The Catholic Parishes of St. Mary's = Ss. Mary & Martha = Our Lady of the Snow

Page created by Terrence Hayes
The Catholic Parishes of St. Mary's = Ss. Mary & Martha = Our Lady of the Snow
The Catholic Parishes of
    St. Mary’s V Ss. Mary & Martha V Our Lady of the Snow
Saint Mary’s
15 Clark Street, Auburn, NY 13021                        Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B
Tel: 315-252-9545
Office: Mondau-Thursday 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Secretary: Delia Westmiller
Saints Mary & Martha
(St. Francis & St Hyacinth)
299 Clark Street, Auburn, NY 13021
Tel: 315-252-7593
Office: Monday & Wednesday 9:00 am to 1 pm
Secretary: Donna Malinowski, Angie Gasparro
Our Lady of the Snow
(St. Joseph & St. Patrick)
℅ 15 Clark Street, Auburn, NY 13021
Tel: 315-252-9545
Remote Office: Monday-Thursday
        9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Parish Staff
Fr. Frank E. Lioi, Pastor & Dean
Fr. Joseph P. Maurici, III, Parochial Vicar
Dcn. Dennis Donahue, Evangelization                               “Get behind ne, Satan. You are thinking not as God does,
Mr. Carlo Stebbings, Faith Formation
                                                                                 but as human beings do.”
Chelsea Barton, DMA, Music Director                    FROM THE PASTOR                                      12 September 2021
Shawn Gillen-Caryl, Finance Director                          Often, we hear what we want to hear, not what we need to
Greg Lawson, Dan Preuss, Facilities
                                                       hear. It’s only human, even St. Peter showed this tendency.
Sunday Mass Schedule
                                                       When Jesus told his disciples that he would suffer and be killed,
 4:00 pm Saturday at St Hyacinth                       Peter immediately drew him aside and criticized him. Not only
 5:30 pm Saturday at St. Mary’s                        did Jesus rebuke him, Jesus told the crowd that everyone who
 7:00 am Sunday at St. Mary’s                          follows him must willingly take up their cross.
 8:30 am Sunday at St. Patrick
 8:45 am Sunday at St. Francis
10:30 am Sunday at St. Joseph                                  Hearing God can be a double-edged sword. The deaf
10:45 am Sunday at St. Mary’s                          man whom we heard Jesus heal last week immediately got to
Reconciliation (Confession)                            hear the praise and wonder of his neighbors. Isaiah, in our first
 8:15 am on 1st Saturday at St. Francis                reading, who attests that “the Lord God opens my ear that I may
 8:30 am on Wednesday at St. Patrick
 8:30 am on Friday at St. Hyacinth                     hear” is beaten and spat at by those who do not want to hear his
 3:00 pm on Saturday at St. Hyacinth                   criticism. Peter hears Jesus say he would suffer greatly and be
 4:00 pm on Saturday at St. Mary’s                     killed, then immediately gets an earful when he rejects Jesus’
Faith Formation Office
          59 Pulaski Street 315-252-3439
                                                       shocking prediction.
Regional Finance Office
          90 Melrose Road 315-252-7111                        We are blessed to be able to hear the word of God and
Baptism & Marriage,                                    recognize what God is calling us to do, but there is no guarantee
Communion to Homebound &
New Parishioners                                       that what we hear will be welcome or easy. But once we accept
          contact parish office                        Jesus’ call, we truly live out our faith. Living out our faith, says
Tyburn Academy of Mary Immaculate                      James in his letter, means doing something concrete to show it.
          17 Clymer Street 315-252-2937
          Email:            If we truly believe that all people are made in the image of God
          Website:               and that God’s Son came to save the multitude, then that faith
St. Albert the Great Academy                           should drive us to care for our neighbor, especially those in need
          134 Washington Street 315-283-0555
          Email:              of material assistance.
                                                     Page 1   V      12 September 2021                 Fr. Lioi
The Catholic Parishes of St. Mary's = Ss. Mary & Martha = Our Lady of the Snow
St. Mary’s
                                                Saint Mary’s Parish                                          YouTube
                          Mass Times                          Trustees          Pastoral Council
                          Saturday   5:30 pm                  Matt Quill        Penny Goodsell
St. Mary’s Church         Sunday     7:00 am & 10:45 am       Sheila Giangreco                   St. Mary’s
 15 Clark Street          Mon-Fri    7:00 am                                    Finance Council    Website
   Auburn, NY                                                                   Jim Hanley
Lectors for Sept 19: 5:30 pm J. Bouley; 7:00 am J. Byrch; 10:45 am D. Gove.
EMHC for Sept 19: 5:30 pm L. Gauthier, S. Lent, J. Romano; 7:00 am C. Moran, M. Doan, N. Sullivan,
                                         10:45 am P. Alnutt, P. Ruzicka, L. Beardsley.
Prayer Line for those requesting prayers, call Marlene Jacobs at 315-252-3603.
Attendance for September 5: 5:30 pm 124; 7:00 am 260; 10:45 am 180.

                                      Saints Mary & Martha Parish
                          Mass Times                         Trustees                    Pastoral Council
                          Saturday   4:00 pm at St. Hyacinth Paul Vitale                 Cathy Streeter
St. Francis Church        Sunday     8:45 am at St. Francis  Sue Gatto                                      St. Hyacinth Church
 303 Clark Street       Mon & Fri 9:00 am at St. Hyacinth                 Finance Council                     63 Pulaski Street
Lectors for Sept 19: 4:00 pm M. Bryla; 8:45 am J. Camardo.                                                   Ss. Mary &
EMHC for Sept 19: 4:00 pm B. Cole, D. Lipiska, D. Wawro; 8:45 am T. Lang.                                      Martha
Attendance for September 5: 4:00 pm 160; 8:45 am 140.                                                         Website

                                       Our Lady of the Snow Parish
                          Mass Times                                Trustees             Pastoral Council
                          Sunday      8:30 am at St. Patrick        Tom Daly             Diane Case
St. Joseph Church                    10:30 am at St. Joseph         Judy Ward                                St. Patrick Church
8831 S. Seneca St.        Wednesday 9:00 am at St. Patrick                               Finance Council    2576 E. Mechanic St.
 Weedsport, NY                                                                           Ed O’Neil               Cato, NY
Lectors for Sept 19: 8:30am Bea Davenport; 10:30am N. Wiggins
Attendance for September 5: 8:30am ?; 10:30am 60                                                             Our Lady of
St. Patrick Food Drive: Canned food items, peanut butter and jelly (2022 or later expiration).                the Snow
St. Joseph Food Drive: Juice boxes, tuna, crackers and spices for Weedsport/Sennett Pantry.                    Website

        STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE                                      ST. MARY’S DRIVE-THRU PASTA DINNER is this
Sunday/Maintenance Collection for 5 September 2021                   Tuesday, September 14 from 4:00 to
                                                                     6:00 pm or until sold out. Besides the
 St. Mary’s Ss. Mary & Martha Our Lady of the Snow                   regular Pasta Dinner with 3 meatballs,
                                                                     packages of four meatballs will also be
  $9,090.20          $3,878.50                $2,593.00              available. Dinners are $10. Extra
  $1,248.00           $375.25                   $.00                 meatballs $5.00. Enter the rectory
                                                                     driveway from Clark Street, stop at the rectory porch to
                   ST. JOSEPH ALTAR/ROSARY                           place your order and then pick up your dinner by the rectory
                   SOCIETY new meeting schedule will                 garage. Exit to State Street. Frequent Diner Club Cards will
                   be the second Tuesday of each month               again be available this year. Six stamps on the card makes
                   starting September 14th at 6:00 pm.               you eligible for a door prize of $500, or $250, or $250. On
New Members are welcome to join us for a fun time and                the morning of the Pasta Dinner, we could use a “few strong
sharing God’s word and work.                                         individuals" to assist in moving heavy pots.

                                                Page 2     V     12 September 2021
                                    A = Antiphon V = Verse R = Refrain D = Doxology
      PRELUDE: Vater Unser im Himmelreich, BWV 682 POSTLUDE: Praeludiuming, Nicolaus Bruhns
ENTRANCE CHANT SIR 36: 18                                      peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you do not give them
                                                               the necessities of the body, what good is it? So also faith
                                                               of itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Indeed.
                                                               someone might say, “You have faith and I have works.”
                                                               Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will
                                                               demonstrate my faith to you from my works. The Word of
                                                               the Lord. Thanks be to God.
V I rejoiced when they said to me, “Let us go to the house
                                                               ALLELUIA GAL 6: 14
of the Lord.” And now our feet are standing within your
gates, O Jerusalem. A
V For the sake of my family and friends, let me say,
“Peace upon you.” For the sake of the house of the LORD,
                                                               May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord through
our God, I will seek good things for you. A
                                                               which the world has been crucified to me and I to the
D Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall
be, world without end. Amen. A                                 GOSPEL MK 8: 27-35
                                                               Jesus and his disciples set out for the villages of Caesarea
                                                               Philippi. Along the way he asked his disciples, “Who do
The Lord GOD opens my ear that I may hear; and I have
                                                               people say that I am?” They said in reply, “John the
not rebelled, have not turned back. I gave my back to those
                                                               Baptist, others Elijah, still others one of the prophets.”
who beat me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard;
                                                               And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter
my face I did not shield from buffets and spitting. The
                                                               said to him in reply, “You are the Christ.” Then he warned
Lord GOD is my help, therefore I am not disgraced; I have
                                                               them not to tell anyone about him. He began to teach them
set my face like flint, knowing that I shall not be put to
                                                               that the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by
shame. He is near who upholds my right; if anyone wishes
                                                               the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed,
to oppose me, let us appear together. Who disputes my
                                                               and rise after three days. He spoke this openly. Then Peter
right? Let that man confront me. See, the Lord GOD is my
                                                               took him aside and began to rebuke him. At this he turned
help; who will prove me wrong? The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.                                              around and, looking at his disciples, rebuked Peter and
                                                               said, “Get behind me, Satan. You are thinking not as God
RESPONSORIAL PSALM PS 116: 9; PS 114: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9       does, but as human beings do.” He summoned the crowd
                                                               with his disciples and said to them, “Whoever wishes to
                                                               come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and
                                                               follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it,
                                                               but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the
                                                               gospel will save it.” The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to
                                                               you, Lord Jesus Christ.
V I love the LORD because he has heard my voice in
                                                               OFFERTORY CHANT CF. EX 24: 4, 5
supplication, Because he has inclined his ear to me the day
                                                               Moses made the evening sacrifice as a fragrant offering to
I called. R
                                                               the Lord God, in the sight of the sons of Israel.
V The cords of death encompassed me; the snares of the
netherworld seized upon me; I fell into distress and           MYSTERY OF FAITH
sorrow, And I called upon the name of the LORD, O              We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your
LORD, save my life. R                                          Resurrection until you come again.
V Gracious is the LORD and just; yes, our God is
merciful. The LORD keeps the little ones; I was brought        COMMUNION CHANT CF. MT 16: 24
low, and he saved me. R
V For he has freed my soul from death, my eyes from
tears, my feet from stumbling. I shall walk before the Lord
in the land of the living. R
What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says
he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save
him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no
food for the day, and one of you says to them, “Go in

                                            Page 3    V      12 September 2021
Growing in Faith
         Deacon’s Corner                                         new ways of coping with everyday issues as
                                                                 well as serious problems that are impacting
     Deacon Dennis Donahue                                       their daily life balance. The Center provides
     We have now come to the midpoint of the Markan Story information, referral, navigation skills,
of "Jesus as the Christ and the Son of God" and Peter gets it coaching and short term counseling services
but not fully. He cannot grasp the Old Testament truth of the in person or via telecommunication to help
                                                                 enhance the mind, body and soul. The
Messiah as a Suffering Servant which Jesus reminds Peter         Doorway Ministry also serves as a missionary
and the disciples of this fact as they are about to begin on the disciple training center for those who feel
journey to Jerusalem. To this point, in Mark's Gospel, the       called to comfort, welcome and bring healing
disciples have seen Jesus rejected by the Jewish leaders and to those that are marginalized.
by his own family while they have stuck by him and become
his defacto family learning the role of discipleship along the                       The Doorway can help with:
way. Now their story, which is equally our story, becomes
                                                                                 Loss and Grief - Complicated Mourning
"the challenge of following a suffering Son of Man to                    Stress - Addictive Tendencies - Mental Health Issues
Jerusalem and beyond". As we continue to listen each                             Financial Concerns - Caregiver Fatigue
Sunday to the second half of the Markan Story spend                  Relational Issues with God - Couple Concerns - Family Issues
prayerful time reading this Gospel and seeing how our story                 Work-Family-Life Balance - Health and Wellness
of discipleship blends with their story.                                        Spiritual Planning - Religious Affiliation
BL. SOLANUS CASEY DOORWAY MINISTRY is a One                         Contact Deacon Dennis Donahue, LMHC
Stop Catholic Center for those individuals, couples and families for more information.
who are looking to enhance their overall wellbeing and to learn

                         Faith Formation Corner                     istered please contact the Faith Formation office this week.
                           LIFELONG AND ONGOING                     In Christ, Mr. Carlo Stebbings
                           Mr. Carlo Stebbings
A Year of Prayer                                                    Sacrament Formation Important Dates
                                                                    1st Penance/Communion orientation will be Wednesday Sep-
“Great is the mystery of the faith!” The Church professes           tember 15th at 6:30pm in St. Hyacinth Church. This is just for
this mystery in the Apostles Creed and celebrates it in the         parent.
sacramental liturgy, so that the life of the faithful may be
conformed to Christ in the Holy Spirit to the glory of God     Adult Faith Formation
the Father. This mystery, then, requires that the faithful     Adult Faith Formation will begin September 29 at 1pm and
believe in it, that they celebrate it, and that they live from again at 6:30pm. We will begin with a 6-week course on the
it in a vital and personal relationship with the living and    Sacraments. The great sacraments of the Church—Baptism,
true God. This relationship is prayer. (CCC 2558) Jesus,       Confirmation, the Eucharist, Reconciliation, the Anointing of
Mary, and Joseph Pray for Us!                                  the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders—have endured for
                                                               thousands of years and structured countless lives. Everything
2021-2022 Faith Formation Year                                 in the Church’s life comes from and returns to them. But
Next Sunday is Catechetical Sunday and our kickoff to the      there is far more to these ancient rites than meets the eye.
2021-2022 Faith Formation year! Please keep our families       Contact the Faith Formation Office if you are interested, call
and catechists in your prayers! For those who are not yet reg- 315-252-3439.

CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN                                          PADRE PIO RELICS are coming to St.
DEVELOPEMENT is next weekend. More than thirty-                      Francis Church on Monday, October 4th, the
eight million people in the United States live in poverty.           feast of St. Francis of Assisi and patronal feast
This collection supports programs that empower people to             of St. Francis of Assis Church. Veneration of
identify and address the obstacles they face as they work to         the relics will be available all day, the feast day
bring permanent and positive change to their communities.            will conclude with a festive Mass at 7:00 pm celebrated by
Learn more about the CCHD at                     Bishop Matano. A Solemn Blessing with the relics of Padre
                                                                     Pio will conclude the Mass. A reception of Italian Finger
ST. MARY’S CHOIR                                                     Foods will follow in Nacca Hall. All are invited to this
rehearses on Wednesdays at                                           special event.
7:00 pm. New members are
always welcome! If interested,                                       PIEROGI WORKERS meeting on Friday, 9/24/2021
contact Chelsea Barton at                                            following the 9:00 am Mass at St. Hyacinths Church. We                                              are looking for more volunteers to help, please consider
                                                                     joining us. For more information please call Ray
          The Eucharist is not the reward of saints,                 Masterman at 729-0335.
         but the bread of sinners. ~ Pope Francis
                                                Page 4     V       12 September 2021
Liturgy Schedule                                               Memorial Candles
SCHEDULE OF MASSES & CONFESSION                                                Offering is $10 for an 8-day candle.
Saturday, September 11                                                       Call the parish office to reserve a candle.
 4:00 pm StH Henry & Catherine Jedra
                       by Lorraine, Henry, David &                    St. Mary’s Church                St. Francis Church
                       Michael Jedra & Family                         Tabernacle Candles               Tabernacle Candle
                   Intentions of Fr. Lioi
                       by Vickie & Stan Swizdor & Linda Kimak           Marcia Wetmore                    Marian Salemi
                   Casey & Brian Fronczek                          by Nancy & Vincent Vitale            by Luziani Family
                       by Mary Ann Anderson                                    and                    Sacred Heart Candle
 5:30 pm* StM Edward J. Shaw by Vince Shaw                                Eileen Curtin              John & Margaret Miskell
Sunday, September 12                                                     by Pat Keogan                      by Family
 7:00 am StM Eleanor Liseno by Bob & Nancy Westover                            and
 8:30 am StP       James Lunkenheimer & Living & Deceased            Bill & Zenia Pinckney               REMEMBER IN
                   Family Members by a Friend                           by Mark & Joan                      PRAYER
 8:45 am StF       Josephine Salva by sister-in-law Grace                                               Recently Deceased
                   Marian Salemi by Grace & George Bauso             St. Hyacinth Church              Cindy L. (Hall) DeChick
                   Josephine Charella by The Peffley Family           Tabernacle Candle
10:30 am StJ       Lillian Leone                                                                       Joan (Chayka) Riford
                       by St. Joseph Altar & Rosary Society                Frank Lepak                  Helen R. Gzanowicz
10:45 am StM T. David Stapleton by a Friend                                 by Family                     John P. Cresco
                   Ronald William Michael Falise                    Blessed Mother Candle                Lester C. Bobbett
                       by Spagnola Family                                 Helen Brooks                  Banns of Marriage
Monday, September 13 ~ St. John Chrysostom                        by Jim & Donna Malinowski III – Mark David Withers &
 7:00 am StM Karin & Mike Hesse by Mom JoAnne                                                      Lisa Ann Nicholas
 9:00 am StH Mary Walawender by The Estate                             St. Francis Candle
                                                                                            III – Michael Joseph Valentine
Tuesday, September 14 ~ The Exaltation of the Holy Cross                 Cecelia Bobbett      & Erin Kathleen Whitcomb
 7:00 am StM Bob Wallace & son Tom Wallace                        by Jim & Donna Malinowski       III – Ivan Bosnar &
                       by Lydia Wallace                                                                  Chelsea Bryn Barton
 9:00 am StF       Marian Salemi by Ron & Sara Padolak                                              II – Brandon Michael Lowe &
Wednesday, September 15 ~ Our Lady of Sorrows                                                             Jessica Lee Guyette
 7:00 am StM Nada Sliss by Jerry & Gloria Sliss                                                      I I– Mathew John Warren &
 9:00 am StP       People of Our Lady of the Snow Parish                                                 Gina Marie Loaicono
Thursday, September 16 ~ St. Cornelius
 7:00 am StM Dennis A. Pines by Theresa Zanowick
 9:00 am StF       Salemi Family by Frank & Deb Netti             EVENTS THIS WEEK & BEYOND
Friday, September 17 ~ St. Robert Bellarmine                      Sunday, September 12 -~ Grandparents Day
 7:00 am StM Eleanor Liseno by Noreen Sullivan                     1:00 pm Baptism Prep at St. Hyacinth
 9:00 am StF Joseph Barski by Jerry & Gloria Sliss                 6:00 pm AA Meeting at St. Mary
Saturday, September 18                                             7:00 pm Rosary at St. Francis
12:00 noon StM Wedding of Mark D. Withers &                       Tuesday, September 14
                       Lisa A. Nicholas                            4:00 pm Pasta Dinner drive-thru at St. Mary’s
 4:00 pm StH Kevin Weslowski & Ferro, Waslowski,
                   Tripicano & Ferlandas Families by Family        6:00 pm St. Joseph Altar/Rosary Society Meeting
                   Virginia Pelc by Mary Ann & Felix Mucedola      7:00 pm K of C Fr. John Guy Council at St. Joseph
                   Joan Stachniewicz O’Conner                     Wednesday, September 15
                     by Theresa & David Suslik & Cliff O”Conner    6:30 pm       1st Penance/Communion Orientation
 5:30 pm* StM Mary Dopko by Brindak Cousins                              at St. Hyacinth Church
                   Rose Zema by Reilly Family                      7:00 pm       Choir rehearsal at St. Mary’s
Sunday, September 19 ~ Catechetical Sunday                        Thursday, September 16
Wis 2: 12, 17-20; Jas 3: 16-4:3; Mk 9: 30-37                       8:00 pm AA Meeting at St. Mary’s
 7:00 am StM Joanne Calescibetta by Pam & Jerry Patience           8:00 pm ARMA Mass on Chanel 12 or 31
 8:30 am StP       Michael Vanetti by Family                      Friday, September 17
 8:45 am StF       Melanie & Joseph Wilczynski                    10:00 am Men’s Prayer Group at St. Mary’s
                       by daughter Carole Pettigrass & Family     Saturday, September 18
                   Fr. Mark A. Pasik M.A.
                       by Rick & Mary Ellen Pasik & Family         5:30 pm Live-Streamed Mass
10:30 am StJ       Dick & Keith Streeter &                        Sunday, September 19
                   Fred Virginia Streeter                         Catechetical Sunday & CCHD
                       by Kevin, Cathy, Andrea,                    9:30 am Faith Formation Kick Off at St. Mary’s
                       Alexander and Anna                         10:00 am TV Mass on Ch 12 or Ch 31
10:45 am StM Frank Nardella by Philemena & Children                6:00 pm AA Meeting at St. Mary
                   James Cuff by Joan Cuff & Family               Tuesday, September 21
                   Eileen Curtin by Pat Keogan                     7:00 pm        St. Mary’s Parish Council in parish hall
        * Denotes Live Streamed Liturgies                         Sunday, September 26
                                                                   2:30 pm        Secular Franciscans at St. Mary’s
                                                                  Monday, September 27
               StM - St. Mary’s StF - St. Francis                  3:00 pm        Mass at Westminster Manor
     StH - St. Hyacinth StJ - St. Joseph StP - St. Patrick

                                              Page 5    V     12 September 2021
Items of Interest
CATHOLIC MINISTRIES AP-                    Break the Cycle of Poverty:               Q: Is prayer not just
PEAL will be starting soon. Parish         Support the Catholic Campaign for         a sort of conversation
goals for 2021-2022 are: St. Mary’s        Human Development                         with yourself?
$67,415; Ss Mary & Martha $33,120;         Next weekend, Sept. 18/19, we’ll be
Our Lady of the Snow $21,521. Parish-      taking up a collection for the Catholic   A: The distinctive
ioners should have received in the mail    Campaign for Human                        feature about prayer is
the Annual Report for the 2020-2021        Development. CCHD addresses the           precisely the fact that
CMA. In a week or two, parishioners        root causes of poverty in America by      one goes from Me to
will be receiving a letter from Bishop     supporting community-controlled, self     You, from self-
Matano inaugurating the 2021-2022          -help organizations of low-income         centeredness to radical openness.
CMA. All three parishes met their          people. Here in our Diocese, four life-   Someone who is really praying can
goal last year; we can certainly do the    changing community organizations are      experience the fact that God speaks—
same this year.                            being funded with major CCHD              and that often he does not speak as we
                                           national grants! They include a           expect and would like.
                                           farmworker organization, a workers’       Those who are experienced in prayer
                                           center, a land trust of low-income        report that a person very often comes out
                                           people becoming homeowners in inner       of a prayer session different from the
                                           city Rochester, and a refugee             way he went in. Sometimes expectations
                                           organization empowering their             are met: you are sad and find
                                           members to know their rights              consolation; you lack confidence and
                                           as tenants. Learn more about              receive new strength. It can also happen,
                                           them in this our short video on           though, that you would like to forget
                                           YouTube.        ======>                   pressures but are made even more
                                           or enter:                                 uneasy; that you would like to be left in
                                         peace and instead receive an assignment.
                                           WmFTJw_OI&t=11s                           A real encounter with God—the kind
                                           In addition, 25% of the funds we          that occurs again and again in prayer—
SECULAR FRANCISCAN                         collect will remain in our diocese to     can shatter our preconceptions about
FRATERNITY of Our Lady of the              fund smaller anti-poverty projects. By    both God and prayer.
Angels meets on the fourth Sunday of       supporting this collection, you are
the month at 2:30 pm in Schrader Hall                                                Inspiration
                                           standing with people on the margins       I was preparing for my final exams and
at St. Mary’s Church in Auburn. The        and making positive social change.
next meeting is Sunday, September 26.                                                my whole future depended on it. When
All Professed Secular Franciscans are                                                the results were announced, I learned
invited to attend. Contact Bernie                        Rite of Christian           that I had failed. This was a shock to me
Tomasso at 315-246-3440 or                               Initiation of Adults        because I had never failed before. I for further info.                     “Your Journey of            prayed during this dark phase of my life
                                                         Conversion to Jesus         and finally I could muster the courage to
ALTAR SERVERS are invited to                             Christ”. The first RCIA     retake the exam. There was an unknown
                          return as we     meeting will be Wednesday September       assurance from God in me that this time
                          move toward      22nd at 6:30 pm. We will be meeting at    it would go well, and indeed: I achieved
                          greater          St Hyacinth Center. Contact Carlo         an excellent score!      ~ Sejal Lobo
                          normalcy in      Stebbings,
                          our liturgical   for more information.                     TYBURN ACADEMY is seeking a
                          celebrations.                                                        teacher for a full-time
Those altar servers who had been           STAND BY ME a benefit to aid in the                 position to teach the
serving prior to the pandemic are          fight against cancer featuring the                  following: Biology, Business
invited to return. New altar servers       SKYCOASTERS of Rochester, NY                        Math and Middle School
also are welcomed to apply. Parents        and Perform4Purpose will be held on                 Science. Applicants should
of boys or girls in the fourth grader or   9/25/2021 at the Sennett Fire             be credentialed, experienced or
older at St. Mary’s or Our Lady of the     House,3526 Franklin St Rd., Auburn,       certified in the subject area for which
Snow who are interested, please call       NY from 12 noon to 5:00 pm. Tickets       they are applying. Resumes are
the parish office 315-252-9545, and        at $25.00 can be purchased at             accepted in all academic areas as well.
leave your name and contact                Snapper's Sports Tavern or by calling     Interested applicants should direct
information. Those interested from         Cheryl Gabak at 315-252-4244 or           inquiries to Conor O’Donnell,
Saints Mary & Martha, call the parish      Mary Rand at 315-252-7714. There          Principal. 17 Clymer St., Auburn, NY
office at 315-252-7395 and leave your      will be gift baskets, 50/50 raffle and    13021. Contact: 315-252-2937 or
name and contact information.              door prizes.                    

                                             Page 6    V    12 September 2021
Items of Interest
Surviving Divorce is an exciting new ministry that will          CLOTHING SALE will be held at St. Joseph Church in
bring hope and healing to those who have experienced the         Weedsport on Thursday, September 30th, from 5;00 to 7;00
pain and loneliness of a broken marriage. Surviving Divorce      pm, Friday, October 1st, 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, Saturday, Oc-
features twelve video presentations that cover topics such as    tober 2nd from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. At Noon on Saturday
shock and grief, anger and forgiveness, money issues,            “It’s Fill a bag for $5.00” in the basement of St. Joseph
dealing with children and a former spouse, and annulment         Church. The changing of the Season is upon us, it’s time to
and remarriage. This program is for the newly separated and      clean out our closets! We are accepting donations of clean,
divorced and those still struggling with issues many years       wearable clothing items in good repair for our sale: Wom-
later. It will help them find answers to their questions,        an’s, Men’s and Children’s, gently used clothing, purses,
restore their hope, and begin authentic healing. A come and      linens, pillowcases, curtains, fabric and footwear. (This is a
see event is planned for Monday, 9/27 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm       nice sale! In the past we have received beautiful clothes,
at St. Hyacinth Rectory. Contact Sr. Anne Saphara at             some still had the tags on.) Items may be dropped off before                                   or after Sunday 10:30 Mass. Items will also be collected on
                                                                 Tuesday, September 28th through Thursday October 1st from
WHAT’S IN YOUR HEART                                             3;00 to 7;00 pm. If you would like to work the sale or have
To follow Jesus involves self-denial.                            any questions, please call Toni Smart at 315-246-1474.
·What crosses do you take up? What do you
“lose” for the sake of Christ and the gospel?
What good works bring your faith to life?
·Isaiah’s Suffering Servant accepts his calling even in the
face of ridicule and persecution.
·When have you felt God buoying you up in your vocation?
How do you stay true to your faith?

                                              Page 7    V    12 September 2021

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F O R S E RV I C E C A L L :                                   ELECTRICAL                                     WHITE CHAPEL                                     BARRE GUILD MONUMENTS
                                                                 CONTRACTORS                                       FUNERAL HOME INC.                           MAUSOLEUMS • GRAVE MARKERS
                                                                                                                                                              BARNETT MEMORIALS
                                                Commercial & Industrial Wiring                                       The Farrell Family                        236 E. Main St, Elbridge, NY 13060
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     CHECHE FUNERAL                                                                                             Brutus Liquor Store
        HOME INC.                                                                                                   Active Member of
    1778 Clark Street Road, Auburn, NY
                                                                                                                Our Lady of the Snow Parish
                                                                                                                   834-6837                                      CATO • NY | 626-6308
     P: 315-252-2842 • F: 315-253-4119
          Dedicated to the
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                                                    MON. – THU. 11AM -10PM FRI. 11AM -11PM                              SAT. 12 -11PM SUN. 12 - 8PM.                                  Closed Mon. & Tues.

Active Members of Our Lady of the Snow Parish
       Christopher Audioun
   218 Main St., Port Byron

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         Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 •                                                              St. Mary, Auburn, NY                                    06-0329
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