MEETING PROGRAM The Latin American Biopharmaceutical Challenge: Connecting the Dots from Invention to Innovation

Page created by Tracy Garner
MEETING PROGRAM The Latin American Biopharmaceutical Challenge: Connecting the Dots from Invention to Innovation

Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis
               Where Technology and Solutions Meet
                  Where Together We Progress

The Latin American Biopharmaceutical Challenge:
Connecting the Dots from Invention to Innovation

                      August 19 - 21, 2019
                        Espaço Citron
                          São Paulo

              MEETING PROGRAM

                                                     Milestone Development Services
MEETING PROGRAM The Latin American Biopharmaceutical Challenge: Connecting the Dots from Invention to Innovation
CPSA Brasil Pre-Conference 2019
  A SCIEX Brasil tem o prazer de convidá-lo para fazer parte do
 nosso workshop CPSA Brasil Pre-Conference 2019, que ocorrerá
                    no dia 19 de agosto de 2019.

   O encontro tratará de Fármacos, com foco em Produtos de
   Degradação e será uma grande oportunidade para que você
   conheça novas maneiras de melhorar sua pesquisa, além de
                         trocar experiências.

                   Contamos com a sua presença!
das 9h às 13h (welcome coffee a
partir das 8h30)
Rua Julio González, 132, 14º andar,
Barra Funda, São Paulo, SP

MEETING PROGRAM The Latin American Biopharmaceutical Challenge: Connecting the Dots from Invention to Innovation
                                                                              Inspiration. Collaboration.

August 19, 2019

Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of our organizing committee and our sponsors, it is our pleasure to welcome you to the 6th Annual
Brazilian Symposium on Clinical and Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis (CPSA BRASIL 2019). Our
meeting and related events will once again feature lively discussions, memorable interactions, and the open
sharing of real-world experiences that focus on the unique challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry –
from bench to bedside.

The goal of CPSA BRASIL is to provide timely, in-depth reviews of innovative technology and emerging practices
through open discussion of industry related issues and needs. Our intent is to feature scientific leaders within
diversified symposia and sponsored events specially designed to be highly interactive where professionals
can openly share their experiences and visions in a collegial setting – where technology and solutions meet…
where together we progress!

We are delighted to feature two outstanding plenary speakers. On Tuesday, Gabriela Barreiro of Eurofarma,
will deliver a plenary lecture on Early Phase Discovery and Development. Our plenary lecture on Wednesday
will feature Thiago Mares Guia of Bionovis who will share his recent work and perspectives for Late Stage
Development Late Phase Drug Development & Clinics: From Pre-Clinical to Clinics. Our goal is that this year’s
program will provide unique perspectives, timely opportunities and continue to inspire discussions during our
annual meeting... and beyond.

Our hope is that you will actively participate, interact, and share ideas during the event. Creativity and
imagination have been key ingredients to making CPSA meetings a memorable experience all over the world.
In this way, a genuine passion for the analytical sciences can lead to personal growth as well as opportunities to
significantly impact the field through participation and leadership.

Special thanks go to the sponsors of this unique event. In particular, we wish to thank CEMSA, GE Healthcare,
New Objective, Prolab, SCIEX, and Waters for giving this meeting life. Muito obrigado! All CPSA sponsors share
the passion and commitment for both innovative technologies and the acceleration of product development.

Enjoy the annual meeting – where technology and solutions meet… where together we progress!


Mike S. Lee, Ph.D.			      Carlos Kiffer, Ph.D.
CPSA Founder		        CPSA BRASIL 2019 Program Chair
MEETING PROGRAM The Latin American Biopharmaceutical Challenge: Connecting the Dots from Invention to Innovation

Carlos Kiffer


Douglas Andrade                    Mark Hayward                           José Emílio Neto                      Philip Timmerman
SCIEX                              ITSP Solutions                         Icon Clinical Research                European Bioanalysis Forum

Gabriel Araújo                     Lucinda Hittle                         Regina Olivera                        Gary Valaskovic
University of São Paulo            Merck                                  Universidade Federal de São Carlos    New Objective

Pedro Aranha                       Ivan Jonaitis                          Kerly Pasqualoto                      Peter van Amsterdam
Sandoz                             Agilent Technologies                   ALCHEMY                               Abbott

Gabriela Barreiro                  Rick King                              Kátia Pastre                          Oscar Vega
Eurofarma Laboratórios S.A.        PharmaCadence Analytical Svcs          MAGABI                                IPEN

Rafael Barrientos                  Daniel Lebre                           Adriano Peron                         Naidong Weng
Eurofarma Laboratórios S.A.        CEMSA Laboratories                     SCIEX                                 Janssen Research & Development

Natália Bellan                     Ken Lewis                              Paula Ribiero                         José Xavier
Sanitary Intelligence              OpAns                                  Shimadzu                              Agilent Technologies

Gisela Bellinello                  Lídia Lima                             Renato Ribiero                        Nathan Yates
Agilent Technologies               Federal University of Rio de Janeiro   Accutest Research Laboratories        University of Pittsburgh

Chad Briscoe                       Leila Maria Lopes Bezerra              Camille Rodrigues da Silva            Ismael Zamora
PRA Health Sciences                BIDiagnostics                          Inovatie                              Molecular Discovery

Jair Calixto                       Mauricio Magalhães                     Renato Romano
Sindusfarma                        EMS                                    U.S. Pharmacopeia
                                                                                                                LOGISTICS & MANAGEMENT
Mateus Campos                      Vanda Magalhães                        Cristina Ropke
SCIEX                              Eurofarma                              Phytobios                             Communications & Media
Dulce Casarini                     Thiago Mares Guia                      Ana Paula Ruenis                      Carla Marshall-Waggett
Universidade de Federal SP         Bionovis                               ABRACRO                               New Objective

Marc Chalom                        Helio Martins                          Nalini Sadagopan                      Management & Correspondence
Testo SE                           SCIEX                                  Agilent Technologies
                                                                                                                Mike Lee
Lucas V. Crofi                     Daniel Maturana                        Daniel Saidemberg                     Milestone Development Services
USP                                NanoTemper Technologies                Shimadzu

Tess Doezema                       Cristina Mendes                        Gustavo Santos
Arizona State University           Instituto Nacional de Propriedade      ANVISA
Marité Faria                                                              Rogerio Sassonia
Amgen                              Marcelo Moreira                        Universidade Federal do Tocantins-
                                   ANVISA                                 Araguaína
Saul Fink
Bristol-Myers Squibb               Lauro Moretto                          Ingridy Scachetti
                                   Academia Nacional de Farmácia          SCIEX
Jane Finzi
Thermo Fisher Scientific           Michael Murgu                          Priscila Scheinberg
                                   Waters Technologies do Brasil          Orygen Biotecnologia
Larissa Fontes
Aché Laboratórios Farmacêuticos    Viviane Nascimento                     Alexandre Scutto
                                   Thermo Fisher Scientific               CEMSA
Miller Freitas
Aché Laboratórios Farmacêuticos    Shane Needham                          Suéllen Silva
                                   Alturas Analytics
                                                                          Apsen Farmacêutica
Roberto Gois
GC-2                               Randall Nelson
                                                                          Leonardo Teixeira
                                   Arizona State University
                                                                          Instituto de Ciências Farmacêuticas
Caroline Green
Waters Technologies do Brasil

2                                 Where Technology and Solutions Meet. Where Together We Progress.
MEETING PROGRAM The Latin American Biopharmaceutical Challenge: Connecting the Dots from Invention to Innovation
                                                                                                                             Thank You!
The CPSA annual symposium is made possible by the broad-based support of industry sponsors. The passion for the
analytical sciences and the accelerated discovery and development of pharmaceuticals is shared by each sponsor. As
a result, the event is dedicated to promoting awareness and understanding of the issues and needs associated with
research and development in the hopes of inspiring significant advances in the field.

                                                                                                               spooner bioanalytical solutions
                                                                                  spooner bioanalytical solutions lc-ms/ms spooner
                                                                                                                 mass spectrometry
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                                                                                                     solutions automation regulated spooner
                                                                                                   spooner clini                   ical spooner
                                                                             spooner bioanalytical solutions spooner bioanalyt ical solutions
                                                                                                      spooner bioanalytical solutions spooner bioanalytical solutions
                                                                                        spooner bioanalytical solutions spooner bioanalytical solutions
                                                                                                     spoonerpassion integrity honesty
                                                                                                            authentic process spooner
                                                                                                       solutions improvement change
                                                                                                       spooner simplify revolutionary
                                                                                                                bold spooner bioanalytical solutions
                                                                                                       solutions mass spectrometry spooner
                                                                                                                 chromatography spooner bioanalytical solutions
                                                                                                               sample preparation spooner
                                                                                                                   micro sampling dbs automation
                                                                                             solutions automation regulated spooner
                                                                                                        spooner glp clinical pre-clinical spooner
                                                                              spooner bioanalytical solutions spooner bioanalytical solutions
                                                                                                           spooner bioanalytical solutions
                                                                                                                                       spooner bioanalytical solutions
                                                                                       spooner bioanalytical solutions spooner bioanalytical solutions
                                                                                                    spooner passion integrity honesty
                                                                                                              spooner process spooner
                                                                                               solutions improvement change
                                                                                                             spooner simplify revolutionary
                                                                                                                      bold spooner
                                                                                                                   micro sampling dbs automation

                                                August 19 - 21, 2019                                                                                       3
MEETING PROGRAM The Latin American Biopharmaceutical Challenge: Connecting the Dots from Invention to Innovation
Thank You!
Thank you to all of the vendors participating in the CPSA BRASIL 2019 Expo.

4                         Where Technology and Solutions Meet. Where Together We Progress.
MEETING PROGRAM The Latin American Biopharmaceutical Challenge: Connecting the Dots from Invention to Innovation

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crianças brincam. Diagnóstico precoce e tratamento de doenças. Padrões elevados para um ambiente mais limpo.
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MEETING PROGRAM The Latin American Biopharmaceutical Challenge: Connecting the Dots from Invention to Innovation


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MEETING PROGRAM The Latin American Biopharmaceutical Challenge: Connecting the Dots from Invention to Innovation
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MEETING PROGRAM The Latin American Biopharmaceutical Challenge: Connecting the Dots from Invention to Innovation
Where Technology and Solutions Meet!

                                                    Where Technology and Solutions Meet

                   Where Together We Progress                                                       Where East Meets West

                      Patient Focused                                                                               Patient Focused
          Solutions for the Patient                                                                       Technology for the Patient

                                                                      Patient Focused
                                                      Standardization for the Patient

                                                               Mark your calendar!

August 19-21, 2019         October 28-31, 2019        February 4-7, 2020             March 2020               April 2020             May 4-7, 2020
 Sao Paulo, Brazil         Philadelphia, PA USA         London, U.K.              Atlanta, GA USA           Shanghai, China         Boston, MA USA

   Program Chair              Program Chairs             Program Chairs            Program Chairs             Program Chair           Program Chairs
  Carlos Kiffer               Timothy Olah               Neil Spooner              Abhishek Jha              Tianyi Zhang              Alla Kloss
  EPM / UNIFESP              Britol-Myers Squibb       Spooner Bioanlytical           Elucidata                 Frontage                  Sanofi
                                                           Solutions                Andrew Lee
                              Neil Spooner                                                                                            Amanda Berg
                            Spooner Bioanalytical       Ismael Zamora                   IMCS                                          New Objective
                                 Solutions             Molecular Discovery

                                                       © 2019 Milestone Development Services
                                                                  All rights reserved
                                                                                              Monday August 19
NOTE: Workshops are not held at the Espaço Citron. They are each held at unique locations as specified below.

WORKSHOP                                                       WORKSHOP

How Innovation Impacts in Personalized Medicine                Pharmaceuticals & Degradation
Workshop Leaders: Regina Oliveira, Universidade                Sponsored by
Federal de São Carlos-UFSCar; Leila Maria Lopes
Bezerra, BIDiagnostics / CIETEC / USP
Location:                                                      Rua Julio González, 132
Vagão da Inovaçáo, CIETEC/USP                                  14º andar, Barra Funda, São Paulo, SP
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                                               SCIEX Brasil is pleased to invite you to be part of the
Drug R&D in a Multi-Omic World: Present and Future             CPSA Brazil Pre-Conference 2019 workshop
Workshop Leader: Regina Oliveira, Universidade                 The meeting will address Pharmaceuticals, focusing on
Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar                                 Degradation and it will be a great opportunity for you
ffThe Age of Proteomics in Clinical Diagnostics                learn new ways to improve your search, and exchange
  Valdemir Melechco Carvalho, Instituto Fleury                 experiences.

                                                                                                                             MONDAY, AUGUST 19
ffO Impacto das Células Tronco no Processo de
  Descoberta de Fármacos
  Marcos Valadares, Pluricell Biotech
ffTargeter Metabolomics Applications for Cancer and
  Cardiovascular Biomarkers Discovery
  Amadeu Iglesias, Apex Science
ffHuman Microbiome Impacts on Host Health and the
  Role of Omics Platforms
  Elisa Haas, Instituto do Coração (INCOR- HCFMUSP)

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Drug R&D in a Multi-Omic World: Present and
FutureThe Innovation Era in Medical Diagnostics
Workshop Leader: Leila Lopes Bezzera, BIDiagnostics /
ffInovações em Genômica Pessoal e Medicina
  Ricardo di Lazzaro, Genera/Dasa
ffImplantation and Development of Rapid Test for
  STEC and ETEC Detection
  Letícia Barboza Rocha, Instituto Butantã
ffTestes Rápido: Conceitos Básicos, Aplicações e
  Evolução da Technologica
  Ana Luísa Rubert Barcelos, Wama Diagnóstica
ffAn Educative Experience Aiming Innovation in
  Biomedicine at the University of São Paulo
  Luis Carlos Ferreira, ICB/USP

                                                   August 19 - 21, 2019                                                  5
                     Tuesday August 20
                     8:30 AM – 9:30 AM           REGISTRATION & CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST


                     9:30 AM – 10:00 AM          OPENING REMARKS

                     Salão Espaço               Welcome
                                                Mike Lee, Milestone Development Services

                                                Objectives, Format, and Opening Remarks
                                                Carlos Kiffer, EPM/UNIFESP

                     10:00 AM – 10:45 AM         PLENARY LECTURE

                     Salão Espaço                Early Phase Discovery & Development
                                                 Gabriela Barreiro, Eurofarma

                     11:00 AM – 2:00 PM          CPSA BRASIL EXPO

                     Matisse / Lobby             Where Technology and Solutions Meet. Where Together We Progress.

                     11:15 AM – 12:45 PM         SYMPOSIUM       SESSION 1

                     Salão Espaço                Clinical Product Development: What Have We Got and What Are the Challenges
                                                 Chair: Sônia Dainesi, ReceptaBio
                                                 ffDDCM preparation: Challenges When the Drug is Still in Early-phase of
                                                   Claudia Cilento, Inovatie
                                                 ffNew Designs for RCTs: Adaptative Bayesian Studies, Platform Trials and Enrichment
                                                   Alexandre Biasi Cavalcanti, Research Institute, HCor
                                                 ffReal World Data: Is This Really Real? Is RWD Applicable in Early-phase of
                                                   Guilherme Julian, IQVIA/RWE

                     12:45 PM – 2:00 PM          SPONSORED LUNCH & ROUNDTABLES

                     Salão Espaço / Terraco      To Be Announced
                                                 Sponsored by Nova Analitíca
                                                 Chairs: Luiz Bravo, Nova Analitíca; Carlos Kiffer, EPM / UNIFESP

                     2:00 PM – 3:30 PM           JABUTICABA      SESSION 1

                     Salão Espaço                Early-Phase and Pre-Clinical Product Development: How Far Have We Matured our
                                                 R&D Ecosystem and What Are the Challenges
                                                 Chair: Jose Donato, Vita Nova
                                                 ffWhen Pre-Clinical Trials Are Not Necessary for Drug Development
                                                   Gilberto De Nucci, University of São Paulo
                                                 ffADMETox Assessment in Human Organoids Cultivated in Microfluidic Chips
                                                   (Organ on a Chip)
                                                 ffShining a New Light on Brazilian Biodiversity: Using the New Brazilian Synchrotron
                                                   Light Source for Drug Discovery.
                                                   Eduardo Pagani, LNBio - Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory

                     6                        Where Technology and Solutions Meet. Where Together We Progress.
                                                                                        Tuesday August 20
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM     JABUTICABA      SESSION 1 (CONT’D)

                      ffPharmacometrics: Modelling and Simulation Tools to Facilitate the Integration of
                        Preclinical and Clinical Development Data
                        Bruna Gaelzer Silva Torre, Instituto Vitanova

                                                                                                                       TUESDAY, AUGUST 20
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM     JABUTICABA      SESSION 2

Salão Espaço          Challenges to Transpose from Bench to Business in Biomedical Science
                      Chairs: Regina Oliveira, Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar; Leila Lopes Bezerra,
                      ffBiolinker: Building a Biotech Startup in Brazil
                        Mona das Neves Oliveira, Biolinker
                      ffBIDiagnostics Case: Product to Market
                        Leila Lopes Bezerra, BIDiagnostics
                      ffOvercoming Challenges in Quantitation of Biopharmaceuticals with Hybrid
                        Regina Oliveira, UFSCar
                      ffEntrepreneurial Science: From Laboratory to Market
                        Guilherme Rosso, Emerge Labs

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM     VENDOR SESSION

Salão Espaço          Chair: Daniel Maturana, NanoTemper
                      Participating vendors are welcome to share their services, products, and corporate message
                      within a 5-minute presentation

                                                                                   Wednesday August 21

                                                                                                                       WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21


9:30 AM – 10:15 AM    PLENARY LECTURE

Salão Espaço          Late Phase Drug Development & Clinics: From Pre-Clinical to Clinics
                      Thiago Mares Guia, Bionovis

10:30 AM – 12:30 PM   SYMPOSIUM       SESSION 2

Salão Espaço          Early-Phase Product Development: What Are the Technological Challenges and How
                      Can the Academia-Industry Relationship Improve
                      Chair: Chair: Rogério Sassonia, Universidade Federal do Tocantins-Araguaín
                      ffTo Be Announced
                        Lucas Aquino, IDR Consultoria
                      ffTo Be Announced
                        Maíra Simões, Johnson & Johnson
                      ffTo Be Announced
                        Peky Noriega, Nanofitotec

                                           August 19 - 21, 2019                                                    7
                       Wednesday August 21
                       11:00 AM – 2:00 PM          CPSA BRASIL EXPO

                                                  Where Technology and Solutions Meet. Where Together We Progress.

                       12:30 PM – 2:00 PM          SPONSORED LUNCH & ROUNDTABLE

                       Salão Espaço / Terraco      From Invention to Innovation
                                                   Sponsored by New Objective
                                                   Chairs: Carlos Kiffer, EPM / UNIFESP

                       2:00 PM – 3:30 PM           JABUTICABA      SESSION 3

                       Salão Espaço                Late and Clinical Phase Development:
                                                   Progresses and Drawbacks of the Regulated Research
                                                   Chair: Gustavo Santos, ANVISA

                       3:30 PM - 5:00 PM           JABUTICABA     SESSION 4

                       Salão Espaço                What Are the Big Problems Now in the Development or Production of the
                                                   Pharmaceutical Industry?
                                                   Chair: Daniel Lebre, CEMSA; Daniel Maturana, NanoTemper Technologies
                                                   ffBuilding Bioeconomies in the U.S. and Brazil: Confluence, Disjuncture, and
                                                     Prospects for International Collaboration
                                                     Tess Doezema, Arizona State University
                                                   ffAdding Some Intelligence into the Operations of Brazilian Pharma Industry:
                                                     Practical Cases
                                                     Rafael A. Barrientos
                                                   ffForming a Radical Innovation Ecosystem in Brazil through Research Platforms and
                                                     Strategic Partnerships
                                                     Hatylas Felype Zaneti de Azevedo, Ache Laboratórios Farmacêuticos S/A

                       3:30 PM - 5:00 PM           ANNOUNCEMENTS, AWARDS & CLOSING REMARKS

                       Salão Espaço               Thiago Mares Guia, Bionovis and Mike Lee, Milestone Development Services

                                                   ffFounders Awards
                                                     Mike Lee, Milestone Development Services
                                                   ffProgram Chair Recognition
                                                     Mike Lee, Milestone Development Services
                                                   ffClosing Remarks
                                                     Carlos Kiffer, EPM / UNIFESP
                                                     Mike Lee, Milestone Development Services

                       8                        Where Technology and Solutions Meet. Where Together We Progress.
CPSA Charitable Foundation

   Our Mission
   Celebrate pharmaceutical research at
   the bench, empower the confrontation
   of disease at the bedside

                        Guided by a team who have devoted their lives to advancing science, the CPSA
                        Charitable Foundation is dedicated to the progress of scientific discoveries from
                        research to the bedside. We are committed to advancing the public understanding
                        of biomedical and pharmaceutical research, with the foundational principle that
                        public knowledge is power. CPSA Charitable Foundation will evangelize and
                        celebrate our successes in this critical area of research, with an ultimate goal of
                        focusing additional resources to advance human health.

                                     Find out how you can help
                                     Visit us online at www.cpsacharitablefoundation .org

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                                                              New Objective, Inc.                +1 781 933 9560 Tel
                                                              Two Constitution Way               +1 781 933 9564 Fax
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            Solutions for Life™                               USA                      

            Authorized Representative

                                                              Nova Analitíca Imp. Exp. Ltda.     +55 11 2162 8080 Tel
                                                              0413100 - São Paulo, SP - Brazil   +55 11 2162 8081 Fax
© 2019 New Objective, Inc. All rights reserved.
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