
May 6th November 4th
June 3rd December 2nd

Kiefer Club Monthly Meetings

Kiefer Community Center, 10:00 am

January 8th July 8th
February 12th August 12th
March 11th September 9th
April 8th October 17th
May 13th November 11th
June 10th December 9th

Lone Star Club Monthly Meetings

Creek County Fairgrounds, Kellyville 6:30 pm

January 16th July 16th
February 20th August 20th
March 19th September 17th
April 16th October 15th
May 21st November 19th
June 18th December 17th

Sapulpa Club Monthly Meetings

Creek County Extension Office, Kellyville 10:30 am

January 6th July 6th
February 3rd August 3rd
March 2nd September 14th
April 6th October 5th
May 4th November 2nd
June 1st December 7th

Sapulpa Genealogy Monthly Meetings

Creek Count Extension Office, Kellyville 10:00 am

January 7th July - No Meeting
February 4th August 4th
March 3rd September 1st
April 7th October 6th
May 5th November 3rd
June 2nd December 1st

Tibbens Club Monthly Meetings

Yvonne Mears’ Home, Sapulpa 10:00 am

January 13th July 13th
February 10th August 10th
March 9th September 14th
April 13th October 12th
May 11th November 9th
June 8th December 14th

Timberlake Club Monthly Meetings

Individuals Homes 6:30 pm

January 20th July 20th
February 17th August 17th
March 16th September 21st
April 20th October 19th
May 18th November 16th
June 15th December 21st

While Away Club Monthly Meetings

United Methodist Church, Sapulpa 10:00 am

January 6th July 6th
February 3rd August 3rd
March 2nd September 14th
April 6th October 5th
May 4th November 2nd
June 1st December 7th

Quilt Group Monthly Meetings

Creek County Extension Office, Kellyville 10:00 am

January 27th July 27th
February 24th August 24th
March 23rd September 21st
April 27th October 26th
May 18th November 23rd
June 22nd

Executive Board Meetings

Creek County Extension Office, Kellyville 10:00 am

January 17th July 17th
March 13th August 14th
May 1st December 1st (@ Fairgrounds)

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