New Student Orientation - Welcome - Moore Tech

Page created by Arnold Hanson
New Student Orientation - Welcome - Moore Tech
New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation - Welcome - Moore Tech
Today’s Agenda!

• History of Moore Tech
• Introducing your team!
• Important Information
• How to be Successful

 April 27, 2020 is the start of the first day of the rest of your
                       life…GET READY!!
New Student Orientation - Welcome - Moore Tech
William R. Moore College of Technology – The beginning
Est. 1939

                                                       An Opportunity for Youth and You

   For the education and training of worthy youths in the mechanical arts and sciences
                                     William R. Moore
New Student Orientation - Welcome - Moore Tech
William R. Moore College of Technology – Today
Est. 1939
New Student Orientation - Welcome - Moore Tech
College Leadership

Skip Redmond     Andrea Baird, M.S., Exec. MBA          Jerry Johnson
  President      Chief Administrative Officer &     Chief Financial Officer
               Vice President of Student Services

                                         Karen Treas
                                         Vice President of Career
                                         Services and Industry Relations
New Student Orientation - Welcome - Moore Tech
Moore Tech Staff Directors

       Martin Gambill
       Director of Automotive Campus

                                       John Schmidt
                                       Director of Industrial Training

      Justin Benjamin
      Director of Digital Media
New Student Orientation - Welcome - Moore Tech
Admissions Team

                                 Mike Shaw
     Justin Benjamin
                                 College Enrollment
     Lead Recruiter & Director
     of Digital Media
                                 Support Specialist

                                 Jessica Croslow
     Katina Williams             Program Coordinator –
     Admissions/Registration     America’s Promise Move
     Advisor                     Hire Grant

     Debbie Dole                 Chevon Robinson
     Academic Administrative     Administrative Assistant
     Coordinator – Auto Campus
New Student Orientation - Welcome - Moore Tech
Registration & Financial Aid Team

 April Turner       Debbie Dole              Monica Clifton
 College            Academic                 Financial Aid
 Enrollment         Administrative           Counselor
 Registrar &        Coordinator -            •   Federal Financial Aid
                                             •   Moore Tech Grant
 Retention          Auto Campus              •   WIN – ITA’s
 •   Registration   •   Class Registration
New Student Orientation - Welcome - Moore Tech
Class Schedule – Online!
Class Schedules are available on your
                 MyMooreTech Student Portal
•   Associate Program classes begin at 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., five days a week. Students will have two
    classes a day for three hours each and one class a day for one hour from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to
    complete an associate level class.

•   Diploma classes begin at 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., five days a week. Day students take two classes a day
    for three hours each and have an hour for lunch.

•   Certificate Classes are generally at night (see Night classes below) but can under special requests and
    availability, be between 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. These classes can be up to
    five days a week.

•   Night classes meet two nights per week, Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday, from 6:30 -
    9:30 p.m. In some cases, night classes may be available from 3:30 - 6:30 p.m.

                                  Class Schedules will vary by Program
                                        For Class changes contact
New Student Orientation - Welcome - Moore Tech
Attendance & Check-in’s
                                                             Attendance is critical
                                         Lack of attendance could result in being dropped from course.
A student will be placed on academic probation if the student’s attendance falls below the 90% required by the end of a term. Such a student will
receive a grade of PH - Probationary Hours. The student will remain on probation until the PH grade has been removed. Any student receiving two
                                         consecutive term grades of PH may not be allowed to re-enroll.

                           Assigned Admission rep will check with you the first week & in second week
                                                    Who is your admissions rep?

    Automotive Program - Debbie Dole:

    HVAC/R Program - Katina William:

    Industrial Electricity/Plant Maintenance Program - Justin Benjamin:

    Machining Program - Jessica Croslow:

    Property Maintenance Program - Mike Shaw:

    Plumbing Program - Justin Benjamin:

    Welding Program - Mike Shaw:
Important Student information

Check out the information below on our website at
                    Moore Tech
                 or click the links below!
• Consumer Information
• Student Catalog
• Net Price Calculator
Campus Information – Campuses
  are closed until further notice
Main Campus             Welding Campus             Automotive Campus
(901) 726-1977          (901) 726-1977             (901) 726-1977
1200 Poplar Ave.        475 N Bellevue Blvd        2785 S Mendenhall Rd,
Memphis, TN 38104        Memphis, TN 38104         Memphis, TN 38115
• Always wear your student badge when on campus (COMING SOON….)
• Student parking
    • Campus parking lot in non-faculty areas. Did you get your student
      parking pass?
• Designated smoking area
    • No smoking within 25 feet of the buildings
   • Moore Tech is a drug-free campus.
        Main Campus office hours: 8am to 3:30pm
Education information
• Program follows Trimester based calendar (4 month long trimesters)
• Punctuality and attendance are IMPORTANT!
• Communicate with your instructor if you will be late or absent. Call, text, or
College Attendance Requirements – Remember we are online!
• Students are expected to attend each time a class meets. Regular class
  attendance is indicative of a strong work ethic and willingness to learn. The
  instructor determines the extent to which absences and/or tardiness affect the
  student grade. College policy dictates that day students maintain a minimum 90
  percent attendance to receive credit for the term. Night students have an 80
  percent attendance requirement. Any student who receives a probationary
  grade for two consecutive terms due to poor attendance will be dropped from
  the school unless there are mitigating circumstances.
At their discretion, instructors may offer make-up hours for students.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requires the student to complete the program
within 150% of the normal time frame.
At the end of first trimester, student must have a minimum 1.0 CGPA and a 50%
Cumulative Completion Rate.

At the end of the second trimester, student must have a minimum 1.5 CGPA and a 50%
Cumulative Completion Rate.

At the end of the all other trimesters, student must have a minimum of 2.0 CGPA and
a 67% Cumulative Completion Rate.

Cumulative GPA and Cumulative Completion Rate is Calculated at the End of Each

Recommended Passing Grade = 73.5% or above
cumulative credits attempted with a minimum “C” 2.0 cumulative grade point
average (CGPA).
Violence on Campus &
Violence Against Women Act

     No Violence is tolerated on campus

Sexual Violence which includes sexual assault,
sexual battery, sexual coercion, rape,
stalking, etc. are all forms of sexual
harassment. The college prohibits any sexual
misconduct and any incidents should be
reported. Please familiarize with this
information which is also posted on the Moore
Tech Web Site.
Moore Tech Communications – “Remind”

  Students Remind is the Colleges messaging system. You are
  required to sign up

  •   Remind Text Messaging
  •   Text 81010
  •   @mtday2020 (Day students) includes 3:30 to 6:30 student
  •   @mtmw2020 (Mon/Wed Nights)
  •   @mttt2020     (Tue/Thu Nights)

  Any issues or questions call Karen Treas at 901-359-7787
Emergency on campus

Follow emergency exits routes
Designated meeting area under picnic area on northeast
side of building.
Memphis Police Department 545-2677
Memphis Fire Department 458-8281
Emergency 911
How to be Successful

  ➢ Attendance
  ➢ Participation
  ➢ Study Groups
  ➢ Tutoring – on campus!
  ➢ Professionalism
  ➢ Commitment to your success
Moore Tech Faculty
            Automotive                     AAT – Courses Faculty

Martin Gambill – Automotive Director   David Cunningham
Automotive Technology Instructor       Psychology Instructor       

Paul Frye                              Catherine Cunningham
Automotive Technology Instructor       Technical Writing          

Josh Kuebler                           Mike Shaw
Automotive Technology Instructor       Professional Development       
Moore Tech Faculty


Dean Benton – Air Conditioning & Refrig.    Aubrey King
Air Conditioning Instructor                 Heating Instructor – Night Instructor             

Daniel Barnette - HVAC                      James Doan
HVAC - Night Instructor                     Heating – Night Instructor           

Richard White- Heating                      Greg Simmons
Heating Instructor - Day/Night              Heating – Night Instructor              
Industrial Electricity       Property Maintenance/Plumbing

Kyle Colby                    Gene Ballin
Industrial Electricity        Property Maintenance/Plumbing

Dennis Manning                Bobby Shaffer
Industrial Electricity        Property Maintenance
Moore Tech Faculty
         Machining                            Welding

 Eric Pace – Lead Instructor   John Schmidt – Lead Welding Instructor
 Machine Shop                  Director of Industrial Training 

 Will James                    Clayton Yohanek
 Machine Shop Instructor       Welding Instructor

 Mark Wilson                   Paige Porter
 Machine Shop - Day/Night      Welding Instructor
                               Ben Rote
 Stephen Halteman              Welding Instructor
 Machine Shop Instructor
Moore Tech Facility Team

    Campus Facilities

Grace Thompson
Facilities Coordinator

Amos Mukupya
Maintenance Technician
Industry & Career Services
          Karen Treas –
          Vice President of Career Services and
          Industry Relations
          Job Placement
          Intern & Co-op opportunities
          Student Resume assistance
          Interview Skills Prep

              John Schmidt –
              Director of Industrial Training
New Student Prep 101

                       Need more assistance

 Need help logging in, understanding your schedule,
 financial aid info or how to be a successful student. New
 Student Prep 101 is available the first Friday after
 Trimester Start.
 NSP 101 will resume when campus opens.

 Where: Rm105
 When: TBD
 Why: To ensure you are a successful student!!!
Moore Tech – How we operate
We are operated and governed by a self-perpetuating board of
trustees. Operation is entirely independent of any other college
The curriculum is occupationally oriented and is based on one-
and-two-year programs of study above the high school level. The
paralleling of these programs with the needs of industry has
gained Moore Tech the reputation in industrial circles of being one
of the finest technical vocational institutions in the south.

Student concerns, complaints or suggestions should be made in
the following manner.
Students should first write to:
    Skip Redmond, President
    Moore Tech College
    1200 Poplar Avenue
    Memphis, Tennessee 38104-7240
    Telephone (901) 726-1977
What’s next…..
Have you done the following:

1. Visited your courses in your Moore Tech student portal?
2. Paid your tuition? This can be done online at Pay Online at
3. Completed Financial Aid paperwork? Contact Monica if you haven’t.
4. Turned in all required documents to your advisor for enrollment?
5. Get ready to start classes on Monday April 27, 2020.

Any questions contact Admissions or call us 901-726-1977
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