MPI refreshes strategy - Agrarian Rural Marketing

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MPI refreshes strategy - Agrarian Rural Marketing


                      MPI refreshes strategy
                  The Ministry for Primary Industries is trying to get all New Zealanders onside with
                       promoting the success of the agriculture sector. Phil Edmonds reports.

             hile primary sector revenue      Zealand’s natural resources are sustainable,      On one level MPI’s shift towards

 W           growth is almost exclusively
             determined by consumers
             in countries with little or no
                                              protecting the country from biological risk
                                              and growing the value of primary sector
                                                                                              being a more overt champion and
                                                                                             promoter of agriculture could be viewed
                                                                                             as simply evolutionary and a pragmatic
interest in what New Zealanders think           The fourth is a new concept,                 acceptance that it needs to continue
of their own industries, the Government       ‘participation’. This outcome is about         adding strings to its bow to enable the
has decided growth will be compromised        ensuring New Zealanders participate in the     sector to flourish. Some others might
without improving the domestic                success of the primary industries.             see this as a departure from what has
reputation of farming. As a result, the         In framing the strategy refresh, then        historically been its core business –
Ministry for Primary Industries is now        director-general Martyn Dunne said             essentially as an administrator of the
trying to get all New Zealanders onside,      MPI is having to respect new demands           primary industries.
reflected in a significant change to its      for primary sector exports that meet              An MPI spokesperson told Dairy Exporter
objectives.                                   ethical welfare requirements, adapt to the     the participation outcome was developed
  Last October MPI released its Strategic     challenges of climate change and deal          because now more than ever, its ability
Intentions 2018-2023, a follow up five-       with unprecedented threats to biosecurity      to continue to deliver for New Zealanders
year plan from its previous 2015-2020         systems. MPI could no longer meet these        requires the public to be more deeply
document. The strategy refresh sets           challenges on its own and would need to        engaged.
out four key outcomes, three familiar         collaborate more widely with partners,            MPI says while engaging the public
from the last edition – ensuring New          communities and New Zealanders.                is expected to improve MPI’s role as

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on public perception like MPI now is.           MPI now has a positive attitude towards
                                                   “We do tend to lead, and we are at           collaboration and working together with
                                                the cutting edge of the people issues.          others.”
                                                Ireland’s Origin Green for example, doesn’t        Copeland has also seen a greater
                                                have that focus – it’s very much around         emphasis on openness which has been
                                                sustainability and is product-focused.”         evident through new director-general Ray
                                                   He says the preoccupation is unique to       Smith’s willingness to meet and engage
                                                NZ. “But what we have to remember is that       with farmers.
                                                agriculture is such a huge part of the fabric      More generally, Copeland says “The
                                                of society here, which is why it matters        image of agriculture needs to improve.
                                                more to New Zealand than anybody else.”         There’s no doubt about that. We don’t get

                                                Long overdue
                                                                                                a lot of cut through in urban media and
                              Mike Petersen.                                                    the action being taken by MPI can only
                                               MPI becoming an active ‘champion’                help with this.”
‘protector’ through helping to detect and      has plenty of support within the sector
eradicate pests and diseases, ensuring         where there is a clear sense a vacuum
animals are treated well, and ensuring         needed to be filled. Some of this is born
NZ has a sustainable and enduring              from a frustration around challenges to
environment, it also believes a more           agriculture’s domestic reputation but also a
prosperous sector will help to strengthen      sense that NZ has not adequately addressed
the public’s perception of the primary         the need to project a unique primary sector
industries.                                    story to overseas markets.
   NZ’s Special Agricultural Trade Envoy          St John Craner, managing director
Mike Petersen believes the change in focus     of rural marketing company Agrarian
is evolutionary.                               says MPI’s proactivity reflects a legacy of
                                                                                                                            St John
   “The inclusion of participation in the      leadership deficit.
new strategy is more about an evolution           “A lot of organisations have been
rather than having been deliberately           scrambling to try and tell the agricultural

                                                                                                How to measure
ignored in the past. It’s a continuation       story. The shift is a very noble and

of the work started under the previous         worthwhile cause. And it is long overdue.
government although there is definitely           “We all know that there is an increasing
more urgency now. There’s no doubt             divide and misunderstanding in                   The support given to MPI’s refocus is not
that the Provincial Growth Fund and the        communication between rural and urban            necessarily unqualified, however. With
Government’s determination to invest in        New Zealand. We do need to close that            the increase in investment MPI is clearly
provincial New Zealand has contributed         gap, improve understanding, improve              giving to participation, those who remain
to some greater focus on community             communication and someone has to lead            more concerned with MPI getting the
engagement.”                                   that.”                                           basics right are curious to know what
   Taking on the                                                          Petersen agrees and   effective participation looks like and how
challenge of                                                           notes events have        it will be measured.
changing public                     ‘The inclusion of                  contributed to MPI’s        Craner has some concerns over how
perception in the                                                      decision to broaden      success will be evaluated.
sector as part of
                              participation in the new                 its reach. While there      “Ultimately, unless it turns up in higher
core business does               strategy is more about                has been residual        prices for sheep and beef farmers or dairy
appear to have                an evolution rather than                 concerns about           farmers in New Zealand then how do you
pushed MPI into               having been deliberately                 MPI sticking to its      determine its success? There does need to
territory not shared                                                   knitting, engaging the   be a commercial outcome.”
by MPI-equivalent
                               ignored in the past. It’s a             public has become           And while supportive of the direction
organisations in              continuation of the work                 MPI’s knitting.          being taken, Copeland says measuring
other markets.               started under the previous                   “To some extent       successful participation will be tricky, and
Neither Australia’s              government although                   their hands have been    it is not immediately obvious how this will
Department for                                                         forced by a whole        be done.
Agriculture and
                                there is definitely more               lot of biosecurity          In its 2018 Annual report, MPI noted
Water Resources,                      urgency now.’                    incursions that          key indicators for measuring progress on
nor Ireland’s                                                          they’ve had to get on    participation include those that reflect
Department of                                                          top of. They’ve had to   increasing public trust in primary sector
Agriculture, Food and the Marine for           reach out.”                                      systems through a greater willingness
example have within their remits the              As well as the wider public, Federated        to share MPI information, more public
challenge of encouraging active, informed      Farmers chief execeutive Terry Copeland          confidence in systems MPI leads to
and engaged communities.                       is particularly pleased MPI’s adoption           regulate, and the opinion of the primary
   Petersen isn’t aware of any other           of participation is benefiting farming           sector among the NZ public is increasingly
countries where their primary sector’s         communities.                                     positive.
governmental arm is placing importance            “We’re delighted about the change.               MPI points to fewer biosecurity incidents

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But will it lead to
and generating more interest in primary        conditions are tougher and are an

                                                                                             higher export prices?
sector jobs as outcomes where its work on      impediment to people being drawn to
public perception of the sector could be       primary sector jobs. In partnership with
judged.                                        AGMARDT, MPI launched and has held            It is the benefits of participation to
   Projects underway include the strategy      the inaugural Primary Industries Good         the wider economy that perhaps
to build a biosecurity team of 4.7 million,    Employer Awards. These awards recognise       unsurprisingly generates the most
which is involving partnerships with           and reward primary industry employers         interest from close observers and industry
businesses, communities, organisations,        who are demonstrating exceptionally good      participants. More specifically, the
Maori, and central, local and regional         employment practices.                         lingering questions are to what extent an
government.                                      MPI concludes that “All of these efforts    improved domestic public perception of
   A new independent biosecurity brand         help to build the reputation of the primary   farming will translate into primary sector
‘Ko Tatou This Is Us’ was launched last year   industries, in terms of the contribution      export growth, and what role MPI should
to support this movement. Ko Tatou This        they make to New Zealanders, including        play in projecting the perception of NZ
Is Us emphasises that biosecurity helps to     our rural communities, and our wider          agriculture in overseas markets.
protect everything that shapes our way of      economy.”                                        Copeland thinks there is a link between
life, from the food we enjoy eating, the
outdoor environment where we fish, hunt,
farm and explore to the beautiful fauna            THE MANDATED FUNCTION OF MPI AND
and flora Aotearoa provides.
   “We also encourage public participation
                                                   INTERNATIONAL EQUALS:
                                                   NZ: Ministry for Primary Industries:
in biosecurity through marketing and
                                                   • Ensure New Zealand’s natural resources are sustainable in the primary sector
behaviour change programmes. This                  • Protect New Zealand from biological risk and ensure products are safe for all
includes keeping watch and reporting any             consumers.
suspicious looking pests and diseases. An          • Grow the value of food and primary sector exports
example of this is the Brown Marmorated            • Ensure New Zealanders participate in the success of the primary industries
Stink bug, which we run annual awareness
campaigns on,” an MPI spokesperson said.           Australia: Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
   MPI’s campaign to boost primary                 • Build successful primary industries
sector skills and capability has involved          • Expand agriculture, fisheries and forestry exports
                                                   • Sustain water and other natural resources
working closely with other government
                                                   • Manage biosecurity and imported food risk
departments, industry organisations
and industry education organisations to            Ireland: Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine
promote the diversity of primary careers           • Promote and safeguard public, animal and plant health and animal welfare
and attract the next generation of workers.        • Provide income and market supports to underpin the rural economy
   MPI has also taken the step to champion         • Provide the policy framework for the sustainable development of the agri-
good employers in the sector – no doubt               food sector
in response to perceptions that working

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Terry Copeland

an improved image of agriculture within
NZ and growing primary sector exports.
   “The more we can be seen to be doing
the right thing, the greater potential we
have of reaching more markets.”
   MPI’s focus on building the reputation
of NZ’s primary sector as good employers
and dedicated to animal welfare certainly
chime with attributes identified as                 “Countries are defined by their             from that audience. But if you are talking
important to consumers in both NZ and in         companies, not their governments.              to an international market do you need a
high value markets overseas.                     For example, Germany is defined by             mandate from New Zealanders? Did the
   Petersen and Craner are however both          reputation and attributes associated           Flight of the Conchords suffer from not
clear that while MPI might be well-placed        with Mercedes, BMW and Audi, Sweden            having a mandate when they went to
to build a positive image of agriculture         is defined by Volvo and Switzerland by         the US and HBO picked them up because
within the country, it shouldn’t be MPI’s        Tissot watches. So you should really let the   TVNZ snubbed them? No.”
job to project that to consumers of our          private sector tell their story rather than       MPI’s participation strategy doesn’t
products in other markets.                       rely on a top-down approach.”                  directly speak to international audiences.
   “I don’t think it is MPI’s job to lead           Craner is also wary about believing         It is a first-things-first approach where
that,” Petersen says. “MPI can enable it but     an improved perception of farming              the focus is in some respects reactive,
the sector needs to lead it. It is much better   and agriculture among New Zealanders           addressing the primary sector’s immediate
if the companies that are procuring and          translates into an equally improved respect    concerns of ensuring it continues to have
processing and marketing the products            for our products in overseas markets.          a social licence to operate and produce
actually lead the brand story of New                “The person who ultimately decides the      within NZ. Nevertheless, success here
Zealand – but with MPI’s close engagement        value of products is the one who consumes      should at least create more confidence
and close support.”                              them. If you are talking to a domestics        for the sector to boast about its virtues
   Craner agrees.                                market of course you need a mandate            offshore. 

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