Non-domestic Rates 2020/21 - Your business rates explained - Stafford Borough Council

Page created by Roberta Williamson
Non-domestic Rates 2020/21 - Your business rates explained - Stafford Borough Council
Non-domestic Rates                  2020/21
Your business rates explained.
Non-domestic Rates 2020/21 - Your business rates explained - Stafford Borough Council
Contents                                       Welcome
Facts About Your Business Rates                Now more than ever, people are turning
                                               to their local authorities for support. It is
Non-Domestic Rates                        03
                                               therefore vital that we continue to provide
Business Rates Instalments                03
                                               those services that are important to you.
National Non-Domestic Rating Multiplier   03
                                               With a continuing reduction in the funding
Rateable Value                            04
                                               we receive from central government, we
Revaluations                              04
                                               are working hard to ensure that we retain
Business Rate Reliefs                     04
                                               high quality, value for money services for
Small Business Rates Relief               04
                                               our residents.
Charity and Community
Amateur Sports Club Relief                05   This booklet outlines how we plan to spend
Unoccupied Property Rate Relief           05   the money raised from your council tax and
Transitional Rate Relief                  05   business rates this year. Please take a few
Local Discounts                           05   minutes to read through this information.
State Aid                                 06   You may fnd you are eligible to claim an
Rating Advisers                           06   exemption or discount, which could reduce
Information Supplied                           how much business rates you need to pay.
with Demand Notices                       06   See pages 3 - 7 for more details.

About Council Tax
Average Bill for Band D Property     07
Charge for Each Property Band        07
The Borough Council Charge           08
Spending on the Borough Council’s
Services                             08
Why the Increased Spend?             09
Other Information                    09
Parish Spending                      10
Colwich Parish Council               11
Stone Town Council                12-13
The Environment Agency               14
Statement Concerning
Adult Social Care Funding            15

Contact Information
Stafford Borough Council                  16
Valuation Offce Agency                    16
Fire                                      16
Police                                    16
Staffordshire County Council              16

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                                 2
Non-domestic Rates 2020/21 - Your business rates explained - Stafford Borough Council
Facts About Your Business Rates
Non-Domestic Rates                              National Non-Domestic
                                                Rating Multiplier
Non-Domestic Rates, or business rates,
collected by local authorities are the way      Stafford Borough Council works out the
that those who occupy non-domestic              business rates bill for a property by
property contribute towards the cost of         multiplying the rateable value of the
local services.                                 property by the appropriate non-domestic
Under the business rates retention
arrangements introduced from                    There are two multipliers: the national
1st April 2013, authorities keep a proportion   non-domestic rating multiplier and the small
of the business rates paid locally. The         business non-domestic rating multiplier.
money, together with revenue from council
                                                The Government sets the multipliers for
taxpayers, locally generated income and
                                                each fnancial year, except in the City of
grants from central government, is used to
                                                London where special arrangements apply.
pay for the services provided by local
authorities in your area.                       Ratepayers who occupy a property with
                                                a rateable value which does not exceed
Further information about the business
                                                £50,999 (and who are not entitled to certain
rates system, may be obtained at: www.
                                                other mandatory relief[s] or are liable for and
                                                unoccupied property rates) will have their
                                                bills calculated using the lower small
                                                business non-domestic rating multiplier,
                                                rather than the national non-domestic
Business Rates Instalments                      rating multiplier.
Payment of business rate bills is
                                                The multiplier for a fnancial year is based
automatically set on a 10-monthly cycle.
                                                on the previous year’s multiplier adjusted
However, the Government has put in place
                                                to refect the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
regulations that allow ratepayers to require
                                                infation fgure for the September prior to
their local authority to enable payments to
                                                the billing year. The current multipliers are
be made through 12 monthly instalments.
                                                shown on the front of your bill.
If you wish to take up this offer, you should
contact Stafford Borough Council as soon
as possible.

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                                  3
Non-domestic Rates 2020/21 - Your business rates explained - Stafford Borough Council
Rateable Value                                   Business Rate Reliefs
Apart from properties that are exempt from       Depending on individual circumstances, a
business rates, each non-domestic                ratepayer may be eligible for a rate relief
property has a rateable value which is set       (i.e. a reduction in your business rates bill).
by the Valuation Offce Agency (VOA), an          There are a range of available reliefs. Some
agency of Her Majesty's Revenue and              of the permanent reliefs are set out below
Customs.                                         but temporary reliefs are often introduced
                                                 by the Government at Budgets. You should
They compile and maintain a full list of all
                                                 contact Stafford Borough Council for details
rateable values, available at
                                                 on the latest availability of business rates
voa. The rateable value of your property is
                                                 reliefs and advice on whether you may
shown on the front of your bill. This broadly
                                                 qualify. Further detail on reliefs is available
represents the yearly rent the property
could have been let for on the open market
                                                 rates and at
on a particular date specifed in legislation.
For the current rating list, this date was set
as 1st April 2015.
                                                 Small Business Rates Relief
The Valuation Offce Agency may alter the
                                                 If a ratepayer’s sole or main property has a
valuation if circumstances change. The
                                                 rateable value which does not exceed an
ratepayer (and certain others who have an
                                                 amount set out in regulations, the ratepayer
interest in the property) can also check and
                                                 may receive a percentage reduction in their
challenge the valuation shown in the list if
                                                 rates bill for this property of up to a
they believe it is wrong.
                                                 maximum of 100%. The level of reduction
Further information about the grounds on         will depend on the rateable value of the
which challenges may be made and the             property - for example eligible properties
process for doing so can be found on the         below a specifed lower threshold will
VOA website:                receive 100% relief, and you may receive
how-to-check-your-rateable-value-is-correct      partial tapered relief up to a specifed upper
                                                 threshold. The relevant thresholds for relief
                                                 are set out in regulations and can be
Revaluations                                     obtained from your local authority or at
All non-domestic property rateable values
are reassessed at revaluations. The most         Generally, this percentage reduction (relief)
recent revaluation took effect from 1st          is only available to ratepayers who occupy
April 2017.                                      either-
Revaluations ensure that business rates          (a) one property, or
bills are up-to-date, more accurately refect
                                                 (b) one main property and other additional
current rental values and relative changes
                                                 properties providing those additional
in rents. Frequent revaluations ensure the
                                                 properties each have a rateable value
system continues to be responsive to
                                                 which does not exceed the limit set in
changing economic conditions.
                                                 The aggregate rateable value of all the
                                                 properties mentioned in (b), must also not

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                                4
exceed an amount set in regulations. For          Unoccupied Property Rate Relief
those businesses that take on an additional
                                                  Business rates are generally payable in
property which would normally have meant
                                                  respect of unoccupied non-domestic
the loss of small business rate relief, they
                                                  property. However, they are generally not
will be allowed to keep that relief for a fxed
                                                  payable for the frst three months that a
additional period.
                                                  property is empty. This is extended to six
Full details on the relevant limits in relation   months in the case of certain other
to second properties and the current period       properties (for example industrial
for which a ratepayer may continue to             premises).
receive relief after taking on an additional
                                                  Full details on exemptions
property can be obtained from Stafford
                                                  can be obtained from Stafford Borough
Borough Council or at
                                                  Council or
Certain changes in circumstances will need
to be notifed to Stafford Borough Council
by the ratepayer who is in receipt of relief      Transitional Rate Relief
(other changes will be picked up by
                                                  At a revaluation, some ratepayers will see
Stafford Borough Council). The changes
                                                  reductions or no change in their bill whereas
which should be notifed are-
                                                  some ratepayers will see increases.
(a) the property falls vacant,
                                                  Transitional relief schemes are introduced
(b) the ratepayer taking up occupation of         at each revaluation to help those facing
    an additional property, and                   increases. This relief has been funded by
                                                  limiting the reduction in bills for those who
(c) an increase in the rateable value of a
                                                  have beneftted from the revaluation.
    property occupied by the ratepayer in
                                                  Transitional relief is applied automatically
    an area other than the area of Stafford
                                                  to bills.
    Borough Council which granted the
    relief.                                       Further information about transitional
                                                  arrangements and other reliefs may be
                                                  obtained from Stafford Borough Council or
Charity and Community                             the website
Amateur Sports Club Relief                        business-rates.
Charities and registered Community
Amateur Sports Clubs are entitled to 80%
                                                  Local Discounts
relief where the property is occupied by the
charity or the club and is wholly or mainly       Local authorities have a general power to
used for the charitable purposes of the           grant discretionary local discounts and to
charity (or of that and other charities), or      give hardship relief in specifc
for the purposes of the club (or of that          circumstances.
and other clubs).
                                                  Full details can be obtained from Stafford
Stafford Borough Council has discretion to        Borough Council.
give further relief on the remaining bill. Full
details can be obtained from Stafford
Borough Council.

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                                    5
State Aid                                      Information Supplied with
                                               Demand Notices
The award of discretionary reliefs is
considered likely to amount to State aid.      Information relating to the relevant and
However, it will be state aid compliant        previous fnancial years in regard to the
where it is provided in accordance with the    gross expenditure of Stafford Borough
De Minimis Regulations EC 1407/2013.           Council is available at
                                               uk/businessrates. A hard copy is available
The De Minimis Regulations allow an
                                               on request by writing to the council or at
undertaking to receive up to EUR 200,000
                                               01785 619282.
'de minimis' aid over a rolling three-year
period. If you are receiving, or have
received, any 'de minimis' aid granted
during the current or two previous fnancial
years (from any source), you should inform
Stafford Borough Council immediately with
details of the aid received.

Rating Advisers
Ratepayers do not have to be represented
in discussions about their rateable value or
their rates bill. However, ratepayers who do
wish to be represented should be aware
that members of the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors (RICS -
and the Institute of Revenues, Rating and
Valuation (IRRV - are
qualifed and are regulated by rules of
professional conduct designed to protect
the public from misconduct. Before you
employ a rating adviser or company you
should check that they have the necessary
knowledge and expertise, as well as
appropriate indemnity insurance. Take great
care and, if necessary, seek further advice
before entering into any contract.

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                           6
About Your Council Tax Bill
Your council tax bill comprises charges from four principal authorities in the area, Staffordshire
County Council, Staffordshire Commissioner (Police and Crime), Staffordshire Commissioner
(Fire and Rescue) and Stafford Borough Council.
The Borough Council is solely responsible for collection of council tax.

Average Bill for a Band D Property for 2020 / 2021

 2019/20                                                       2020/21            Increase
   (£)                                                           (£)             (£)       %
   156.30 Stafford Borough Council                              159.27          2.97        1.90
 1,246.23 Staffordshire County Council                         1,295.95      49.72          3.99
              Staffordshire Commissioner
    75.73                                                         77.24         1.51        1.99
              (Fire and Rescue)
              Staffordshire Commissioner
   216.56                                                       225.09          8.53        3.94
              (Police and Crime)
 1,694.82 Total                                                1,757.55      62.73          3.70

Charge for Each Property Band

   Property                             COUNCIL TAX
    Band         Borough (£)      County (£)        Fire (£)       Police (£)
       A            106.18          863.97            51.49         150.06             1,171.70
       B            123.88        1,007.96            60.08         175.07             1,366.99
       C            141.57        1,151.96            68.66         200.08             1,562.27
       D            159.27        1,295.95            77.24         225.09             1,757.55
       E            194.66        1,583.94            94.40         275.11             2,148.11
       F            230.06        1,871.93          111.57          325.13             2,538.69
       G            265.45        2,159.92          128.73          375.15             2,929.25
       H            318.54        2,591.90          154.48          450.18             3,515.10

In addition a further charge is included for the spending of parish councils where
appropriate (see page 11).

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                                     7
How the Borough Council Charge of £159.27 is derived
The amount of money required by the Council for 2020/21 to carry out its functions and
provide services (its Budget Requirement) is £12.358 million (£12.203 million in 2019/20).
A proportion of this is met by Business Rates Retention with the balance being met from
council taxpayers.
The table below provides an analysis of the funding of the Budget Requirement and
illustrates how the charge of £159.27 is calculated.

       2019 / 2020                                                      2020 / 2021
                Band D                                                          Band D
  £000’s                                                           £000’s
              Equivalent £                                                    Equivalent £
     12,203        256.95    Budget Requirement                      12,358           256.07
      4,780        100.65    Less Business Rates Retention            4,672            96.80
      7,423        156.30    Council Tax Requirement                  7,686           159.27

Where the Money Goes - Spending on the Borough Council’s Services
(Net spending before technical adjustments)

                                                           £404    Planning and
                                                                   Regeneration Portfolio

                                                           £2,051 Leisure and
                                                                  Culture Portfolio

                                                           £4,801 Environment Portfolio

                                                           £6,725 Resources Portfolio

                                                           £930    Community Portfolio

                                                           The fgures quoted are £’000.

   32%                                        45%

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                               8
Why the Increased Spend?
The Council’s budget requirement for 2020/21 of £12.358 million is £155,000 more than in
2019/20. The following table identifes the major reasons for this:

 Infation and cost increases                                                         300
 Service effciencies                                                               (588)
 Changes in income                                                                    49
 Reduced reliance on Government funding                                               15
 Revenue bids                                                                        538
 Other changes                                                                     (159)
 Increase in budget requirement                                                      155

Other Information
Budgeted staffng for 2020/21 is 247.8 compared to 246.3 staff in 2019/20 (part time staff
are included as full time equivalents).

Capital Expenditure
In 2020/21 the Borough Council will be spending approximately £5.875 million on capital
investment. Areas of investment include a contribution towards Stafford Western Access
Route of £2.5 million and fnalisation of improvements at Victoria Park in Stafford as part
of a Heritage Lottery Scheme. Resources will continue to be made available for disabled
facilities grants to householders.

The Borough Council has no outstanding debt.

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                               9
What is Your Parish Spending?
                                                                Band D
   2019/2020 (£)    Parish                    2020/2021 (£)   Equivalent (£)
        2,208.32    Adbaston                      3,158.15         13.00
       67,949.00    Barlaston                    67,949.00         64.60
       26,000.00    Berkswich                    26,000.00         31.42
        9,000.00    Bradley                      10,500.00         47.80
       12,000.00    Brocton                      13,400.00         23.76
        6,277.00    Chebsey                       6,699.00         25.47
        5,511.44    Church Eaton                  5,909.20         19.90
      194,640.00    Colwich                     195,780.00        103.32
       10,500.00    Creswell                     14,150.00         27.41
       13,875.00    Doxey                        21,016.00         21.18
       58,280.00    Eccleshall                   81,250.00         37.10
          200.00    Ellenhall                       200.00          3.18
          976.00    Forton                        1,072.27          7.38
        1,200.00    Fradswell                     1,200.00         13.84
       50,000.00    Fulford                      50,000.00         20.32
        3,385.00    Gayton                        3,907.00         49.38
       74,264.76    Gnosall                      93,171.00         44.96
       20,040.27    Haughton                     21,497.27         44.86
        4,983.24    High Offey                    4,983.24         12.37
        9,765.00    Hilderstone                  11,013.00         38.16
       31,109.21    Hixon                        31,938.58         40.69
       31,000.00    Hopton and Coton             36,000.00         41.61
        4,159.22    Hyde Lea                      6,000.00         31.96
        2,000.00    Ingestre                      2,000.00         22.59
              Nil   Marston                             Nil           Nil
        3,800.00    Milwich                       4,100.00         20.28
        3,663.11    Norbury                       3,772.10         18.88
        4,230.73    Ranton                        4,294.19         22.98
        7,665.00    Salt and Enson                7,665.00         39.85
        9,535.00    Sandon and Burston            9,716.00         57.24
       16,460.00    Seighford                    18,650.00         23.12
        9,000.00    Standon                       9,000.00         26.17
      316,258.68    Stone Town                  329,047.68         50.65
       15,266.54    Stone Rural                  15,266.54         20.23
       12,302.95    Stowe by Chartley            14,728.00         76.68
       17,000.00    Swynnerton                   30,000.00         21.80
        2,000.00    Tixall                        2,000.00         15.80
       29,828.00    Weston                       33,866.00         69.40
        1,316.00    Whitgreave                    1,316.00         14.70
        9,576.51    Yarnfeld and Cold Meece      25,000.54         29.90
Council              TOTAL
        Tax 2019 - 2020                       1,217,215.76                  09
Colwich Parish Council
                                    Revenue Expenditure   Revenue Expenditure
                                        2019/20 (£)           2020/21 (£)
 Administration                            33,535                23,275
 Staffng                                   94,460               105,800
 Community Engagement                        3,000                3,400
 Events                                                           6,500
 Parish Maintenance                        30,050                12,020
 Footpaths                                      0                   500
 Green Infrastructure                       2,000                 2,000
 Parish Centre                              7,390                 9,385
 Jubilee Playing Field                     20,405                29,100
 Grants/Donations                           3,800                 3,800
 Precept (including Local Council         194,640               195,780
 Tax Support Grant)

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                             11
Stone Town Council
Stone Town Council provides services for the people and town of Stone.
These services include the provision of community facilities, such as the Frank Jordan and
Stone Station community centres, allotment sites at Newcastle Road and Mount Road,
Station Road Conveniences, and the Crown Meadow Nature Reserve and amphitheatre.
The 2020-21 budget includes additional funding to enable the improvement of Christmas
Lights in Walton, extra environmental work at the Crown Meadow and investment in the
Council’s commitment to tackle climate change. This is in addition to the development and
operation of a new Heritage Centre within the exciting redevelopment at Crown Wharf.
Investing in and working to promote a vibrant town and encourage visitors is a key Town
Council priority. In order to support this, the Council organises regular events such as the
Town Market and monthly Craft Market together with town centre events such as the Music
Festival, Stone by the Sea, the Classic Car event and the St Georges Day celebration.
Christmas lights are provided in the High Street and at Walton, with the Council’s annual
switch-on event being one of the highlights of the town’s year. The High Street environment
is enhanced by the Council’s provision of hanging baskets along the High Street, and
newly refurbished noticeboards and fngerposts throughout the town.
The Council provides bus shelters, benches and dog bins throughout the area and takes
responsibility for the upkeep of many local amenities and planted areas. It also provides
grants to help charitable and community organisations such as the Stone Community
Hub, supports various festivals, and the offce supplies daily support and advice to local
By considering the impact of every planning application, the Council seeks to develop and
conserve the town, and is currently preparing a Neighbourhood Plan that will help to shape
and protect the future of Stone for years to come.
At its monthly meetings the Council welcomes questions from the public and sets aside
time to listen and respond. Assistance with public questions will galdly be given by the
Council’s staff.

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                             12
Stone Town Council
                                                   Revenue       Revenue
                                                    Budget        Budget
                                                  2019/20 (£)   2020/21 (£)
Community & Heritage Centres                        150,300        98,240
Town Market                                          -13,200       -10,400
Car Parking                                            4,500            0
Public Conveniences                                    6,600            0
Town Maintenance                                       6,500         9,900
Grounds Maintenance                                   18,200       16,600
Crown Meadow Improvements                              1,900         5,935
Allotments                                             2,500           60
Enviromental Initiatives                                   0         2,750
Christmas Lights                                      15,000       19,000
Tourism & Town Promotion                              21,100       23,600
Grants                                                 9,800         8,000
Salaries & Employment Costs                         145,400       158,300
Insurances                                             8,500         6,700
Administration & Civic Costs                          39,200       46,500
Town Centre Elections                                 28,000            0
Neighbourhood Plan                                     9,900         7,900
Grants Received                                      -11,500       -11,500
Contributons from Reserves                          -126,442       -52,538
Precept (incl. Local Council Tax Support Grant)     316,258       329,047

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                13
Environment Agency
The Council Tax (Demand Notices) (England) Regulations 2011.
The Environment Agency is a levying body for its Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk
Management Functions under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and the
Environment Agency (Levies) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011.
The Environment Agency has powers in respect of food and coastal erosion risk
management for 2369 kilometres of main river and along tidal and sea defences in the area
of the Trent Regional Flood and Coastal Committee. Money is spent on the construction
of new food defence schemes, the maintenance of the river system and existing food
defences together with the operation of a food warning system and management of the
risk of coastal erosion. The fnancial details are:

                       Trent Regional Flood and Coastal Committee
                                                     2019/2020                        2020/2021
                                                         000’s                            000’s
           Gross Expenditure                            £63,722                           £66,717
                Levies Raised                             £2,095                           £2,137
       Total Council Tax Base                              1,821                             1,848

The majority of funding for food defence comes directly from the Department for the
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). However, under the new Partnership Funding
rule not all schemes will attract full central funding.To provide local funding for local priorities
and contributions for partnership funding the Regional Flood and Coastal Committees
recommend through the Environment Agency a local levy.
A change in the gross budgeted expenditure between years refects the programme
of works for both capital and revenue needed by the Regional Flood and Coastal
Committee to which you contribute. The total Local Levy raised by this committee
has increased by 2.0%
The total Local Levy raised has increased from £2,095,383 for 2019/2020 to £2,137,291 for

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                                   14
Statement Concerning Adult Social Care Funding
The Secretary of State made an offer to adult social care authorities (‘Adult social care
authorities’ are local authorities which have functions under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014,
namely county councils in England, district councils for an area in England for which there is
no county council, London borough councils, the Common Council of the City of London
and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.)
The offer was the option of an adult social care authority being able to charge an additional
‘precept’ on its council tax without holding a referendum, to assist the authority in meeting
its expenditure on adult social care from the fnancial year 2016-17. It was originally made in
respect of the fnancial years up to and including 2019-20. If the Secretary of State chooses
to renew this offer in respect of a particular fnancial year, this is subject to the approval of
the House of Commons.

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                               15
Contact Information
This information can be produced on request in other
formats and other languages. Call 01785 619 000
Stafford Borough Council
Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, Staffordshire ST16 3AQ
24 hour telephone payment line                              0161 621 4111 or 01785 619 271
To pay online                                              
Business rates helpline                                                    01785 619 282
Business rates e-mail                                
Council tax helpline                                                       01785 619 279
Council tax e-mail                                   
Beneft helpline                                                             01785 619 478
Beneft overpayment e-mail                         
Main switchboard                                                            01785 619 000
Main fax                                                                    01785 619 119

Valuation Offce Agency
Listing offcer, Valuation Offce Agency                                      03000 501 501

Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue, Pirehill, Stone, Staffordshire ST15 0BS
Fire Headquarters                                                           08451 221 155
Emergency number                                                                   dial 999

Police Headquarters, PO Box 3167, Stafford, Staffordshire ST16 9JZ
Police non emergency number                                                            101
Emergency number                                                                   dial 999

Staffordshire County Council
St Chad’s Place, Stafford, Staffordshire ST16 2LR
Main reception                                                              0300 111 8000

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                                                              16
                01785 619 000

                Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford ST16 3AQ

                If you need this information in
                large print, Braille, other language
                or in audio format please contact:
                01785 619 000

Non-domestic Rates 2020 - 2021                               17
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