Newly/Recently Qualified Teacher Induction Programme Statutory Primary Assessment Training 2020 2021

Page created by Felix Walton
Newly/Recently Qualified Teacher Induction Programme Statutory Primary Assessment Training 2020 2021

     Newly/Recently Qualified Teacher
          Induction Programme

 Statutory Primary Assessment Training
                         2020 - 2021




Welcome                                                                                             Page 3

About us - why choose the Coventry Inspiring Change in Education?                                   Page 4

ITT, The Early Career Framework and The Teacher Standards                                           Page 5

Role and Responsibilities                                                                           Page 6

What is the offer?                                                                                  Page 6

NQT / RQT Professional Development Programme 2020-2021                                              Page 7 - 12

Coventry Statutory Primary Assessment Briefings and Moderation meetings                             Page 13 -15

Wider Sources of support: Local and National Link                                                   Page 16 -18


A warm welcome to teaching in Coventry, particularly in these difficult times. You are part of an exciting and fulfilling profession. Working alongside your
school, we want to ensure an excellent start to your future career as a teacher, and/or continuing support and CPD for your ongoing career.
Supporting and developing Newly Qualified Teachers in their first year of teaching is hugely important. Our Primary NQT Training Programme has been
developed to reinforce key subject knowledge areas, as well as providing informal links and support throughout the year. The programme provides NQTs
with an opportunity to regularly reflect on their practice, with peers, and to integrate further ideas and approaches to develop their teaching. We also
equally recognise the importance of providing high quality development for teachers further into their career, and this is also reflected in the offer, which
can also be broken down into individual elements of the programme if more suitable.
A series of recommended and more bespoke options are available alongside opportunities for coaching and mentoring. The sessions will be led by senior
staff within Coventry City Council and a collaboration of Coventry Teaching School colleagues who come with a wealth of teaching and leadership
We look forward to supporting you in this first year of your journey and beyond, and hope that you will continue to develop your career in Coventry in
future years.
With very best wishes.

Kirston Nelson
Director of Education and Skills


About Us:
The new Coventry Teaching Schools Collaborative works in partnership to provide professional development and support with the aim of inspiring excellent
practice, leading to a positive change in educational outcomes for pupils, which benefits Coventry City as a whole. The collaboration includes: Blue Sky, Castle
Phoenix, The Inclusive Alliance, The Lion, President Kennedy, and The Swan Teaching School Alliances. This partnership approach is part of Coventry’s Education
Improvement Strategy, which aims to develop a school improvement system to raise standards and ensure all Coventry children and young people receive the
best education possible. This training offer has been produced between all the Teaching Schools in Coventry who will also work with a range of strategic and
associate partners.

Why choose the Coventry NQT/RQTs Training Programme?
The benefits of accessing this NQT /RQT programme is a delivery team who have local knowledge, combined with expertise, gained in the delivery of day to day
practice in Coventry Schools. This ensures a professional development offer which is good quality, responsive and highly relevant. Well-being, resilience and
managing workload are a common thread throughout this programme, ensuring that this offer is responsive to needs and based on honest and reciprocal
relationships. This booklet provides a summary of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) packages available to all schools and academies for 2020/21. It
builds on our successes of previous years and has been further developed to address school needs as identified by formal evaluation processes, as well as
discussions with several Coventry Headteachers and the Local Authority.
Our commitment is to:
       • Strengthen system leadership in the city to complement established networks and support all schools with their own personal and professional
          development priorities.
        •   Provide a cost-effective way of sharing and developing best practice to support school improvement across the city.
        •   Support all schools in the continued drive to improve student outcomes. Particularly, Coventry’s priority to narrow the gap with a focus on effective
            strategies to improve achievement of underperforming groups
        •   Promote outstanding practice through schools sharing their strengths and through benefiting from best practice regionally and nationally.
        •   Focus on high quality teaching and learning approaches for continued and sustained student achievement.
        •   Support schools’ self-evaluation processes and the application of the Ofsted framework

We look forward to welcoming your staff and working together over the coming year.
This programme is guided by the DfE’s (2018) document, Induction for newly qualified teachers (England) Statutory guidance for appropriate bodies,
headteachers, school staff and governing bodies, revised April 2018. Completion of the core offer and bespoke options, best suited to the age range you are
working with will support effective professional development in conjunction with the Teachers Standards.
Statutory induction is the bridge between initial teacher training and a career in teaching. It combines a personalised programme of development, support and
professional dialogue with monitoring and an assessment of performance against the relevant standards (see para 1.5). The programme should support the newly
qualified teacher (NQT) in demonstrating that their performance against the relevant standards is satisfactory by the end of the period and equip them with the


tools to be an effective and successful teacher (page 6)
The following principles underpin this programme:
              o   A clear focus on sustaining well-being and personal resilience
              o   Collaboration and reflective dialogue are encouraged
              o   Continuous improvement is important and change in practice is sustained over time
We provide our new teachers with professional development that helps them to become effective and successful teachers who feel excited about their career.
We also seek continuous improvement and have monitoring and evaluation systems in place to act upon participants’ feedback, so we continually improve the
quality of our CPD programmes. This offer links to the new Early Career Framework

The Early Career Framework aims to transform the workforce development offer made available to teachers at the start of their career. It is essential that early
career teachers can develop the knowledge, practices and working habits that set them up for a fulfilling and successful career in teaching. The Early Career
Framework (ECF) underpins an entitlement to a fully funded, two-year package of structured training and support for early career teachers linked to the best
available research evidence. The vision for the ECF is to build on high-quality Initial Teacher Training (ITT). The Education Endowment Foundation has
independently reviewed the framework to ensure it draws on the best available evidence and that this evidence has been interpreted with fidelity.

The new ITT framework has been designed to support trainee development in five core areas: behaviour management, pedagogy, curriculum, assessment and
professional behaviours. The Early Career Framework is presented in eight sections, so it works alongside with the eight Teachers’ Standards. While the ECF is
presented around the Teachers’ Standards for clarity, the ECF is not, and should not be used, as an assessment framework. Early career teachers will not be
expected to collect evidence against the ECF, and they will continue to be assessed against the Teachers’ Standards only. This framework will roll out nationally in
September 2021. Each course is linked to the relevant ECM key evidence statements to help develop understanding of this new approach.

 ITT Core Content Framework        Early Career Framework               Teacher Standards
 Behaviour Management              1. High Expectations                 Standard 1: Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils
                                   2. Managing Behaviour                Standard 7: Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment
 Pedagogy                          3. How Pupils Learn,                 Standard 2: Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils
                                   4. Classroom Practice                Standard 4: Plan and teach well-structured lessons
                                   5. Adaptive teaching                 Standard 5: Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils
 Curriculum                        6. Subject and Curriculum            Standard 3: Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge
 Assessment                        7. Assessment                        Standard 6: Make accurate and productive use of assessment
 Professional Behaviours           8. Professional Behaviours           Standard 8: Fulfil wider professional responsibilities


The Early Career Framework sets out two types of content. Within each area, key evidence statements (“Learn that…”) provides practical guidance on the skills
that early career teachers should be supported to develop and practice statements (“Learn how to…”) which draw on both the best available educational research
and on additional guidance from an Expert Advisory Group and other sector representatives.

Roles and Responsibilities
1. Coventry City Council acts as the ‘appropriate body’
Coventry City council acts as the appropriate body for NQT induction in Primary, Secondary and Special schools in the city. The appointment of an appropriate
body is a statutory requirement for the induction period of newly qualified teachers and an NQT cannot start their induction until the appropriate body has been
agreed. An appropriate body undertakes all the necessary NQT induction verification and administrative processes on behalf of schools. It has the main quality
assurance role within the induction process thus ensuring that NQT induction programmes in Coventry schools are meeting their responsibilities for monitoring,
support and assessment of NQT's throughout their induction period.

2. Coventry Teaching Schools Collaborative provides a comprehensive package which includes sessions that:
    ➢   Are planned systematically and carefully to meet the needs of NQTs/teachers in the early stages of their career
    ➢   Are provided by very experienced professionals across the Teaching Schools as well as external associates
    ➢   Are based on best practice and provide value for money
    ➢   Will help you to make effective use of resources.
    ➢   Provide opportunities for reflection and feedback, pre-course and gap tasks where possible

What is the offer?
    ➢   The courses outlined are suitable for teachers at any stage of their career.
    ➢   There is a 20% discount available on each RECOMMENDED course for NQT’s who are completing their NQT year with Coventry as the appropriate body.
    ➢   This training programme also provides information regarding Statutory Assessment briefings for the EYFS, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.
    ➢   There is a Coaching and Mentoring Offer- ‘building a coaching culture for your school’ which, includes 6 sessions, 2 per term– offered by The Swan
        Alliance - Sidney Stringer Academy. This includes:
              ➢ Introduction to coaching
              ➢ Building a coaching culture (coaching conversations)
              ➢ Building a coaching culture. - Questioning and listening.
              ➢ Coaching models and action steps.
              ➢ Coaching in action part 1
              ➢ Coaching in action part 2 (reflection - taking forward)


     Booking onto a Course
        o   When you have selected your preferred courses please follow the links next to each course to book a place through each teaching school

     Course Costs
                        Professional development offer                               Statutory training
                    o    £150 whole day                                          o    £100 half day (KS1 & KS2 Standardisation and
                                                                                      Moderation Writing meetings)
                    o    £75 half day                                            o    £50 half day (KS1 & KS2 Briefings)
                    o    £50 x 2 hours                                           o    free of charge - EYFS

                                                  Professional Development Programme 2020 – 2021
                                        Course Detail                                                   Provider           Date / Time       Venue            ECF Link
                                                                                 for NQT’s
1.      The NQT welcome event                                                  yes                   Coventry City    22/9/2020          Remote           8
        This offers the NQTs with the opportunity of receiving information                           Council                             Via Eventbrite
        about the support offered in Coventry and meeting with teachers
        who have recently completed their NQT induction year and hear
        from their experiences. The session will give NQTs all the relevant
        information regarding statutory induction and will cover areas such
        as: Support available for NQTs in their induction year, what to
        expect in their Induction Year, Teachers' Standards, etc. This event
        is an informal gathering with the opportunity to meet the Coventry
        Teaching School Collaborative Team, LA Officers, HR and union
2.     Early career wellbeing and managing time                                yes                   Blue Sky         Autumn term        Remote           8
       Whilst the early years of a teaching career are undoubtedly                                                    18/11/2020         Joining
       rewarding and exciting, we know that the workload also comes with                                              Rerun              instructions
       challenges for individual wellbeing. Our aim for this course is to                                                                sent upon
                                                                                                                      Spring term
       provide time and space for early career teachers to learn techniques                                                              booking
       and strategies to manage workload, develop supportive                                                          12/12/2021
                                                                                                                                         Blue Sky
       relationships and discuss time saving tips.


3.   Great Teaching and Learning every day                                 yes   Castle     Spring term         Caludon Castle   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
     During this course, you will have the opportunity to:                       Phoenix    Thursday,
                                                                                 Teaching   11/02/21
     o Reflect upon relationships, behaviour and expectations and the                                           Castle Phoenix
         impact of these.                                                                   09:00 – 11:00
     o Explore how to support the well-being of children to ensure that                     half-day session
         they thrive and make progress.
     o Consider and reflect upon some key principles of ‘great’
         teaching and learning.
     o Explore a range of effective teaching and learning strategies.
     o Think about how to challenge and engage all learners.
4.   Difficult Conversations: Achieving positive outcomes from difficult   yes   Castle     Spring term         Caludon Castle   8
     conversations                                                               Phoenix    half-day session
     Come and learn how to create positive outcomes out of the difficult         Teaching   – date and time     Castle Phoenix
     conversations you have. This course is perfect for you if you’re            School     tbc
     unsure of how to best approach a tough conversation - whether
     about work-related performance, interpersonal skills or other
     challenging topics. From this session, you will know how to start a
     conversation, and how the conversation can adjust the complicated
     situation, without forming a barrier between you and your
     colleague or a parent. You will learn to manage the emotions in the
     discussion and ensure your tone of voice signals discussion and not
     an interrogation.
5.   Developing positive relationships with colleagues and support staff yes     Swan                           Swan Alliance    8
6.   Getting Behaviour Management Right in the Primary School              yes   Castle     Spring term         Caludon Castle   1,2
     The course will give you the opportunity to:                                Phoenix    Tuesday
     o Consider the foundations of effective behaviour management.                          30/03/2021          Castle Phoenix
     o Reflect upon their experiences and discover how to develop                           13.30pm -
         positive relationships with children.                                              15.30pm
     o Understand how schools can establish a values-based approach.                        (One half day
     o   Explore a range of effective behaviour management strategies                       session - either
         including day to day techniques and whole school systems such                      online or face to
         as Attitude to Learning and rewards.


7.    Teaching Pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL)         Yes   Swan                              Swan Alliance     3,4,5
8.    Effective Assessment to inform Teaching and Learning                 Yes   Blue Sky      Spring term         Remote            3,4,5,6,7
      Assessment for learning and assessment of learning are two key                           02/02/2021
      elements of teaching and learning. This course will explore                              (One half day       sent upon
      techniques to utilise in lessons and enable the teacher to                               session - either    booking
      understand where children’s understanding lies and where they                            online or face to
      should be aiming the learning for each individual. The course will                       face.)              Blue Sky
      also consider the use of data in moving learning forward and
      providing timely, appropriate support and challenge.
9.    Effective SEN provision                                             Yes    Swan          5 x 2-hour          Sidney Stringer   3,5,8
      This session will provide an overview of the SENCO role and working        Alliance      sessions
      together to meet the needs of the students including:                                    Autumn, Spring      Swan Alliance
          o Areas of need and how to meet them in a mainstream                                 & Summer term
              context                                                                          dates TBC
          o Breaking down the jargon - What do I need to know about
              EHCPs and other SEND documentation
          o Working effectively with LSAs and other forms of SEND
          o Supporting students with Speech and Language needs
10.   Early development for children with ASD                              Yes   Castlewood    half-day session    Inclusive         3.5.8
      This course facilitates:                                                                 either online or    Alliance
                                                                                               face to face        02476 591501
          o Support knowledge of early development and promote
              strategies to support development.                                                                   Sherbourne
          o Early intervention and exploration of strategies and                                                   Fields
              approaches.                                                                                          Contact

11.   Understanding Stress and Anxiety in Autism                           Yes   Sara Nelmes                       Inclusive
         o To provide an understanding of stress and anxiety in autism           Sherbourne                        Alliance
                                                                                 Fields                            02476 591501
          o   To investigate the impact of this on behaviour


12.   Develop an understanding of Attachment difficulties in children           Yes   Sara Nelmes                   Inclusive
      A theoretical and practical session to develop your understanding of            Sherbourne                    Alliance
      Attachment difficulties. To gain knowledge of approaches that can               Fields                        02476 591501
      support young people. Take away resources and strategies to                                                   Sherbourne
      support your students.                                                                                        Fields
13.   How Children and Young People with Autism think                           Yes   Sara Nelmes                   Inclusive
      A theoretical and practical session to develop your understanding of            Sherbourne                    Alliance
      how children and young people with Autism think and learn.                      Fields                        02476 591501
      Explore how self-awareness, Theory of Mind, Central Coherence and                                             Sherbourne
      Executive Functioning differences in your students affects their                                              Fields
      access to learning opportunities. Identify supporting strategies and                                          Contact
      approaches for the classroom
14.   Managing Challenging Behaviours in Autism                                 Yes   Sara Nelmes                   Inclusive
         o To develop an understanding of stress and anxiety in Autism                Sherbourne                    Alliance
                                                                                      Fields                        02476 591501
        o To investigate the impact of triggers on behaviour
        o To consider possible strategies/approaches to develop
            appropriate behaviours
15.   New to EYFS                                                                     Blue Sky      Spring term     Remote          3,4,5,6,7
      This course is led by an Early Years SLE and will enable delegates to                         21/01/2021
      improve their understanding of the Early Years Framework,                                     (afternoon      sent upon
      including statutory requirements. Delegates will learn how to plan,                           session)        booking
      prepare and assess and how to use the indoor and outdoor
      environment to promote curiosity and engagement for all children.                                             Blue Sky
      There will be opportunity to learn from other colleagues and share
      best practice. If risk assessments allow, delegates will visit the EYFS
      learning environment.
16.   EYFS - developing practice and learning environments                            Blue Sky      Spring term     Remote          3,4,5,6,7
      This course is designed for practitioners who have experience of                                              Joining
      early years teaching and wish to develop their practice.                                                      instructions
                                                                                                    (One half day   sent upon

                                                                                                                                   10 | P a g e

      Delegates will have an opportunity to explore how they can                                            session - either    booking
      enhance their current provision to broaden learning opportunities                                     online or face to
      for their children. Course leaders will support the development of                                    face.)              Blue Sky
      practice by facilitating the sharing of experiences and knowledge
      between experienced practitioners. There will be a focus on using
      data and assessment effectively to plan for children’s learning
      opportunities and developing effective partnerships between home
      and school.
                                                                   Curriculum Specific Courses
17.   Spotlight on Maths (Reasoning, fluency & problem solving)                             Blue Sky        Spring term         Remote             3,4,5,6,7
      This course is led by Maths SLEs. NQTs will leave with a clear                                        25/02/2021          Joining
      understanding of the 3 strands of the Maths National Curriculum:                                      (One half day       instructions
      Reasoning, Problem Solving and Fluency. The course will provide                                       session - either    sent upon
      information about mastery in Maths and how to use the CPA                                             online or face to   booking
      approach to support learning at all levels.                                                           face.)              Blue Sky
18.   Math's Mastery for NQTs in Secondary schools                        Yes – Secondary   Swan Alliance   3 x half day       Sidney Stringer     3,4,5,6,7
      Participants who attend will:                                       NQT                               session            Academy
                                                                                                            ½ day school
          o Have opportunities to test concepts, evaluate resources and                                                        Swan Alliance
                                                                                                            visit to
              strategies and develop your own mastery expertise.
          o Will have a knowledge and understanding of the “5 big ideas”                                    mastery in the
              for teaching Mastery.                                                                         classroom.
          o Will be able to apply their knowledge in their own classrooms                                   ½ day follow up
              to improve student outcomes.                                                                  visit in own
                                                                                                            school if desired.
                                                                                                            Spring &
                                                                                                            Summer term
                                                                                                            Dates TBC
19.   What Does 'Greater Depth' Look Like in Math's? Secondary                              Swan Alliance   1.5 days            Sidney Stringer    3,4,5,6,7
      Participants will:                                                                                    sessions at SSA     Academy
          o Know what “greater depth” looks like through practical                                          Spring &            Swan Alliance
              examples based on the mathematics curriculum.                                                 Summer term
          o Understand how teaching and learning with greater depth                                         Dates TBC
              can improve student engagement, satisfaction and

                                                                                                                                                  11 | P a g e

          o   Have time to try out ideas and resources and evaluate how
              these could be used in your own classroom.
          o   Be able to feed back to the group your experience and listen
              to others do the same.
          o   Examine your own teaching methodology and develop
              further strategies, ideas and resources for your own use.
          o   Have the opportunity to form a collaborative network with
              other course members to share ideas and resources.
20.   Spotlight on Grammar and Writing                                        Blue Sky        Spring term         Remote             2,3,4,5,6
                                                                                              19/01/2021          Joining
      This course is led by English SLEs. Delegates will learn and consider
                                                                                              (One half day       instructions
      strategies to bring English learning to life, including how to teach
                                                                                              session - either    sent upon
      grammar in a fun and engaging way and think about progression in
                                                                                              online or face to   booking
      writing. Modelled writing will also be a focus during this course.
                                                                                                                  Blue Sky
21.   What does an outstanding languages NQT/NQT+1 look like after            Swan Alliance   3 x half day        Sidney Stringer    3,4,5,6
      COVID19? This course will help support NQT/RQT staff feel                               sessions at SSA –   Academy
      successful and support their understanding as to what an                                Autumn &
                                                                                              Spring term.        Swan Alliance
      outstanding language teacher looks like
                                                                                              Dates TBC
      Participants attending these sessions will understand
          o How should learning look;
          o How to create a research-based teaching pedagogy;
          o How to monitor and track progress effectively;
          o What do effective interventions look like

                                                                                                                                    12 | P a g e

                        NQT/RQT Professional Development Programme 2020 – 2021 Coaching and Mentoring

                         Coaching and Mentoring                                  Date / Time        Provider        Venue             Suitable for         ECF Link

  Coaching and mentoring                                                         6 x ½ day sessions Swan Alliance   Sidney Stringer   NQT & RQT            8
  Full of practical strategies, reflection and methods this course will enable   Autumn, Spring & Teaching School   Academy
  you to make coaching an effective part of your practice with clear             Summer term dates                  Swan Alliance
  measurable impact on the quality of teaching and learning.                     TBC
      1. Introduction to coaching
      2. Building a coaching culture (coaching conversation)
      3. Building a coaching culture. - Questioning and listening.
      4. Coaching models and action steps.
      5. Coaching in action part 1
      6. Coaching in action part 2 (reflection - taking forward)

               Coventry Statutory Primary Assessment Briefings and Moderation meetings Early Years 2020 – 2021

                                             EYFS                                Date / Time        Provider        Venue             Suitable for         Link

1 New to Reception teaching                                                      09 November 2020   Coventry City   Virtual           Teachers new or      Book here
                                                                                 13:30 – 15:00      Council                           returning to
2 EYFS Briefing about Early Years Moderation                                     30 March 2021      Coventry City   TBC               Reception         13:30 – 15:00
  More information to follow.                                                    13:30 – 15:00 or   Council                           teachers and EYFS Book here
                                                                                 15:30 – 17:00
                                                                                                                                                           15:30 – 17:00
                                                                                                                                                           Book here

                                                                                                                                                     13 | P a g e

            Coventry Statutory Primary Assessment Briefings and Moderation meetings Key Stage One 2020 – 2021

                                     Key Stage One               Date / Time        Provider        Venue             Suitable for          Link

1 New to Year 2 Assessment                                       21 October 2020    Coventry City   Virtual Meeting   Teachers new to       Book here
                                                                 13:00 – 15:00      Council                           Year 2

2 Administering the Year 2 phonics screening check               03 November 2020   Coventry City   Virtual Meeting   Teachers              13:30 – 15:00
                                                                 13:30 – 15:00      Council                           administering the     Book here
                                                                                                                      check for Year 2
                                                                                                                      children in           15:30-17:00
                                                                 15:30 – 17:00                                        Autumn Two
                                                                                                                                            Book here
3 End of KS1 Statutory Assessment Briefing for Year 2 teachers   12 January 2021    Coventry City   Virtual Meeting   Year 2 teachers,      13:30 – 15:00
  Assessment cycle for 2019/20                                   13:30 – 15:00      Council                           assessment leads      Book here
                                                                                                                      and KS1 leads
                                                                 15:30 – 17:00                                                              15:30 – 17:00
                                                                                                                                            Book here
4 KS1 Standardisation and moderation meeting                     27 April 2021      Coventry City   TBC               Year 2 teachers       27 April 21
                                                                 13:00 -15:30       Council                                                 Book here

                                                                 28 April 2021                                                              28 April 21
                                                                 13:00 – 15:30                                                              Book here

5 Administering the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check               05 May 2021        Coventry City                     Teachers              13:30 – 15:00
  More information to follow.                                    13:30 – 15:00 or   Council                           administering the     Book here
                                                                 15:30 - 17:00                                        check for the first   15:30 - 17:00
                                                                                                                      time                  Book here

                                                                                                                                     14 | P a g e

             Coventry Statutory Primary Assessment Briefings and Moderation meetings Key Stage Two 2020 – 2021

                                      Key Stage Two                Date / Time       Provider        Venue             Suitable for         Link

1   New to Year 6 Assessment                                       20 October 2020   Coventry City   Virtual Meeting   Teachers new to      Book here
                                                                   13:00 to 15:00    Council                           Year 6

2   End of KS2 Statutory Assessment Briefing for Year 6 teachers   13 January 2021   Coventry City   Virtual Meeting   Year 6 teachers,     13:30 – 15:00
    Assessment cycle for 2020/21                                   13:30 – 15:00     Council                           Assessment           Book here
                                                                                                                       leads, KS2 leads
                                                                   15:30 – 17:00                                                            15:30 – 17:00
                                                                                                                                            Book here

3   KS2 Standardisation and moderation Writing meeting             24 March 2021     Coventry City   TBC               Year 6 teachers      24 March 21
    Please bring writing evidence for 2 pupils                     13:00 -15:30      Council                                                Book here

                                                                   25 March 2021                                                            25 March 21
                                                                   13:00 – 15:30                                                            Book here

4   KS2 Test administration and moderation briefing                31 March 2021     Coventry City   TBC               Year 6 teachers,     13:30 -15:00
                                                                   13:30 -15:00      Council                           Assessment           Book here
                                                                                                                       leads, KS2 leads
                                                                   15:30 – 17:00                                                            15:30 – 17:00
                                                                                                                                            Book here

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Wider professional development opportunities
1. Local Links
The Teaching Schools across Coventry have well developed professional development programmes. Access to information
and support that can be found at these links

The training that is offered encompasses Leadership development, training for support staff, subject leaders and effective
teaching and learning in everyday practice, please do take a look at each website:

 Blue Sky Teaching School Alliance
                                            The Blue Sky Teaching School Alliance was established in 2014 and is led by Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School in
                                            Coventry, West Midlands.
                                            Our Teaching School partnership consists of a number of primary and secondary schools in the Coventry area. We
                                            work in collaboration with the other Teaching Schools in Coventry and the Local Authority. We strive for excellence in
                                            teaching and an enjoyment of learning to be at the heart of all that we do. Our aim is to provide high-quality CPD and
                                            specialist support to Coventry schools to enable all Coventry children to achieve their fullest potential.

 Castle Phoenix                   
                                            Castle Phoenix Teaching School Alliance is a collaborative partnership of 24 schools across Coventry and
 Teaching School Alliance
                                            Warwickshire, plus Coventry LA and the University of Warwick. Together they work to provide the capacity to
                                            deliver outstanding professional and leadership development, school to school support, ITE and research
 The President Kennedy            
 Teaching School Alliance                   The President Kennedy Teaching School Alliance is an alliance of partner schools from across Coventry,
                                            Warwickshire, Birmingham and Leicestershire. Our vision and strategic intent are the provision of high-quality
                                            Continuing Professional and Leadership Development, School to School Support and Initial Teacher Training that
                                            secures outstanding outcomes for all students within the alliance and beyond.

                                                                                                                                                       16 | P a g e

The Inclusive Alliance    
                                    Two designated Teaching Schools, Castle Wood and Sherbourne Fields Special Schools lead the Inclusive Alliance.
                                    Established in 2016, the Inclusive Alliance comprises of schools and professional partners including The University
                                    of Warwick, The University of Northampton and Achievement for All. The Inclusive Alliance works together to
                                    support a system of school led improvement. We welcome collaboration with schools, both Mainstream and
                                    Special, Early Years Settings, Private, Voluntary and Independent sectors and partners to help improve the quality
                                    of education for children.

The Lion Alliance         
                                    The Lion Alliance is made up of 20 schools across Coventry. It is committed to providing high quality support and
                                    training for teachers in every stage of their career, from Initial Teacher Training through to developing school
                                    leaders. As a recently appointed Teaching School Alliance, based in Coventry and the West Midlands, we work
                                    closely with schools and partners in The Lion Alliance to:
                                        o Recruit and train new teachers through a supportive ITT program
                                        o Provide support for other schools to bring about school improvement
                                        o Work with schools both within and beyond our Teaching School Alliance to raise standards of teaching
                                        o Identify and develop leadership potential
The Swan Alliance         
                                    The Swan Teaching School Alliance is a collaboration of schools in Coventry, led by Sidney Stringer Academy. Our
                                    aim is to provide schools access to high-quality CPD and school to school support, to enable schools to raise
                                    standards. We are passionate about providing the very best support to schools through:
                                        o high quality CPD opportunities for school staff
                                        o tailored school to school support via our bank of NLEs, LLEs and SLEs tailored school to school support via
                                          our NLEs, LLEs and SLEs
                                        o comprehensive and supportive School Direct placements
                                        o active talent management spotting and leadership development
                                    Our partnership consists of primary, secondary and special schools from across Coventry. We provide a wide
                                    variety of CPD opportunities, for teachers and support staff.
Coventry City Council     
                                    Coventry City Council have many years’ experience in school improvement.
                                    We support the Headteacher recruitment process and ongoing development of teachers at all stages

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                                               of their career.
                                               We act as the appropriate body for NQT induction.
                                               We deliver statutory assessment training in EYFS, KS1 and KS2, to ensure that schools are compliant
                                               with statutory regulations at each key stage.
                                               Our team can offer bespoke support tailored to the needs of each school.
                                               We are available to work with governors on appraisal and recruitment.

National links
Chartered college of teaching
A key element of the Chartered College’s mission is to focus on teachers’ professional development and provide professional learning pathways for career
enhancement. They produce a wide range of research articles and expert perspectives from teachers on various educational issues and approaches.

Standards and Testing Agency (STA)

Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted)

Foundation Years

Gov.UK: Information for NQT’s

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