Minutes (Pending Approval)

Page created by Dawn Morrison
Minutes (Pending Approval)

                                               Formal Meeting
                                            Thursday, June 3, 2021
                                             5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
                                               Virtual Meeting

    1. Convening the Meeting                                                                    5:00 PM
          a. Call to Order
                 a. Samantha Finch
                 b. Polly Hart
                 c. Melanie Pehrson
                 d. Phil Carrol
                 e. Brianna Binnebose
                 f. CJ Whittaker
                 g. Jenny Hewson
                 h. Ginger Cannon
          b. Chair Comments

Ms. Finch read the written determination regarding a non-permanent meeting location according to
HB5002. Additionally, she and the other board members welcomed Phil Carroll to the board and
introduced themselves.

    2. Approval of Minutes                                                                        5:03 PM
       a. Approve May 6, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Approval of the meeting minutes was moved to the July meeting as the board members did not received a

    3.    Public Comment Period                                                                  5:05 PM
             a. Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes; 15 minutes total. Written
                comments are welcome.

Hilary Jacobs a member of the public and 27-year resident of Salt Lake City shared her concerns
regarding the contractor chosen to construct the trails for the Foothills Trails System Project. She
indicated the research she conducted of their website did not highlight projects they completed in
environments like the Foothills of Salt Lake City. Ms. Jacobs inquired as to why the City chose this
contractor and what qualifies them to work in this environment?

Dan Schelling a member of the public and 27-year resident of the Avenues share his concerns regarding
the Foothills Trails System Project. He stated he is a professional geologist and part of the Save Our
Foothills campaign. He is concerned about the process and implementation of the Foothills Masterplan
and requests that the Foothill Trails Masterplan is halted and a new inclusive vision for the Foothills
preservation and use be implemented for Salt Lake City Public Lands.

Eric Edelman a 12-year resident of Salt Lake City expressed his concern of the trail network and design.
He feels the contractor has a poor understanding of the soil mechanics of the area and his greatest concern
is the placing of major trail networks with giant switchbacks. He requests a new committee be brought in
to oversee implementation as he feels these new trails are specifically designed for mountain bike riders.
He is also concerned of the impacts to plant and animal life due to the implementation of the new trail

    4. Discussion Items                                                                          5:20 PM
         a. Big Ideas Presentation – Nancy Monteith                                               45 Min.

Nancy Monteith, Project Manager of the Reimagine Nature Campaign, provided a brief overview
of the project and explained she and the design consultants will be sharing the results from the
second engagement window. Ms. Riker explained the public engagement process for this project
is now closed. She reviewed the public outreach completed during the engagement window for
the project.

Anna Laybourn, design consultant reviewed the timeline for the project and Ms. Monteith
discussed the results from the first window of engagement. Ms. Monteith stated there were over
7,000 contacts and 5,077 contacts from the second window of engagement thus exceeding the
original goal of reaching 10,000 contacts. Ms. Laybourn explained the survey received over
3,000 responses and two-thirds of respondents provided their zip codes providing insights to
where survey responses came from. She stated there was an increase in participation from areas
that were lower in participation from the first survey and in increase participation from more
diverse backgrounds. Ms. Laybourn reviewed the results from questions on the survey. She
stated 82% of respondents felt the plan’s vision statement is on track and 87% agreed with the
five goals of the plan.

Mary Oliver, design consultant, discussed the responses to the ten transformative projects. She
explained the projects stemmed from the proposed Big Ideas and based off feedback from the
first survey and the 2019 Needs Assessment. She listed the ten projects: Welcome to the Green,
Meet Me at the River, Put Environment First, Downtown Comes Alive Outside, Just 5 Minutes
From Here, Coming Soon to a Park Near You, Tell Our Stories, Reimagine Neighborhood Parks,
Grow Our Urban Forest and Connect Mountains to the Lake. She explained the survey asked
respondents to rate how satisfied they are with the potential projects. Ms. Oliver discussed the
results of the survey and stated the Grow Our Urban forest and Put Environment First projects
consistently scored higher than the other projects. She stated all the transformative projects
received between 77% - 92% satisfied responses for these projects, which indicates overall
support from the community. Ms. Oliver stated Put Environment First and Grow Our Urban
Forest also rated highest in urgency and importance. She also discussed the response results by
neighborhood. Ms. Oliver reviewed the next steps for the project which includes a review of the
draft plan on August 5, 2021 to the board and then a review from City Council. The plans will
then go through the City’s formal adoption process. She showed the overall framework of what
may go into the masterplan with examples of goals, vision, strategies, and actions.

Ms. Monteith requested any comments and questions be sent to them by June 16, 2021 and stated
she will be sending the board a more detailed report of the results from the second engagement
window. Ms. Cannon inquired to what the role of the PNUT board is in this process and in
making improvements to the draft plan.
Ms. Riker explained the PNUT board is an advisory board and its members are representatives of
the perspectives of their council districts. She explained they do not have final approval of the
draft; however, staff will take their comments and concerns seriously.

Ms. Monteith, Ms. Oliver, and Ms. Laybourn answered questions from board members regarding
the results to the second engagement window.

Ms. Riker answered more questions regarding the role of the PNUT board and stated the board
can write letters of support to City Council.

        b. City Creek Trail System Update – Tyler Fonarow                                  10 Min.

Tyler Fonarow, Trails Project Specialist introduced himself and explained he is responsible for
overseeing the implementation of the Foothills Trail System. He is presenting at the meeting to
answer questions from board members regarding the Foothills Trail System. He provided his
contact information, tyler.fonarow@slcgov.com for those who have additional questions or
concerns. Mr. Fonarow shared the first question: Was there a list of specific priorities given to
the design consultants? Mr. Fonarow explained the RFP included five main goals with the
primary goal being environmental sustainability. The other goals included, accessibility, safety,
enjoyability and low maintenance sustainability. He explained if individuals would like to look
up an RFP there is a process and can provide it to interested individuals.

Mr. Fonarow provided an update on the status of the project and stated the trail implementation
is about 90% complete for phase one and the project has been paused to conduct a deeper
analysis of cultural and environmental impacts. He explained the City Creek Trail is being
repaired to provide more stability and rerouting the first 500 feet of the trail. He explained work
to remove debris and asphalt that was dumped along trail, is being completed as well.

Mr. Fonarow discussed how his team is working to build trail etiquette through public
engagement to ensure all people can enjoy the City’s trails. He discussed the rising concerns of
e-mountain bikes as they become more powerful, dogs on trails, and shared use of trails. He
discussed the success with stewardship of the Foothills Trails and explained there are three to
four events held each month for trail stewardship and clean up.

Mr. Fonarow explained the next steps for the conceptual designs for five trailhead
improvements, Emigration Canyon, Popperton Park, 18th Avenue, Bonneville Boulevard and
Victory Road. Staff will be working with design firms and gathering resources to move forward
with phase two. He stated they will be conducting preliminary research and taking what they
learned from phase one to continue to engage with the public and deepen relationships with
cultural and environmental groups. He stated part of these steps will include to continue habitat
studies and review management designation of trails.

Mr. Fonarow explained they worked with Alta Designs for trail alignments and hired trail
contractors to change the alignment to a construction ready alignment to prepare trails for use.
Ms. Hart inquired if the plans for phase two and three will change and he confirmed what is
changing in the next phases and explained Public Lands Staff will approve the placement of
trails with consultation and public feedback.
c. Board Member Community Updates – Board Members                                      10 Min.

This discussion item was moved to next month’s meeting due to time constraints.

         d. Donation Proposal – Kezia Lopez                                                      3 Min.

Ms. Lopez reviewed the donation proposal sent by email last month to the board. She stated the
donation is from the Greater Avenues Community Council celebrating Phil Carroll’s service to
the City. The donation is a memorial bench with a plaque inlayed in cement which reads: “With
profound gratitude to Phillip Carroll for his decades of service as Chair of the annual Memory
Grove Cleanup, Salt Lake City Parks, the Greater Avenues Community Council and the residents
of Salt Lake City dedicate this bench. November 2020.”

Ms. Lopez confirmed the straw vote conducted by email was unanimous in support of approving
the donation and requested a formalized vote to confirm approval. Ms. Hart motioned to
approve the memorial bench and Ms. Binnebose seconded the motion. All members
unanimously agreed to approve the donation.

    5. Program Highlights
       a. Each Program will Share an Update (Time Permitting)
             a. Due to time constraints, staff were unable to share updates.

    6. Board Comments & Future Agenda Items                                                6:25 PM
       a. Board Comment Period
             a. Request for Future Agenda Item
                     i. Ms. Cannon requested we continue our trails discussion in the next meeting.
                    ii. Ms. Binnebose requested a site visit of the Foothills trails.
                   iii. Ms. Hart requested a discussion to define the role the Parks Advisory Board.
             b. PNUT Board Field Trip
             c. Upcoming Involvement Opportunities

    7. Confirmation of Next Meeting                                                            6:29 PM
        a. July 1, 2021

Ms. Hart inquired if staff would be available to hold a meeting and Ms. Riker explained previously, board
attendance is low during the July meeting. However, if board members would like to meet, we will have
staff available. Ms. Hart requested we move the meeting to the following week. All members agreed to
move meeting to Thursday July 8, 2021.

    8. Adjourn                                                                                  6:30 PM

Mr. Whittaker motioned to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Hewson seconded the motioned. All board
members unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting.

    9. Webex Chat and Comments

from Dan Schelling to everyone: 5:00 PM

Where do I raise my hand?

from Hilary Jacobs to everyone: 5:00 PM
I don't see where we raise our hand either!

from Tyler Fonarow to everyone:       5:01 PM

Under the reactions emoji is an option to raise hands

from Lopez, Kezia to everyone: 5:01 PM

Click on the smiley face emoji icon then click raise hand

from Hilary Jacobs to everyone: 5:02 PM


from Lopez, Kezia to everyone: 5:03 PM

Yes, 5 is a quorum

from Gwen Springmeyer to everyone:            5:04 PM

I am now attending as a member of the public. I am still very interested in public lands. I have no

from Lopez, Kezia to everyone: 5:22 PM


from Hilary Jacobs to everyone: 5:22 PM

for more information on our effort to Save Our Foothills you can go to our new website under
construction: www.slcfoothills.org

from Ginger Cannon to everyone:        5:25 PM

Thanks to all the PNUT board members who helped to gather in-person feedback during this engagement
window. :)

from Nancy Monteith to everyone:        5:37 PM

We will send the Board the full report on Reimagine Nature Engagement Window #2 for your review.

from Bri Binnebose to everyone:      5:37 PM

Thanks Nancy!

from polly hart to everyone:     5:37 PM

Thank you!

from Nancy Monteith to everyone:        6:01 PM


from Ginger Cannon to everyone:        6:06 PM

Nancy and consultants, thanks for all your hard work on this VERY IMPORTANT plan - not something
we do for another 10-20 years, so we will be engaged.

from Tyler Fonarow to everyone:       6:06 PM



from Tyler Fonarow to everyone:         6:07 PM

1. Was there a list of specific priorities given to the design consultants? Did you put out an RFP or
RFQ? If RFP, can we see it?

from Tyler Fonarow to everyone:         6:19 PM

2. What has been the oversight process of the construction? Particularly, it sounds like some uphill cuts
were not done properly. Was a map created for construction to follow or was construction given general
instructions? If a trail placement map exists, please provide.

from Hilary Jacobs to everyone: 6:23 PM

Thank you, Polly, for good questions.

from Riker, Kristin to everyone: 6:24 PM

Polly, CJ and all board members- If you have questions about the Foothills Trails plan please reach out to
myself and or Lewis and we will do our best to respond.

from Dan Schelling to everyone: 6:27 PM

Save our Foothills is also offering to take any and all PNUT board members to see the trails above
Terrace Hills. Please contact D Schelling at dschelling@comcast.net if you are interested in doing this.
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