FALL 2020 PROGRAMS - Squarespace

FALL 2020 PROGRAMS - Squarespace

The GIANT Room is an innovation hub where children act on
their most ambitious dreams. Founded by two Ph.D.'s in Education
                                                                            GIANT Fabrication Equipment
and backgrounds in engineering and science: Dr. Azadeh Jamalian                               Laser Cut Machine
and Dr. Jessica Mezei
                                                                                              Glowforge Pro laser cut
Address: 550 West 28th Street. (between 10th and 11th avenue)
                                                                                              machine, giving your child
Contact: demand@thegiantroom.com; (646) 360-2639                                              the opportunity to build
Website: www.thegiantroom.com                                                                 2D and 3D models of their
                                                                                              designs out of wood, felt,
Programs and Content:                                                                         cardboard, leather and
We offer programs and content at the intersection of design, art,                             more.
engineering, coding, technology, math, science, and literacy. We
work with you to design a curriculum that aligns with your child’s
needs and interest. In Fall 2020, we offer in person programs              3D Printer
(morning or afternoon sessions), live online afterschool, or live online   MakerBot 3D printer,
on-demand programs private with your own group of friends.                 giving your child the
                                                                           opportunity to design
In Person Programs                                                         and print a 3D objects
We design a morning or after-school program based on your child’s
                                                                           as part of prototyping
interests and needs, private for your group at our hub. You may            process.
choose any of the sample programs listed on pages 3 to 7 of this
document, or simply tell us about your child’s interests and we’ll put
together an engaging learning experience for them.
                                                                                                    Sticker Machine
Students have access to all materials and tools needed for their                                    Cricut Maker with
program. Included are our fabrication equipment and additional                                      versatile fine-point
creative technology such as laser cut machine, 3D printer,                                          blades enables cutting
embroidery machine, sticker and button maker, electronics, littleBits,                              sticker sheets, vinyls,
Ozobot, Dash and Dot, Makey Makey, micro-controllers such as                                        paper, and felt quickly
Microbit and Arduino, building sets such as Rigamajig and Clixo, all
                                                                                                    and accurately
sorts of arts and crafts materials. No matter which program you
choose for your child, they are always welcome to use any of the
tools and equipment in the space based on their aspirations, and
our staff is always ready to guide them on how to use the machines,        Button Maker
and challenge them to refine their designs.                                Design your very own
                                                                           buttons with original
Morning Sessions: Any 2 hour block between 10am to 1pm                     graphics, hand-drawn
Afternoon Sessions: Any 2 hour block between 2 to 6pm                      drawings, or stickers
                                                                           of your own design.
You may request as may sessions as you wish per week.
Minimum booking of 10 sessions are required. In case of lock-down,
you won’t be charged for the sessions you haven’t used.                                             Embroidery Machine
                                                                                                    Brother Embroidery
Ages:                                                                                               machine allowing kids
For kids 3 to 12 years old                                                                          to embroider their own
                                                                                                    designs, using built-in
                                                                                                    samples, original
$50/session/student. Each session is 2 hours.
Minimum of 5 students per group is required.                                                        digital graphics, or
Minimum booking of 10 sessions are required. In case of lock-down,                                  coded patterns on
you won’t be charged for the sessions you haven’t used.                                             fabric - creating the
                                                                                                    coolest patches.
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FALL 2020 PROGRAMS - Squarespace

  GIANT Afterschool STEM Clubs                                               When: Each club meets once a week, 4:00 to 5:00pm
                                                                             Dates: Sept 21st to Jan 30th
  We have 6 clubs you could choose from. Each club meets once a              Ages: For kids 5 to 12 years old
                                                                             Fee: $15/session + Material fee
  week live online. Depending on the club you join, we’ll send you
                                                                             Register: www.thegiantroom.com/STEMClubs
  a box of materials to make, play, and learn with.
                                                                                                   Mondays: Think like a Maker
                            Mondays: Nature Science
                                                                                                   Think like a pilot, engineer or
                            From growing your own
                                                                                                   even a bug! Participants learn
                            butterflies and mushrooms, to
                                                                                                   prototyping techniques to
                            exploring different habitats, or
                                                                                                   tackle age-appropriate
                            being inspired by nature to
                                                                                                   challenges, work collaboratively,
                            create your own art. Participants
                                                                                                   and think creatively, all using
                            immerse themselves in the wonder
                                                                                                   recycled material they have
                            of nature, learn about life cycles,
                            ecosystems and the balance of                                          at home.
     Material Fee: $350     forces in the natural world.                 Material Fee: $0

    Tuesdays: Design and Fashion                                         Wednesdays: Build with Rigamajig
    From 3D design in Tinkercad,                                         From self portrait to pulleys,
    to illustration design, sewing,                                      speed boats, vacuum,
    patching, and weaving,                                               dragons, unicorns and
    participants immerse                                                 everything in between,
    themselves in the exciting                                           participants dream of new
    world of fashion. They will                                          creations and bring them to
    also learn how to make smart                                         life with Rigamajig. They
    attire by coding and attaching                                       learn fundamentals in
    microcontroller and sensors to       Material Fee: $250              simple machines.               Material Fee: $565
    their pieces.
                                                                                                   Fridays: Doodles & Comics
                            Thursdays: Music and DJing                                             Participants will write thier
                            Participants create and mix their                                      original stories, design new
                            own original tracks using DJ                                           characters and worlds, learn
                            software and music apps, build                                         techniques to master their
                            custom instruments, explore                                            storytelling as well as doodling
                            electronic music, convert sound                                        skills, and publish their very
                            to color, design their DJ persona,                                     own comics!
                            and perform live!

    Material Fee: $250                                                     Material Fee: $0

On Demand Programs: Live Online
                                                                             Fee: $75/session + Material fee (for selected programs).
We design a workshop series based on your child’s interests and              You may request 1x1 sessions or private small group
needs, and according to your family’s schedule. You may request              sessions with friends. Price will be divided between
1x1 sessions or private with your group of friends.                          participants. So if you have 5 kids in your group, each
                                                                             would pay $15. If you book 5 sessions, you’ll recieve a
Classes: You may choose any of the sample programs on pages                  free one. If you book 10 sessions, you’ll recieve 3 free ones.
3 to 7 of this document, or simply tell us about your child’s interest
and we’ll design an engaging learning experience for them.                   When: On your schedule

Register: https://www.thegiantroom.com/learningondemand                      Duration: Each session is one hour. We recommend
                                                                             booking 5 to 10 sessions per subject.
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FALL 2020 PROGRAMS - Squarespace


                            Microcontrollers                                      Creative Coding & Math
                            Students design and code                              Students will learn how to
                            their own gadgets such as                             express their creativity
                            a step counter, digital                               through code. They learn
                            watch, interactive emotion                            fundamentals in coding in
                            display with Microbit. They                           scratch, code.org. Turtle
                            learn fundamentals in                                 Stitch, and p5.js Java Script
                            coding, sensors, inputs,                              library - all accessible to
                            and outputs of a micro                                everyone including beginners.

 Stop Motion Animation                                    Music and DJing
 Students design scenes                                   Participants create and mix
 and craft characters                                     their own original tracks
 using clay, recycling,                                   using DJ software and
 art and craft materials.                                 music apps, build custom
 They design storyboards                                  instruments, explore
 and learn techniques to                                  electronic music, convert
 create their own digital                                 sound to color, design their
 animations                                               DJ persona, and perform live!

                            AI & Invent for Good                                  Product Design
                            Students learn about                                  Students learn prototyping
                            machine learning,                                     techniques, 2D graphic,
                            coding, and design                                    and 3D design in Tinkercad,
                            thinking while inventing                              and fabricate their
                            solutions for the                                     designs using fabrication
                            problems they care                                    machines (3D printer, laser
                            about. They also practice                             cut, embroidery machine,
                            public speaking as they                               sticker machine, and button
                            present their inventions.                             maker). Sky is the limit of
                                                                                  what they can build.

 Nature Science                                           Building With Rigamajig
 From growing your own                                    From self portrait to pulleys,
 butterflies and mushrooms,                               speed boats, vacuum,
 to exploring different                                   dragons, unicorns and
 habitats, participants                                   everything in between,
 immerse themselves in the                                participants dream of new
 wonder of nature, learn                                  creations and bring them to
 about life cycles, ecosystems                            life with Rigamajig. They
 and the balance of forces in                             learn fundamentals in
 the natural world.                                       simple machines.

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FALL 2020 PROGRAMS - Squarespace


                           Coding & Robotics                                      DIY Electronics
                           Students learn                                         Participants immerse
                           coding in scratch and blockly,                         themselves in the exciting
                           explore the relationship                               world of electronics, build
                           between hardware and                                   their own battery sources,
                           software as they work with                             sensors, switches, and
                           Ozobot, littleBits Code, Dash                          outputs, and give them a
                           and Dot, and Makey Makey.                              purpose by turning them
                                                                                  into gadgets, greeting cards,
                                                                                  and everything in between.

 Design and Fashion                                         Invention with littleBits
 From 3D design in                                          Participants dream of new
 Tinkercad, to                                              inventions, gadgets, and
 illustration design                                        games, or machines and
 for laser cutting,                                         build then with littleBits
 sewing, patching,                                          electronic building blocks!
 and weaving, students                                      They master the invention
 immerse themselves in                                      process, learn about basics
 the exciting world of                                      in machine design including
 fashion.                                                   inputs, senors, outputs, and more.

                           Game Arcades                                           Broadway Show
                           Students learn about                                   Students write original
                           different game genres,                                 stories and songs,
                           design their own games                                 design characters,
                           such as pin ball machines,                             cast for their show,
                           mazes, and marble roller                               design costumes,
                           coasters. They build                                   build their own stage,
                           original toys while learning                           design sets, prepare
                           the design process                                     posters, and put on a
                           empathy, and user testing,                             big show!

 Think Like a Maker                                         Field Trips & Animals
 Think like a pilot,                                        We’ll take virtual field
 engineer or even a bug!                                    trips around the world.
 We equip students with                                     Mix analog skills with
 the rapid prototyping                                      digital skills to design
 techniques to tackle                                       and create animals with
 age-appropriate                                            different characteristics,
 challenges, work                                           some move, some light-up,
 collaboratively, and                                       some have patterns, all
 think creatively.                                          inspired by our trips!

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FALL 2020 PROGRAMS - Squarespace


                            Start Your Own Business                                              Doodles & Comics
                            Dream a new business, build it,                                      Participants will write thier
                            and launch it! Students will                                         original stories, design new
                            design their business models,                                        characters and worlds, learn
                            do market research, make                                             techniques to master their
                            prototypes, define their value                                       storytelling as well as
                            propositions, decide on their                                        doodling skills, and publish
                            go-to-market strategy,                                               their very own comics!
                            plan a customer journey, and
                            launch their first channel!

 Drawing & Painting                                                       Slime & Video Editing
 Participants learn about                                                 Slime is all about polymers!
 drawing and painting                                                     A chemical reaction occurs
 techniques. They create                                                  between the glue and the
 visual art of still                                                      borate ions, and slime is
 objects, abstract                                                        the new magic formed!
 graphics and paintings,                                                  Participants experiment
 and do life drawings of                                                  with new formulas, make
 animals or humans.                                                       videos, and lean to edit
                                                                          their recordings!

                            Scripting in Roblox                                                  Sculpture & Clay
                            Particpants explore different                                        From sculpting with clay,
                            game genres in Roblox, learn                                         to wire, and paper mache,
                            fundamentals in scripting,                                           participants design and
                            character, and animation                                             make their own sculptures.
                            design, and code and publish                                         From there, they can turn
                            their own games. The Roblox                                          their sculptures into toys,
                            platform uses a text based                                           accessories to wear, or
                            programming language.                                                dream catchers, and more.
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  Modeling Marine Worlds                                                  LEGO
  Participants learn about the                                            Participants dream of new
  magic of the life underwater,                                           narratives,learn techniques
  dream and build new                                                     to build LEGO models, and
  inventions inspired by the                                              bring their stories to life
  ocean. From fish models, to                                             one block at a time. From
  AI that cleans water, to                                                there, they can delve into
  animations stimulating fish                                             making simple machines,
  life, they immerse themselves                                           create magical worlds, or
  in the waves of marine science.                                         even record a stop motion

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                        Narratives and Engineering                               Make Art with Herve Tullet
                        Inspired by the Novel                                    Inspired by Hervé Tullet,
                        Engineering project st Tufts                             the renowned artist and
                        University, students will listen                         children's book author, kids
                        to stories that represent                                create their own art pieces,
                        challenges, and then solve                               build an interactive mini
                        problems by creating simple                              museum, attract visitors,
                        machines using recycled, arts,                           and showcase their
                        and crafts materials.                                    creations!

Gardening                                                  Public Speaking
Students learn how to                                      Participants focus on
garden in any space! They                                  various social and global
turn unexpected objects                                    issues from health to
into planters, creatures,                                  safety, entertainment,
code watering devices,                                     and climate change,
grow their own food and                                    come up with solutions,
design a garden attraction                                 build prototypes, test,
for everyone to enjoy!                                     and present their inventions
                                                           on stage!

                        Kitchen Science                                            Puppet Design
                        What’s for dinner? Does it taste                           Participants learn new
                        good? Investigate where food                               techniques to design
                        comes from, growing your own                               puppets of all sizes with
                        food, our taste buds, and                                  different types of materials,
                        chemistry behind how food                                  fabric, and recyclables.
                        is cooked. Take a multi-sensory                            They can also explore voice
                        journey toward your next meal                              over and becoming a
                        or snack.                                                  puppeteer.

 Paper Engineering                                         Architecture Design
 Participants explore paper as                             Participants create
 structural pieces. From origami                           cool spaces, buildings,
 to folding techniques, 3D                                 and landmarks using
 masks, and even simple                                    different techniques,
 machines, they learn paper                                sustainable materials,
 engineering techniques to                                 and fabrication tools.
 master their crafting skills                              As part of the process
 and be amazed of what they                                they will meet real architects
 can do with the simplest of materials.                    working on buildings in NYC.

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FALL 2020 PROGRAMS - Squarespace
Programs for 3-5 Year Olds

                                      GIANT programs for pre-schoolers are the
                                      perfect blend of hands-on making, play, and learning.
                                      Kids will develop their creative, motor, and social-
                                      emotional skills while learning about science, math,
                                      literacy, and social sciences.


                        Farm to Table                                           Field Trips & Cars
                        Farm animals to tractors,                               We’ll go on field trips in cars,
                        barns, chicken coops, vegetable                         balloons, and on horses!
                        gardens, and fruits! Kids make ice                      Kids make vehicles and go
                        cream with fruits, pizza with                           on imaginary trips to nature,
                        vegetables, and avocado toast                           camp and stargaze! We’ll
                        with their harvests! We’ll go on                        make, explore, read, and
                        virtual trips to farms, read books,                     share fantastic memories
                        make, play and share!                                   from our trips!

Bugs and Nature                                        Travel like a Maker
Bugs who eat vegetables and                            Kids dream of new
flowers to bugs who eat other                          destinations around the
bugs! Those who crawl and                              world, and travel like a
those who fly! Those who                               maker! They play pilot, build
shine and those who hide!                              planes, choose destinations,
We’ll explore the magical                              explore food, animals,
world of bugs and build the                            landmarks in different parts
most aspiring garden with                              of the world, document their
arts and crafts material and                           travel, make souvenirs, and
GIANT wood models.                                     share the joy.

                        Dream City                                              Mission to Mars
                        Dream and build a city with                             Kids explore the magic
                        moving cars and trains, tall                            of space in Mission to Mars!
                        and small homes, fun shops                              From rocket ships to
                        and food carts, parks,                                  planets, stars, and a sky no
                        playgrounds, and more!                                  one can avoid gazing at,
                        We’ll go on virtual trips to                            kids dream and make a
                        cities around the world,                                fantastic space full of
                        read books about city life,                             stories to discover.
                        make, and share!

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FALL 2020 PROGRAMS - Squarespace

                                                                         Contact Us
More About The GIANT Approach

We work with you to learn more about your child’s interests and                     Email:
we can make recommendations for programs based on their                             demand@thegiantroom.com
interests. You can also sign them up for a specific program from
our sample programs.

As they continue their learning with our GIANT team, we spark                       Call:
their interests in new fields and at the same time help them to                     (646) 360-2639
dive deep on subjects they really like.

For example, a group may start a coding class with us, and show
interest in robotics. From there, we may introduce them to sensors,                 Address:
microcontrollers, inputs, and outputs, and help them to fabricate
a model for their robot using the laser cut machine or the 3D printer.              550 West 28th St. New York,
                                                                                    NY, 10001
Another group may start a coding class, and show interest in
fashion. From there, we may introduce them to the embroidery
machine and show them how they can code graphic patterns for
their designs, and help them to make their pieces interactive with                  Website:
microcontrollers.                                                                   www.thegiantroom.com
This approach helps kids to get exposed to many STEAM (STEM +
Arts) programs in a way they can relate to, and at the same time
get really good at what they like.
Our promise to you: your child will always feel the joy of learning
and making while at The GIANT Room, and will be inspired to take                     @thegiantroom
on challenges and be a more independent learner day by day.

About GIANT Team
The GIANT Room is founded by two PhDs in education, and backgrounds in engineering, science, and math. All GIANT
instructors are graduates from top universities including Stanford, Columbia, Parsons, NYU, and Cooper Union. All of
our instructors experts in their field and have been highly trained on GIANT approach of interest based learning and

                   Azadeh (Azi) Jamalian, PhD is the founder of The GIANT Room. She has a PhD in Cognitive Studies
                   in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and bachelors degree in Systems Engi-
                   neering. Azi has years of experience working with and teaching children. She is a TED speaker, have
                   written many article and book chapters on education, and has received numerous awards includ-
                   ing IES Prize for Excellence in Research on Cognition and Student Learning.

                   Jessica Mezei, PhD is co-founder of The GIANT Room. She has a PhD in Science Education from
                   Teachers College, Columbia University and is a former science teacher for middle school aged
                   children. Jessica has years of experience teaching in formal and informal settings including
                   museums such as Museum of Natural History in New York. Her expertise is on play-based pedago-
                   gy in STEM fields.

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FALL 2020 PROGRAMS - Squarespace FALL 2020 PROGRAMS - Squarespace
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