Page created by Dorothy Wise
2019 U.S.

         As detailed in the first report of
         this series, Cold Storage Logistics
         Unpacked, there is heightened
         demand for cold storage capacity
         in the U.S., driven by growing food
         sales (up 24% in the past five years)
         and the increased outsourcing of
         food storage and distribution.

         Changing consumer preferences toward
         online grocery also will require more cold
         storage capacity in years ahead, as direct-to-
         consumer food delivery becomes more common.

1|   CBRE RESEARCH                                        © 2019 CBRE, Inc.   |2
This second installment of a
three-part CBRE Research report
series exploring the cold storage
industry’s impact on industrial &
logistics (I&L) real estate reveals the
opportunities and challenges for              STRONG DEMAND AMID LIMITED CAPACITY

                                              Despite strong demand for cold storage space,
                                              there is very limited refrigerated warehouse
                                              development in the U.S. for five primary reasons:

                                              COST                       EXPERTISE               COMPLEXITY

                                              The cost to build and      The number of           Traditional developers
                                              operate cold storage       refrigerated-           rarely venture into cold
                                              facilities can be          warehouse               storage due to the
                                              prohibitive, especially    developers and          complexity and cost of
                                              for inexperienced          operators is small      building temperature-
                                              developers,                and fragmented.         controlled facilities.
                                              contractors and asset      There is only a
                                              managers.                  small pool of skilled
                                                                         contractors who can
                                                                         properly build these
                                                                         facilities.             INFLEXIBILITY

                                              RISK                                               Although possible,
                                                                                                 it is difficult and costly
                                                                                                 to convert a cold
                                              Development seldom occurs without having
                                                                                                 storage warehouse
                                              a tenant in place. As a result, there is little
                                                                                                 to a dry warehouse.
                                              speculative development; just one spec cold
                                              storage project, totaling 300,000 sq. ft., was
                                              recently completed near Fort Worth, TX.

3|     CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                         © 2019 CBRE, Inc.   |4

                                                                                WHAT SETS COLD STORAGE APART
                                                                                FROM A TRADITIONAL DRY WAREHOUSE?

                                                                                Construction costs vary widely
                                                                                based on many different factors
                                                                                such as land values, labor costs,
                                                                                                                         40-60           FEET
                                                                                project specification and customer       BUILDING
                                                                                needs. The cost per square foot to       HEIGHT
                                                                                construct a refrigerated warehouse       Other building features that
                                                                                is typically double to triple the cost
                Available cold storage space is                                 for a dry warehouse.
                                                                                                                         set cold storage apart from a
                                                                                                                         conventional warehouse include:
                very limited in the U.S.                                                                                 industrial refrigeration systems
                                                                                2-3X                                     (ammonia and/or freon) to control
                                                                                                                         temperatures ranging from -25
                CBRE Research estimates that the cold storage vacancy           CONSTRUCTION                             to 55 degrees, fire protection,
                rate is in line with the historically low national industrial   COSTS                                    under-floor heating and enhanced
                                                                                                                         dock leveler systems to control
                vacancy rate of 4.3%.                                           The construction process for a           temperatures, among many others.
                                                                                cold storage facility also is more
                In some markets where cold storage demand is at an
                all-time high, the vacancy rate is much lower. Cold
                                                                                complex and time-consuming than
                                                                                a traditional dry warehouse, taking      -25 to 55
                                                                                up to five months longer to build.       DEGREES
                storage occupiers rarely vacate their space unless                                                       TEMPERATURE
                they are scaling back their business or moving to a             +5       MONTHS                          RANGE
                new facility. Since there is a limited amount of new            CONSTRUCTION                             The complexity of cold storage
                                                                                TIME                                     development is attributable
                inventory, relocations happen infrequently.
                                                                                                                         to the design, construction
                                                                                IMP (insulated metal panel)              and understanding of the
                                                                                construction, as opposed to              mechanical equipment. What’s
                                                                                traditional tilt-up construction, is a   more, one size does not fit all,
                                                                                major differentiator.                    making it very user-specific.
                                                                                The standard clearance height for
                                                                                a modern freezer/cooler building
                                                                                ranges from 40 to 60 feet,
                                                                                compared with 34 to 36 feet for a
                                                                                dry warehouse.

5|   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                               © 2019 CBRE, Inc.   |6
                                                   BUILDING COLD STORAGE?
CBRE estimates approximately                       Given the shortage of new cold storage development and the highly
4.5 million sq. ft. of new cold                    specialized nature of executing these projects, it is not surprising that
                                                   there are few active developers and builders of these facilities.
storage construction has
been recently completed or is                      SOME COMPANIES THAT HAVE RECENTLY COMPLETED OR ARE
underway nationally.                               CURRENTLY BUILDING COLD STORAGE FACILITIES IN THE U.S.:

4.5M                   1.5%                                                               BUILDERS/
TOTAL                  OF TOTAL                    DEVELOPERS                             CONTRACTORS
SQUARE                 INDUSTRIAL
FEET                   CONSTRUCTION                • Bridge Development Partners          • ARCO Design/Build
                                                   • Hunt Southwest                       • Primus
                                                   • Flagler Development (Florida         • FCL Builders
This accounts for just 1.5% of the current
industrial construction in the U.S. as of Q2         Only)                                • Griffco Design/Build
2019.                                              • Insite Real Estate LLC               • Steller
                                                   • Campanelli                           • Victory Unlimited Construction
Speculative development is rare, given the
complexities of building cold storage, the lack
of active developers and the difficulty in re-
purposing these facilities for other uses.

Strong demand for cold storage space, along
with growing investor interest and understanding
of this property type, likely will spur more
speculative development in the near future.        Source: CBRE Research, August 2019.

7|   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                 © 2019 CBRE, Inc.   |8

     CLASS A COLD STORAGE FACILITIES BUILT SINCE 2016                                                                                                                                     ELIZABETH, NJ (Newark Area)

     Limited cold storage construction is occurring nationwide. The following                                                                                                             A 130,000-sq.-ft. expansion by Seafrigo,
                                                                                                                                                                                          a French logistics company specializing in
     representative projects include facilities for food producers and retail operators,                                                                                                  foodstuffs. Seafrigo increased its footprint by
     as well as third-party public refrigerated warehouse companies like Americold                                                                                                        74% in 2016 given strong demand from online
     and Lineage Logistics. Most of these buildings are already leased and/or                                                                                                             food companies serving the New York metro
     occupied.                                                                                                                                                                            population.

     FT. WORTH, TX                                                                                                           BURLEY, ID (Twin Falls Area)
     A 300,000-sq.-ft. speculative cold storage development                                                                  A 180,000-sq.-ft., fully automated cold storage
     by Hunt Southwest and FCL Builders in July 2019, which                                                                  warehouse developed by Netherlands-based NewCold.
     can be operated as freezer or cooler. This modern facility                                                              Conveyors and automated storage and retrieval systems
     has a building clearance height of 45 feet among other                                                                  handle the pallets with minimal manual interference
     desirable features, including an 8-inch-thick shrinkage-                                                                into and from a large rack system. NewCold developed
     compensating floor slab, penthouse design for the                                                                       this type of automation for its European operations to
     refrigeration system, with vertical storing levelers and                                                                cut labor, land and energy costs, and to meet strong
     abundant trailer parking.                                                                                               customer demand for more efficient storage and
                                                                                                                             shipping options.
                                                                       Photo Credit: FCL Builders, July 2019.                                                                             Photo Credit: NewCold, June 2019.

                                                               ROMULUS, MI (Detroit Area)                                    ROCHELLE, IL (Chicago Area)                                  LOS ANGELES, CA
                                                               A 606,000-sq.-ft. cold storage distribution facility          A 183,000-sq.-ft., 14-story cold storage facility built      A 490,935-sq.-ft. cold storage
                                                               developed by Insite Real Estate (ARCO Design/Build            by Griffco Design Build for Americold Logistics in           facility, known as “Big Bear,”
                                                               was the contractor) adjacent to Detroit Metro Airport in      2019. The facility contains a series of temperature-         built by Victory Unlimited
                                                               November 2018. The facility includes 415,000 sq. ft. of       controlled rooms serviced by an automated storage            Construction for Preferred
                                                               freezer space ranging from 0 to 34 degrees, 60,000 sq. ft.    and retrieval system. It is co-located with a conventional   Freezer Services in 2018. The
                                                               of 55-degree produce cooler space, 14 banana-ripening         freezer building supplementing two other facilities that     facility includes 32 dock doors
                                                               rooms, 105 exterior truck doors and 17 electronically         Americold has been operating since 1995.                     and has a clearance height
                                                               operated overhead doors. The clearance height is 34 feet.                                                                  of 58 feet, 6 inches. This is
                                                               The building is leased to a national logistics provider for                                                                Preferred Freezer’s seventh
                                                               10 years with annual rent escalators.                         OAKLAND, CA                                                  L.A. cold storage facility.
     Photo Credit: ARCO Design/Build, Inc. 2018.
                                                                                                                                                                                          The building is located near
                                                                                                                             A 266,000-sq.-ft. cold storage and logistics                 downtown and covers an
                                                                                                                             facility opened in 2018 and serving as a hub for
     BURIEN, WA (Seattle Area)                                                                                                                                                            entire city block.
                                                                                                                             temperature-controlled cargo transiting through
                                                                                                                             Northern California. Lineage Logistics and
     The 241,140-sq.-ft. Puget Sound Commerce Center
                                                                                                                             Dreisbach Enterprises are the main operators in
     is the first cold storage facility built in the Seattle
                                                                                                                             collaboration with the Port of Oakland.
     area in 10 years. It has a 40-foot clearance height,
     32 truck bays and 150 parking spaces. The building
     is strategically located near the Port of Seattle
     and Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Bridge                                                                        MCDONOUGH, GA (Atlanta Area)
     Development Partners developed and sold the
     property to Bentall Kennedy in 2017. At the time of                                                                     A 250,000-sq.-ft. public refrigerated warehouse
     purchase, the building was 100% leased.                                                                                 30 miles outside of Atlanta and completed
                                                                                                                             in 2018. The facility is run by Burris Logistics,
                                                                       Photo Credit: Bridge Development, 2017.               a family-owned-and-operated foodservice
                                                                                                                             redistribution and retail specialty company.
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                       Source: CBRE Research estimates; company reports, local newspapers, and discussions with brokers.

11 |   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                       © 2019 CBRE, Inc.   | 12
COLD STORAGE                                                                                                           Cold storage facilities are
DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION                                                                                                  typically divided into several
                                                                                                                       areas within the main building by
                                                                                                                       prefabricated insulated panels.
                                                                                                                       These rooms operate within
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN COLD                                                         MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT                 distinct temperature and humidity
STORAGE AND DRY WAREHOUSE                                                                                              ranges and sometimes feature
                                                                                 Unlike conventional dry               separate docking, loading and
COST                                                                             warehouses, cold storage facilities   sorting areas.
                                                                                 must have various structural and
Construction costs per sq. ft. for a temperature-controlled facility can be      mechanical installations. Cooling     Another distinctive feature of cold
as much as triple the cost of constructing a traditional warehouse, and the      systems include compressors,          storage facilities is temperature-
timeframe to build a cold storage warehouse is typically four to five months     condensers and evaporators.           controlled docks or speed bays.
longer given higher complexity and building standards. Cold storage facilities   To achieve efficient cooling,         Sometimes occupying as much
require a thermal envelope and insulated panels along with other expensive       the cold storage design must          as 10% to 20% of total space in
machinery not required in a dry warehouse.                                       also reduce air flow waste by         the facility, these areas serve as
In addition, construction costs tend to increase with lower                      insulation, temperature/air-proof     buffers to prevent a rapid change
temperature requirements and higher ceiling heights that increase                doors and automatic temperature       in temperature between storage
the number of pallet positions. Given the relatively high                        monitoring systems.                   and distribution.
construction costs and the required operational features of
cold storage facilities, there is a higher barrier to entry in                   FIGURE 2: INSTALLATIONS IN COLD STORAGE FACILITIES
the temperature-controlled warehouse sector than in the
standard warehouse sector.
There are many considerations when building cold storage.
The following items impact the cost of construction:

    IMP (insulated metal panel)        Rooftop penthouse
    installation, as opposed to        for equipment.
    tilt-up construction that is
    typical of dry warehouses.         Fire protection.

    Mechanical equipment.              Labor (skilled
    Premium concrete slab
    and under-floor heating.           Number of pallets
                                       (rack plan).
    Different types of
    refrigeration and equipment        Above-standard
    (package units, ammonia            features like packing
    systems, freon units, central      rooms, blast freezing and
    engine room, etc.).                fumigation.                               Source: CBRE Research, July 2019.

13 |   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                     © 2019 CBRE, Inc.   | 14


Design and construction of cold storage has evolved
in the past decade.
                                            Engine room in recently completed
                               40’-60’      project in Covington, TN.

    2014                          2019
Whereas 30-foot clearance height was                                                    HIGH BUILDING STANDARDS
considered state-of-the-art five years                                                  Federal and local regulations have a         Refrigerated warehouses that receive,
ago, today the standard for modern          Photo Credit: Primus Builders, 2019.        significant impact on the maintenance        store and distribute food products are
freezer/cooler buildings ranges from                                                    of cold storage facilities. Property         required to register with the FDA and
40 to 60 feet, compared with 32 to          heights allow for greater efficiencies
                                            as cold storage warehouses are              managers of these buildings must             are subject to inspections. A prevention
40 feet.                                                                                comply with EPA, OSHA, USDA and              plan must be written and implemented
                                            measured by the number of pallet
                                            positions per cubic feet. And many of       FDA (if it involves pharmaceutical           by the cold storage operator, involving
There are various reasons ceiling                                                       products) standards; local building and      employee training programs.
heights have gotten higher. Since land      the newer facilities are investing in AS/
                                            RS (automated storage and retrieval         fire protection codes; height restrictions
costs are significant in dense markets,                                                 and water supply requirements. This          Cloud-based technology can often
a smaller footprint translates into lower   systems) for high volume material
                                            handling. This type of automation           translates into increased complexity and     help minimize the costs associated
real estate costs. Another reason is                                                    cost in running these facilities. While      with adapting to new regulations.
increased pallet capacity. Higher ceiling   requires higher ceiling heights.
                                                                                        these regulations must be considered         Warehouse management systems
                                            Other building features like dock           from a development perspective, they         (WMS), for example, deliver capabilities
Cold storage racking system for
large retailer in a recently completed      equipment, LED lighting, fire               don’t have a dramatic impact on the          like freshness tracking and proactive
project in Forest Park, GA.                 protection, high-speed doors and            development process.                         alert notifications, and can help
                                            ammonia systems have evolved                                                             cold storage operators manage the
                                            over the years as the handling of           The Food Safety Modernization Act            complexities of the law while keeping
                                            temperature-sensitive foods became          (FSMA) of 2011 made the first major          track of their goods in real time. Other
                                            more sophisticated.                         changes to the FDA’s food safety             cutting-edge tracking technologies
                                                                                        authorities in more than 70 years. The       are under development. In the
                                            Furthermore, construction methods           law focuses on preventions, inspections,     pharmaceutical industry, for example,
                                            have changed over the years to build        compliance, response, imports and            drones and AI are being tested to more
                                            longer-lasting facilities.                  enhanced partnerships. It also provides      efficiently track prescription drugs as
                                                                                        the FDA with enforcement authority           they move through the supply chain.
                                                                                        designed to achieve higher rates of
Photo Credit: Primus Builders, 2019.
                                                                                        compliance and prevention.
15 |     CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                       © 2019 CBRE, Inc.   | 16
                       CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES

                       The development and operation of cold storage
                       facilities is challenging. Skilled subcontractors
                       are limited and securing the necessary building
                       materials is sometimes difficult.
                       These properties must adhere to        Automation also provides higher
                       strict thermal integrity, therefore    density, greater height, a smaller
                       storing and distributing perishable    footprint and around-the-clock
                       items with different shelf lives       operation. The downside to
                       means that different climates must     automation is that significant
                       be controlled while workers move       capital investment is required,
                       the product in and out. Finding        with costs running in the multiples
                       workers to operate the facilities      of standard cold storage
                       can be difficult considering the       construction.
                       extreme conditions.
                                                              UPSIDE TO BUILDING COLD
                       AUTOMATION                             STORAGE

                       Considering the labor challenge        Despite high capital expenditures
                       along with improving other             and operating expenses, cold
                       efficiencies, automation is a          storage facilities command
                       viable solution. When deciding         higher rental premiums than
                       whether to automate a facility,        dry warehouses. Occupiers tend
                       the developer/builder must             to stay in the same facility for
                       determine how many pallets will        lengthy periods and are willing to
                       move through the warehouse and         commit to long lease terms (10
                       weigh this against other costs. For    years or more).
                       a third-party logistics operator
                       (3PL), flexibility is paramount and
                       automated systems offer flexibility.

17 |   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                  © 2019 CBRE, Inc.   | 18
COLD STORAGE                                   REAL ESTATE
LOOKING AHEAD                                  IMPLICATIONS

Expect to see three major
shifts in the development and
construction of cold storage
facilities in years ahead.

                                                                                            REATER AUTOMATION IN THE
           1                                        2                                  3
                   MORE SPECULATIVE                     MORE DEVELOPMENT
                   DEVELOPMENT                          ACTIVITY IN SMALL MARKETS          DESIGN AND OPERATION OF
                                                                                           COLD STORAGE FACILITIES

           As demand grows and more                 While major metro areas will       Although robotics technology
           investors target cold storage            capture much of the demand for     hasn’t fully infiltrated these
           assets, there will be an increase        cold storage development, rising   spaces like it has in traditional
           in projects without a tenant in          land and construction costs will   warehousing, expect more
           place. This means there will be          push activity toward smaller       high-tech implementation in
           more entrants into this space,           markets adjacent to ports,         cold storage facilities ahead.
           with specialized developers and          intermodal hubs and large          Large retailers that are already
           contractors leading the way.             population centers, such as        implementing automated
                                                    Wilmington, NC, San Antonio,       systems will drive this trend.
                                                    TX and Savannah, GA.

19 |   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                             © 2019 CBRE, Inc.   | 20
RICHARD BARKHAM, PH.D., MRICS                           DAVID EGAN
Global Chief Economist,                                 Senior Director, Investor Services
Head of Americas Research                               Global Head of Industrial Research
+1 617 912 5215                                         +1 312 935 1892
richard.barkham@cbre.com                                david.egan2@cbre.com

SPENCER G. LEVY                                         MATTHEW WALASZEK
Chairman Americas Research,                             Associate Director,
Senior Economic Advisor                                 Industrial & Logistics Research
+1 617 912 5236                                         +1 312 297 7686
spencer.levy@cbre.com                                   matthew.walaszek@cbre.com

ADAM MULLEN                                             SPECIAL THANKS:
Americas Industrial & Logistics,                        Bridge Development Partners,
Greater Philadelphia Market Leader                      ARCO Design/Build Inc., Primus
+1 215 561 8980                                         Builders, FCL Builders


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