MAY/JUNE 2020 - To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund

Page created by Hugh Griffin
MAY/JUNE 2020 - To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund
                                      pray for the
                                      To help you
                                                     BARNABAS FUND - AID AGENCY FOR THE PERSECUTED CHURCH
                                                     BRINGING HOPE TO SUFFERING CHRISTIANS

                      MAY/JUNE 2020
MAY/JUNE 2020 - To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund
Thank you for your prayers for our           through this crisis, and that our attitude
                  persecuted brothers and sisters in           to danger and suffering will cause
                  Christ, which make such a difference to      others to turn to Him too.
                  them. We sometimes have to change or
                  omit their names for security reasons,       SATURDAY 2 An American missionary
                  and we have only limited space to share      doctor in Kenya described the strong
                  their stories. But the Lord knows the        spirituality that is sustaining many
                  people and places we are praying about.      East African Christians in the midst
                  Please do not feel limited by the specific   of the coronavirus causing such
                  prayer requests, but pray as you feel led.   fear around the world: “There is a
                  On each Sunday we have provided a set        remarkable, steadfast faith in God’s
                  prayer; please feel free to use these in     goodness, even in the midst of the
                  their current form, to adapt them as you     shaking. People who’ve learned
                  prefer, or to use the information they       to trust God in the uncertainty of
                  contain to frame your own prayers.           tropical disease, civil war, and hunger,
                                                               develop an unshakeable awareness
                                                               of the Lord’s trustworthiness.” Praise
                  May                                          God for such an example to us, and
                                                               pray that our brothers and sisters in
                  FRIDAY 1 “If Christians are more afraid      Africa will continue to stand firm,
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                  of death than the world during a             letting nothing move them, giving
                  disaster, then the suffering they have       themselves fully to the work of the
                  endured would be in vain. God wants us       Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
                  to overcome difficulties through Him.
                  The epidemic provides an opportunity         SUNDAY 3 O Lord, who heals the broken-
                  for us to introspect our faith, reflect on   hearted and binds up their wounds, who
                  ourselves, strengthen our spiritual life     determines the number of the stars and
                  and to depend on God.” These were the        calls them each by name, we rejoice
                  words of Senior Pastor Huang Lei of          that nothing is too big for you to handle
                  the Root and Fruit Church in Wuhan,          or too small for you to be interested in.
                  China, where the coronavirus pandemic        Protect our bodies from the Covid-19
                  began. Pray that Christians across the       virus and keep our hearts from fear.
                  world will grow in their faith as we learn   We ask, in Jesus’ Name, especially for
                  to depend more and more on the Lord,         our persecuted Christian brothers and
                                                               sisters, who have already endured so
                                                               much suffering because of their love for
                                                               Him, that You will strengthen them with
                                                               grace upon grace to cope with this new
                                                               danger. (Psalm 147:3-4)

                                                               MONDAY 4 Coinciding with coronavirus,
                                                               another devastating natural disaster
                                                               has been afflicting East Africa, parts
                                                               of the Middle East, Iran and Pakistan
                  Pastor Huang Lei                             – a plague of locusts. By March the
ravenous swarms had already caused          a mainstream church, so they would not
catastrophic loss to crops and pasture.     be able to get the food. Please pray that
But the eggs which that generation laid     our heavenly Father will provide for His
were due to hatch in late April/early May   children at this time.
in East Africa, potentially magnifying
the disaster enormously. In many of         THURSDAY 7 “This will be a pea in an
the locust-affected areas, Christians       elephant’s mouth,” said a Nepalese
are discriminated against, poor and         church leader to Barnabas Fund as
persecuted. Pray to the Lord who            he described the near-futility of his
answered Moses’ prayers and blew away       church’s efforts to raise funds to help
the locusts in Egypt long ago, asking       coronavirus crisis lockdown victims
that He will again cause a locust plague    in his country. Christians in Nepal are
to disappear. (Exodus 10:18-19)             restricted and harassed in many ways.
                                            Pray that their efforts to help will be
TUESDAY 5 In many countries, where          appreciated in this strongly Hindu
church services are not presently           country. An estimated 50,000 Nepali
allowed because of coronavirus,             labourers, who had been working in
Christians are quickly learning the         Covid-infected India, hastily crossed
skills necessary to provide their Sunday    back into Nepal just before India closed
worship online in some form. But,           the border, and scattered themselves

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in some countries, poverty or other         across the country as each went to
reasons make this impossible, for           their own family home. Pray that the
example Namibia where only 10% of the       virus will be contained in this poor and
population have access to the internet.     underdeveloped land.
Pray for Christians who are cut off from
all spiritual nourishment, just at the      FRIDAY 8 The people of north-east
time when they must face new danger         India have facial features rather like
(from coronavirus) and new hardship         Chinese people, and they include many
(from lockdown and loss of income).         Christians. They are encountering
Ask that the Counsellor and Comforter,      discrimination and harassment in
the Holy Spirit, will teach them in their   other parts of India, because the
hearts and remind them of everything        coronavirus outbreak began in China.
that Jesus has said, so that they will be   They are being “teased, abused and
filled with His peace. (John 14:25-26)      humiliated by the people, who are
                                            calling them ‘Coronavirus’. Some shops
WEDNESDAY 6 Sri Lankan Christian            are refusing to sell them groceries.
converts from Buddhism and Hinduism         Landlords are asking them to vacate
are greatly disadvantaged in their          the houses,” wrote an Indian Christian
country’s response to coronavirus. A        leader to Barnabas Fund. Pray that
Sri Lankan pastor, giving an update to      the Christians affected may react with
Barnabas on 27 March, explained that        Christ-like forgiveness, and thus be a
the government had announced it would       powerful witness for Him. Pray that all
distribute food through the majority        hostility to Chinese people and those
places of worship. But converts cannot      who look Chinese will cease, in every
show themselves either at a temple or at    country of the world.
SATURDAY 9 In their fear about the          the face of this unprecedented danger.
                  effects of coronavirus, some Indians        (2 Chronicles 7:14)
                  have reacted strongly against foreigners,
                  including Westerners. There are             TUESDAY 12 In response to coronavirus,
                  examples of verbal abuse, harassment        churches and mosques in Jos, Plateau
                  and even stoning of foreigners. This        State, Nigeria, were asked to ensure a
                  spells trouble for Indian Christians        maximum of 50 worshippers at a time.
                  who are always struggling to convince       When about 30 Christians with medical
                  the Hindu majority that they are loyal      expertise met at their church to discuss
                  Indian citizens, not agents of the West.    how to address the Covid-19 challenge,
                  Pray that such intolerance and violence     the meeting was disrupted and brutally
                  may cease and that Christians may be        harassed by state officials. However,
                  able to bring peace and hope to their       when multitudes gathered at a mosque
                  fellow Indians.                             for Friday prayers, far exceeding the
                                                              supposed maximum of 50, the state
                  SUNDAY 10 O Lord, You are our refuge        authorities took no action and did not
                  and our fortress, our God in Whom we        even issue a reprimand. Pray for grace
                  trust. Surely You will save us from the     and strength for our brothers and sisters
                  fowler’s snare and from the deadly          in Jos as they deal with this kind of
                  pestilence. You will cover us with Your     injustice and harassment on top of other
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                  feathers, and under Your wings we will      coronavirus challenges.
                  find refuge. Thank you for the promises
                  in Your Word that bring hope and            WEDNESDAY 13 Many churches
                  comfort to all in danger, whether from      in drought-ridden Namibia are
                  violence or from virus, from persecution    distributing food parcels and making
                  or from pain. Keep and protect all          their water taps available for use by
                  Christians who suffer oppression and        the community, because people in the
                  discrimination, and all who are suffering   shanty towns do not have access to
                  from coronavirus or from its effects on     water. The country has been put under
                  jobs, income and daily life. We pray in     a martial-law style of lockdown. “We
                  Jesus’ Name. (Psalm 91:2-4)                 hope that our Lockdown Theologies will
                                                              bring some comfort,” said a Namibian
                  MONDAY 11 President Nana Akufo-             church leader to Barnabas Fund,
                  Addo of Christian-majority Ghana,           explaining how they were seeking to
                  responding to the coronavirus, called       show, in word and deed, God’s love and
                  his country to “seek the face of the        presence in the midst of the lockdown
                  Almighty … [and] pray to God to             suffering. Pray that the ordeal of the
                  protect our nation and save us from         coronavirus may strengthen the faith
                  this pandemic”. A National Day of           of many in Namibia, where 90% of the
                  Fasting and Prayer was held on 25           population identify as Christian.
                  March, which included prayer for
                  “forgiveness of sins on behalf of the       THURSDAY 14 Gurgen (81) and Lida
                  nation and the world at large”. Pray        are survivors of the 1988 pogrom
                  that other nations will also turn to        against Armenian Christians that took
                  God in humility and repentance in           place in Sumgait in Muslim-majority
Azerbaijan. They fled to Armenia            services and family visits. But most of
where they now live in great poverty on     their church members work in brick
Gurgen’s pension of $124 a month. With      kilns and factories, which have been
the coming of coronavirus, they are in      closed to stop the spread of coronavirus.
even greater need of help than before.      The pastor and his congregation are
By God’s grace, Barnabas is currently       without income and cannot even meet
providing for the practical needs of        together to encourage one other. This
Gurgen, Lida and many other elderly         situation is replicated all over Pakistan
Christians in Armenia; ask the Lord to      and is similar in many other countries
comfort their anxious hearts and fill       where pastors are supported only by the
them with His perfect peace.                giving of their congregation. Barnabas
                                            Fund is sending help as we are able, but
                                            the need is overwhelming. Ask the Lord
                                            who owns the cattle on a thousand hills
                                            to provide for His faithful servants at
                                            this time. (Psalm 50:10)

                                            SUNDAY 17 Lord Jesus, as many
                                            Christians around the world are
                                            prevented from meeting together to

                                                                                          May/June 2020 5
                                            worship You because of coronavirus,
Gurgen and Lida                             we remember Christians for whom this
                                            isolation is their normal situation - those
FRIDAY 15 Iran was one of the countries     who have never been able to worship
worst affected by coronavirus in            You with others because of persecution.
the early days of the pandemic. One         We think especially of secret believers
of the government’s responses was           in Saudi Arabia, converts from Islam and
to temporarily release more than            thus potentially liable to execution by
80,000 prisoners from its crowded           the Saudi authorities. We know that You
jails, where the virus was expected to      are the bread of life; whoever comes to
spread rapidly. Praise God that several     You will never go hungry, and whoever
Christians were amongst those released,     believes in You will never be thirsty.
including Fatemeh Bakhteri and at           Please satisfy the spiritual longings of
least three others who were given a few     our Saudi brothers and sisters, enabling
weeks of “leave” from prison. But at        them to grow up strong in their faith.
least ten Christians were excluded from     (John 6:35)
the temporary releases. Pray that that
all those imprisoned for their faith in     MONDAY 18 Myanamar military fighter
Christ may be permanently released.         jets opened fire on four villages in the
                                            western part of Chin State in mid-
SATURDAY 16 Pastor Nazir Nasir and          March, killing 21 people, injuring more
his wife, who minister amongst poor         and causing 2,000 people to flee their
Christians in Pakistan, depend for their    homes. The Chin people are about 90%
livelihood totally on the offerings given   Christian and Chin State is very poor.
by their church members at church           Ask the Lord to comfort those who
mourn and to change the hearts of the         buildings must be supported by
                  Myanmar government so they will stop          Muslims as well as Christians.
                  attacking their own non-Buddhist, non-        This makes it almost impossible
                  Burman citizens.                              to replace the destroyed buildings
                                                                and some congregations in the
                  TUESDAY 19 Montagnard Christians in           Aceh Singkil regency have therefore
                  Vietnam face numerous instances of            been worshipping in tents for years,
                  local authorities trying to force them to     sometimes having to move from one
                  deny Christ, sometimes by threatening         location to another. Ask the Lord to
                  physical assault or banishment. A             be their rock, their fortress and their
                  2019 report estimated that 10,000             deliverer in the midst of uncertainty,
                  Montagnards were stateless because            danger and change.
                  local authorities refused to issue ID
                  cards, household registration or birth        FRIDAY 22 The Islamic Defenders
                  certificates, often because the Christians    Alliance (ABI) has been demanding
                  refused to renounce Christ. Pray that         the demolition of a church building in
                  they will stand firm in the faith, even       a shopping complex in Ampana Kota,
                  counting their trials “pure joy” because      on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.
                  the testing of their faith helps them to be   The congregation removed the cross
                  mature believers. (James 1:2-4)               and noticeboard from the outside, as
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                                                                they tried in vain to pacify the ABI.
                  WEDNESDAY 20 Vietnamese Christian             They are seeking an alternative site
                  Y Ngun Khul, was released in March            where they can build a replacement
                  after almost 16 years in prison. His          church but, wherever they have
                  offence had been to call for religious        tried, the local residents object to a
                  freedom for his Christian Montagnard          church building being constructed.
                  community and to protest when                 Praise God that the local authorities
                  the authorities closed his church.            are trying to mediate and maintain
                  His intestinal health has been badly          good relationships. Pray that the
                  affected, he has trouble walking, and         peacemakers, both Christian and in
                  he still bears scars from the beatings        the local government, will be blessed
                  by the guards. During his absence, Y          (Matthew 5:9) and that their efforts
                  Ngun’s family lost their home and land.       will succeed.
                  Lift our faithful brother to the Lord
                  who heals (Exodus 15:26), praying for         SATURDAY 23 Today is the last day of
                  full restoration of body, mind and spirit.    Islamic month of Ramadan, when
                                                                Muslims fast between dawn and dusk,
                  THURSDAY 21 Aceh is the furthest              abstaining even from water. Many do
                  west and the most Islamic province            so not only to keep the rules of their
                  of Indonesia. The Church there is             religion but also because they hope
                  growing, but under persecution. Many          to draw near to Allah. Pray that those
                  church buildings have been destroyed          who long for a loving relationship with
                  or demolished by Muslim mobs, and             their Creator and the assurance of
                  Aceh law says that applications for           sins forgiven may come to know Jesus
                  licences to construct new church              Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
SUNDAY 24 O Lord our God, we ask You       groups, and human rights groups. A
to look in Your mercy on our brothers      coalition government, established at
and sisters in Syria, struggling to        the end of February, includes Ennahda
resume their lives after war and           (Tunisia’s Islamist political party).
persecution and now afflicted with         About a fifth of Tunisian Muslims
coronavirus too. May their faith burn      dress in a conservative Islamic way,
brightly, may they be a source of peace,   but many others are questioning Islam.
hope and stability in their troubled       The Christian community is mainly
country. We ask for a lasting and just     expatriates, especially from Africa, but
peace to be established in Syria and       also includes some Tunisian converts
that the previously good relations         from Islam and their children. Pray that
between all the different communities      all will have opportunity and courage
in society may be restored. We pray in     to meet with others and build up their
the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.         faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

MONDAY 25 Algerian courts ordered          WEDNESDAY 27 The Tunisian Ministry
two more church buildings to be            of Religion has a Muslim section,
sealed in January, under the Muslim-       headed by an imam, and a Jewish
majority country’s controversial 2006      section, headed by a rabbi, but nothing
ordinance about church licensing.          for Christians (even though they are

                                                                                        May/June 2020 7
Churches must have permits, but            more numerous than Jews in Tunisia).
none have yet been granted, despite        Historic churches with foreign links
repeated requests from Christian           are in a relatively strong position
leaders; as a result the churches are      legally. Local Tunisian churches are
operating illegally and can be closed      not prevented from functioning but
down at any time. Christianity was         have no legal status so cannot own
strong in Algeria in the early Christian   property. Pray that the position of
centuries, but was wiped out by the        Tunisian believers may be properly
advance of the Muslim armies until re-     recognised and their freedom of
established by Western missionaries.       religion affirmed in reality as well as in
Pray that believers will be allowed to     the constitution.
meet and worship together freely.
                                           THURSDAY 28 Licences were granted
TUESDAY 26 Compared to other               to another 82 church and church-
countries in the region, Tunisia (98%      affiliated buildings in Egypt on 11
Muslim) is relatively open, and even       February by the committee that has
the Islamists are considered more          been overseeing the process since
“reasonable” than those of other North     2017. This means that Christian
African countries. The 2014 post-          activities are now legal. Pray that the
Arab Spring constitution guarantees        2,236 remaining applications will soon
freedom of religion, but at the same       be approved also and that Egyptian
time sharia has a significant place        society at large will accept the right of
within family law. Civil society is        Christians to have sufficient places of
strong in Tunisia with trade unions,       worship for their community of around
academics, media, journalists, lawyers’    ten million people.
FRIDAY 29 Gunmen on motorbikes              nephews were killed a few days later.
                  roared into the small town of Silgadji      Pray for those who mourn that they
                  in northern Burkina Faso on 25              will be comforted by knowing their
                  January and threatened to kill anyone       loved ones and their spiritual leaders
                  who would not convert to Islam. They        died for Christ.
                  rounded up those in the market place,
                  separating the men from the women.          SUNDAY 31 O God, we thank You for
                  They shot dead at least ten men and         giving us Your Holy Spirit, who is not
                  told the women to leave Silgadji. The       a spirit of fear but of power, and of
                  same town was the site of the Islamist      love, and of a sound mind. We pray
                  terrorist attack in April 2019 that began   that, through Your Spirit’s power and
                  a whole spate of anti-Christian violence    guidance, all who suffer or are in danger
                  in Burkina Faso. Pray that the Lord will    at this time will be bold and courageous,
                  be a refuge and a stronghold for His        thinking clearly and wisely. We ask
                  people in Silgadji (Psalm 9:9), and that    this for our persecuted brothers and
                  there will be no further attacks.           sisters, especially those suffering also
                                                              from the coronavirus and the effects of
                  SATURDAY 30 Islamist militants              lockdowns. We ask it for ourselves in
                  in Burkina Faso killed at least 29          whatever situation we are. We ask it in
                  Christians in a series of murderous         the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
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                  attacks in February. Twenty-four            Christ. (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV)
                  people from a single congregation were
                  killed in one incident, some during the
                  attack, which took place in the middle      June
                  of a Sunday service, while others were
                  abducted and killed later. In another       MONDAY 1 Pakistani Christian Saleem
                  church attack, a deacon was shot dead       Masih (22) died on 28 February,
                  and his car used to abduct the pastor       three days after he was tortured on
                  and five of the pastor’s relatives. His     the instructions of a Muslim farmer
                  daughters were released unharmed            for having washed himself at the
                  but the pastor, his son and two             farmer’s well. After unloading chaff
                                                              from a vehicle, Saleem rinsed himself
                                                              with water pumped from the well,
                                                              but the enraged farmer accused him
                                                              of polluting the water-supply by his
                                                              “unclean” Christian touch. He ordered
                                                              his men to tie Saleem’s hands and
                                                              feet, and then beat him with sticks
                                                              and heated iron rods, which caused
                                                              multiple fractures and internal injuries.
                                                              Ask the God of all comfort to abide
                                                              with Saleem’s family (2 Corinthians
                                                              1:3). Christian and Muslim religious
                  Pastor Tindano Omar (above) and three of    leaders met after this incident to
                  his male relatives were martyred            call for an end to such intolerance of
Christians and to condemn the police           an axe in a dispute with some Muslim
for failing to intervene. Pray that their      neighbours about the construction
words will be heeded.                          of a church building in a village near
                                               Sahiwal, Punjab province. They had
TUESDAY 2 Aasia Bibi, the Pakistani            rushed to the construction site when
Christian mother who spent nearly              they heard that local Muslims were
eight years on death row after being           demolishing the boundary wall. The
falsely accused of “blasphemy”, declared       village of about 150 houses has around
in an interview that she had forgiven          40 Christian families but no building in
her tormentors. “I am not angry at             which they can gather for worship. All
all, I’ve forgiven everyone from my            three of the injured, who are related to
heart,” she said. “There is patience in        each other, spent time in the intensive
me because I learned how to be patient         care unit of a hospital in Sahiwal. Pray
after having to leave my children              in particular for Azeem Masih (32) who
behind.” Thank the Lord for such a             was shot in the head. When released
testimony of growth through suffering          from hospital, he was paralysed from
for Him. Her arrest had followed a             the right shoulder down and unable to
dispute with Muslim co-workers in              speak. Ask the Lord Jesus to heal him.
June 2009 which began when she
drank water from a cup they also used,         FRIDAY 5 The persecution of Christians

                                                                                          May/June 2020 9
thus making it “unclean” in their eyes.        in Turkey has fluctuated up and down
Aasia said that while in prison she had        in nearly a century since the secular
been offered her freedom if she would          Republic of Turkey was established.
convert to Islam, but she refused.             But under Islamist President Erdogan,
                                               things have tended to get worse.
WEDNESDAY 3 A new law in Pakistan,             Erdogan has made no secret of his
approved earlier this year, could make         desire to re-establish the Ottoman
Christians even more vulnerable to             Empire, under which Christians
false accusation of “blasphemy” which          and other non-Muslims suffered
can lead to a death sentence. The law          discrimination and had to live as
requires social media companies to             minority communities called millets,
remove promptly any “unwanted and
slanderous” online content. No one
has yet been executed for blasphemy
in Pakistan, but two Muslims have
been awarded death sentences for
“blasphemy” on social media, and
Christians and other non-Muslims are
particularly at risk of this type of false
accusation. Pray that this law will not
be misused to stifle free speech or settle
personal grudges.

THURSDAY 4 Two Pakistani Christians
were shot and one was injured with           A church service in Turkey
rather than as full citizens. Humanly       MONDAY 8 Iran’s National Census
                   speaking, it looks as if Christians in      Bureau has revised the application
                   Turkey (whether historic Christian          form for a national ID card; now
                   ethnic groups, Turkish converts             applicants must choose one of four
                   from Islam, or refugees from further        named religions and there is no longer
                   east) will now face steadily growing        an option to put “other religion”. The
                   persecution. Pray that they may rejoice     four religions are Islam, Christianity,
                   and be glad, remembering that their         Judaism and Zoroastrianism. This
                   reward is in heaven (Matthew 5:10-12).      means that former Muslims who have
                                                               become Christians have to reveal their
                   SATURDAY 6 A small but much loved           new faith, bringing with it the risk
                   church building on the Greek island         of persecution as an apostate from
                   of Lesbos (Lesvos) was vandalized           Islam. The new application forms also
                   yet again on 2 March causing great          marginalize Hindu, Bahai and Yaresan
                   distress to local people. The situation     (Ahl-i-Haq) people. An ID card is
                   at the time was tense on Lesbos, where      compulsory for every citizen aged 15+
                   clashes were taking place almost daily      and must be shown for many everyday
                   between police and asylum-seekers           activities. Pray that converts who have
                   protesting about overcrowding in their      hitherto been reluctant to declare their
                   camp. The asylum-seekers, mainly            allegiance to Christ will find that when
May/June 2020 10

                   from Afghanistan and Syria, arrive          they do it is a means to draw others to
                   by boat from nearby Turkey. Pray that       know and love Him too.
                   they will not take out their frustration
                   on Christian targets. Thank the Lord        TUESDAY 9 At the time of writing,
                   that some of the Muslim refugees            Afghanistan is inching slowly towards
                   have come to know the Lord while in         peace talks between the government
                   Lesbos. They have been persecuted;          and the Taliban after nearly two
                   pray for their protection.                  decades of war. America is in the
                                                               process of withdrawing its troops over
                   SUNDAY 7 O Triune God, we pray today        a 14-month period. Pray that peace
                   for isolated Christians who have no         will truly come in Afghanistan, not
                   opportunity of fellowship, whether          just between the warring Muslims of
                   they are secret believers converted         different tribes and different theologies,
                   from another religion, converts whose       but also that Afghan Christians may be
                   families will not let them meet with        accepted and free to worship the Lord
                   other Christians, those punished by         Jesus Christ without fear. At present,
                   the authorities by a ban on meeting         both sides in the peace talks would
                   others, or those in lockdown because        want to execute Afghan Christians as
                   of coronavirus. We ask that your            apostates from Islam.
                   presence will be very real to them,
                   and that the grace of the Lord Jesus        WEDNESDAY 10 Several Christian
                   Christ, the love of God the Father and      villages in Cameroon’s Far North have
                   the fellowship of the Holy Spirit will be   come under the control of Boko Haram
                   with them all to encourage, comfort,        Islamist militants, after a series of
                   console, teach and guide.                   violent night-time attacks in January.
“Everyone is confused, we don’t know          Women’s Fellowship meeting, and some
what to do and we don’t understand            of the women were kidnapped by the
what is happening. We are asking:             militants, who also burnt down several
is it because 98% of the villages are         houses and other property, and killed
Christian? Pray for us Christians             “many people” said reports. Within
in this area,” came one message to            days, four of the church elders met
Barnabas Fund. A local pastor also            for worship in the burnt-out remains
pleaded for prayer: “We don’t know            of their building. Praise God for their
what to do. Pray for those who lost           determined and persevering witness.
their beloved. Pray also for little
children left without even clothes.”

THURSDAY 11 Nineteen Christians
died when Fulani militants attacked
the village of Kwatas, in Plateau State,
Nigeria, on 26 January. Villagers were
taking part in a social gathering when
the militants struck at around 7 p.m. in
a relentless assault that continued into
the early hours of the following day.

                                                                                              May/June 2020 11
This followed several attacks on other      Four Nigerian church elders meet for worship in
villages in the area. Pray that the Lord    the burnt out remains of their church
will deliver His people, and the day will
soon come when “they will live in safety,     SUNDAY 14 We pray, O Lord Jesus,
and no one will make them afraid.”            for Christians in Tajkistan, facing
(Ezekiel 34:28)                               increasingly restrictive laws. We ask
                                              that the authorities will relent from
FRIDAY 12 Five million people took            their harassment of Your followers,
part in peaceful demonstrations in            and we pray especially for Christian
28 of Nigeria’s 36 states on Sunday           children, who have been banned by law
2 February. Organised by the                  for the last nine years from attending
Christian Association of Nigeria, the         any public religious activities, or even
demonstrations, which followed three          being on church premises. We rejoice
days of fasting, called on President          that no earthly law can stop Your Holy
Buhari to act to end the attacks on           Spirit from moving where He pleases
Christians. Add your prayers to those         and ask that He will help these growing
of Nigerian Christians that their             youngsters to grow in their faith too.
government and armed forces will
exert themselves to ensure peace and          MONDAY 15 Turkmenistan is a very
protection for all Nigerian citizens.         closed country. Its citizens have little
                                              access to the internet, their movements
SATURDAY 13 On 21 February Boko               are controlled by the authorities, their
Haram militants set fire to a church          spending monitored and they must not
building at Garkida, Adamawa State,           be out after 11 pm. It is thought most
Nigeria. The attack took place during a       Turkmens would leave the country if
they could. For Christians the pressures          illegally in their homes for which they
                                                                     could be arrested and imprisoned. Praise
                   are even greater. For example there
                                                                     the Lord that hundreds of our brothers
                   are just five registered churches in              and sisters have been rescued from the
                   the whole country, which are the only             hands of their enemies and are now free
                   places where it is legal for Christians to        to serve Him without fear (Luke 1:74).
                   meet. Christians are not only isolated
                   from believers outside the country but            WEDNESDAY 17 “James” grew up in a
                   the various Christian groups inside               Muslim family where drunkenness and
                   Turkmenistan have little contact with             quarrelling were the norm, yet he yearned
                   each other. However, despite serious              for something better. His sister told him
                   persecution, the Turkmen Christians               about some people who did not drink,
                                                                     smoke, lie or swear. James doubted such
                   (converts from Islam) are energetic,
                                                                     people could exist but, when his sister
                   full of joy and have a great thirst for           took him to church, he found it was true
                   the Word of God. Pray that they will be           and gave his life to Christ. Persecution
                   a blessing to the society in which God            began when his mother fell sick and
                   has placed them, by their prayers, their          died, because James had nursed her
                   witness and their Christ-like lives.              and she had become a Christian. Her
                                                                     relatives threatened to kill James. Matters
                   TUESDAY 16 It seemed like a miracle to            escalated, and James and his wife were
                   a congregation in Uzbekistan when the             summoned by the police, only to find
May/June 2020 12

                   authorities gave them permission to               the mayor, imam and a lot of journalists
                   construct an officially registered church         waiting for them, threatening to show
                   building. Such a thing had not occurred           the couple on TV as traitors to Islam.
                   for any congregation in the country for the       His wife’s relatives forced her to divorce
                   last 20 years, let alone a church of Muslim       James. All this happened in the strictest
                   converts like their own. Astonishingly, the       part of Uzbekistan, where James got
                   head of the local city administration even        dismissed from jobs because of his faith.
                   visited the church to show his support            He moved to another area but one day
                   for the project. The new building, partly         the police raided a worship meeting at his
                   financed by Barnabas, together with               house and he was jailed. Praise God that
                   the older smaller building they already           James never denied Christ, that his wife
                   had, now enables twelve unregistered              is now back with him, and they support
                   congregations to worship legally in               themselves with a small business set up
                   registered church premises, rather than           with help from Barnabas.

                                                                      THURSDAY 18 Three Sri Lankan
                                                                      Christians had to be hospitalised
                                                                      after they were ambushed and
                                                                      attacked by a mob of about 50
                                                                      people, led by three Buddhist monks.
                                                                      The three were part of a group of
                                                                      Christians driving away from a
                                                                      village where Buddhist extremists
                                                                      had threatened the worship meeting
                   Nearly finished: the new church already enables    at a house church that morning. The
                   hundreds of Uzbek Christians to worship            Buddhists claimed it was a Buddhist
                   without fear of arrest                             village and no Christian worship was
allowed. The cars of the Christians          on them and their loved ones if the
were forced to stop because felled           authorities discover that they follow
trees lay across the road. Pray that Sri     Your Son. Give them grace day by day,
Lankan Buddhists will accept, even           hour by hour, especially those who
welcome, the presence of Christianity
                                             are right now in harsh labour camps,
in their land.
                                             starved and tortured. We pray also for
FRIDAY 19 Eight Indian Christians have       those who persecute them, that You
been acquitted of charges of forced          will soften their hearts, cause them to
conversion and abduction of 60 children.     question what motivates the endurance
The six men and two women had been           of those they are so cruelly ill-treating,
arrested in May 2017 while accompanying      and let them hear Your voice calling
the children, who were mostly under the      them. We ask in the Name of Jesus.
age of 14, by train to a Bible camp near
Nagpur. The children were the children       MONDAY 22 Mauritania is strongly
of Christian parents, but the charge of      Islamic. Conversion from Islam is illegal
forced conversion to Christianity arose      (punishable by death) and evangelism
because their parents had not completed      is also illegal. Nevertheless, there are
the necessary paperwork when they            Mauritanian converts from Islam,
themselves had converted to Christianity     who meet discreetly in homes and are
and therefore their children were still      gradually growing in numbers and
officially Hindus. Praise God that justice   in confidence. Society in general is

                                                                                          May/June 2020 13
was done in the end.                         beginning to resist the Islamic discourse
                                             that dominates media and politics.
SATURDAY 20 India’s BJP (Hindu               Recently there was a major controversy
nationalist) government is in the final      over apostasy laws, with people arrested
stages of creating a database that will      for being politically challenging and for
track every aspect of the life of every      atheism. Some protesters demonstrated
Indian citizen. It will record religion,     in front of the main court chanting that
caste, income, property, education,          they were ready to die under Article 306
marital status, family tree, house-moves,    (which mandate the death penalty for
job-changes etc. for 1.2 billion people.     leaving Islam) in order to claim religious
“We are dangerously close to an Orwellian    freedom. Christians were not much
state and China-like clampdown.              involved in this although some were
Muslims are suffering but major damage       arrested in February. Christians ask
will be to the freedom and rights of         prayer for the release of jailed believers
Christians and Dalits more than anyone       from prison and that the Islamic
else,” commented an Indian pastor who is     Republic of Mauritania should become
also an expert on cybersecurity. Pray that   the Democratic Republic of Mauritania
Indian Christians may “live such good        with equality and justice for all.
lives” that those monitoring them to try
to find fault may see their good deeds and   TUESDAY 23 Jihadists have occupied the
glorify God. (1 Peter 2:12)                  northern part of Mali since 2013, and
                                             are popular with local people, who find
SUNDAY 21 We praise you, heavenly            them more honest than the government
Father, for the courage and                  and better able to provide law and order
steadfastness of Christians in North         (through sharia courts which impose
Korea, standing firm in the faith despite    punishments such as lashings and
the severe punishment it can bring           amputations). They also provide Quranic
schools, which are welcomed in an            they killed him. Thank the Lord for His
                   area where there is very little education    faithful child, who refused to deny Christ.
                   available. Christians are about 2% of this   Around the same time at least 30 other
                   mainly Muslim country. Pray that they        people in four villages were killed in
                   will not be fearful or dismayed, knowing     night-time attacks by the ADF. Another
                   the God’s presence with them and His         eleven Christians were killed on 18
                   strength to help them. (Isaiah 41:10)        February. Pray for the protection of all in
                                                                north-east DRC, especially Christians and
                   WEDNESDAY 24 In Nigeria’s Kaduna             in particular pastors, who seem to be a
                   State, Christians are being marginalized     special target of the ADF.
                   by forcible changes to the traditional
                   chiefdom system. The state government        FRIDAY 26 A militant Islamist
                   has been re-naming some of the               organisation called Ahlu Sunnah Wa-
                   chiefdoms in predominantly Christian         Jama and known locally as Al-Shabaab
                   southern Kaduna as emirates, an Islamic      (not the Somalia-based Al-Shabaab) has
                   term. The Adara are a large tribe, about     effectively gained control of a very poor
                   two-thirds Christian. In 2017 the title      area of Cabo Delgado, the northernmost
                   Agom Adara (Chief of the Adara people)       province of Mozambique. They burn
                   was changed to Agom Kachia (Chief of         villages and behead, maim or kidnap the
                   Kachia town) thus reducing his domain        inhabitants. Al-Shabaab started operating
                   from the whole tribe to just one town.       in Cabo Delgado in 2015, at the same time
                   Christian protests were ignored and there    as radical Muslims from the Gulf, Kenya
May/June 2020 14

                   were violent clashes between the Adara       and Tanzania established a presence there
                   and the mainly Muslim Hausa-Fulani.          and began marrying local people and
                   Then in October 2018 the Agom was            teaching violent and extremist ideology.
                   kidnapped on his way home from a Full        In 2017 Al-Shabaab carried out their first
                   Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, and         attack (on a police station) in October
                   a few days later killed. After a violent     2017, and to date have launched around
                   incident in February 2019, reportedly        370 attacks, killing at least 909 people.
                   started by the Fulanis, when many from       In the areas controlled by Al-Shabaab,
                   both sides were killed, nine Adara tribal    sharia is imposed and people who try to
                   elders were arrested and imprisoned for      escape are killed. Locals are encouraged
                   over three months, but no Fulanis were       to join their jihad and train for military
                   arrested. Pray for justice and protection    operations; fighting for Al-Shabaab is one
                   for the Adara people. At least 166 were      of the few ways of earning an income in
                   killed in eight attacks in 2019, and the     Cabo Delgado. Another is to get involved
                   pattern has continued into 2020.             in Al-Shabaab’s smuggling of timber,
                                                                coal, rubies, ivory and heroin. Pray that
                   THURSDAY 25 Ngulongo Year Batsemire          Mozambican Muslims will resist the
                   (aged 60), a church leader in the            violent extremist teaching, and that God
                   Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),          will protect the Christian minority.
                   was walking with his wife to his fields
                   when they were surrounded by members         SATURDAY 27 Another jihadi militant
                   of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF),       group, who have been active in
                   an Islamist militant group that repeatedly   Mozambique since June 2019, is called
                   targets Christians. They demanded that       Islamic State Central African Province
                   Ngulongo tell them where they could          (ISCAP). They are believed to be the forces
                   find other pastors and then tried to force   who captured the port city of Mocimboa da
                   him to convert to Islam. He refused and      Praia in a pre-dawn raid by land and sea
on 23 March. This city, in Cabo Delgado         MONDAY 29 Continue to pray for Eritrean
province, is large, strategic and symbolic.     Christians who suffer great persecution
Many of the local people welcomed the           by their government. Many are arrested,
insurgents, who were handing out money          after which beatings and torture follow.
they had looted from bank vaults. ISCAP         Some have spent months in solitary
fighters were reported to have ordered          confinement in complete darkness, taken
Muslim residents to go to the mosque,           out only for interrogation to try to force
while they themselves roamed the streets        them to recant their faith. They can
hunting for Christians. Pray that our           spend years in jail without trial. Praise
brothers and sisters will find refuge under     God for their faithfulness and pray that
the wings of the Lord, who will be their        they will be given the patient endurance
shield and rampart. (Psalm 91:4)                they need (Revelation 13:10).

SUNDAY 28 Lord Jesus Christ, we lift to         TUESDAY 30 Pray for Christian women in
you the Christians of Somalia, rejoicing        places of pressure and persecution, where
that You know each one by name. You             they are doubly despised - for being
know the dangers they face, the abuse,          female and for being Christians. Ask that
                                                our loving Lord will be specially close to
rejection and contempt, the real threat to      Christian girls and young women in Egypt
their lives. Thank you for their courage in     and Pakistan who have been abducted
obeying Your call, in the full knowledge        by Muslims and forced or tricked into
that they might have to lay down their lives    converting to Islam (a legal formality, not

                                                                                               May/June 2020 15
for You. Please protect and keep them.          a heart belief) and marrying a Muslim.
Although we may never meet our Somali           Pray that they may know His presence
brothers and sisters in this life, help us to   with them to comfort and sustain them
learn from their example to gladly take up      and, if it is His will, be enabled to escape
our cross and follow You.                       and return to their own Christian families.

Pakistani Christian women at prayer
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                      Front Cover: Christians from north-east India
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