APPLICATION PACK - Questacon Smart Skills Initiative

Page created by Barry Lawson
APPLICATION PACK - Questacon Smart Skills Initiative
Questacon Smart Skills Initiative


                                  PRINCIPAL PARTNER
APPLICATION PACK - Questacon Smart Skills Initiative
NA         L

WHAT IS THE NATIONAL QUESTACON                               HOW DO I APPLY?
INVENTION CONVENTION?                                        We want to hear your idea for a great new innovation which
The National Questacon Invention Convention is an            will make a difference to your life, or the lives of a specific
all-expenses paid, five day workshop in Canberra, held       group of people. It could be a big problem or an everyday
every January. It’s immersive and fun – play, make, design   challenge, or even something to make the world a little
and laugh your way through a week of inspiration and         more fun.
creativity, and prototype real solutions to real problems.
                                                             Follow our Application Guidelines on the next page, and
Explore real-life problems – Work with us to come up         submit your idea along with the completed registration
with ideas.                                                  form signed by you and your parent/guardian.
Bring your invention to life – Prototype your ideas and      Places are limited (maximum 25) and participants will
get them off the page and into your hands.                   be selected based on their responses to the application
                                                             questions. Responses can include images and video. If
Build stuff – Learn new skills, from robotics and
                                                             your application is successful, Questacon will arrange all
electronics to hot glue, hammer and nails.
                                                             travel, accommodation and meals; this is an all-expenses
Meet cool people – Network with professional innovators,     paid event.
designers and communicators, as well as 24 other young
people like you.
                                                             “I loved learning new skills using new software for my
Celebrate your achievements – Enjoy a showcase event         innovation. App building and programming have been
with your new friends, mentors and other VIPs.               something I wanted to do […] I loved the “lets do it”
                                                             attitude that the team and delegates had”.
If you are a student aged 14–18 in January 2020 and          — Jessica, 2019 delegate
attend an Australian secondary school, you are eligible
                                                             “Billy came home so excited about the people he met - he
to apply for the National Questacon Invention Convention.
                                                             has people to draw knowledge and experience from in the
An Invention Convention is a great place to learn new        future, as well as an expanded friend circle. He also found
skills, and we encourage people with strengths in            pathways to product development that have given him
different areas to apply with an idea.                       confidence to pursue his ideas”.

                                                             — Parent, 2019

                                                                   FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT US:

                                                                   Phone: 1800 889 995
APPLICATION PACK - Questacon Smart Skills Initiative
APPLICATION GUIDELINES                                               Your drawings and prototypes don
                                                                                                         ’t have to be perfectly
                                     t new innovation.
We want to hear your idea for a grea                                 polished – we’re most interested
                                                                                                        in your ideas!
                                   everyday challenge,
It could solve a big problem or an
                                                                                                        and prototyping but aren’t
or even make the world a little mor
                                    e fun.                           Maybe you love making, building
                                                                                                            e a video and talk to
                                   ns below using any                keen on writing an application; mak
Respond to the prompting questio                                     us about the things you’ve already
                                                                                                            created and why they
                                     tos, drawings,
combination of written answers, pho                                   are great.
                                  s. We’ll be looking for
diagrams, and video presentation
                                  tions with plenty of                                                    ’t yet have the skills to
responses that give clear explana                                     Maybe you’re full of ideas but don
                                    do this in less than                                                     idea, draw a design,
relevant details. You can probably                                    build a prototype; tell us about the
                                    of a spoken response.                                                    ut prototyping it.
500 words, or in about 3 minutes                                      and consider how you might go abo
                                                                                   following points:
                                      inve  ntion, making sure to address the
 To apply, tell us about your idea or
                              ENTION                                  3. WHY DO YOU WANT TO ATTEND
 1. DESCRIBE YOUR IDEA OR INV                                                                    to be a
                                                                      In a couple of sentences, tell us
                                                                                                        why you’d love
                                       be you’re still in                                                on Invention Convention.
 Tell us about your original idea. May                                par t of the 2020 National Questac
                                       ’ve already created
 the planning stages, or perhaps you
 something. Don’t forget to tell us
                                             s it work?
 •    Function: What does it do? How doe
                                                                         The response you submit should
                                                                                                           be your own
                                         r idea solve?
 •     Problem: What problem does you
                                                                         original idea. It could be a complet
                                                                                                              ely new invention
                                         How does it                                                        design. If it’s an
 •     User: Who would use your idea?                                    or an improvement of an existing
                                                                                                               ady exists,
       benefit them?                                                     improvement to something that alre
                                                                                                            it unique, and why
                                                                         make sure to tell us what makes
  2. PLAN YOUR PROTOTYPE                                                                                       user. Do a quick
                                     your idea.                          your improvements will benefit the
  A prototype is an early version of                                                                           there already
                                   idea could work.                       Google search to check what’s out
  It should show or test how your                                                                              ed on originality.
                                                                          because your response will be judg
                                         your idea?
  •    How would you begin prototyping
                                             gy/skills/                   Questacon respects intellectual prop
                                                                                                                 erty laws.
       What equipment/materials/technolo                                                                    s, Questacon staff
                                                                          When assessing your application
       people might help?                                                                                       r intellectual
                                             Tell       us about          will respect your submission as you
   • HavHow
         e you already created a prototype?
             would you go about refining it? Ref  ining your              property and will not share or repr
                                                                                                              esent your idea
                                                                                                                  ns for more.
       it.                                                                as their own. See terms and conditio
                                         out of more suitable
       prototype could involve making it
                                         anced technology,
       materials, incorporating more adv
        or improving the design.

 Please attach any additional images or documents as required with clear labels or titles. Videos must be submitted via YouTube or
 Vimeo. Simply include the URL link and password in the registration form. We recommend using an ‘unlisted’ video on YouTube or a
 video with password protection on Vimeo.
 If you are under 18, both you and your parent or guardian will need to sign the registration form.
 Bonus points are allocated to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, students with disability and students from regional/
 remote areas. We encourage applicants to include this information in their application. Send the completed and signed registration
 form and responses to the application questions to the below address by 5pm Monday 30 September 2019.
 Post: Questacon Invention Convention, LOC 940, PO Box 5322, Kingston ACT 2604
 We will confirm that we have received your application within two business days. Successful applicants will be contacted
 early November and provided further information on accommodation and transport. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified via email.
APPLICATION PACK - Questacon Smart Skills Initiative
Registration Form
To be submitted with your responses to the application questions.

Given name:                                                      Surname:

Preferred Name:                             Date of birth:                                Male        Female        Unspecified

Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?       Yes         No         Prefer not to answer

Is English the main language you speak at home?               Yes         No         Prefer not to answer

School:                                                                           T shirt size:

Tell us something interesting about you! Have a hidden talent? Been anywhere cool? Have a favourite food?
This is so other successful participants can know a little about you. This is not marked!

Apartment/Unit:                                                          Street number:

Street name:


State:                                                              Postcode:

Where is your nearest airport?

If you are successful can we share your details with other successful participants?            Yes          No
This will help us to put you in touch with other participants from your area who are also travelling to Canberra.

    Written application (attached)             Video           Password: (if required)

URL link:

    Other (please provide details)

PARENT/GUARDIAN CONTACT DETAILS (if under 18 years of age)
Name:                                             Daytime phone:                                 Mobile:

Email:                                                    Participant Email:

How did you or the participant hear about the Invention Convention?

    Smart Skills in-school workshop            Regional Invention Convention             Teacher           Instagram

    Facebook           Twitter        Other (please specify)
APPLICATION PACK - Questacon Smart Skills Initiative
Does the participant require any adjustments, or have any allergies (food or other) that we need to be aware of?

Accessibility adjustments:

Allergies (food or other):                                                                                    If yes, Epi-pen?

Medical conditions:

Is the participant presently taking any medication?         Yes          No

If YES, please provide name and dosage:

I consent to my child receiving paracetamol for temporary pain relief           Yes          No

Is there any other information which you believe may help us provide the best possible care for the participant?

Dietary requirements and preferences:

Do you have any travel considerations we need to be aware of?

  Note – if a child has to travel with medication, it is an airline requirement to be able to administer the medication on their
  own. Please ensure the applicant has a doctor’s certificate (current, in English) to present at check in, confirming the child
  can recognise the need and administer medication if required.

I am aware that my child has applied for the National Questacon Invention Convention and give them permission
to attend. If their application is successful, I acknowledge I have read and agree to the Invention Convention Terms
and Conditions, including Questacon’s Privacy Policy.

Name:                                                Signature: 					Date:

I have read and agree to the National Questacon Invention Convention Terms and Conditions, including the Code of
Conduct and Questacon’s Privacy Policy.

Name:                                                Signature: 					Date:
    I would like to be contacted about future Invention Convention events
APPLICATION PACK - Questacon Smart Skills Initiative
terms and conditions
CODE OF CONDUCT                                                                          This treatment could be life saving and ACT Health (Department of Thoracic
Parents/Guardians of the Participant (or Participants, if over 18 years of age) retain   Medicine, The Canberra Hospital) advises that bronchodilator inhalers are safe
duty of care for the Participant until they have registered their arrival in Canberra    and are accepted as a first line therapy to be used in the emergency procedures
with a National Questacon Invention Convention employee and resumes once                 for asthma.
return travel commences. Parent/Guardian acknowledges that the Participant
will be travelling to and from Canberra unaccompanied and that during this time          TRANSPORT
supervision is accordingly limited.                                                      All domestic transportation to, from and between the Questacon Invention
1.    Participants must obey all lawful and reasonable instructions from the             Convention venue, accommodation and activities will be arranged by Questacon.
      Invention Convention Manager and Support Staff such as (but not limited to)        However, any costs associated with changes to travel arrangements must first be
      all instructions, directions and procedures relating to work health and safety     approved by Questacon in writing. These costs will be considered on a case by
      in operation at our premises. It is also expected that the Participant will be     case basis and Questacon may elect not to pay the costs associated with these
      on their best behaviour and follow all reasonable instructions from flight crew    changes.
      and attendants during travel to and from Canberra.
2.    Participants must not consume, use, or be in possession of alcohol, illegal        EVALUATION
      substances, or smoke cigarettes whilst participating in the Invention              As a condition of acceptance into the program, participants are expected to
      Convention. This includes being on Questacon premises, any Invention               complete at a minimum one pre-program questionnaire and one post-program
      Convention events, at accommodation or travelling to and from Invention            questionnaire.
      Convention events.
3.    Once registered with the Manager, Participants must not depart from the            INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
      Invention Convention environment without the approval of the Invention             All intellectual property rights in any material contained in the application or
      Convention Manager or the Support Staff.                                           emanating from participation in the program vests in the prospective participant
4.    Participants should be aware that they are representing their school, family,      or participant on creation. Submission of an application and/or participation in the
      organisation or business and Questacon. Participants should not engage             program in no way grants the Commonwealth (as represented by Questacon,
      in behaviour during their participation that harms the reputation of, or           a division of the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science) and third parties,
      discredits, any of the above. Participants will be expected to be on their best    rights in the intellectual property, or a licence in relation to the intellectual property.
      behaviour at all times. This includes but is not limited to complying with this
      code of conduct.                                                                   PRIVACY COLLECTION STATEMENT AND CONSENT
5.    No disrespect of other Participants, presenters, Questacon staff, mentors or       Questacon is a division of the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
      any other attendees at the Invention Convention will be tolerated under any        (the Department) and as such is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles
      circumstances.                                                                     (APPs) outlined in Schedule 1 of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). These
                                                                                         principles regulate how Questacon collects, uses, discloses and stores personal
6.    If Participants have any problems or concerns, they are to report them to the      information. As you would be aware your child is applying to participate in a
      Invention Convention Manager as soon as possible.                                  Questacon Invention Convention (Invention Convention). This requires the collection
7.    There is to be:                                                                    of your and your child’s personal information. The personal information collected
      a.   Respect for the venue and all property;                                       on the attached form and as part of the submission includes your contact details,
      b.   No interference with other people’s property;                                 emergency contact details, your child’s name, gender, and photograph, Aboriginal
                                                                                         or Torres Strait Islander status, language spoken at home, school, age, t-shirt size,
      c.   No use of venue telephones and other services (except at the
                                                                                         nearest airport, an ‘interesting fact’ provided by your child, location of residence,
           Participant’s expense).
                                                                                         postal address, special requirements and dietary requirements.
      d.   No person in the room of another after ‘lights out’ or during compulsory
           rest time.                                                                    Questacon may use this personal information in printed and digital materials and
                                                                                         websites produced for the Department and related Ministers’ offices including
8.    If under 18 years of age the Participant’s parent(s)/guardian will be liable for   reports, brochures, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, posters, fact sheets,
      any damage or loss caused to Questacon’s property and premises resulting           websites, social media applications (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and
      from the Participant’s conduct.                                                    YouTube), case studies, promotional videos and multimedia presentations. This
9.    Once signed in, Participants must attend all approved activities (including        personal information may also be used by media outlets in the form of media
      meals) unless given permission to do otherwise by the Invention Convention         releases including participant’s name and school to broadcast, advertise and
      Manager or Support Staff. Attendance will be recorded frequently to ensure         promote the Questacon Invention Convention. Questacon may use your personal
      participants are accounted for throughout the Invention Convention.                details to notify your local Member of Parliament about your child’s participation
10.   Participants must wear enclosed footwear and any other stipulated uniform. A       in the Invention Convention.
      shirt will be provided to be worn during all activities.                           Personal details may also be used to contact the Participant regarding future
11.   Participants must demonstrate punctuality as required by the Invention             Questacon events and programmes. Personal information contained in this
      Convention Manager.                                                                submission may be disclosed to an external assessor participating on the
                                                                                         submission assessment panel. The submission assessment panel, including
12.    Participants are required to take care of their possessions whilst at the         external assessors, may use the disclosed personal information in making their
       Invention Convention. Questacon will not be held liable for any loss or           assessment.
       damage to Participants’ possessions.
                                                                                         The information will only be used for the purposes outlined above, except
Breaches of any Code of Conduct Rules may lead to immediate expulsion from the
                                                                                         where authorised or required by law. For further information, please refer to the
Invention Convention. Should expulsion occur, the Participant’s parent(s)/guardian
                                                                                         Department’s Privacy Policy [
will be contacted and appropriate travel arrangements will be made. Any and all
                                                                                         aspx]. This policy contains information about how you may access the personal
additional expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the Participant or the
                                                                                         information Questacon holds about you, and how you may correct any inaccuracies
Participant’s parent(s)/guardian if the Participant is under 18 years of age.
                                                                                         in that information. It also includes information as to how you may make a
                                                                                         complaint about a breach of the Privacy Act, and how Questacon will respond
CONSENT TO APPLY FIRST AID                                                               to such a complaint. If you have an enquiry or request relating to your personal
In the event of any emergency, injury or illness, you authorise any official from        information, please contact:
Questacon Management Staff in charge of the workshop, to obtain on your behalf
and at your expense, any medical assistance, treatment and transportation as
                                                                                           Privacy Contact Officer
                                                                                           Legal Services Branch
deemed necessary.
                                                                                           Corporate Division
                                                                                           Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
MEDICAL CONDITIONS                                                                         GPO Box 9839
Questacon is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for program             CANBERRA ACT 2601
participants. In special circumstances, staff may be able to assist with the               AUSTRALIA
administration of medication. In these cases, parents/guardians must supply                Email:
comprehensive written authority and a statement from the participant’s doctor
authorising a staff member to administer the prescribed medication.                      More information about the Privacy Act can be obtained from the Office of the
                                                                                         Australian Information Commissioner’s website at:
If a student should suddenly collapse and/or have difficulty breathing, as with
all medical emergencies, professional help will be sought immediately. Staff may         Personal Information obtained will also be stored and held in accordance
seek to administer a bronchodilator inhaler device (“puffer”) while awaiting medical     with Questacon’s obligations under the Archives Act 1983 (Cth).
assistance, whether or not the student is known to have pre-existing asthma or           Questacon understands that you may not want Questacon to use your child’s
other health problems.                                                                   personal information in printed and digital materials and websites.
APPLICATION PACK - Questacon Smart Skills Initiative APPLICATION PACK - Questacon Smart Skills Initiative APPLICATION PACK - Questacon Smart Skills Initiative
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