Parent and Student Handbook 2021-2022 - Eminence Elementary School Warrior Town Devin A Comy o Lne - Eminence ...

Page created by Carol Tate
Parent and Student Handbook 2021-2022 - Eminence Elementary School Warrior Town Devin A Comy o Lne - Eminence ...
Parent and Student Handbook

Eminence Elementary School
           Warrior Town

     Developing A Community of Learners
              “Good Neighbors”
Eminence Elementary School
                   Parent and Student Handbook

                            254 West Broadway
                         Eminence, Kentucky 40019

                        School Office (502) 845-5427
                            Fax (502) 845-1310

                          Sherry Curtsinger, Principal

                    Wendy Spies, Administrative Assistant

      Maura Ware, Counselor                 Emily Buday, K-12 Counselor 

           Visit us online at

Table of Contents

Message From the Principal ...............................................................................                 3

Daily Schedule.....................................................................................................        4

Attendance..........................................................................................................       5

Transportation Basics..........................................................................................            7

Enrollment Information and Student Records....................................................                             12

Academic Expectations—Homework .................................................................                           13

Gifted and Talented ............................................................................................           13

ECE ....................................................................................................................   14

Health and Safety Basics...................................................................................                14

Child Enrichment Programs .............................................................................                    16

Student Support Services ..................................................................................                17

Parent Information............................................................................................             18

Cafeteria Procedures ........................................................................................              20

Student Information..........................................................................................              22

Acknowledgment..............................................................................................               24

Permission to Publish Student Information 2021-22
Opt Out Form ....................................................................................................          25

Message From the Principal

Dear Families:

Welcome to Eminence Elementary School (EES), Warriortown. We feel honored to educate your
child. We know your years here will be exciting, happy, memorable, and rewarding. Our goal is
to help your child become successful by offering positive learning experiences that educate the
whole child and design engaging lessons to motivate and guide your child to achieve their
maximum potential. Partnering together will help your child achieve their full potential during
their time here at EES and develop students who are Engaged learners, Eager helpers, and
Empowered students.

This handbook is designed to provide you with information regarding our current school
offerings, regulations, and policies. In addition to this handbook, you will receive a copy of the
Eminence Code of Conduct Handbook. Read and discuss both of these documents with your
child. With your help, we can provide the safe, orderly, effective learning environment that each
Eminence Elementary student deserves. We know that all students can achieve at high levels and
can work cooperatively. We encourage you to become actively involved in the school and its
programs and activities. Working together, we can make a significant, positive difference in the
lives of our students. Please keep in close communication with your child’s teacher throughout
the year, and do not hesitate to call the office if you need further assistance. Let’s make it an
outstanding year together!

Sincerely yours,

Sherry Curtsinger, Principal

Daily Schedule

7:30 a.m. Building opens for students

7:30–7:50 a.m. Breakfast is available

8:00 a.m. Classes begin

Note: Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will not have the opportunity to eat breakfast, except in
the case of late buses. Please have your child at school between 7:30 and 7:45 if you wish for
them to be served breakfast.


3:20 p.m.      Dismissal

4:30 p.m.      Office closes

Early releases from school will not be allowed between 3:05 and 3:20 p.m. Parents wishing to
sign their child out of school will have to wait outside until the dismissal bell at 3:20 p.m., and
then they will be allowed into the office via secured entry. Although we encourage families to
schedule appointments outside of the school day, we understand that sometimes this is not
possible. It will be necessary, should your appointment require an early release, to sign students
out of school prior to 3:05 p.m.

Preschool Arrival and Departure (See the preschool handbook for more information)
 7:30 a.m.  Drop off at the OVEC Module Classrooms
7:55 a.m.   Classes begin for AM Preschool
11:00 p.m.  Dismissal for AM Preschool

12:00 p.m.     Classes begin for PM Preschool
3:05 p.m.      Dismissal for PM Preschool

Student School Day

The student school day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:20 p.m. The school building opens to
students at 7:30 a.m.

Attendance Basics
 All students are required by law to attend school every day and to be on time. At Eminence
Elementary, we pride ourselves on maintaining a high attendance rate for students because we
understand the importance of attending school each day. Many classroom learning activities and
experiences simply cannot be made up at home. Please try to schedule your child’s medical and
other appointments after school hours in order to avoid absences.

Late Arrival and Early Dismissal
Tardiness is not just being late for school as traditionally interpreted. Tardiness is defined by the
law as “any amount of instructional time missed.” This includes being late to school or leaving
school before classes are dismissed. Parents are required to sign in late students on the Entry
Log kept at the attendance desk in the lobby. Parents are also required to sign out students
leaving prior to 3:20 p.m. on the Exit Log kept at the attendance desk.

School Absences—Excused vs. Unexcused
A student’s absence from school is excused for one of three reasons: illness, doctor/ dentist
appointment, or death in the family. In any of these situations, parents are expected to follow
these procedures to notify the school and to document the reason for the absence:

• Please call the office at 845-5427 to report the absence by 8:30 a.m.
• Provide a written note to school upon the student’s return to school. Up to ten days of
  parent notes will be excused due to illness.
• Students may request make-up work for any excused absence. Students may have the
  number of days absent plus one to complete and submit make-up work.

If your child is absent three or more consecutive days, a note from a medical professional is
needed. After a total of ten cumulative full-day absences due to illness, parents are required to
present a written statement from a medical professional for each additional absence during the
school year in order for those absences to be excused.

Educational Enhancement Opportunity

Absences due to family vacations and trips will be unexcused. A parent may request for a child’s
absences to be excused if the child is participating in an Educational Enhancement Opportunity
(EEO). In order to qualify for an excused absence, the EEO must meet several requirements.
According to KRS 159.035, principals may grant students an excused absence to pursue an
extraordinary educational opportunity. The expectation is that the activity for which the excuse
was granted would provide a high-quality, educationally relevant experience that supports the
student’s in-school program. In order for a principal to approve an EEO day, the principal must
determine that the activity has significant educational value. Examples provided in the statute are
participation in educational foreign exchange programs or involvement in intensive instructional,
experiential, or performance programs.

Parents requesting excused absences for a trip that qualifies as an EEO must complete and
submit an Educational Enhancement Opportunity Request Form to the principal at least 5 days
in advance of the trip. EEOs will not be accepted more than two weeks prior to the absence.

An EEO will not be allowed for any students who have three or more unexcused absences.
Families may only apply up to 10 days of EEO in a school calendar year.

Make-Up Work

Students are expected to make up school work missed due to an excused absence. All make-up
work will be provided by the teacher following the absence. The student will have the number of
days absent plus one additional school day from the time he or she receives the make-up work to
complete the work and submit it to the teacher.

Perfect Attendance Awards

At the end of the school year, students are recognized for having outstanding attendance. The
requirements for attendance awards are as follows:
Perfect Attendance: Perfect means perfect. A student is eligible for this award only if he or she
has had perfect attendance during the school year. That means no absences and no tardies for any
reason. There are no exceptions.

Newsletters and Other School-to-Home Communications
Each Thursday, your child will receive a weekly parent communication with current events and
information. You will need to review the contents and have your child bring any pertinent
information on the next school day. This newsletter, in addition to any classroom-based
communications, will vary by teacher.

                                   Transportation Basics

Morning Arrival
Students may be dropped off at school no earlier than 7:30 a.m. Once at school, all students may
eat breakfast in the cafeteria or in the classroom.

In the morning, cars should enter the car rider access lane by way of Jackson Road. From
Jackson Road turn onto Sulphur Avenue. (You will not be able to access the car rider line if you
access Sulphur Avenue from N. Main Street.) Turn right onto Warrior PL. Enter the back parking
lot from Warrior PL. Morning drop off will be a single line. Please stop at the door to drop
students at the door. Students should exit the car and enter door (#7). Care should be taken to
ensure that this process is quick, yet safe, for all students. Staff members will supervise this
unloading area to provide support. Please allow all students to exit the car and ensure that they
are on the sidewalk before you move forward to drop your student safely at the back door. Please
have students exit from the passenger side of the car (side closest to the building).

If cars arrive before 7:30 a.m., they will need to wait in the car rider area until a staff member
comes to the unloading area to greet students. Cars must follow the traffic flow within the car
rider lane. There should be no passing of other vehicles. Additionally, cars should not be left
unattended for any reason. The car rider line is considered a "no-idle zone."

Car pool supervision will end at 7:55 a.m. to allow us to start the day promptly at 8:00 a.m. After
8 a.m., parents must park in the lot in front of the school and walk their child into the building.
No child should be allowed to walk in unattended at any time.

Buses will use Warrior PL for student drop-off. Students will use the gym entry door to come
into the school. As they enter, they will have the choice of eating breakfast or reporting to the

Afternoon Dismissal
Afternoon dismissal will begin promptly at 3:20 p.m. each day. The order for dismissal will be as
follows: Bus riders, car riders, sibling pick-ups, Campfire “day care” .

It is very important for parents to ensure that the Enrollment Form is completed, including
who is eligible to pick up your child from school, are completed at the beginning of the school
year and are kept up to date. School staff are not authorized to release a student to any adult who
is not listed on either of these forms. For safety reasons, anyone coming to pick up a child from
school must present a photo I.D. to verify his or her identity to office staff.

Afternoon Car Rider Line
In the afternoon, cars should enter the car rider access lane by way of Jackson Road. From
Jackson Road turn onto Sulphur Avenue. (You will not be able to access the car rider line if you
access Sulphur Avenue from N. Main Street.) Turn right onto Warrior PL. Enter the back parking
lot from Warrior PL. There should be a double line that forms in the parking lot, beginning at the
door. No parents should meet students at the front office.

All parents in the car rider line should remain in their vehicles while students are loading.

Once students exit school, they will be loaded into cars. Please wait until the supervising adult
motions your car line to move. Once your line is moving, please exit the parking lot to the right
onto Sulphur Avenue. If you have not picked up your child yet, stop at the door and wait for the
supervising adult to move the second line of cars out of the parking lot. This process will repeat
until all students have been loaded into cars.

There should be no passing in the car rider line. Cars should continue to move until the car in
front of them stops or until they reach the designated stop sign. Students should load from the
sidewalk side of the car (passenger’s side). If it is necessary to load on the driver’s side, a parent
should supervise this process to ensure safety.

Transportation Changes
All transportation change requests must be received in writing by 2:30 p.m. on the date of the
change. A phone call accompanied with an email will suffice for a writing request. However, the
email must be accompanied by making contact with the administrative assistant or receptionist.
(Sometimes emails from outside the district go to junk email and a phone call is needed to ensure
that your email has been received.) Due to safety issues, no exceptions to this policy will be

allowed. Parents are asked to employ a consistent transportation plan and limit changes only to
emergencies. Contacting your child’s teacher does not qualify for a transportation change.

Bus Expectations
Riding a bus is a privilege that comes with responsibility for one’s safety. At the beginning of the
school year, students receive a copy of the Eminence Independent Bus Rules and Regulations in
the enrollment packet and are fully expected to comply with the rules. Students must observe the
following rules:
• Remain seated in your assigned seat, and face forward at all times.
• Keep the aisle clear.
• Speak in a conversational tone of voice.
• Keep hands, head, feet, and objects inside the bus at all times.
• Respect and follow the directions of the bus driver and monitor at all times.
• Do not eat, drink, or chew gum on the bus.
• Use only positive words and language. No fighting or arguing is allowed.
• Board and exit the bus in a safe manner.
• Be at your bus stop five minutes prior to your pick up time.
• No glass items, baseball or softball bats, arrows, golf clubs, pumpkins, or balloons can be
transported on the bus
• Music instruments that cannot be held in a student's lap cannot be allowed on the bus.

Bus Misconduct
Bus drivers or bus monitors deal with misconduct on the bus in several ways prior to referring a
child to the principal for disciplinary action. When a referral becomes necessary, the driver
submits a special form to the principal. Each time your child is written up by the bus driver for
misconduct, you should receive a copy of the bus referral form. Consequences for inappropriate
behavior on the bus may vary depending on the severity and/or number of referrals that a student
has received.

Consequences may include the following:
• The student has a conference with the principal or counselor.
• A parent is contacted, and/or a school conference is scheduled.
• The student is suspended from the bus.
• The student loses a privilege at school.

In the event a student is suspended from the bus, there are some things to consider:
• When a student is suspended from the bus, he or she may not ride any public school bus
  for the duration of the suspension.

• Parents are responsible for transporting the student to and from school.
• Suspensions from the bus are not suspensions from school. If the student does not attend
   school during a bus suspension, the absence is unexcused.
• If misconduct continues after a short bus suspension, the student will be suspended from
  the bus until the problem has been resolved.

If your child will be a walker at any time during the year, please read this section carefully.

• Only those students who are picked up by siblings who are in grades 6-12 are classified as
walkers. All other students must either ride a bus, be picked up as car riders, or attend Camp Fire
(after school daycare).

 *Please note: if the older siblings are not supervising the Elementary student on the walk to and
from school the privilege will be revoked.

*A note must be on file with the office stating that your child will be a walker and the note must
include the siblings who are allowed to pick up the student.

It is very important for parents to ensure that the Enrollment Form is completed, including
who is eligible to pick up your child from school, are completed at the beginning of the year
and are kept up to date. School staff are not authorized to release a student to any adult who is
not listed on either of these forms. For safety reasons, anyone coming to pick up a child from
school must present a photo I.D. to verify his or her identity to office staff.

                    Enrollment Information and Student Records
It is important that the Enrollment Form be completed and returned to the office by the end of the
student's first week of school. In case of illness or emergency, the information on the Enrollment
Form is used to contact parents/ guardians or relatives. Information on the form must be accurate
and up to date. If a student’s address or telephone number changes during the school year, notify
the school immediately.

Enrollment Requirements
Eminence Elementary staff follow strict guidelines for maintaining immunization and enrollment
requirements as mandated by the district and state.

Required Health Records
Students are required to have records of immunizations, preventative health-care exams, dental
exams, and vision exams on file in the school office. The requirements for each type of exam are

detailed below. It is important to note that students who do not have required medical paperwork
on file will be excluded from attending school.

Immunizations: A valid immunization certificate must be on file in the school office within two
weeks of a student’s enrollment in school. Forms relating to exemptions from immunization
requirements are available in the school office. Immunizations and exemptions must be reported
on the state-required forms and must be kept current.

Preventative Health-Care Exam: A current preventative health-care exam (physical) form
must be on file in the school office within two months of a student’s enrollment in school. As
required by Kentucky Administrative Regulation (KAR), the exam must have occurred within
one year prior to the student’s initial admission to school and again upon entry into sixth
grade. The results of the examination must be reported on state-required forms.

Dental Exam: A dental screening or examination is required for 5- and 6-year-old students
enrolling in Eminence Elementary School. The results of the screening or examination must be
reported on state-required forms and are due to the school office no later than January 4 of the
first year a student is enrolled in the district. This is a one-time requirement.

Vision Exam: A vision examination performed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist is required
for 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-year-old students enrolling in Eminence Elementary. The results of the
examination must be reported on state-required forms and are due to the school office no later
than February 8 of the first year a student is enrolled in the district. This is a one-time

Preschool Enrollment

Screening is necessary for enrollment. In order to enroll for preschool certain criteria must be
met. Children living in the district are eligible for our preschool program if they will be four
years old by August 1 of the current year, meet the 160% poverty income guidelines, or have a
potential delay. Children transferring from First Steps are eligible on their third birthday. Official
screening occurs in April and May prior to the year a student would be 4 years old by August 1.
However, a student may be eligible to register during the school year. Please call ahead to set up
an appointment. Once at- risk eligibility has been approved, the child shall remain eligible for
the remainder of the year. Non-eligible children are served through district scholarships as
space is available.

Birth Certificate
A certified copy of a student’s birth certificate is required to be on file in the school office.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
 The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the
privacy of student education records.

• Parents have the right to inspect and review all student education records maintained by the
school. If you need copies of your child’s records, please contact the school office to make the
request. We ask that you provide at least 48 hours’ notice. You will be asked to sign a Records
Release Form at the time you pick up the records.
• Parents have the right to request that a school correct records they believe to be inaccurate. All
such requests should be made through the principal.
• Schools must have written permission from the parent in order to release information from a
student’s education record. This does not include the release to school officials/teachers or to
comply with a judicial order or subpoena.

Custodial Parents
It is essential that official, updated custody papers are kept on file in the school office if such
paperwork exists. Please list parents on the enrollment form so that they may request records
and/or pick the child up from school. Please keep information updated with the office so that we
can provide a safe and convenient school environment.

                          Academic Expectations—Homework
 Elementary students need time at home for independent practice of lessons taught during the
school day. Students at all grade levels typically will have project-based homework. It is
important that students’ complete homework regularly. Parents are encouraged to ensure that
students complete homework assignments on time and to assist when appropriate.
 Purpose of Homework
Homework is a necessary part of the educational process. The purpose of project-based
homework is to allow students the opportunity to:

• Practice skills and deepen learning
• Reinforce classroom learning.
• Develop good study habits.
• Discover that learning takes work at home as well as at school.

Report Cards
Report cards are sent home every nine weeks. Parents should carefully examine their child’s
report cards. Report cards are sent home in an envelope that must be signed and returned. Parents
are to keep the report card.

Gifted and Talented
Kentucky schools provide educational services to meet the needs of students who are gifted and
talented. In Kentucky, gifted and talented students are identified as possessing demonstrated or
potential ability to perform at exceptionally high levels in one or more of the following five
        • general intellectual aptitude
        • specific academic aptitude
        • creative or divergent thinking
        • psychosocial or leadership skills
        • visual or performing arts

In the primary grades, students are selected for a Talent Pool. Students are not identified as gifted
and talented until they are in the fourth grade.

Students identified as gifted and talented will receive a Gifted and Talented reports the same time
as report cards. If you have any questions regarding our Gifted and Talented program, please
contact Jessica Berry at (502) 845-5427.
                             Exceptional Children Education (ECE)

Exceptional Children Education (ECE) is a service provided by Eminence Elementary School for
students with disabilities. The ECE process ensures that all children ages 3-21 receive a free and
appropriate education (FAPE).

In order to identify students who have a disability the school must provide Tiered Interventions.
The suspected disability must have a negative impact on the child's education. There are three
Tiers of interventions. If the student is not responding to those interventions or is not
commensurate with peers of the same age then the student will be referred for an evaluation.

An Admissions and Release Committee (ARC ) will be called to review the referral. The ARC
will be composed of parents, general education teacher, exceptional child educator, ARC chair
and others as required. If the ARC agrees that the referral is complete then the student will be
evaluated in the area of suspected disability.

The Kentucky Eligibility areas are: Autism, Communication, Deaf-blindness, Hearing
Impairment, Mild Mental Disability (MMD), Functional Mental Disability (FMD), Orthopedic

Impairment, Multiple disabilities, Other Health Impairment (OHI), Emotional Behavior
Disability (EBD), Specific Learning Disability (SLD), Developmental Delay(DD) (ages 3 - 8),
Visual Impairment, Traumatic brain injuries.

An evaluation will be completed by a school psychologist. The ARC will reconvene in 60 days
to review the evaluation and determine if the student meets the state requirements to be eligible
in the suspected area of disability.

If the student meets the eligibility requirements, the ARC will develop an individual education
plan (IEP). The parent can agree to accept services or decline ECE services.

If you have any questions please contact the Director of Special Education, Amanda Casey, at
(502) 845-5427.
                                 Health and Safety Basics

Emergency Procedures
Our school has comprehensive safety plans to address emergencies that might occur at school.
These plans include evacuation procedures for fire, shelter-in-place procedures for severe
weather and earthquakes, and lockdown procedures for intruders and civil disturbances. Safety
procedures are practiced by staff members and students throughout the school year to ensure that
everyone is prepared in case of an emergency.

Severe Weather Information
Eminence Independent Schools may use an alternate schedule in the event of snow, ice, or other
weather-related events. Parents should have a backup plan for childcare—especially for young
children—in case severe weather strikes during the school day. In the event of weather-related
closing, delays, and/or early dismissals, Eminence Independent will notify local TV, send a
message to your telephone using the One Call system, and post the updates on Eminence
Independent website to reflect the changes. Please first check these resources for updated
information concerning school closings or delays. Telephone lines need to remain open for

• School is canceled—All scheduled activities are also canceled.
• School opens on a delayed schedule—All bus pickup times are delayed accordingly.
• School dismisses early—All after-school activities, classes, and programs are canceled.

Health Conditions
Students who have serious health conditions must have an Individual Health Plan (IHP) on file in
the school office. Qualifying conditions may include asthma/allergy, diabetes, gastronomy
tube/swallowing/feeding disorders, respiratory disorders, and seizures. The Form is available in
the school office. It should be completed by the student’s health-care provider and
parent/guardian. (IHP) Forms are revised annually, so the current school year’s form must be
used to be valid. That means (IHP) forms must be updated each year. Services related to a health
condition cannot be administered without the appropriate and current form on file. For more
information, contact Belinda Stivers at 845-5427.

Medications at School
Students who require medication during school hours must have a signed authorization form on
file in the office. The Authorization to Give Prescription Medication and Authorization to Give
Over-the-Counter Medication Forms are available in the school office. Please note that the
authorization form for over-the-counter medications must be signed by a physician. For
prescription medications, the correct dosage and specific time the medication is to be
administered must be clearly printed on the prescription label and written on the authorization
form. Authorization forms must be updated each school year and any time a change occurs.

All medications must be brought to school in the original, labeled container, and pills must be
split prior to coming to school if needed. Parents should make every effort to bring medication to
the school office. All medications must be kept in the school Nurse’s office under the supervision
of trained personnel. It is important to note that students are not allowed to transport medications
from school to home. In the event medication is no longer needed at school, someone from the
office will notify the parent to pick up the medication. At the end of the school year, it is the
parent’s responsibility to pick up medication. Any medication not picked up by the last working
day for office staff will be disposed of according to Eminence Independent policy.

Illness or Injury at School
School staff members are trained to address the health needs of students. If a student is injured or
becomes ill during the school day, he or she will be accompanied to the Nurse’s office for
assessment and—if necessary—first aid administration. Parents are contacted any time a child
becomes ill or is injured. Depending on the severity, it may be necessary for the child to be
picked up at school. Please make sure your contact information is updated so you can easily be
reached in case of emergency.

According to Eminence Independent Health Services School Health Guidelines, students with
certain symptoms and confirmed illnesses will be excluded from school. In order to prevent the
spread of illness, please do not send your child to school if he or she shows signs of a fever, rash,
diarrhea, or vomiting. If any of these symptoms are present at school, the parent will be required
to pick up the student from school immediately. Your child should be free of any symptoms
without the help of medication for 24 hours before he or she returns to school.

                                 Child Enrichment Program
Eminence Elementary Schools offers after-school childcare known as CampFIRE. CampFIRE,
strives to create a cooperative community where students and educators support academic
excellence within a safe, structured, and supportive environment. Please contact the Site
Director, Elizabeth Nicholas for more information at (502) 845-5427.

The Eminence Independent Preschool program strives to actively engage children in an
environment where they will gain the skills and knowledge needed in order to enter kindergarten
ready to achieve and excel in learning. The program is a language based developmental
preschool which provides experiences that focus on the developmental needs of each child in the
areas of language, cognition, social and emotional development as well as gross and fine motor
skills. The preschool curriculum follows the Kentucky Early Childhood Standards and is aligned
to the Kentucky Core Academic Kindergarten Standards and is delivered to all children using a
multi-sensory approach that allows the child to learn basic concepts and skills through hands-on
experiences and activities. These activities promote literacy and language development as well as
pre-math skills and encourage children to explore, question and discover answers while the
teachers observe and assess each child’s ongoing growth and development. For more information
Contact the Preschool director, Althea Coffee at (502) 845-5428.

                                   Student Support Services

Guidance Counseling
School counselors are certified, specially trained mental health professionals who work to
maximize student success with a focus on prevention and wellness through a counseling program
that meets the needs of all students. The counseling program addresses three areas: academic,
career, and social/emotional development. School counselors advocate, mediate, coordinate,

consult, lead and collaborate with teachers, administrators and parents to help students be
successful. Parents may contact a school counselor to help their child with a variety of issues
such as academic achievement, student crisis situations and family transitions. Please contact our
school counselor, Maura Ware with concerns about your child or for more information about the
counseling program at (502)845-5427.

Family Resource and Youth Service Center
The Family Resource and Youth Service Center’s mission is to enhance students' abilities to
succeed in school by assisting students and families in meeting some basic needs. We will link
families to community agencies to assist with basic needs such as health services, mental health
services, substance abuse services, food and clothing pantries, child care, and family training or
counseling. Contact Leesa Stivers for more information at (502)845-5427.

Families in Transition
Eminence Independent Schools has a Families in Transition, (F.I.T.) Coordinator also known as
the McKinney Vento Homeless Liaison. The term "homeless children and youth" means
individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

The Eminence Independent F.I.T. Program is a part of the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance
Act. We want to help remove any barriers that may limit a student’s success. This program can
help provide housing referrals, payment for school fees, technology fees, assist with required
school paperwork such as immunizations, provide school supplies, summer educational
opportunities, awards and incentives, extracurricular activities, counseling, and transportation
needs. Together we can remove barriers that impede a student's success!! F.I.T. cares for
children who qualify based on their current housing status based on the McKinney Vento
definition of Homelessness. Under this program your child’s educational success and social
emotional health is top priority.

If your family is living in a temporary or inadequate housing situation due to a loss of housing
you may qualify?
Some examples are:
    ● Sharing the housing of others “doubled up” due to a loss of housing, economic hardship
       or a similar reason

   ● Living in motels, hotels, camping grounds due to a lack of adequate accommodations

   ● Living in emergency or transitional shelters

● Living in private or public places not intended for humans to live and sleep

   ● Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, or bus or train stations

   ● Youth not in the physical custody of their guardian or parent

***Please reach out to your Families in Transition Coordinator if you feel that you may qualify
for services. We would love the opportunity to serve your family and student's needs. Contact
Molly Dentinger at (502)845-5427 for more information.

                                    Parent Information

As a parent at Eminence Elementary, you can expect to be treated as a valuable partner in your
child’s education. We value parents and understand the critical role you play in your child’s
success. You can expect school staff to communicate with you frequently and to be available to
meet with you to review your child’s progress.

Addressing Concerns
Our staff is committed to addressing concerns in a timely fashion. Please follow these guidelines
to address any concerns:

• Classroom Concerns—Contact the teacher first. The teacher needs to hear the concern so that
he or she can work with you to make sure your child’s needs are being met. In most cases, this
will resolve the issue. If your concern is not resolved as a result of this communication, please
schedule a conference with the principal.

• Bus Concerns—Contact the principal and/or the transportation director.

Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)
The Parent Teacher Association (PTSA) at Eminence Elementary is a vital part of our school
community. All EES families and community members are encouraged to join the PTSA. If you
would like to volunteer your time and talents, there are many opportunities for you to do so.
Please contact the school office for more information.

Visiting School
At Eminence Elementary, we encourage parent, family, and community involvement. Some
guidelines have been developed to maintain a safe and productive learning environment for

• All School Visitors—All visitors who enter the school building must sign in and show a picture
ID in the front office and wear a nametag before proceeding to any other part of the building.
Visitors entering the building during the school day must ring the bell to gain access to the
building. Visitors will be asked to present picture identification and state the reason for their visit
before being allowed into the building.

• Dismissal Safety—To protect their safety, all students will be dismissed via bus, car rider,
Camp Fire, and pickup/walker. Procedures are outlined in the “Transportation Basics” section of
the handbook. Parents are not permitted to enter the building and wait in the lobby to pick up
their child.

• Delivering Items—Parents bringing their child’s lunch, instrument, backpack, homework, etc.,
must leave the item in the office. School staff will make all classroom deliveries. Parents are not
allowed to deliver items to the classroom during instructional time.

• Classroom Visits—Please keep in mind that during the school day, teachers are responsible for
teaching students and disruptions to instructional time should be kept to a minimum. If you
would like to visit the classroom during the instructional day, please make arrangements with the
teacher. In-class visits and in-class volunteering are for adults only. Please make other
arrangements for younger siblings.

Volunteering at School
For the safety of all students and staff, volunteers are required to complete a Youth Leader
Request (Volunteer Form). This form is available in the school office. Once the volunteer records
check has been completed, approved volunteers may accompany students on field trips and assist
teachers with small groups and individual students. If you have already completed a School
Youth Leader Request (Volunteer Form), it may not be necessary to do another one. Our office
staff is happy to make sure you have one on file!

School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council
With the enactment of the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA), parents were recognized as
important stakeholders in their children’s education. School Based Decision Making
(SBDM)-elected parent representatives from the Eminence Elementary parent community
participate as members of our SBDM Council. The council is responsible for setting policy in
many areas of school procedures and processes. The council meets monthly throughout the year,
and all meetings are open to the public. Meeting dates, policies, agendas, and minutes are
available in the school office and are available on the school website.

Parent Conferences
Two official Parent-Teacher Conference Days are scheduled each year. In addition, teachers are
happy to meet with parents when the need arises. This can be done in person, by phone, or by
email. If you would like to have a meeting with the teacher, please call the office and leave a
message. The teacher will return your call within 48 hours.

                                    Cafeteria Procedures

There is no cost to students for breakfast or lunch. However, if students want an item from the “a
la carte” there is a fee as those items are considered extra/separate from breakfast or lunch.
Please note that Staff and guests will be charged a fee for breakfast or lunch.

Cafeteria Rules
• Students will enter and exit the cafeteria in a safe and orderly manner.
• Students will remain seated at their assigned tables.
• Students are free to converse with their tablemates but should not interact with students
  in other classes.
• Students will not run or engage in horseplay of any kind in the cafeteria.
• Students should not share food for safety reasons, such as food allergies.
• Students and/or parent visitors should not bring soda pop to school for breakfast or
• Students should not bring glass containers with their lunch.

Our Wellness policy promotes healthy meals at school, therefore outside vendor fast food such
as McDonalds, Subway, etc.... is not permitted to be brought into the cafeteria at breakfast or
lunch times. If fast food is brought in by a parent, it must be consumed in another area other than
the cafeteria.

*Microwaves are not available to heat items packed from home. Please plan accordingly when
packing your child’s lunch.

Food Allergies
Students with food allergies that affect a vital life function are permitted to request meal
modifications when a medical authority completes a USDA-required form. Forms are available
from the school Nutrition Director and must be completed and signed by a physician. Items
specifically listed on medical referral forms by a physician as a life-threatening allergen will be
noted in the student’s record and withheld from that student’s meal service. Due to the possibility
of residual contamination or cross-contamination of allergens and non-allergens, and the ability
of manufacturers to omit small percentage ingredients in ingredient listings, it is impossible to
guarantee an allergen-free environment. Parents and Nutrition Services staff are encouraged to
make the school office aware of all students’ allergies.

Student Birthday/Celebrations
Birthdays are a special time for all students. In order to ensure that these events are not intrusive
to the classroom setting, the following guidelines will be in place:

We ask that if you send birthday treats, that they either be a healthy snack, individually
packaged, or non-food items (pencils, stickers, etc.). Due to allergy concerns, homemade food
items cannot be permitted in the classroom. Please make sure to check with your child’s
teacher regarding any potential food allergies and make arrangements with the teacher prior to
sending the birthday treats to school.

You, or your child, may bring the treats to the office in the morning before school.

While birthday treats are acceptable, this is not to be considered a birthday party for your
child. Visitors, camcorders, party favors, balloons, etc. are not permitted within the school
and should be kept at home.

Party invitations to celebrations outside of school will only be distributed if the entire class is
invited. In cases where only certain students will be invited, parents will need to send invitations
outside of school.

Student Information

Extracurricular Activities and Sports
Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege for students. It is expected that students
who wish to participate uphold high standards of academics (grades) and behavior. Inability to
comply may result in dismissal from a team or activity. If a student is removed from a team or
activity because of academic or behavioral reasons, any fees associated with the activity will not
be refunded. Submission of paperwork by given deadlines is also an expectation. Students
without appropriate paperwork will not be allowed to participate.

Guidelines for Appropriate School Dress
Eminence Elementary has guidelines that are designed to:
• Make certain all students are comfortable, safe, and ready to learn.
• Enable students to participate fully in all school activities.
• Reduce distractions in the classroom for all students.

To accomplish this, the following guidelines apply:

• Shoes—Shoes should be comfortable and have a closed heel. Gym shoes are recommended
every day and are required for participation in physical education (PE). Platform shoes, high
heels, and skate shoes are also unacceptable.

 • Shirts—Spaghetti straps and midriff-baring shirts are unacceptable. Shirts must not contain
advertisements for tobacco, alcohol, or firearms; violence; or inappropriate language.

• Shorts, Skirts, and Pants—Shorts and skirts must be fingertip length. Pants must be worn at the
student’s waist. Sagging pants are not permitted.

• Jackets and Coats—Students should always dress according to the severity of the weather.
 Jackets and coats will be worn while students are outside.

Consequences for guideline violations will be addressed on an individual basis.

Personal Possessions
Students are responsible for the safety and security of their own personal property. Please don’t
allow your child to bring items of great value or large amounts of money to school. Please write
your child’s name on clothing and personal items with a permanent marking pen. Clothing left in
and around the school will be placed in the Lost and Found bins. Unclaimed Lost and Found
articles will be sent to a local community closet at the end of each grading period.

Electronic games and devices, such as Nintendo DS, iPods, and iPads, are not to be brought to
school. Students may not use, activate, or display cell phones or other telecommunication
devices during school hours unless given permission from a supervising adult. Toys and other
personal items are not allowed to be brought into school because they can create distractions
within the learning community. Students should not bring toys or other non-academic items
unless approved by the child's teacher and/or administrator. Eminence Elementary will not
investigate if unapproved items are lost or stolen; this includes cell phones and other
personnel electronics. Fidget spinners and other devices are considered to be toys and are not
allowed, unless specified as necessary via medical statement, 504 Plan or Individual Education
Plan (IEP). Eminence Elementary is not responsible for the loss, theft, or destruction of cell
phones, electronic devices, toys, or personal items brought onto school property. Confiscated
items will be held in the school office, and only parents may claim them.


We, the parents/guardians of ________________________________ , who is enrolled at
Eminence Elementary School, have received and read or have had read to us the Eminence
Elementary Parent and Student Handbook. We understand the expectations and requirements of
the school and agree to support the school’s efforts.

Student’s Signature:_______________________________________


Parent’s/Guardian's Signature:______________________________


Parent’s/Guardian's Signature:______________________________


Note: If the student lives with one parent/guardian only, then only one signature is expected.
Both parents/guardians should sign if the child lives with both parents/ guardians. The student
also is expected to sign the statement if he or she is able to write his or her name. This form is
kept on file in the classroom.

Permission to Publish Student Information
                          2021-22 Opt Out Form

Periodically, newsletters and other publications are distributed with students’ names for
various accomplishments (e.g., perfect attendance). We will include your child’s name in
our publications, unless you sign below and return this form to the office, thereby
indicating that you do not want your child’s name to be included. I do not want my child’s
name to appear in any school publications including the yearbook.

Student's Name: __________________________________

Teacher: _________________________________________


Signature: ________________________________________________


                 This form will be kept on file in the main office.

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