INFORMATION HANDBOOK 2021 - Broome North Primary ...

Page created by Manuel Parks
INFORMATION HANDBOOK 2021 - Broome North Primary ...

INFORMATION HANDBOOK 2021 - Broome North Primary ...

               Item                  Page                    Item                 Page
         School essentials            3                  Homework                  10
            Attendance                4                 House system               11
Academic competitions and programs    5           Kimberley Schools Project        11

         After-school care            5          KSP Kindilink (0-3 Program)       11

             Allergies                5                    Library                 11

            Assemblies                5                 Lost property              12

       Bicycles and scooters          5     Medical conditions and medication      12

             Birthdays                6     Mobile phones & electronic devices     12

            Book club                 6                    No dogs                 13

             Bullying                 6                Parent helpers              13

              Buses                   7         Parents & Citizens Association     13

          Business plan               7         Personal item lists (booklists)    13

             Canteen                  7         Physical Education and sport       13

     Communicable diseases            8     Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)       14
          Communication               8              Reporting to parents          13
            Concerns                  9                 School Board               14
     Contributions and charges        9                 School gates               14

        Custody of children           9         School uniform and dress code      14

       Cyclone procedures             9              Student leadership            14

            Dental care               10           Teacher - parent contact        16

            Enrolments                10               One last thing!             17

            Excursions                10                 School map                19

            Hat policy                10

INFORMATION HANDBOOK 2021 - Broome North Primary ...
School Essentials


ADDRESS:                                  100 Tanami Drive, Bilingurr, WA, 6725
EMAIL ADDRESS:                  
WEB ADDRESS:                    
TELEPHONE NUMBER:                         08 9195 3000
SCHOOL SMS ATTENDANCE:                    0437 908 183
OFFICE HOURS:                             7:30am to 3:00pm
PRINCIPAL:                                Ms Tracey Nicklen (Acting)
DEPUTY PRINCIPALS:                        Mrs Riki Burton (K-2); Ms Anne Harris-Walker (3-6)
MANAGER CORPORATE SERVICES:               Ms Cheryl Parkinson-Varga
SCHOOL OFFICER:                           Ms Angela Roberts, Mrs Belinda McKenzie


All term dates for the current year and future years are available on the Department of
Education website:
Term 1                           Monday, 1 February – Thursday, 1 April
Term 2                           Tuesday, 20 April – Friday, 2 July
Term 3                           Tuesday, 20 July – Friday, 24 September
Term 4                           Monday, 11 October – Thursday, 16 December


Thursday, 28 January             Friday, 29 January             Monday, 19 April
Friday, 4 June                   Monday, 19 July                Friday, 17 December

students do not attend on these days

Classes open:           7:45am
School starts:          8:00am
Recess:                 10:10am to 10:40am
Lunch:                  12:40pm to 1:10pm
End of day:             2:10pm

INFORMATION HANDBOOK 2021 - Broome North Primary ...
The A to Z of Broome North PS

The School Education Act 1999 requires children of compulsory school
age to attend school (applies to all students from Pre-primary). When a
child is unable to attend, legislation requires that parents/caregivers
forward written notification providing a reasonable cause for the absence
of their child. Please note that a telephone message beforehand is
encouraged if the absence is anticipated.
The school uses an SMS messaging service which, on every school day
at approximately 10am, will automatically send a text message to a parent
or care giver if a child is marked absent without explanation. Parents are
expected to respond to these messages. When an explanation is not provided to the Principal within three
days of the original day’s absence, the class teacher may send a letter requesting an explanation.
The Department of Education classifies any student below 90% as an attendance risk. The school will work
with families who fall below this percentage on an individual case management basis. Supports may include
individual attendance contracts and home liaison visits by the class teacher, Aboriginal and Islander
Education Officer (AIEO) or deputy principal.
Family holidays during school terms are not encouraged. School holiday periods provide a considerable
amount of time for families to enjoy holidays. Absence during school terms disrupts children’s learning and
their social development with friends. A written note, providing starting dates and reasons for the holiday, is
to be forwarded to the Principal to consider.
It is important to note that no child may leave the school grounds during the school day without the knowledge
and permission of the school Administration. Parents or carers collecting children prior to the end of the school
day are required to complete a Leave Pass obtained from the front office.
Classroom doors open at 7:45am every morning. We recommend that parents/guardians do not send their
children to school before this time. If students do arrive at school before 7:45am they are to go straight to the
school library where a member of staff will be on duty. Children are not permitted to use equipment or play
on playgrounds during this time for safety reasons.

Punctuality – Every minute counts!

INFORMATION HANDBOOK 2021 - Broome North Primary ...
The A to Z of Broome North PS

Academic Competition and Programs                            No nut products to be included in food on
                                                              special days i.e. birthday cakes, or in any
Throughout the year Broome North PS students                  cooking activities at school or on school
compete in a variety of academic events, including            camps.
Interschool Mathematics, the Spelling Bee and
                                                             Staff will supervise students eating at
Poetry Slam.
                                                              recess and lunch time.
                                                             Students will be encouraged NOT to share
                                                             Staff have participated in training for
                                                              understanding      and      dealing     with
                                                             All staff are made aware of specific
                                                              students via their Medical Plans including
                                                              photographs,      emergency       response
                                                              planning and medication advice.

                                                      Please alert the school to any allergies that your
                                                      child/children may have on enrolment so we can
                                                      implement the appropriate plan to support them.
The Broome cluster of public schools runs a PEAC
(Primary Extension and Challenge) program for         Assemblies
selected Year 5 and 6 students. Students complete
academic testing in Term 3 of Year 4 to determine     School assemblies are hosted by one of our
inclusion in the program.                             classes or year groups three times a term, on
                                                      Friday mornings commencing at 8:15am. Merit
After School Care                                     awards are presented to selected students, and
                                                      families are notified 2 days prior that their child will
The following options are available for parents       be receiving one. We love having all of our parents
looking to access after-school care in Broome, with   and community members at school to see our
providers picking kids up from school and taking      students perform and celebrate their successes.
them to their site:
                                                      In addition to the class assemblies, special
Mulberry Tree: 9192 7444                              assemblies are held each year for ANZAC Day
Jalygurr: 9193 5510                                   (end of Term 1), NAIDOC Week (end of Term 2)
Kimberley Kids: 9193 5033                             Book Week (mid-Term 3), and Year 6 Graduation
BOSSCA: 9192 5280                                     (end of Term 4).

                                                      Bicycles and Scooters
                                                      It is essential that children have a good
Broome North PS is an Allergy Aware School. We
                                                      understanding of road safety from a young age.
acknowledge that due to food processing practices
                                                      Parents are requested to remind children of
it is impractical to eliminate nuts or nut products
                                                      appropriate road safety behaviour whilst travelling
entirely from an environment where there is food.
                                                      to and from school.
Therefore, we have opted to be a ‘Nut Aware’
which means:
                                                      All students riding bicycles or scooters to school
      Please do not send nuts or nut products to
                                                      are required to consider the safety of themselves
        school for your child’s recess or lunch.

INFORMATION HANDBOOK 2021 - Broome North Primary ...
The A to Z of Broome North PS

and others. For this purpose, the following rules        orders can be done online through Bookclub Loop.
apply to cyclists:                                       Books usually take 2-3 weeks to arrive. Our school
    All riders MUST wear a helmet. Failure to           librarian coordinates this program.
        do so will result in a warning and the
        student will be asked not to ride their bike.
    All riders must walk their bikes and
        scooters on school premises.

Bicycles and scooters are to be housed in the
racks provided, before school, and not used during
the school day. All riders are encouraged to bring
a lock for their bicycles and scooters to ensure their
security. The school does not take responsibility
for lost or stolen bicycles and scooters.

                                                         In line with both our Positive Behaviour School
                                                         program and community expectations, bullying is
                                                         not tolerated at our school. Children are
                                                         encouraged, in all instances to be good citizens
                                                         who are compassionate, caring and respectful and
                                                         to report all acts of bullying so that action can be
                                                         taken. To provide clarity around our school’s
                                                         actions on various events, it is important that
                                                         parents are aware of what Broome North PS
                                                         considers bullying is and is not, so that we can work
                                                         together with our children and community to
Birthdays                                                promote a positive learning environment for each
                                                         and every child.
You are welcome to send a cake to school with
your child on their birthday. Small cupcakes are         We recognise the following guidelines and hope
preferable and much easier to share with                 that you support and discuss them with your
classmates than a double sponge that needs               children:
surgical equipment to divide it into 26 pieces!
Please do not send food that contains peanuts. We
appreciate your cooperation in being aware of
these products and avoiding them being present at

Book Club
Scholastic book club order forms go home twice a
term. Selections are to be made using the order
form, and returned to school only on the “due by”
date, with the correct money or cheque. (Cheques
are to be made payable to Scholastic). Alterntively,

INFORMATION HANDBOOK 2021 - Broome North Primary ...
The A to Z of Broome North PS

Buses                                                   is developed in association with the School Board
                                                        and staff, and sets a clear, strategic direction for
The school is serviced by three bus routes:
                                                        the school over the next three years. The plan
The green bus services Cable Beach and Sunset           outlines what we will do and what you will see as
Rise. A book of 10 tickets costs $7.00 ($1.40 per       we work to continuously improve. The plan has
ride). Maps and timetables are available from the       student engagement and achievement at its core
Broome Explorer Bus website. Contact Melissa on         and an emphasis on quality teaching practice.
9193 6585 for more information.                         The plan will include 4 focus areas:
An orange bus services each of the following                  Success for all students
communities:                                                  High quality teaching and learning
    12 Mile (contact Brent on 0428 366 042)                  Culture and care
    Coconut Wells (contact Rod on 0419 018
                                                              Strong sustainable community partnerships
There is no charge for travel on these routes, but
parents must register with the Public Transport         A copy of our business plan can be found on our
Authority prior to student travel.                      website. Alternatively, drop into the office to pick
                                                        up a hard copy.
School Bus Regulations state that children must
obey the following rules for bus travel:
    Do not change seats.
    No food or drink consumed on the bus.
    Do not cause any disturbances or interfere
       with other children.
    No form of vandalism will be tolerated.
    You must obey the instructions of your bus
    After alighting from the bus, children must
       stand back until the bus has moved away.
       Do not cross the road until the road is clear.
Student who arrive on buses are supervised in the
Library each morning until 7:45am. Students then
wait for the afternoon buses in our new bus shelter
at the yalmban (south) end of the school.


                                                        The school canteen currently operates on
                                                        Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All ordering is
                                                        done online at           The
                                                        canteen is always looking for parent volunteers, so
Business Plan                                           if you are available to help out please leave a
                                                        message for our friendly P&C President, Bel
The school’s business plan will be updated for the      McKenzie, via the school office.
next three year planning cycle: 2021-23. The plan

INFORMATION HANDBOOK 2021 - Broome North Primary ...
The A to Z of Broome North PS

Communicable diseases                                     Communication
The Communicable Disease Guidelines provided              Quality communication at all levels is a key
by the Western Australian Health Department state         component of our operations. We acknowledge the
that the following common ailments require                role of parents as partners and welcome your
exclusion from school:                                    involvement and communication. We aim to
                                                          communicate effectively with our diverse
 Disease:          Length of exclusion:
                                                          community, and therefore we use a range of
 Chicken Pox       At least 5 days after
                                                          strategies and mediums to suit the different needs
                   vesicles (rash) appear
                                                          and preferences of parents and caregivers.
                   and until vesicles have
                   formed crusts.
                                                          Please ensure that your phone number and email
 Conjunctivitis    Until discharge from
                                                          address are provided to the school and are always
                   eyes have ceased.
                                                          up to date. It is also important to make sure emails
 Hand, Foot and Until        vesicles    have             from the school do not appear in your spam folders.
 Mouth Disease     formed crusts that are
                   dry.                                   What’s on this Week
 Head Lice         Until lice and eggs (nits)             What’s on this Week is published each Monday
                   are killed and hair is                 morning and lets parents know key events and
                   clean.                                 messages for the upcoming week. It is published
 Impetigo (School For 24 hours after                      on the school Facebook page, Class Dojo and the
 Sores)            antibiotic treatment has               Ngan-Gayi Gurryirr Information Board near the
                   commenced. Lesions on                  staffoom.
                   exposed skin surfaces
                   should be covered with a               Facebook Page
                   waterproof dressing.                   The school Facebook page is used to share
 Influenza         Until symptoms are                     positive news stories from around the school. Be
                   resolved.                              sure to give it a
 Mumps             For 9 days after the                   Like/Follow so
                   onset of salivary gland                you can stay up-
                   swelling.                              to-date.
 Ringworm          Until     persons     have
                   received        anti-fungal
                   treatment for 24 hours.                Class Dojo
 Rubella   (German For 4 days after onset of              Class and year level messages are
 Measles)          rash.                                  shared with parents via Class Dojo,
 Scabies           Until the day after                    which can be downloaded from your
                   treatment              has             device’s app store. See your child’s
                   commenced.                             teacher to get the code which will give you access
                                                          to their class.
Parents will be asked to collect their children if they
are suspected of having an infectious disease and         Paper Notes
to seek medical advice.                                   Includes excursion permission slips, event
                                                          reminders, fundraising and class/year level notes
                                                          and newsletters. To make things easier for
                                                          parents, paper notes go home only on Tuesdays
                                                          and Fridays, so be sure to check your child’s
                                                          school bag on these days.

INFORMATION HANDBOOK 2021 - Broome North Primary ...
The A to Z of Broome North PS

Newsletter – The Broome North Post                     In addition, a charges schedule exists to show the
The Broome North Post, our school’s formal             maximum amount families can be asked to pay in
newsletter, goes home twice per term.                  a school year for extra-curricular activities (eg:
                                                       excursions, camps) and student acquisitions (eg:
                                                       school photos, graduation shirts).

                                                       Payments for contributions and charges can be
                                                       made by cash, cheque or direct deposit:

                                                        Account name       Broome North Primary School
                                                        BSB                066 505
                                                        Account no.        1048 7722

                                                       Note: Please use the student’s surname and year
                                                       level as a reference.

                                                       Custody of Children
From time to time it’s appropriate for parents and     If there are formal arrangements in place that
carers to be contacted directly via email, for         relate to the custody and access of your children,
example, for consultation with parents or for          particularly in relation to any Court Orders or other
matters relating to the School Board as well as        formal directions that may be in place, please
school reports. Please ensure your preferred email     provide the necessary information and copies of
address is provided to the school.                     documents to the principal at time of enrolment. If
                                                       in the future there are any changes to the
Concerns                                               arrangements/orders on file, please advise the
If you feel you have cause for concern about any
aspect of the school’s activities, please let the
teacher, Deputy or Principal know about it. If other   Cyclone Procedures
parents talk to you about anything to do with the
                                                       The following procedures are adhered to in the
school that they are not happy about, tell them to
                                                       event of a cyclone:
come in and let us know. No problem can be
solved if we don’t know of its existence. Early
                                                       If a blue alert is called, school will open as normal.
knowledge of concerns can often resolve problems
                                                       If a yellow alert is called before school, students
Contributions and Charges                              do not come to school.
In line with Department of Education policy, each
                                                       If a yellow alert is called before lunch, students are
year the School Board endorses a contributions
                                                       sent home.
and charges schedule.

Voluntary contributions in curriculum areas are an     If a yellow alert is called after lunch, students are
important part of assisting the school to provide      kept at school until closing time. Parents may pick
essential value adding resources and services for      up students early if they choose, but must sign their
your children. The amount for all children in 2021     children out.
is $60. We thank our families in advance for
making this important payment.                         If a red alert is called, the school will be closed.

INFORMATION HANDBOOK 2021 - Broome North Primary ...
The A to Z of Broome North PS

Dental Care                                            area.

The school hosts a Dental Therapy Clinic onsite.       Excursions
The centre provides free general dental care to all
                                                       Educational and sporting excursions are arranged
eligible school children who have completed a
                                                       for classes throughout the year. Written
School Dental Service enrolment form. To find out
                                                       information is sent to parents prior to excursions,
more, please call 9195 3022.
                                                       and parents must provide their written consent in
                                                       order for their child to attend. It is desirable that all
                                                       class members participate in planned excursions
                                                       which are part of the teaching program. To find out
The School Education Act 1999 guarantees a
                                                       more, please contact your child’s classroom
place for every child in Pre-primary to Year 6 in
their local school. Kindergarten is an optional year
of education for students and enrolments are
taken in the chronological order in which they are     Hat Policy
processed up to the point of available capacity.
                                                       The school has a policy that children are to wear
Priority is given to students living in our local
                                                       a wide-brimmed hat when doing physical
intake area.
                                                       education and when outside at play all year round.
A birth certificate or extract of birth or passport    Broome North PS hats can be bought from Totally
must accompany the Application of Enrolment.           Workwear in Broome. Please ensure your child’s
Students will be placed in the year of study           name is marked on their hat, or alternatively ask
corresponding to their age group.                      us to use our white paint pen marker to label your
                                                       child’s hat for you.
Parents of students with special needs or
significant medical conditions are asked to contact
the school to discuss their child’s enrolment to
ensure that the most appropriate program is in
place to meet their needs.
Students who were born overseas must hold the
appropriate visa before applying at the school. For
overseas students who wish to attend school in
Australia using an entry visa, it is necessary that
the office sight the passport and visa of the parent
(primary visa holder) and student at the time of
The school must sight a copy of the student’s
Australian    Immunisation       Register     (AIR)    Homework
statement, recent to within two months, at the time    Homework for primary school children should be
of enrolment. You can obtain this by either logging    minimal, so a balance of play, rest and exercise
into your MyGov account or by visiting the             can be achieved. In the early years, homework
Department of Human Services (Centrelink).             should largely be informal and non-compulsory.
Broome North PS is a local intake area school,         As children move towards the upper primary years
which means the school is required to accept all       they should progressively be exposed to more
students who have evidence of a residential            structured homework requirements in order to
address in our local intake area. Please visit         facilitate a smooth transition to secondary school to view our local intake       through the development of good study habits.
                                                       Homework should always be seen as a vehicle to

The A to Z of Broome North PS

enhance student learning outcomes and foster          Project has four integrated components: Targeted
positive school/home partnerships.                    Teaching; Better early years education and care;
                                                      Regular      attendance,      and;    Community
At Broome North PS we encourage parents to
                                                      engagement. Our school’s classroom pedagogy
read regularly with students, encourage them to
                                                      and instruction aligns with the KSP’s targeted
write lists / keep a journal / draw, answer their
                                                      teaching module and is overseen by Associate
questions, encourage opportunities to become
                                                      Professor Lorraine Hammond. To find out more
part of clubs, afterschool sport, swimming
                                                      about the project, visit
lessons, visit different places and play outside.
                                                      blueprint/kimberley-schools -project/

                                                      KSP Kindlink (0-3 Program)

                                                      KSP Kindilink is a play and learn initiative for
                                                      children 0-3 years. The aim is to enhance each
                                                      child’s development and learning while building
                                                      families’ capabilities and confidence as their child’s
                                                      first educator.

                                                      The program is funded through the Kimberley
                                                      Schools Project until at least the end of 2022.
                                                      Places in the program are limited, and demand is
                                                      high! To register your interest, please call the
                                                      school on 9195 3000.
House System

All students belong to one of four houses:

  Yilany (Mangrove Jacks)
  Birndany (Stingrays)
  Gurlibil (Green Turtles)
  Wanggaja (Mud Crabs, new in 2021!)

House sporting events include the swimming
carnival (Year 3-6; Term 1), cross country (Years
1-6, Term 2) and athletics carnival (Kindy to Year
6, Term 3). Students can also win points for their
house by collecting ‘Besties’ (see Positive
Behaviour Support section) and by wearing their
house shirts to school each Wednesday.

Kimberley Schools Project

Broome North PS is proud to be one of 23 schools
involved in the Kimberley Schools Project, a three-
year partnership between the Department of
Education, Catholic Education Western Australia,      Library
the Association of Independent Schools Western        Broome North PS is extremely fortunate to have
Australia and the Department of Primary               an amazingly spacious and well-equipped Library
Industries and Regional Development. The              available to students and staff. Classes visit the

The A to Z of Broome North PS

Library once a week to borrow books; please             watches which need to be on flight mode during
ensure your child brings their library bag to school    this period.
on their class’s borrowing day. Students can also
                                                        As we already have a phone use policy that meets
access the Library at lunchtimes on Tuesdays,           these minimum requirements, there will be no
Wednesdays and Thursdays.                               changes for our school. Our existing policy will
                                                        remain in effect.”
Lost Property                                           Students are not encouraged to bring mobile
All clothing items found will be put in the lost        phones or electronic devices to school. However,
property box, located in the front office. Students     where parents require that their child carries one
and parents are welcome to look there at any time       to and from school it must be given to a staff
to recover lost items.                                  member before 8am. It will be returned at the end
                                                        of each day. The use of mobile phones and
We ask for your assistance by ensuring that all
                                                        electronic devices is not permitted during school
personal belongings are clearly labelled with your
                                                        hours. School staff will contact families whenever
child’s name to assist us in returning items
                                                        necessary, and parents can contact the front
misplaced by children within the school grounds.
                                                        office on 9195 3000 if they need to urgently get in
                                                        touch with their children.
Medical Conditions and Medication
                                                        Neither the school nor the Department of
Please advise the office if your child suffers from     Education will accept any responsibility if mobile
a condition that requires our attention and support.    phones or electronic devices are lost, damaged or
This includes conditions such as asthma, allergies      stolen.
or other medical conditions. It is important that you
provide the school with an Action Plan provided by
your family doctor if your child has a known
medical condition. A confidential record of
students with specific conditions is maintained
within our electronic records system.
It is preferable that prescription and non-
prescription medication is administered to your
child at home before and after school. However,
we acknowledge that medication may be required
to be administered whilst your child is at school. If
this is the case, you must complete the
appropriate Health Care Plan which can be
obtained from the front office.

Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices

The Western Australian State Government
announced a new Student Mobile Phones in Public
Schools policy from the start of Term 1, 2020.
The policy requires all public schools to implement
a ban on the use of mobile phones for all students
from the time they arrive at school to the end of the
school day. This extends to the use of smart

The A to Z of Broome North PS

No Dogs                                                Personal Item Lists
To ensure the safety of all members of the Broome      A personal item list (booklist) is distributed in Term
North PS community we require that dogs do not         4 for the following year. Pre-ordering these items
enter school grounds, with the exception of            ensures your children have everything they
service dogs or dogs visiting as part of educational   require at the start of the school year. Office
programs with approval by the Principal. We thank      National in Broome are our supplier and lists can
all of our parents and community members in            be found on our website.
advance for respecting these guidelines.

Parent Helpers

Parent/family assistance in the classroom and
with school activities is always very welcome. It
gives parents the opportunity to take an active part
in class activities and to develop an understanding
of how children learn. At the same time parent
help enables teachers to give more individual
attention to members of the class. If you wish to
assist in the classroom, please contact your
child’s teacher or watch for notes in the school
newsletter or on Class Dojo asking for assistance
with special school events.

                                                       Physical Education and Sport

                                                       The school has a specialist physical education
                                                       teacher who runs a range of programs developing
                                                       students’ fundamental movement skills and
Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)                   organised sport programs. The aim of our
                                                       program is to develop skills, fitness and a positive
The P&C is a great opportunity for parents,            attitude towards a healthy, active lifestyle.
teachers and community members to support the
learning and infrastructure of the school. Meetings    The school participates in interschool sporting
are held twice per term. A notional membership         events with Broome and West Kimberley schools
                                                       throughout the year, including:
fee of $5 is payable each year and ensures copies
of the minutes of each meeting and the right to
                                                                          Interschool swimming
vote at meetings. Funds raised by the P&C                 Term 1
                                                                       Garnduwa basketball carnival
contribute to the funding of programs and facilities
within the school, which makes for a better                             Interschool cross-country
                                                          Term 2
educational experience for our kids! To find out                    Derby football and netball carnival
more, send a message to our P&C president, Bel
                                                          Term 3            Interschool athletics
McKenzie, at
                                                          Term 4             Multisport carnival

The A to Z of Broome North PS

Positive Behaviour Support                             Behaviour Matrix
Broome North PS is excited to continue its Positive    Our behaviour matrix is a detailed description of
Behaviour Support (PBS) journey. PBS is an             expected behaviour in each area of the school. It
evidence based, whole school approach to               is displayed in all teaching areas and is on our
behaviour management, where school behaviour           website.
expectations are clearly defined and taught and
                                                       Teaching Expectations
positive behaviour is rewarded and celebrated. It is
a framework that will improve student academic                                     Throughout the school
and behavioural outcomes and ensures that all                                      year,   students     are
students have access to the most effective                                         taught how to behave
behavioural practices and interventions possible.                                  according     to     our
How does PBS help students and staff?                                              behaviour expectations.
                                                                                   Teachers     will   help
Research shows that schools that implement the         students learn what the expectations “look” and
PBS framework with fidelity and consistency have       “sound” like in every setting during the school day.
better staff mental health and well-being, fewer       These lessons will be retaught and reinforced
students with behavioural problems, fewer              throughout the school year, and become a regular
suspensions and improved student academic              part of our instructional program.
   If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach
                                                                                    Acknowledging       and
   If a child doesn’t know how to spell, we teach
                                                                                    reinforcing     positive
 If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we teach
                                                                                    behaviour is one of the
       If a child doesn’t know how to behave,
                                                                                    best ways to change
                 we…teach? Punish?
                                                                                    inappropriate behaviour
                                                                                    and          encourage
 Shouldn’t we be able to finish the last sentence
                                                       expected behaviour. “Besties” are given to
            as easily as the other 3?
                                                       students when they demonstrate positive
                                                       behaviours, along with an explanation as to which
Based on staff, student and parent input, our
                                                       behaviour expectation they have demonstrated.
overarching theme is Be Your Best, and our whole
                                                       The use of a common language is central to the
school behaviour expectations are built around:
                                                       PBS process and is used by every member of the
We are Respectful, We are Responsible and We
                                                       school staff when reinforcing expected behaviours.
are Resilient.
                                                       By earning “Besties,” students are able to work
As part of the PBS program, we establish clear         towards individual, class, block and whole school
expectations for the behaviour we expect in all        rewards (or incentives). They also go into the draw
areas of our school. We explicitly teach those         for a ticket to our Besties Brunch which is drawn at
expectations to the students and reward them           every assembly.
frequently with positive notes and prizes for their
                                                       Get involved!
great behaviour.
                                                       To be successful, our behaviour program needs to
                                                       be a partnership between home and school.
                                                       Please support SSPBS at Broome North Primary
                                                       school by reviewing our behaviour expectations
                                                       with your child. We invite your comments, and
                                                       ideas to make SSPBS work at our school.

The A to Z of Broome North PS

Reporting to Parents                                    Student Uniform and Dress Code

Written reports are distributed via email at the end    The school takes great pride in all students
of Semesters 1 and 2 in each year. All students         wearing the school uniform. The uniform consists
will receive a formal report detailing their progress   of the Broome North PS polo shirt, black shorts
and achievement in key learning areas,                  and the school wide-brimmed hat. We also have
indications of student attitude, behaviour and          school windcheaters available for those chilly
effort as well as detailed comments and an              Barrgana (cold season) mornings. House shirts
opportunity to request parent interviews. Parents       are available for purchase and are worn on
are reminded to contact class teachers throughout       Wednesdays and at carnival events.
the year to discuss their child’s progress.
                                                        All uniform items are available from Totally
                                                        Workwear at 5 Haynes Street, Broome.
School Board                                            Jewellery should not be worn to school, with the
In Independent Public Schools such as Broome            exception of sleeper/stud earrings and any pieces
North PS, the School Board plays a key role as          that are of cultural significance.
the peak governance body. The Board takes part          For safety reasons, students are encouraged to tie
in establishing and reviewing the school’s              hair back if it is shoulder length or longer.
objectives, priorities and general policy directions,
                                                        It is customary for our Year 6 students to vote on
and evaluates the school’s performance in
                                                        a special shirt that they are allowed to wear to
achieving them.
                                                        celebrate their last year in primary school; details
The Board meets four to six times a year and            go home in Term 1.
consists of nine members:
    3 members of staff
    4 parents or caregivers
    1 community member
    the principal

The Board functions within its Terms of Reference,
which are compliant with the School Education Act
(1999) and School Education Regulations (2000).
A copy of the Terms of Reference can be found on
our website. You can also find the minutes of all
meetings here. Elections to replace departing
members are generally held in Term 1 each year.         Student Leadership

If you are interested in finding out more about the     The school provides opportunities for Year 6
operations of the Board, feel free to contact the       students to take on formal leadership roles in the
principal on 9195 3000.                                 school. There are six student councillor positions
                                                        and eight house captain positions. Information
                                                        about the nomination process is given to students
School Gates                                            in Term 4 prior to the new school year. Students
Except for the one at the front office, school gates    who are selected have opportunities to build their
are locked between 8:15am and 1:45pm. If you            skills with time management, organisation, public
need to attend school between these times,              speaking and responsibility, laying the foundation
please enter via the front office.                      for future leadership roles as they grow older. To
                                                        find out more, contact Anne Harris-Walker, Year 3-
                                                        6 deputy, on 9195 3000.

The A to Z of Broome North PS

Teacher-Parent Meetings                                 illustrate your points. Then go through the issues
                                                        with the teacher and listen to their perspective.
It is hoped that parents and teachers will have
informal contact on a regular basis throughout the      Take off the rose-coloured glasses
school year. For the times when a longer, more
                                                        It’s hard to hear a teacher say that your child is
formal conversation is required it is best to
                                                        having issues in class, but the situation won’t
organise a meeting with the teacher.
                                                        improve unless you understand the teacher’s side
A normal part of schooling                              of things as well.
No child sails through his or her entire school life    Be respectful
without at least a few rough waters. Sometimes it’s
                                                        Even if the teacher is “to blame”, it’s important that
a classmate who’s causing problems. Sometimes
                                                        you and your child behave respectfully. Children
it’s an issue with how the teacher handles the
                                                        learn what they live and should observe you
class or treats a child. Sometimes it’s a big
                                                        treating others with respect at all times.
misunderstanding. And yes, sometimes the
problem is even with your child. No matter what         Decide on a solution together
the issue, a meeting will almost certainly make
dealing with problems at school much smoother.          Work with the teacher to come up with ideas of
                                                        how to resolve the situation. There should be
Start with the teacher                                  items for you/your child to address and items for
                                                        the teacher to address. Have the teacher make a
The first step is to contact your child’s teacher to
                                                        copy of the list for both of you, and then schedule
set up a phone call or face-to-face meeting. It is
                                                        a follow-up appointment to see what progress has
often not possible to allocate the time and
                                                        been made.
attention that’s required in the rush just before and
just after school, when teachers, parents and           Follow-up on your end
students are busily preparing and attending to the
multitude of tasks that take place.                     If a teacher has asked you to work on some issues
                                                        with your child at home, it’s important that you do
Don’t be afraid and think positively                    so. You certainly expect the teacher to follow-
                                                        through with what he or she has promised, so it’s
Many of us feel like children again when we have
                                                        only fair that you do the same. If the problem is still
to meet with the teacher or principal. While these
                                                        unresolved you should take it to the next level and
educators are in positions of authority, they’re also
                                                        make an appointment to see the deputy.
adults just like you who are interested in your
child’s education and eager to make the situation       Be realistic
better. Don’t worry that raising issues with them
will “hurt” your child in the classroom. Leaving        Not every school year will be perfect, but by
problems unresolved can be more problematic.            dealing with situations calmly and by focusing on
                                                        the solutions – not the problems, you’ll be making
In preparation for the meeting, envisage that           the best of the year for you and your child.
everything will work out for the best. A positive
attitude makes it easier for everyone to calmly
discuss the issues and find solutions.

Get the facts – from both sides

Sit down with your child and write down his or her
version of the situation. If it’s a problem with
grading or schoolwork, bring along examples that

The A to Z of Broome North PS

One Last Thing!                                          Once children start school, parents should
                                                         continue to foster reading development. Here are
Parents often ask, ‘What’s the most important
                                                         some strategies that can assist:
thing I can do at home to help my kids at school?’
The answer? Set them up for reading success!             Read to them!

                                                         Reading to your children helps them develop a
                                                         love of books and reading. While bedtime is
                                                         traditionally story time, don’t limit yourself. Keep
                                                         books in your car, in your bag, by the couch, and
                                                         even by the bathtub. That way, reading can easily
                                                         be made part of the day. Also, keep books on low
                                                         shelves, on the floor, in toy boxes, or anywhere
                                                         else your children can reach them.

                                                         Of course reading to your kids is not the only thing
                                                         that will help them learn to read; high quality
                                                         phonological awareness activities and a
                                                         structured synthetic phonics program, like what
The early years                                          we have at Broome North PS, are the most
                                                         important things. However, children that are read
A child’s experiences and home environment               to at home almost always come to school with
during their early years of life have a strong and       more advanced reading skills than those who
measurable effect on their literacy skills before        don’t.
they reach the classroom. Many studies indicate
that children’s emergent literacy skills significantly   Have plenty of material
predict reading test scores in later years,
                                                         Books aren’t the only thing children can read.
reinforcing the importance of home environments
                                                         Posters, maps, magazines, recipes and
on early literacy development and reading
                                                         newspapers are great reading material. Computer
                                                         games and apps that emphasise reading skills
Engaging children in play-based literacy activities      may also be useful for school-age children, but try
encourages the development of phonological               to ensure that there’s a mix between screen-
awareness, vocabulary and oral language, as well         based reading and non-screen reading.
as other knowledge essential for learning to read.
For example, by playing word games, using
rhymes to explore the sound structure of the
English language, and teaching them about the
alphabet, letter-sounds and print concepts
through directed, play-based activities.

Parents can also enhance their children’s
vocabulary and oral language through informal
activities, such as providing access to books and
educational toys, reading books together, and
trips to the library or museums. One of the most
effective things parents can do is TALKING with
children, listening, and answering their questions.

The A to Z of Broome North PS

Listen to them read

From the day your children begin sounding out
letters, concentrate on how they’re doing. Try to
include some ‘read aloud’ time – where they’re
reading to you – in your everyday routine. You can
offer them praise and catch any early problems
before they have time to become habits. Show
you’re excited about what they are reading and
                                                        weekly routine. Entrust your kids with choosing
                                                        their library books and looking after them whilst
                                                        they’re on loan.

                                                        Ask the teacher

                                                        Ask your child’s teacher if your child has areas in
                                                        which he or she may need extra help. Also, make
                                                        sure to let the teacher know if you’ve noticed any
                                                        reading problems at home. Working with the
                                                        teacher and school will ensure your child’s
                                                        continued reading success.

                                                        More important than ever
Model good reading habits and limit screen              Just 15 minutes of reading per day can change
time                                                    your child’s life. It is a skill that comes only with
                                                        practise, and, like any form of exercise, the more,
Your children need to see that reading is a lifelong
                                                        the better. When combined with the explicit, age-
skill and a form of entertainment. Take them to the
                                                        appropriate reading instruction at Broome North
library to choose books, and choose some for
                                                        Primary School, home reading can take your
yourself too. If you can, when reading
                                                        child’s literacy development to the next level. To
newspapers, magazines or online articles, discuss
                                                        find out more about best practice in teaching
what you read with your children. This shows
                                                        reading, or if you’ve got any questions, please
children that reading isn’t only schoolwork – it’s
                                                        come in to school for a chat.
something that’s an integral part of everyone’s life.
Also, limit the amount of time spent watching
screens, and try to model this yourself. Insisting
that electronic devices are put away at meal times,
for example, is a good way of limiting screen time.
Ensuring your children don’t have access to their
devices at night time is another wise move.

Let them choose

Within reason, allow your children to choose their
own reading material. If they choose what to read,
they’ll be more likely to actually spend time
reading. Sign your children up at the Broome
library and try to make visiting a part of your

Broome North PS Map

  Room          Class            Room         Class
Marndan 1       Kindy         Nimanburr 1     Year 3
Marndan 2     Kindy; 0-3      Nimanburr 2     Year 3
Marndan 3     Pre-primary     Nimanburr 3     Year 4
Marndan 4     PP/Year 1       Nimanburr 4     Year 4
Marndan 5     Pre-primary     Jarlangardi 1   Year 6
Linygurra 1     Year 1        Jarlangardi 2   Year 5
Linygurra 2    Year 1/2       Jarlangardi 3    Art
Linygurra 3     Year 2        Jarlangardi 4   Year 6
Linygurra 4     Year 2        Music Room      Music

Broome North PS Map

Broome North Primary School
Tanami Drive, Broome, 6725
(08) 9195 3000

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