Page created by Edna Mendoza
Myths Of Dentistry And
     The Dentist

This a dental guide featuring common myths of dentistry and a practical
guide on oral health preventive measures.

This guide has been prepared in an interactive manner and also doubles as a
personal teacher clearing your doubts and answering “unasked” questions.

This guide is an initiative and design of Fortune Health Plus Initiative NGO that
improves and sustains communities through interventions in Public health,
Community development, Education and Empowerment.
      (Read more here:

Enjoy your ride with your personal dental health teacher and instructor!

3   Myth 1: The Dentist Only Knows And Can Only
         Take Care Of Teeth

 The dentist is thoroughly trained to recognize other basic diseases. He/she can also give first line
  treatment, counsel and give a proper referral to the expert on that area of the body.

 For example, a dentist can give appropriate dietary advice, talk about hypertension or give you
  prescription to at least improve the condition till you get to the expert.

 Your dentist can attend to emergencies, like accident cases. He can stabilize a fracture pending
  the arrival of the orthopaedic surgeon, relieve general pain & discomfort and admit patients.
4     Myth 2: A Dentist Only Remove Teeth

 This is a misconception the dentist is battling with every day, even with his educated and well
  exposed clients.

 This misconception is as a result of lack of proper dental awareness, influence of parents,
  relatives, friends, colleagues and peers who themselves do not have the right and appropriate
  dental health education.

 Late presentation leaves the dentist with no other choice than to remove the teeth.

 Poverty, the almighty problem of the developing world is also a contributing factor to this

5   Myth 3: Scaling And Polishing Will Ruin
       My Taste Buds
 “Cleaning of teeth” is known as scaling and polishing.

 Oral hygiene is the cornerstone of good oral health. If your teeth and mouth are generally
clean, you are less likely to develop diseases in your mouth.

 The dentist or dental hygienist clean the teeth so as to remove dirts and stains on the gum and
  teeth that one can not clean. For example, in between the teeth and the extreme corners.

 The dentist has the advantage of seeing those areas of the mouth you cannot directly see and
  uses specialized machines and instruments that would work better, faster and effectively than
  your toothbrush or chewing sticks.

6    Myth 4: Dental Diseases Do Not Kill

 This is also not true!

 Common dental abscess arising from untreated holes and graduating to soft tissue
  swellings can kill if unduly delayed.

 There are also oral cancers.

 Any unusual swelling or pus discharge in the mouth must be reported to the dentist on

7     Myth 5: Dental Treatment Is Cheap
   Dental treatment, even at government hospitals are very expensive.

   Prevention is better and cheaper than cure.

   Brush your teeth very well twice each day, especially last thing at night.

   Reduce consumption of simple sugars as seen in refined carbohydrates in snacks, chocolates and chewing gum.

   Soft drinks/soda are not left out, especially for children.

   Clean in between our teeth with dental flosses and not tooth picks.

   Fruits and vegetables are a must take in copious quantities.

   Tobacco smoking, snuffing and reversed smoking are liable to cause cancers of the mouth and even lead to cancers of
    other parts of the body, especially the lungs.

8      Myth 6: Tooth Removal Will Cause
       Damage To The Brain/Head/Heart
     Tooth extraction, when done by a trained and qualified personnel cannot and will not
      result in death, neither will it cause injury to the head or brain.

     It is a truth that the teeth are in the head and are close to the throat, nose, ears and in
      fact the eyes and indirectly to the brain.

     The dentist is trained in good techniques and procedures to remove each of the thirty-
      two teeth in the adult mouth and the twenty teeth in the child with specific instruments
      in such a way that not even the next tooth is done any harm.

     This guaranty is not here when you patronize quacks.
9     Myth 7: Any Doctor Or Medical
      Professional Can Remove Teeth
 ONLY dentists should and can extract teeth.

 As simple as dental extraction, removal of a tooth, may appear to be, only dentists are trained
  and qualified to remove teeth.

 Any other medical professional doing this is being overzealous and overreaching, and therefore
  such actions can be at his own risk or that of the person being treated.

 Such medical professional may not be seen by the regulator, the Nigerian Medical and Dental
  council, as exercising proper and reasonable care and may therefore be liable, should there be
  a casualty.

 The proper thing to do is to refer all dental cases to the dentist. However, they can give first line
  treatment to reduce pain and discomfort.
10         Myth 8: Is It Not An Ordinary
 No part of your body, not the least of your tooth is ordinary.

 Every part of our body including the nails, hairs and unseen anus is very important and each
  part must be treated with utmost care.

 The mouth is the gateway to the body, hence, the body cannot grow without the mouth.

 The health of the mouth is an indication of the general health of the body. So, the whole
  mouth is important.

 Some individuals as old as forty years have been using the mouth and teeth for such a length
  of time, yet had never visited the dental clinic, not even for check-up or preventive care.
11    Myth 9: Heredity Can Not Be
 "My parents have dental problems, there is nothing I can do to prevent the ailment, so it is not
  my fault". It may be your fault actually.

 Although some dental ailments can be hereditary, but a lot depends on the environment and
  your own factors.

 You may not have dental problems like your parents had because of better civilized
  environments, better education and exposure, better dental facilities and improved personal

 Do not condemn yourself to what your parents went through, neither condemn your own
  children to what you went through.
Fortune Health Plus Initiative (FHePIn) is a registered Non-Governmental Organization with the vision of
improving and sustaining communities through interventions. Basically, it has its focus on Public Health, Education,
Empowerment and Community Development.

FHePIn is also duly registered with the Social Welfare component of the Ministry of Women Affairs and also the
Ministry of Health Oyo State for approval, recognition and collaboration. The Organization is governed by five Board
members, various Key Vision Drivers and Unit Heads with the Head Quarters at 70, Liberty Road, Ibadan, Oyo State.

In a short time of establishment, she has successfully implemented numerous projects on health - Cervical Cancer
Screening and Treatment for women, Health Awareness/free treatment program, collaboration with Rotary Family
Health Days program and several others.

FHePIn is also a part of the Monitoring team under the Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for all
(CSACEFA) of the 2013/2014 Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) and State Universal Basic Education
Board (SUBEB) Projects on the provision of basic amenities and quality education of schools in Oyo State.

FHePIn has also implemented an In-School Youth Empowerment Program where a selected number of secondary
school students were empowered with a variety of vocational skills during the summer vacation.

For more information, visit:

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