Quick reference guide for permanent residents to New Brunswick - Guide de référence rapide

Page created by Sharon Rogers
Quick reference guide for permanent residents to New Brunswick - Guide de référence rapide
to New Brunswick
for permanent residents
Quick reference guide
                          Guide de référence rapide
                          pour les résidents permanents
                                 du Nouveau‑Brunswick
Quick reference guide for permanent residents to New Brunswick - Guide de référence rapide
Quick reference guide
for permanent residents
      to New Brunswick
Quick reference guide for permanent
residents to New Brunswick
Published by:

Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
Government of New Brunswick
Tel: 1-506-453-3981

Printed in New Brunswick

March 2019

Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
The Department of Post-Secondary Education,        Facilitating the opening of immigrant
Training and Labour is responsible for             serving agencies
increasing immigration, improving and              Many newcomers to New Brunswick choose
supporting settlement services and promoting       Fredericton, Moncton and Saint John as their
multiculturalism, repatriating and attracting      final destinations. There are, however, many
people from outside of the province.               immigrants who prefer to settle in other parts
                                                   of the province. In order to help facilitate
The department is your gateway for finding help
                                                   the integration of all newcomers within the
and support in New Brunswick. Some helpful
                                                   province’s various regions the department is
programs and tools offered by the department
                                                   working with community stakeholder groups
                                                   and multicultural associations to establish
Web portal: www.gnb.ca/immigration                 settlement agencies in areas other than the
This website offers newcomers information          province’s three urban centers, as well as in
about all aspects of the immigration and           francophone and rural areas.
settlement process in New Brunswick, before        The department also offers a number of
and after arriving in the province. The website    immigration-specific programs such as:
also details information about immigration,
language training, education, health care, doing   • Settlement support funding and multicultural
business in New Brunswick, finding employment,       grants
etc. Publications to help newcomers to New         • Provincial Nominee Program
Brunswick, like an orientation guide to the
province, can also be found on the website.        Contact
Business support programs                          For more information about the Provincial
The Department of Post-Secondary Education,        Nominee Program or settlement and integration
Training and Labour is committed to providing      programs, please contact the Department of
programs that assist newcomers in conducting       Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.
business in New Brunswick. The department
offers numerous resources for entrepreneurial      immigration@gnb.ca
newcomers, including:                              www.gnb.ca/immigration

• Three Self-Help Business Guides for Newcomers*
• Business Mentorship Programs for
  Immigrants and Hive/La Ruche Immigrant
  Business Incubators (in partnership with
  local business organizations) available in
  Fredericton, Moncton, Bathurst, Saint John
  and Edmundston. For more information see         * The three self-help guides were published in
  Section 3: Business Programs                        2011. Statistical and related data in the guides
                                                      was accurate as of their publication.

Services available to newcomers
in New Brunswick
Immigrant Serving Agencies provide a                 • Employment counseling services provide
range of services that may vary based on               newcomers with assistance in resume
region:                                                preparation, credential recognition, and job or
• Orientation sessions offer newcomers a               volunteer work searching.
  brief introduction to life in New Brunswick,       • Foreign Credential Recognition Immigrant
  including an overview of the education               Serving Agencies can provide information
  system, transportation, health care, etc.            and support to newcomers, regarding foreign
• Information sessions are held for newcomers          credential assessment and recognition.
  about various topics important to newcomers,       • Prior Learning Assessment and
  such as taxation, employment, etc.                   Recognition (PLAR) Immigrant Serving
• Immigrant Settlement Program provides                Agencies offer portfolio development
  general assistance with all areas of settling in     assistance to newcomers, as part of its PLAR
  New Brunswick and beginning a new life in            process.
  Canada.                                            • Computer Access Centres allow public access
• English Language Classes are offered                 to computers and internet, free of charge.
  through English as a Second Language               • Health and Well-Being for Immigrant
  training, and range from entry level to Level 6      Women is an educational and social program
  (as measured by the Canadian Language                for immigrant women.
  Benchmarks).                                       • Training and Skills Development Program
• French Language Programs Many Immigrant              for Women provides leadership training,
  Serving Agencies offer on-site, and online           job and volunteer work preparation, and skill
  French language classes, as well as French           development programs for immigrant women.
  conversational groups.                             • Immigrant Parent Support Group provides
• Child Minding Programs provide on-site               workshops for groups of immigrant parents
  childcare services for the children of language      based on the parenting program developed by
  class students.                                      Department of Social Development.
• Conversation groups are an opportunity for         • Newcomer Youth Group is a social and
  people learning English to come together in          educational group offered to newcomer youth.
  order to practice their English conversation       • Homework Club is a group, lead by local
  skills.                                              volunteers, who host a weekly Homework
• Language Instruction for Newcomers to                Club, in order to help newcomer children and
  Canada (LINC) Home Study is a program                youth study and complete their homework.
  for immigrants who are unable to attend            • Student Liaison Workers are representatives
  regular language classes and who, through the        of an Immigrant Serving Agency who go
  program, can do language training at home by         into schools to assist newcomers with school
  using computers, books and CD’s.                     registration, navigating the educational system,

• Summer Camps are programs that provide             Ethno-cultural organizations
  activities and social opportunities for children
  during the summer months (newcomer and             Some ethno-cultural groups in New Brunswick
  local children participate in these programs).     provide informal voluntary settlement
• Men’s Group is a social and sport group for        assistance and social networking
  newcomer men. The group offers weekly              opportunities.
  activities such as movies, swimming, etc.
                                                     Ethno-cultural organizations were originally
• Senior Drop-in Centres have programs               formed by various groups of people with the
  where senior citizens are invited to socialize,    same or similar cultural backgrounds, or who
  exercise, and enjoy a light lunch.                 originated from the same countries. These
• Volunteer Program is a program that                organizations customarily organize cultural,
  matches community volunteers with                  social, recreational and sport activities for their
  newcomer families to help them integrate into      members, or for the general public, and many
  the community more easily.                         also provide language training opportunities
                                                     for newcomers, informal voluntary settlement
Contact                                              assistance, and social networking opportunities.
See the appendix for the complete list of            Active ethno-cultural organizations in New
Immigrant Serving Agencies in New Brunswick.         Brunswick include:

                                                     • The New Brunswick African Association
Language training                                    • The Chinese cultural associations in
Beyond the Immigrant Serving Agencies,                 Fredericton, Moncton and Saint John
many local organizations often offer language        • The Korean associations in Fredericton,
programs. These may include:                           Moncton and Saint John
                                                     • The New Brunswick Latino Association
• universities
• colleges                                           There are also many other ethno-cultural
• churches                                           organizations located in the various cities and
• volunteer groups                                   towns across the province. For a complete
                                                     listing of all of New Brunswick’s ethno cultural
• libraries
                                                     organizations, and their contact information,
• ethno-cultural organizations                       please visit the New Brunswick Multicultural
• YMCA                                               Council’s website: www.nb-mc.ca, and look for
                                                     information in the NBMC Members and Other
Some of these programs may be volunteer              Associations sections, or your contact your local
based, and others may charge tuition fees.           Immigrant Serving Agency.
For more information about other language
training opportunities, please contact your local
Immigrant Serving Agencies (see the appendix)

Service Canada                                        Service New Brunswick (SNB)
Service Canada provides clients with information      Service New Brunswick provides clients with
about the various federal services and programs       information about the provincial services and
available, across Canada.                             programs available in New Brunswick.

For example, Service Canada provides assistance       Examples of services offered by Service
and information about:                                New Brunswick include:

• Social Insurance Number (SIN),                      • birth registration,
• Employment Insurance (EI),                          • marriage registration,
• Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB),                    • drivers’ licensing,
• Federal Student Work Experience Program             • New Brunswick Medicare assistance,
  (FSWEP)                                             • and incorporation services.

Service Canada also offers CanTalk interpretation     Contact
services, in Fredericton and Saint John. CanTalk is
a third party telephone interpretation service that   Website: www.snb.ca
offers over fifty Aboriginal and foreign language
interpretation services.


Website: www.servicecanada.gc.ca
Toll-Free: 1-800-O-Canada (1-800-622-6232)
TTY: 1-800-926-9105

To find a New Brunswick Service Canada Centre
near you, please visit: www.servicecanada.gc.ca

New immigrants to-do list
                                                Permanent Resident Card
    Obtain Permanent Resident Card
                                                New immigrants should receive their Permanent
    Obtain Social Insurance Number (SIN)        Resident Card within one month of landing. If
                                                you do not receive the card by that time, please
    Obtain New Brunswick health                 contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
    care card (Medicare)
                                                Canada (IRCC) by phone.
    Find a family doctor or clinics             Toll-free, 1-888-242-2100,
                                                Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
    Find a place to live (Rental or Purchase)   (in Canada only)
    Arrange for electricity connection          • The Permanent Resident card expires every
                                                  five years (in order to retain your status as a
    Arrange for television, telephone,            permanent resident, you must live in Canada
    and internet services
                                                  for at least two years within a five-year period).
    Obtain Insurance (Car,                      • To learn more about the Permanent Resident
    House, and Personal)                          card, or to learn how to apply for the card,
                                                  please visit:
    Set up bank accounts
    Set up credit

    Obtain New Brunswick Driver’s license       Social Insurance Number (SIN)
                                                You must have a Social Insurance Number (SIN)
    Arrange for daycare for children
                                                to work in Canada. You should apply for this as
    Enroll children in school or post-
                                                soon as you arrive. You may apply in person at a
    secondary institutions                      Service Canada office. See Section 1 for contact
                                                information and address.
    Find employment
                                                Service Canada has CanTalk interpretation
    Start a new business                        services in Fredericton and Saint John, which will
                                                help newcomers understand the information
                                                better in their language of choice. Please ask the
                                                officers at the centre for this service.

                                                In New Brunswick, you may also apply for
                                                a Social Insurance Number (SIN) over the

                                                Toll-free, 1-888-428-0888,

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.                 While you are waiting to be accepted as a patient
                                                     by a family doctor, there are a number of walk-in
For more information please visit:                   or after-hours clinics you can go to for care.
                                                     Keep in mind that walk-in clinics do not take
                                                     appointments – you arrive, register with the
New Brunswick health                                 receptionist and wait. After-hours clinics may
care card (Medicare)                                 allow you to make an appointment.

New Brunswick permanent residents are eligible       To view a complete list of local health-care
to apply for New Brunswick Medicare. All new         clinics please refer to the New Brunswick Medical
applicants should visit the nearest Service New      Society website at www.nbms.nb.ca/patients-2/
Brunswick (SNB) centre, to apply for coverage.       after-hours-clinics-or-walk-in-clinics/.

See Section 1 for contact information of Service
New Brunswick centres.                               Places to live (Rental
You may also contact Medicare directly at:           and Purchase)
1-506-684-7901 (outside North America)               Rent
or toll-free, 1-888-762-8600                         To find an apartment, room or house for rent:
(SNB Tele-services)
                                                     • Look in the local newspaper classified sections,
Website: www.gnb.ca
                                                       under “apartments for rent”,
E-mail: medicare@gnb.ca
                                                     • Visit www.canadaeast.com classified listings,
                                                     • Visit www.Kijiji.ca - a popular website that
Family doctor and clinics                              often lists accommodations for lease or share,
Family doctors are your first stop for health care
in Canada, so it is important to start looking for   • Search “Apartment” in the Yellow Pages of the
one right away, and not waiting until you have         Phone Book.
become sick.
                                                     Keep in mind that leases may be yearly or
Individuals covered by New Brunswick Medicare        monthly, and may require a security deposit.
can access family doctors and hospitals, and do      Rental rules about pets, smoking and apartment
not have to pay for regular visits.                  use may apply and some landlords may need
                                                     advance notice before you move out.
You may ask friends, neighbors, and immigrant
settlement agencies to recommend a family            Purchase
doctor, or you may go to your local hospital and     If you are interested in buying a house and need
ask if there are any doctors taking new patients.    to find a realtor, look in the Yellow Pages of the
Newcomers can also look in the Yellow Pages of       Phone Book, under “Real Estate”.
the Phone Book, under “Physicians and Surgeons”
to see a complete listing of local physicians, or    You may also do an independent search of various
call toll-free, 1-866-554-5959 to have your name     cities for homes or condominiums for sale at:
added to the list of people looking for a doctor.    • www.realtor.ca
                                                     • www.kijiji.ca

Electricity                                            insurance. If you are looking for insurance
                                                       information or providers, please check the
To have your electricity connected, contact            “Insurance” section of the Phone Book.
NB Power: toll-free, 1-800-663-6272

                                                       Bank accounts
Television, telephone,
                                                       You may open an account at any bank of your
and internet                                           choice, although you will require a government
There are two major cable television and internet      issued photo ID, and home address, in order
service providers in New Brunswick:                    to do so.

• Rogers, toll-free, 1-855-381-7834;                   Banks available in NB include:
  1-416-935-5555 (international)                       • TD Canada Trust          • Royal Bank
  1-888-764-3772 (US)
  1-800-787-7953 (Cantonese/Mandarin)                  • Scotiabank               • National Bank

• Bell Aliant, toll-free, 1-888-214-7896               • Bank of Montreal         • UNI Coopération
                                                       • CIBC                       financière
• For a full list of providers for cellular/wireless                              • Credit Unions
  telephones and services, consult the Yellow          • HSBC
                                                       Many banks in Canada offer multiple
Call one of these companies to arrange                 language services, either by telephone or
telephone service. You may be charged a                online, and some banks also offer information
connection fee on your first bill. After that, you     for Newcomers or New Canadians on their
will be billed once a month according to your          websites.
agreement with the company.

You may obtain wireless (cell phone) service from      Credit
one of the two major companies; however there
                                                       Credit is very important in Canada, and although
are a number of other wireless service providers
                                                       you may already have credit in your home
also available in the province.
                                                       country, it is a good idea to work on establishing
                                                       good credit here.
Insurance (car, house,                                 There are many ways to establish credit in
and personal)                                          Canada. For example, credit can be established
                                                       through the use of credit cards, lines of credit,
In New Brunswick, residents are required to have
                                                       and loans.
car insurance and house insurance is required for
most mortgages but not required by law. If you         Some banks may require new applicants to apply
are renting a house or apartment, you may want         for a Secured Credit Card, which is a credit card
to have rental insurance, although this is not         linked to a savings account. The funds contained
required by law.                                       in the account may be claimed by the company
                                                       issuing the card, in the event that the holder fails
If interested, you also may purchase personal
                                                       to make the necessary payments.
insurance including life, health and travel

For more information about establishing credit        Post-secondary institutions in New Brunswick
in Canada, speak with one of the financial            include English and French universities, faith-
institutions listed above.                            based universities, community colleges, private
                                                      occupational training, and apprenticeship and
                                                      certification programs. For a complete list of the
New Brunswick Driver’s license                        post-secondary institutions in New Brunswick,
Visit any Service New Brunswick location to           please visit www.gnb.ca
learn about the requirements for obtaining a
New Brunswick License. If you need translation        Employment
support with the driving tests, please contact
Service New Brunswick for more information. See       Newcomers are encouraged to meet with
Section 1 for contact information and address.        employment counselors at local Immigrant
                                                      Serving Agencies (for a full listing please see
If you are interested in attending driver training,   the appendix), or at the Department of Post-
you can find driving schools listed in the “Driving   Secondary Education, Training and Labour.
Instruction” section of the Phone Book.               Employment counselors will be able to tell
                                                      newcomers how to effectively look for jobs in
Daycare for children                                  New Brunswick.

Lists of approved day cares and community day         Job seekers can also visit job listing websites,
care homes are available from the Department of       such as a website used by many employers:
Education and Early Childhood Development:            www.NBjobs.ca.

• Online at http://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/
  en/departments/education.html                       New business
• or, in the Yellow Pages under Child Care            Enterprise and economic development
  Services                                            agencies such as Chambers of Commerce
                                                      are often the first destination for people who
                                                      are interested in starting a business in New
Schools and post‑secondary                            Brunswick. These agencies provide advice and
institutions                                          networking opportunities. The province also
                                                      provides programs and services for immigrant
In New Brunswick, there are English and French        entreprreneurs.
school districts. Please contact the local school
districts to obtain information about enrolling       For more information please read Section 3 –
children in school. A complete list of New            Business Services or contact the Department of
Brunswick school districts can be found at:           Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour:
Please also note that all public schools in New
Brunswick offer the same quality of education. All
students are encouraged to attend schools near
their home.

Business services
Business and Industry Canada                         Community Business
The Business and Industry Canada website             Development Corporations
provides business information and resources          The Community Business Development
for entrepreneurs interested in starting or          Corporation (CBDC) provides business
purchasing a business in Canada.                     counseling, advice, entrepreneurship
Contact                                              development and training, and technical and
                                                     financial assistance to clients.
Website: www.canadabusiness.ca
Economic development                                 Website: www.cbdc.ca
Economic Development Agencies offer
                                                     Business Development
business services to newcomers, including            Bank of Canada
business consultation (free), business
                                                     The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
sessions and networking opportunities. Some
                                                     promotes entrepreneurship by providing highly
economic development agencies may also have
investment-specific information on their website,    tailored financing, venture capital and consulting
which details costs of doing business, business      services to entrepreneurs.
climate, industries, real estate information, etc.   As a complementary lender, BDC offers loans and
For more information, please visit:                  investments that supplement services available
www.ignitefredericton.ca                             from commercial financial institutions.
www.3plus.ca                                         Contact
                                                     Website: www.bdc.ca
Chamber of Commerce/
Board of Trade                                       Opportunities New Brunswick
The Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade           Opportunities New Brunswick is a single point
provide clients with various business networking     of contact for companies and site selection
opportunities, and also host many seminars and       professionals exploring business location and
workshops. To find the Chamber of Commerce           expansion opportunities in New Brunswick.
or Board of Trade in your area, check the Atlantic   Newcomers can discuss their plans with
Chamber of Commerce website.                         Invest New Brunswick and receive advice and
Website: http://www.atlanticchamber.ca

For more information about locating or             3Plus
expanding your business in New Brunswick,          22 Church Street, 4th floor
contact them.                                      Moncton E1C 4Z3

Contact                                            Tel : 1-506-858-9550 or toll free 1-888-577-0000
                                                   Fax: 1-506-857-9209
Place 2000                                         Email: info@3plus.ca
250 King S, Suite 850                              Website: www.3plus.ca
Fredericton, New Brunswick
                                                   Saint John BIMP/Hive Program
E3B 9M9
                                                   1 Germain Street, Suite 300
Tel: 1-506-453-5471                                Saint John NB E2L 4V1
Toll free: 1-855-746-4662                          Tel: 1-506-694-3020
Fax: 1-506-444-4277                                Email: info@bimpsj.ca
E-mail: investNB@gnb.ca                            Website: https://www.bimpsj.ca
Website: http://www.onbcanada.ca/
                                                   Greater Bathurst Chamber of Commerce
                                                   270 Douglas Avenue
Business Immigrant                                 Keystone Building, Suite 500
Mentorship Programs                                Bathurst NB E2A 1M9

The Business Immigrant Mentorship Program          Tel: 1-506-548-8000
matches immigrant entrepreneurs with local         Email: mentor@bathurstchamber.ca
business people, in order to offer opportunities   Website: http://www.bathurstchamber.ca/
for newcomers to learn from their mentors,         program.php
and also provides networking opportunities.
                                                   Edmundston Region Chamber of Commerce
The Business Immigrant Mentorship Program is
                                                   1, Chemin Canada
being offered in Fredericton, Moncton, Saint
                                                   Edmundston NB E3V 1T6
John, Bathurst and Edmundston. Fees for
participation may vary depending on location.      Tel: 1-506-737-1866 / Fax: 1-506-737-1862
                                                   Email: info@ccedmundston.com
                                                   Website: http://ccedmundston.com/en/
Fredericton Chamber of Commerce                    programs/thehive
364 York Street, Unit #200
Fredericton, NB E3B 3N8
Tel: 1-506-458-8006 / Fax: 1-506-451-1119
Email: fchamber@frederictonchamber.ca
Website: www.frederictonchamber.ca

Business Incubator Programs –                       Business English Language
HIVE / LaRuche                                      Class
“This program was created as a next step to         A Business English Class for Newcomers program
the Business Immigrant Mentorship Programs          is periodically offered by some Immigrant
to assist immigrant entrepreneurs by offering       Serving Agencies. The program assists immigrant
support in developing their business plans from     entrepreneurs to obtain better language skills,
infancy to a successful and productive business.    cultural awareness, and information necessary
These programs currently operate in Moncton,        to commence and successfully manage a
Saint John, Bathurst and Edmundston,                business in New Brunswick. In the near future,
providing entrepreneurs office facilities, access   the program will expand to other regions of the
to BIMPs and business trainings, administrative     province. For more information, please contact
support and networking opportunities. This          the Department of Post-Secondary Education,
program offers a physical working space for         Training and Labour immigration@gnb.ca or your
startups at a low cost.                             local Immigrant-Serving Agency (see Appendix,
                                                    For more and latest information on business
                                                    programs and services, please contact the
22 Church Street, 4th floor
                                                    Department of Post-Secondary Education,
Moncton E1C 4Z3
                                                    Training and Labour immigration@gnb.ca
Tel: 1-506-858-9550 or toll free 1-888-577-0000
Email: info@3plus.ca
Website: https://3plus.ca/

Fredericton Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 275-270 Rookwood Avenue,
Fredericton E3B 4Y9

Tel: 1-506-458-8006
Fax: 1-506-451-1119

Email: fchamber@frederictonchamber.ca
Website: https://www.frederictonchamber.ca/

Immigrant Serving Agencies
Provincial Organization                           Madawaska County
                                                  Centre de ressources pour nouveaux arrivants au
New Brunswick Multicultural Council (NBMC)
                                                  Nord-Ouest Inc.
494 Queen Street, Suite 200
                                                  167 Boulevard Hébert
Fredericton NB E3B 1B6
                                                  Edmundston, NB E3V 4H2
Tel: 1-506-453-1091
Email: nbmc@nb-mc.ca                              Tel: 1-506-735-0604
Website: www.nb-mc.ca                             Fax: 1-506-735-0878
                                                  Website: www.crna.ca
Carleton County                                   Email: info@crna.ca
Multicultural Association of Carleton County
(MACC)                                            Northumberland County
645/647 Main Street                               Miramichi Regional Multicultural Association
Woodstock, NB E7M 2C7                             (MRMA)
Tel: 1-506-392-6011                               1808 Water Street
Email: admin@maccnb.ca                            P.O. Box 254
Website: www.maccnb.ca                            Miramichi, NB E1N 3A6

Charlotte County                                  Tel: 1-506-773-5272
Multicultural Association of Charlotte County     Fax: 1-506-773-0812
(CCMA)                                            Email: info@mrma.ca
19 Main Street,                                   Website: www.mrma.ca
St.George NB E5C 3H9
                                                  Péninsule acadienne
Tel: 1-506-755-9295                               Centre d’accueil des nouveaux arrivants
Fax: 1-506-755-7713                               de la Péninsule acadienne (CAIENA-PA)
Email: info@ccmanb.com                            22, boul. St-Pierre Est
Website: www.ccmanb.com                           Caraquet, NB E1W 1B6

Gloucester County                                 Tel: 1-506-727-0185
Multicultural Association of the Chaleur Region   Fax: 1-506-727-0181
325 Main Street                                   Email: coor.caiena-pa@bellaliant.com
Bathurst, NB E2A 1B1                              Website: www.nouveauxarrivants.ca
Tel: 1-506-547-7651; Fax: 1-506-547-2576
Email: info@macr-amrc.ca
Website: www.macr-amrc.ca

Restigouche County                                Westmorland County

Association Multiculturelle du Restigouche        Multicultural Association of the Greater Moncton
16A Aberdeen Street                               Area (MAGMA)
Campbellton, NB E3N 2J7                           22 Church Street, Suite C170
                                                  Moncton, NB E1C 0P7
Tel: 1-506-789 7747
Fax: 1-506-789 4933                               Tel: 1-506-858-9659
Email: info.amr-rma@nb.aibn.com                   Fax: 1-506-857-9430
Website: www.rma-amr.ca                           Website: www.magma-amgm.org
                                                  Email: info@magma-amgm.org
St. John County
                                                  Le Centre d’accueil et d’accompagnement
Saint John Newcomers Centre (SJNC)                francophone des immigrants du Sud-Est du
165 Union Street, 4th floor,                      Nouveau-Brunswick (Le CAFI)
Saint John E2L 5C7                                236 St. George Street
P.O. Box 20100, 39 King Street,                   Moncton NB E1C 1W1
Saint John E2L 5B2
                                                  Tel: 1-506-382-7494
Tel: 1-506-642-4242                               Email: info@cafi-nb.org
Fax: 1-506-634-6080                               Website: www.cafi-nb.org
Email: info@sjmnrc.ca
Website: www.sjmnrc.ca                            York County
                                                  Multicultural Association of Fredericton Inc.
YM -YWCA - Saint John
191 Churchill Blvd
                                                  28 Saunders Street,
Saint John, NB E2K 3E2
                                                  Fredericton E3B 1N1
Tel: 1-506-634-4860
                                                  Tel: 1-506-454-8292
Fax: 1-506-634-0783
                                                  Fax: 1-506-450-9033
Email: newcomerconnections@saintjohny.com
                                                  Email: mcaf@mcaf.nb.ca
Website: www.saintjohny.com/programs/
                                                  Website: www.mcaf.nb.ca

PRUDE (Pride, Race, Unity, Dignity, Education),
165 Union Street, Suite 301,
Saint John E2L 2C7

Tel: 1-506-634-3088
Fax: 1-506-634-6080
Email: info@prudeinc.org
Website: http://www.nb-mc.ca/team/pride-

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