News Flashes: AOH Virginia State Board

News Flashes: AOH Virginia State Board
May 2021                                                       Volume 9/No. 05
President: Dave McLaughlin; Chaplain vacant; Vice President: Dennis
O’Leary; Financial Secretary Edwin Hanson; Treasurer: Jeff Everett;
Recording Secretary: Bill Halpin; Standing Committee: Vacant; Marshal:
Chuck Gleason; Sentinel: James Lenahan; Webmaster: John McGrogan;
Organizer: Vacant; Newsletter Editor: Bill Halpin (

News Flashes:
   • Meeting Attendance: In the world of ZOOM, attending a division meeting
     is so easy … How easy? You don’t have to leave the comfort of your
     home. Just click on the link and you’re there! Each month you received
     three email reminders: (1) a “Call to Meeting”, (2) the access link, and (3)
     the agenda. Please join us on 18 May

   • Former Division Financial Secretary Bill Gilhooly moved to Midlothian
     and transferred division membership to the Major James Dooley Division,
     Bill joined the AOH in 2011, received the Shamrock Degree that year and the
     Major Degrees in 2012. Bill was elected Financial Secretary for fraternal year
     2012 and for three consecutive years thereafter. An active and engaged
     Brother, his energy will be missed. We all wish Bill and Rosemary all the
     best in their new home.
News Flashes: AOH Virginia State Board
• New Book: When the Irish Invaded Canada, by Christopher Klein. An
  excellent book chronicling the schism within the Fenian Brotherhood, the
  quest for a free and independent Ireland, and a little U.S. Presidential
  treachery. Aa facet of Irish-American history not well known to many.
  Review Chris Klein’s presentation on U.S. history surrounding the multiple

• Has Hasbro sold out to the Brits? Hasbro is really “WOKE” now. Last
  month it was a “gender issue” with Mr. Potato head. Now, they’ve banned
  words from the board game Scrabble. It’s a long list of banned words
  considered to be racial or ethnic slurs including words like “Fenian” (some
  of my best friends are Fenians -- Erin go Bragh!!).

•   Free Original Glazed® doughnut from Krispy Kreme – just show your
    COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card


• Memorial Day 31 May: A federal holiday for honoring and mourning the
  military personnel who died in the performance of their military duties while
  serving in the United States Armed Forces. The holiday is observed on the
  last Monday of May. Flags should be flown at half-mast until noon. A
  national moment of silence takes place at 3:00 PM local time.
• USS Patrick Gallagher (DDG-127) Bath Iron Works started construction in
  November 2018. It will be an Arleigh Burke-class Flight IIA guided missile
  destroyer. Christening is TBD
• This Irish Cream Cheesecake --even a Hibernian can do it!
•   What you will need:
News Flashes: AOH Virginia State Board
•   For the crust
       o 6 ounces Graham Crackers (170 grams) (or Digestive biscuits if you can't find any)
       o A pinch of Salt
       o 3 tablespoons Unsalted Butter, melted
       o 2 tablespoons Bailey's Irish Cream
•   For the cream cheese layer
       o 8 ounces Cream Cheese (225 grams)
       o ⅓ cup Powdered Sugar
       o ⅓ cup Irish Cream (80 ml)
       o 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
       o ½ cup Heavy Cream (120 ml)
•   Toppings (optional)
       o Chocolate Shavings
       o Caramel Sauce
       o Chocolate Sauce
       o Whipped Cream

• Crush the crackers (or biscuits) in a food processor (or in a Ziploc bag using rolling pin).
  Transfer them into a bowl. Add a pinch of salt, melted butter and Irish cream. Mix together
  with a spatula until well combined.
• Press the mixture into a 7-inch springform pan, lined with baking parchment (ideally
  bottom + sides). Make sure it is pressed well. If it’s not, the crust won’t hold its shape after
• Transfer the pan into the freezer.
• Meanwhile: In a mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients apart from heavy cream. Use a
  hand mixer to achieve a smoother texture. Then whip the cream until stiff peaks form and
  fold it into the cream cheese mixture.
• Take the spring-form pan out of the freezer and pour the cream cheese mixture over the
  crust. Spread around evenly. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for about 3 hours (or
  overnight) before serving.
• Toppings are completely optional – use chocolate shavings, sprinkles, caramel sauce,
  whipped cream to decorate the cheesecake.
The Celt would forfeit his title to the respect of the civilized world, did he not
 fight with all his heart and all his soul and all his cunning against the empire
    which has despoiled him and murdered his kin, now with arms, now with
  artificial famine. There can be no peace between the two people until either
   Ireland is a desert or is free. There can be neither truce nor compromise.

What’s Up in the north of Ireland?
Arlene Foster’s resignation was forced by DUP lack of confidence in her ability to
lead in the aftermath of BREXIT. Ironically, her resignation became effective two
days before the 100th anniversary of the Partition of Ireland (3 May 1921).
The divide between the north of Ireland and England is weaker now, while the
connection with the Irish Republic is becoming stronger. Keep in mind that a
significant majority in the north voted to remain in the European Union. London
ignored that vote and as a result attitudes in the north may be shifting toward
As I mentioned my latest communique, Unionist/Loyalist supporters feel betrayed
by the Irish Protocol. They are using the threat of further chaos and rioting to gain
London’s attention and a public demonstration of its support for Unionists. Also,
they hope to coerce London into negotiating changes to the protocol. After a few
weeks of scattered riots there are rumors of UK and EU discussions on crafting a
new document to provide “more flexible implementation of protocol arrangements
in Northern Ireland”.
The big question now is: “Will the new DUP leader continue to encourage the chaos
to achieve that end?”. There are four potential Foster successors. Edwin Poots, the
current Agricultural Minister seems to be the frontrunner. He’s described as a
pragmatic conservative who has shown willingness to work with Dublin on mutually
beneficial issues.
There is an immediate need to appoint a U.S. Special Envoy. Based on the U.S.
President’s statements, the British government is very aware that what they do in
Ireland has direct bearing on the UK/US relationship. The American role in the GFA
cannot be underestimated and that leadership role may be needed more today than
in 1998.


FORTY years ago Bobby Sands died after 66 days on hunger strike.
The 27-year-old IRA dissident was incarcerated at HM Prison Maze (also known
as Long Kesh) in the north of Ireland following arrest for his involvement in
the 1976 bombing of the Balmoral Furniture Company in Dunmurry. He was
sentenced to 14 years imprisonment in 1977. Following a precedent set in 1869
Sands lead a group of 22 inmates demanding status as political prisoner as opposed
to 'criminal' status. Ten would die.

                       Upcoming Division Events
     Ever-changing Government restrictions make everything tentative!
Bingo! Every Thursday and Saturday evening 6:30PM at St Michael the
Archangel High School, 6301 Campus Drive, Fredericksburg. Bring the family!
May 18th: Division meeting begins at 7:30PM
June 13th: T4T raffle ticket sales at St Patrick Parish. Contact Bob Fitzgerald to
June ?: Virginia AOH State Meeting (date & venue TBD (election of State Board
officers for the 2021-2023 term)
July 11th: T4T ticket sales at St Patrick Parish – contact Bob Fitzgerald
August 8th: T4T ticket sales at St Patrick Parish – contact Bob Fitzgerald
August 20-23: Virginia AOH State Convention in Richmond
September 12th: T4T ticket sales at St Patrick Parish – contact Bob Fitzgerald
September 13th: Shamrock Charity Golf Classic @ Lake of the Woods Country
September 18th: Halfway to St Patrick Day/T4T drawing @ Colonel Tavern

                             Our DIVISION Prayers

Jack Grey chairs the Division Committee of the Sick: Prayer requests should be
sent to Jack not later than the Wednesday prior to the business meeting
Pray for the repose of the souls of all deceased Hibernian Brothers. Keep in your
prayers our family members and friends:
   • John Hogan: pulmonary fibrosis and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

                    On April 23d John completed nearly four months of
                    chemotherapy and had the pleasure to “ring the bell”.

   • Peter Carroll: pancreatic cancer, undergoing chemotherapy
   • Jack Grey: diagnosed with a protein related blood disorder (not cancer)
   • Joe Daley: COPD
   • Brian Kiernan: VAAOH Vice President, lymphedemic edema
   • Loretta Larzelere: Bob Fitzgerald’s sister-in-law suffering seizures and
   • John O’Brien: Hugh O’Brien’s brother-- recovering from stroke.
   • Jerry O’Brien: Paul O’Brien’s brother – cancer
• Ruth Pettinger: Shawn Lenahan’s aunt (Vietnam Vet) inoperable brain
   • Donna Maffeo: Joe Monaghan’s sister-in-law and his father Joseph Sr. care
     giver for his mother and uncle (dementia/Alzheimer)
   • Nolan Banks: Former FS Jeff Banks’ son (chemo-compromised immune
     system) Pray for the intercession of Venerable Father Augustus Tolton:

                              General Meagher Division Attire
Every brother should have these articles of clothing:
Semi-formal/formal occasions: The AOH “uniform” is green sport coat, tri-color
sash, white shirt, Irish theme tie, black trousers and optional ball cap. These
occasions include AOH Masses, funerals, dinners, parades, State and National
conventions, and other public events.
Informal events (i.e. Division outings (ball games, picnics, meetings, etc.) the
division logo polo or sweatshirts (optional ball cap) are appropriate.
Division Logo Items: Point of Contact for Division logo polo shirts, sweatshirts and
ball caps is Shawn Lenahan (
Green Jacket: Brothers procure their own green jackets.             One source:      Visit the
website; call the 800 number; tell them you’re with AOH and the $5.00 small order
fee can be waived. Kelly green is the color.
AOH Sash: Brothers procure their own sashes. The AOH tri-color sash represents
the national colors of Ireland and should be worn over the right shoulder (green
closest to neck/collar) crossing to the left hip. Measure from right shoulder to left
hip in inches; keep in mind the sash will normally be worn over a jacket, possibly a
raincoat/overcoat (and maybe a growing waistline).
Sashes are available from:
LAOH Sister Patricia Ankrom produces a 7.5-foot sash; Send a personal check for
$60. Turnaround time is about 10 days. The sash will be sent to you via Fed Ex or
UPS -- signature required. Her address: Patricia Ankrom, 7400 Airport Dr.,
Quinton, Va. 23141-2400. Email
Gettysburg Flag offers tri-color sashes and “special prices” for larger orders.

This newsletter is an unofficial publication providing information to members
of the Gen Thomas F Meagher Division and others who may have interest in
division activities. It is published by Bill Halpin and unless shown otherwise,
he is the author of the contents.
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