Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School - School Charter Strategic and Annual Plan for

Page created by Arnold Moore
Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School - School Charter Strategic and Annual Plan for
School Charter
         Strategic and Annual Plan

              Sancta Maria Catholic
                 Primary School
                                              2021 - 2024
Endorsement Principal​:                 ​Gina Benade         Date:​ ​23 February 2021

Endorsement Board of Trustees:​          ​Mario Barbafiera   Date:​ ​23 February 2021

Submission Date to Ministry of Education:​ ​1 March 2021

Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School - School Charter Strategic and Annual Plan for
Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School
                   "​ God can bring peace to your past, purpose to your present and hope to your future."​ J​ ohn 14:27

                                                           Our Vision:
                         Students growing Catholic faith in their hearts, minds and actions, and who are
                                  confident, connected, collaborative and critically discerning.

                                                               Our Mission:
                      With Mary as our model, we are committed to creating a responsive, innovative and inspiring
                                                  Catholic education of excellence.

Our Mary Values:            Commitment to growing in faith                                     Our Principles:
                               in Christ Jesus needs,
❖ Full of Grace               home, parish and schools                 - ​High expectations​ - ​culture of collaboration and excellence

❖ Obedient                                                             - ​Treaty of Waitangi ​- ​partnership, protection, participation

❖ Faithful                                                             - ​Cultural Diversity​ - i​ ntegrated and celebrated

❖ Compassionate                                                        - ​Inclusion ​- ​connected​, ​nurtured and valued

❖ Thoughtful                                                           - ​Learning to learn ​- ​explore, discern, reflect and act

❖ Hopeful                                                              - ​Community engagement ​- ​active partnership
                                         - All -
❖ Contented                        working together                    - ​Coherence ​- ​connections, transitions and pathways

❖ Determined                                                           - ​Future focus ​- ​embrace learning for and about the future

Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School - School Charter Strategic and Annual Plan for
Walking with Mary, as our guide into a life with Jesus
                         we are:

Full of Grace ​+ ​Compassionate ​ ​+ ​Faithful ​+ ​Thoughtful ​ + ​Obedient ​ ​ ​+ ​Contented ​+ ​Determined ​ + ​Hopeful

 We are ​full of grace        We are ​obedient​ when          We are ​faithful​ when we         We are ​compassionate
 when we show:                we show:                        show:                             when we show:

    ❖ Patience                   ❖ Responsibility                ❖ Unity                           ❖ Love
    ❖ Humility                   ❖ Confidence                    ❖ Loyalty                         ❖ Kindness
    ❖ Gentleness                 ❖ Truthfulness                  ❖ Trust                           ❖ Forgiveness

 We are ​thoughtful          We are ​hopeful ​when we         We are ​contented ​when we       We are ​determined ​when we
 when we show:               show:                            show:                            show:

    ❖ Consideration              ❖ Justice                        ❖ Joyfulness                     ❖ Courage
    ❖ Understanding              ❖ Respect                        ❖ Thankfulness                   ❖ Self-discipline
    ❖ Courtesy                   ❖ Generosity                     ❖ Friendliness                   ❖ Perseverance

Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School - School Charter Strategic and Annual Plan for
Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School
                                                                          will reflect:

    The unique Position of Māori                                                                                 New Zealand’s Cultural
            Culture by                                                                                           Diversity
     ▪    Developing an awareness of Tikanga                                                                          ▪   All cultures within the school will be
          Māori and Te Reo Māori                                                                                          valued and treated with dignity
     ▪    Providing the means of fostering better                                                                     ▪   Quality teaching will respect and
          cultural understanding consistent with                                                                          affirm cultural identity and optimise
          the Treaty of Waitangi                                                                                          educational opportunities for each
     ▪    Providing regular consultation with the                                                                         child
          Māori families to discover the views and                                                                    ▪   Staff members will ensure that a
          concerns of the Māori community                                                                                 non-racist school culture and ethos
     ▪    Drawing on the knowledge and                                                                                    is upheld
          expertise of our two Maori teachers                                                                         ▪   The teaching staff and Board will
                                                                                                                          reflect the diversity of our school

What reasonable steps will the school take to incorporate tikanga Māori (Māori culture and protocol) into the school’s curriculum?
               Classrooms and school celebrations will reflect Māori culture through signage, waiata and greetings, appropriate to the class programme or
               school event and the level of the students.
               Curriculum planning will include a Māori perspective, incorporating Tikanga Māori and Te Reo Māori, as appropriate to the learning concept.
               All classes will have the opportunity to visit the Matariki Marae in Howick. Teachers will have a staff meeting at the marae prior to the visits.
What will the school do to provide instruction in te reo Māori for full time students whose parents ask for it?
                 All such requests will be given full and careful consideration by the Board of Trustees with regard to personnel with the requisite skills and
                 qualifications, the overall school financial position, and the availability of accommodation within the school.
                 The school will provide te reo Māori instruction through the Te Aho Arataki Marau mo` te Ako i Te Reo Māori Curriculum and support material on
                 ​http://tereoMā​ , and make use of the new Kauwhata Reo website
                 Teachers and students will be supported and guided by our Maori Lead Teacher and her Team.
                 Teachers are encouraged to register for the online Te Reo course.
What steps will be taken to discover the views and concerns of the school’s Māori community?
                 The Board of Trustees will consult with the Māori families in the development of the Strategic Plan.
                 The Board of Trustees will provide funding to support classroom and Kapa Haka initiatives.
                 The Ka Hikitia - managing success for Māori document will be used to inform decisions and practice.
                 The updated Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success 2013 -2017 will support and guide action so that Māori students can enjoy and achieve education
                 success as Māori. Phase 3 and Beyond: Ka Hikitia 2018-2022 we will focus on realising Mãori potential. The Board of Trustees will make use of
                 the Hautū - Māori cultural responsiveness self-review tool for boards of trustees.

Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School - School Charter Strategic and Annual Plan for
Student Learning Charter
     Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School Learners are growing as faithful, capable life-long learners who are
                                            striving for excellence.

                           A faithful, capable life-long ​learner ​at Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School

     ➢    Wants to learn in and outside school - independent and ubiquitous learners
     ➢    Learns things anytime, anywhere and talks about their thinking
     ➢    Asks questions to find out more
     ➢    Always try our best and never give up
     ➢    Trusts in God and serves others by living our Mary Values

                                     A nurturing ​teacher ​at Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School

     ➢    Is fair and manages a safe, peaceful and caring learning environment
     ➢    Builds positive, helpful relationships with all students
     ➢    Lets us struggle until we discover for ourselves
     ➢    Is wise, understands the world and has good general knowledge
     ➢    Encourages us and models the Mary Values through their actions

              Caring ​parents ​and ​whanau ​at Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School support our learning by

     ➢    Making time to support us with our learning
     ➢    Letting us struggle to learn from our mistakes (trust us)
     ➢    Making sure we have the right equipment to support our learning
     ➢    Supporting us to live our faith and providing opportunities to encounter Christ in different ways

Developed by a cross section of our student community. A group of senior students collated the information gathered, looked at our old Student Charter and
reviewed to reflect student learning in our school today. ​February 2019

Baseline Data and School Context

Students’   Curriculum Expectation in ​Reading
Learning                                                                      Students   Year         Well        Below       At          Above
            By the end of 2015​: ​89 %​ at or above in Reading
                                 ​11%​ ​below - ​36​ students reading below   All        2018 (397)   3 (1%)      25 (6%)     292 (74%)   77 (19%)

                                                                              Maori      2018 (18)    1 (6%)      2 (11%)     9 (50%)     6 (33%)
            By the end of 2016​: ​85 %​ at or above in Reading
                                                                              Pasifika   2018 (83)    2 (2%)      5 (6%)      70 (85%)    6 (7%)
                                 ​15%​ ​below - ​57​ students reading below
                                                                              All        2019 (379)   7 (2%)      31 (8%)     286 (75%)   55 (15%)

                                                                              Maori      2019 (16)    2 (13%)     2 (13%)     10 (62%)    2 (12%)
            By the end of 2017​: ​92 %​ a
                                        ​ t or above in Reading
                                                                              Pasifika   2019 (76)    3 (4%)      6 (8%)      59 (78%)    8 (10%)
                                 ​8%​ below - ​32​ stude​nts reading below
                                                                              All        2020 (372)   15 (4%)     50 (13%)    277 (74%)   30 (8%)

            By the end of 2018​:​ ​93 %​ at or above in Reading               Maori      2020 (11)    2 (18%)     1 (9%)      7 (64%)     1 (9%)

                                 ​7%​ below - ​27​ students reading below     Pasifika   2020 (75)    8 (11%)     16 (21%)    49 (65%)    2 (3%)

            By the end of 2019​: ​90 %​ at or above in Reading                2020        Well        Below        At          Above      Total
                                                                                          Below                                           Number
                                 ​10%​ below - ​38​ students reading below
                                                                              Year 1      0           22​ (42%)    31 (58%)    0          53

                                                                              Year 2      4​ (6%)     6​ (10%)     52 (83%)    1 (2%)     63
            By the end of 2020​:​ 8
                                  ​ 2 %​ at or above in Reading
                                                                              Year 3      3 (5%)      2 (3%)       49 (83%)    5 (8%)     59
                                 ​17%​ below - ​65​ students reading below
                                                                              Year 4      5​ (8%)     6​ (10%)     48 (77%)    3 (5%)     62

                                                                              Year 5      2 (3%)      2 (3%)       52 (83%)    7 (11%)    69

                                                                              Year 6      2 (3%)      12​ (17%)    44 (61%)    14 (19%)   72

Student        Attendance rate for 2020​ ​- ​93.5% ​Justified Absences - 4.3 and Unjustified Absences - 2.1
Engagement     Comparative data: Attendance rate for 2019 - 92.3%, Attendance rate for 2018 - 92.8%, Attendance rate for 2017 -​ ​92.2%,
               Attendance rate for 2016 - 94.6%, Attendance rate for​ ​2015​ – ​94.1%,

               Attendance rate per Gender 2020 – Female – 92.9% Male – 94.0%
               Highest Year Level Attendance rate – Year 3 – 93.9%
               Lowest Year Level Attendance rate – Year 1 – 92.4%
               Ethnicity Group rate – NZ Māori – 91.9%
               Ethnicity Group rate – Pasifika – 92.3%
               Our school has a very high percentage of immigrant students, resulting in many going overseas to visit extended family and this often
               is during school learning time. During 2020 travel overseas dropped significantly due to Covid-19, however, many families were
               cautious and some chose to keep students at home for longer periods of time.

               Students are contented and engaged in their learning.

Review of      Consultation process :​ ​The Board of Trustees of Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School conducted a full strategic planning
Charter and    review during 2020. The staff, students, board and school community, including the Māori and Pasifika families were consulted. This
Consultation   Charter reflects the priorities identified by staff, parents, whanau and our community and guides our future strategic direction.
               During 2020 a Community Cultural Evening was held to give the opportunity of coming together to share in ethnicity groups and
               make suggestions for future improvements. The Board of Trustees worked with a consultant to collate the information gathered and
               to formulate five Strategic Goals to guide us through the next four years.
               Our community Health & PE consultation will take place in 2021 to support and inform our teaching and learning concepts.
               Our annual Special Character review and consultation will continue in Term 1 & 2 involving our whole school community and the
               actions identified.

Strategic Plan 2021 – 2023
      Strategic Goals                                                         Core Strategies for Achieving Goals

                                                                     2021                  2022                 2023                  2024

Catholic Faith   1. Provide authentic opportunities that will    ●   Building on knowledge of RE and Catholic traditions we will deepen and
                 foster and nurture spiritual growth.                strengthen spiritual growth to actively live out our faith with God/Mary as
                                                                     our guide/model.

Building         2. Strengthen and sustain capability so that    ●   Teachers participate in a professional growth cycle through a coaching
Agency           teaching and learning is enhanced.                  culture to support reflective practice, leading to self directed professional

                                                                 ●   Create and consolidate a shared understanding of student agency to grow
                                                                     learner capabilities.

Future Focus     3. Design concept learning through a
                 localised curriculum so that students           ●   Continue to develop a future focused localised curriculum that connects to
                 become critical, confident and connected            our wider world that enables students to actively transfer their learning into
                 learners able to engage in a rapidly changing       life situations.

Connectedness    4. Strengthen the partnerships within our       ●   Actively engage in our Kāhui Ako workstream projects to collaboratively
                 South East Christian Kāhui Ako to empower           meet the student achievement challenge/s.
                 all teachers to grow professionally.
                                                                 ●   Creating opportunities for teachers to engage in the new learning to affect
                                                                     teaching and learning practices.

Cultural         5. Embrace and strengthen cultural efficacy     ● Actively work together to embed tikanga in our school through providing
Efficacy         in order to live our shared Catholic faith.       opportunities to embrace and celebrate who we are.

                                                                 ● Grow and strengthen mana across our community as we strive towards

Annual School Improvement Plan - 2021
                                                                Special Character - ​Catholic Faith
Strategic Goal 1:​ ​Provide authentic opportunities that will foster and nurture spiritual growth.
        Annual Goals                                                                 Action                                                      Actual Result

Building on knowledge of RE and             ●    Teachers & leaders to complete the RE TH 501 paper - What Catholics Believe
Catholic traditions we will deepen and      ●    Teachers begin to familiarise themselves with the new RE Curriculum
strengthen spiritual growth to actively     ●    New church on our campus will create opportunities for authentic teaching & learning
live out our faith with God/Mary as our
                                            ●    Join in and be part of the Official Opening of our new St Luke’s Catholic Church
guide/model.                                ●    Plan three parish/school Masses in 2021
                                            ●    Increase our school wide meditation to twice a week
                                            ●    Complete review of how effectively our school provides a hope-filled Catholic Christian
                                                 witness which empowers its community members to integrate their faith and their life

Special Character Review 2020​ – Dimension 3: Christian Witness / Te Whakaatu Karaitiana - ​How effectively does the school provide a hope-filled Catholic Christian witness
which empowers its community members to integrate their faith and their life?

Goals developed in response to the 2020 ​Christian Witness ​ review: ​RE Goals for 2020

                                            ●    Complete the annual Special Character review by the end of Term 2
                                            ●    Identify two goals that will fall out of the review process
                                            ●    Work on these goals in Term 3 and 4

Annual School Improvement Plan - 2021
                                                                                        Building Agency
Strategic Goal 2:​ ​Strengthen and sustain capability so that teaching and learning is enhanced.
Baseline Data:​ ​Agreed next steps are:
●   embed and deepen ‘student agency’ ensuring children are equipped to lead and manage their learning
●   continue to develop professional coaching and the role of the recently introduced ‘learning leaders’ to strengthen effective teaching and learning." - ​ERO Report 2017 ​through our Professional Growth Cycle

Annual Goals                                                                          Action                                                                               Actual Result
Teachers participate           ●    Develop a shared understanding and collaboratively create our school ​Professional Growth Cycle                             All teachers, leaders & Learning Assistants
in a professional              ●    Teachers take responsibility for action, support & evidence of professional growth                                          attended the Structured Literacy TOD
growth cycle through a         ●    Develop a shared understanding & pedagogy of diagnostic, explicit & systematic teaching of                                  facilitated by Sarah Stock to gain an
                                    evidence-based ​structured literacy                                                                                         introductory shared understanding of this
coaching culture to
                               ●    Sarah Stock, Learning Matters facilitator to lead & guide teachers and leaders PLD sessions                                 new approach to teaching reading & writing
support reflective             ●    Facilitator in class support of teachers and Learning Assistants - modelling, co-teaching and observations                  - 5/2
practice, leading to           ●    Grow the DPs & Principal capability to lead and sustain the new structured literacy approach                                3x Staff meeting times set aside in Term 1
self directed                  ●    All teachers and leaders have access to the iDeal learning online platform for professional readings,                       for teachers to work through the iDeal online
professional learning.              videos & online training sessions                                                                                           modules collaboratively
                               ●    Access resources & assessments on iDeal for teaching & learning in classrooms
                               ●    Purchase decodable reading resources
                               ●    PaCT Writing​ centrally funded PLD - facilitator Nadine Sorrenson to continue building teacher
                                    understanding and confidence in making accurate judgements using the Learning Progression Framework
                                    into the Progress and Consistency Tool
                               ●    Teachers are invited to take up professional learning opportunities in ​Te Reo

Create and                     ●    Continue to develop a shared understanding across the school of how to deliberately grow students’ inner
consolidate a shared                desire to ​want ​to learn - ​Learner Agency
understanding of               ●    Increase teachers' understanding of student intrinsic motivation and learning environments that influence
                                    student motivation through: ​Attitude & awareness, Interest, relevance & curiosity, Value, Self-concept,
student agency to
                                    Self-efficacy ​and ​Goal setting & goal reaching (​ D
                                                                                        ​ r Alison Davis paper​)
grow learner                   ●    These six facets of learner agency to underpin classroom practice supported by Learning Leaders through
capabilities.                       coaching, mentoring and ‘walks & talks’ (Dr Lyn Sharett)
                               ●    Actively participate in the South East Christian Kāhui Ako collaborative inquiries & work streams
                               ●    Learning Maps ​attached to our vision of students growing faith in their hearts, minds & actions

Annual School Improvement Plan - 2021
                                                                                          Future Focus
Strategic Goal 3:​ ​Design concept learning through a localised curriculum so that students become critical, confident and
connected learners able to engage in a rapidly changing world.

Baseline Data:
The 2017 ERO review report stated that “A broad, responsive, and connected curriculum effectively builds on children’s interests. This collaboratively developed curriculum is increasingly promoting ownership
by children of their own learning. There are very clear and coherent systems to guide teachers’ effective planning and delivery of the curriculum, and for children to focus on and engage in learning”. Sancta
Maria Catholic Primary School has focused on implementing a more student-centred curriculum. Our curriculum continuously evolves in response to learners’ needs and strengths. It builds on the school’s
culturally responsive and inclusive environment that supports diversity and promotes student engagement and participation in learning. We would like to continue to strengthen and enhance our future focused
connected curriculum.

 Annual Goals                                                                          Action                                                                            Actual Result
Continue to develop a               ●    Continue to develop our responsive, connected localised curriculum supported by Chic Foote - Helix
future focused localised                 Consulting
curriculum that connects            ●    Core Curriculum Team Days facilitated by Chic Foote - Core Curriculum Team – 5 Learning Leaders,
                                         DRS, DPs & Principal
to our wider world that
                                    ●    Chic to work with Learning Communities to develop authentic learning experiences
enables students to                 ●    Chic to connect with DP of curriculum regularly to upskill Kara into leading our ​curriculum mapping
actively transfer their                  process
learning into life                  ●    New Teachers supported by Kara & LL into Curriculum Mapping
situations.                         ●    Continue to develop a localised curriculum so that students feel connected to the learning in an
                                         authentic way
                                    ●    Continue building teacher capability - ​Te Reo and Tikanga Maori​ - keep making it visible in the
                                    ●    Gather baseline data on student knowledge & understanding of Te Reo - PAT Te reo assessment
                                         Year 6 students - inform future next steps
                                    ●    Focus on developing Key Competencies further - using our SMCPS Curriculum Rubrics
                                    ●    Deliberately integrate ​digital technologies​ into our curriculum mapping
                                    ●    Appoint a DTc Coordinator to lead the embedding of digital technologies school wide
                                    ●    Continue to work with the ​Enviro Schools programme
                                    ●    Continue to grow our partnership with ​local iwi

Annual School Improvement Plan - 2021
Strategic Goal 4:​ ​Strengthen the partnerships within our South East Christian Kāhui Ako to empower all teachers to grow

Baseline Data:​ ​Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School is part of the South East Christian Kāhui Ako.​ ​We are working with five other schools to further enhance and strengthen students’ learning
pathways and achievement. Our South East Christian Kāhui Ako is a faith based community of learning, involved are: Sancta Maria College, Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School, St Mark’s Catholic School,
Our Lady Star of the Sea, Elim Christian School and Kingsgate Christian School. Our motto is ‘Forward in Faith Together’ and underpins all we do. Our involvement in the Eastern Learning Network (ELN) will
continue this year with the Middle Leaders and Senior Leadership continuing to focus on developing communities of learning and coaching skills to support effective practice and action research.

          Annual Goals                                                                         Action                                                                  Actual Result
Actively engage in our Kāhui Ako                     ●     Appoint 2 Within School Teachers who will connect with Across School Teachers
workstream projects to collaboratively                     and drive the selected work streams within our school
meet the student achievement                         ●     Five ​Kāhui Ako work streams​ - Learning Through Play, Pacific Learners, Growing
                                                           Teacher Capability through Literacy, Measuring Impact and Cultural Narrative
                                                     ●     Principal and Leaders to continue to work actively with our Kāhui Ako schools and

Creating opportunities for teachers to              ●    Continue to be an active part of the ​Eastern Learning Network (ELN)​ facilitated by
engage in the new learning to affect                     Maggie Ogram (Osprey Consulting), Dr Howard Youngs & Mark Osborne
teaching and learning practices.                    ●    Developing collaboration across and between schools to grow leadership capabilities
                                                         and practice to improve learning & teaching
                                                    ●    Access to the ELN website resources and tools for collaboration across the network
                                                    ●    Build upon the learning of previous years
                                                    ●    Collaborative inquiry to grow & support middle leadership
                                                    ●    Bridging the gap between theory & practice
                                                    ●    Platform for cross Kāhui Ako connections and sharing
                                                    ●    All Senior & Middle Leaders to attend ELN sessions
                                                    ●    Collaborative teacher inquiries​ school wide focused on raising student achievement
                                                         in reading - ​What impact will the Structured Literacy approach have on
                                                         supporting and accelerating reading achievement?

Annual School Improvement Plan - 2021
                                                                     Cultural Efficacy
Strategic Goal 5:​ ​Embrace and strengthen cultural efficacy in order to live our shared Catholic faith.
Baseline Data:​ ​Over the last ten years as a new school our Board of Trustees and staff have focused on building a strong school community with a focus on the
home / school and parish links. We are a diverse ethnic Catholic community and continuous strengthening of this partnership requires mutual cooperation and
responsibility. Our specific goal is to embrace and strengthen cultural efficacy in order to live our shared Catholic faith.

         Annual Goals                                                    Action                                     Actual Result / Annual Report
Actively work together to embed tikanga     ●   Curriculum 'Bringing the ​cultural worlds​ into the classroom'
in our school through providing             ●   Incorporate cultural awareness & tikanga into our Learning
opportunities to embrace and celebrate          Concepts
who we are.                                 ●   Provide practical opportunities for all students to be proud and
                                                share their language and culture through cultural groups, special
                                                events and school festivals that celebrate cultural difference
                                            ●   Two teachers undertaking the TESSOL paper & to share new
                                                learning with teachers

Grow and strengthen mana across our         ●   Shoulder tap a lead in each ​cultural community​ to help
community as we strive towards                  organise a meet and greet for each cultural group
excellence.                                 ●   Provide opportunities for cultural groups to connect regularly
                                                growing confidence & understanding leading to active
                                                involvement in our school community
                                            ●   Ask what way can we meet as a group
                                            ●   Group chooses a lead to meet with SLT on a regular basis
                                            ●   Appoint a ​Cultural Efficacy Coordinator​ lead teacher to build
                                                cultural efficacy and awareness across our school and
                                                community - active connector & liaison person

Annual School Improvement Plan Target Summary 2021
        How can we develop the collective efficacy of teachers to raise student outcomes through the development of learner agency?
As a school we have identified our Maori and Pacific students tracking below and well below expectation in reading. We have also identified other students operating below
and well below at the end of 2020 in reading. Using the cycle of inquiry, teachers will decide on a focus area and a plan of action using the Structured Literacy Approach to
                                                                raise student engagement and achievement.

Strategic Goal 2:              ​Strengthen and sustain capability so that teaching and learning is enhanced.
 ​Building Agency

Strategic Goal 3:​              ​Design concept learning through a localised curriculum so that students become critical, confident and
 ​Future Focus ​                connected learners able to engage in a rapidly changing world.

Domain                                                      Annual Target                                                                    Actual Result

Literacy -       ​Annual Objectives:
               65​ students have been identified as being at risk of not meeting the expected Curriculum Level in reading at
               the end of 2020.

               The objectives are:

                    ●   The ​22 ​Year 2 students identified reading below expectation will make accelerated progress
                        towards achieving at the end of Curriculum Level 1 by the end 2021.

                    ●   The ​10 ​Year 3 students identified as reading below expectation will make accelerated progress
                        towards achieving at Curriculum Level 2 by the end of 2021.

                    ●   The ​5 ​Year 4 students identified as reading below expectation will make accelerated progress
                        towards achieving at the end of Curriculum Level 2 by the end of 2021.

                    ●   The ​11 ​Year 5 students identified as reading below expectation will make accelerated progress
                        towards achieving at Curriculum Level 3 by the end of 2021.

                    ●   The ​4 ​Year 6 students identified as reading below expectation will make accelerated progress
                        towards achieving at the end of Curriculum Level 3 by the end of 2021.

Annual Target                                                        Actual Result

Kāhui Ako          Across the South East Christian Kāhui Ako we aim to achieve a ​3.3%​ annual
                   shift in the Year 1-8 student achievement in Writing from below to operating at
Achievement        expectation. This will link closely to our school focus on lifting the Writing
Challenge 1:       achievement.
Writing Year 1-8   Within the Kāhui Ako overall goal of shifting students in Writing there are
                   subgoals with a collective focus on shifting our Maori (13.7%) and Pacific
                   Learners (10.6%), and on our boys (11.4%) in Writing by the end of 2021.

                   Kāhui Ako Baseline Data:
                   At the end of 2019 - Kāhui Ako data showed an overall shift of ​3.2%​ for our Year
                   1-8 students in writing.

                   At the end of 2019 - Kāhui Ako Year 1-8 data showed the following shifts:
                   Maori a 12.2% shift, Pacific students a 0.2% shift, and boys a 4.9% shift.

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