INSIDE: CANCER WARRIORS - PURPLE BALL - TAMESIDE'S ROYAL VISITS - May 2018 - Head to Denton's beach See page 10 & 11 - About Tameside

INSIDE: CANCER WARRIORS - PURPLE BALL - TAMESIDE'S ROYAL VISITS - May 2018 - Head to Denton's beach See page 10 & 11 - About Tameside

                      May 2018

             Head to Denton’s beach
             See page 10 & 11
INSIDE: CANCER WARRIORS - PURPLE BALL - TAMESIDE'S ROYAL VISITS - May 2018 - Head to Denton's beach See page 10 & 11 - About Tameside
Welcome to the May issue and we
                                                                     Highlights this issue...
                                                                     PURPLE FUNDRAISER……………………………………… 3
have lots taking place this month. We
celebrate our local markets which                                    SUPER HEROES……………………………………………… 6
are the hub for Hyde and Ashton in
particular. Ashton in particular is a town                           AIR CADETS CELEBRATE…………………………………… 7
built on its market and takes centre
stage with the imposing market hall one                              DENTON BEACH PARTY………………………………… 10
of the borough’s icons. Over at Hyde
Market Hall we also have 50 years                                    MEET THE CANCER WARRIORS……………………………12
of history with its location as part of
Clarendon Square.                                                    MARKET CELEBRATION……………………………… 15-19
These small independent traders are dependent on your
                                                                     ROYAL CELEBRATIONS…………………………… 24 & 25
support and can offer a greater variety of products and
services not found in your high street store or supermarket.         TAMESIDE ROCKS……………………………………………28
Take this month’s Love Your Local Market as an invitation
to explore what’s on your doorstep and support the local             WHAT’S ON……………………………………………………31
                                                                     Telephone:              Editor
Kevin Taylor - Editor - About Tameside - 0774 8284134                                        Kevin Taylor
                                                                     0774 8284134
                   Contributors this issue                                         
                                                                     Email:                  Production Design
    Howard Murphy - Susan Hand - Cancer Warriors - Cineworld Inflict Design
   Ashton - Tameside Markets - Jan Lord - Peter Harrington - Local
   Studies Library - Mark Adams - Ian Hopton - Tameside College
  - Willow Wood Hospice - Ladysmith Shopping Centre - Alan Fish -    Visit us on Facebook & Twitter -
 Karen Dorney - Hyde Fundraisers - Droylsden Town Team - Ashton
                                                                     Ask about our cost effective advertising
Air Cadets - Clive Green - Dane Bank Garden Society - Denton Town
                                                                     opportunities and special features in the magazine.
                  Council - Nicola Woods - Alan Fish                 Email or call Kevin on
               - Cover Image - Junaid Ghafoor -                      0774 8284134 for further details.
          Deadline for our June 2018 issue is May 21st.                  Advertising terms and conditions available on request.

         Band competition

This year’s Whit Friday           element of the Whit Friday
Brass Band Competition is         Brass Band Contest is
set to take place on May          automatic for all bands that
25th. The popular event           compete at 6 or more of
sees bands competing at           the Tameside contests. You
various venues across             can find more details about
Tameside and judged in            your local competition
various disciplines. Entry        at:
for the “Tameside Overall”        brassband/whitfriday

2 About Tameside
INSIDE: CANCER WARRIORS - PURPLE BALL - TAMESIDE'S ROYAL VISITS - May 2018 - Head to Denton's beach See page 10 & 11 - About Tameside
The Purple Ball at The Village Hotel in Ashton-under-Lyne
raised £5284.02 for the charity Pancreatic Cancer UK
taking the total raised by these events to £30,346.74.
Hosted by tv presenter Paul Crone the event had numerous
opportunities to support the charity including auctions and
The team behind it, Jan Lord, Dave Richardson, Nicola Jayne
Smith, Mark Copeland and Carolyn Richardson are joined by
many others to ensure the event is a huge success each year.
Nicola originally came to one of the events and as a charity
supporter was delighted to join the team. She had no hesitation
in joining the team to support Pancreatic Cancer UK after
one of her friends had lost her mum to the disease. But what’s
the key to Nicola’s success in gaining support? “My gentle
knack of getting all the fabulous local businesses on board with
sponsoring the event with raffle and tombola prizes I know I
can really make a difference to the Purple Ball of Hope.”
If you would like to support The Purple Ball Of Hope you can
get further information by contacting jan@purpleballofhope.

     @abouttameside Web:                     abouttameside   Scan to visit our website
                                                                                                   About Tameside 3
INSIDE: CANCER WARRIORS - PURPLE BALL - TAMESIDE'S ROYAL VISITS - May 2018 - Head to Denton's beach See page 10 & 11 - About Tameside
Scouts escape                                                          CELEBRATE WITH STYLE
                                                Scouts is
                                                terrifying.           We are in the middle          swapping stories with
                                                Once the              of wedding ring               the staff, having your
                                                Explorer              buying season, lots           engagement ring cleaned
                                                started to            of very happy people          and checked and after
                                                explore the           about to tie the knot.        your final visit checking
                                                room and              Thinking positively,
                                                became                                              everything fits together
                                                comfortable           you only buy one set          perfectly, we will store
                                                in the                of wedding rings so
                                                surroundings                                        the rings until your
                                                                      make the experience
Broadoak Explorer                 they managed to work as                                           wedding day.
                                  a team to find a way out.           memorable.
Scouts went to the                                                                                  I have been selling
Escape Room - a new               It was a test of inquisition
                                                                      Please don’t ‘add to
venture set up in                 and focus, whilst also                                            wedding rings for almost
                                  laughing at the fact every          basket’ this is not pairs
Ashton, it is where you                                                                             fifty years and have
are locked in a room              time a sound went off               of socks! I wonder if
and have to find clues to         they would scream.”                                               learned in that time the
                                                                      Harry and Meghan know
find your way out.                If you would like to                                              incredible significance
                                  help young people in                they have missed out
Doug Pepper the                                                                                     wedding rings hold for
Explorer Scout Leader             Scouting, but you are not           on a special experience
said, “This experience was        allowed to lock them in             calling on jewellers          people, a life time of
truly one to remember,            a room, contact alan.                                             memories, no need for a
                                        discovering how much
my first thought was                                                                                usb, just hold that ring.
being locked in a room            07931765120 or: www.                there is to know
with a bunch of Explorer               about wedding rings,          Peter Harrington

    Willow Wood Wills Week

Writing your will is one          Wills Week. Then, discuss           Followers of fashion
of those things that we all       your requirements with the
know is important but is          solicitor who will draft your       As the summer beckons         limited number of seats
something many of us put          will in line with your wishes.      Ladysmith Shopping            available to see the new
off doing.                        And thirdly, make your              Centre prepares to            collections on offer.
Willow Wood’s Wills Week          donation to Willow Wood.            showcase some of the
will run from Monday 21 to        We’re suggesting a minimum
                                  donation of £85 for a single        latest styles and trends at
Saturday 26 May, and we’re
                                  will.” And if you’d like to leave   this year’s fashion show
hoping that by offering you
the opportunity to make           us a gift in your will to help      event.
a donation to your local          us continue to care for our         Taking place on May 26th
Hospice rather than paying        community, we would be very
                                                                      the event will see the
a fee many of you will put        grateful.
                                                                      catwalk highlighting some
your affairs in order. Elaine     Full details of the
McConnell explains: “Making       participating solicitors            of the Ladysmith’s fashion
your will and helping Willow      can be found by going               outlets plus footwear
Wood at the same time is”, as     to:            available from the likes of
Elaine says “As easy as 1, 2 3!   Alternatively, contact Elaine       Meeks and Bond Street
First of all, choose one of       on 0161 330 7788 orelaine.
                                  mcconnell@willowwood.               Shoes.
our participating solicitors
and make an appointment           info and she’ll send out an         The show takes place from
– not forgetting to mention       information leaflet.                12.30 and there will be a
4 About Tameside
INSIDE: CANCER WARRIORS - PURPLE BALL - TAMESIDE'S ROYAL VISITS - May 2018 - Head to Denton's beach See page 10 & 11 - About Tameside
About Tameside 5
INSIDE: CANCER WARRIORS - PURPLE BALL - TAMESIDE'S ROYAL VISITS - May 2018 - Head to Denton's beach See page 10 & 11 - About Tameside
Classic Show

      aster Saturday featured a
      special vintage car show in
      Ashton town centre hosted
by the Town Team and Tame Valley
Vintage & Classic Car Club.
The show was judged by Tameside’s
Civic Mayor Councillor Joyce
Bowerman who braved the cold
weather to view the display and
chat with the owners. Ashton Town
Team also added to the fun with
a mischievous Minion giving out
chocolate treats around the town
centre. The Town Team would
like to thank Tame Valley Vintage
& Classic Car Club for their great
support and assistance of Tameside
Markets to make the event a

     adysmith Shopping Centre hosted
     a special Super Saturday event in
     April with some very special guests.
Captain America, Batman, Spiderman,
The Joker and Supergirl popped along
to say hello and there was FREE crafts
from the Dandy Club too.
The centre also hosted a special
Autism-friendly meet
and greet to allow a
less crowded and noisy
opportunity for
to meet                                     their heroes.

6 About Tameside
INSIDE: CANCER WARRIORS - PURPLE BALL - TAMESIDE'S ROYAL VISITS - May 2018 - Head to Denton's beach See page 10 & 11 - About Tameside
Cadets Celebrate
2018 marks 100 years
of the Royal Air Force
(RAF), the World’s first
- and most famous -
independent Air Force.
This centenary year
provides unique
opportunities to:
• Commemorate 100               a special cockpit photo
     years of extraordinary     opportunity.
     success, achievement       The Air Cadets is one
     and sacrifice.             of the largest uniformed
• Celebrate the                 organisations in the
     professionalism and        country and we aim to
     dedication of today’s      offer a very good insight
     RAF, which is airborne     into the RAF Military
     24/7 supporting the        lifestyle and to teach a
     UK’s interests at home     good standard of self
     and abroad - whether       discipline. They achieve
     defeating Daesh in Iraq    this by offering a variety
     and Syria, or delivering   of activities for the cadets
     humanitarian aid to        to attend. 247 Squadron is
     where it’s needed          one of 37 Air Cadet Units
     most.                      in Greater Manchester and
• Inspire future generations    is based in Ashton-under-
     by telling their unique    Lyne.
     story - to the Nation      The group take part in a
     and beyond.                wide range of activities
Ashton Air Cadets will be       including shooting, flying,
celebrating the anniversary     gliding, visits to RAF
at Ladysmith Shopping           Stations and a whole host
Centre on May 19th from         of other events. Alongside
11am at the centre. The         these activities they also
group will be raising funds     promote the Duke of
for the local branch selling    Edinburgh’s award, charity
a variety of items and also     fundraising and various
                                BTEC Qualifications.

                                                               About Tameside 7
INSIDE: CANCER WARRIORS - PURPLE BALL - TAMESIDE'S ROYAL VISITS - May 2018 - Head to Denton's beach See page 10 & 11 - About Tameside
8 About Tameside
INSIDE: CANCER WARRIORS - PURPLE BALL - TAMESIDE'S ROYAL VISITS - May 2018 - Head to Denton's beach See page 10 & 11 - About Tameside
About Tameside 9
INSIDE: CANCER WARRIORS - PURPLE BALL - TAMESIDE'S ROYAL VISITS - May 2018 - Head to Denton's beach See page 10 & 11 - About Tameside
Tamesider’s on Track
T    ameside’s stars of the
     fast and spectacular
shale-sport of speedway,
have opened the new
season in super form.
Ashton’s Kyle Howarth
was unbeaten by an
opponent as his Sheffield
Tigers team cruised home
with a solid home victory
against the Newcastle
Diamonds. Kyle again
captains the Tigers –
who won the league
championship last year –
                               Champion, Australia’s Jason
and is looking forward to
another productive year        Doyle in the Somerset                        Hit the beach
                               Team in the sport’s SGB
on track. “I want another                                          t the end of May for
good season again this year,   Premiership League.
                               Charles also lines up with          why not spend the    more details. Attractions
just starting steady then
getting into the swing of      Kyle Howarth for Sheffield     bank Holiday at the       will also include beach
things again after the close   in the Speedway SGB            beach – in DENTON!        bar, fairground rides,
season,” he said. Adding,      Championship and romped
                               to an unbeaten point score
                                                              Yes, after last year’s    bingo, ice cream
“I’m also hoping to get
                               in the same meeting against    success Denton Beach      and Tombola. It’s all
some more racing over in
Europe.”                       the Diamonds.                  Party is back better      the ingredients for a
                                                              than ever.                fantastic bank holiday
                                                              Organisers will be        weekend day out for all
                                                              transforming the Civic    the family to enjoy in the
                                                              Square into a relaxing    heart of Denton.
                                                              beach area complete       The event has been
                                                              with sand, beach bbq,     organised by Denton
                                                              deck chairs and much      Town Council in
                                                              more. The event will      partnership with Walter
                                                              also see the return of    Wright and supported
                                                              the popular Denton’s      by Jigsaw Homes and
Droylsden’s gutsy racer,       Denton’s Belle Vue             Got Talent with a         Tameside MBC. So, pop
Jason Garrity also led his     Colt Andy Mellish is           cash prize up for grabs
                               unfortunately still on the                               along on May 26th and
new side the Scunthorpe                                       for the winning act. If
                               side-lines after suffering                               27th for family fun this
Scorpions to an opening
season victory with a fast,    multiple breaks to bones in    you want to enter the     bank holiday.
flawless five ride unbeaten    his foot at the end of last    competition you can
maximum over the Redcar        season. Andy, a vital and
                                                              email denise.ward@
Bears.                         popular member of the
                               Belle Vue team hopes to
                               resume racing in the next
                               few weeks.
                               The opening of the new
                               speedway season has seen
                               the weather put paid to
                               a number of meetings
                               taking place, similar to
A new arrival in Tameside      some of our local cricket
this year sees the classy      clubs suffering as well to a
and stylish racer Charles      delay in the start of their
Wright basing himself here     fixtures.
in the borough in Ashton.      Words and Photos Howard
Charles rides alongside the    Murphy
current World Speedway
10 About Tameside
About Tameside 11
Warriors are here to help
       he work of Tameside charity                                                           support the work of Cancer Warriors.
       Cancer Warriors stepped up a                                                          It’s not just about money it’s also about
       gear in April with the opening of                                                     raising awareness about cancers and it’s
their new centre on Melbourne Street                                                         okay to talk about it, especially men.
in Stalybridge.                                                                              It’s quite true that men seem to bury
                                                                                             their heads in the sand when they are
We spoke to founder Derek Evans from                                                         diagnosed with cancer. I actually left my
Stalybridge and asked what inspired him                                                      lump for two years before I sought any
to start the charity?                                                                        medical advice and if I had acted sooner
We started Dirks Army in 2010, I’d                                                           I would be in a better position than I
been diagnosed with cancer for the first                                                     am now. It’s ok for men to have these
time in 2007 and then again in 2010 so                                                       feelings and it’s okay to be scared but
I decided to fundraise for The Christie                                                      getting support is helping more and more
Hospital and Macmillan. On that journey                                                      people survive living with it and dealing
I discovered a lack of support in the                                                        with it after.
Tameside area for those who had been                                                         What is your target audience for Cancer
diagnosed or living with cancer, so you       You’ve opened your new centre in               Warriors?
would need to travel out of area to get it.   Stalybridge, what services are you
                                              offering here?                                 Anyone who has been diagnosed with
I was also frustrated that the people who                                                    cancer, anyone living beyond cancer and
were offering support had no experience       Well we have three satellite drop              not just those people but their families
of dealing with cancer themselves and         in locations held one day a week at            as well. It’s unbelievable how it can affect
just salary based. For the third time in      Stamford Park, Reclamation Rooms in            a family. There are not many places that
2012 I was given 8 weeks left to live so      Saddleworth and one at the Grafton             also extend their support to the family as
I decided if I was to survive it I wanted     Centre in Hyde where we run therapy            well, so we offer to support them as well.
to create something that was run by           sessions, lessons – in fact I started
people who had faced cancer, so they had      knitting recently – so there’s all sorts you   If they don’t come to Stalybridge how can
the real understanding and empathy of         can learn. Here in Stalybridge we now          people get in touch?
what the person was going through. So, I      have this information and drop support         They can get us through social media with
changed Dirks Army to Cancer Warriors         facility for people Monday to Friday           our Cancer Warriors UK Facebook page,
and we became a charity which laid the        10am until 2pm. So you can come here           contact us on Twitter @warriorscancer,
foundation to what we have today.             and get information, support, advice on        via email cancerwarriors@mail.comor via
Have you found there is a great demand        anything from benefits to how to get           phone on 0161 338 5010.
for what you offer in Tameside?               a MacMillan nurse from someone who             Thank you, Derek.
                                              has been there and got the t-shirt who
Yes definitely, because in Tameside there                                                    At the launch was Stalybridge and Hyde
                                              knows what you are going through. It’s
is actually no non-clinical peer to peer                                                     MP Jonathan Reynolds offering his
                                              important because there’s nothing worse
support and this is the reason we do                                                         support to Cancer Warriors ‘This is
                                              people can say than ‘I know how you
what we do.                                                                                  fantastic for those who are experiencing
                                              feel’ when they haven’t been through that
                                                                                             cancer or families dealing with it who
What was the nearest option for people?       journey. So, to come here they can speak
                                                                                             need other help apart from the medical
At the time the nearest was The               to someone who’s been through it, have
                                                                                             side of things. What Cancer Warriors
Christie so it would mean a lengthy           a cake and a nice coffee in a non-clinical
                                                                                             have done here in Tameside is provide
journey to Didsbury or to Oldham for          relaxed atmosphere. Knowing we are
                                                                                             some of that care and support locally
any type of support. If you had just had      on the doorstep if they need to get out
                                                                                             which is what we needed. To see them
chemotherapy you would feel really            and have a chat knowing we are here all
                                                                                             go from strength to strength to be here
rough so to get the bus and travel that far   the time, not just office hours. We also
                                                                                             now opening this fantastic looking shop
it could mean a 4 hour round trip just for    support out of hours on social media and
                                                                                             in Stalybridge is absolutely wonderful. I
me on public transport. Obviously, that’s     there’s a hotline so there’s other options
                                                                                             know what a difference this is going to
not ideal and by the time you’ve done all     of support.
                                                                                             make so it’s been a pleasure to be here
that you are so tired you feel you haven’t    How can people donate and support              for the opening.’
had the support. Once the fatigue kicks in    what you do?
                                                                                             Thanks to Jonathan. You can also find out
you don’t feel like you’ve gained anything.   If anyone wants to donate to Cancer            more by visiting the website:
Has there been a good response to             Warriors, they can come down and talk
                                              to us to discuss how they            
Cancer Warriors then?
                                              can help. If they want to
We’ve had a great response and since we       volunteer you can come
started the charity we’ve had help from       and chat to Steph the
some great people, a fantastic team that      secretary and she’ll take
work together very hard, all volunteers       them through the criteria
and nobody is salaried. They even pay         of what we need and if that
their own expenses, so I couldn’t have a      fits we welcome them on
better team behind me.                        board. We have the local
How did you recruit that support?             Last Resort Bikers club
A lot of them are friends who I had           doing fundraising, but you
trusted with some having had or               don’t have to do an event
experienced cancer themselves, so I gave      with us you can organise
them the vision I had, and they believed in   your own event or shave
it. I’m just so lucky to have such a great    your head or whatever we
team.                                         appreciate anything that can
12 About Tameside
Get connected                                     Marvellous fabrics
The Linda Fletcher I.T                            Rouge Fabrics based       Other things include
Suite and Community                               on Penny Meadow in        felts, laces for bridal,
Base in Ashton                                    Ashton-under-Lyne sells   satins along with all your
is available If you                               all different types of    different types of cottons,
need help                                         fabric for dressmaking,   quilting and popular
or support                                        bridal, crafts and for    dressmaking supplies.
getting online, you                               theatrical costumes.      Now Rouge Fabrics
can call in between                                                                  has the latest
11.30am and 2.15pm       starting at 12.30.                                          Marvel and DC
Monday to Friday.        All welcome to join                                         fabrics available
They are also open       in. Thursday evening                                        for your projects
Thursday evenings        has their Social Group                                      which include
6-8pm with volunteers    and are very welcome                                        The Avengers,
on site for support.     to new members and                                          Spiderman and
They also hold a         ideas!                                                      Superman.
pay what you can         For information call                                      Customer service
Coffee Morning Every     Nicola from the                                           is always a priority
Wednesday in their       Rough Diamonds                                            and owner Naheed
Community Room           on 07442809496 or                                         Ghafoor can help
from 10.30am followed    visit them at Ryecroft                                    advise if you are
by free Craft Group      House, Ashton-under-                                      unsure about
                         Lyne OL7 0SA.                                             choosing materials.

                                                                                      About Tameside 13
Tribute to heroes
T    his November will see the
     100th anniversary to the end of
World War 1 and a Dukinfield man
has created a special tribute to say
thank you to those who fought for
Mark Adams created A SOLDIERS
PRAYER based on stories of those
men in the trenches who would
create poems and messages to send
home to the ones they love. He’s
to life with a special video filmed
in Stalybridge with the help of local
people. The emotive production tries
to capture the feeling of battle and
the atmosphere the soldiers may have
lived in.
Apart from Mark himself
the team behind the project
also includes Aatif Zafar -
David Robinson – Daniel
Thomas and our soldier
Mark Hill from Dukinfield as
the soldier. You can watch
The Soldiers Prayer on You
Tube -

Cue Stalybridge’s historic Snooker league
                                               been running with 4 teams for      so it is sad to see them leave. They
                                               several years. They are now        had struggled to field a full team all
                                               having more breaks over 20         season until they could not go on any
                                               but the highest breaks are a       longer. Hopefully, they will return
                                               little short of previous year’s    again, and we do have the potential
                                               rankings. The current highest      of some new clubs joining us in
                                               billiards break is only 33         September.
                                               compared to last year’s 48 and     It is good to see new clubs in the

S   talybridge Snooker Billiards               the highest snooker one is only    league and they are always looking
    & Whist League has been in           39 compared to last year of 64.          for more. If you do want any further
existence for 107 years and during       Mossley A and new boys Hyde S C          details on the league and its 100 year
that period we have had teams            have battled it out at the top of the    history you can go to their website
from Mossley, Ashton, Hyde,              snooker league but Mossley A hung        at
Stalybridge and Dukinfield. They         on to become champions by 4 points       or contact Ian Hopton via email ian.
had over 40 teams in the league          at the end of 20 matches. In the whist
in that period and started with 7        league Mossley A and B along with        A lot of leagues and local clubs are
teams in1910.                            St George’s were in contention for       closing but they want to carry on
The league ended last season on 4        most of the season but regrettably       enjoying Thursday nights as the league
teams but after talking to local clubs   St George’s resigned from the            members have for the past 107 years.
they welcomed Hyde Snooker club          league with 4 games still to
to their ranks last September and        be played. This left the 2
then shortly after were joined by        Mossley teams to contest
Staly Labour, although they have since   the league and eventually
changed their name to Staly Vegas.       Mossley B won by 2 points.
The new teams in the league brought      St George’s have been ln the
a new challenge because they had         league since the mid-1980s,

14 About Tameside
BBQ Time
                                                                                                   As the weather improves
                                                                                                   it’s time to pull the
                                                                                                   covers off the barbeque
                                        In 2017 Hyde
                                                                                                   and get cooking if
                                        Market Hall                                                we have decent Bank
                                        celebrated 50                                              Holiday weather. Just in
                                        years serving                                              time, Let’s Talk Tripe
                                        the public with                                            in Hyde are launching a
                                        an amazing                                                 tasty range of seasoned
                                        array of stalls.                                           meats perfect for the
                                        Today you’ll                                               occasion. You’ll find BBQ
                                        still find stalls       Ribs, Kofta Kebabs, Chinese seasoned Chicken Drummers,
                                        with fresh baked        Chicken Breast Kebabs, homemade beef burgers and hot
                                        goods, clothing,        ‘n’ spicy Chicken Wings and Thighs. Spoil yourself with the
                                        mobile phone            range of flavoured sausages with 10 flavours including Chilli,
                                                                black pudding, tomato, black pudding, pork and apple along
                                                                with many more. Don’t forget your tripe either along with
                                        flowers, scented
                                                                savoury ducks, black pudding, ham shanks and spices to
                                        candles, bags,          liven up your recipes!
                                        vegetables, cafes
                                        and much more.          Health matters
                                        We highlight a                                       Wendy Hobin, who runs
                                        few of the stalls                                    Natural Health in Hyde
                                                                                             Indoor Market, has over 28
in this issue to celebrate Love Your Local Markets
                                                                                             years’experience in providing
which provides the perfect opportunity to discover
                                                                                             health and supplement
what Hyde Market Hall has to offer. So, support your                                         information. Here’s her tips
local market stalls next time you visit Hyde town centre                                     for a healthy summer! Vitamin
and discover the variety, quality and service that market                                    B1, also called thiamine can
shoppers enjoy!                                                                              be taken before your holiday
                                                                                             and during which helps against
Let the sunshine in
                                                                                             the mosquitos too. If you’re
                                       With summer
                                                                                             prone to holiday sickness take
                                       beckoning perhaps                                     a prebiotic such as OptiBac
                                       you are thinking of      or Allicin Max Prepro. For those with allergies there are
                                       freshening up your       several good quality brands with one of the oldest being
                                       curtains or maybe        New Era, Pollisosan and good for prickly heat is Urtica
                                       some new nets or         which is made from stinging nettles. For general health try a
                                       beautiful decorative     multivitamin with minerals such as Solus.
                                       voile? NETS R US is
                                       located on the first
                                       floor of Hyde Market
Hall opposite Angie’s Sewing Services. The stall offers nets,
tie blinds, hooks, net rods, tie backs and the latest new
season voiles to peruse. A curtain making service is also

                                                                                                          About Tameside 15
                    During May the annual
                    Love Your Local Market
                    celebration will be taking
                    place to highlight market
                    shopping across the UK.
                    Ashton Market, previous
                    multiple winners of ‘Britains
                    Favourite Market’ award,
                    will be hosting a cooking
                    demonstration at the ‘Cake
                    & Craft’ market on the third
                    Saturday of the month for
                    this year’s event. There will
                    also be a further cooking
                    demonstration using fresh
                    local produce at Ashton
                    Farmers’Market on May
                    27th. Hyde Market will be
                    celebrating Love Your Local
                    Market by hosting street
                    theatre group “The Q”

16 About Tameside
on Saturday May 26th. The popular           second Sunday of the month around         The investment continues in the
market hosted at Tameside Hospital          Armentieres Square and the Civic          outside market which is part of the
will continue in partnership with           Hall. Special craft markets are also      Vision Tameside project that includes
Tameside Markets with Tameside              being organised throughout the year in    the building of the new shared service
and Glossop Integrated Care NHS             Stalybridge with The Crafters Festival.   centre of Tameside Council and
Foundation Trust with the next              In 2017 Hyde Market Hall celebrated       Tameside College.
expected on May 29th.                       its 50th anniversary along with new       If you haven’t visited your local market
Hyde Artisan Market also continues to       stalls that included a delicatessen,      for a while, then come along and see
grow in success and popularity over         florist and scented candles. Existing     what they have to offer.
the months working in partnership           traders sell health supplements and       For further information about markets
with Paper Tulips. Taking place, the        vitamins, fresh baked goods, great        in Tameside, becoming a trader or
first Saturday of the month the market      value clothing and fresh tripe.           information about hosting your own
features a range of food and craft stalls   This month also sees the launch of the    market please
on the Civic Square.                        Ashton Tap House at Ashton Indoor         visit: www.
Stalybridge still continues to host         Market selling a range of craft ales
the popular Farmers’ Market on the          where shoppers can relax after picking    uk/markets.
                                                      up market goods.
                                                      Ashton’s Market Hall
                                                      is home to a wide
                                                      range of independent
                                                      retailers from quality
                                                      butchers such as
                                                      Briggs, J&L Meats and
                                                      Pearsons to hardware
                                                      suppliers, pillows and
                                                      bedding, curtains and
                                                      bath bombs!

                                                                                                           About Tameside 17
back pain, arthritis and stress related
                                                                                 pains. These treatments can also help
                                                                                 any type of muscle pains, menstrual,
                                                                                 prostate or infertility problems.

The award-winning Ashton                  some of their delicious homemade
Market Hall has won the
title of Britain’s Favourite
Market quite a few times
in recent years and when
you see some of the great
traders based inside it is
                                                                                 Treat yourself to a hot snack at
easy to see why.
                                                                                 Wendy & Mandy’s Café who’ll keep
Pearsons Butchers have built a fine
reputation in Ashton for providing                                               you nourished during the shopping
quality meats and poultry. With BBQ                                              adventure inside the market hall. The
season with us it’s a great time to try                                          café won the Celebrate Tameside
                                                            Mandy Yuan           Food & Drink Café of the Year award
                                                            is based inside      2014 and again a couple of years
                                                            Ashton Market        later proving their popularity with
                                                            Hall at the My
                                                            Medicine stall       customers.
                                                            and she has
                                                            been working in
                                                            Chinese medicine
                                                            for almost 30
                                                            years. Therapies
                                                            on offer include
                                                            massages suitable
                                                            for any type of
                                                            body pains such as                   Give your home a
                                                                                                 new look this summer
                                                                                                 with a visit to Brian’s
                                                                                                 Curtains offering a
                                                                                                 great range of voile,
                                                                                                 ready mades, nets,
                                                                                                 blinds and much more.
                                                                                                 Home visits can also be
                                                                                                 arranged if it’s difficult
                                                                                                 to pop in.

18 About Tameside
quality meat and poultry products with
                                                                  77 years of experience. Get your BBQ
                                                                  sizzling with homemade beefburgers,
                                                                  delicious kebabs and much more.

The Off Licence has many items
cheaper than supermarkets with a
huge range of Polish vodkas and over
40 different malt whiskies available
along with cut-price cigarettes too.      Brighten up bedtime
Enjoy Gin? Then you’ll be amazed to       with some Pillow
discover the stall has over 30 types      Talk bedspreads,
plus the option to order even more –      new summer duvets
great for your summer tipple. Looking     and soft pillows
for that specialised liqueur or spirit?   to help get a great
See if they have it!                      night’s sleep. You’ll
                                          also find bath sets,
                                          pillows and throws
                                          to enhance your
                                          home. The stall also
                                          stocks those hard
                                          to find Superking
                                          sizes too! Now in
                                          stock are flannelette
                                          sheets and quilt
                                          sets. Get ready for
                                          your holiday with
Making your own cupcakes or               their selection of
celebration cakes? Then a visit to        beach towels. Don’t
the Cake Studio is a must where           forget they also
you’ll find all the accessories and       have children’s quilt
decorations you’ll need. The stall has    sets with matching
now extended and it’s the perfect         curtains.
destination for enthusiastic amateurs     Established in 1938
or professional cake makers and           Briggs Quality
decorators. From decorations to icing     Family Butchers
it’s all here at The Cake Studio for      has a fine reputation
you.                                      in supplying high

                                                                                      About Tameside 19
Spring into Droylsden

                                                             Saturday May 5th sees            will have the difficult
                                                             Droylsden town centre host       task of judging the Spring
                                                             it’s Spring Festival event       competition.
                                                             which has been organised         Droylsden Town Team
                                                             by Droylsden Town Team.          organises a range of events
       Former student Alex is                                The event will include a         to support the local town
       Commonwealth success                                  great selection of funfair
                                                             rides for children, the
                                                                                              centre and community.
                                                                                              In 2018 they will also be
Alex Collier, a former        in Gold Coast, Australia,      launch of Droylsden’s own        hosting the popular Beach
Tameside College              he was awarded 10th            microbrewery in the precinct,    Party event on August Bank
student is celebrating        place in the men’s 85kg        gift and craft stalls and much   Holiday Weekend and festive
a top ten finish on his       section. Alex said: “I’ve      more. The popular Town           surprises for the Christmas
Commonwealth Games            been battling knee injuries    Team Tombola returns with        Lights event in November.
                              for the past couple of         lots of prizes to be won.
debut in weightlifting.
                              months, but I wasn’t           Also returning as part of the
The 24-year-old, who trains   going to go down without       event will be the Droylsden
at Triple X performance       a fight. I’m happy with        Fun Dog Show which proved
centre in Stalybridge,        the result considering         a great success last October.
was representing              the circumstances and I        The show will take place
Team England at the                                          from 1pm with registration
                              absolutely loved every         open at the Droylsden Town
prestigious competition.      second I was on the            Team stall from 12noon. The
After qualifying for the      platform. The crowds were      Civic Mayor of Tameside,
Commonwealth Games            amazing.”                      Councillor Joyce Bowerman,

Olivia takes helm as head of care team
                                                A    lawyer who has worked
                                                     at Bromleys Solicitors
                                                since joining as a trainee
                                                                                   undertake care work and established
                                                                                   the team which is now eight-strong.
                                                                                   Keith remains at the firm as a
                                                has been promoted to               consultant.
                                                partner and head of its            He is a leading expert in the childcare
                                                care proceedings and social        field. He acts in complex cases
                                                services team. Olivia Bell,        instructed by guardians and in care
                                                who qualified as a solicitor       proceedings on behalf of children,
                                                in 2003, succeeds long-            parents and other family members.
                                                serving Keith Platts as the
                                                departmental head.                 Bromleys’ senior partner Mark Hirst
                                                                                   said: “Olivia’s promotion reflects the
                                                She specialises in childcare       high regard in which she is held. She
                                                matters, representing children,    is widely respected at Bromleys, by
                                                parents and other relatives        clients and by professionals working in
                                                and guardians where there          the field of childcare. “She is a hugely
                                                are disputes within families,      talented solicitor and is completely
                                                involvement with social            committed to the development of the
                                                services or court proceedings.     firm and the growth of the care team.
                                                Olivia is a member of the          We are confident she will be a great
                                                Law Society’s Children Law         success in her new role.”
                                                Accreditation Scheme and           He added: “Keith has overseen the
                                                the family lawyers’ association    creation of the department and its
                                                Resolution. She is also a          progress over a number of years.
                                                trained mediator. Keith has        During this time, he has trained and
                                                been a solicitor since 1976        mentored many people, including
                                                and joined Bromleys in 1989.       Olivia, and he remains a vital member
                                                He was the first at the firm to    of the team.”
20 About Tameside
Garden Society                                              Group success
Dane Bank Garden                    basket) lawn            The Launch of                   group page anyone
Society a non-profit                 and plant feed,        Tameside Pulmonary              wishing to join can
making organisation,                rose and plant
                                                            Fibrosis Support                send in a request and
established for over 60            dressing and of
years.                            course pest control!      Group (TPFSG) was a             be welcomed. Like
They are run entirely            You will find their        great success.                  the group it`s open to
by volunteers with               friendly members           Following a few short           patients, carers and
their Sunday Trading            on hand to help and                                         family members. Just
                                                            speeches from Clive
Shed open during the           advise you. They
                                                            Green and supporters            search for: Tameside
Summer Months, April           have off road parking,
– November between             find them between            from the Action for             Pulmonary Fibrosis
10:30 -1pm selling             the Dane Bank Pub            Pulmonary Fibrosis              Support Group.
all manner of garden           and the bridge on            Charity, there were             The next meeting takes
sundries such as               Windmill Lane where
                                                            lashings of tea and             place on Wednesday
compost (garden                    you will see their
          and pots/                  sign on the left       coffee, cakes and               9th May 2:00pm until
                                                            biscuits on offer all of        4:00pm and you can
                                                            which went down a               contact Clive on: 07533
                                                            treat.                          802 620 or via email
                                                            The group now have              greenandbearit@tiscali.
                                                            a closed Facebook      to find out more.

Two High Street Banks Come                                  Role reversal
Together For Charity                                        Last month we reported
                                                            Hyde Rotary Club member
                                                                                            of her
The Bank Derby is a          cancer and promotes the        Karen Dorney of Paper           events
                                                            Tulips has a busy year          in the
family friendly charity      benefits of early detection
                                                            ahead as President Elect of     role.
football match in aid of     to males aged 18-49. As a      the club this summer.           She
BaggyTrousersUK.                 charity they also offer    She will now instead take up    said
It is a fantastic                   financial assistance,   the mantle of President for     “I’m
opportunity to                        practical advice      the 2018-2019 term with         honoured to be President
                                      and peer support      Vicky Gaunt as President        and during my term I want
witness two high                                            Elect for the 2019-2020 year.   to do as much as possible to
street banks go head to             to those directly       Karen is delighted to assume    support the local community
head in a renowned                 affected.                the post and will have this     with the work of the Rotary
Red v Blue                               The event          year’s Gee Cross Fete as one    Club in Hyde.”
Manchester                                takes place at
Derby whilst raising         FC United of Manchester,
money for charity.           27th May 2018, 12pm
BaggyTrousersUK raises       – 4:30pm, For further
awareness of the signs and   information visit www.
symptoms of testicular

                                                                                                      About Tameside 21
Quiz Challenge
                                                   1.  What type of animal is a Booby?
                                                   2.  A hurling team consists of how many players?
                                                   3.  The Zodiac sign of Cancer starts in which month?
   Once again we have some fantastic images this   4.  Tommy Shelby leads his gang in which British TV
   month courtesy of local photographers. If you       drama centred around Birmingham?
   have a photo you would like to include please   5. When translated to English, ‘Despacito’ means what?
      email us at          6. Deckard Shaw is a character in the Fast and Furious
           We’d love to hear from you.                 franchise played by which English actor?
                                                   7. David John Moore Cornwell is the real name of
                                                       which 20th century British author?
                                                   8. The airport in Springfield Illinois is named after which
    At the canal                                       American president?
    Michael Taylor                                 9. Osiris is the Egyptian god of what?
                                                   10. Which series of fortifications spans from Dandong in
                                                       the east to Lop Lake in the west?
                                                   11. Dame Maggie Smith played which character in the
                                                       Harry Potter film series?
                                                   12. What famous building sits on the small tidal island of
                                                       Bennelong Point?
                                                   13. The composer and songwriter Irving Berlin, was
                                                       born in which country?
                                                   14. ’flindrikin’, ‘snaw-pouther’, ‘spitters’ and ‘blett’ are all
                                                       Scottish terms for various types of what?
                          At Stamford Park         15. Chris Brasher and John Disley were the co-founders
                            Samantha Shaw              of which event?
                                                   16. What was the name of the earth’s first artificial
                                                   17. Which Hollywood actor plays Botanist Mark Watney
                                                       in Ridley Scott’s 2015 film The Martian?
                                                   18. ’Pennywise the Dancing Clown’ appears in which
                                                       Stephen King novel?
 Dukinfield                                        19. In Formula 1, which colour flag signifies that a session
    Park                                               has been stopped, usually due to deteriorating race
  Sam Shaw                                             conditions or an accident?
                                                   20. Who was the Greek god of time?
                                                   21. Which English novelist appears on the back of the
                                                       first version of the polymer £10 notes introduced in
                                                       September 2017?
                                                   22. Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph founded which
                                                       streaming and video on-demand company in Scotts
                                        Outside        Valley, California in August 1997?
                                       & Arcades   23. Diana Prince is the civilian identity of which DC
                                         Howard        Comics superhero?
                                         Murphy    24. Which land mammals have the longest tail?
                                                   25. Which planet in our solar system is the eighth and
                                                       furthest known planet from the sun?
                                                   26. Which 2015 Pixar animated movie is set in the mind
                                                       of a young girl called Riley Andersen?
                                                   27. Which English actress plays Dr. Gemma Foster in the
                                                       BBC TV drama Doctor Foster?
                                                   28. Which American author created the ‘Goosebumps’
    Car park                                           series of children’s horror novels?
   at Werneth                                      29. Which Queen single begins ‘She keeps Moët et
    Alan Barton                                        Chandon / In her pretty cabinet / ‘Let them eat cake,’
                                                       she says / Just like Marie Antoinette’?
                                                   30. What is the most consumed manufactured drink in
                                                       the world?
                                                    Stuck for an answer? Check the answers on our
                                                                        competition page!
22 About Tameside
About Tameside 23
Royal Visits to Tameside
As we get excited about the          to the Deputy Mayor of Tameside,      II unveiled the latest improvements
Royal Wedding this month we          Cllr Andy Kinsey, and Steve           to the area. He officially opened
can look back at some Royal          Pleasant MBE, Chief Executive of      the College’s new Enterprise
visits that we have had in           Tameside Council, before having       Centre at St Peterfield, where
Tameside. We have lots more          photographs taken with the people     budding young business brains
in the archive centre going back     gathered. Inside the building,        can meet and develop their ideas.
to 1900, pay a visit to the Old      Prince Harry spoke to call handlers   The Duke then went on to the
Street Centre, behind Central        about the importance of looking       Hospital to see the £112million
Library in Ashton-under-Lyne         after your mental health and          improvements and unveil a plaque
that’s open Tues, Weds & Thurs       praised the mental health service     to commemorate the opening. He
10-5pm.                              provided in Ashton. As part of        met officials and some patients
Sept 2017                            the visit, The Prince received a      from the children’s ward.
Prince Harry visited Ashton on a     detailed briefing from the Hub’s      March 2005
tour of Manchester, he called into   adult and children’s clinical         Princess Anne, president of the
the converted Ashton Old Baths       psychologists, Dr Alan Barrett and    Princess Royal Trust for Carers
where a number of organisations      Clare Jones.                          met people involved with The
now work. He was very happy to       Sept 2011                             Tameside Carers Centre in Hyde.
see how we’ve transformed such       Duke of Gloucester visited            November 2002
an iconic Tameside building into a   Tameside College, Centre for          Prince Charles visited on his 54th
magnificent working space for so     Enterprise and the Hospital. The      birthday and lavished praises on
many people. He was introduced       Duke, Cousin of Queen Elizabeth       the people of Tameside through

24 About Tameside
a heartfelt speech delivered to      where she planted a sycamore           Stalybridge one of the cars in the
a packed Ashton Town Hall. He        tree, she then went to Hyde and        procession got a flat tyre. He also
re-opened the Museum of the          had a walk around the market           visited the newly built houses at
Manchester’s, signed the visitor’s   and asked if there were any good       Hattersley.
book and unveiled the blue plaque.   bargains. She met the M.P. for         November 1962
April 1987                           Stalybridge and Hyde Mr Fred           Lord Snowden, the husband of
The Queen Mother visited Ashton      Blackburn, who apologised for          Princess Margaret visited Ashton
Town Hall and the Museum of the      the wet weather. She saw how           Palais, however he wanted no
Manchester’s as she was Colonel      the district had been washed and       press or reporters at the venue.
in Chief of the Regiment. She was    brightened largely by volunteers.      At the time the Palais was being
thrilled with the Museum, the Old    March 1964                             used for the filming of Billy Liar.
Comrades and the public. She sent    Prince Phillip went on an industrial   Lord Snowdon flew to Manchester
a letter to the Mayor Jack Pettit,   tour of Dukinfield, Hyde and           and had lunch at the Midland Hotel
saying it was a delight to meet so   Stalybridge. Calling at Daniel         and then was driven to Ashton.
many of your citizens and deeply     Adamson’s where he saw a piece         He met with the actors Tom
touched by the warm welcome she      of red-hot metal spun and shaped       Courtenay and Topsy Jane playing
received.                            by their unique Presspun process.      Liz and took photographs of the
May 1968                             He then went to Kenyon’s Rope          balcony and dance floor scenes
the Queen visited North-East         Works also in Dukinfield and           for The Sunday Times colour
Cheshire during ‘Operation Spring    Range Boilers, Bridge Street,          supplement.
Clean’. She visited Werneth Low      Stalybridge. On the way to             Jill Morris

                                                                                              About Tameside 25
Have you just taken delivery      that the cost saving will
                                                             of your new car? As we’re         mean a sacrifice in quality,
                                                             a garage let’s take a look        right? Wrong! As members

      Spanish Stew
                                                             on the maintenance of your        of Trust My Garage we have
                                                             new shiny 18 plate car - It’s a   access to the same level of
                                                             common misconception that         technical information and
                                                             having your new car serviced      parts as main dealers. There
                       Ingredients                           at an independent garage          is no compromise on the
      •   350g lean pork mince                               will void your warranty,          quality of work you’ll receive
      •   2 tsp olive oil                                    and that you must go to a         at an independent garage
      •   1 large red onion, chopped                         franchised dealer.                such as Guide Bridge MOT

      •   2 peppers sliced, any colour will do               This is absolutely not            & Service, meaning you’ll
                                                                                               receive both great service
      •   3 garlic cloves, crushed                           the case, under European
                                                                                               and fantastic value.
                                                             Law, the Block Exemption
      •   1 tbsp sweet smoked paprika                        Regulations gave you the          It’s also worth pointing
      •   2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes                     right to have your vehicle        out that you’ll have a far
      •   400g can butter beans, drained                     serviced, maintained and          more positive experience
      •   2 tsp golden caster sugar                          repaired at an independent        at an independent garage,
                                                             garage of your choice,            which are often family run
      •   small bunch parsley, chopped                       without invalidating your         businesses, because we
      •   crusty bread, to serve (optional)                  warranty. This is if the          rely on your continued
                                                             independent garage services       custom, and will always go
                                                             the vehicle in line with the      that extra mile to ensure
                                                             manufacturer’s schedule           you keep going back. Main
                                                                                               dealers don’t rely so much
                      Instructions                           using parts which are of
                                                             equivalent quality, which all     on retained customers, and
     Season the pork, working the seasoning in with                                            more often than not you’re
     your hands, then shape into small meatballs.            Trust My Garage members
                                                             have to comply with. So,          just another statistic.
     Heat the oil in a large pan, add the meatballs
                                                             what are the benefits of
     and cook for 5 mins, until golden brown all over.                                         Technicians at independent
     Push to one side of the pan and add the onion and       having your new car looked        garages are well and truly
     peppers. Cook for a further 5 mins, stirring now        after by an independent           part of the local community,
     and then, until the veg has softened, then stir in      garage? Well, the most            they’ll shop at the same
     the garlic and paprika.                                 obvious one is the cost           grocers at you and take their
     Stir everything around in the pan for 1 min, then       saving you’ll enjoy. New cars     kids to the same school
     add the tomatoes. Cover with a lid and simmer for       don’t come cheap and it’s         as yours. By choosing an
     10 mins.                                                likely you’ll have invested a     independent garage you’re
     Uncover, stir in the beans, the sugar and some          serious amount of money           reinvesting money back into
     seasoning, then simmer for a further 10 mins,           into yours, so why needlessly     your local community, which
                                          uncovered.         waste money going to a main       can only be a good thing!
                                           Just before       dealer? The Independent           Don’t fall for the myth that
                                           serving,          Garage Association recently       states you need to have your
                                            stir in the
                                                             polled 2,000 of its members       vehicle serviced at a main
                                            parsley. Serve
                                             with crusty     and the statistics are quite      dealer. By going to a local
                                             bread for       startling. The poll showed        trusted independent garage
                                             dunking, if     that the average labour           you’ll not only receive a
                                              you like.      cost is just around £50           level of service that is at the
                                                             for independent garages,          very least is on a par, but
                                                             whereas the same rate for         you’ll also save yourself a lot
                                                             main dealers is currently         of money at the same time
                                                             much higher.                      leaving you able to enjoy
                                                             It’s only natural to assume       driving in your new car.
26 About Tameside
                                                           After hours emergency         practices are registered
                                                           pet treatment is usually      with the service it doesn’t
                                                           located well away from        mean yours has to be.
                                                           Tameside increasing the       The service is open from
                                                           stress on pet owners          7pm to 8am weekdays
                                                           concerned about               if your pet requires
                                                           the welfare of their          emergency treatment and
                                                           companion.                    weekends from 12noon on
Last month we highlighted                                  When Vet Esme Rowley          Saturday until 8am Monday
some of the garden plants                                  created PET999 that was       morning. So if you need
and flowers that could                                     certainly one of the things   emergency assistance for
pose a danger to your cat.                                 that motivated her to start   your pet just simply call
This month here are a few                                  the business. Currently       PET999 on 01457 839399
you should be careful with                                 based at the old library      for help or to arrange a
but it’s certainly worth                                   in Mossley, PET999 is         consultation for treatment.
researching the full range                                 now your
of plants that are harmful                                 independent,
to your dog or cat.                                        convenient
                                                           out of hours
Pet owners need to be
aware that some common
                                                           Vet Practice
garden plants and flowers
                                                           located in
could be toxic to their                                    Tameside, no
pets, causing sickness and                                 matter who
diarrhoea with severe                                      your Vet may
cases of poisoning leading                                 be. Although
to coma and death.                                         some
If you are unsure about                                    veterinary
the toxicity of plants
and flowers in your
garden, talk to your
garden centre, and            • Foxgloves
consult relevant specialist
                              • Ivy (some species)
publications and web
pages.                        • Rhubarb
As a quick guide, we have     • Yew
listed below some of the      Pets can be poisoned
more common plants and        by plants if they eat or
flowers that can be toxic     even just chew part of
to dogs.                      the plant, the flower, the
• Daffodil (especially the    bulb or the plant leaves.
      bulbs)                  Flowers heavy in pollen
• Castor oil bush (dogs       can also drop pollen onto
      love the seeds)         the pet’s coat, which
• Cherry Laurel               could then be licked off
      (common hedging         and ingested by your pet.
      plant)                  If your pet has ingested
                              something poisonous
• Laburnum (and
                              the signs are usually
      related species)
                              pretty obvious such as
• Lilies / Lily of the        oral or skin irritation,
      Valley (especially      upset stomach/vomiting
      toxic to cats)          / diarrhoea/weakness,
• Philodendron (popular       rapid breathing to name
      ornamental house        but a few. In these
      plant)                  circumstances seek vet
• Azalea                      advice immediately.
                                                                                                  About Tameside 27
Tameside Rocks
                                      hide your rocks in
                                      a safe and public
                                      place for others to
                                       find. Then you can
                                       search for rocks
                                       in the area and
                                        photograph any
                                        you find to share
                                        on social media.    May is often the
                                        You can then hide   driest month of the
                                         them somewhere     year almost as often
                              new for someone else to       as April, but the first
This community project                                      thunderstorms of
was founded to provide                                      the summer typically
a fun and simple activity     The group has a dedicated     occur in late May,
for little ones to enjoy      Facebook page where you       accompanied by heavy
and bring the community       can share your designs        local showers.
together!                     and finds with other          What can we be doing?
                              members. Don’t forget to      It’s still not too late
Jayde Conway had seen         hashtag #tamesiderocks on     to fertilize your trees
the rocks idea for a while                                  and shrubs. Use a             just as good a result
                              social media so the group
back and realised there                                     Rhododendron or               from bargain priced
                              can keep up with you                                        stores. Carrots, Lettuce,
wasn’t anything locally for   all! Good luck and happy      Evergreen type of plant
Tameside so she started                                     food to feed Evergreens       Potatoes, Corn, Beans,
                              hunting!                                                    Peas and most popular
one.                                                        and other acid loving
                                                            plants like Azaleas           vegetables, with the
The concept is people                                                                     exception of the warmer
                                                            and Rhododendrons,
finding rocks (or buying                                    Camellias and Junipers.       weather crops, can be
them) to add their own                                      Also use an all-purpose       seeded or planted into
decoration to them. It’s                                    garden fertilizer to feed     the vegetable garden at
suggested to use clear                                      roses, deciduous shrubs       any time now. But do
varnish on the rocks                                        and trees, but be sure        wait until mid to late
once you have decorated                                     to water the fertilizer       May before planting the
them and helps also to                                      in thoroughly after it is     warmer weather crops
prolong the life of your                                    applied. While talking of     like Tomatoes, Squash,
design. Ensure your design                                  roses, keep a vigilante       Cucumber, Pumpkins and
                                                            eye on the roses, do          Peppers.
is child friendly and, on
the back, write Tameside                                    keep them sprayed for         Looking towards the
                                                            aphids and other pests        flowers, May does have
Rocks. You would then                                       and diseases such as          a lot to offer Pansies,
                                                            black spot.                   Snapdragons, Dianthus,
                                                            It’s also time to think       Petunias, Geraniums,
                                                            about our lawns, after        Fuchsias and Impatiens
                                                            winter there will be          should be ready to plant
                                                            damage to repair, get         by mid-month. Toward
                                                            those weeds out that          the end of the month, it
                                                            are killing the grass, feed   should be warm enough
                                                            the lawn, then scatter        to plant out the more
                                                            the fresh seeds promptly      tender annuals like
                                                            after cutting, so as to use   Salvia, Zinnias, Marigolds
                                                            the cut grass as mulch        and Cardinal Flowers.
                                                            which also keeps the          Let’s not forgot the
                                                            birds away too. While         bulbs Dahlias, Gladiolas,
                                                            setting your mower for        Lilies, Cannas and other
                                                            a higher cut during the       summer flowering bulbs
                                                            spring months will help       can be planted this
                                                            the grass to grow in          month. Gladiolas bulbs
                                                            fuller and help choke out     may be planted at 2 week
                                                            any remaining weeds.          increments until the first
                                                            Now let’s turn our            of July to provide you
                                                            thoughts to the veg,          with cut flowers until
                                                            have you got your seeds       the first frost or add
                                                            ready? Yes, you can           that extra excitement to
                                                            buy expensive garden          patio pots through the
                                                            centre seeds, but I get       summer.
28 About Tameside
WIN CINEWORLD TICKETS                                                WIN LIFE OF THE PARTY MOVIE PRIZE
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     in a different body,
     living a different life                                              For a chance to win answer the question below and
     every day. Based on The New York Times Best Seller                   send to our usual address marked “LIFE OF THE
     by David Levithan.
                                                                          PARTY Competition”
     For a chance to win a pair of tickets just
     answer the question below and send your entry                        Question:
     to our competitions address marked Cineworld
                                                                          Melissa McCarthy teams up again with Director husband,
                                                                          Ben Falcone for this latest comedy offering. Which 2016
     How many IMAX screens does Cineworld Ashton                          comedy was their last pairing?
     have?                                                                A) The Boss B) The Headteacher C) The Director

Quiz Answers
1.   A sea bird                    9. The Dead                         16. Sputnik 1                       24. Giraffe
2.   15                            10. Great Wall of China             17. Matt Damon                      25. Neptune
3.   June                          11. Professor Minerva               18. IT                              26. Inside out
4.   Peaky Blinders                    McGonagall                      19. Red
                                                                                                           27. Suranne Jones
5.   Slowly                        12. Sydney Opera House              20. Cronos
6.   Jason Statham                 13. Russia                          21. Jane Austen                     28. R.L Stine
7.   John Le Carre                 14. Snow                            22. Netflix                         29. Killer Queen
8.   Abraham Lincoln               15. London Marathon                 23. Wonder Woman                    30. Tea

Send entries to
About Tameside, Staveleigh House, 70 Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, OL6 7RX.
Closing date May 21st 2018
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Competitions open to age 18 yrs and over.
                                                                                                                             About Tameside 29
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