Metcalfe County Schools 2021-2022 Certified Evaluation Plan - Josh Hurt Superintendent

Page created by Brad Larson
Metcalfe County Schools 2021-2022 Certified Evaluation Plan - Josh Hurt Superintendent
Metcalfe County Schools
2021-2022 Certified Evaluation Plan

             Josh Hurt

Table of Contents
50/50 Committee Members and Titles…………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Policy Statement………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
Roles and Definitions……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
The Kentucky Framework for Personnel Evaluation Role Group, Measure, &Performance Criteria..10

The Kentucky Framework for Teaching with Specialist Frameworks for Other Professionals……………11
Performance Criteria by which teachers/administrators shall be evaluated…………………………………….11

Products of Practice/Other Sources of Evidence………………………………………………………………………………12
Professional Growth Planning………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13
Observation, Observation Model, Schedule, and Conferencing……………………………………………………….14
Observer Certification………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
Rating Professional Practice…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15

Determining the Overall Performance Category…………………………………………………………………………......15

Principals and Assistant Principals Evaluation Plan…………………………………………..……………………………..16

Principal Performance Standards……………………………………………………………………………………………………17

Principal/Assistant Principal Professional Practice, Site Visits…………………………………………………………18

Principal Determining the Overall Performance Category………………………………………………………………18-19

Principal Products of Practice………………………………………………………………………………………………………...20

District Certified Personnel Evaluation…………………………….………………………………………………..............21-22

District Certified Personnel Overall/Summative Rating……………………………………………………………………23

District Certified Personnel Products of Practice/Other Sources of Evidence………………………………….23

District Certified Personnel Observation Form………………………………………………………….……………………24

District Certified Personnel Summative Evaluation Form….……………………………………………................29

Pre-Observation Document…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..31

Post-Observation Document…………………………………………………………………………………………………………33

Teacher Formative Evaluation Document…………………………………………………………………………………….34

Teacher Summative Evaluation Document……………………………………………………………………………………38

Principal/Assistant Principal Summative Evaluation………………………….………………………………………….39

Guidance Counselor Observation Tool………………………………………………………………………………………….41

Library Media Specialist Observation Tool……………………………………………………………………………………43

Instructional Specialist Observation Tool……………………………………………………………………………………..45

Therapeutic Specialist Observation Tool………………………………………………………………………………………47

School Psychologist Observation Tool…………………………………………………………………………………………49

Other Professionals Summative Observation………………………………………………………………………………51

Professional Growth Plan Document………………………………………………………………………………………….52

Metcalfe County Mid-Year Review……………………………………………………………………………………,,,,…….53

Individual Corrective Action Plan Document………………………………………………………………………………54

Policies and Procedures for Evaluation and Appeals/Hearings……………………………………………………55


             NAME OF DISTRICT:                METCALFE COUNTY

             TELEPHONE NUMBER:                (270) 432-3171

             ADDRESS:                         709 WEST STOCKTON ST.

                                              EDMONTON, KY 42129

             SUPERINTENDENT:                  Josh Hurt

             DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON:       Jamie Howard

Jamie Howard        Central Office

Jamie Moss          Central Office
Donna Froedge       MCES Teacher
Michael Gill        MCES Principal
Brandi Ethridge     MCHS Teacher
Jenny Lundy         MCMS Principal
Clint Graham        MCHS Principal
Tammy Allen         Gifted/Talented Teacher
Buddie Brockman     MCMS Teacher
Anita Love          MCHS Teacher


The Metcalfe County School District hereby assures the Commissioner of Education that:

This evaluation plan was developed by an evaluation committee composed of an equal number of teachers and administrators (KRS

Name:                                         Title:
Dorina Green                                  MCMS Teacher
Anita Love                                    MCHS Media Specialist/Teacher
Lauri Perkins                                 MCES Teacher
Jenny Stotts-Lundy                            MCMS Principal
Camille Distefano                             MCMS Guidance Counselor
Jamie Howard                                  Central Office Administrator
Matt Shirley                                  Director of Digital Learning

The evaluation criteria and process used to evaluate certified school personnel shall be explained to and discussed with the evaluatee no
later than the end of the evaluatee’s first thirty (30) calendar days of reporting for employment each school year. (704 KAR 3:370)

All certified school personnel who have not attained continuing service status shall receive an annual summative evaluation and shall
incorporate the formative data collected during the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (if funded). (KRS 156.557)

All certified school personnel who have attained continuing service status shall receive a summative evaluation at least once every three
(3) years. (KRS 156.557)

Each evaluator will be trained, tested, and approved in the use of appropriate evaluation techniques (KRS 156.557).

This plan requires a summative evaluation of certified school personnel to be documented in writing and to be included in the evaluatee’s
official personnel record. (704 KAR 3:370)

The local evaluation plan provides for the right to a hearing as to every appeal, an opportunity to review all documents presented to the
evaluation appeals panel, and a right to presence of evaluatee’s chosen representative (KRS 156.557).

The evaluation plan process will not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or any other
protected characteristic, as required by all applicable federal, state, and local law.

The local board of education shall review, as needed, the district’s certified evaluation plan to ensure compliance with KRS 156.557 and
this administrative regulation. If a source of evidence is added or removed from the certified evaluation plan or if a decision rule or
calculation is changed in the summative rating formula, the revised certified evaluation plan shall be reviewed and approved by the local
board of education. If the local board of education determines the changes do not meet the requirements of KRS 156.557, the certified
evaluation plan shall be returned to the certified evaluation committee for revision.

The local board of education approved the evaluation plan as recorded in the minutes of the meeting held on June 3, 2021. (704 KAR

                                                                 June 3, 2021
Signature of District Superintendent                             Date

                                                                 June 3, 2021
Signature of Chairperson, Board of Education                     Date

1.    The specific purposes of evaluation will be:
      a.    To improve instruction;
      b.    To provide a measure of performance accountability to citizens;
      c.    Foster professional growth and give assistance to certified employees;
      d.    To support individual personnel decisions.

2.    It is the policy of the Metcalfe County Board of Education that all certified employees be evaluated on a regular,
      systematic basis. All evaluators shall be trained, tested and approved according to 704 KAR 3:345, Article 2-3. All
      evaluators shall maintain certification according to 704 KAR 3:345.

3.    The district will provide training for the primary evaluators in the local evaluation process.

4.    All tenured certified employees will complete a summative evaluation every three years. Nontenured certified
      employees and administrators will complete a summative evaluation every year.

5.    The evaluation process developed for the local Superintendent by the local board of education shall include provisions
      for assistance for professional growth of the Superintendent pursuant to KRS 156.111.

6.    The immediate supervisor is designated as the primary evaluator. The principal/assistant principal or primary evaluator
      of the employee’s base school will evaluate all itinerant teachers. The principal of the base school shall be responsible
      for evaluating the itinerant teacher during the appropriate cycles for that teacher. The principal of all schools in which
      they serve may evaluate itinerant teachers.

7.    The evaluation of each employee shall be conducted/supervised by the immediate supervisor. Additional trained and
      certified personnel may be used to observe and provide information to the primary evaluator. If requested by the
      teacher, observations by another teacher trained in the teacher’s content area or by curriculum content specialists
      shall be provided. The selection of the third-party observer shall, if possible, be determined through mutual agreement
      by evaluator and evaluatee. A teacher who exercises this option shall do so, in writing to the evaluator, by no later
      than February 15 of the academic year in which the summative evaluation occurs. If the evaluator and evaluatee have
      not agreed upon the selection of the third-party observer within five (5) working days of the teacher’s written request,
      the evaluator shall select the third-party observer.

8.    All evaluations of certified employees shall be documented on district forms or completed in the state approved
      technology platform. The evaluatee shall have the opportunity to make a written response which shall be included in
      the official personnel record.

9.    Each evaluation of certified employees shall include both formative and summative procedures.

10.   All monitoring or observations of the performance of a certified employee shall be conducted with the full knowledge
      of the employee.

11.   The district will follow The Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board guidelines for the Kentucky Teacher
      Internship Program (KTIP).

12.   By the end of the first thirty (30) calendar days of reporting for employment for each school year, the criteria on which
      certified school personnel are to be evaluated will be explained and discussed. This shall be accomplished in groups or
      individual setting. The primary evaluator shall be responsible for documentation of the orientation of all certified

personnel assigned to his/her supervision. A copy of the documentation shall be sent to the district contact person
      immediately following all orientations. Amendments approved by the Kentucky Department of Education to local
      systems of certified personnel evaluation that occur after the end of the certified employees’ first month shall not
      apply to the employee until the following school year.

13.   Unscheduled observations may occur and may provide information relative to job performance criteria. Unscheduled
      observations may be less than thirty minutes.

14.   All certified employees shall annually develop a professional growth plan aligned with specific goals and objectives of
      school improvement and professional development or comprehensive improvement plan. The growth plan will
      establish goals for enrichment and development and identify the assistance of the evaluator. All growth plans shall be
      reviewed annually. School psychologist and directors will complete their professional growth plans on the district
      approved professional growth plan form.

15.   Teachers should receive a post observation conference within five (5) working days of the observation.

16.   A summative evaluation conference shall be held at the end of the summative evaluation cycle.

17.   A completed and signed copy of the evaluation forms will be provided to each person being evaluated immediately
      following the formative/mini-observation and/or summative evaluation conference.

18.   A copy of the formal observation with the evaluatee and the evaluator signature should be submitted to the certified
      evaluation contact at the board office. This form will be placed in the certified employees personnel file.

19.   All personnel who are evaluated shall have an opportunity to respond in writing to the evaluation. Responses shall be
      placed in the personnel file of the person being evaluated and become a part of the official personnel record. The file
      may be examined upon request to the Superintendent or his/her designee.

20.   The District shall provide an Evaluation Appeals Panel. All certified employees shall be entitled to an appeal process
      regarding their summative evaluation, which shall include a right to a hearing, opportunity to review all documents
      presented in an appeal, and the right to the presence of a chosen representative. The certified employee has the
      opportunity to appeal to the Kentucky Board of Education. The Evaluation Appeals Committee Term will be July 1-June

23.   Multiple observations may be conducted with any certified employee and/or whose observation results are

24.   The Superintendent shall name a district contact person who shall be responsible for monitoring evaluation training
      and implementing the evaluation plan.

25.   The Board of Education shall annually review the Evaluation Plan.

26. Observation windows, timelines and other requirements may be adjusted by the primary evaluator in special
circumstances where the evaluatee has been absent due to approved leave, extenuating circumstances, late hire, excessive
school days missed by the district for weather/illness, or anyone that misses 60 consecutive days anytime during the year. The
superintendent or other designee should approve the changes and notify the staff member within 10 days of
returning/beginning to work.

26.      The Principal shall provide the Superintendent by April 30 of each year a comprehensive evaluation along with a
      recommendation for reemployment or termination for all teachers under his/her supervision.

27. (a) The superintendent shall be evaluated according to a policy and procedures developed by the local board of
    education and approved by the department. (b) The summative evaluation of the superintendent shall be in
    writing, discussed and adopted in an open meeting of the board and reflected in the minutes, and made available
    to the public upon request. (c) Any preliminary discussions relating to the evaluation of the superintendent by the
    board or between the board and the superintendent prior to the summative evaluation shall be conducted in
    closed session.

28. Roles   and Definitions
      1.      Artifact: A product of a certified school personnel’s work that demonstrates knowledge and skills.
      2.      Assistant Principal: A certified school personnel who devotes the majority of employed time in the role of
              assistant principal, for which administrative certification is required by EPSB.
      3.      Certified Administrator: A certified school personnel, other than principal or assistant principal, who devotes
              the majority of time in a position for which administrative certification is required by EPSB.
      4.      Certified School Personnel: A certified employee, below the level of superintendent, who devotes the
              majority of time in a position in a district for which certification is required by EPSB.
      5.      Conference: A meeting between the evaluator and the evaluatee for the purposes of providing feedback,
              analyzing the results of an observation or observations, reviewing other evidence to determine the evaluatee’s
              accomplishments and areas for growth, and leading to the establishment or revision of a professional growth
      6.      Evaluatee: A certified school personnel who is being evaluated.
      7.      Evaluator: The primary evaluator as described in KRS 156.557(5)(c)2.
      8.      Formative Evaluation: Is defined by KRS 156.557(1)(a).
      9.      Full Observation: An observation conducted by a certified observer that is conducted for the length of a full
              class period or full lesson.
      10.     Job Category: A group or class of certified school personnel positions with closely related functions.
      11.     Mini Observation: An observation conducted by a certified observer for 20-30 minutes in length.
      12.     Observation: a data collection process conducted by a certified observer, in person or through video, for the
              purpose of evaluation, including notes, professional judgments, and examination of artifacts made during one
              (1) or more classroom or worksite visits of any duration.
      13.     Observer Certification: A process of training and ensuring that certified school personnel who serve as
              observers of evaluatees have demonstrated proficiency in rating teachers and other professionals for the
              purposes of evaluation and feedback.
      14.     Other Professionals: Certified school personnel, except for teachers, administrators, assistant principals, or
      15.     Performance Criteria: The areas, skills, or outcomes on which certified school personnel are evaluated.
      16.     Performance Rating: The summative description of a teacher, other professional, principal, or assistant
              principal evaluatee’s performance.
      17.     Principal: A certified school personnel who devotes the majority of employed time in the role of principal, for
              which administrative certification is required by the Education Professional Standards Board pursuant to 16
              KAR 3:050.
      18.     Professional Growth Plan: An individualized plan for a certified personnel that is focused on improving
              professional practice and leadership skills, aligned with performance standards and the specific goals and
              objectives of the school improvement plan or the district improvement plan, built using a variety of sources
              and types of data that reflect student needs and strengths, evaluatee data, and school and district data,
              produced in consultation with the evaluator as described in Section 9(1), (2), (3), and (4) and Section 12(1),
              (2), (3), and (4) of this administrative regulation, and includes: (a) Goals for enrichment and development that
              are established by the evaluatee in consultation with the evaluator; (b) Objectives or targets aligned to the
              goals; (c) An action plan for achieving the objectives or targets and a plan for monitoring progress; (d) A
              method for evaluating success; and (e) The identification, prioritization, and coordination of presently
              available school and district resources to accomplish the goals.
      19.     Professional Practice: The demonstration, in the school environment, of the evaluatee’s professional
              knowledge and skill.
      20.     Sources of Evidence: The multiple measures listed in KRS 156.557(4) and in Sections 7 and 10 of this
              administrative regulation.

21.         Summative Evaluation: Is defined by KRS 156.557(1)(d).
             22.         Teacher: A certified school personnel who has been assigned the lead responsibility for student learning in a
                         classroom, grade level, subject, or course and holds a teaching certificate under 16 KAR 2:010 or 16 KAR 2:020.
                              The Kentucky Framework for Personnel Evaluation
                                Role Group, Measure and Performance Criteria

                                       Planning                   Environment                     Instruction             Professionalism

         Teacher                                                                                                              Domain 4
                                       Domain 1                     Domain 2                      Domain 3
    KY Framework for                                                                                                        Professional
                                Planning and Preparation     Classroom Environment                Instruction
        Teaching                                                                                                           Responsibilities

   Other Professional
                                                                                                                              Domain 4
                                       Domain 1                     Domain 2                      Domain 3
The Kentucky Frameworks
 for Teaching- Specialists      Planning and Preparation        The Environment               Delivery of Service

                                      Standard 1

                                Mission, Vision and Core            Standard 3
                                                               Equity and Cultural
        Principal                     Standard 9                Responsiveness                    Standard 1
                                                                                                                             Standard 6
  Principal Performance             Operations and                                         Instructional Leadership
Standards for Educational            Management                                                                            Professionalism
      Leaders(PSEL)                                                 Standard 5

                                                               Communication &
                                      Standard 10             Community Relations

                                  School Improvement

                                 KRS 156.557 Section 4                                                                  KRS 156.557 Section 4
                                                              KRS 156.557 Section 4         KRS 156.557 Section 4

    District Certified
       Personnel                704 KAR 3:370 Section 10                                                                704 KAR 3:370 Section
                                                            704 KAR 3:370 Section 10      704 KAR 3:370 Section 10               10
   District determined
  performance criteria                                                                                                  Performance criteria
specific to evaluatee’s job      Performance criteria                                                                     applicable to the
                                                               Performance criteria          Performance criteria
          category                 applicable to the                                                                       evaluatee that
                                                            applicable to the evaluatee   applicable to the evaluatee
                                    evaluatee that                                                                          characterizes
                                                                 that characterizes            that characterizes
                               characterizes professional                                                                   professional
                                                             professional effectiveness    professional effectiveness
                                     effectiveness                                                                          effectiveness

The Kentucky Frameworks for Teaching- Specialists Frameworks
The Kentucky Framework for Teaching is designed to support student achievement and professional practice through
the domains of:
Framework for Teaching                     The Kentucky Frameworks for Teaching- Specialists Frameworks
Planning and Preparation                   Planning and Preparation
Classroom Environment                      The Environment
Instruction                                Delivery of Service
Professional Responsibilities              Professional Responsibilities

The Frameworks also include themes such as equity, cultural competence, high expectations, developmental
appropriateness, accommodating individual needs, effective technology integration, and student assumption of
responsibility. They provide structure for feedback for continuous improvement through individual goals that target
student and professional growth, thus supporting overall school improvement. Evidence documenting professional
practice is situated within one or more of the four domains of the framework. Performance is rated for each
component according to four performance levels: Ineffective, Developing, Accomplished, and Exemplary. The
summative rating is a holistic representation of performance, combining data from multiple sources of evidence
across each domain.
The use of professional judgment based on multiple sources of evidence promotes a holistic and comprehensive
analysis of practice, rather than over-reliance on one individual data point or rote calculation of practice based on
predetermined formulas. Evaluators also take into account how educators respond to or apply additional supports
and resources designed to promote student learning, as well as their own professional growth and development.
Finally, professional judgment gives evaluators the flexibility to account for a wide variety of factors related to
individual educator performance, such as: school-specific priorities that may drive practice in one domain, an
educator’s number of goals, experience level and/or leadership opportunities, and contextual variables that may
impact the learning environment, such as unanticipated outside events or traumas.
Evaluators must use the following categories of evidence in determining overall ratings:
Required Sources of Evidence
              o Professional Growth Planning
              o Observations conducted by certified supervisor observer(s)
The performance criteria by which teachers and administrators shall be evaluated shall include but not be limited to:

(a) Performance of professional responsibilities related to his or her assignment, including attendance and punctuality and
evaluating results;

(b) Demonstration of effective planning of curricula, classroom instruction, and classroom management, based on research-
based instructional practices, or school management skills based on validated managerial practices;

(c) Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of subject matter content or administrative functions and effective
leadership techniques;

(d) Promotion and incorporation of instructional strategies or management techniques that are fair and respect diversity and
individual differences;

(e) Demonstration of effective interpersonal, communication, and collaboration skills among peers, students, parents, and

(f) Performance of duties consistent with the goals for Kentucky students and mission of the school, the local community,
laws, and administrative regulations;

(g) Demonstration of the effective use of resources, including technology;

(h) Demonstration of professional growth;

(i) Adherence to the professional code of ethics; and

(j) Attainment of the teacher standards or the administrator standards as established by the Education Professional Standards
Board that are not referenced in paragraphs (a) to (i) of this subsection.

Products of Practice/Other Sources of Evidence

Teachers may provide additional evidences to support assessment of their own professional

practice. These evidences should yield information related to the teacher’s practice within the
domains. Also, teachers may provide other sources of student learning to support educator
Other Sources of Evidence that can be used to support educator practice
                       team-developed curriculum units
                       lesson plans
                       communication logs
                       timely, targeted feedback from mini or informal observations and walkthroughs
                       student data records
                       student work
                       student formative and/or summative course evaluations/feedback
                       minutes from PLCs
                       teacher reflections and/or self-reflections
                       teacher interviews
                       teacher committee or team contributions
                       parent engagement surveys
                       records of student and/or teacher attendance
                       video lessons
                       engagement in professional organizations
                       action research
                       guided planning protocol
                        **All sources of evidence supporting an educator’s professional practice will be
                        completed/documented to inform the Overall Performance Category
Professional Practice

Professional Growth Planning

The Professional Growth Plan addresses realistic, focused, and measurable professional goals. The plan connects data from
multiple sources including classroom observation feedback, data on student growth and achievement, and professional growth
needs identified through self-assessment and reflection. In collaboration with the administrators, teachers identify explicit
goals which drive the focus of professional growth activities, support, and on-going reflection.

         All Teachers and Other Professionals participate in professional growth planning each year.
         • All teachers will collaboratively identify professional growth needs with their principal, be approved by the
           principal, and will enter the professional growth plan by October 15 of each year. Professional growth plans will
           be reviewed, updated, or changed by April 30 of each year. Observation windows, timelines and other
           requirements may be adjusted by the primary evaluator in special circumstances where the evaluatee has been
           absent due to approved leave, extenuating circumstances, late hire, excessive school days missed by the district for
           weather/illness, or anyone that misses 60 consecutive days anytime during the year. The superintendent or other
           designee should approve the changes and notify the staff member within 10 days of returning/beginning to work.
            • After the development of professional growth plans, each evaluator will provide assistance to each employee
            in meeting the goal, objectives, and activities as stated in the plan. The evaluator shall document the assistance
            provided in the growth plan. In addition, each staff member, through professional development activities, will
            have an opportunity to meet some of his/her professional growth plans. Each principal is charged with the
            responsibility of conducting on-going professional development activities during the school year. The activities
            are to be designed to meet the improvement needs of the staff and to advance the goals of the school. The
            supervisory staff will assist with training throughout the school year. These meetings will be designed to meet
            professional growth needs at the request of the teacher or principal.


The observation process is one source of evidence to determine educator effectiveness that includes supervisor observation
for each certified teacher and other professional. The supervisor observation provides documentation and feedback to
measure the effectiveness of professional practice

Observation Schedule

       Observations may begin after the evaluation training takes place within 30 calendar days of reporting for employment
        each school year.
       Principals will assign tenured teachers to summative cycles. These cycles will determine when the tenured teacher will
        have their summative evaluation.
       . Observation windows, timelines and other requirements may be adjusted by the primary evaluator in special
        circumstances where the evaluatee has been absent due to approved leave, extenuating circumstances, late hire,
        excessive school days missed by the district for weather/illness, or anyone that misses 60 consecutive days anytime
        during the year. The superintendent or other designee should approve the changes and notify the staff member within
        10 days of returning/beginning to work.

Observation Schedule

        Nontenured teacher observation timeline (minimum):
        By December 1 complete first mini observation
        February 1-April 30 complete full observation and summative evaluation

        Non-tenured teachers—each year observers will conduct at least one mini observation of approximately 20-30
        minutes each. The final observation is a formal observation consisting of a full class or lesson observation. Also,
        non-tenured teachers are required to develop a Professional Growth Plan.

        Tenured teacher observation timeline (minimum):
        Year 1 complete mini observation by April 30
        Year 2 complete mini observation by April 30
        Tenured teachers not in their summative year will be required to develop a Professional Growth Plan. In Year 1 and
        Year 2 of the three-year tenured cycle (not summative year), observers will conduct one mini observation each year
        of approximately 20-30 minutes each. Multiple observations will be required for tenured teachers when observation
        results yield an ineffective determination.

         Year 3 A full observation and summative conference should be completed by April 30. Tenured teachers in their
        summative evaluation cycle year will be required to have a final observation consisting of a full class or lesson
        observation. Also, tenured teachers in their summative evaluation cycle year are required to develop a Professional
        Growth Plan.

Observation Conferencing
Observers will adhere to the following observation conferencing requirements for teachers and other professionals:
     Conduct observation post-conference within five working days following each observation.
     The summative evaluation conference shall be held at the end of the summative evaluation cycle.
       A pre-conference is required and may be done through written electronic correspondence or in person, while post-
       conferences be completed in person.

Observer Certification
All administrators serving as a primary evaluator must complete the Initial Certified Evaluation Training prior to conducting
observations for the purpose of evaluation. Evaluators should receive a minimum of six (6) hours annually of personnel
evaluation system training approved by the Effective Instructional Leadership Act (EILA) established in 704 KAR 3:325. Proof
of the update training should be submitted to the certified evaluation contact at the board office and kept on file. The
Metcalfe County School District will complete observer calibration training prior to beginning of each school year for

Rating Professional Practice
The Kentucky Framework for Teaching stands as the critical rubric for providing educators and evaluators with
concrete descriptions of practice associated with specific domains. Each element describes a discrete behavior or
related set of behaviors that educators and evaluators can prioritize for evidence-gathering, feedback, and
eventually, evaluation. Supervisors organize and analyze evidence for each individual educator based on these
  concrete descriptions of practice. The process concludes with the evaluator’s analysis of evidence and the final
  assessment of practice in relation to performance described under each Domain at the culmination of an educator’s

  Determining the Overall Performance Category/Summative Rating
  The required and optional evidences will inform all four performance measures. The Principal will use professional
  judgement to help determine the performance rating for each performance measure.

  An educator’s Overall Performance Category/summative rating is then determined using the following steps.

                                   Planning                 Environment        Instruction           Professionalism

        Teacher                                                                                         Domain 4
                                   Domain 1                      Domain 2       Domain 3
   KY Framework for                                                                                   Professional
                            Planning and Preparation   Classroom Environment   Instruction
       Teaching                                                                                      Responsibilities

If….                                 Then….
Measures 2 and 3 are related         Overall Performance Category/Summative
Ineffective                          Rating shall be
Measures 2 OR 3 are rated            Overall Performance Category/Summative
Ineffective                          Rating shall be
                                     Developing or Ineffective
Measures 1 OR 4 are rated            Overall Performance Category/Summative
Ineffective                          Rating shall NOT be
Two Measures are rated               Overall Performance Category/Summative
Developing, and two measures         Rating shall NOT be Exemplary
are rated Accomplished
Two measures are rated               Overall Performance Category/Summative
Developing, and two measures         Rating shall be Accomplished
are rated Exemplary
Two Domains are rated                Overall Performance Category/Summative
Accomplished, and two measures       Rating shall be Exemplary
are rated Exemplary

Professional Standards for Educational Leaders
                                       EVALUATION PLAN

Evaluators will look for trends and patterns in practice across multiple types of evidence and apply their professional
judgment based on this evidence when evaluating a principal. The role of evidence and professional judgment in
the determination of ratings on standards and an overall rating is paramount in this process. However, professional
judgment must be grounded in the common framework identified: The Principal Performance Standards.
Principal Performance Standards
The Principal Performance Standards are designed to support student achievement and professional best-practice
through the standards of Instructional Leadership; School Climate; Human Resource Management; Organizational
Management; Communication & Community Relations; and Professionalism. Included in the Performance
Standards are Performance Indicators that provide examples of observable, tangible behaviors that provide
evidence of each standard. The Performance Standards provide the structure for feedback for continuous
improvement through individual goals that target professional growth, thus supporting overall student
achievement and school improvement. Evidence supporting a principal’s or assistant principal’s professional
practice will be situated within one or more of the six standards. Performance will be rated for each standard
according to the four performance levels: Ineffective, Developing, Accomplished, and Exemplary. It is projected
that most principals or assistant principals will maintain an Accomplished rating, but will occasionally have
exemplary performance on standards at any given time. The summative rating will be a holistic representation of
performance, combining data from multiple sources of evidence across each standard.

The use of professional judgment based on multiple sources of evidence promotes a more holistic and
comprehensive analysis of practice, rather than over-reliance on one individual data point or rote calculation of
practice based on predetermined formulas. Evaluators will also take into account how principals respond to or
apply additional supports and resources designed to promote student learning, as well as their own professional
growth and development. Finally, professional judgment gives evaluators the flexibility to account for a wide
variety of factors related to individual principal performance. These factors may include school-specific priorities
that may drive practice in one standard, an educator’s number of goals, experience level and/or leadership
opportunities. Contextual variables may also impact the learning environment, such as unanticipated outside
events or traumas.

Evaluators must use the following categories of evidence in determining overall ratings:
       Required Sources of Evidence
              Professional Growth Planning
              Site-Visits

Evaluators may use the following categories of evidence in determining overall ratings:

                  Other Measures of Student Learning
                  Products of Practice
                  Other Sources

Professional Practice
The following sections provide a detailed overview of the various sources of evidence used to inform Professional
Practice Ratings.
Professional Growth Planning
Completed by Educational Leader
The Professional Growth Plan will address realistic, focused, and measurable professional goals. The plan will
connect data from multiple sources including site-visit conferences, data on student growth and achievement, and
professional growth needs identified through self-assessment and reflection.
Required: Educational Leaders will participate in professional growth planning each year.

 All Educational Leaders will collaboratively identify professional growth needs with their supervisor
            and will enter the professional growth plan and enter in the department- approved technology
            platform by October 15 of each year.
         Professional growth plans will be reviewed/updated/changed by April 30 of each year and will be
            discussed during the summative conference.
Completed by supervisor of Educational Leader
Site visits are a method by which the superintendent/principal may gain insight into the principal’s/assistant
principal’s practice in relation to the standards. During a site visit, the superintendent/principal will discuss various
aspects of the job with the principal/assistant principal, and will use the Educational Leaders responses to determine
issues to further explore with the faculty and staff. Additionally, the principal/assistant principal may explain the
successes and trials the school community has experienced in relation to school improvement.
         Conducted at least twice each year.
         The first site visit will take place sometime during October/November.
         The second site visit will take place sometime during February/March.
         A conference will take place will take place within 10 school days following the site visit to discuss
            the principal’s/assistant principal’s practice in relation to the Educational Leaders Performance
            Standards and to use the Educational Leader’s responses to determine issues they would like to
            further explore with the faculty and staff.

Determining/Rating the Overall Performance Category
Superintendents/Principals are responsible for determining an Overall Performance Category for each
principal/assistant principal at the conclusion of their summative evaluation year. The Overall Performance Category
is informed by the principal’s/assistant principal’s ratings on professional practice. The Professional Growth Plan,
Site Visits, and optional evidences will be sources of evidence to inform professional practice.                 The
Superintendent/Principal will use their professional judgement to help determine their performance rating for each
performance measure/an overall performance rating and then follow the district approved process for determining the
overall performance category /summative rating.
The summative ratings for principal and assistant principal will be completed by April 30.

An educator’s Overall Performance Category/summative rating is then determined using the following steps:

 If….                                   Then….

 Educational Leader is                  Overall Performance Category/Summative
 rated Exemplary in at least three of   Rating shall be
 the measures and no measure is         Exemplary
 rated Developing or Ineffective

 Educational Leader is                  Overall Performance Category/Summative
                                        Rating shall be
rated Accomplished in at least three of Accomplished
 the measures and no measure is

 Educational Leader is                 Overall Performance Category/Summative
 Rated Developing in all four          Rating shall be Developing
 Educational Leader is                 Overall Performance Category/Summative
 rated Ineffective in two or more      Rating shall be Ineffective or Developing

 Two measures are rated                Overall Performance Category/Summative
 Developing, and two measures          Rating shall NOT be Exemplary
 are rated Accomplished

 Two measures are rated                Overall Performance Category/Summative
 Developing, and two measures          Rating shall be Accomplished
 are rated Exemplary

 Two measures are rated                Overall Performance Category/Summative
 Accomplished, and two measures        Rating shall be Exemplary
 are rated Exemplary

Professional Growth Plan and Summative Cycle
Based on the overall summative rating, supervisors will determine the type of Professional Growth Plan required of the

Educational Leaders Products of Practice/Other Sources of Evidence

Principals/Assistant Principals may provide additional evidences to support assessment of their own professional
practice. These evidences should yield information related to the principal’s/assistant principal’s practice within
the domains.

      SBDM Minutes

      Faculty Meeting Agendas and Minutes

      Department/Grade Level Agendas and Minutes

      PLC Agendas and Minutes

      Leadership Team Agendas and Minutes

       Guided Planning/Instructional Round/Walk-through documentation

       Budgets

       EILA/Professional Learning experience documentation

       Surveys

       Professional Organization memberships

       Parent/Community engagement surveys

       Parent/Community engagement events documentation

       School schedules

                                       District Certified Personnel

        Director of Finance

        Director of Special Services

        Director of Pupil Personnel

        Director of Elementary/Secondary Instruction

        Professional Development Coordinator

        Director of Digital Learning

Certified District Professionals Evaluation

 Certified District Professionals will use the Superintendent standards. Superintendent or designee will holistically look for
trends and patterns in practice across multiple types of evidence and apply their professional judgment based on this
evidence when evaluating a district certified personnel professional. The role of evidence and professional judgment in the
determination of ratings on measures and an overall rating is paramount in this process. However, professional judgment
must be grounded in a common framework identified: SPGES Standards.

The Superintendent Performance Standards are designed to support student achievement and professional best-practice
through the standards of Strategic Leadership, Instructional Leadership, Cultural Leadership, Human Resource Leadership,
Managerial Leadership, Collaborative Leadership, and Influential Leadership. Included in the Performance Standards are
Performance Indicators that provide examples of observable, tangible behaviors that provide evidence of each standard. The
Performance Standards provide the structure for feedback for continuous improvement through individual goals that target
professional growth, thus supporting overall student achievement and school improvement. Evidence supporting a

supervisor’s professional practice will be situated within one or more of the 7 standards. Performance will be rated
holistically for each measure according to the four performance levels: Ineffective, Developing, Accomplished, and
Exemplary. The summative rating will be a holistic representation of performance, combining data from multiple sources of
evidence across each measure.

The following categories of evidence will be used in determining overall ratings:  Professional Growth Planning and Products
of Practice/Other Sources of Evidence. Supervisors may provide additional evidences to support assessment of their own
professional practice. These evidences should yield information related to the supervisor’s practice within the standards.
These evidences should be part of the regular practice of the supervisor and not created solely for use as evidence. In other
words, evidence must be naturally occurring products related to the day-to-day work of leadership and learning. All
components and sources of evidence related to supporting a supervisor’s professional practice will be completed and
documented to inform the overall performance category. All summative ratings will be documented on the appropriate
form. The Professional Growth Plan will be developed by September 30th and address realistic, focused, and measurable
professional goals. The plan will connect data from multiple sources including professional growth needs identified through
self-assessment and reflection.

DETERMINING THE OVERALL PERFORMANCE CATEGORY-- Superintendent or designee is responsible for determining an
Overall Performance Category for each supervisor at the conclusion of their summative evaluation year. The Overall
Performance Category is informed by the supervisor’s professional judgement to assign holistic ratings.

All certified personnel below the level of superintendent must receive a holistic rating for each performance measure:
Planning, Environment, Instruction, and Professionalism.

                     Four Performance Measures with supporting Superintendent Standards

                     PLANNING:                       ENVIRONMENT:                   INSTRUCTION:               PROFESSIONAL:
                                                 Performance Standard 3:       Performance Standard 2:     Performance Standard 4:
         Performance Standard 1: Strategic    Cultural Leadership, Standard    Instructional Leadership   Human Resource Leadership
                   Leadership                 5: Managerial Leadership, and                                and Standard 6: External
                                                Standard 7: Micropolitical                                 Development Leadership



 If…                                                  Then….

 District Certified Personnel is                      Overall Performance Category/Summative
 rated Exemplary in at least three of                 Rating shall
 the measures and no measure is                       Exemplary
 Rated Developing or Ineffective

 District Certified Personnel is                      Overall Performance Category/Summative
 rated Accomplished in at least four                  Rating shall be
 measures and no measure is rated                     Accomplished

 District Certified Personnel is                      Overall Performance Category/Summative
 Rated Developing in at least three                   Rating shall be

measures                                Developing

 District Certified Personnel is         Overall Performance Category/Summative
 Rated Ineffective in two or more        Rating shall be
 measures                                Ineffective or Developing

 Two Measures are rated                  Overall Performance Category/Summative
 Developing, and two measures            Rating shall NOT be Exemplary
 are rated Accomplished

 Two measures are rated                  Overall Performance Category/Summative
 Developing, and two measures            Rating shall be Accomplished
 are rated Exemplary

 Two measures are rated                  Overall Performance Category/Summative
 Accomplished, and two measures          Rating shall be Exemplary
 are rated Exemplary

District Certified Personnel Products of Practice/Other Sources of Evidence

District Certified Personnel may provide additional evidences to support assessment of their own professional
practice. These evidences should yield information related to the principal’s/assistant principal’s practice within
the domains.

         Board Minutes

         Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes

         School/Grade Level Agendas and Minutes

         PLC Agendas and Minutes

         Leadership Team Agendas and Minutes

         Guided Planning/Instructional Round/Walk-through documentation

         Budgets

         EILA/Professional Learning experience documentation

         Surveys

         Professional Organization memberships

    District Certified Personnel Observation Form
    EPSB ID#

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