Page created by Leonard Crawford
                                          Volume 65 . Number 11

                               NAVIGATING THE
                            HAZE OF MARIJUANA
                                                         P. 24

                                      WEATHER EXPERTS
                                                           P. 28

                                      PROPERTY CLAIMS
                                                           P. 33

                                        THE ECONOMIC
                                        LOSS DOCTRINE
                                                           P. 39

                                      PROPERTY CLAIMS
                                                           P. 44

Reprinted with permission
from the November 2017
issue of Claims magazine
“Weather” or not an
Expert is Qualified
By Howard Altschule

           here are a wide variety of experts   what the largest hail size was that fell at   other weather information at a specific
           available to assist in almost any    the property, how strong the winds were       loss location are becoming more com-
           type of loss these days. Follow-     during a hurricane or windstorm, what         mon, and successful challenges could be
           ing multiple severe weather          storm surge heights existed, and other im-    detrimental to the outcome of a case.
events like the recent hurricanes, major        portant weather information. With severe
hailstorms or severe thunderstorms, ad-         hailstorms and hurricanes becoming more       Qualifying your experts
justers, attorneys and some engineers           numerous, it is even more important to        Many carriers and law firms rely on pro-
are finding value in retaining a Certi-         get accurate and site-specific weather in-    fessionals who are not meteorologists

fied Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) to          formation from reliable experts.              and simply use basic NOAA informa-
provide expertise after a weather-related          Daubert challenges and other legal         tion, sometimes from quite far away, to
claim is filed.                                 proceedings intended to preclude some         support their opinions in their reports.
   Common meteorological analyses over          experts from testifying about hail size,      With hundreds of thousands of claims,
a specific loss address can determine           hurricane wind speeds, tornadoes and          and hundreds of billions of dollars at

28 | November 2017 | Claims Magazine |
Here are several important factors that
                                                                                            should be considered:
                                                                                               1. Retain a certified consulting me-
                                                                                            teorologist (CCM):        CCMs have the
                                                                                            highest certification a consulting meteo-
                                                                                            rologist can obtain. They are experienced,
                                                                                            underwent rigorous written and verbal
                                                                                            examinations, and are highly regarded by
                                                                                            their peers.
                                                                                               2. Education, experience and knowl-
                                                                                            edge:   Ensure that the CCMs used have
                                                                                            worked on similar cases in the past. They
                                                                                            should at least have a Bachelor of Science
                                                                                            degree in Meteorology/Atmospheric Sci-
                                                                                            ence. Non-meteorologists should not be
                                                                                            giving opinions about the weather condi-
                                                                                            tions that existed at specific loss locations.
                                                                                               3. Expert testimony: Make sure the
                                                                                            expert retained is willing to testify, and it
                                                                                            is helpful if he or she has significant testi-
                                                                                            mony experience.
                                                                                               4. Your expert should work for
                                                                                            both sides:   An expert should be willing
                                                                                            to work for anybody who wants to know
                                                                                            about weather conditions, and their case-
                                                                                            load should be pretty evenly split between
                                                                                            cases for plaintiffs and defendants. If an
                                                                                            expert only works for plaintiffs or only for
                                                                                            defendants, that’s a problem.

                                                                                            Hurricane claims and lawsuits
                                                                                            Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose and Maria
                                                                                            occurred weeks apart, each with a unique
                                                                                            set of circumstances that have already
                                                                                            caused tremendous debate within the
                                                                                            insurance claims industry. Since many
                                                                                            of the claims are valued at hundreds of
                                                                                            thousands or millions of dollars of dam-
stake from multiple severe hail events or   compile a more reliable report. This way,       age each, it is important to investigate
Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, it’s     if a case proceeds to trial, the experts        each loss thoroughly.
more important than ever to have accu-      will be able to provide certified weather          Hurricane Harvey caused many places
rate weather information from a quali-      records and testify about their findings        to experience damaging hurricane force
fied expert.                                in a deposition or at trial.                    winds and storm surge, while others ex-
   Some carriers and attorneys are now         So, how do you choose the right ex-          perienced tropical storm-force gusts, ex-
using qualified meteorologists to pro-      pert for your hurricane or hail claims?         treme rainfall and devastating flooding.
vide more reliable weather information      First, it’s imperative that each expert stay    Damage claims from gusty winds, wind-
and reports. When these analyses and        “within their box.” The last thing an attor-    driven rain and tornadoes have also been
reports are completed for a specific ad-    ney wants is a judge precluding an expert       pouring into insurers.
dress, they are often provided to engi-     from testifying about hail size or wind            There have been many tornado dam-
neers involved in the case who do cal-      speeds on a large loss claim because it’s       age claims as a result of the numerous
culations based on the findings and to      beyond his scope of expertise.                  tornadic rotations that moved through

                                                                  | Claims Magazine | November 2017 | 29
An insurance claim was filed stating
                                                                                                 that golf ball-sized hail caused func-
                                                                                                 tional damage to a roofing system of a
                                                                                                 condominium complex. A NOAA hail
                                                                                                 report from three miles away was submit-
                                                                                                 ted as evidence of the storm. Numerous
                                                                                                 Doppler radar images and other official
                                                                                                 records were analyzed, which indicated
                                                                                                 the hail-producing thunderstorm stayed
                                                                                                 2.0 miles south of the condominium de-
                                                                                                 velopment, and that no hail occurred on
                                                                                                 that date.
                                                                                                    With the claim denied citing the fo-
                                                                                                 rensic meteorology report and no ev-
                                                                                                 idence of hail damage on the roofing
                                                                                                 system, the carrier saved millions of dol-
                                                                                                 lars on that claim alone. Had the carrier
                                                                                                 also relied on that NOAA report from
                                                                                                 2.0 miles away, the outcome would have
                                                                                                 been very different.

                                                                                                 Experience matters
    It’s imperative that each expert stay                                                        Too often, experts who are not meteo-
              “within their box.”                                                                rologists write reports that only include
                                                                                                 very basic NOAA storm reports as evi-
                                                                                                 dence. Many of these expert reports tend
                                                                                                 to be misleading, or they overlook more
the Houston Metro area. After a CCM             tion is important to most claims. Because        detailed and site-specific weather infor-
plots the incident location on the ra-          hail size can vary from one location to          mation that can lead to different results.
dar products, a detailed analysis of the        another over short distances, a CCM can          The meteorological findings and basis of
Doppler radar reflectivity and velocity         conduct a thorough, site-specific analysis       the experts’ opinions could then become
radar images should be conducted for            for each large loss hail claim. By provid-       problematic as the case progresses, es-
each case to determine if strong rotation       ing details of the hail size at the specific     pecially if an expert meteorologist is re-
or a tornado passed over a loss location.       location and when previous hail events           tained by the other side.
Using this information and other types          occurred, adjusters and attorneys can               When selecting the right experts for
of data, the maximum wind gusts, peak           make informed decisions on how to pro-           claims or litigation, be sure to consider
storm surge heights, presence of a tor-         ceed with each case.                             the qualifications of the expert, the value
nado and the total rainfall can be deter-          Industry-accepted methodology for             a CCM can bring to a case, and the con-
mined for any location.                         investigating hail claims includes analy-        sequences if non-meteorologist experts
   Even though a lot of the wind measur-        sis of weather warnings, storm reports,          are unable to testify about weather condi-
ing equipment in south Florida and the          Doppler radar images, differential reflec-       tions at the incident location.
Florida Keys failed or was knocked off-         tivity, correlation coefficient, as well as
line during Hurricanes Irma and Maria,          3-dimensional volume scans or cross sec-         Howard Altschule (HGA@
we have many different tools and high           tions. When conducting a radar analysis is a certified
resolution data sources to help us provide      over an incident location, for example, if       consulting meteorologist and the owner
site-specific information for any location.     the various radar images do not indicate         of Forensic Weather Consultants in New

                                                hail, or if 50 Dbz reflectivity values [a log-   York. He has consulted on nearly 5,000
Hail claims and lawsuits                        arithmic measurement used in weather]            cases across the country and works as
Hail damage in the U.S. is a huge multi-        are not present above certain levels of the      an expert on slip and fall cases as well as
billion dollar peril each year. Knowing if      atmosphere over an incident location,            numerous hail, tornado, wind damage
and when hail occurred at a specific loca-      then hail was not present.                       and hurricane claims.

30 | November 2017 | Claims Magazine |
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