NEW - HLondon Book Fair Issue Spring 2020 Dutch Foundation for Literature - Nederlands Letterenfonds

Page created by Sam Henry
NEW - HLondon Book Fair Issue Spring 2020 Dutch Foundation for Literature - Nederlands Letterenfonds

    London Book Fair
    Issue Spring 2020
    Dutch Foundation
    for Literature

NEW - HLondon Book Fair Issue Spring 2020 Dutch Foundation for Literature - Nederlands Letterenfonds
New Dutch Fiction? Yes! It’s the new title of the
          10 Books From Holland brochure we have been
          publishing for more than 20 years. We changed
          the title to make clearer which genre of books
          we are promoting.

                            Who decides the contents?           Do you work together with

                                                                Dutch publishers and agents?
                            We want to showcase the best
                            fiction from the Netherlands.       We keep each other informed
                            Most titles have been published     about interest in titles and
                            recently and have done very well    rights sales. When we com-
                            in terms of reviews, sales and      mission a sample translation,
                            awards or nominations. Equally      we usually share the costs.
                            important is the question:          However, we always make our
                            ‘Does it travel?’ Our specialists   own decisions, and remain
                            Barbara den Ouden, Victor           completely independent.
                            Schiferli, Tiziano Perez and
                            Dick Broer try and keep up with     How many books by one
                            all the fiction that appears and    author will you support?
                            read as much as they can. As off
                            this issue, we have worked with     We can support three books by
                            an advisory panel, who give us      one author. If the author has
                            advice and input on new fiction.    changed foreign publishing
                            The final selection is made         house, previous titles are not
                            by the Dutch Foundation for         counted.
                                                                Are all books in your brochure
                            At book fairs, do you               eligible for a grant?
                            talk about these books
                            exclusively?                        Yes they are, with a maximum
                                                                subsidy of 100% of the trans-
                            While we like to discuss our        lation costs for classics and
                            catalogue, there are always         70% for contemporary prose,
                            other titles: books that have       based on the actual fee paid by
                            just appeared or are about to       the publisher and capped at a
                            come out or books that just         maximum level of 10 eurocent
                            missed our selection. Our advi-     per word.
                            sors read as much fiction
                            as they can.

                                                                SPRING 2020                       1
NEW - HLondon Book Fair Issue Spring 2020 Dutch Foundation for Literature - Nederlands Letterenfonds
Are books that aren’t included          non-fiction, we support transla-                                    The Foundation’s specialists
in your brochure eligible?              tion costs only.                                                    are present at prominent book
                                                                                                            fairs, including Frankfurt and
As long as it’s a good literary         We would like to invite a Dutch                                     London. They will be happy to
title, it probably is. We make our      author for a promotional visit                                      give you more information.
decisions based on three crite-
ria: literary quality of the book,      If you organise a good pro-
status of the publishing house          gramme and offer the author
and quality of the translator. You      accommodation, we can cover
can always ask in advance if a          the travel costs.
book is eligible or not.
                                        How to apply for the
Can you help us find a                  Amsterdam Fellowship?
                                        Every September, we organise a
Lists of experienced translators        fellowship (4 days) for publishers
are provided by e-mail. We want         and editors. We do not have an                                      Barbara den Ouden                      Victor Schiferli
to work with somebody who is            application procedure, but you                             
not on your list. Then we require       can always send us an e-mail
                                                                                                            Eastern and Middle Europe              Scandinavia
a sample translation of 20 pages        stating your interest.
                                                                                                            Mediterranean countries                German and
and the translator’s CV. If the                                                                             Russia                                 English-speaking countries
translation is good, the transla-       Individual publisher’s visits                                       Arabic world                           Poetry
tor will be added to our list. If the                                                                       Graphic novels
translation needs repair, we can        We host 8 to 10 publishers and
make suggestions. If the trans-         editors per year on an individual
lation is beyond repair, you are        basis. Usually, these are great
advised to hire somebody who is         if you already have one or more
on our list.                            Dutch authors on your list
                                        and would like to see them,
How do we apply for a                   combined with a schedule of
translation subsidy?                    meetings.

We need contracts with the              What’s Schwob?
rights holders and the translator,
plus the application form. You is a European
                                                                                                            Tiziano Perez                          Dick Broer
can submit digitally from our           network for forgotten or undis-
website:          covered books, established
en/translation-subsidy.                 and maintained by translators,                                      Managing director                      Literary thrillers
Meetings are held six times a           publishers and editors, research-                                   Brazil
year, the dates are announced on        ers, readers and critics.                                           China
our website.                                                                                                Japan
                                        Can I subscribe to
Do you subsidise production             New Dutch Fiction?
                                        Please leave your card at our
This is possible in the case of         stand, or send a message.
editions of poetry, illustrated         All our past issues are available
children’s books or graphic             at
novels. For regular fiction and

2                                                                           NEWDUTCHFICTION                                                  SPRING 2020                          3
NEW - HLondon Book Fair Issue Spring 2020 Dutch Foundation for Literature - Nederlands Letterenfonds
Publishing details
Herman Koch                                                                                                                       Finse dagen (2020)
                                                                                                                                  288 pages

Finnish Days                                                                                                                      78,925 words
                                                                                                                                  Sample translation available


A probing novel about grief and coming of age                                                                                     Ambo Anthos
                                                                                                                                  Orli Naamani

                                                                                                                                  Rights sold
                                                                                                                                  Finland (Siltala), Germany (KiWi),
                                                                                                                                  France (Belfond)

Herman Koch became known for his             In Finland, where physical labor served
plot-driven literature, full of page-        as an antidepressant, he couldn’t
turning suspense and the seductive           use language to get by, let alone hide
lure of evil. They’re thrillers and          behind irony. He knew two words of
situation comedies at the same time,         Finnish: ‘äiti’ (mother) and ‘kuollut’
in which Koch castigates the latest          (dead). Nearly all of the Finnish episode
well-intentioned trends. With this new       is recounted in the first of the book’s
novel, he opts for a different, more         three parts, although Koch makes
autobiographical approach.                   strategic use of some omitted informa-
                                             tion towards the end. But Finnish Days
1973. Herman Koch was nineteen and           covers Koch’s entire life, complete with                                             Herman Koch
trying to figure things out. Six months      tangents and detours – from his love of                                              (1953) is an internationally best-
after graduating high school, shortly        motorbikes to his strange relationship                                               selling author. In 2009 he wrote The
                                                                                                                                  Dinner, which was translated into 42
after the death of his mother, he left       with hotel rooms.                                                                    languages and acquired world fame.
for Finland. In the dense forests of the         Koch has found a clever alternative to                                           During subsequent years, bestsellers
eastern province of North Karelia, he        the powerful, convergent quality of his                                              such as Summer House with Swim-
sped around on a tractor, milked cows,       previous, plot-driven work. Here, follow-                                            ming Pool (2011), Dear Mr M. (2014)
plowed fields, dragged trees around,         ing the path of his life gives the book the                                          and The Ditch (2016) were published.
                                                                                                                                  In Finnish Days Koch returns to his
made merry at village parties, drank         required structure, and the core theme
                                                                                                                                  youth, which also inspired his debut
methylated spirits, sawed into his own       – the genesis of Koch’s life as a reclusive                                          novel Save Us, Maria Montanelli
limbs and kissed a rural beauty. ‘I wait     writer – throws that life into intriguing     ‘Koch commands his metier with an      (1989).
for you,’ she told him.                      relief. And the truth? ‘The only truth         effortless superiority.’              Photo: Maarten Kools
   But Finnish Days is not a love story.     is the book,’ he says. Finnish Days is
                                                                                             de Volkskrant
The youthful Koch had gone to Finland        a book about how stories are shaped
to be alone, acting on a deeply-felt         and reshaped, about the strength and
existential urge that he wasn’t to under-    weakness of memory, and an intimate           ‘This could very well be Koch’s
stand until much later in life. His father   portrait of the writer as a young man,         best novel.’
had told him to think about his future.      contrasted with the present day.                Het Parool
In Koch’s reflections on the subject,
we recognize a portrait of the writer as                                                   ‘Even more than a book about
a young man, or rather – a portrait of a                                                    memories, this is a book about lost
young man in mourning, who wants to                                                         memories and that is the thing that
be a writer but daren’t admit it.                                                           makes this one so special.’

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NEW - HLondon Book Fair Issue Spring 2020 Dutch Foundation for Literature - Nederlands Letterenfonds
Publishing details
Stephan Enter                                                                                                                       Pastorale (2019)
                                                                                                                                    288 pages, 86,831 words

Pastoral                                                                                                                            Publisher
                                                                                                                                    Van Oorschot, Frederike Doppenberg

Coming-of-age novel about being uprooted                                                                                            Rights

and finding freedom                                                                                                                 2 Seas Agency, Marleen Seegers

                                                                                                                                    Translated titles
                                                                                                                                    Compassie: France (Actes Sud, 2018),
                                                                                                                                    Hungary (Gondolat, 2017)
                                                                                                                                    Grip: France (Actes Sud, 2015),
Could there be a more quintessentially       were isolated from Dutch society and                                                   Germany (Berlin, 2013), Hungary
Dutch theme for a novel than severing        not given the opportunity to integrate.                                                (Gondolat, 2015), Italy, (Iperborea,
ties with the Reformed Church? You           However, they ended up never going                                                     2014), Norway (Font Forlag, 2013)
could argue that ‘our’ relationship with     back, and rising tensions led to several                                               Spel: Denmark (Turbine, 2013),
the former Dutch colonies comes in a         terrorist attacks by young Moluccans in                                                Germany (Berlin Verlag, 2009)
close second to this defining topic.         the 1970s.
                                                High-school student Oscar de Vree
                                                                                                                                    Stephan Enter
In his fifth novel, Pastoral, Stephan        is asked to deliver homework to a
                                                                                                                                    (1968) debuted in 1999 with his col-
Enter sets about combining two Dutch         Moluccan classmate who is temporarily                                                  lection of short stories Winterhanden
worlds. He even has them exist quite         absent from school, and falls in love                                                  (Chilblained Hands). His first novel,
literally side by side, in a sleepy coun-    with the boy’s sister. It’s the start of a   ‘As always, he is brilliant and           Lichtjaren (Light Years), published in
try village in the mid-1980s, where the      torrid, confusing summer and a series         controlled in his dissections of the     2004, was nominated for the Libris
Reformed neighbourhood is right next         of encounters he’ll look back on as ‘the                                               Literature Prize. His third book, Spel
                                                                                           adolescent experience, and in his        (Game; 2007), demonstrated that
door to the local Moluccan community         most important events of his adoles-          descriptions of the atmosphere. But      he was already one of the foremost
(immigrants from the Maluku Islands          cence.’ Meanwhile, Oscar’s older sister       Pastoral is even more daring than his    writers of his generation. His third
in the Indonesian archipelago). But          Louise is also spending the summer in         previous work – the author is taking     novel, Grip, sold over 50,000 copies.
the two areas might as well be oceans        the village. She’s angry with her mother,     bigger risks.’                           It received universal praise, was
apart – the Reformed villagers shun the      who is becoming more religious with                                                    nominated for the Libris Prize for
                                                                                             de Volkskrant                          Literature and the AKO Literature
newcomers, accusing them of all sorts        every Sunday that passes, and angry
                                                                                                                                    Prize, and it won the Golden BookOwl
of terrible misdeeds.                        with the Reformed community that                                                       Award, the C.C.S. Crone Prize and the
                                                                                          ‘The impressive thing about
   The history of the Moluccan popula-       has stolen her childhood. This results                                                 F. Bordewijk-Award.
                                                                                           Pastoral is that the book takes a
tion in the Netherlands – most of whom       in diverting, searing monologues and
                                                                                           political stance while at the same       Photo: Annaleen Louwes
come from the island of Ambon – is           heated discussions.
                                                                                           time showing the complexity of
as complicated as it is tragic. Initially,      What may be even more exciting than
many of them fought on the side of           Oscar and Louise’s carefully constructed
                                                                                           the situation, by closely tracking
the Dutch in the Indonesian War of           storylines is Enter’s impressively rich       the thoughts of its two sensitive
Independence in 1948. After the proc-        style. Just as in his previous work, his      narrators.’
lamation of the Republic of Indonesia,       prose is consistently outstanding.              De Groene Amsterdammer
it was difficult for them to remain in       Almost everything he describes is
their home country. Some 3,500 Moluc-        brought to life in apt, vivid detail.        ‘Irresistibly funny and astute. But for
cans were shipped to the Netherlands,                                                      all his often brilliant descriptions,
where they were housed in camps. The                                                       above all I would call Enter a master
plan was that they would return to the                                                     of tender moments.’
Moluccas later on, which is why they                                                        Trouw

6                                                                 NEWDUTCHFICTION                                                   SPRING 2020                              7
NEW - HLondon Book Fair Issue Spring 2020 Dutch Foundation for Literature - Nederlands Letterenfonds
Publishing details
Oek de Jong                                                                                                                           Zwarte schuur (2019)
                                                                                                                                      489 pages

Black Barn                                                                                                                            151,103 words

                                                                                                                                      Atlas Contact

An accusation turns the life of a world-famous                                                                                        Hayo Deinum
artist upside down                                                                                                                    Rights
                                                                                                                                      Liepman Agency
                                                                                                                                      Mark Koralnik

                                                                                                                                      Right sold
In a grand, sweeping novel, Oek de           Fran is aware of his background. She                                                     Italy (Neri Pozza)
Jong shows how artist Maris Coppoolse        admires his work but is aware that
is tortured by his past and the huge         he’s sick of her. She has two children                                                   Translated titles
impact this has, not only on his work,       from a previous relationship with a                                                      Please see
but also on the lives of his loved ones.     photographer and filmmaker who then                                            
                                             died in a car accident near Rome. Her
The novel opens with Maris and his           daughter Stan is a war photographer,
wife arguing in a taxi on their way to       and her son Thijs is a journalist. Thijs is
                                                                                                                                      Oek de Jong
the opening of a career retrospective at     level-headed and analytical and closer to
                                                                                                                                      (1952) broke through in 1979 with his
the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.           his mother; Stan is impulsive and tem-                                                   debut novel Opwaaiende zomerjurken
Maris is tense; the noise on the street      peramental and has a close relationship                                                  (Billowing Summer Dresses). Over fif-
is making him aggressive, and he takes       with Maris.                                                                              teen months, the novel was reprinted
everything Fran says as a provocation.          In his characteristic, visceral style                                                 nineteen times and sold 95,000 cop-
                                                                                                                                      ies. He confirmed his status as one of
Fran feels agitated and tries to ignore      – rich with visual and tactile detail –
                                                                                                                                      the Netherlands’ top authors with the
Maris’ high-strung mood. After twenty        De Jong has Maris relive his past. He                                                    philosophical and equally successful
years, they’re practically strangers to      describes in detail the events in the                                                    novel Cirkel in het gras (Circle in the
one another in a relationship full of fear   run-up to and on the day of the fatal                                                    Grass, 1985) and Hokwerda’s kind
                                                                                            ‘Oek de Jong is a gifted, evocative       (Hokwerda’s Child, 2002), a tragic
and mistrust: ‘they belonged to a gen-       accident, and how Maris rebuilds his
                                                                                             storyteller with insight into the        portrait of a woman. Pier and Ocean
eration that had learned to talk freely      life in the aftermath, growing into a cel-
                                                                                             human psyche and an eye for sublime      (2013) was shortlisted for the Libris
about sex, but their pain and hurt had       ebrated artist. In the course of this story,
                                                                                             details – details that are surprising,   Literature Prize and won the Gouden
driven them back into the silence and        he also paints a vivid picture of the gritty                                             Boekenuil (‘Golden Book Owl’).
                                                                                             moving, thought-provoking and that
silent suffering of their parents.’          Amsterdam of the ’80s, with its artists
                                                                                             command admiration. Black Barn has       Photo: Marie-Jeanne van Hövell tot Westerflier
   Maris is a big man with a boom-           and drug addicts.
ing voice and a striking face. He lives         In the novel’s impressive final section,
                                                                                             all the makings of a classic.’
predominantly in the past, but at the        Maris and Fran travel to La Gomera.               de Volkskrant
same time tries to repress it. His life is   After all the darkness, De Jong offers his
marked by two traumatic events in his        characters and readers some light.             ‘With his in-depth psychological
childhood. He is abused by three boys.       Maris comes to terms with Matty’s               insights and a narrative arc that
Then, several weeks later, he plays a sex    death, and the marital crisis that he and       bends inexorably towards healing,
game with Matty, the girl next door, in a    Fran have been stuck in for over a year         Oek de Jong has once again written
black barn. She ends up falling from the     seems to be resolved.                           an instant classic, the kind that
hay loft and she dies. He is charged with                                                    you’re almost surprised is still being
manslaughter and has to spend some                                                           written.’
time in a youth offenders’ institution.                                                        de Groene Amsterdammer

8                                                                  NEWDUTCHFICTION                                                    SPRING 2020                                      9
NEW - HLondon Book Fair Issue Spring 2020 Dutch Foundation for Literature - Nederlands Letterenfonds
Publishing details
Arnon Grunberg                                                                                                                     Bezette gebieden (2020)
                                                                                                                                   432 pages

Occupied Territories                                                                                                               121,657 words
                                                                                                                                   Sample translation available


A groundbreaking novel on what we consider                                                                                         Lebowski Agency
                                                                                                                                   Jasper Henderson
to be reality, truth and love                                                                                                      jasper.henderson@

                                                                                                                                   Translated titles
                                                                                                                                   Please see
As a writer, Grunberg set himself the         dom. He suffers a public fall from grace
task of filling up the gaps in human          in Amsterdam after one of his female
memory with fiction. That’s how he            patients comes out about having been
gave meaning to life and enabled his          abused by him. Kadoke flees and falls
readers to live vicariously through his       in love with his second cousin Anat.
work. Twenty years after his debut,           He and his father travel to a settlement
Grunberg set out to write a major             where – he is shocked to discover – he
novel about his mother Hannelore,             is welcomed as the Messiah, the one
who survived Auschwitz as a child. He         who can father Anat’s children. But that                                             Arnon Grunberg
moved back into his childhood home            does require that he prove, in front of                                              (1971) is one of the most important
but on the evening of February 9th,           his mother-in-law, that he’s not just                                                Dutch writers of his generation.
2015 she died, at the age of 87. ‘Now         ‘another impotent Jew’ – resulting in a                                              He writes novels, plays, essays,
I have to become my own mother,’              scene that’s as hilarious as it is                                                   poetry and columns. His work has
                                                                                                                                   been translated into 29 different
he wrote.                                     harrowing.                                                                           languages and has received many
                                                 Grunberg is a boundary-breaking                                                   awards. Grunberg was expelled from
In the novel Birthmarks (2015), a grown-      writer. What’s amazing is that the hel-     ‘This is Grunberg at the peak            school at the age of 17. He’d initially
up son stands in front of the door of         ter-skelter of painful and bizarre scenes    of his abilities [...] Rarely has       wanted to be an actor, but shifted his
his parental home in Amsterdam. His           in Occupied Territories isn’t just shock-                                            focus to writing. He was 23 when he
                                                                                           Grunberg written about love with        published his debut, Blue Mondays,
name is Otto Kadoke, and he works as          ing and alienating. It’s also moving and     such surprising sincerity and           appearing like a devastating meteor
a psychiatrist at a crisis center. Kadoke     speaks to the meaning of our existence.      persuasiveness.’                        in the literary firmament. Occupied
violates all the protocols to keep his        At the same time, Grunberg’s ‘revalua-        NRC Handelsblad                        Territories is his thirteenth novel.
suicidal patients alive. Meanwhile, he        tion of all values’ sheds sharp light on
                                                                                                                                   Photo: Bettina Fürst – Fastré
is doing everything in his power to keep      what we consider to be reality, truth and
                                                                                          ‘A testimony to Grunberg’s ability to
his elderly Jewish mother safe. Then          love. This is literature at its finest.
                                                                                           describe life – with all its warmth,
he learns that his mother is really his
                                                                                           juiciness and emotionality – at its
father. ‘Your mother has a penis,’ says
the nurse who puts her in the shower.
                                                                                           most tragic and cynical [...] Reading
Kadoke is messed up and detached,                                                          Grunberg remains a tremendously
but he does succeed at one thing: his                                                      exciting experience.’
mother is still alive and well on the final                                                 Trouw
   In Occupied Territories, Kadoke and                                                    ‘The most enlightened and mature
his reluctant mother – who, once again,                                                    that we’ve seen Grunberg to date.’
is his father – go to Israel to find free-                                                  De Telegraaf

10                                                                 NEWDUTCHFICTION                                                 SPRING 2020                           11
NEW - HLondon Book Fair Issue Spring 2020 Dutch Foundation for Literature - Nederlands Letterenfonds
Publishing details
Romana Vrede                                                                                                                        De nobele autist (2020)
                                                                                                                                    197 pages

The Noble Autist                                                                                                                    57,581 words

                                                                                                                                    De Arbeiderspers

Moving debut about a mother and her son,                                                                                            Jolijn Spooren
who has autism and learning difficulties

Romana Vrede created a much-                  defend his behavior in public, and ends
acclaimed theatre show about her son          up feeling like ‘a sad black woman with
Charlie, who has autism and a learning        her sad black child.’
disability: Who’s Afraid of Charlie               The chapters are told from the
Stevens? He is also the focal point of        perspective of the mother, who regularly
her debut novel, The Noble Autist.            quotes from books and plays. Charlie’s
                                              fictional response to her story is told
De Vrede’s biggest fear is that no one        in footnotes. This is how the author
will be able to give Charlie the care he      gives her nonverbal son a voice, with
needs once she dies – that there will be      the novel creating the space for some-
no one left who understands him. The          thing that is impossible in real life – a
book starts with her imagining Charlie’s      dialogue between mother and son. De
death, a death she won’t be around to         Vrede’s determination to empathize
witness, but which, with great com-           with her son rubs off on the reader. The    ‘An impressive and inspired self-
passion and affection, she explores in        Noble Autist is a call for compassion for    examination, an impassioned plea for     Romana Vrede
fictional form: ‘I now give you my pres-      those who are different, but above all       more understanding without any sort      (Paramaribo, 1972) is an actor and
ence in print.’ She then tells the story of   it’s a moving declaration of love from a     of moralism. Raw and powerful, but       director with Het Nationale Theater.
her life before Charlie – of how she fell     mother to her son.                                                                    She received the Theo d’Or – the most
                                                                                           also funny and, above all, empathetic    important Dutch theater prize – for
in love with his father, the moment of                                                     – and well-written, with an impressive   her role in RACE. In 2019, she made
his conception, his birth and the reali-                                                   literary structure. Vrede succeeds in    Dit is de leven, a much-acclaimed
zation that he was different from other                                                    holding up a mirror to us: who gets to   documentary about autistic children.
children.                                                                                  decide what is ‘normal’?’                Photo: Benny Stroet
   She describes the happy moments,
                                                                                             Dutch writer and TV presenter
and calls him the wisest person she                                                          Cornald Maas
knows. But the constant care of her son
is hard on her: he is nonverbal, can’t go
to the bathroom independently, and can                                                    About Who’s Afraid of Charlie Stevens:
be so physically aggressive sometimes
that his care worker ends up getting                                                      ‘A confronting and moving portrait
a brain contusion. She describes the                                                       whose merit goes beyond just the
despair and the exhaustion, the reac-                                                      artistic quality of the production.
tions from other people, her own shame                                                     It shows how valuable it is to have a
in public and her sense of guilt about                                                     different perspective.’
that. She doesn’t always explain or                                                          De theaterkrant

12                                                                 NEWDUTCHFICTION                                                  SPRING 2020                        13
NEW - HLondon Book Fair Issue Spring 2020 Dutch Foundation for Literature - Nederlands Letterenfonds
Publishing details
Kees van Beijnum                                                                                                                    23 seconden (2019)
                                                                                                                                    392 pages

23 Seconds                                                                                                                          103,271 words
                                                                                                                                    Sample translation available


Writer discovers the truth about her mother’s                                                                                       De Bezige Bij
                                                                                                                                    Marijke Nagtegaal
murder in an ingeniously constructed                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                    Uta Matten
roman noir                                                                                                                

                                                                                                                                    Translated titles
                                                                                                                                    De ordening: Germany (DVA, 2000)
                                                                                                                                    De offers: Germany (Bertelsmann,
Anne Lieftinck grew up in Amsterdam’s        On that fateful evening, Anne had heard                                                2016)
Red Light District where twenty years        a voice in the house and smelled after-
ago her mother, who was a sex worker         shave. Was it Hayo, hiding in her moth-
in one of the window brothels, was           er’s bedroom? She is determined to
bludgeoned to death with a hammer.           find out the truth by talking to as many
Haantje, a boy living nearby at the time,    witnesses as possible. Van Beijnum
was charged with the crime. He had           skilfully conjures up a cast of different
the motive, means and opportunity            shadowy characters – a motley chorus
– Anne’s mother was constantly slan-         that accompanies Anne on her danger-
dering him, and his fingerprints were        ous quest.
found on the hammer.                            Van Beijnum grew up in Amsterdam’s
                                             Red Light District himself and he paints                                               Kees van Beijnum
Anne, who overcame her humble                a visceral portrait of the area as a sep-                                              (1954) broke through with bestsellers
                                                                                                                                    like Dichter op de Zeedijk (Poet on
beginnings, has become a well-known          arate community, governed by its own                                                   the Zeedijk, 1995) and De oesters
writer and is working on a book about        social codes. Every move the characters                                                van Nam Kee (Oysters at Nam Kee’s,
her mother’s murder. One day she is          make turns out to be another cog in                                                    2000), which was later turned into a
asked to write a contribution for a book     the plot of this gripping novel, building                                              successful movie. He writes in the
                                                                                         ‘An accomplished, powerful portrait of     tradition of Capote, Hemingway and
of photographs commemorating her             towards an ending that leaves no one
                                                                                          the Red Light District – a place that’s   Faulkner. Van Beijnum spent most of
high-school boyfriend Hayo, who died in      untouched.
                                                                                          difficult to get away from, where         his childhood in the cafés and hotels
a bombing in Afghanistan. He’d lived on                                                                                             run by his family on Amsterdam’s
                                                                                          you’re at risk of getting pulled under
Anne’s street and wasn’t afraid of any-                                                                                             Zeedijk.
                                                                                          by the self-destructive current that
one – undaunted, he made a career for
                                                                                          seems to be prevalent there.’             Photo: Keke Keukelaar
himself photographing squatters’ riots,
drug addicts and, later on, war zones.                                                     De Telegraaf
   Her research increasingly leads her to
doubt that Haantje is really guilty of the                                               ‘23 Seconds sounds like a thriller,
crime. The excerpts from his journals                                                     but it’s much more than that. It’s an
that she gets to read paint a picture of a                                                intriguing portrayal of a certain era,
somewhat naive boy who likes to draw                                                      of a certain place and the oftentimes
and is trying to escape the suffocating                                                   disturbed relationships between
Salvation Army environment that his                                                       people. Love, betrayal […] Van
mother is immersed in – not some-                                                         Beijnum describes it all with ease,
one who’d be capable of such a brutal                                                     without resorting to clichés.’
murder.                                                                                    De Zondag

14                                                                NEWDUTCHFICTION                                                   SPRING 2020                        15
NEW - HLondon Book Fair Issue Spring 2020 Dutch Foundation for Literature - Nederlands Letterenfonds
Publishing details
Anneloes Timmerije                                                                                                                  De mannen van Maria (2019)
                                                                                                                                    344 pages

Maria’s Men                                                                                                                         86,107 words
                                                                                                                                    5,000 copies sold


How a girl from humble beginnings worked                                                                                            Querido
                                                                                                                                    Jolijn Spooren
her way up from maidservant to extremely                                                                                  

wealthy woman                                                                                                                       Translated title
                                                                                                                                    Slaapwandelen bij daglicht:
                                                                                                                                    Germany (edition fünf, 2018)

The protagonist of this novel, Maria         board of directors. She climbs the social
van Aelst, really existed. We don’t know     ladder, can’t seem to get pregnant and
much about her, other than that she          is bored out of her mind. As much as
was married to Antonio van Diemen,           was possible for a woman in those days,
Governor-General of the former Dutch         she takes risks and breaks with con-
East Indies between 1637 and 1645,           vention. She helps her third husband
that their marriage remained childless       maintain the clove monopoly and rules                                                  Anneloes Timmerije
and that she died an extremely rich          the roost in Batavia’s social circles.                                                 (1955) is a journalist and author of
                                                                                                                                    literary and historical non-fiction. In
woman. Timmerije has largely filled in       Flouting all the rules, she starts trading                                             2005 she made her fiction debut with
the details of Maria’s life herself and      in diamonds. Over time, she grows to be                                                the short-story collection Zwartzuur
made her into a smart, headstrong            the ‘queen of Batavia.’ When she finally                                               (Black and Sour), which received the
woman.                                       moves back to Amsterdam in 1646,                                                       2006 Vrouw & Kultuur Debuutprijs
                                             she is among the one hundred richest                                                   (Woman & Culture Debut Prize). This
                                                                                                                                    initial success was followed by her
In 1625, Maria van Aelst leaves for          people in the Republic.                                                                first novel, De grote Joseph (The Great
Batavia (present-day Jakarta) on a Dutch        In her fifth work of fiction, Tim-                                                  Joseph, 2010), Slaapwandelen bij
East India Company ship. She and six         merije – a journalist who herself has        ‘A lively portrait of a 17th-century      daglicht (Sleepwalking in Broad
other girls are being sent to give birth     Indonesian roots – vividly describes the      businesswoman, and a fantastic
                                                                                                                                    Daylight, 2013) and, together with
to Dutch progeny: ‘We went to bear           17th century world of scurvy, swamp                                                    Charles den Tex, Het vergeten verhaal
                                                                                           portrait of the era. Timmerije           van een onwankelbare liefde in
children, shipped at the request of the      fever, slavery and pirates, and takes us
                                                                                           describes it all equally vividly: the    oorlogs­tijd (2014), which was trans-
gentlemen over there, seven girls, most      inside the colonial, patriarchal mindset
                                                                                           hardships of life at sea, the thriving   lated into English as Finding Her
of whom had never even been kissed.’         that existed back then. Maria’s Men is a                                               (World Editions, 2016).
                                                                                           East India Company, the extreme
After a hazardous, nine-month journey,       gripping story about a self-made woman
                                                                                           boredom of women in the upper            Photo: Esther Hessing
Batavia turns out to be in the middle of a   who seizes life by the horns.
                                                                                           classes. She doesn’t allow the
dangerous, swampy plain. Maria is cho-
                                                                                           novel’s world to be too colored by
sen by an older, upper-class gentleman,
who soon afterwards dies. Her second
                                                                                           her 21st-century perspective: no
husband, too, passes away within a year                                                    one is fazed by corporal punishment,
– at just 22 years old, she has already                                                    slavery is a fact of life.’
been widowed twice.                                                                          de Volkskrant
   Because Maria marries increasingly
powerful men, she ends up privy to a lot                                                  ‘Timmerije has good taste and a
of information – for example about the                                                     skilled pen, and she did thorough
decisions made by the Seventeen Gen-                                                       research.’
tlemen, the Dutch East India Company’s                                                      AD Magazine

16                                                                NEWDUTCHFICTION                                                   SPRING 2020                          17
Publishing details
Henriette Roosenburg                                                                                                              De muren vielen om (1957, March 2020)
                                                                                                                                  320 pages

The Walls Came Tumbling Down                                                                                                      80,000 words


Three women in the Dutch resistance movement                                                                                      Stella Rieck
are liberated by the Russians in 1945, but have to                                                                                Rights sold
escape their liberators in a rowboat                                                                                              Germany (Aufbau), Italy (Fazi), Scribe
                                                                                                                                  (World English)

May 1945. Three women from the              They set out on foot for the River Elbe
Dutch resistance movement are               with a Dutch sailor, Dries. Here they
languishing in a German Nazi prison.        steal a rowboat called the ‘Montgomery’
The thunder of war outside tells them       in hopes of making it to Hamburg, in
that the Allied forces are advancing, but   the British-occupied zone. They have
they could still end up being executed      hilarious encounters with Russian
at the eleventh hour. After the Russian     soldiers, but they are also cautious – the
army has liberated them, they find          Russians frequently rape women. Before
                                                                                                                                  Henriette Roosenburg
themselves faced with an unexpected         they get to Hamburg, they are forced off                                              (1916 ­–1972) was born into a wealthy
question: how do you find your way          the water by gunfire and put in a Rus-                                                family of doctors in The Hague. During
home without help in a country that’s       sian camp. Eventually they are handed                                                 the Second World War, she worked for
completely in ruins?                        over to the Americans as former ‘politi-                                              an influential illegal Dutch newspa-
                                            cal prisoners.’ They can finally go home.                                             per, Het Parool, until a secret agent
                                                                                                                                  recruited her to a clandestine route
Henriette, Nel and Joke were sentenced         A moving yet light-footed memoir,                                                  for smuggling people and intelligence
to death by the Nazis in 1944 for help-     The Walls Come Tumbling Down tells the                                                over the border into Spain. In 1994
ing Allied pilots who’d been shot down      true story of a journey, with women as                                                she established a military espionage
and smuggling military intelligence         the unexpected leads. Their liberation                                                route to Switzerland for the Dutch
to England. Before their sentence is        and journey home required just as much                                                government. After the War, Roosen-
                                                                                                                                  burg worked in New York as a reporter
carried out in the Netherlands, they find   courage, inventiveness and humor as
                                                                                                                                  for Time, LIFE and Fortune. The Walls
themselves in a German prison, where        their dangerous work in the resistance                                                Came Tumbling Down (1957) made her
they keep up their spirits by singing and   and their imprisonment had. The                                                       instantly famous and was a bestseller
doing embroidery.                           literary style almost makes you forget                                                in both the US and the Netherlands.
    Their euphoria upon being liberated     that this book is a historical eyewitness
is followed by the sobering realization     account of an unexposed period in Ger-       ‘It’s an absolute knockout.’
that no one will be coming to help          man history: the chaotic first weeks after      Viking Publishers, 1957
them. No one in the Netherlands knows       the end of the Second World War.
if they’re even still alive or where they      The afterword by historian Sonja van      ‘A female Bridge on the
are. Germany is in ruins and flooded        ’t Hof provides more context on Roosen-       River Kwai.’
by hundreds of thousands of survivors       burg’s life and the impressive role she
                                                                                           Hollywood actress Jan Sterling, 1958
from camps and prisons. Without             played in the resistance.
identity documents, the women – weak-
ened from their time in prison – are not                                                 ‘Here is a book full of utterly
allowed to leave the Soviet occupation                                                    unself-conscious heroism.’
zone.                                                                                      The Washington Post, 1983

18                              CLASSIC                          NEWDUTCHFICTION                                                  SPRING 2020                          19
Publishing details
Charles den Tex                                                                                                                        Verloren vrouw (2019)
                                                                                                                                       384 pages

A Woman Lost                                                                                                                           14,390 words

                                                                                                                                       Harper Collins

Tech thriller about identity and what can and                                                                                          Erwin Koning
can’t be made                                                                                                                          Translated titles
                                                                                                                                       De macht van meneer Miller: English
                                                                                                                                       (WorldEditions, 2015), Italian (e/o,
                                                                                                                                       2010), Germany (Grafit, 2007)
                                                                                                                                       Cel: Turkish (Yapi Kredi, 2011), France
                                                                                                                                       (Presses de la Cité, 2010), Italian (e/o,
In Den Tex’s cynical tech universe,          being shot dead, after which the boys                                                     2010), Germany (Grafit, 2009)
a young woman goes in search of her          have to try and hide from the powerful                                                    Wachtwoord: Germany (Grafit, 2011)
identity. Is she a remote-controlled         higher-ups that their handler was
cyborg, or does she have an autono-          working for.
mous existence and past?                         When Djenna regains consciousness,
                                             it turns out she has no memory of her
An exhausted man on his way home             past whatsoever. She and Luc set out in
spots a beautiful young woman lying          search of her identity. She discovers she
unconscious, covered in vomit and            is proficient in a martial art form that
urine, in a dark alley between two           allows her to kill an opponent with a
buildings. He figures she’s probably had     single blow – and that she enjoys doing
too much to drink or taken the wrong         it. So what is she – a sexy call girl or a
pills. Luc doesn’t have much faith in the    cool-blooded, violent murderer?
emergency medical services and decides           Den Tex crafts this premise into a
to take Djenna home. He undresses her,       gripping page-turner, with the various
puts her in the shower and then to bed.      players searching for each other and
Luc earns a living as a scammer. He acts     especially for Djenna and control over                                                    Charles den Tex
as an intermediary in real-estate trans-     her brain cells.                                                                          (1952) is the Netherlands’ leading
                                                                                                                                       thriller writer. His work has won all
actions, charging a cash fee and then            It’s a skilful depiction of the potential
                                                                                                                                       the major prizes in crime fiction and
vanishing without a trace, using false       harmful consequences of technological
                                                                                             ‘The main thing that strikes you is       has been translated into several
identities.                                  knowledge – a world in which one’s                                                        languages.
                                                                                              the pleasure with which he spins
   It turns out that Djenna has been the     identity and one’s past can be bought
                                                                                              his web. You see it, for example, in     Photo: Wim van de Hulst
victim of two street urchins, Sem and        and sold and where people can be trans-
                                                                                              the unparalleled way that he gives
Rafik, who were supposed to steal her        formed into remote-controlled fighting
                                                                                              each character their own idiolect
cellphone. They slipped her a pill so        machines.
that she wouldn’t be able to remember                                                         [...] Worlds collide, but the distinct
anything. But when they meet with their                                                       voices make each character
handler, Berry, to give him the phone                                                         credible.’
and get paid, things go awry. He refuses                                                        de Volkskrant
to pay them the full amount before
getting the PIN to unlock the device,                                                        ‘Den Tex once again proves that he
but the boys are reluctant to give out the                                                    can rightly be called the Michael
PIN until they’ve got their money. This                                                       Crichton of the Low Countries.’
mutual distrust culminates in Berry                                                             Hebban

20                              THRILLER                            NEWDUTCHFICTION                                                    SPRING 2020                             21
Publishing details
Guido van Driel                                                                                                                       In Holland Suburbia (2020)
                                                                                                                                      176 pages

In Holland Suburbia                                                                                                                   10,050 words

                                                                                                                                      Concerto Books

The Virgin Mary hovers over a residential                                                                                             Hansje Joustra, Dick van Dijck
neighborhood, but she’s not there to protect                                                                                

the people                                                                                                                            Translated titles
                                                                                                                                      Toen we van de Duitsers verloren:
                                                                                                                                      Germany (Avant-Verlag, 2016)
                                                                                                                                      Gasten: France (L’Agrume, 2014)
Strange things are afoot in Guido            Guido van Driel
van Driel’s graphic novel, In Holland        (1962) is a history graduate and self-taught
                                             artist. His first comic, Vis aan de wand (Fish
Suburbia. The backdrop is a typical new      on the Wall), was published in 1994, promptly
development in the Dutch suburbs,            winning awards. He received a great deal of
complete with family homes, tidy front       attention from the press for his book De fijn­-
yards and garages. A Beatles-esque           ­proever – Een raamvertelling (The Connoisseur
band rehearses inside one of those           – A Frame Story), about saxophone repairman
                                             Nico, and his fondness for prostitutes. His
garages, but things soon take a turn for     choice of subjects for his subsequent books
the worse for them. One of the band          was also unconventional: the 1974 World Cup        ‘An exciting and intriguing story.’   ‘If there were a Nobel Prize for
members is found dead in the bushes;         final, which was so traumatic for the Nether-         Het Parool                          comics, In Holland Suburbia
another is hit by a piece of metal that       lands, in Toen wij van de Duitsers ver­loren                                             would definitely be a contender.
falls from the sky. UFOs are flying over-    (When We Lost to the Germans), or the life of                                               De Poort comic bookstore,
                                             an asylum seeker in the provinces in Om
head, and the Virgin Mary is hovering         mekaar in Dokkum. Van Driel has created his
                                                                                                                                         Ghent, Belgium
up there too, as a silent witness to all     own film version of this graphic novel with the
the mayhem.                                   title of The Resurrection of a Bastard, which
                                             was selected as the opening film of the 42nd
Guido van Driel paints his stories onto      International Film Festival in Rotterdam in
                                             2013. He also works as an illustrator for a
black paper with acrylics, which makes
                                             variety of newspapers and magazines.
you feel like you’re inside a movie the-
atre, watching the action unfold. That’s
no coincidence, because Van Driel is
also a filmmaker with several feature
                                                     Photo: Lennert Hillege
films to his name. His latest, Bloody
Marie, got rave reviews in the US. Multi-
talented Van Driel uses his own graphic
novels as storyboards for his movies,
with the influence of directors such as
Tarantino and David Lynch leaving a
clear mark on the dialogue and events.
Into this mix, Van Driel adds his fascina-
tion with unidentified flying objects
– he feels people should dare to believe
in miracles. In Holland Suburbia is cur-
rently being adapted into a TV series.

22                       GRAPHIC NOVEL                                        NEWDUTCHFICTION                                         SPRING 2020                         23
                                                                      Recent Dutch novels that have

                                                                      been acquired by publishing
                                                                      houses from many different

             Marieke Lucas Rijneveld                                                                                                                                                        Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer
             The Discomfort of Evening                                                                                                                                                      Grand Hotel Europa
             Intense, poetic debut about the daughter in a God-fearing                                                                                                                      Writer pays homage to lost love and a dying Europe
             family coming to terms with the loss of her brother

             Original title                                           imprinted on my mind forever.                                                                                         250,000 copies sold                                                  ‘Pfeijffer’s prose is funny, nasty,
             De avond is ongemak                                      I can’t remember the last                                                                                                                                                                   sharp, and at once self-con-
                                                                      time there has been so much                                                                                                                                                                 scious and absolutely light on
             40,000 copies sold                                                                                                                                                            Jolijn Spooren
                                                                      in-house excitement about a                                                                                                                                                                 its feet. I’m so pleased to be
             Rights                                                   debut novel – and we can’t wait                                                                                                                                                             able to publish his biggest and
             Hayo Deinum                                              for others to experience it.’                                                                                         Rights sold                                                           most important statement to
                                     Ella Griffiths editor at                                                                                              Bulgaria (Colibri), Czech Republic                                    date here in the New World:
                                                                      Faber & Faber                                                                                                         (Host), Croatia (V.B.Z), Finland                                      the Great European Novel
             Rights sold                                                                                                                                                                    (Gummerus), France (Presses de                                        indeed!’
             Arabic World (Al Arabi), Spain                           ‘The novel not only convinces                                                                                         la Cité), Germany (Piper), Israel                                      Jeremy Davies, editor at
             (Temas de Hoy), France (Buchet                                                                                                                                                 (Modan), Italy (Nutrimenti),
                                                                       the reader through the lively                                                                                                                                                              Farrar, Straus and Giroux
             Chastel), Germany (Suhrkamp),                                                                                                                                                  Macedonia (Antolog), Norway
             Italy (Nutrimenti), Korea (Gimm-
                                                                       portrayed characters, but also                        Dutch edition by                                               (Gyldendal), Portugal (Porto
             Young), UK & Commonwealth                                 through a spirited, dense                             De Arbeiderspers, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                            Editora), Spain (Acantilado),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ‘A great satire concerning every-
             (Faber & Faber), USA (Graywolf                            narrative. The rural metaphors                                                                                       UK (Fourth Estate), USA (Farrar,                                      thing from the destructive
             Press)                                                    and the language coming from                                                                                         Straus and Giroux)                                                    force of mass tourism to the
                                                                       the mouth of ten-year-old Jas,                                                                                                                                                             sellout of European culture.
             ‘The Discomfort of Evening                                are even more impressive.’                                                                                                                                                                 Pfeijffer captures the Zeitgeist
              is something special. Rijneveld                          Neue Rhein Zeitung                                                                                                                                                                         and serves it up irresistibly.’
              has created a world of lan-                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NRC Handelsblad
              guage unlike any other: her
              wild, striking imagery in all
              its horror and beauty will be

                                                                                                                                                      Translated by Helga van Beuningen (2019)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Translated by Stefano Musili (2019)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             French edition by Buchet Chastel
                                   English edition by Faber & Faber
                                   Translated by Michele Hutchison

                                                                                           Translated by Michele Hutchison
                                                                                           Scheduled for September 2020
                                   Scheduled for March 19, 2020

                                                                                                                                                      German edition by Suhrkamp
                                                                                           US edition by Graywolf Press

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Italian edition by Nutrimenti

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Translated by Daniel Cunin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Scheduled for April 2020
  24                                                                             NEWDUTCHFICTION                                                                                                                                                                 SPRING 2020                                         25

                                                                                     This is a selection of recently published
                                                                                     translations from the Dutch.
                                                                                     For more information please go to our
                                                                                     online database of translations:

Rodaan Al Galidi           Gerbrand Bakker             Marjolijn van Heemstra        Herman Koch                        Gerard Reve
Two Blankets, Three        Pear Trees Blossom White    And His Name is               Easy Living                        [Sjeot ha-erew]
                           Translated into French      Translated into Italian       Translated into German             Translated into Hebrew
Translated into English    by Françoise Antoine for    by Laura Pignatti for         by Herbert Post and                by Ran HaCohen for
by Jonathan Reeder for     Grasset, 2020               Rizzoli, 2019                 Christiane Kuby for                Am Oved, 2019
World Editions LLC, 2020                                                             Kiepenheuer & Witsch,

Hendrik Groen              Arnon Grunberg              Herman Koch                   Eva Meijer                         Tommy Wieringa
Live and Let Live          Birthmarks                  The Ditch                     Bird Cottage                       The blessed Rita
Translated into German     Translated into Hungarian   Translated into English       Translated into French             Translated into English
by Wibke Kuhn for Piper,   by Szabolcs Wekerle for     by Sam Garrett for Hogarth,   by Emmanuelle Tardif for           by Sam Garrett for Scribe,
2019                       Gondolat, 2019              2019                          Presses de la Cité, 2020           2020

26                                                     NEWDUTCHFICTION                                                                       SPRING 2020           27
New Dutch Fiction is
distributed to international
editors and publishers.
Please contact us if you
would like to be included
on our mailing list.

Editors                               Nederlands Letterenfonds

Dick Broer, Barbara den Ouden,
Tiziano Perez, Victor Schiferli
                                      t +31 (0)20 520 73 00
                                      Postbus / PO Box 16588
Onno Blom, Dick Broer,
                                      NL –1001 RB Amsterdam
Sonja van ’t Hof, Marlies Hoff,
Barbara den Ouden,                    Visiting address:
Joost Pollman, Victor Schiferli       Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89
                                      1018 VR Amsterdam
Some texts in this brochure were
based on reviews by Judith Eiselin,
Dries Muus and Jeroen Vullings

Emma Rault

Cover photo
Margaret Hart

Jos Morree Fine Books

Philip Stroomberg

28                                                               NEWDUTCHFICTION
‘Koch commands his metier
    with an effortless superiority.’
            Herman Koch Finnish Days      4

                                               ‘Irresistibly funny and astute.’
                                                            Stephan Enter Pastoral   6

        ‘Oek de Jong has once again
         written an instant classic,
         the kind that you’re almost
         surprised is still being
                     Oek de Jong Black Barn    8

                                                    ‘Reading Grunberg remains
‘A confronting and moving                            a tremendously exciting
 portrait whose merit goes                           experience.’
 beyond just the artistic                                                Arnon Grunberg
 quality of the production.’                                      Occupied Territories 10
   Romana Vrede The Noble Autist    12

                                         ‘23 Seconds sounds like a
                                          thriller, but it’s much more
                                          than that.’
                                              Kees van Beijnum 23 Seconds   14

   ‘A lively portrait of a 17th-
    century businesswoman,
    and a fantastic portrait of
    the era.’
                                                   ‘A female Bridge on the
                     Anneloes Timmerije
                         Maria’s Men 16             River Kwai.’
                                                                  Henriette Roosenburg
                                                      The Walls Came Tumbling Down 18

‘Den Tex once again proves
 that he can rightly be called
 the Michael Crichton of the
 Low Countries.’                                   ‘If there were a Nobel Prize
     Charles den Tex A Woman Lost   20              for comics, In Holland
                                                    Suburbia would definitely
                                                    be a contender.’
                                                                        Guido van Driel
                                                                In Holland Suburbia 22
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