Ōrua Paeroa New Beginnings for Students and Staff

Page created by Roberta French
Ōrua Paeroa New Beginnings for Students and Staff

                          Ōrua Paeroa
               New Beginnings for Students and Staff

Students had their first full day of learning on our new site, Ōrua Paeroa, on Monday May 6th, 2019.

Everyone was excited about getting back to learning after the big break. There was curiosity about what the new learning spaces,
social spaces and shared spaces would be like in reality. At the end of the day a community feel had developed , as students and
staff worked out how to move around our new space. Lost students were shown to their classes by other students, and in some
cases lost staff were shown to their spaces by students. The sense of generosity shown by the students, as they supported each
other to get used to this environment, was great to see.

Every day we are learning how to maximise the potential of our new environment, and are grateful that we have such a
wonderful turangawaewae – our place to stand strong.

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                             Email: principal@avonside.school.nz                    Website: www.avonside.school.nz
Ōrua Paeroa New Beginnings for Students and Staff

FROM THE PRINCIPAL                                               The Open Morning was very well supported and the
                                                                 feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

                                                                 However, as with any new build, there are always some
                                                                 aspects to resolve that are not quite as we expected and
                                                                 so we are busy working with the Ministry and the ShapEd
                                                                 project team to iron out those aspects that require some
                                                                 further attention.
Kia ora tatou
                                                                 We continue to work in partnership with Shirley Boys’
Warm greetings to you all from our new Ōrua Paeroa               High School as we seek to establish some clear and
campus.                                                          consistent processes about using our shared spaces at
                                                                 break times where some congestion occurred on the first
Thank you all for your understanding of the measured             few days. The students have responded well to the
steps we took to settle our staff and students into our new guidelines that have been given re use and access.
school this term. Getting to know our new school, where
the different teaching areas are located and the best way        We look forward to welcoming parents in later in June for
to access them is a process that takes time. As we               our round of parent meetings to discuss students’ learning
approach the half way point of the term, we are all much         progress this year.
more familiar with finding our way around and are
enjoying having the full range of wonderful new facilities       Ngā mihi nui
at our disposal.

We really appreciate being able to have students seated
for assembly presentations, and no longer sitting on the
gym floor; to see our school sports teams competing              Principal
against other schools in our wonderful new sporting
facilities; to note our school art collection once more on
display around the school and able to be enjoyed by                Parent Teacher Interviews
everyone; to navigate our way to classes indoors and               There is an upcoming opportunity to meet your
avoid the cold and wet that was normal moving from class           daughter’s subject teachers over two dates.
to class on our old site. Each girl will have identified what
                                                                   We host our Parent Teacher Interviews on :
she likes best in the new campus. For some it will be the
theatres; for others it may be the library or the gyms and         •      Tuesday 18 June
sports provision, or the learning spaces, or the outdoor           •      Thursday 27 June
spaces, or even the bike stands or toilets! There is much
                                                                   Interviews with teachers are available from 3:30pm until
to be enthusiastic about.                                          8:30pm, and are a great opportunity for whānau to find
                                                                   out how engaged students are in their range of subjects.
I am quite sure from my conversations with students, that          We would encourage all our whānau to attend one of
there are many aspects to impress and much to enjoy.               these evenings.
Not surprisingly, there has been a great deal of interest          An email will be sent out detailing how to book
generated out in the community and so an opportunity               interview times, with individual teachers, closer to the
was provided on Sunday 19 May for interested members               date.
of our community to come in and see the new campus
from the inside.

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                            Email: principal@avonside.school.nz               Website: www.avonside.school.nz
Ōrua Paeroa New Beginnings for Students and Staff


                                                               Whāia te mātauranga hei orange mō koutou.
                                                               Seek after learning for the sake of your well-being.

                                                               Ngā mihi nui
                                                               Monica Davis

Tēnā koutou katoa
He waka eke noa                                                Monica
A canoe which we are all in with no exception.                 BOT Chair

It has been a very exciting start to term 2 with the move
to our new site. Thanks to the excellent planning by the
school team the bedding in has worked well with few
glitches. It is fantastic to see something that we have all     Avonside Girls’ High School PTA 2019
worked on for 5 years come to fruition. What is                 The PTA meet at 7.00pm in the staff room on the first
wonderful is that we carry the memories of our old home,        floor every second Monday of the month during the
with various art works, into our new home. So there are         school terms.
reminders everywhere.
                                                                The PTA have a wonderful collaboration with the school
The trustee board elections are being held towards the
                                                                and the Board of Trustees. Our Principal, Sue Hume and
end of May, beginning of June.
                                                                a representative from the Board of Trustees attend our
                                                                meetings, sharing information, ideas and support. It’s a
A number of existing board trustees have decided not to
                                                                great forum to ask questions and give feedback.
re-stand so you will have a new board in place from
mid-June. On behalf of the existing board, I would like to
                                                                Our next meeting is on Monday 10 June at 7.00pm, we
thank and acknowledge the contribution and hard work
of all who help make our school a great school – our            would love to have you attend our meetings.
teaching and support staff, our senior leadership team,
Mrs Hume our Principal, the Board Trustees, our fantastic       For further information please phone or email the
supportive parents, the PTA, the Old Girls’ Association,        Chairperson.
the wider community and of course our students. It has
been a great honour to work with such dedicated and             •       Lou Hartley: Chairperson
professional individuals across the school community. I         •       Cell: 021 043 8155
would also like to thank my fellow board trustees who           •       Email: hoovandlou@gmail.com
have supported me as Chair over the last 3 years. Your
contribution and aroha are very much appreciated. We
wish the new board and the school all the very best for
the future.

Together we share a vision to prepare your daughters,
our students, to be the best they can be in all that they do
and everyone in the school community works very hard to
achieve this.

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                          Email: principal@avonside.school.nz               Website: www.avonside.school.nz
Ōrua Paeroa New Beginnings for Students and Staff

World Scholar’s Cup – Christchurch Round
After the excitement of last year’s World Scholar’s Cup, and our trip to the Global Round in Melbourne, the Avonside teams
started preparing for this year’s event as soon as the new curriculum was released at the beginning of the year. This year’s
theme is ‘A World in the Margins’.

For two days this week teams from throughout Christchurch debated, wrote, answered individual challenges and competed in a
team bowl, putting to the test their knowledge of art, music, literature, science, history, social studies and this year’s special
topic, unsolved mysteries. It was an intense competition with the team debates still going at 10pm on the first day. However, it
wasn’t all serious. Among the lighter moments were the alpaca balancing competition, won by Aurora Garner-Randolph, and the
talent show in which Morgan McCallum showed that it was possible to make great art with a pizza base and sauce.
All six of our teams did very well. Many medals were won across the categories. Details of these will be available soon. At the
prizegiving we discovered that all our teams have made it through to the Global Round in Sydney, where they will compete
against and socialise with students from around the world.

A huge congratulations must go to Caitlin Jordin, Jade Lawson and Holly Washbourn who won the senior team division against
stiff competition. This is a fantastic and well-deserved achievement.

Francesca Hickey

Gifted and Talented Coordinator

Road Safety
On 16 May, three of our students and our
Principal, Mrs Hume, had the opportunity
to meet the Associate Minister of
Transport, Julie Anne Genter, who was
visiting Christchurch to inspect the almost
completed safety barrier installation along
QEII Drive.

Ash Fleming, Lily Bond and Myah Robinson
were able to discuss the improvement to
safety for all road and cycle way users. The
girls use this cycle way on a daily basis
getting to and from school.

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                             Email: principal@avonside.school.nz                 Website: www.avonside.school.nz
Ōrua Paeroa New Beginnings for Students and Staff

Reminders for Whānau                                                    There are some features of our new site that are different to our
We have structures and processes in place to help keep your             old one and we ask for your support in ensuring our students
daughter safe. It is important we know where students are and           are as safe as possible.
students are able to focus on their learning.                           You can find our full traffic plan on the website.

Absence from school                                                     Pick up/drop off area
When students are absent from school, please email                      This is located off Travis Road and is intended for whanau to use
absences@avonside.school.nz or call 3897199 to leave an                 when picking students up or dropping them off. However, it is
absence message. You must state the reason why the student is           often very busy so it is worth considering whether you can meet
absent from school so we can use the correct code for the               your daughter on a side street near the school instead. If using
absence.                                                                the drop off/pick up bay, you must pull to the side to use the
                                                                        parking spaces when collecting your daughter. This ensures
                                                                        students aren’t running into the moving traffic to get to your
Leaving school during the day
Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds during the
day. If they have an appointment, please send a note or an
                                                                        When leaving the pick up/drop off area, please let buses out
appointment card with them to school. Then, when the student
                                                                        first. The drivers often have other runs they need to get to and
needs to leave the grounds, they sign out at the student services
                                                                        we appreciate your help in clearing the area.
office. On return, they must sign in at Student Services as well.
                                                                        Bower Avenue is often quite clear in the afternoons and would
Parents also cannot simply collect their daughter from school.
                                                                        be a good place to arrange to meet your daughter.
You must come in to the school reception and sign your
daughter out. Please do not arrange to meet them somewhere
outside the school as they are not allowed to leave without             Parking
being signed out.                                                       When coming for an appointment during the day, we
                                                                        recommend using the parking in the drop off/pick up area which
If your daughter is found outside the grounds without                   has 30 minute parking during the day.
permission, she will be issued a detention and you will receive a
text message. Please help us reinforce this important safety            There is also visitor parking at the entry to the main car park
message.                                                                further along Travis Road.

                                                                        When parking, we ask that we are supportive of our neighbours
                                                                        and ensure we aren’t blocking any driveways. When parking,
Our school day starts at 8.30am with your daughter’s first class.
                                                                        please park at least 1 metre from a driveway. We appreciate you
It is important she is here for this learning. If a student is late,
                                                                        reinforcing this message with your daughters.
they must sign in at the Student Services office.

                                                                        Students crossing the road
Whānau contacting students during the school day
                                                                        It is important that students are careful when crossing the road
We ask that parents refrain from texting or calling their
                                                                        and there have been several islands installed to help with this.
daughters during class time. Students are not allowed to use
                                                                        Please encourage your daughter to use these islands.
their phones in class and calls/texts are a distraction from their
learning. You are welcome to contact them during break times.
If you need to get an urgent message to your daughter during            Active Transport
the day, please call the school office so we can help.                  We are thrilled at the large numbers of girls walking or biking to
                                                                        school to our new site. There are a large number of bike stands
                                                                        still available and the cycle lanes towards the school are being
                                                                        further improved. We encourage our students to use active
We have been very pleased at how well the traffic plans in place
                                                                        transport to get to and from school.
for our new site are working. While there are of course issues to
work out, CCC and NZTA have been very helpful in addressing
the issues and plans are in place to help with some concerns.
They will continue to assess the situation and provide us with

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                                   Email: principal@avonside.school.nz                   Website: www.avonside.school.nz
Ōrua Paeroa New Beginnings for Students and Staff


   The new bus routes have started and while there have been a couple of issues with a few of the routes, we
   are really pleased with the willingness of Ecan and the Red Bus company to work through these with us.

   Please check the school website for bus information as we add any updates or changes directly to it. The
   students have also been provided with information in their student handbooks which they received on the
   day of their tour of the new school.

   Should you or your daughters experience any further issues, please do not hesitate to feed back to the bus
   company so that they can address it.

   Latest updates are:

        •    As routes 60 and 662 have been experiencing overloading issues in the afternoon since the term
             started, Ecan have decided to add a second bus on Route 662 to ease the demand pressure. Starting
             May 10, the assist bus will depart from the Travis Road on-street bus stop at the same time as the
             current 662 does (3.10pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; 2.45pm on Wednesday and Friday). It
             travels via Lake Terrace to the Palms and terminates on Fitzgerald Ave. Please note that the assist bus
             runs in the afternoon only. It does not run in the morning, but Ecan will continue to monitor the
             loadings and assess whether there’s a need for extra buses
        •    The Lyttelton bus route change will see both the morning and afternoon trips looping around
             Lyttelton via Dublin St, Winchester St, Oxford St and Norwich Quay. This will make the service more
             accessible to students in the area. However, the bus will no longer go into Lyttelton Wharf (as the
             enrolment data suggests that there are no students living in Diamond Harbour, hence no need to
             connect with the ferry)

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                            Email: principal@avonside.school.nz            Website: www.avonside.school.nz
Ōrua Paeroa New Beginnings for Students and Staff

Community Open Day
                                     Our Community Open Day was held on               very positive of our state of the art school
                                     Sunday 19 May from 10am—12.30pm.                 and learning areas.
                                     Around 1,000 people viewed our
                                     wonderful facilities and enjoyed talking to      Ex-teachers and several Old Girls attended
                                     staff in their new learning areas.               the Community Open Day with Carolyn
                                                                                      Oakley-Brown (1973—1977) proudly
                                     Our community has watched the new                wearing her old school uniform; such a
                                     school develop over the last three years         contrast to the new uniform we have
                                     and were very appreciative that they had         today.
                                     the opportunity to see and experience
                                     Avonside Girls’ High School in its complete Thank you to our community for the warm
                                     entirety. Overall the community were        welcome.

Show Quest                                                      for others and fight for what is
                                                                right. The Kotahitanga badge
This year our school entered two entries into the wearable arts
                                                                symbolises coming together
section of the Showquest event in Canterbury.
                                                                and shows overcoming
                                                                adversity in regards to the
The first entry was created by Myah Robinson and called Knight Christchurch events. The cape
of the Round Table. The piece depicts a medieval knight. The    has messages about women
design is based off the recent tv adaptation of this myth,      staying strong, believing in
‘Merlin’. She has incorporated the elements of chainmail and    themselves and having hope
dragons. This garment has been made from cotton and metal for the future. She carries a
purchased from second hand stores and junk shops. The           flower – sometimes called the
chainmail is made from metal can opening tabs.                  sword lily and defends herself
                                                                with Aroha not violence.
Myah’s wearable art was modelled by Alessandra Morrison
The second entry was designed and created by Zoe Langley        Zoe won the overall wearable
with some help from Alessandra Morrison. Zoe modelled her       art award on the night.
piece. The art depicts a Warrior woman, prepared to stand up

Pink Shirt Day
Pink Shirt Day is about being an upstander not a bystander - someone who acts to protect others rather than just stands there
and watches. It isn't so much about the 'bully' but more about what the vast majority of people can do to help.
It was originally started by two boys in Canada who took a stand against homophobic bullying when someone in their school was
bullied for wearing a pink shirt.

Money raised went to anti-bullying charities in New Zealand.

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                             Email: principal@avonside.school.nz                     Website: www.avonside.school.nz
Ōrua Paeroa New Beginnings for Students and Staff

Canterbury Polyfest

Canterbury Polyfest was a great experience for our girls. They performed on the stage with their maulu'ulu, sasa, hula and finished
strong with their Tauolunga. Our girls sang with pride and danced with grace. After a tough time in term 1 from Friday 15th March
the girls really pushed themselves and made the school and community proud. Our girls have been such an inspiring group as we
had a diverse group from all over the Pacific nations but it did not only involve our Pasifika students but many other cultures and it
has been a great learning curve for us all. We look forward to what next year will hold for us.

Many thanks to parents who continuously put up with the many late night practices. We would like to say a huge thank you to our
tutors Cory Siauane , Roine Sekai, Lucky Sekai and PJ Iva for their efforts in preparing our girls for Polyfest 2019.

Fono Night                                                          SPACPAC Speeches
On Thursday 2 May our first fono night was held at our new          Luseta Filiai Y12            2nd Tongan Seniors
school, and we were thrilled to see so many of our families         Lavania Taleni Y9            1st Junior English
there. This first fono was an opportunity for staff, students and   Kamryn Kautai-Lei Y9         1st Cook Island Juniors
families to meet and put faces to names as well as to see the
Polyfest group perform in preparation for the Canterbury            All the students really appreciated the support from their
Polyfest which was rescheduled to Saturday 4 May. The girls’        families, school friends and teachers. Thank you to all the staff
dress rehearsal went smoothly, and their hard work and              who helped prepare and came down to support on the night.
commitment were on display in their singing and timing of their

The fono night also gave families a chance to have a look at
some of the new facilities and to share a meal in the cafeteria.

We look forward to more fono nights during the year.

                                                                      Luseta Filiai          LavaniaTaleni         Kamryn Kautai-Lai

Pasifika Welcome
We were privileged and honoured to hold a kava/ava ceremony
on Monday 27 May at Ōrua Paeroa as a part of our Pasifika
Community Welcome Night. This was a shared event with
Shirley Boys’ High School and our students represented us with
such pride and we were honoured with the number of families
who came to participate. We were privileged to have the
presence of several special people representing the Pasifika
community in the kava circle, including Poto Williams MP, Fuetanoa Seinafo (Ministry of Education) and the Reverend Ari’i
Tel: (64) 3 3897199                               Email: principal@avonside.school.nz                    Website: www.avonside.school.nz
Ōrua Paeroa New Beginnings for Students and Staff

Mathematics                                                          Mathematics teacher for an entry slip. Entries close on 10 June
                       On Monday 20 of May, a group of               and the fee is $7.00.
                       Avonside Girls’ High School students
                       attended a presentation given by the
                                                                     NZ Secondary Schools Symphony Orchestra
                       Mathematician, Eugenia Cheng at St
                                                                     Mimi Cresswell Y12 and Hilary Bloomer Law Y13 were selected
                       Margaret’s College.
                                                                     to play with the New Zealand Secondary Schools Symphony
                                                                     Orchestra over the Easter holidays. A fantastic achievement for
                       Eugenia Cheng, not only is a
                                                                     both girls.
                       mathematician, she is also a concert
                       pianist and a Scientist– in-Residence at
                       the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.   Geography Trip to the West Coast
                                                                     The Geography 333 trip was on Sunday 19th May with seven
Eugenia explained how mathematics could be found in every            students and two staff members headed for the West Coast to
part of life. She used some very interesting and unconventional      see the Franz Josef Glacier (before it melts!) and complete field
examples to help students better understand mathematic               work for an achievement standard. We took along Yukita, an
concepts.                                                            international student. Mrs Paton assumed the driving position
                                                                     and the students snuggled into pillows and blankets and
Before the presentation, she played a piece of music by Bach on      watched the landscape go by.
the piano. Once the piece had ended, Eugenia used a graph of
the alternating bass and soprano lines as an example of a braid      For many, it was the first time to the West Coast so a stop at
graph. Another example she used was hair. Prior to the               Death’s Corner, past Arthurs Pass, showed them the magnitude
presentation she had her long hair plaited, but when she wanted      of the natural forces that had shaped the Southern Alps.
to further explain braid graphs, she shook out her hair and
showed us how the hair was interlocked.                              Hokitika for lunch
Custard was another example. She explained how custard was           and exploration
made and the many orders in which you could mix ingredients          was followed by
to create the same end product. There were endless ways of           the drive South.
making the same end product, and demonstrated how these
methods could be compiled into a tree graph.                         Franz Josef didn’t
                                                                     disappoint. The
                       Another example was a Battenburg cake         damage wreaked
                       where each square could not touch             by the March
                       another of the same color, and                flooding was still
                       therefore, the whole square could             obvious, especially
                       theoretically be repeated until infinity.     the ongoing work on the bridge, the river bed, the access road
                                                                     to the glacier and the flooded farmland downstream of the
The students gained a stronger appreciation and understanding        airfield. Students combined walks up Canervan’s Knob, and to
of mathematics. Thank you to Mrs Hickey organizing the               Callery Stream with measuring around the bridge and the flood
students to attend and to Mrs Alexander and Mrs Wheal for            protection works to collect data. In the evening climate data was
accompanying.                                                        analysed.

                                                                     Highlights included the evening trip to the Glacier Hot Pools and
Australian Mathematics Competition                                   the food. This proved to be a positive experience for Niha and
The Australian Mathematics competition will run this year on         Yukita, in particular, who found European style food appealing.
the 1 August. This is open for all students from Year 9 to Year
13. Students wishing to participate in this event should see their

                                 The Mathematics department are offering tutoring on Tuesday and Thursday
                                                         lunchtimes in MAT1C.

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                               Email: principal@avonside.school.nz                   Website: www.avonside.school.nz
Ōrua Paeroa New Beginnings for Students and Staff

 Sally Wylaars Y13—New Zealand Junior Rower

 After completing a successful Maadi Cup campaign, and securing a silver medal in the U18 Women's doubles with partner Maddy
 Thornton, and two top 10 finishes in the single and quad, Sally Wylaars was named to trial for the New Zealand Junior Rowing
 Team. Thirty two athletes trialled over 6 days at Lake Karapiro and Sally was then named in the New Zealand Junior Rowing
 team as part of a team of 14, to compete in the Women's Four.

 Sally moves to Cambridge on 2nd June to complete a 12 week build up to the Junior World Championships being held from 7—
 11th August. This event will take place in Tokyo on a purpose built facility constructed for the 2020 Olympic games, and is
 situated in the Tokyo Harbour. While in Cambridge, Sally will undertake her studies at St Peter's College, along with the other
 members of the team, whilst training a minimum of 10 sessions per week.

 It is a huge honour for Sally to represent her country in her chosen sport, and she is extremely grateful for the support of her
 team mates and coaching staff from the Avonside Girls’ High Rowing Team.

                       Caitlin Sadler - Year 13
                       Has represented New Zealand in the                                Kavanah Lene—Year 9
                       Under 21 Korfball Oceania championships
                       and now has been selected for the All                             Has been selected for the New Zealand
                       Stars Korfball tournament team and has                            Under 14 basketball team.
                       qualified to attend the Under 21 World
                       Championships in China.

Sammie-Lee Moffat—Year 10

Has been selected for the Under 15
softball team to go to Australia in July.

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                               Email: principal@avonside.school.nz                 Website: www.avonside.school.nz

Māpuna Library
Wow, that was our reaction when we first saw our new library space at Ōrua Paeroa. How lucky we are to have plenty of natural
light as well as bright colours and fun seating. The students especially love the wobbly stools.

A huge task has been achieved in the setting up of the library. The three Library staff have merged the collections from Avonside
Girls’ High School and Shirley Boys’ High school and have in total approximately 10,000 titles, these include fiction, non-fiction,
graphic novels, short stories and sophisticated picture books.

The staff from Crown Movers did a great job packing the books and maintaining them in alphabetical or numerical order. This was
an enormous help to us.

After changing our minds at least three times as to the best placement of the shelving and seating we finally had our space set up,
ready for the students and staff to enjoy. We have four bookable learning spaces, and two breakout rooms that can be used for
small groups to study or work independently.

The Library office is open plan which works well for the efficient processing and issuing of books. Artwork from the previous site
has been added to the library space so it will feel familiar to the students. Student librarians and technicians from both schools
assist with shelving and the issuing of daily loan devices.

The students from the Ferndale satellite school visit to us in our library and they have been enjoying the space also.

Now that the initial set up is completed we can all relax and enjoy using our library space and its resources.

                 Mrs Wendy Wright                        Miss Imogen Loakman                       Mrs Louise Reichwein
                  Library Manager                         Assistant Librarian                        Library Assistant

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                                Email: principal@avonside.school.nz                  Website: www.avonside.school.nz

                                           Term and Holiday Dates 2019
Term 2
Monday 29 April—Friday 5 July                         Staff Learning Day:                   Friday 31 May
                                                      Public Holiday:                       Queen’s Birthday—3 June
                                                      School Holidays:                      6 July—21 July

Term 3
Monday 22 July—Friday 27 September                    Teacher Only Day:                     Friday 23 August
                                                      School Holidays:                      28 September—13 October

Term 4
Monday 14 October—Tuesday 10 December                 Labour Day:                           28 October
                                                      Canterbury Anniversary:               15 November

                                            UPCOMING EVENTS 2019
June                                                                 August
3              Queen’s Birthday holiday                              3-4             Jazz Quest Ensemble and Big Band,
6              Open Night                                                            CZCAF Hip Hop Regionals
6—7            Big Sing                                              15-20           World Scholars Cup
15             School Formal                                         23              Staff Learning Day
17—19          Y13 Drama Production                                  26-30           School Exam Week
18             Parent Teacher Interviews                             29              Māori Whanau Hui
20             Māori Whanau Hui
27             Parent Teacher Interviews                             September
                                                                     2—6             Tournament Week
July                                                                 9—13            Senior Art Exhibition
30             SOUL Performance                                      6—19            L1 Drama Production
31             DanceNz made

     School Emergency Communication
  In the event of any emergency which requires
  adjustments to hours that the school is open, we will use                   Paying Accounts On-Line
  a variety of ways to communicate with families.
                                                                              Account No: 12-3240-0108065-00
       1.        Website
                                                                        When paying for your daughter’s account on-
       2.        Text message
                                                                      line, please ensure you use her name, number
       3.        Radio broadcast                                                  and reason for payment.
                                                                           For Example: Smith 12345 Archery
  It is important that parent and caregiver contact
  information is accurate and up-to-date. Please contact
  the School Office if any contact details have changed.

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                            Email: principal@avonside.school.nz                    Website: www.avonside.school.nz

                      Free Parent Evening on Trauma and Anxiety

          Wednesday 5th June at 7.30pm at Waitākiri School Hall

          Everyone welcome to come and listen to Jessie Kendall and stay for a
                                 cuppa afterwards.

Jessie Kendall from Empower Me Now is a coach/counsellor and public speaker. She specialises in helping
kids and adults overcome the adverse effects of trauma and anxiety. She has got to where she is today
because of her own journey with anxiety and always knew that whatever worked for her she would do for
She provides people with one on one sessions using unique techniques that are resolving the cause of what
people are going through at the nervous system level. She also does talks providing people with tools and
techniques of how to help themselves and others feel, think and behave in more resourceful ways.
She shares her own story which is providing hope and inspiring others to reach their highest potential.
Referred by Mike King (New Zealander of the Year) as “the best in the business”, Jessie not only has the
techniques that can change how we feel quickly, she has the advantage of her own personal experience to
now be able to help others assist in their transition even more profoundly.

In her talk to parents and teachers, Jessie covers –
      How the mind is storing information from our past experiences, beliefs, values and how our use of
       language is effecting how we are thinking, feeling and behaving.
      How we can better use language with children to achieve better feelings and outcomes in behaviour,
       the do’s and don’ts of language.
      How we can use physiology to change our state.
      How to help if they go through anxiety, trauma, depression, and other mental health issues, providing
       hope that nothing is permanent and how it can be treated.
      How to ask more effective questions, getting us and those around us better results/feelings.
      How to access peak states within ourselves and others, building emotional control and resilience.

Jessie provides you with the knowledge of how our minds work, the skills to take control of your mental and
emotional processes, and the ability to perform the kinds of actions that lead with greater ease to the results
that you want.

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                       Email: principal@avonside.school.nz        Website: www.avonside.school.nz

                              Helping Children in Step-Families

                                    Blended Family Success

                        EXPERT STEP-FAMILY ADVICE: Saturday 15th June.

•      Discover how to help children adjust in your step-family and create a united, supportive
       home life
•      Overcome common challenges and learn practical strategies that really work from New
       Zealand’s leading step-family presenter
•      Live happily ever after in your step-family! You must register to secure your place.

                  For more information go to: www.blendedfamilysuccess.nz/events
                                 email: adele@stepfamilyhelp.info

                                       0800 What’s Up
                               Helpline and Webchat Service

0800 What’s Up’ is a free, nationally available counselling telephone helpline and webchat
service for children and teenagers.

Every day, on average 84 children from all around New Zealand phone or chat online with a
team of trained 0800 What’s Up counsellors.

These counsellors are fully qualified professionals. They are trained to empower teenagers
and put them first, and they use these skills to help callers.

If you would like more information about 0800 What’s Up, please visit their website

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                    Email: principal@avonside.school.nz   Website: www.avonside.school.nz

             Notice for parents regarding additional learning or exam support
       If parents provided a Psychologist/Educational Assessment to the school, but have not received a Pupil Profile
        about their daughter by email, can they please contact Katrina Boxall by email kboxall@avonside.school.nz

       If parents have an Educational Psychologist/Seabrooke Mackenzie/Train the Brain etc report on their daughter,
        they should ensure that Katrina Boxall has a copy of it. Use the email above to begin a conversation.

       If parents believe their daughter has a specific learning difficulty and don’t know what to do next, they should also
        get in contact with Katrina (refer to email above).

                                        HOMESTAY OPPORTUNITIES
Our International Department is always looking for new families to host students. The students could be here from 6
weeks to one year. There are many short term students who come for Term 3. The payment for hosting is $240.00 per

If you would be interested in hosting an International Student please contact our Homestay Manager, Lisa Garrett, by
email lgarrett@avonside.school.nz and she will send you an application form and also answer any questions you may

     Have You Seen the Avonside Careers
                                                                           StepFamily Issues & Advice
    This is the one stop shop for all the careers news and                            www.blendedfamilysuccess.nz
        events both at Avonside and all over the city.
                                                                         Solutions to stepfamily issues. Advice on how
     Employment opportunities are advertised here too.                     to help children adjust in a blended family,
             Avonside.careerwise.co.nz                                      Overcome stepparent and child problems.
                                                                                       Strategies that really work.
     If you sign up you will get notifications to your email

                                         Free Pasifika Holiday Programme
The UCMe XL holiday programme for Pasifika students will run from 9—11 July and 1—3 October 2019.
Students can attend one or both of the programmes, with July including a group visit to Open Day / Rā Tōmene.
UCMe XL provides free academic tutoring, workshops, transport to and from certain pick up points, meals and learning
resources for Pasifika students.

It is a great way to help students prepare for Levels 1, 2 and 3 exams.

To find out more, contact Viane Makalio in UC’s Pacific Development Team.
Contact Number: 03 369 5295
Email: viane.makalio@canterbury.ac.nz

                                   Avonside Girls’ High School Old Girls’ Association
                                      Calling Mothers, Grandmas and Big Sisters
Are you a past pupil of Avonside? We would love to invite you to join the Old Girls’ Association.

There are nine branches New Zealand wide, but here in Christchurch we meet socially twice a year and issue a
newsletter that serves to keep us all in touch with each other and with the school. The life membership fee is $50.00, but
if you would like to “try before you buy” you are very welcome to come along to our next social get-together. Simply ring
our president, Wendy Roberts on 332 3163 and she will be very happy to give you details.

Tel: (64) 3 3897199                             Email: principal@avonside.school.nz                 Website: www.avonside.school.nz
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