Media Data - Renewed in April 2020! Nikkei BP

Page created by Manuel Mitchell
Media Data - Renewed in April 2020! Nikkei BP
Renewed in April 2020!
Japan’s leading website providing the latest biotech news
covering drug discovery, genome, regeneration medicine,
functional foods, bio fuels, bioplastics and more

               Media Data

Media Data - Renewed in April 2020! Nikkei BP
2   Nikkei Biotech provides the latest news and
    analyses from Japan and overseas across
    various businesses in biotechnology

      Full of information
      “found only here”
    Nikkei Biotech was first published in 1981, at the dawn
    of biotechnology in Japan. For nearly 40 years since
    then, we have delivered news on the latest trends in the
    industry to our readers. Biotechnology is used in broad
    industries including not only medicine but also in the
    fields of chemicals and foods. That is why professionals
    in a wide range of responsibilities from research and
    development to management planning and business
    development read Nikkei Biotech. Taking on this
    opportunity of renewal, our website is reborn to provide
    even more valuable information and higher usability.
    Please try the whole new Nikkei Biotech website.

                        First published in 1981, Nikkei Biotech is a
                        newsletter serving as an indispensable
                        source of information for people in bio
                        business for nearly 40 years. Valuable
                        information that can be found only here has
                        been highly praised by our readers.
Media Data - Renewed in April 2020! Nikkei BP
3   Nikkei Biotech Website Renewed in April
    Instant access to search what you want to know
    You can access all information on the website directly from the top page
    to have an instant access to the articles and databases you are looking
    for. In addition to the latest news updated daily (more than 4,000 articles
    a year, more than 80,000 articles in total), the renewed website
    introduced more searchable design for "Nikkei Biotech Year Book" and
    other databases covering biotech company information from Japan and
    overseas. Since the reading time is displayed for each article, Nikkei
    Biotech becomes even more reader-friendly medium for busy people.

    Anytime, anywhere. Optimized design for
    By adopting "Responsive Web Design", the website provides
    the articles with easy readability even on a different screen
    size whether on PC, tablet or smartphone. You can get
    instant access to all of our contents, whether you're
    commuting to work or during a meeting.

    Full coverage on hot topics in
    biotech industry
    Newly-added function “Hot Topics" allows you to view the list
    of analyses and related articles on much-talked-about topics
    in the biotech industry, such as new coronavirus, exosome,
    nucleic acid drug, and digital therapeutics (DTx). The function
    keeps you updated on the latest trends in the biotech industry.

                                                                                  Improved visualization and usability provide easy access to the articles
                                                                                  and databases that viewers are looking for.
Media Data - Renewed in April 2020! Nikkei BP
4         Advertising (Banners)                                      A

A   Billboard                                 JPY800,000 (w/o tax)       B
    - Period: One month
    - Up to three slots
    - Posted in rotation
    - Posted in almost all pages
    - Width 970 x Height 250 pixels/ up to 150KB
    *With frequency control settings

B   First Rectangle                       JPY 450,000 (w/o tax)
    -   Up to three slots
    -   Posted in rotation
    -   Posted in almost all pages
    -   Width 300 x Height 300 pixels / up to 150 KB


C   Second Rectangle                         JPY 250,000 (w/o tax)
    -   Up to three slots
    -   Posted in rotation
    -   Posted in almost all pages
    -   Width 300 x Height 300 pixels / up to 150 KB
Media Data - Renewed in April 2020! Nikkei BP
5   Advertising (Email Newsletter)
    Nikkei Biotech email newsletter is also renewed
                                                                                                                (Afternoon edition)
    and delivered for twice a day in the morning and
    the afternoon
    The email format is changed from text to HTML to display images as well                 (Morning edition)
    as text messages. The Newsletter will be delivered twice a day with the
    latest topics covered in the morning edition and analyses and trend
    rankings by industry featured in the afternoon edition.

     Nikkei Biotech
     Email Newsletter JPY200,000 (w/o tax, one spot)
     -   Delivered on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (no delivery in principle when
         they are national holidays)
     - Delivered twice a day, the morning edition at around 10:00 a.m. and the afternoon
         edition at around 1:00 p.m.
         Please indicate the day of delivery, choice of morning or afternoon edition when
        you apply for this program.
         If you want to place your ad both in the morning and afternoon editions, the fee
        is JPY400,000.
     - Up to three advertising spots for each edition
     - Material submission requirements
       Title: Text in up to 30 full-width Japanese characters
       Body: Text in up to 120 full-width Japanese characters
       The URL link
     *Nikkei Biotech Email Newsletter is sent in the HTML format.



    Sample: Advertising on Nikkei Biotech Email Newsletter
Media Data - Renewed in April 2020! Nikkei BP
Nikkei Biotech
    Advertising                                             Membership Program
    The annual membership program for member companies to promote information on
    their products and campaigns in a timely manner. Members can post an advertorial in
    the “Products, Services, Human Resources and Seminars” sections to announce their
    news and post banner and e-mail advertisements at 20% discount off the regular
                           Premium Member                Standard Member
       Enrollment fee         JPY120,000 (w/o tax)                             JPY120,000 (w/o tax)

         Annual                 JPY800,000 (w/o tax)                           JPY600,000 (w/o tax)
      membership fee

     Total payment for          JPY920,000 (w/o tax)                           JPY720,000 (w/o tax)
       the initial FY

      Max. number of                   10 articles per month                           5   articles per month
       advertorials                  (excluding the article with same               (excluding the article with same
                                                             content)                                       content)

    ●The advertorial will be listed on the “Products, Services, Human Resources and Seminars” section pages and it will
    also appear in rotation on the top page.
    ● Premium members can post the advertorials and register the images in HTML format (Submission deadline is three
    business days before the article is posted on the Nikkei Biotech website.)
    ● Standard members can post the advertorials only in text format and register one URL (Submission deadline is three
    business days before the article is posted on the website.)
    *Non-members can post a promotional article in the “Products, Services, Human Resources and Seminars” sections at
    the fee of JPY300,000 (w/o tax, for one month) per article. Please contact us for details.
Media Data - Renewed in April 2020! Nikkei BP
『Nikkei Biotech』
7           Membership Benefits

                  Announce your product/service with the advertorial posted in the Products,
          1       Services, Human Resources and Seminars sections (see the previous page)
                  Nikkei Biotech members can post the advertorials to announce and
                  promote their new products, campaigns, seminars and other events.
                  The article will be posted in rotation for each section.

         2 20%
                                  discount off the regular prices for banner and email ads (see the previous page)

                  Members can post banner and email ads with 20% discount off the regular prices.

        Benefit   Premium Members can post their ads in Nikkei Biotech Email Newsletter
          3       for three times a year with free of charge

                  The advertising period is negotiable.

Media Data - Renewed in April 2020! Nikkei BP
8    Advertising: Job Opening
    Nikkei Biotech Online readership is the pool of talented professionals in the biotech industry. This
    advertising plan is strongly recommended for accessing talented human resources quickly and with
    fewer loss costs.

     A     Job Opening Ad Package

          JPY300,000(w/o tax, for one month)
           Job-opening announcement posted for one month in the
           Nikkei Biotech “Job Opening” section

           One-time ad posting on the Nikkei Biotech Email
           Newsletter during the above period.                                                Announcement in             A
                                                                                              the “Job Opening” section
           * You can also choose to post your advertorial only in the “Job Opening” section
           for one month at the fee of JPY200,000 (w/o tax).

     B “Job Opening” section
         Banner for temporary staffing agency
                                                                                                                              Banner of temporary
                                                                                                                              staffing agency
         JPY400,000(w/o tax, for one month)
           Temporary staffing agencies post the announcement in the
           Job Opening section to support you for acquiring human
           resources effectively.
           Specifications: Height 100 x Width 300 pixels
           Capacity: 20 KB, Up to four companies
Media Data - Renewed in April 2020! Nikkei BP
9                  Intention to change jobs among Nikkei
                   Biotech readers
               Our readers are talented professionals working actively in the biotech

                          39.3% of the readers have an intention to change jobs.
         Current intention                        Already found a new job                                                        Experience of                                 Unit:(%)
         t o c h a n g e j o b s ( S A)           0.4                                                                            changing jobs
                                                  Plan to change jobs
                                                  right away
                                                                                                                                 ( S A)
                                                  5.6                                                                                                  No response
        Not thinking
        about it at all                                       Plan to
                                                              change jobs
        24.6                                                  if I have an
                                                              opportunity                                                                                      Yes
                                                              33.3                                                                            48.8             50.6

              Not thinking

              about it so

                                                              has an intention to
              36.1                                            change jobs

                                                                                                                                 Frequently read news section
     What they prioritize when changing jobs                                                                                     (MA)
     (M A)
     Business type and job responsibilities                                                                                     Main news                                   66.5
     Place of work/working hours
                                                                                        68.1                                                                              61.1
                                                                                                                              New arrivals
                                                                                       64.5                                                                             52.8
                                                                                                            Pharmaceuticals and medicine
     Annual salary                                                                     62.5                                                              30.4
     Corporate culture/human relationship                                                      Seminars and academic societies supporting
                                                                                47.4                                fundamental research
    “Freedom” in research and business styles
                                                                                46.2                    Food, agriculture and environment
    Job with important responsibility/bigger-scale business
                                                                         30.0                                              Press release           11.7
    Growth potential
                                                                         29.6                                   Investment, politics, society       6.9
    Company size and business soundness
                                                                        26.0                                                    Recruitment        5.6
                                                              1.8                                                              Community           1.4

        (SA): Single answer        (MA): Multiple answers
                                                                                                                                           * F r o m 2 0 1 4 N i kkei B i o t ech O nl i ne Rea d er shi p Pr o f i l e Sur v ey
Media Data - Renewed in April 2020! Nikkei BP
10                     About Other Services
                                                                                                                                          Nikkei Biotech

          Nikkei Biotech Market Survey
     Nikkei Biotech conducts the questionnaire survey on its email newsletter readers
     (about 42,000 people) to provide data for leading researchers and professionals
     in the bio industry.
     The survey can also be used as market research, etc., and you can research the
     degree of recognition and utilization of your product under the name of the Nikkei
     BP affiliate without revealing the name of your company.
     You can learn how your product has been evaluated in a neutral way and use the
     results effectively to plan your future product strategy.                                                 About 70% of the Nikkei Biotech Email
                                                                                                              Newsletter readers, or some 42,000 people,
                                 Advantages of the Survey
                                                                                                                are registered as corporate members

              1          Conduct a survey on biotech professionals, as a
                         market research from a neutral perspective
                                                                                                                          Leading professionals in biotech
                         Provided with more detailed data by cross                                                           industry participate in our
               2         calculation, the survey report can be used as a                                                    questionnaires and surveys
                         marketing tool.
                                                                                                          Surveyed data provided by this plan
             One report from JPY2,000,000 (w/o tax; per company)                                          ●Raw data ● Simple calculation ●Cross calculation, etc.
                *The above fee is subject to change depending on the number of
                 questions, content and analysis methods.                                                 *We cannot provide personally-identifiable information or information
                                                                                                          with which a specific research institution can be identified.

Nikkei Biotech organizes specialized seminars
               from time to time
        Nikkei Biotech regularly holds seminars on the latest topics much         Nikkei Biotech Seminar topic examples
                                                                                  Regulatory framework for regeneration medicine, Regeneration medicine,
        demanded by our readers. Sponsors can use this opportunity                Nucleic acid drug discovery, Companion diagnostic agent,
        effectively to cultivate new customers and to showcase their products     Single cells, Genome biomarkers
        and services. Please contact us for your budget and schedule.

     * S e mi na r da t e s a nd t he me s a r e s ubje c t t o c ha nge .
11                     Readership Profile
                           Our readers work at the frontline of cutting-edge R&D in biotechnology                                                                                       Unit: (%)

                           Industry ( S A )                                                                                       Job responsibility/department ( S A )
                                                        No response     0.2
                                                    Other   5.0
                 Universities and educational
                                                                                Pharmaceutical and                                                        Other   10.1
                                                                                diagnostic drug                                                                                  Research and
                 institutions   19.4                                            24.4                                                          University faculty 14.1            development
           Government and administrative
                                                                                                                          Pharmacist    1.6
           authorities   2.6                                                                 Chemical and fiber   5.0     Physi ci an   3.2
           Medical institutions    3.6                                                       Food and beverage    5.2     Management (President/Executive Officers)
           National and public research institutes
                                                                                      Electronics3.0                      5.4
           5.8                                                                  Agriculture, forestry, fishery, animal
                                                                                                                          Investment/venture capital     0.4                Manufacturing and
           Private business owner 1.6                                           husbandry, and gardening  0.60.8
                                                                                     Environment and energy
                                                                                                                          Intellectual property, legal affairs and
           Other private company 1.4                                                          Precision machinery 4.0
                                                                                                                          finance   2.8
           Services 3.2                                                                  Automobiles and transportation
                                                                                                                                                                           Product planning,
                                                                                                                          Public relations, promotion and                  Survey, consulting
           Trading/distribution 1.4                                                                         0.8                                                            8.7
                                                                                                                          marketing     2.4
           Construction/civil engineering     1.4                                           Other manufacturer    6.7     Information system    1.2
           Finance/securities    0.6                                                                                      Sales and technical services    5.8 Involved field of tech n ology
           ICT   3.0      Involved field of biotech ( M A )                                                                                                        (MA)
                                                                                                                          Materials and purchasing      0.6
                                                                                                    34.3             Gene transfer and expression technology                           19.2
                            Fundamental research and education                       21.4                                   Cell and tissue culture technology                       17.3
                                                  Diagnostic agent               15.9                                              Gene sequence technology                        16.1
                                                Food and beverage                15.3                                 Separation and purification technology                      14.5
                                   Clinical medicine and healthcare             13.3                                               Electrophoresis technology                     14.5
Healthcare equipment (for diagnosis and treatment) and devices                 11.9                            Genome information analysis technology and software
         Equipment and reagent to support Bio-related researches             9.7                                               Microscopy and image analysis
            Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and livestock farming           8.9                                                     Protein-protein interaction
                                               Bio-informatics and IT       7.9                                                              Signal transduction
                                Resources, environment and energy          6.9                                                               Enzyme technology               10.5
                                                 Chemical and fiber        6.3                                                               Mass spectrometer
                           Contract service for bio-related research      5.0                                                                                               9.9
                                                                                                                                     Spectroscopic technology
                                Research and intellectual properties      4.8                                                                                              9.7
                                                                                                                                          DNA chip technology
                                  Management and administration           4.8                                                                                              9.7
                                                                                                                                     Fermentation technology
                         Contract service for bio-related production     3.0                                                                                               9.5
                                                                                                                                      Gene cloning technology
                                                                                                                        Genetic mutation analysis technology               9.3
                                                                                                                Cell differentiation and induction technology              9.3
                                                                                                                                      Peptide-related technology        6.9
12                   Readership Profile
                         Readers access Nikkei Biotech Online to obtain various information.

                         Information readers are looking for on Nikkei Biotech Online           (MA)            Frequency of reading Nikkei Biotech Online Newsletter   (SA)

                                      Biotech information in general                                   77.2                     No
                                        The latest research trends                                 66.7                         response
                                                     Biotech trends                      40.7                                   0.2                Every issue
                                 Basic knowledge in biotechnology
                                                                                 24.2                         Only read the                        43.4
                                    The latest trends in bio ventures                                         articles that I
                                           The trends in bio policies
                                                                                22.8                          am interested
                                                                                22.4                          in
                                     Overseas biotech information
                                                                              17.9                              40.0
The latest trends in industry-government-academia partnerships
      Information on bioethics to know case studies in bio business     5.8
                I nformation on human resources and job openings        5.8
                   Information on bio-related investment and funds
                      Information on conducting joint researches        5.6                                                       Read two or
                                                                                                                                  three articles
13                    Readership Profile
                         More than half of the readers are involved in introducing or purchasing
                         products and services                                                 Unit:

                          Information sources for implementing new products and services (M A )                     H o w t h e y b e h a v ed a f t e r s e e i n g a n a t t r a ctive a n d i n t e r esti ng a d o n N i k k e i B i o t e ch ( M A )

        Articles on Nikkei Biotech Online and other specialized websites                           48.6       Visited the website to get necessary information                                                     72.4
     Exhibition events and presentations at academic conferences                                  47.2 Asked for materials and catalogues by email or the online
                                 Articles on professional magazines                             41.1                                                  request form                      19.2
        Brochures and pamphlets from manufacturers and dealers                                 40.5     Talked about it with colleagues, friends and acquaintances
               Sales representatives of manufacturers and dealers                           32.5
                                                                                                        Made a direct contact with the manufacturer by email or fax               8.7
             Opinions from colleagues, acquaintances and experts
                        Advertisements on professional magazines                   13.1
Advertisements on Nikkei Biotech Online and other specialized websites             12.7
                                                                 Other       3.4

                          Devices and equipment introduced at work                          (MA)

                               Deionized water purifying instrument                                                                                                  43.3
                                             Chromatographic equipment                                                                                             41.5
                             Sequencer/gene analysis-related devices                                                                                   38.1
                                              Imaging-related devices                                                                                 37.3
                                  Mass spectrometry-related devices                                                                                  36.7
                        Cell culture and engineering-related devices                                                                               34.9
             Micro array-introduced genome/SNP analysis-related devices                                   17.7
                            Peptide synthesis and analysis-related devices                     11.5
                                  Pro-teome/pro-teomics-related devices                        11.5
                            Meta-bolome/meta-bolomics-related devices                       9.7
         Protein pharmaceuticals/vaccine production-related devices                        9.3
     Nucleic acid/aptamer production and research-related devices                          9.1
                                     Glycotechnology-related devices                 6.0
                                                                   Other                   9.7
14     Readership Profile
        Involvement in introducing and purchasing products and services                                                  (SA)

                                                                                              Review and     Collect information
                                                             Final decision Wrap up           suggest the
                                                             or approval    The final plan     plan
                                                                                                             and samples                   Not                    No response
                     Research equipment (over JPY10 M)       6.0           14.3                 20.0           7.9                         49.2                       2.6
             Research equipment (JPY 1M to less than 10M)          9.7           16.7                17.9   6.9                             46.4                      2.4
        Research equipment (JPY200,000 to less than 1M)              16.5               15.5            15.9 6.5                              42.5                    3.0
               Research equipment (less than JPY200,000)                  23.0                 13.9           12.5 4.4                       42.1                     4.0
                 IT equipment used for business
                  (Storage devices/servers/routers)
                                                                    15.1             11.7           14.5        6.9                        47.8                       4.0
                   IT equipment used for business (smartphones,
               tablets, personal computers and projectors, etc.)      18.3             10.3           15.5         6.0                      46.8                      3.0
                 Other office supplies necessary for business             26.4                    12.1           15.3              6.9            36.9                2.4
     Analysis/contract research services necessary for                17.9                   15.7           14.3        7.5                   41.5                    3.0
                        Consulting services necessary for           14.1           12.1              17.3         6.0                      46.4                       4.0

       Amount of the products purchased over the past year                                          (SA)
                                                                                       JPY5M to      JPY10M to
                                                                    JPY1M to                                                                      No products
                                              Less than                                less than 10M less than 30M                  Over JPY30M     purchased/    No
                                                                    less than 5M                                                                    Do not know
                                              JPY1M                                                                                                               response
                                    Research equipment             11.3        11.1           8.1 6.3 8.7                                 52.4                        2.2
                                         Research reagent           14.7            11.7 7.3 6.5 5.8                                      50.8                        3.2
               Books and information sources (including                               44.0                          8.7                           40.7                2.8
               the usage fees for online services)
                                                                                                                     2.2 0.61.0
15   Application and Contact

        Medical Media Advertising Department
        Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.

     4-3-12, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8308
     Tel 03-6811-8036 Fax 050-3153-7277 inquiries and banner/email ad applications) (for submitting banner/email ad manuscripts)
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