Calendar 2020-2021 UNION FREE SCHOOL

Page created by Lawrence Armstrong

Board of Education Information
       Board Members                     What is a Board of Education?                              How is a Board Meeting Conducted?
                                         The Board is the official policy making body               A typical agenda for a Board meeting includes:
 Jacqueline Edwards, President           of the school district. The Board is composed
                                                                                                    1. Meeting Call to Order
 Kristin Hubley, Vice President          of seven members elected by the public. Each
                                         member serves a five year term of office. Board of         2. Communications
          Alicia Albright                Education members receive no compensation for              3. Consent Agenda
          Scott Carman                   their service to the district and the community.           4. Old Business
                                                                                                    5. New Business
         Kimberly Gyore
                                         Can the public speak at Board meetings?                    6. Building Reports
         Michelle Jordan                                                                            7. Superintendent’s Reports
                                         Although not required, the Board does provide an
            Steve King                   opportunity for the public to speak at the end of the      8. Visitor Comments
                                         meeting during Visitor Comments. You may be asked          9. Executive Session (if needed)
    New York Mills UFSD                  to state your name and address before speaking.            10. Adjournment
     Mission Statement                   Visitor comments will be limited to three minutes
                                         each. The President will curtail discussion on a topic     Point to Remember:
Through combined efforts of students,    to ensure that others have an opportunity to speak         No person or group of persons acts in the name
    staff, parents, and community        and that there is sufficient time to consider all agenda   of the Board. All motions require a majority vote
 members, our mission is to foster the   items. The Board of Education members will not             before the Board can act. A board member acts in
                                         engage in dialogue with the public during this time.       an official capacity only during an official Board
  confidence, knowledge, cognition,
                                                                                                    meeting. The Board employs a Superintendent of
   and character necessary to instill                                                               Schools as the Chief Executive Officer of the
   a strong work ethic, to create an     What are the responsibilities of                           School District. The Superintendent of Schools
environment of tolerance and respect,    the Board?                                                 is responsible for the day-to-day operations of
  and to ignite an attitude of inquiry                                                              the district and administration of Board policies,
                                           •   Establish district policies                          programs, and plans for Board action.
 and enthusiasm for learningthat will      •   Identify the district philosophy and direction
enable students to become productive,      •   Develop an annual budget for voter approval
          responsible citizens.            •   Act on the Superintendent’s recommendations
                                               regarding personnel matters
September 2020
                                                                                                                  Attendance Office:      315-768-3378
                                                                                                                  Jr.-Sr. High School:    315-768-8124
                                                                                                                  Elementary School:      315-768-8129
                                                                                                                  Bus Garage:             315-768-7948

         Sunday                   Monday                    Tuesday                  Wednesday                     Thursday                    Friday               Saturday
                                                  1                             2                            3                       4                         5

                                                  Board of Education Meeting,
                                                           6:00 p.m.                  Inservice Day                Inservice Day
6                        7                        8                             9                            10                      11                        12

                                 Labor Day
                                                      First Day of School for   Athletic Boosters Meeting,
                                 No School                   Students                    6:30 p.m.                                           Patriot Day
13                       14                       15                            16                           17                      18                        19

     Grandparents’ Day                                                          PTSO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.                                  Rosh Hashana Begins
20                       21                       22                            23                           24                      25                        26

     Rosh Hashana Ends                                 First Day of Autumn
27                       28                       29                            30                                                        AUGUST 2020         OCTOBER 2020
                                                                                                                                      S M T W T F S        S M T W T F S
                                                                                                                                     							1 					1 2 3
                                                                                                                                      2 3 4 5 6 7 8        4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                                                                                                                                      9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
                                                                                                                                     16 17 18 19 20 21 22 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
                                                                                                                                     23 24 25 26 27 28 29 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
                                                                                                                                     30 31
                              Yom Kippur Begins
Board of Education Information
The New York Mills Board of Education commits itself to the following vision and
                                                                                                     Board of Education Meeting Dates
core beliefs and values statements in an effort to provide support for its students on
                                                                                           The New York Mills Board of Education invites community members to attend its
their journeys toward success:
                                                                                           meetings that are held on the dates below beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the High School
VISION                                                                                     Library. Please note - these meeting dates are subject to change.
Our vision is to create an incomparable K-12 school district that is as highly regarded
for its academic excellence, as it is for its pride and commitment to actively serve and   Tuesday, September 1, 2020     Tuesday, March 2, 2021 – Budget Workshop
improve its surrounding community.                                                         Tuesday, October 6, 2020       Tuesday, March 23, 2021 – Budget Workshop

                                                                                           Tuesday, November 3, 2020      Tuesday, April 13, 2021 – Adopt Budget for Vote
CORE BELIEFS & VALUES                                                                      Tuesday, December 1, 2020      Tuesday, April 20, 2021 – (Vote on BOCES Admin Budget)

We believe that all students:                                                              Tuesday, January 5, 2021       Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Should be provided the opportunity to reach their full academic, physical, and social-     Tuesday, February 2, 2021      Tuesday, May 18, 2021 – Budget Vote and
emotional potential in order to become productive citizens.                                                               Board Election – Noon–9:00 p.m.
Should demonstrate respect, honesty, and integrity as part of maintaining good                                            Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Should be responsible and accountable contributors to society through leadership and
service to others.

Should be treated fairly and equitably based on individual needs.

Should have learning experiences that expand beyond the classroom.

Should develop technological awareness, problem-solving, and analytical skills.

Should be empowered to learn and grow through both successes and failures.

Have value and worth and are part of a greater whole.

Must feel welcome and safe.

Are valued members of the school community.
October 2020
                                                                                                                  Attendance Office:      315-768-3378
                                                                                                                  Jr.-Sr. High School:    315-768-8124
                                                                                                                  Elementary School:      315-768-8129
                                                                                                                  Bus Garage:             315-768-7948

      Sunday                     Monday                   Tuesday                    Wednesday                     Thursday                    Friday                Saturday
                                                                                                             1                       2                          3
   SEPTEMBER 2020              NOVEMBER 2020
 S M T W T F         S    S    M T W T F S
			1 2 3 4           5    1    2 3 4 5 6 7
 6 7 8 9 10 11      12    8    9 10 11 12 13 14
13 14 15 16 17 18   19   15   16 17 18 19 20 21
20 21 22 23 24 25   26   22   23 24 25 26 27 28
27 28 29 30              29   30
                                                                                                                                          First Day of Sukkot
4                        5                        6                             7                            8                       9                          10

                                                                                                                                           Conference Day
                               OCMEA Recital      Board of Education Meeting,   Athletic Boosters Meeting,
                               (Location TBA)              6:00 p.m.                     6:30 p.m.                                        LastNo
                                                                                                                                                   of Sukkot
11                       12                       13                            14                           15                      16                         17

                                Columbus Day
                                                   5 Week Progress Reports
                                 No School                 Mailed               PTSO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
18                       19                       20                            21                           22                      23                         24

25                       26                       27                            28                           29                      30                         31

School Bus Information
Bus Loading/Unloading Area
    To avoid blocking buses when bringing students to school in the morning, please do not park in the circle in front of the school. There are posted signs on our
front lawn stating, “Bus Zone Absolutely No Standing or Parking Anytime.” Parents may park in allotted spaces in the front or side parking lot. Also, it is unlawful
to pass a school bus with flashing red lights on. Please adhere to these procedures for your children’s safety.

Special Transportation Requests
    If you have any special transportation requests, please contact Mrs. Patty Ward, Transportation Supervisor, at the bus garage - (315) 768-7948. Please note
that such requests must be for pick‑up and drop‑off points within the district.

                     Elementary School Bus Schedule                                                          Jr.-Sr. High School Bus Schedule
    Bus         Destination                                                      Time to     Last      Bus      Destination                                      First       Last
                                                                                be Ready   Pick Up                                                              Pick Up    Pick Up

    Red         Main from Burrstone to Walcott, Sauquoit, Garden, Walcott,      7:25 a.m. 8:00 a.m.   Orange    French, Ney, corners of Douglas & Montrose,     7:05 a.m. 7:20 a.m.
                White, Floyd, St. Stanislaus, Greenman, Wetmore, Blitzen                                        corners of Campbell & Dudley, Meyers, Fourth,
                Circle, Hillside, Wadas, lower Young                                                            Fifth, Sixth, Ninth, corners Main & Wetmore,
                                                                                7:25 a.m. 8:00 a.m.             Floyd, Mill Street
    Green       New Hartford, Crescent, Henderson, Burr, Royal Brook,
                Collins Lane, West Dr.,Clinton, Burrstone                                              Green    Corner of New Hartford St. & West Dr.,          7:05 a.m. 7:20 a.m.
                                                                                7:25 a.m. 8:00 a.m.             Carolyn Courts, 99 New Hartford St., New
    Orange      lower Dudley, lower Wilcox, Calder, lower Myers, 1st-9th,                                       Hartford St. & Hapanowicz, corners of Clinton
                Campbell, Douglas, Montrose, Lamont, W. Whitesboro,                                             & Burr, West Dr. & New Hartford, Henderson
                Main from Walcott to Oriskany Blvd., French Rd., Clark, Mill                                    & Park, Henderson & Royal Brooke,
                Place, Campbell (north side and # 30 & below)                                                   Henderson & Burr Ave., Collins Lane

    Blue        Chestnut, Glod, Crestway, Cedar Lane, Pine, Beech, Maple,       7:25 a.m. 8:00 a.m.     Blue    Country Club & Comenale, corners of Main &      7:05 a.m. 7:20 a.m.
                Cottage, Pleasant, Crandall, Elm, Meadow, Comenale Crescent,                                    Elm, Porter, Chestnut, Maple, Cottage, Wadas,
                Porter, McPherson, Country Club, Parkside, Prospect, Pulaski,                                   Cedar Ridge, across from Greenman, Cross St.,
                upper Young                                                                                     Winchester & Davis, Davis & Fairway

    Purple      Winchester, Washington, Fairway, Davis, Shephard, Cross,        7:25 a.m. 8:00 a.m.
                Calvin, Andrews, Hillcrest, Ney Ave.,
                upper Dudley, upper Wilcox, upper Myers, upper Montrose,
                Campbell (south side and # 30 & up)

           Students should be ready and waiting at their bus stop FIVE minutes before the time of bus arrival.
                        Traffic should not be held up while the bus waits for your child to board.
              Use caution when crossing the street and wait for the driver’s signal before entering the road.
November 2020
                                                                                                            Attendance Office:      315-768-3378
                                                                                                            Jr.-Sr. High School:    315-768-8124
                                                                                                            Elementary School:      315-768-8129
                                                                                                            Bus Garage:             315-768-7948

        Sunday                    Monday           Tuesday                      Wednesday                    Thursday                   Friday                   Saturday
1                            2             3                             4                            5                        6                            7

                                                  Election Day
      All Saints Day
                                           Board of Education Meeting,   Athletic Boosters Meeting,
Daylight Savings Time ends                          6:00 p.m.                     6:30 p.m.
8                            9             10                            11                           12                       13                           14

                                                                                 Veterans Day

                                                                                 No School                                          1st Quarter Ends
15                           16            17                            18                           19                       20                           21

                                                                              Report Cards Mailed

                                                                         PTSO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.                                       Ability Day
22                           23            24                            25                           26                       27                           28

                                                                                                           Thanksgiving Day

                                                                              Thanksgiving RecessNo School — Thanksgiving RecessThanksgiving Recess
29                           30
                                                                                                                                  OCTOBER 2020                  DECEMBER 2020
                                                                                                                               S M T W T F              S    S M T W T F S
                                                                                                                              					1 2                  3   			1 2 3 4 5
                                                                                                                               4 5 6 7 8 9             10    6 7 8 9 10 11 12
                                                                                                                              11 12 13 14 15 16        17   13 14 15 16 17 18 19
                                                                                                                              18 19 20 21 22 23        24   20 21 22 23 24 25 26
                                                                                                                              25 26 27 28 29 30        31   27 28 29 30 31
Health Notifications
Pesticide Notification                                                                       Asbestos Notice
         The New York Mills Union Free School District uses current Integrated                   In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1987
Pest Management practices to reduce the use of pesticides in our buildings and on            (AHERA), a copy of the New York Mills UFSD Building Inspection Report and
our grounds. It may be necessary, however, to use pesticides periodically during the         Management Plan is available for review from 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
year. New York state law requires that schools maintain a list of staff and parents          or by appointment. Please contact Mr. Neil Fatata, Director of Facilities, at (315)
who wish to receive a written notice 48 hours prior to a pesticide application at            768-8156 if you need to set up an appointment or if you have any questions.
their school facility. If you wish to be included on this notification list, or would like       Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES performs an Asbestos Hazard Emergency
further information, please contact Mr. Neil Fatata at (315) 768-8516. For further           Response Act (AHERA) Inspection Report every six months.
information on the district’s pesticide program, contact our business manager at
(315) 768-8127.

                                                                           Please Visit Our Website at
                                                                for more information on many school-related topics.
December 2020
                                                                                                                     Attendance Office:         315-768-3378
                                                                                                                     Jr.-Sr. High School:       315-768-8124
                                                                                                                     Elementary School:         315-768-8129
                                                                                                                     Bus Garage:                315-768-7948

        Sunday                    Monday                    Tuesday                    Wednesday                       Thursday                     Friday                 Saturday
      NOVEMBER 2020           JANUARY 2021          1                             2                             3                          4                          5
 S    M T W T F S         S M T W T F S
 1    2 3 4 5 6 7        						           1 2
 8    9 10 11 12 13 14    3 4 5 6 7 8 9
15   16 17 18 19 20 21   10 11 12 13 14 15 16
22   23 24 25 26 27 28   17 18 19 20 21 22 23                                                                                                 HS Jr./Sr. High Music
29   30		                24 25 26 27 28 29 30
                                                    Board of Education Meeting,   Athletic Boosters Meeting,                                Department Brook’s BBQ,
                                                             6:00 p.m.                     6:30 p.m.                                           3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
6                        7                          8                             9                             10                         11                         12

                                Pearl Harbor
                              Remembrance Day                                     PTSO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.            Hanukkah Begins
13                       14                         15                            16                            17                         18                         19

                                                                                                                                                Hanukkah Ends
20                       21                         22                            23                            24                         25                         26

                                                                                                                      Christmas Eve               Christmas
                                                     5 Week Progress Reports
                              First Day of Winter            Mailed                                            No School — Winter Recess                                   Kwanzaa
27                       28                         29                            30                            31

                                                                                                                      New Year’s Eve

                                                                No School — Winter Recess
General Information
Opening and Dismissal Times for Students                                                 New Student Registration
                                                                                             Parents must register students before the opening day of school.
    Elementary School                          Junior/Senior High School
    Grades K-3                                 Doors open at 7:30 a.m.                       Please contact:
    Doors open at 7:35 a.m.                    1st Period 7:50 a.m.                          Junior/Senior High School                 Main Office • (315) 768-8124
    School begins at 8:00 a.m.                 Dismissal 2:01 p.m.                           Elementary School                         Main Office • (315) 768-8129
    Dismissal 2:30 p.m.
    Grades 4-6
    Doors open at 8:05 a.m.
                                               *No after school during hybrid            Secondary Class Schedules
                                               instruction.                                  Schedules will be provided to all Grade 7-12 students by the end of August.
    School begins at 8:30 a.m.
    Dismissal 3:00 p.m.                                                                  Visitors
   *Original opening and dismissal times for students will be put in place if                 All visitors to the school must first report to the front desk monitor, sign in and receive
   regular instruction resumes.                                                          a visitor’s badge. After a visitor receives his/her badge, the visitor must then report to the
                                                                                         appropriate office. Arrival and departure from the K-12 building must be through the
                                                                                         Jr.-Sr. High School lobby doors. Visitors must sign out and return their visitors badge.
Elementary Class Placements
     Elementary parents who have not yet received information about their child’s        Family Information/Emergency Notification
assigned teacher should contact the elementary office. All class placements are final.        A family information/emergency notification form will be sent home with all
                                                                                         elementary students during the first week of school. Jr.-Sr. High School students
                                                                                         will receive their form by the end of August in the mail. It is imperative that parents
                                                                                         complete a form for each child and then return the form during the first week of school.
                                                                                         This information will enable the school to contact the appropriate adult in the event
                                                                                         of medical or other emergencies.

                                                                                         Elementary Outdoor Play
                                                                                              When inclement winter weather arrives, the school closely monitors weather
                                                                                         conditions to determine if elementary children should be outside. In the morning,
                                                                                         most school buses arrive by 8:15 a.m. If you feel your child needs to be inside because
                                                                                         he/she has been ill or it is too cold, your child has the option of entering the building
                                                                                         and going to the cafeteria. Supervision is provided. If the decision is made that all
                                                                                         children should be inside, students will be supervised in our elementary hallways.
                                                                                         During recess, a school monitor is also available for children who need to stay inside
                                                                                         for health reasons. A note from your child’s doctor is necessary in order for a child to
                                                                                         be kept in from recess for an extended time due to ill health. Please send a note from
                                                                                         home for short-term (1-2 days) requests for inside recess due to illness.
January 2021
                                                                                                             Attendance Office:          315-768-3378
                                                                                                             Jr.-Sr. High School:        315-768-8124
                                                                                                             Elementary School:          315-768-8129
                                                                                                             Bus Garage:                 315-768-7948

     Sunday           Monday                       Tuesday                    Wednesday                        Thursday                      Friday                  Saturday
                                                                                                                                    1                           2

                                                                                                                                         New Year’s Day
                                                                                                                                    No School — Winter Recess

3             4                            5                             6                            7                             8                           9
                                                                          Junior High All-County
                                                                         Auditions at New Hartford
                                                                                                          Snow Date-Junior High
                                           Board of Education Meeting,   Athletic Boosters Meeting,       All-County Auditions at
                                                    6:00 p.m.                     6:30 p.m.                    New Hartford
10            11                           12                            13                           14                            15                          16

                                                                         PTSO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
17            18                           19                            20                           21                            22                          23

              Martin Luther King Jr. Day
                     No School
24            25                           26                            27                           28                            29                          30

                                                                                                                                         2nd Quarter Ends

                                                                                            Regents Exams
31                                                                                                                                      DECEMBER 2020               FEBRUARY 2021
                                                                                                                                     S M T W T F S               S M T W T F S
                                                                                                                                    			1 2 3 4 5                		1 2 3 4 5 6
                                                                                                                                     6 7 8 9 10 11 12            7 8 9 10 11 12 13
                                                                                                                                    13 14 15 16 17 18 19        14 15 16 17 18 19 20
                                                                                                                                    20 21 22 23 24 25 26        21 22 23 24 25 26 27
                                                                                                                                    27 28 29 30 31		            28
General Information
Absences, Tardiness & Early Dismissal                                                      Snacks
    If a student is absent due to illness or other reason, the parent should call the          Kindergarten - Sixth Graders If you feel your child needs a nutritious snack,
Attendance Office of the appropriate school, (315) 768-3378 as soon as possible            you may send it to school with him or her. The first elementary lunch period
the morning of the absence. Additionally, an absence or tardy note must be sent            begins at 10:43 a.m.
with a student the day he/she returns to class. If your child needs to leave school
early for an appointment, please send a note to Attendance prior to the pick-up
date. Notes can be e-mailed to
                                                                                           Fall PSAT Schedule
                                                                                                The Preliminary Scholastic Achievement Test (PSAT) will be offered to juniors
                                                                                           in the fall. The PSAT measures verbal and mathematical reasoning abilities that
Student Immunizations                                                                      are important for academic success in college. This test also enables students to
    All students entering school must be immunized to meet state regulations.              experience the same kinds of questions under conditions similar to those required
Please call the Elementary nurse at (315)768-3390 or the Secondary nurse at                in college admission tests and to receive an estimate of the scores they can expect
(315) 768-3391 for specific information.                                                   on those tests.
                                                                                                All juniors are encouraged to take this test. There is a fee for the PSAT. For
                                                                                           additional information contact the Jr. Sr. HS Counseling Office at (315) 768-3395.
Athletic Health History Forms Needed
    New York State guidelines for sports participation require parents to complete
an Athletic Health History form for their child at the beginning of each new sports
season. These health histories must be on file with the school nurse before student
athletes are allowed to practice for or participate in interscholastic sports.

K-6 YMCA Child Care Program
     We are pleased to announce that the Greater Tri-Valley YMCA will continue
to offer an after school child care program at New York Mills Elementary School
this year. This program is designed to provide parents with a safe, structured and
fun environment for their children currently enrolled in grades K-6. Hours of
operation are:
    Afternoon:           3:00 - 6:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
    Half Days:           11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Off-campus Location (no busing provided)
    Vacations/Snow Days: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Off-campus Location

If you would like to register your child for this program, please contact
the YMCA Child Care Program Director at (315) 797-4787 for prices and
registration information.
February 2021
                                                                                                                   Attendance Office:      315-768-3378
                                                                                                                   Jr.-Sr. High School:    315-768-8124
                                                                                                                   Elementary School:      315-768-8129
                                                                                                                   Bus Garage:             315-768-7948

       Sunday                   Monday                     Tuesday                      Wednesday                   Thursday                    Friday                Saturday
                       1                           2                             3                            4                       5                         6

                                                        Groundhog Day                 Report Cards Mailed

                                                   Board of Education Meeting,   Athletic Boosters Meeting,
                                                            6:00 p.m.                     6:30 p.m.
7                      8                           9                             10                           11                      12                        13

                                                                                 PTSO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.                                   Lincoln’s Birthday
14                     15                          16                            17                           18                      19                        20

                           Washington’s Birthday
                                                                                       Ash Wednesday -
                              President’s Day              Mardi Gras                    Lent Begins

     Valentine’s Day                                                       No School — Mid-Winter Recess
21                     22                          23                            24                           25                      26                        27

                           Washington’s Birthday                                                                                             Purim Starts
28                                                                                                                                         JANUARY 2021              MARCH 2021
                                                                                                                                       S M T W T F S             S M T W T F S
                                                                                                                                      						           1 2      		1 2 3 4 5 6
                                                                                                                                       3 4 5 6 7 8 9             7 8 9 10 11 12 13
                                                                                                                                      10 11 12 13 14 15 16      14 15 16 17 18 19 20
                                                                                                                                      17 18 19 20 21 22 23      21 22 23 24 25 26 27
                                                                                                                                      24 25 26 27 28 29 30      28 29 30 31
Emergency Closings/Early Release Information
    There are times when school must close early, open late, or not open at all due to weather or other
emergencies. Such decisions are made by the Superintendent. The news media is then informed of this       Radio & Television Stations
decision.                                                                                                     Listed below are the local radio and television stations
    In the event of an emergency closing after students arrive at school, it is impossible for us to      you should listen to or watch for school closings or delays
contact each parent individually to determine where your child should be sent. Therefore, you need to     due to inclement weather.
have a plan, we need to know your plan, and your child needs to know what to do. If the emergency             WIBX                              950              AM
                                                                                                              WLZW                              98.7              FM
requires immediate evacuation, or the roads are impassable, trying to pick up your child may be unsafe        WFRG                              104.3             FM
or impossible.                                                                                                WKTV                              Channel 2         TV
      The two most viable options for your child are:                                                         WUTR                              Channel 7         TV
    		 1) Go home or to a sitter, or                                                                          Spectrum News                     Channel 10        TV
    		 2) Take the bus to a prearranged emergency location.                                               Website
    The safety of your child will be best met if you take the time now to consider the options, develop       Observer-Dispatch -
a plan, and make sure your child and the school understand your plan. Emergency school closing forms      You will also receive a School Messenger announcement
will be sent home with K-6 students during the first few weeks of school. Grades 7-12 parents should              for emergency school closings or delays.
contact the Executive Principal if you need to make special arrangements.
                                                                                                          School Messenger
           K - 12 Standards of Excellence
                                                                                                               We will be using our School Messenger as our phone
                                                                                                          notification service throughout the New York Mills School
Our graduating students will be:                                                                               With the School Messenger service, principals and
   1.    Responsible citizens                                                                             select district administrators will be able to record, schedule,
   2.    Physically and emotionally healthy                                                               and send a personalized voice message to parents and
   3.    Respectful of self and others                                                                    families with one recorded phone call. More importantly,
   4.    Self-motivated, life-long learners                                                               they are able to reach families at a moment’s notice should
   5.    Effective communicators                                                                          an emergency arise. The system can also send messages to a
   6.    Collaborative workers                                                                            particular group. For example, calls may be sent only to the
   7.    Critical, creative thinkers                                                                      homes of all second graders or all PTSO members.
                                                                                                               The School Messenger service may be used for a
                                                                                                          variety of needs, including, but not limited to, informing
                                                                                                          parents about upcoming meetings, reminding parents about
                                                                                                          standardized tests, and sending out daily attendance mes-
                                                                                                          sages. The School Messenger service provider has a wealth
                                                                                                          of experience and best-practice examples that are available
                                                                                                          to all users. These resources help to guide the content and
                                                                                                          frequency of calls to maximize their impact.
March 2021
                                                                                                                     Attendance Office:              315-768-3378
                                                                                                                     Jr.-Sr. High School:            315-768-8124
                                                                                                                     Elementary School:              315-768-8129
                                                                                                                     Bus Garage:                     315-768-7948

       Sunday                       Monday                    Tuesday                     Wednesday                    Thursday                           Friday                        Saturday
                          1                            2                           3                            4                             5                               6

                                                       Board of Education Budget   Athletic Boosters Meeting,
                                                         Workshop, 6:00 p.m.                6:30 p.m.
7                         8                            9                           10                           11                            12                              13

                                                                                   PTSO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
14                        15                           16                          17                           18                            19                              20
                                                                                                                                                      Conference Day

                                                                                                                                                  Junior High All-County at       Junior High All-County at
                                                                                                                                                        New Hartford                    New Hartford
                              National Honor Society   5 Week Progress Reports
Daylight Savings Begins              Banquet                   Mailed                    St. Patrick’s Day                                              No School                   First Day of Spring
21                        22                           23                          24                           25                            26                              27
                                                                                                                                                                               Jr./Sr. High Spring Musical,
                                                                                                                                                                                         7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                              Jr./Sr. High Spring Musical,
                                                                                                                                                        7:00 p.m.                 Elementary All-County at
                                                       Board of Education Budget                                Jr./Sr. High Spring Musical       Elementary All-County at
                                                         Workshop, 6:00 p.m.                                    Senior Theater, 4:00 p.m.                 Clinton                    Passover Begins
28                        29                           30                          31
                                                                                                                                                  FEBRUARY 2021                     APRIL 2021
                                                                                                                                               S M T W T F S                   S M T W T F S
                                                                                                                                              		1 2 3 4 5 6                   					1 2 3
                                                                                                                                               7 8 9 10 11 12 13               4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                                                                                                                                              14 15 16 17 18 19 20            11 12 13 14 15 16 17
                                                                                                                                              21 22 23 24 25 26 27            18 19 20 21 22 23 24
                                                                                        K-3 Spring Concert,                                   28 					                        25 26 27 28 29 30
     Palm Sunday                                                                             6:00 p.m.
School Food Service                                                                                Concerns and
                    Program                                                                                        Procedures
     The School Food Service staff is looking forward to welcoming your children               Problems may develop during the school year that require cooperation be-
back to school.                                                                            tween parents and school officials to resolve. If and when those circumstances
     With families becoming ever more health conscious, the Food Service                   arise, please follow the procedures that are outlined below. Thank you for your
Department has kept up the pace with a variety of nutritious foods served daily.           anticipated cooperation with these procedures.
The Department understands the role of good nutrition as an important ingredient
of students’ successful participation in scholastic, athletic, and extracurricular         Classroom/Instruction Concerns
activities.                                                                                Step 1: Please contact the classroom teacher
     Students are encouraged to eat a school lunch that is designed to meet one-           Step 2: If a resolution to the problem is not reached, please contact the K-12
third of the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance Requirements. This year, the                          principal or K-12 executive principal
price for a school lunch will be $2.75. Due to new legislation in New York state,          Step 3: Contact the Superintendent of Schools
reduced price students will not be charged the 25-cent meal price, and instead             Transportation Concerns
will eat for no cost...for your convenience, you can set up a “MySchoolBucks”
                                                                                           Step 1: Please contact the district transportation supervisor at (315) 768-7948
cafeteria account for your child (at: and deposit funds
directly into that account. Or, you can pre-pay any amount by cash or check directly       Step 2: Contact the Superintendent of Schools
through the cafeteria. Most commonly, meal plans are purchased for:                        Interscholastic Athletic Concerns
     Cafeteria prices are for school lunch: Elementary & Junior/Senior High:               Step 1: Please contact the coach
$2.75, Reduced Price: No Charge, Ice Cream: 75¢- $1.50, Milk - all kinds: 60¢.             Step 2: If a resolution cannot be reached, please contact the athletic director at
A second entrée is available for $1.75.                                                             (315) 768-3393
     Parents may prepay for lunches or breakfasts by sending in a check made out           Step 3: If a resolution is still not reached, please contact the executive principal
to the BOCES Food Service.
                                                                                           Step 4: Contact the Superintendent of Schools
                                                                                           Student Health Concerns
Breakfast Program                                                                          Step 1: Please contact the school nurse
     The New York Mills Elementary School offers a breakfast program for its               Step 2: If a resolution cannot be reached, please contact one of our K-12
K-6 students (in addition to lunch) every morning.                                         principals
     Breakfast is served in the cafeteria as students get off the bus (8:15 - 8:30 a.m.,   Step 3: Contact the Superintendent of Schools
Monday through Friday) before the school day begins. Items on the breakfast menu
will include a variety of cold cereals and pancakes, bagels, muffins, etc. (Be sure        Scheduling/Financial Aid/College Applications Concerns
to read your breakfast menu as well as your lunch menu every day.) A special time          Step 1: Please contact the guidance office at (315) 768-3395
has been set up for students in elementary band who would like to take advantage           Step 2: If a resolution cannot be reached, please contact the executive principal
of the program. Students in band only may participate in the breakfast program at          Step 3: Contact the Superintendent of Schools
7:45-8:00 a.m., Monday through Friday on their respective rehearsal days.
     The cost of breakfast will be $1.25. Elementary children who receive free                  Please feel free to contact the K-12 principal, executive K-12 principal, and/
or reduced price lunches are entitled to free or reduced price breakfast as well.          or the Superintendent of Schools for other concerns.
High School students may purchase a la carte items at 7:30 a.m.
April 2021
                                                                                                                       Attendance Office:         315-768-3378
                                                                                                                       Jr.-Sr. High School:       315-768-8124
                                                                                                                       Elementary School:         315-768-8129
                                                                                                                       Bus Garage:                315-768-7948

       Sunday                    Monday                     Tuesday                       Wednesday                      Thursday                      Friday                 Saturday
     MARCH 2021               MAY 2021                                                                            1                         2                            3
 S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S
		1 2 3 4 5 6          							1
 7 8 9 10 11 12 13      2 3 4 5 6 7 8
14 15 16 17 18 19 20    9 10 11 12 13 14 15
21 22 23 24 25 26 27   16 17 18 19 20 21 22                                                                                                          Good Friday
28 29 30 31		          23 24 25 26 27 28 29
                       30 31
                                                                                                                       April Fool’s Day     No School — Spring Recess

4                      5                             6                             7                              8                         9                            10

     Passover Ends

        Easter                                                                    No School — Spring Recess
11                     12                            13                            14                             15                        16                           17

                                                          Ramadan Begins

                                                     Board of Education Adopt       Athletic Boosters Meeting,
                                                     Budget for Vote, 6:00 p.m.              6:30 p.m.                                            3rd Quarter Ends
18                     19                            20                            21                             22                        23                           24

                                                                                    Grades 3-8 NYS ELA Exam
                                                     Grades 3-8 NYS ELA Exam
                                                                                        Report Cards Mailed              Earth Day
                                                     Board of Education BOCES                                                                   Kindergarten Arbor Day
                                Patriot’s Day               Budget Vote             PTSO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.       Grades 3-8 NYS ELA Exam           Tree Planting
25                     26                            27                            28                             29                        30

                           Rain Date-Kindergarten                                     OCMEA Scholarship
                           Arbor Day Tree Planting                                  Auditions at New York Mills                                       Arbor Day
College Admissions Timeline
Junior Year                                                                     Senior Year
September/October – Register in the Guidance and Counseling Office for          September – College representatives begin high school visits. Check
the October PSAT. ACT Exam is administered in September. Attend local           Guidance and Counseling Office calendar. Continue researching colleges,
college fairs.                                                                  visiting campuses and requesting interviews. Register for November SAT/
April – ACT Exams. Generally taken by juniors. Registration material            October ACT. Ask teachers for letters of recommendation.
available in Guidance and Counseling Office or online.
                                                                                October – Fall College Fair at Mohawk Valley Counseling Association.
May – SAT Exams. Juniors generally take them at this time. Registration         Pick up catalogs and attend financial aid seminars to get appropriate
material available in Guidance and Counseling Office or online. Beware          information. Start filling out college applications. ACT exams are given.
of deadlines.
                                                                                November – SAT/SAT II exams are given. Begin submitting
June – SAT/ACT Exams.                                                           applications-primarily Early Decision candidates. Be aware of college
                                                                                application deadlines. Continue campus visits. Do you have a special
April-June – Juniors should be researching colleges and career options. Those
                                                                                talent? Contact appropriate personnel at the colleges. Attend Financial
students interested in the Military Academies should be writing Congressmen
                                                                                Aid Night.
and Senators for nominations, as well as filing pre-candidate questionnaires
with each academy. ROTC inquiries begin in late spring also. AP exams are       December – SAT/SAT II exams are given. Go to and
administered in May.                                                            get your PIN, so you are ready to file FAFSA online. Submit college
June-September – Use summer to make campus visits. Registration                 applications to your counselor.
deadline for the October SAT is usually early September.
                                                                                January – File FAFSA as soon as possible after January l. College
                                                                                decisions will begin going out.

                                                                                February-April – Admissions decisions are generally made by April 15.
                                                                                Check Web site for scholarship information.

                                                                                May – Tuition and housing deposits are due May 1. TAP applications,
                                                                                used only for New York State colleges are mailed. Continue checking for
                                                                                scholarship information. AP Exams are administered in early May. Please
                                                                                see the Guidance and Counseling Office webpage on the school website
                                                                                for more information.
May 2021
                                                                                                                    Attendance Office:           315-768-3378
                                                                                                                    Jr.-Sr. High School:         315-768-8124
                                                                                                                    Elementary School:           315-768-8129
                                                                                                                    Bus Garage:                  315-768-7948

       Sunday                  Monday                      Tuesday                     Wednesday                      Thursday                      Friday                Saturday

2                     3                          4                                5                            6                            7                      8
                                                                                       Cinco De Mayo

                                                 Grades 3-8 NYS Math Exam         Grades 3-8 NYS Math Exam

                                                 Board of Education Meeting,      Athletic Boosters Meeting,
                                                          6:00 p.m.                        6:30 p.m.           Grades 3-8 NYS Math Exam
9                     10                         11                               12                           13                           14                     15

                                                                                                                                                                        Jr./Sr. High Prom

      Mother’s Day                                      Ramadan Ends               PTSO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.                                                              Armed Forces Day
16                    17                         18 Budget Vote and Board of      19                           20                           21                     22
                                                     Education Member Election,
                                                        12:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

                                                  Elementary Band/Chorus Spring                                                                                      Music in the Parks 7-12
                                                       Concert, 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                Jr./Sr. High Band/Chorus                           Band/Chorus Competition in
     Shavuot Begins                                         Shavuot Ends                                        Spring Concert, 7:00 p.m.                                 Hershey, PA
23                    24                         25                               26                           27                           28                     29

                                                  5 Week Progress Reports
30                    31                                                                                                                          APRIL 2021             JUNE 2021
                          Memorial Day Parade,                                                                                               S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S
                              11:00 a.m.                                                                                                    					1 2 3             			1 2 3 4 5
                                                                                                                                             4 5 6 7 8 9 10         6 7 8 9 10 11 12
                             Memorial Day                                                                                                   11 12 13 14 15 16 17   13 14 15 16 17 18 19
                                                                                                                                            18 19 20 21 22 23 24   20 21 22 23 24 25 26
                              No School                                                                                                     25 26 27 28 29 30      27 28 29 30
Connect with Your Child’s                                                            How to Help Your Child be
              School Counselor for a                                                                Successful in School
              Successful School Year                                                    • Encourage your child to use their daily agenda; the agenda is a place to
                                                                                          write assignments and keep track of tests or other projects. This is a
                                                                                          great way to help your child be organized and serves as a communication
    1. Understand the expertise and responsibilities of your child’s school               tool between parents and teachers.
       counselor. School counselors make a measurable impact in every                   • Remain involved with your child and create a schedule to help him or
       student’s life, assisting with academic, career, and personal/social               her develop good study habits.
       development. Professional school counselors are trained in both                  • Review the five-week progress report and report card with your child.
       educating and counseling, allowing them to function as a facilitator               Contact teachers by phone, email or set up a parent-teacher conference
                                                                                          if you have any concerns.
       between parents, teachers, and the student in matters concerning
                                                                                        • Parents of elementary, middle school, and high school students can access
       the student’s goals, abilities, and any areas needing improvement.                 information about their child’s grades, attendance and discipline through the
                                                                                          SchoolTool Parent Portal. The permission form for the parent portal
    2. Meet or contact your child’s school counselor during the school year. By           is available at the High School and Elementary Offices or via the school
       communicating with one another at the beginning, middle, and end of the school     website at
       year, parents and counselors can have a definite impact on a child’s success.    • If a student is absent, they are required to make up any work they missed.
                                                                                          If a student is absent two or more days, parents may call the Attendane Office
    3. Discuss your child’s challenges and concerns with the school counselor.            to request work.
       As a parent, you know your child best. However, the school counselor             • If you have specific questions about one of your child’s classes, please
       can help you better understand your child as a student. It’s important             contact the teacher directly. The elementary counselor, high school
       to encourage your child’s expression of needs, hopes, and frustrations.            counselor, or social worker can assist you with overall academic,
                                                                                          behavioral, or social concerns regarding your child.
    4. Learn about your child’s school and social connections from the school           • Middle and high school teachers are available Mondays through
       counselor. When you need information or assistance, your child’s school            Thursdays from 2:19 to 2:40 p.m. to answer questions or provide extra support
       counselor can help you get in touch with the appropriate school officials;         to students.
       learn about school policies on behavior, attendance, and dress; and stay         • The school counselors and social worker can also help you identify and
       connected with the school in many other ways. The school counselor can             connect with resources in the community if your child may need them.
       also help you locate resources in the community when you need them.
                                                                                        		 Mrs. Woodward, Grades K-6 School Counselor
    5. Work with the school counselor to identify resources and find solutions          		 (315)768-3394, (315) 768-8129 or
       to problems. Discuss resources available within and outside of the
                                                                                        		 Mrs. Ellis, Grades 7-12 School Counselor
       school and get information on how such programs can benefit your child.
                                                                                        		 (315)768-3395, (315) 768-8124 or

The grades K-6 school counselor can be reached at (315) 768-3394 or (315) 768-8129.     		Audriana Molina, K-12 School Social Worker
                                                                                        		 (315)768-3394, (315) 768-8129
The grades 7-12 school counselor can be reached at (315) 768-3395 or (315) 768-8124.
June 2021
                                                                                                                    Attendance Office:      315-768-3378
                                                                                                                    Jr.-Sr. High School:    315-768-8124
                                                                                                                    Elementary School:      315-768-8129
                                                                                                                    Bus Garage:             315-768-7948

         Sunday                    Monday                     Tuesday                   Wednesday                     Thursday                   Friday                  Saturday
                                                     1                             2                           3                       4                           5

                                                     Board of Education Meeting,
                                                              6:00 p.m.
                                                          U.S. History & Govt.
                                                            Regents Exam
6                         7                          8                             9                           10                      11                          12

                          Grades 4 & 8 NYS Science
                                Written Test
13                        14                         15                            16                          17                      18                          19

                                                                                    Senior Cap, Gown and
                                                                                   Graduation Ticket Pick-Up

                                    Flag Day              Senior Class Picnic                                       Regents Exams
20                        21                         22                            23                          24                      25                          26

    First Day of Summer                                                                                             4th Quarter Ends       Graduation, 7:00 p.m.

       Father’s Day                                                       Regents Exams                                                    Regents Rating Day
27                        28                         29                            30                                                         MAY 2021                   JULY 2021
                                                                                                                                        S M T W T F S               S M T W T F           S
                                                                                                                                       							1                    					1 2               3
                                                                                                                                        2 3 4 5 6 7 8               4 5 6 7 8 9          10
                                                                                                                                        9 10 11 12 13 14 15        11 12 13 14 15 16     17
                                                                                                                                       16 17 18 19 20 21 22        18 19 20 21 22 23     24
                                                                                                                                       23 24 25 26 27 28 29        25 26 27 28 29 30		   31
                                                                                                                                       30 31
                               Report Cards Mailed
PTSO News                                                                                                                      Marauder Athletic Booster Club
      Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year. The                                                                                The New York Mills Marauder Athletic Booster Club’s purpose is:
PTSO is looking forward to welcoming new members                                                                               1. To support and promote all formal sports activities of the New
again this year! We would like to invite you to join                                                                               York Mills Jr./Sr. high school athletic programs.
the PTSO by either coming to one of our monthly                                                                                2. To encourage and recognize high school achievement,
                                                                                                                                   sportsmanship and character.
meetings or following our Facebook page (New
                                                                                                                               3. To contribute to the morale, spirit and enthusiasm of the
York Mills PTSO). The PTSO does try to keep the
                                                                                                                                   student body and community.
Facebook page updated with events that take place                                                                              4. To provide a vehicle for positive involvement by the community
throughout the year.                                                                                                               with the school and athletic teams.
      The PTSO meetings will be held on the second                                                                             5. To assist in the areas of sporting event promotion, publicity and
Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm and there is no                                                                                   athletic program development.
fee to join the PTSO. We strongly encourage your                                                                               6. To develop an organization with an active and involved membership that is concerned with the
participation in the PTSO this year. Through your participation it allows the PTSO to provide school                               total athletic program and all of its participants.
activities, supplies, events for the students and staff that are not funded by the school budget. By joining
                                                                                                                               The past school year’s fundraising efforts were cut short due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of
the PTSO it is truly a great way to get involved in your child’s school as well as allows you to get to know
                                                                                                                               the ways we were able to raise money include:
other parents and staff involved in our school community.
                                                                                                                                  •   Running the concession stand for football and basketball games.
      Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our craft fair for this year has been canceled. Please check out our                          •   Having an ongoing online apparel store, located at:
Facebook page to keep up-to-date on future fundraisers to take the place of the Craft Fair.                                           mills_school.
      For more information about the PTSO or to express your willingness to volunteer feel free to reach                          •   Currently selling: face masks, gators, lanyards, t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, pants, shorts, car
out to us via Facebook or email                                                                                stickers, ornaments, gloves, scarves and many more items.
      Here are some of the PTSO sponsored events for the upcoming school year:                                                    •   Our annual Marauder Open was cancelled this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. Please
                                                                                                                                      look for future fundraisers and mark your calendars for August 7, 2021 for our Annual
                                                                                                                                      Marauder Golf Outing.
PARP (Parents as Reading Partners)           Mills Money Store                                Recess Activities for Rainy Days
Scholastic Book Fair                         Kindergarten Orientation/Screening               Teacher Appreciation Week        Through these efforts, we were able to provide our student athletes and their teams with:
Olympic Day                                  Ability Day                                      Battle of the Books/Breakout EDU   • Workout room equipment
After Prom Party                             Banana Splits Program                            Club                               • Hitting nets for baseball
Elementary Science Fair                      Zogby Store                                      Bus of the Month                   • Seven $350.00 scholarships awarded to graduating seniors
Elementary Fall Festival                     Senior Scholarships                              Positivity Project                 • Volleyball storage system, training tools and volleyball cart
Holiday Giving Tree                          Kids of Character                                Turkey Trot                        • Senior lawn signs for ALL graduating seniors
National Honor Society                       Senior/Sixth Grade Trips                         Principal’s Most Improved Awards
                                                                                                                                 • Gifts for each varsity team’s senior night for NYM seniors AND the visiting team’s seniors
High School/6th Grade Graduations            2nd Grade Mother’s/Father’s Day                  Spirit Week
Elementary/High School Musicals              Celebrations
                                                                                                                               Follow us on Facebook: New York Mills Athletic Booster
                                                                                                                               Our Facebook page is up-to-date on weekly sports schedules, pictures from games, upcoming
                                    The PTSO officers for 2020-2021 are:                                                       meetings and any information regarding sports at New York Mills.

               Co-President..................................................................Tamara Casella                    For more information, or to join the New York Mills Athletic Booster Club, please email us at:
               Co-President................................................................Deborah Fennell
               Secretary.......................................................................Monja Mitchell
                                                                                                                               Our meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, at 6:30 p.m. in the Jr./Sr. high school library.
               Treasurer....................................................................Jennifer Faustino
               Parliamentarian..............................................................Kristy Clifford
July 2021
                                                                                      Attendance Office:      315-768-3378
                                                                                      Jr.-Sr. High School:    315-768-8124
                                                                                      Elementary School:      315-768-8129
                                                                                      Bus Garage:             315-768-7948

         Sunday                 Monday                Tuesday        Wednesday         Thursday                  Friday           Saturday
                                                                                 1                       2                   3
      JUNE 2021                AUGUST 2021
 S M T W T F S           S    M T W T F S
			1 2 3 4 5             1    2 3 4 5 6 7
 6 7 8 9 10 11 12        8    9 10 11 12 13 14
13 14 15 16 17 18 19    15   16 17 18 19 20 21
20 21 22 23 24 25 26    22   23 24 25 26 27 28
27 28 29 30             29   30 31

4                       5                        6              7                8                       9                   10

     Independence Day
11                      12                       13             14               15                      16                  17

18                      19                       20             21               22                      23                  24

25                      26                       27             28               29                      30                  31
                          NYM UFSD School District Foundation
     The New York Mills UFSD Foundation is preparing               Our needs are simple. Like all of the school support organizations, we could use
to start a new and exciting year. We are advocating for       some more assistance on our projects and all community members are welcome. We are
the entire district in many ways. The members of the          especially in need of assistance in converting our organization to a 501(c) 3 corporation
Foundation Board are firm believers in our small district     so we would be eligible to apply for grants and other donations.
and we are diligently working to provide items for the             Additionally, we are looking for assistance in setting up an alumni database, increasing
district that may not be available through the taxpayer       our internet presence (school webpage and Facebook) and, of course, we are always willing
funded budget.                                                to accept your donations to further our mission.
     Flocking Flamingos Fund Raiser is going to restart            We love to hear from you. Please feel free to attend any of our meetings. Everybody
this fall. We are also starting a Brick Project Fundraiser.   has something to offer. Lets us know that you want to help and we’ll find a spot for you.
Please visit (and like our page) us on Facebook or email us        Join one or more of our school support organizations. You’ll meet a great group of
at for more information.          people, have a voice in your student’s future and do some good all for just a little bit of
                                                              your time.
                                                                   We hope to see you this year.
August 2021
                                                                 Attendance Office:      315-768-3378
                                                                 Jr.-Sr. High School:    315-768-8124
                                                                 Elementary School:      315-768-8129
                                                                 Bus Garage:             315-768-7948

     Sunday        Monday        Tuesday        Wednesday         Thursday                  Friday                    Saturday
1             2             3              4                5                       6                          7

                                                                                                               Annual Marauder Golf Open,
                                                                                                                      Twin Ponds
8             9             10             11               12                      13                         14

15            16            17             18               19                      20                         21

22            23            24             25               26                      27                         28

29            30            31
                                                                                          JULY 2021               SEPTEMBER 2021
                                                                                     S M T W T F           S    S M T W T F            S
                                                                                    					1 2               3   				1 2 3               4
                                                                                     4 5 6 7 8 9          10    5 6 7 8 9 10          11
                                                                                    11 12 13 14 15 16     17   12 13 14 15 16 17      18
                                                                                    18 19 20 21 22 23     24   19 20 21 22 23 24      25
                                                                                    25 26 27 28 29 30		   31   26 27 28 29 30
Types of Diplomas
Regents Diploma
  • 4 credits of English, including the Comprehensive English Regents exam.
  • 4 credits of social studies, including the Global History & Geography and U.S. History & Government Regents exams.
  • 3 credits of mathematics and the Integrated Algebra Regents exam.
  • 3 credits of science and one science Regents exam (usually Earth Science or
      Living Environment).
  • 1 credit of Language Other Than English (LOTE).
  • 2 credits of physical education.
  • 0.5 credit of health.
  • 1 credit of art or music.
  • Elective classes.
  • Certification by the principal that 22 credit hours have been completed.

Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation
  • 4 credits of English, including the Comprehensive English Regents exam.
  • 4 credits of social studies, including the Global History & Geography and U.S. History & Government Regents exams.
  • 3 credits of mathematics, and the Integrated Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2/Trigonometry Regents exams.
  • 3 credits of science and two science Regents exams (usually includes Earth Science and Living Environment).
  • 3 credits of Language Other Than English (LOTE) and a foreign language Regents exam. (Note: there are several
      alternatives to meet this requirement. Please contact the school counselor for more information.)
  • 2 credits of physical education.
  • 0.5 credit of health.
  • 1 credit of art or music.
  • Elective classes.
  • Certification by the principal that 22 credit hours have been completed.

Local Diploma
  • Only students identified through the Committee on Special Education as having a disability who score 55-64 on any of
      the required Regents exams may earn a local diploma. Other compensatory options to earn a diploma for a student with a
      disability exists through regulations. Contact the school counselor for more information.

Please see the Course Selection Guide for additional information.
Alma Mater                                           Telephone Numbers
by Agnes Gmyr, Class of 1936
                                                    District Office                     Emergency
 New York Mills High we praise you                (315) 768-8127
     And the Orange and Blue
                                                                                    Telephone Numbers
                                                  Attendance Office
      We’ll ne’er forget you                      (315) 768-3378                   New York Mills Fire Department
    Or the golden days gone by.               Elementary School Office                          911
   And so we sing to your glory.                  (315) 768-8129
        To your beauty fair.                                                          Yorkville Fire Department
                                              Jr.-Sr. High School Office                        911
       And for Alma Mater.                        (315) 768-8124
      We’ll ever do our share.                                                  New York Mills Police Department
                                           Elementary School Health Office
                                                    (315) 768-3390                       (315) 736-6623
       Let us all sing praises.
                                           Jr.-Sr. High School Health Office     Oneida County Sheriff’s Department
          And rejoice anon.                       (315 )768-3391                          (315) 736-0141
         Let mem’ries linger                  Guidance Office (Gr. K-6)
And never fade or wan. New York Mills                                             New York State Police Department
                                                  (315) 768-3394
        We’ll raise our voices                                                           (315) 736-0122
                                              Guidance Office (Gr. 7-12)
         And proclaim afar
                                                  (315) 768-3395                  New York State Police Department
     Days that we spent with you
                                         School Social Worker’s Office (K-12)            (315) 736-6623
      Our golden guiding star.
                                                  (315) 768-3394
                                                                                       Poison Control Center
                                        Committee on Special Education Office            (315) 476-4766
    When we leave your portals
                                                  (315) 768-3378
         Each a separate lane
                                              Athletic Director’s Office
      And start life’s journey
                                                  (315) 768-3378
     On the rocky road to fame
                                             Building & Grounds Office
   We’ll ever sing to your memory
         With hearts so true
                                                  (315) 768-8516                   For Emergencies
                                                     Bus Garage
         Loyal to our colors
     The Orange and the Blue.
                                                  (315) 768-7948                       Dial 911
Non-Profit Organization
                                                                  U.S. Postage
                                                                  Utica, NY
                                                                 Permit #566

                       UNION FREE SCHOOL
                       District Office: Marauder Boulevard
                       New York Mills, NY 13417

Board of Education
   Jacqueline Edwards, President
   Kristin Hubley, Vice President
   Alicia Albright
   Scott Carman
   Kimberly Gyore
   Michelle Jordan
   Steve King

    Dr. Joanne Shelmidine, Superintendent of Schools
    Mary Facci, K-12 Executive Principal
    Brent Dodge, K-12 Principal

Visit us on the Web:
You can also read