News from Washington Comprehensive postal reform unlikely in the 116th Congress The House of Representatives - NALC

Page created by Nathaniel Hayes
News from Washington Comprehensive postal reform unlikely in the 116th Congress The House of Representatives - NALC

  News from Washington
  Comprehensive postal reform unlikely in the 116th Congress

                                          he House of Representatives          Postal reform update
                                          has passed 10 of the 12 spending
                                                                                  As of press time, a postal reform bill
                                          bills, while the remaining two
                                                                               had not been introduced in Congress,
                                    passed out of committee but have yet
                                                                               and while talks continue behind the
                                    to be taken up on the House floor. The
                                                                               scenes in both the House and the Sen-
                                    Senate, meanwhile, approved 10 of its
                                                                               ate, the prospects of a comprehensive
                                    12 spending bills through the Appro-
                                                                               piece of legislation being introduced,
                                    priations Committee, though none of
                                                                               advanced through both chambers and
                                    those had reached the Senate floor.        signed by the president are slim to nil.
                                    Subsequently, though, in late Septem-      The difficulties in finding bipartisan
                                    ber a continuing resolution was signed     agreement stem partly from the split
                                    into law to fund federal agencies at       in party leadership between the two
                                    current levels through Nov. 21, giving     chambers.
                                    lawmakers more time to address the            In the absence of strong postal reform,
                                    appropriations debate for fiscal year      NALC has focused on the USPS Fairness
                                    2020 (FY 2020).                            Act (H.R. 2382), and seen its momen-
                                       As this issue went to print, congres-   tum continue to rise. The bill would
                                    sional and appropriations leadership       repeal the mandate that USPS pre-fund
                                    negotiations were in the works to final-   decades’ worth of health benefits for its
                                    ize a long-term funding deal and avoid     future retirees that was contained in the
                                    another government shutdown. Talks         Postal Accountability and Enhancement
                                    could provide a pathway to begin “pre-     Act (PAEA), adopted in 2006.
                                    conferencing” all 12 bills. Differences       The repeal of the pre-funding
                                    between appropriators have boiled          mandate is key to achieving meaning-
                                    down to subcommittee allocations,          ful postal reform—because it would
                                    including proposals that provide insuf-    free the Postal Service to invest in its
                                    ficient increases to Labor, Health and     infrastructure and better utilize its
                                    Human Services and Education; and to       universal network to serve business
                                    political disagreements, including pro-    and residential customers. Even if a
                                    posals to provide significant funding      more comprehensive bill may struggle
                                    to build a wall on the southern border,    during the 116th Congress, enactment
                                    among others.                              of H.R. 2382 would help improve Postal
                                       Regardless of the outcome of the        Service finances and put lawmakers in
                                    yearly task of funding the government,     a good position to advance a broader
                                    once this is concluded it could spell      postal reform bill in the next Congress,
                                    the end of most legislation for the rest   if not this one.
                                    of the 116th Congress. Much attention         H.R. 2382 continues to add co-spon-
                                    is likely to be focused on the impeach-    sors to its already sizable bipartisan
                                    ment inquiry. Additionally, 2020 will      majority support. Introduced on April
                                    be an election year for the entire         28 by Reps. Peter DeFazio (D-OR),
                                    House, a third of the Senate and for       Tom Reed (R-NY), Xochitl Torres Small
                                    the president, meaning that more time      (D-NM) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA),
                                    will be spent on campaigning and less      H.R. 2382 would eliminate a mandate
                                    on legislating. This could mean bad        that has cost an average of $5.4 billion
                                    news for a lot of bills, including those   annually since 2007, while account-
                                    prioritized by NALC.                       ing for 92 percent of USPS’s reported

4 The Postal Record November 2019
News from Washington Comprehensive postal reform unlikely in the 116th Congress The House of Representatives - NALC
NALC mourns passing of
                                                 Rep. Elijah Cummings
                                                    The National Association of Letter
                                                 Carriers sent its heartfelt condo-
                                                 lences to the family, friends and
                                                 colleagues of Rep. Elijah Cummings
                                                 of Baltimore, following his death on
                                                 Oct. 17.
                                                    “Congressman Cummings was
                                                 an unyielding supporter of govern-
losses over the last 12 years and 100            ment workers,” NALC President
percent over the last six years. Absent          Fredric Rolando said. “Because of his
this burden, which applies to no other           leadership role on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, we
federal agency or private company,               worked closely with him for many years on postal issues and admired his deep
USPS would have recorded a surplus of            knowledge of, and commitment to, the U.S. Postal Service and its employees.”
nearly $4 billion since 2013.
   As this issue of The Postal Record
                                                  Letter carriers can find a useful fact      workers’ rights and effectively pre-
was going to press, the bill had 269           sheet on pre-funding and the USPS              vent violations.
co-sponsors.                                   Fairness Act on NALC’s Government
   NALC members are encouraged to                                                           • Protect the integrity of union
                                               Affairs page by clicking on the Legisla-
check whether their member of Con-                                                            elections against captive audience
                                               tive Action Center on the right-hand
gress is a co-sponsor. If not, you can                                                        meetings called by employers to
                                               side of the page. This information and
reach their office by calling the Capitol                                                     intimidate workers.
                                               more legislative tools are available for
switchboard at 202-224-3121 and asking         your Android or iPhone smartphone              The introduction of this bill follows
for their support and co-sponsorship.          through the NALC Member App.                decades of stagnant wages for the ma-
While there is not currently a Senate                                                      jority of American workers, as well as
companion bill, there is talk of one           House advances PRO Act                      poor working conditions and attacks
being introduced soon. When that                                                           on unions and workers’ rights.
                                                  On Sept. 25, the House Committee on
happens, NALC will encourage all                                                              “America’s workers are the backbone
                                               Labor and Education marked up and
letter carriers to contact the two sena-                                                   of our economy and the foundation of
                                               advanced the Protecting the Right to
tors from their state and ask them to                                                      our strength, organizing and mobiliz-
                                               Organize (PRO) Act (H.R. 2474), legisla-
co-sponsor the bill, too.                                                                  ing over generations for higher wages,
                                               tion that would increase protections
   Additionally, NALC supports five res-       for workers’ rights to organize and bar-    better health care, safer working
olutions introduced in Congress. While         gain for higher wages, better benefits      conditions and stronger retirement
non-binding, these resolutions send a          and safer working conditions.               security for everyone,” House Speaker
strong message about the breadth of               Specifically, the PRO Act would:         Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said.
support for USPS and its mission.                                                             “The introduction of the PRO Act is
   While the priority resolutions on door       • Establish penalties for predatory cor-   a powerful statement of support for
delivery (H. Res. 23), six-day mail delivery      porations that violate workers’ rights   America’s workers,” NALC President
(H. Res. 54) and opposing the privatiza-          or misclassify workers as supervisors    Fredric Rolando said. “All Americans
tion of USPS (H. Res. 33/S. Res. 99) all          and independent contractors.             deserve the right not simply to stand
have achieved majority support with             • Strengthen workers’ rights to strike     together and negotiate a fair return
more than 218 co-sponsors in the House            for basic workplace improvements,        on our work, but to have that right
or (in the case of S. Res. 99) more than          including higher wages and better        protected and enforceable through
50 in the Senate, the resolution on resto-        working conditions.                      the court of law. For too long, corpora-
ration of service standards (H. Res. 60)        • Create a mediation and arbitration       tions and the wealthiest few have been
still needs more co-sponsors.                     process to ensure that corporations      prioritized to the detriment of our na-
   Another notable bill NALC is track-            and newly formed unions reach a          tion’s labor force. NALC supports the
ing is H.R. 141, the Social Security              first contract.                          PRO Act and encourages Democrats
Fairness Act, introduced by Rep.                                                           and Republicans alike to stand up for
Rodney Davis (R-IL). The bill would             • Authorize unions and employers           the American people by passing this
repeal the Government Pension Offset              to negotiate agreements that allow       legislation.”
(GPO) and the Windfall Elimination                unions to collect fair-share fees that      NALC will monitor its progression
Provision (WEP) titles of the Social              cover the costs of representation.       through the House and Senate. The
Security Act. As of press time, it had          • Streamline National Labor Relation       House bill currently has 210 co-spon-
203 co-sponsors.                                  Board (NLRB) procedures to secure        sors. Should it be brought to the floor

                                                                                           November 2019     The Postal Record        5
News from Washington Comprehensive postal reform unlikely in the 116th Congress The House of Representatives - NALC

  for a vote and pass, it will proceed to    abroad, among many other undesir-          participated in rallies protesting a
  the Republican-controlled Senate,          able consequences.                         series of executive orders attacking
  where it is unlikely to be considered.        While Peter Navarro, the White          the collective-bargaining rights of
  However, winning House passage still       House’s trade adviser, pushed for a        non-postal federal unions and urging
  is important—it builds momentum            system that would allow a pricing free-    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon-
  and will help us make the case in next     for-all when it came to postal fees, a     nell (R-KY) to put the “Rehabilita-
  year’s Senate elections that union         compromise deal was reached follow-        tion for Multiemployer Pensions Act
  rights are important to voters.            ing two days of talks. This deal will      of 2019,” also known as the “Butch
                                             allow countries that receive more than
  U.S. to remain in UPU                                                                 Lewis Act” (S. 2254), to a vote in the
                                             75,000 metric tons of mail a year to
                                                                                        Senate. That bill would create a loan
     In late September, the third Extraor-   start phasing in gradually higher rates
                                                                                        program to stabilize failing multi-
  dinary Congress of the Universal Postal    in January 2021 over a five-year period,
                                             an agreement far less disruptive than      employer plans, to avoid a potential
  Union (UPU) held an emergency meet-
                                             that advocated by Navarro.                 pension crisis and to ensure that
  ing in response to the White House’s
                                                “Once a country declares their rate,    commitments made to retirees and
  threats to pull the United States out of
                                             exporting countries will have to factor    workers will be met.
  the nearly 150-year-old organization,
                                             that cost; it means that cost will be         These rallies, led by the American
  which would risk jeopardize the entire
  structure of international mail service.   transferred to the person sending that     Federation of Government Employees
  Ahead of the emergency meeting,            item,” Hussein said. “When you are in      (AFGE) and the United Mine Workers
  the postal workforce sent a letter to      a country and you buy items overseas,      of America (UMWA), were attended by
  Congress (viewable on the NALC Gov-        the end customer will definitely have      numerous members of other unions,
  ernment Affairs webpage) requesting        to pay a higher price.”                    who showed their support for workers’
  members to urge the White House not           The United States now will be able      rights and earned benefits.
  to withdraw the United States from the     to start setting new postal fees in July      “NALC is proud to support our broth-
  UPU. In the talks, the UPU agreed to       of next year, before they begin to take    ers and sisters to fight against those
  restructure international postal fees.     effect in January 2021.                    who are working to take away fair
     UPU Director-General Bishar Hus-                                                   returns for our work and our freedoms
  sein had warned at the start of the
                                             NALC participates in
                                                                                        to join together in union,” President
  meeting that U.S. withdrawal from the
                                                                                        Rolando said.
  UPU would be a “nightmare scenario”        and pension rallies
  that would upend global mail and             Standing in solidarity with the          In the media
  see U.S. stamps fail to be recognized      labor movement this fall, NALC
                                                                                          NALC Chief of Staff Jim Sauber was
                                                                                        quoted in a Sep. 23 article by Barron’s
  Postmaster General                                                                    that covered the controversy surround-
                                                                                        ing the potential, but later averted,
  announces retirement                                                                  U.S. exit from the Universal Postal
    On Oct. 16, U.S. Postmaster General Megan
  Brennan announced that she would be retiring                                            A number of outlets covered the
  on Jan. 31, 2020. NALC President Fredric Rolando                                      celebratory ceremony and unveiling of
  issued the following statement on the retirement                                      “Wailin’ Mailman” Buck Hill’s mural
  announcement:                                                                         in Washington, DC (see last month’s
    “NALC congratulates Postmaster General Bren-                                        Postal Record). Among the media
  nan on her retirement after 33 years of public                                        outlets that reported on the event were
  service. We extend our best wishes in her future                            , WAMU 88.5 FM and
  endeavors.”                                                                           Linn’s Stamp News. PR

6 The Postal Record November 2019
News from Washington Comprehensive postal reform unlikely in the 116th Congress The House of Representatives - NALC
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