Page created by Leslie Chan
D E C E M B E R 25, 2021 - J A N U A RY 2, 2022


                   CHRISTMAS WISHES &

                              . Pat, Fr. Fran
               Fr. Charlie, Fr
Fr. Michael,

     S T M A R Y M A G D A L E N . O R G | 4 0 7. 8 31 .1212 | O F F I C E @ S T M A R Y M A G D A L E N . O R G
CHRISTMAS LET TER                                                                 From Our Pastor

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,                                                                      Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo:

As our “Christmas card” bulletin cover expresses, on behalf of                   Como expresa la portada de nuestro boletín “Tarjeta de Navidad”, en
myself, Fr. Frank, Fr. Michael and Fr. Pat, we wish you the merriest             mi nombre, el P. Frank, el P. Michael y el P. Pat, nuestros diáconos
of Christmas days, surrounded by the love of family and friends, and             y el personal de la parroquia, les deseamos los más felices días de
wrapped in the love of Christ the Newborn King. Let us carry that                Navidad, rodeados por el amor de familiares y amigos, y envueltos en
love into the Octave of Christmas and the New Year.                              el amor de Cristo Rey Recién Nacido. Llevemos ese amor a la Octava
                                                                                                                            de Navidad y Año Nuevo.
“God, bless to me the new day,
Never vouchsafed to me before;                                                                                          “Dios, bendíceme el nuevo día,

It is to bless thine own presence                                                                                 Nunca antes me lo habían concedido;

Thou hast given me this time, O God.                                                                                    Es bendecir tu propia presencia
                                                                                                                 Tú me has dado este tiempo, Oh, Dios.

Bless thou to me mine eye,
May mine eye bless all it sees;                                                                                                     Bendíceme mi ojos,

I will bless my neighbor,                                                                                       Que mis ojos bendigan todo lo que vea;

May my neighbor bless me.                                                                                                       Bendeciré a mi prójimo
                                                                                                                     Que mi prójimo me bendiga a mí.

God, give me a clean heart,
Let me not from sight of thine eye;                                                                                     Dios, dame un corazón limpio,

Bless to me my children and my wife,                    Fr. Michael, Fr. Charlie, Fr. Pat, Fr. Frank                      No alejes tu vista de mis ojos;

And bless to me my means and my cattle.”                                                                          Bendíceme a mis hijos y a mi esposa,

Scottish blessing for the New Year
                                                        God Bless You                                          Y bendíceme mis recursos y mi ganado”.

                                                    & Your Family This Christmas                              Bendición Escocesa para el año nuevo

What do you hope and pray for in 2022 – to be a blessing to all you
encounter? Imagine. May this New Year lead us into such an attitude              ¿Qué esperas y por qué oras en el 2022 – el ser una bendición para
of selfless generosity with all that our God has so graciously given             todos los que encuentres? Imagínate. Que este Año Nuevo nos lleve
us.                                                                              a una actitud de generosidad desinteresada con todo lo que nuestro
                                                                                                                  Dios nos ha dado con tanta gracia.
May you and yours walk in the ways of health and peace.
                                                                                           Que tú y los tuyos caminen por el caminos de salud y paz.
In Christ’s most perfect love this Christmas Season,
                                                                                     En el amor más perfecto de Cristo en esta temporada navideña,

                                                                                        Sign up for Fr. Charlie’s Weekly Email:
                                      Father Charles Mitchell, Pastor
                                      Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church

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WELCOME                              Bienvenidos

It is our mission here at Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Parish to Share Christ with the World,
                                                                                                    WORSHIP WITH US
to welcome all and to love and serve our neighbor – and that includes you!                          Sunday Mass
Es nuestra misión aquí en la Parroquia Católica de St. Mary Magdalen compartir a Cristo con
el mundo, dar la bienvenida a todos y amar y servir a nuestro prójimo, ¡y eso te incluye a ti!      Vigil 5pm; 7pm (Spanish)*
ARE YOU NEW HERE?                                                                                   8am, 10am*, 12noon, 5:30pm
Stop by the Welcome Desk before or after Mass. We are here to help you register with the            *Livestream
parish, make a connection, help you with information on ministries and events, and more.
First time here? We have a special welcome gift just for you!                                       Confessions
                                                                                                    Saturday 3-4pm (English)
Pase por el mostrador de bienvenida antes o después de la misa. Estamos aquí para ayudarte a        Saturday 5:30-6:30pm (Spanish)
registrarse en la parroquia, facilitar una conexión basada en su consulta, compartir información
sobre nuestros ministerios y eventos, y más. ¿Primera vez aquí? ¡Tenemos un regalo de bienvenida
especial solo para ti!
                                                                                                    Weekday Mass
                                                                                                    7:30am Monday-Friday (English)
                                                                                                    7pm Thursday (Spanish)
                                                                                                    8am Saturday (English)

                 Celebrate the Season                                                               Chapel of Our Lady
                                                                                                    Monday-Friday 8am-8pm
                           PARISH CALENDAR                                                          Eucharistic Adoration
                                                                                                    Tuesday 8am-8pm
                                                                                                    Thursday 8am-7pm
                                                                                                    First Friday 8am-8pm

   CHRISTMAS EVE MASS TIMES – December 24                                                           CONNECT
   4pm Mass of the Bells Outdoors (livestream); 5:30pm
   Bilingual Mass Outdoors; 6:30pm Mass; 8pm Spanish                                                Website
   Mass (livestream); 12Midnight, with prelude 11:15pm                                    
   CHRISTMAS DAY MASS TIMES – December 25                                                           Facebook
   9am Mass; 11am Mass (livestream)
                                                                                                    @StMaryMagparish – Facebook
   FEAST DAYS                                   HOLY INNOCENTS FEAST DAYS
                                                                                                    Saint Mary Magdalen
   Feast of the Holy Family Masses              The Saint Mary Magdalen Respect Life Ministry,      Catholic Church
   SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26                          which works to raise awareness for a culture

   8am, 10am (livestream), 12Noon,
                                                of life, invites you to the annual Feast of The     Email Newsletter
                                                Holy Innocents Candlelight Prayer Service on
   2pm Spanish (livestream),
                                                Tuesday, December 28 at 7pm in the Grotto. This
                                                                                                    Text SMMNews to 84576 or
                                                Feast is held to remember the Holy Innocent         Go to
   Feast of the Holy Innocents Prayer Service   babies who died at the hands of Herod, as well
   TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28                         as all the children lost through miscarriage,
   7 pm in the Grotto                           abortion, illness or accident. You may bring an
                                                ornament to decorate the Tree of Remembrance                   Our Mission
                                                in honor of a lost child. Ornaments also will be

   NEW YEAR’S & EPIPHANY SCHEDULE               provided for you. Come and experience this
                                                beautiful and peaceful evening as together
   New Year’s Eve - Dec. 31 • 7:30am            we lift our voices in prayer and song to our
                                                Almighty God for those children in Heaven with
   Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God             Him and for the protection of all the children in
   New Year’s Day - Jan. 1 • 8am                our world today!

   Epiphany Saturday - Jan. 1 • 5pm; 7pm* (Spanish)

   Epiphany Sunday - Jan. 2 • 8am; 10am*; 12Noon*; 5:30pm


                                                                                                        View this bulletin online at
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NATIVITY Christmas Reflection

                  REFLECTING ON THE MANGER
                  IN THE STABLE
              When the angels went away from them to heaven,
                       the shepherds said to one another,
                         “Let us go, then, to Bethlehem
                      to see this thing that has taken place,
                    which the Lord has made known to us.”
              So they went in haste and found Mary and Joseph,
                       and the infant lying in the manger.
                               When they saw this,
                         they made known the message
                    that had been told them about this child.
                          All who heard it were amazed
                 by what had been told them by the shepherds.

                                  - Luke 2:15-20

         he story of the birth of Jesus, as told to us by Luke, is full of joy in the
         midst of great conflict and sadness - even irony and rejection. It prepares
         us for the scandal of the cross by helping us see, in such a beautifully told
story, that Jesus’ mission is revealed to us, in how he came to us - in poverty and
humiliation. There, in the hay, we begin to know. There, in the manger, we begin
to understand. Our God is revealed to us by coming in the lowliest of possible
places. It is a meditation for our whole lives.

This story is here to bring us light in the midst of any darkness, poverty,
rejection, emptiness, sinfulness we experience. By reminding us of where he
comes, the Good News is also a revelation of who we are. We are the
“people who walk in darkness.” We are people who experience parts of our
lives as dry and unwelcoming as that hay. We are people who, on our own,
not only fail to know and understand; we are capable of tremendous
infidelity and stubborn independence.

We get our word “manger” from the Latin (and so French, Italian, Spanish) root,
which means simply “to eat.” Jesus comes, into the greatest place of our poverty,
not only to be “with us” but to nourish us. The manger can be the place we go
this Christmas to be fed with the acceptance, love, and peace we need. There is
no place of darkness in which we need ever feel alone. There is no situation, no
loss, no tragedy that need ever leave us empty. There is no sin, no matter how
selfish that will ever leave us apart from God’s love

We have prayed, “Come, Lord Jesus. Come and visit your people. We await your
coming. Come, O Lord.” Now, our eyes are opened to the wondrous joy of his
coming to us in that manger 2,000 years ago, so that we will know and understand
his coming to us in our hunger today, and ultimately so that we will long for
his final coming to bring us to the banquet that has been prepared, to fill all our
                                                                                         View this bulletin online at

                                                                           Christmas     IS A SEASON,
                                                                                      NOT SIMPLY ONE DAY

                                                                                 While so many of our cultures only celebrate the build-
                                                                                 up to Christmas, as a faith community we celebrate
                                                                                 Christmas for the next several weeks.

                                                                                 And, there is much to celebrate here, much to enter into
                                                                                 more deeply. Too often, the days before Christmas are
                                                                                 too busy to enter into the meaning of this feast or to
                                                                                 reflect on the daily scriptures and the graces that are
                                                                                 offered us, in our concrete life circumstances.

                                                                                 This first week is a time for us to enter into the stories
                                                                                 of special saints who are associated with the Birth
                                                                                 of our Lord. Next week, we return to stories of Jesus’
                                                                                 life and ministry.

                                            WHAT THIS FIRST WEEK OFFERS US
Christmas Day, is the first day in the eight-day celebration of the        December 27: On December 27th, we recognize the Feast of St. John,
Octave of Christmas. We take joy in the story of the Nativity and          Apostle and Evangelist. This apostle’s name is associated with the
of our savior’s entrance into the world in the most humble of ways.        wonderful tradition and writings that receive his name. This week,
                                                                           our reflection is framed by the wonderful words of the First Letter of
December 26, this year we celebrate The Feast of the Holy Family,          John and the story from the Fourth Gospel of Simon Peter and “the
which is on the Sunday after Christmas. When a Sunday does not             other disciple whom Jesus loved” ran to find the empty tomb on
occur between December 25 and January 1, this feast is celebrated on       Easter morning.
December 30 with only one reading before the Gospel. What family or
faith community can’t grow from reflecting upon the Holy Family?           On December 28th, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents.
This is not the time to reflect upon a “perfect family,” but to ask        This celebration takes us back into the infancy narrative of Matthew.
ourselves how we might be blessed to reflect upon Joseph, Mary and         The account of how Jesus begins his journey to become one with us,
Jesus, and a sk ourselves what graces they could offer us.                 is powerfully told as a journey of Jesus’ entering into the journey of
                                                                           his people, with the flight into Egypt and the horrible slaughter of
And, this allows us a bit more time to reflect upon the Christmas story,   the innocent children. This very difficult scene is important for us to
including the everyday reality that was part of their lives as family -    reflect upon as we imagine the unborn and the newly born who are
the patience, give and take, the self-sacrifice and the love that was a    so unjustly deprived of dignity and life today.
part of their very human interaction together, throughout what we call
“the hidden life” of Jesus. That can include all the growing up years of   Saturday, January 1st will be the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of
Jesus’ life, what their village was like and what ways they spoke with     God. It is also the World Day of Prayer for Peace.
each other, as well as what difficulties they might have experienced.
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                                                                                       Sunday, January 2nd, we celebrate the Epiphany. We
                                                                                       can draw great fruit from reflectin upon the readings
                                                                                       and prayers of the days before and after Epiphany.

                                                                                       In the Nativity scenes we set up in churches and homes
                                                                                       we are familiar with the three figures that make their
                                                                                       appearance today, joining Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
                                                                                       shepherds a nd various creatures.

                                                                                       In the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church, Epiphany
                                                                                       celebrates the revelation that Jesus was the Son of
                                                                                       God. It focuses primarily on this revelation to the Three
                                                                                       Wise Men, the magi, who traveled to the place where
                                                                                       Jesus was born. Although we know virtually nothing
                                                                                       about them, we do know they brought three gifts:

                                                                                       • GOLD - a symbol of wealth and power, identified
                                                                                         the recipient a s a king.
                                                                                       • FRANKINCENSE - the crystalized resinous sap of a
                                                                                         tree used as incense and as an offering, is symbolic
                                                                                         of prayer.
                                                                                       • MYRRH - another resinous tree sap, was used in
                                                                                         healing liniments and as an embalming ointment.
                                                                                         Myrrh is an odd gift for a child—so, even at
                                                                                         the beginning of Jesus’ life on earth, this gift
                                                                                         foreshadows his death.

                                                                                       In many depictions these visitors from the
                                                                                       East, bearing their gifts, stand in awe, though
                                                                                       perhaps one or more of them may bend a knee.
                                                                                       Such gestures express the heart’s conviction of being
                                                                                       in the Presence of “One mightier than I. ”

                                                                                       These visitors from the East express the inner stance of
                                                                                       deep humility, the only true response in the presence
                                                                                       of God in the flesh in Jesus.

                                                                                       This week we keep asking for the grace to celebrate
                                                                                       His coming among us. Each of us can keep growing in
                                                                                       a sense of freedom and joy over the gift we have been
                                                                                       given to know God’s love for us and presence with us
                                                                                       more deeply. It is a time of gratitude. Let the heavens
                                                                                       be glad and the earth rejoice!

                                                                                       - Creighton University Ministries Reflections

While the traditional date for the feast of Epiphany is January 6, in the United States the celebration of Epiphany is moved to the
next Sunday, overlapping with the rest of the Western Church’s celebration of the Baptism of Christ.

Priests would traditionally visit the members of their parish after the Feast of the Epiphany and bless their homes. As parishes grew,
the responsibility was transferred over to household members, using chalk and holy water.

The Epiphany blessing is a simple blessing written on your door as follows: the first two digits of the year + C + M + B + the last two
digits of the new yea r. So, today, it would look like this: 20 + C + M + B + 22.

The C M B serves two meanings:
• The initials of the wise men.
• The first letters of the Latin phrase: Christus Mansionem Benedicat (May Christ bless the house).

                                                                                                     View this bulletin online at

Our Christ-centered programming is focused on accompanying every member of our community along their life-long faith journey.
For more information, please contact the Office of Faith Formation at 407.265.2301.

QUEST                                                                             BECOMING CATHOLIC
Our religious education ministry for children who attend public                   Do you have an interest in exploring the Catholic faith? Do you
school or homeschool. We offer two options to meet families’                      desire to become Catholic? Are you baptized, but have not received
needs: Wednesday Quest classes, 4:30pm; and Family Quest                          the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist or the Sacrament of Confirmation?
Weekends, monthly Sunday program. Enrollment is always open.                      The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the faith
For more information, please email Quest@stmarymagdalen. org or                   journey to becoming catholic through the Sacraments - Baptism,
visit our website, Education/                     Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. Whether you’re looking to take
ReligiousEducation/ReligiousEducation.htm                                         the next step toward becoming Catholic or you just want to ask
                                                                                  more questions about the Catholic faith, take the next step in your
                                                                                  faith walk. Email or call 407-265-2315
                                                                                  for more information.
All our middle school and high school aged youth meet for 5:30pm
Sunday Mass, afterwards they gather for fellowship, faith-sharing,
and fun in the Parish Life Center. We will gather again on                        ADULT CONFIRMATION
Sunday     January     9,   2021.   To     join   please    email                 If you are a baptized Catholic over the age of 18 and have not                                                         received the Sacrament of Confirmation, or if you are a baptized
                                                                                  Christian and would like to become Catholic, you are invited to
                                                                                  participate in the Adult Confirmation program. English and
                                                                                  Spanish programs begin in the new year. For more information
Through prayer, catechesis, games, songs and art, including                       call 407.265.2315 or email
appreciation of multicultural faith traditions, this monthly
bilingual ministry encourages children to live out their Catholic
faith. The program is for children in elementary to middle school,
                                                                                  ADULT SMALL GROUPS
with high school students assisting in the classroom. Contact                     Find friendship, support and community in a Small Group.
the Faith Formation Office for more information.                                  Experience our large and vibrant church in a smaller and more
                                                                                  personal way. A Small Group is a gathering of 6-10 people who
                                                                                  meet regularly in person or online to share faith experiences, pray
                                                                                  for each other, reflect on the Sunday Gospel and more. Whatever
A community of young adults (single, married, discerning,                         stage of life you find yourself in, where ever you are in your faith,
studying, working, and/or parenting) who seek to draw closer                      there’s a Small Group that is waiting to know YOU. For more
to Christ and His Church through prayer, fellowship, study, and                   information call 407.265.2315 or email
service. For more information email

     AT T E N T I O N A L L PA R E N TS :
     All parents of our parish, school & early learning center with a Teen, Tween or
     Tot are invited! Come start your day with a hot breakfast and engage in fellowship
     with other parents on Monday, January 24th at 8am, in the Parish Life Center.

     Father Charlie welcomes you to join a parent faith-sharing small group in the
     New Year. Small groups meet weekly to pray for each other, share the Gospel,
     refl ct on their spiritual life – one hour that can be life changing and set your
     week on the right path.

     Free hot breakfast, Monday January 24 @ 8am in the Parish Life Center.
     Come learn about this new opportunity for Faith, Friendship and Food.
     RSVP at

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PARISH & Diocese News

                                                                                           S H A R I N G O U R FA I T H
                                                                                   INTO THE DEEP CONFERENCE
                                                                          “We love our Catholic faith, but do we know how to share it? For
                                                                          many of us, the thought of explaining to people why we love Jesus
                                                                          Christ, and why they should too, intimidates us. Let’s change that.

                                                                          Join us for the 2022 Ministry Formation Conference, Into the
                                                                          Deep, to discover how we can accompany others to a meaningful
                                                                          relationship with Jesus Christ. How do you know what to share
                                                                          with somebody who has never heard the gospel? What do you
                                                                          share with people who were raised Catholic, but have fallen away?
                                                                          Is there one thing you can do for anyone, no matter where they are
                                                                          in life, that will help them recognize God’s presence in their life?

                                                                          We will a nswer these questions and more at Into the Deep.
                                                                          Use the link below to find out more and to register today!

W O R L D YO U T H D AY I N                   S A I N T M A RY M AG D A L E N
P O R T U G A L 2023:                         H O STS J A N U A RY
The young people of our parish and the        Young Catholic Professionals is bringing its first event of the new year to Saint Mary Magdalen – The
Diocese of Orlando are invited to consider    2022 Executive Speaker Series is Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 7pm in the Parish Life Center, and the
our diocesan pilgrimage to World Youth Day    program includes networking and refreshments. RSVP now for the 2022 Executive Speaker Event:
in Portugal, 2023. This is a life changing
experience for those who attend and we
would love for you to accompany us to         The featured executive is John Rife, a Winter Park native and a passionate supporter of the small
the beautiful country of Portugal, one        businesses and food entrepreneurs that are making the area a vibrant and tasty place to live. He
that is steeped in thousands of years of      is the owner of East End Market, a neighborhood market and food hall in Orlando. In addition to
Catholic history. The trip will include a     his career as a commercial real estate developer, John is also a frequent missionary to Haiti and an
visit to Fatima, an optional retreat on the   involved parishioner at Saint Margaret Mary Catholic Church. Young Catholic Professionals is a 501(c)
Mediterranean coast, daily mass, along        (3) nonprofit on a mission to challenge, train and inspire young adults working in various professions
with the numerous spiritually enriching       to Witness to Christ.
opportunities that are part of the World
Youth Da y program.

If interested, please contact the parish      PEACE ORPHANAGE COUNTS BLESSINGS
office of faith formation by January 8 to
                                              Many thanks to you, the Friends of Peace Orphanage, for continuing
learn more – email Youth@sSMarymagdalen.
                                              to lift up the children and Benedictine Sisters of Peace Orphanage in
org The experience is designed for those in
                                              Mexico, our ongoing Parish Mission Program, through your spiritual
their 20’s and 30’s, but anyone 16-40 can
                                              and financial support. We have 11 girls in high school and one in
attend. Those 18 + can travel on their own;
                                              university. A portion of education expenses have been fulfilled through the fundraising efforts of
minors must travel to Lisbon, Portugal
                                              SMM School along with donations from our Knights of Columbus, Council of Catholic Women, and
with a parent or legal guardian. WYD takes
                                              private donors, who ha ve earmarked their donations for “Education.”
place August 1-6, 2023. We expect our
travel dates to be July 28th, 2023 through
                                              HOW TO SUPP ORT PEACE ORP HANAGE
August 9th, 2023. We anticipate the cost to
be $4,100-$4,800, depending on whether        Mail or drop off donations at the parish office or place in the Sunday Collection during Mass. Make
you opt for the retreat in Algarve. We will   Checks payable to: ST. MARY MAGDALEN CHURCH – PEACE ORPHANAGE FUND. Donations may be
provide resources for fund raising to help    earmarked for School Expenses by writing “Education Fund” on the memo portion of your check.
defray the cost.                              ONLINE GIVING: Or Go To:
                                     Click on “ Donate,” then select “Give Online,” then Click on the “Give Now”
                                              button under “Peace Orphanage.”
                                                                                                        View this bulletin online at
WITH GRATITUDE                                                         For Your Giving

                                                    YOU ARE A GIFT TO THE PARISH
                                                    As we prepare to wrap up another amazing year here at Saint Mary
                                                    Magdalen Parish we want to take a moment to say Thank You for the
                                                    beautiful generosity and service that you’ve shown this year. You are
                                                    always in our thoughts. We pray that you are immensely blessed in the
                                                    New Year and that the gifts which reside within you are re-ignited into
                                                    action through the grace of the Holy Spirit. Your Giving Matters! Your
                                                    Love Matters!

                                                                                                           JOIN US ON MISSION –
                                                                                                           SACRIFICIAL GIVING 2022
               Our Values                                                                                  We want to thank everyone who has taken
                                                                                                           the opportunity to re-covenant with us
      Quiet intimacy with the Lord                                                                         for our 2022 Sacrificial Giving, making a
                                                                                                           commitment to support our parish, school
                                                                                                           and early learning center operations and
                                                                                                           all our ministries at church and in the
        The gift of true friendship,                                                                       community. There is still opportunity to
                                                                                                           update your Sunday Offertory commitment
       rooted in love of God and                                                                           that begins in January 2022. The parish
                                                                                                           Sacrificial Giving Covenant Cards are
                 neighbor                                                                                  available at the parish office or the Weekend
                                                                                                           Welcome Desk before and after Mass.
                                                                                                           You can also Pledge Online with a secure

            Soul-stirring                                                                                  portal – just go to the parish website –
       Sacramental celebrations
                                                                           As a stewardship parish, we are convinced that planned, proportionate, and
                                                                           sacrificial giving, in a spirit of gratitude to God, is the key to becoming that
                                                                           which God has envisioned us to be. Please take a moment to prayerfully
            Coming to know                                                 reflect and allow God to speak to you.

       the path toward salvation                                           We humbly ask you to open your heart and to support the work of building
                                                                           God’s Kingdom here at Saint Mary Magdalen Parish. Your 2022 Sacrificial
                                                                           Giving pledge for weekly offertory is utilized in determining how we will
                                                                           accomplish our Gospel-centered mission of bringing people closer to the
         Hearts overflowing with                         PLEDGE
                                                                           Messiah through worship, forming our children in the Catholic faith, and
                gratitude                                                  making a difference in our community through the ministries and services
                                                                           we provide throughout the course of the coming year.
           for all God’s gifts

      Hunger that moves us to be
                                                    EVERY CHRISTMAS GIFT IS A BLESSING
        servant to one another
                                                    At church you will find Christmas Offering Envelopes. Your gift
                                                    can help us to move forward with great momentum in fulfilling
                                                    the parish mission in the year ahead.
       Preserving the beauty and
                                                    In addition to the envelopes, you can donate online through our
               perfection                           website or by mail. You can also gift
         of God’s created order                     shares of stock, other securities, or make a gift from an IRA.

                                                    As well, with December 31, 2021 approaching, we know there
                                                    are many opportunities for you to be tax-wise in your end
        Diversity that enriches us                  of year planning. If you are considering a gift to St. Mary
                                                    Magdalen Parish, contact Heidi in the Parish Office 407.265.2312
              and unites us                         or for more information.

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CONNECT & Community

                                    TO S E R V E T H E LO R D
                                    JOIN THE MASS
                                    HOSPITALITY TEAM
                                 Interested in being part of the weekend
                                 hospitality team at Saint Mary Magdalen?
                                 Our ministers of hospitality serve the
                                 House of God by promoting a sense
                                 of welcoming and belonging to all
                                 who come to worship. The team is
                                 the first to arrive to make sure the
                                 Church is ready to receive guests.
                                 They welcome, take up the offertory,
direct communion, and offer assistance where needed. Come be part of an
important ministry of our parish. Training provided. Contact the parish
office at 407.831.1212.                                                                           B O G O G O M I N I ST RY
                                                                                          FOOD COLLECTION RETURNS
O U T R E AC H O P P O R T U N I T Y                                                            IN JANUARY
THE SHARING CENTER SERVE SATURDAYS                                                  The weekend of December 25-26, our BOGOGO (BUY
Most Saturdays, 9am-12Noon or 1pm-4pm, help sort donated items at                   ONE, GET ONE, GIVE ONE food collection ministry is
the distribution site of The Sharing Center, one of Saint Mary Magdalen’s           taking a break. Our community partners, including The
longtime community partners. For more information, go to TheSharingCenter.          Sharing Center and Catholic Charities, are grateful for your
org. The Sharing Center thrift stores cannot sell anything without firs                          generosity throughout the year!
having donations sorted. Last year, their three stores sold over a million
dollars of donated items! Ninety cents of every dollar go back into their           BOGOGO returns the first weekend of the new year, January
programs to assist local families and individuals in need.                                1-2 before / after all Sunday Mass times.

                                                                                    What is Needed: Non-perishable groceries and necessities
                                                                                    such as: canned foods, jars of peanut butter and sauces;
PARISH OFFICE HOLIDAY HOURS                                                         boxed / or packaged goods such as pasta, rice, cereal
                                                                                    and baby foods, diapers, wipes, toilet paper, soap, hand
Our Parish Office is closed December 24-27 and on December 31
                                                                                       sanitizer, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes.
Tuesday-Thursday, December 28-30, the office is open from 9am-12noon.
Regular hours resume January 3, 2022.

    OFFICE & CONTACT                            OUR STAFF

    SAINT MARY MAGDALEN                         PASTORAL TEAM                MINISTRY TEAM                       ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM
    CATHOLIC CHURCH                             Pastor                       Adult Faith Formation               Facilities
    861 Maitland Avenue                         Father Charlie Mitchell  
    Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
                                                Associate Pastors            Annulments                          Finance
                                                Father Michael Burke
    CONTACT                                     Father Frank Lobo                                      
    P: 407.831.1212 F: 407. 831.1560
                                                                             Children’s Ministries
    E: Office@StMaryMagd                Assisting P riest          Formation & Hispanic Ministries                      Father Patrick Patton                                  
    OFFICE HOURS                                Deacons                        Membership & Stewardship
    Mon-Thur 9am-12Noon, 2-6pm                  Juan Cruz, Jerry Kelly,
    Fri 9am-12Noon                              Tony Medina, Greg Nelsen,
                                                and Bill O’Brien                                                 Reception
                                                                             Ministry Development      
    OTHER PARISH OFFICES                        Pastoral Associate
    School Offic                                                   
                                                Gail Rayos
    407.339.7301 - SMMSchool. org
                                                                             Pastoral Care & Outreach
    Early Learning Center                                          
                                                                             Stewardship & Giving
    Bulletin Editor                                                
                                                                             Youth Ministry

                                                                                                         View this bulletin online at
PRAYERS & Intentions

                             Christmas Flower Blessings  The Poinsettias you see in the church were donated,
                        each in memory or honor of a loved one. Let us keep them in our prayers. Below are the names as of 12/16/21.

        •   Case Managers at                    •   Jack & Ann Jord an              •   Maria Quintero             •   Norman B. White
            AdventHealth Altamonte              •   Dave Kaminsky                   •   Stella & Leon Ra tajczak   •   Wicklin Family
        •   Gladys Abreu                        •   Maria Kim                       •   Gloria M. Remu s           •   Annette Wilson
        •   Paula Ahn                           •   Charles Knack                   •   Suzette Remus              •   Michael Zagrobelny
        •   William Auker                       •   Ethel Knack                     •   Ltc. John Roberts          •   Debra Zahorec
        •   Celeste Beneter                     •   Mr. & Mrs. Knowles              •   Theresa Roer               •   Edward Zahorec
        •   Anthony & Sophie Borrell            •   Rebecca R. Kunz                 •   Henry Rosen                •   Emily Zahorec
        •   Johnnie Bracewell                   •   Nina Lamano-Auker               •   Mary Rosen                 •   All Souls
        •   Noel & Evangeli ne Cabral           •   Bill Larson                     •   Rost Family                •   Georgia
        •   Katherine Chelak                    •   William & Arlin e Larson        •   Eleanor Saltis             •   Shakira
        •   Alex Choong                         •   The Lorenz Fam ily              •   Gilbert Saltis
        •   Jingu Choong                        •   Catherine N. Mc Donald          •   Barbara Sandlak
        •   Joeshep Choong                      •   Edward W. McDonald              •   Helen Schefstad
        •   Mr. & Mrs. Chu                      •   Frank McDonald                  •   Francisca Sepulneda
        •   Cathy Costantino                    •   William E. McDonald             •   Jose Antonio Se pulneda
        •   Leno & Lois Costantino              •   Lloyd Miller Jr.                •   Ramon Sepulneda
        •   Juanita Dizon                       •   Antoni Milunsk i                •   Daniel Shedlock
        •   James & Joan Donnelly               •   Hannah Miluns ki                •   Florence Shovlin
        •   David Engelmeier                    •   Sophie Milunski                 •   Crystal Stash
        •   Edward Engelmeier                   •   Moers/Nolden Family             •   Kay & Houston Stough
        •   Ethel Engelmeier                    •   Elba Montenegro                 •   Matthew Svajgert
        •   Jean Engelmeier                     •   Matthew Music k                 •   Patricia Svajgert
        •   Jerry & Jeffrey F eulner            •   Mr. & Mrs. Nguyen               •   Billy Swieca
        •   Christopher Fonseca                 •   Adela & Albert N owik           •   Cheryl Tyndall
        •   Delbert Forst                       •   Joey Nowik                      •   Bunny & Sonny Van Brunt
        •   Madeline Forst                      •   Terri Nowik                     •   Angel & Agnes Vazquez
        •   Mr. & Mrs. Fragge                   •   Dalton & Gladys O’Rear          •   Connie Verlander
        •   Barbara Frazier                     •   Michael O’Rear                  •   Joe Verlander
        •   Evelyn & David Goodness             •   Michael Palomar                 •   Earl Webster Jr.
        •   Josie Guillen                       •   The Perkins Fam ily             •   Earl & Madeline Webster
        •   The Harrison Fa mily                •   Frank Pionegro                  •   Edythe Webster
        •   Leo Holzemer                        •   Carmen G. Piza                  •   Merle H. Weiland

             MASS READINGS & INTENTIONS • DEC 27, 2021 - JAN 2, 2022
 DEC 27 MON                                  DEC 28 TUE                                 DEC 29 WED                      JAN 2 SUN
 1 Jn 1:1-4/Ps 97/                           1 Jn 1:5-2:2/Ps 124/                    1 Jn 2:3-11/Ps 96/                 Is 60:1-6/Ps 72/
 Jn 20:1a, 2-8                               Mt 2:13-18                              Lk 2:22-35                         Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12
 7:30am                                      7:30am                                  7:30am                             8:00am
  Don Gallagher                              Ellen Muddiman                        Ints of Jesika Maignan              David Catta
  Glenn Kloiber                             Ints of Veronica Coll                   Ints of Debbie Karleskint
  Guido Moers                               Ints of Laura Paredes                                                      10:00am
 Ints. of Phyllis Fox                                                                                                    Cauvin Joseph & Lucienne
                                                                                                                         Deacon Nemsy Gubatan

 DEC 30 THU                                  DEC 31 FRI                                 JAN 1 SAT                        Deceased Members of Knights
                                                                                                                          of Columbus
                                                                                                                         Jim Callan
 1 Jn 2:12-17/Ps 96/                         1 Jn 2:18-21/Ps 96/                     Nm 6:22-27/Ps 67/
 Lk 2:36-40                                  Jn 1:1-18                               Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21               12:00pm
                                                                                                                         Jimenez Bite
 7:30am                                      7:30am                                                                      Ofelia Dela Cerna
  Steward Colling                            Jo Blanks                                                                 Dr. Manolo Dela Cerna
                                              Richard Shaefer
                                              Thomas Abraham                                                           5:30pm
                                              Joe Dutko                                                                All the People of the Parish

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PRAYERS & Intentions

                                                                       PRAY FOR PRIESTS                  PRAYER TO THE HOLY FAMILY
                        SPEND TIME                                     We remember in prayer             Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
             WITH THE BREAD OF LIFE                                    the deceased priests of           in you we contemplate
                                                                       our diocese:                      the splendour of true love,
      We invite you to the Chapel of Our Lady for prayer
     and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, every week.              •   January 1, 2021               to you we turn with trust.
                                                                           – Rev. Eamon Tobin            Holy Family of Nazareth,
                     TUESDAY: 8AM-8PM                                  •   January 4, 2021               grant that our families too
                    THURSDAY: 8AM-7PM                                      – Rev. Luiz Bastos            may be places of communion and prayer,
                  FIRST FRIDAYS: 8AM-8PM                               •   January 8, 1975               authentic schools of the Gospel
                                                                           – Rev. Hugh Flynn             and small domestic Churches.
            Sign up for Adoration or just stop in.
                                                                       •   January 13, 2015              Holy Family of Nazareth,
          The Lord is waiting…Your prayers matter!
                                                                           – Rev. Mark Wegg              may families never again
                                                                       •   January 13, 1982              experience violence, rejection and division:
                                                                           – Rev. William Holmes         may all who have been hurt or scandalized
                                                                       •   January 16, 1988              find ready comfort and healing.
                                                                           – Rev. Michael Flynn          Holy Family of Nazareth,
                                                                       •   January 23, 1972              may the approaching Synod of Bishops
                                                                           – Rev. Michael Reynolds       make us once more mindful
                                                                       •   January 27, 2007              of the sacredness and inviolability of the family,
                                                                           – Rev. James F. Edwards       and its beauty in God’s plan.
                                                                       •   January 30, 2016              Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
                                                                           – Rev. Peter Quinn            graciously hear our prayer.
                                                                                                         - Pope Francis
                                                                                                         Prayer to the Holy Family, Dec. 2013

                 P R AY F O R V O C AT I O N S :                       UNITED IN PRAYER
                                                                       We are here to pray with you, and for you. Send us your prayer intention
  Our bishop has asked us to pray for vocations to open the            by any of the methods below. We will add it to the prayer book.
  hearts of men and women to hear God’s call. First Friday
  Holy Hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Rosary             •   Call the prayer line 407.830.9042
  & Litany for Vocations on January 7 starts at 12Noon in the          •   Email it to
                      Chapel of Our Lady.                              •   Submit it on

          MASS READINGS & INTENTIONS • JAN 3, 2022 - JAN 9, 2022
JAN 3 MON                             JAN 4 TUE                              JAN 5 WED                              JAN 6 THU
1 Jn 3:22-4:6/Ps 2/                  1 Jn 4:7:10/Ps 72/                      1 Jn 4:11-18/Ps 72/                    1 Jn 4:19-5:4/Ps 72/
Mt 4:12-17, 23-25                    Mk 6:34-44                              Mk 6:45-52                             Lk 4:14-22
7:30am                               7:30am                                  7:30am                                 7:30am
 Don Gallagher                      Ints of Ellen Zahorec                    Chris Aurand                          Zulma Sanchez Diaz
 Thomas Abraham                      Floegel-McGrath Family                 Emma Sisco                            Petra Torres Lopez
 Leila Volz                         Ints of Jeffrey Lee Jackson              Christine Hausheer                   Ints of Jesika Maignan

JAN 7 FRI                             JAN 8 SAT                                                   JAN 9 SUN
1 Jn 5:5-13/Ps 147/                  1 Jn 5:14-21/Ps 149/Jn 3:22-30                               Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Ps 29/Acts 10:34-38/
Lk 5:12-16                           8:00am                     5:00pm
                                                                                                  Lk 3:15-16, 21-22
7:30am                                Wayne Rickards            Teresita Hernandez              8:00am             10:00am
 Joan Floegel                       Ints. of Mary Dutko         Clamencia Martinez               Tom Fumea         Butch DiLella
                                                                 Tony Fuggi                                          Norman Lauterette
                                                                                                                      Michael McKinley Sheridan
                                                                7:00pm (Spanish)
                                                                 Delio Del Villar                                     -listing as of 12/16/21
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                          MICHELLE A. BERGLUND-HARPER, ESQ.
                                     VA ACCREDITED ATTORNEY


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