Bibliophage - Lloydminster Public Library

Page created by Gene Ortega
Bibliophage - Lloydminster Public Library
                                      There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the
                                                            best of all. ~ Jacqueline Kennedy

February 2020 vol. 16, no. 2						                                                Lloydminster Public Library

Library Calendar                F r e e d o m t o Re a d We e k
 February 14                    Celebrate the 35th anniversary                 Saturday February 29th at 9pm.
  Valentine's Day               of Freedom to Read week at the                 Submissions received after the
                                library! Join us for a special Book            deadline will be disqualified.
 February 17 -                  Talk on Wednesday February
  Library Closed                26th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.                    Winners will be announced in an
  Family Day                    Discuss the importance of                      upcoming Newsletter.
                                literacy and share your stories
 February 18 & 20               and experiences with censorship                For more information call Michele
  STEAM Days
                                with Michele.                                  or Amanda at 780-875-0850.
 February 19
  I Read Canadian               If book talks aren't your thing why            For more information on Freedom
                                not enter our Art Contest! The                 to Read Week check out the
 Feb 20 - Mar 26                rules are simple:                              Freedom to Read website: https://
  Storytime -                                                        
  All Grown Up                  1.    Create    an    illustration,
                                photo, poem about freedom of
 February 23 - 29               expression (this could be photos
   Freedom to Read              of challenged books, freedom
                                to read events, people reading.
 February 26
                                Anything that promotes the
  Freedom to Read               written word).
  Week Book Talk
                                2. E-mail your submission to:
 February 29          
   Lego Day
                                Submissions will be accepted
                                through the Freedom to Read
                                Week (February 23 - 29) only.
                                The deadline for submissions is

                                M é t i s Be a d in g - Ch a n g e d t o Tu e s d a y s !
                                The Traditional Métis Beading                  For more info call Carla at 306-
                                Workshop has moved to a new                    821-6595
Produced by the Program         day of the week!
staff of Lloydminster Public
Library                         Starting Tuesday February 4th
                                workshops will be held every 1st
All library programs are free
and open to the public.
                                and 3rd Tuesday of the month
                                now, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
Bibliophage - Lloydminster Public Library
February 2020                                                                                            PAGE 2

STEA M Days w i t h t h e L i b r a r y
Keep your kids busy over the break this February      and participate in Lego day. A wide variety of
by bringing them to the library. The library will     Lego and building books are supplied to get your
be holding a variety of STEAM workshops to            creative juices flowing. You can also experiment
insipre creativity. Explore unique and fun painting   with one of our Lego Mindstorm Robots!
techniques using pull, push, and drip motions
Tuesday February 18th and Thursday February           Lego day is the last Saturday of every month
20th afternoon from 1:30pm - 3:30pm.                  from 11am to 4pm. We welcome all ages and
                                                      families to come out and have some fun building
Get involved in a discussion about Canadian           with Lego.
literature Wednesday evening from 6:30pm to
8:30pm February 19th with Michele. Share your         This month Lego day is Saturday February 29th.
favourite Canadian authors and books in honour        All ages are welcome! We hope to see you there!
of I Read Canadian.

Unplug from technology and create something
cool with Lego. Every month come visit the library

B oo k r evi ew - A S i m p l e F a v o r b y Dra c e y Be ll ( F BEL o r APB F B EL
a l so on hoop l a )
It starts with a simple favor--an ordinary kindness         that nothing--not friendship, love, or even an ordinary
mothers do for one another. When her best friend,           favor--is as simple as it seems.
Emily, asks Stephanie to pick up her son Nicky after
school, she happily says yes. Nicky and her son, Miles,     Why I picked it up: I saw a trailer for the movie and it
are classmates and best friends, and the five-year-         peeked my interest so I thought I would read the book
olds love being together--just like she                                        before deciding if I wanted to go
and Emily. A widow and stay-at-home                                            see the movie. I'm glad I went this
mommy blogger living in woodsy subur-                                          route since I didn't really care for
ban Connecticut, Stephanie was lonely                                          the story.
until she met Emily, a sophisticated PR
executive whose job in Manhattan de-                                            Why I finished it: The plot re-
mands so much of her time.                                                      volved around three main charac-
                                                                                ters and I wanted to see if the one
But Emily doesn't come back. She                                                who was “bad” would get caught or
doesn't answer calls or return texts.                                           not. I had my suspicions on how
Stephanie knows something is terribly                                           the story would end and I wanted
wrong--Emily would never leave Nicky,                                           to see it through.
no matter what the police say. Terrified,
she reaches out to her blog readers                                             Who I would recommend this
for help. She also reaches out to Em-                                           to: Anyone who likes thrillers like
ily's husband, the handsome, reticent                                           Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn will en-
Sean, offering emotional support. It's                                          joy this book for sure.
the least she can do for her best friend.
Then, she and Sean receive shocking                                             By Amanda
news. Emily is dead. The nightmare of
her disappearance is over. Or is it? Be-
cause soon, Stephanie will begin to see
Bibliophage - Lloydminster Public Library
February 2020                                                                                             PAGE 3

S toryti m e                                                                "L o v e "ly re a d s
When I grow up I will be                                                     Picture books/Easy reads:
smart enough to answer ev-                                                   Dragons love tacos 2: the sequel /
ery question. I'll be tall and                                               Adam Rubin (STORIES RUB)
strong and have it all when I'm
grown up! Live your dreams                                                   Children’s fiction:
of growing up in Storytime.                                                  I love you Michael Collins/ Lauren
                                                                             Baratz-Logsted (J BAR)
Join us from February 20 to
                                                                             Children’s nonfiction:
March 26 for All Grown Up!
                                                                             Smiley: a journey of love / Joanne
No registration is required                                                  George (J 636.70886 GEO)
and the program is free.
                                                                             Young adult fiction:
For more information about               Storytime runs Thursday             The love and lies of Rukhsana Ali /
this and other programs, call       mornings starting at 10:30 am and        Sabina Khan (Y KHA)
Amanda or Den at 780-875-           includes stories, fingerplays and a
0850.                                     simple craft or activity.          Fiction:
                                                                             Songs of love and war / Santa Monte-
                                                                             fiore ( F MOR)

                                                                             Everybody always: becoming love in
                                                                             a world full of setbacks and difficult
Thin gs to ce l e b r a t e t h i s m o nt h . . .                           people / Bob Goff (248.4 GOF)

                                                                             Large print:
                                                                             Luck, love & lemon pie / Amy E.
                                                                             Reichert (LP REI)

                                                                             Love story (8CD): a [Baxters] novel /
                                                                             Karen Kingsbury (AV F KIN BAX 1 (8

                                                                             I heart Shakey (J IHE)
                                                                             Love, Simon (F LOV)

 Did you know that your Library card gives you ac-          Visit our website for the full list of online resourc-
 cess to a wide range of resources anytime, any-            es and links to download any apps needed to use
 place?                                                     them. You can also find links to local information on
                                                            our website.
 Your Library 24/7 is the gateway to entertainment,
 information and learning with books, newspapers,           Need help getting started? Staff at the Reference
 magazines, online language learning and much               Desk can answer your questions, demonstrate re-
 more, available all the time-- even when the Library       sources and even help you set up your device. Call,
 is closed!                                                 email or drop in and we'll be happy to assist.
Bibliophage - Lloydminster Public Library
February 2020                                                                      PAGE 4

What's up

        Library Hours						Contact Information
        Monday - Thursday    10am-9pm				General Inquiries          780-875-0850
        Friday			            10am-6pm				 Reference Desk            780-875-0877
        Saturday		           10am-5pm				 Facsimile		               780-875-6523
        Sundays & Holidays   Closed
         								Reference Desk

       A book drop is available 24 hours a 					 5010 - 49 Street
       day at the main (South) entrance					     Lloydminster, AB T9V 0K2
       to Atrium Centre
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