NEWS - Lighting up the night sky Advances in snow measurement Regional business boost Snowy 2.0 update - Snowy Hydro

Page created by Daniel Yates
NEWS - Lighting up the night sky Advances in snow measurement Regional business boost Snowy 2.0 update - Snowy Hydro
NEWS     ISSUE 53   WINTER 2021

Lighting up
the night sky
Advances in snow measurement
Regional business boost
Snowy 2.0 update
NEWS - Lighting up the night sky Advances in snow measurement Regional business boost Snowy 2.0 update - Snowy Hydro
     3        CEO’s message
     4        TBM Naming Competition
     5        Women in STEM
     6        Jindabyne Central and Monaro High
     7        Providence Portal
     8        Advances in snow measurement
     9        Regional business boost
     10       Snowy 2.0
     12       Concrete segment factory
     13       Young driver training
     14       Red Energy Ambassadors

     Follow us
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          @snowyhydroltd                                  1800 623 776 
          @snowyhydroofficial                          For more information, please visit our website
                                                       Sign-up to our e-newsletter or follow us on Facebook.

    This page, Betts Creek Valley near Spencer Creek. Cover image, Tumut 3 Power Station. Photo Ian Grant.
NEWS - Lighting up the night sky Advances in snow measurement Regional business boost Snowy 2.0 update - Snowy Hydro
                              A message from Managing Director
                              and CEO Paul Broad

Teamwork is a value we see every day in our       Work continues at rapid pace on Snowy 2.0, the
business and it helps us achieve success in a     major pumped-hydro expansion of the Scheme.
highly competitive sector.                        There are many new work fronts and more than
                                                  1,000 people working on this fantastic project
Effective teamwork isn’t just about a group
                                                  that, when complete, will ‘firm’ intermittent
of people doing a job. It’s having a collective   renewables like wind and solar so we can
goal and working collaboratively with energy,     generate power when it’s needed.
enthusiasm, innovation and often, flexibility,
when things change unexpectedly.                  I hope you’ve visited our website or followed
                                                  Snowy Hydro on social media and seen some of
So it makes me very proud seeing our Snowy        the excellent Snowy 2.0 project videos that we
Mountains region bouncing back from the lows      publish each month.
of bushfires and COVID, and of course, the
role Snowy Hydro is playing in this recovery.     Shortly there will be an opportunity to vote for
Together with the community, local businesses,    names for our two remaining tunnel boring
local government, agencies and other key          machines - they will be named after inspirational
stakeholders, we are all making a contribution.   or ground-breaking Australian women in STEM,
                                                  so keep a lookout for the online voting period
It’s great to see local food and accommodation    later this month.
houses busy and businesses throughout
                                                  Meanwhile, we’re gearing up for winter
the mountains benefiting from increased
                                                  throughout the business and hoping for plenty
economic activity generated by both Snowy
                                                  of snow that will later become our 'fuel' supply,
2.0 and Snowy Hydro generally. We look to
                                                  to generate clean hydroelectric power. Snowy’s
work with local suppliers as much as we
                                                  hydrographic, water, scientific services and other
can and value our relationships with our          teams all come together so we can effectively
contractors, who are key to helping keep the      manage water across the Scheme.
Snowy Scheme assets in great shape and work
with us on individual projects.                   If you’re driving through the mountains this winter
                                                  season, please take care and drive to conditions.
This certainly applies with Snowy 2.0 and our
construction contractor Future Generation
Joint Venture. The partnership relies on great
cooperation, teamwork and shared principles,
which we have recently celebrated during
the commissioning of our first tunnel boring      Paul Broad
machine, the Lady Eileen Hudson.                  Managing Director and CEO

NEWS - Lighting up the night sky Advances in snow measurement Regional business boost Snowy 2.0 update - Snowy Hydro
One of the Snowy
                                                                                                       2.0 tunnel boring
                                                                                                       machines that needs
                                                                                                       naming; a Snowy
                                                                                                       Scheme scientist.

Science Renewables Energy Engineering Tunnel Boring Machine
Technology Woman in STEM Maths Water Power Science Renewables
Energy Engineering Tunnel Boring Machine Electricity Technology
Science Renewables Energy Engineering Tunnel Boring Machine
Technology Woman in STEM Maths Water Power Science Renewables
Energy Engineering
     TBM           Tunnel Boring Machine Electricity Technology


                  he three tunnel boring   A competition with schools in the     contractor, Future Generation
                  machines (TBMs) that     Snowy Mountains region is helping     Joint Venture, have chosen a
                  will be commissioned     decide names for the remaining        shortlist from the nominations and
                  for Snowy 2.0 have a     two machines. Snowy Hydro has         members of the public are invited
                  mammoth task ahead.      enlisted the help of local students   to vote for their favourite.
      In total, the TBMs will excavate     to come up with a list of possible
                                                                                 The two names that receive the
      27 kilometres of tunnels to link     options, inspired by Australian
                                                                                 most votes will be bestowed
      Tantangara and Talbingo dams,        women in STEM.
                                                                                 on each of the unnamed TBMs.
      with a new underground power         Students from years 5 to              The students who nominated
      station also to be built.            12 (stages 3-6) have been             the most popular names will
      The first TBM to start work was      researching the work of women         win a VIP experience at the
      officially named the Lady Eileen     working in science, technology,       Snowy Hydro Discovery Centre in
      Hudson at a commissioning            engineering and mathematics           Cooma, and a special visit to see
      ceremony at Lobs Hole. TBMs are      and have discovered many              one of the TBMs at a Snowy 2.0
      traditionally given female names     fascinating examples.                 construction site.
      for good fortune on the project      Representatives from Snowy            Check Snowy Hydro’s social media
      before they begin tunnelling.        Hydro and Snowy 2.0 principal         accounts for details on how to vote.

NEWS - Lighting up the night sky Advances in snow measurement Regional business boost Snowy 2.0 update - Snowy Hydro

Snowy snapshot
A new generation of engineers and scientists at Snowy Hydro are
modern day role models for students considering a career in STEM.
Like so many working in STEM disciplines, all three grew up with a
curiosity about how things work, and a love for problem-solving.

Sara                                 Winsome                                  Emilie
Roder                                Whyte                                    Lapointe
Sara Roder was an inquisitive        Winsome Whyte studied civil            As a geotechnical engineer on
child, who constantly asked her      engineering and architecture at        Snowy 2.0 since the start of the
parents to explain things to her     university with her eye on a career    geotechnical investigations
so she could figure out how          as a specialist structural engineer,   program, Emilie Lapointe knows
they worked. After three years       but her career path was not            a thing or two about rock types
studying mechanical engineering      straightforward.                       in the Snowy Mountains.
at university, Sara joined a
                                     Winnie's early roles were in           Her team uses the information
three-month vacation program
                                     construction management and            gathered by drilling through rock,
at Snowy Hydro. She returned a
                                     project management before a            down-hole and lab testing to
year later after completing her
                                     regional opportunity led her to        build the geological model for
degree to take up a role as a
                                     a role as a strategic engineer         the design of Snowy 2.0’s tunnels
graduate mechanical engineer
                                     with Snowy Hydro’s dam safety          and underground power station.
and has worked in various teams
                                     assurance team. Winnie loves           Emilie initially considered a career
at Snowy as part of the graduate
                                     the science and maths behind           in political science, but the idea of
program over the past two years.
                                     why something works and enjoys         hands-on problem-solving led her
Her current rotation is in Snowy’s
                                     applying that logic to solve real      to pursue a role in STEM.
Investigations and Development
                                     world problems.
Projects team, which looks
at innovative ways to improve
day-to-day work on the Scheme.

NEWS - Lighting up the night sky Advances in snow measurement Regional business boost Snowy 2.0 update - Snowy Hydro

     Jindabyne Central
     and Monaro High
               hysics and engineering             the Discovery Centre in Cooma,          A few weeks later we visited the
               students studying                  presented by a Snowy Hydro              Guthega Power Station, where we
               electromagnetism for               engineer and their education            were warmly welcomed by a Snowy
               their HSC at Jindabyne             programs manager.                       Hydro engineer, who showed us
               Central School and                                                         the inner workings of the plant and
                                                  The presentation described the
     Monaro High School recently had                                                      took the time to answer our many
                                                  underlying principles our students
     the opportunity to experience                                                        questions. A particular highlight
                                                  learn about in their study of physics
     power generation in real life.                                                       for the group was a demonstration
                                                  at HSC level and how that applies
     They consolidated their learning                                                     of the start-up procedure and full
                                                  to power generation at Snowy
     with a trip to the Snowy Scheme,                                                     operation of one of the generators.
                                                  Hydro. In the immersive theatre,
     organised by Snowy Hydro’s
                                                  we also saw a bird’s eye view of        The sights, sounds and feel of the
     education programs team.
                                                  the Scheme’s operation using an         moving water under our feet, of the
     Science teacher Charles Dean                 interactive projection of the region    turbine and the generator above
     accompanied his students on                  that students could move around.        our heads filled our senses. It was
     the two-part excursion and wrote                                                     a highly impressive demonstration
                                                  My students were impressed by the
     this report:                                                                         of how physics theory has been
                                                  expertise and knowledge shared by
                                                                                          applied on a large scale.
     I recently had the enjoyable task of         the team at the Discovery Centre.
     arranging a Stage 6 (years 11 and            They commented on how well the          I was impressed with how
     12) excursion for physics students           chosen visuals portrayed physics        well-prepared and accommodating
     from my school, Jindabyne Central.           principles at work, and the scale       the team was towards engaging
     The first part of the excursion              and complexity of the operation as      with our Stage 6 students, who all
     was a multimedia presentation at             a whole.                                thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

      Students at Guthega Power Station. Teacher Charles Dean third from right.

NEWS - Lighting up the night sky Advances in snow measurement Regional business boost Snowy 2.0 update - Snowy Hydro


            n important part of                caused erosion which destabilised
            regular operations                 the embankment, leaving a steep
            at Snowy Hydro is                  slope and increased sediment
            ensuring the Snowy                 levels in the channel.
            Scheme’s assets and
surrounding environment are safe               To stabilise the bank, steep batters
and well-maintained. Changing                  were excavated or ‘laid back’ to
seasonal conditions and extreme                reduce the slope and earth was
weather events are part of life                then spread and compacted
in the mountains, but can cause                onsite. Rock armour was brought
damage to equipment and natural                in to help the channel better
structures.                                    withstand future erosion. The site
                                               was temporarily fenced off and
At Providence Portal, an
                                               closed to the public while our
earthworks project was recently
                                               contractor, Leed Engineering,
completed to stabilise eroded
embankments and reduce further                 carried out the six-week
erosion downstream where                       remediation work.
water from the Tantangara to                   The long-term benefit of the
Eucumbene tunnel outlet flows                  project is a much safer and
into Eucumbene Dam.                            improved foreshore experience for
The 500m section of channel is                 people visiting this area of Lake
designed to sit below the Lake                 Eucumbene, a popular spot for
Eucumbene full supply level, but               fishing and camping. With work
had recently been exposed due                  complete, Providence Portal was
to current lake levels. Water flow             reopened to the public in May.

Works at Providence Portal have included installation of rock armour.                 77
NEWS - Lighting up the night sky Advances in snow measurement Regional business boost Snowy 2.0 update - Snowy Hydro

    Snow depth sensor and weighing scale; snow corer.

    Advances in snow
                nowfall and the                  has a higher water content - water    carried out along a line of reference
                subsequent spring melt           density in a ripened snowpack can     points to measure the snow
                contribute around two-           be up to 50% or more!                 characteristics at each point and the
                thirds of the water stored                                             results are ‘meaned’ for an overall
                                                 The latest monitoring
                in Snowy Hydro's dams. As                                              representative measurement.
                                                 technologies, deployed at
    this is the 'fuel' supply to generate
                                                 a number of remote winter             Both methods provide data for a
    clean hydroelectric power, it’s
                                                 locations, use a snow depth           particular section of the catchment,
    essential to understand how much             sensor and weighing scale
    snow has accumulated across the                                                    but conditions of the snowpack
                                                 system to capture the depth           can vary significantly depending on
    mountains to effectively manage              and weight of a one-metre
    water within the Snowy Scheme.                                                     elevation and aspect, and changes
                                                 square patch of snow, with data
                                                                                       throughout the season.
    Through the winter season,                   regularly transmitted directly to
    Snowy’s Hydrographic team                    the Water team for analysis. One      Historical records provide lots of
    measures various characteristics             of these high-tech systems is         useful information, but are only
    of the accumulated snowpack,                 operational at the Deep Creek         representative of that location.
    including snow depth and weight.             snow monitoring site, between         Move 100 metres up or down the
    This information allows Snowy                Cabramurra and Khancoban.             mountain and the reading will
    Hydro to calculate the amount                Field measurements are also           be different again. Coupled with
    of water, or water density, of               conducted at key snow monitoring      satellite imagery analysis of snow
    the snowpack. Skiers would be                sites using a hollow metal tube       cover through the year, snow
    familiar with powdery snow, which            called a snow corer that is pushed    depth measurements contribute
    typically contains around 10-20%             into the snow down to ground level,   to Snowy Hydro's understanding
    water density. Slushy snow, more             capturing a sample of snow that is    of potential available meltwater in
    common at the end of the season,             then measured by weight. This is      the alpine catchments.

NEWS - Lighting up the night sky Advances in snow measurement Regional business boost Snowy 2.0 update - Snowy Hydro


         ast year delivered a              Business is also buzzing for PHE         of concrete segments will be
         double whammy to                  industrial electrical contractors        making their way to site where
         Snowy Mountains                   in Tumut. The long-established           they will be assembled into rings
         motels and resorts, with          local outfit has provided electrical     to line the tunnels.
         bushfires hampering               services to Snowy Hydro for the
                                                                                    Midland has hired more than a
summer travel and severely                 past 17 years and has now added
                                                                                    dozen extra workers, including
damaging Selwyn Ski Resort,                Snowy 2.0 to their list of projects.
                                                                                    welders and mechanics, to
and COVID restrictions impacting           The team has been busy installing
                                                                                    assemble and fit out 14 custom-
winter activities. This year has           electrical mains cables and
                                                                                    made vehicles. Each of the vehicles
seen the return of weekend                 external lighting at the segment
                                                                                    has a prime mover and three
and school holiday tourism and             factory at Polo Flat. PHE has
                                                                                    short trailers specially designed
Cooma Motor Inn, like many                 taken on extra staff to meet the
                                                                                    to distribute the weight of the
local motels, is busier than ever.         increased workload and is using
                                                                                    segments and safely manoeuvre
The Sharp Street motel, with 43            local companies for supplies.
                                                                                    the steep, winding conditions on
rooms and the newly opened                 Further afield, Midland Industries       mountain roads. With 130,500
Gate restaurant, is frequently             at Parkes is gearing up for its fleet    concrete segments required to
occupied with workers for Snowy            of custom-made trailers to hit the       line the 27 kilometres of tunnels,
2.0. With the ‘no vacancy’ sign            road between Polo Flat and the           the trucks will carry nine tunnel
often needed midweek, even the             Snowy 2.0 construction sites. With       segments each (rather than three
traditionally quiet days of the low        the first tunnel boring machine          on a traditional semi-trailer) and
season have become a rare event.           now commissioned, large loads            help reduce traffic on the roads.

L–R: Cooma Motor Inn; the custom-made segment trailers; Adam Boyd from PHE Tumut.                                         9
NEWS - Lighting up the night sky Advances in snow measurement Regional business boost Snowy 2.0 update - Snowy Hydro


     Main image: TBM at main access tunnel portal; Joule Ridge works; the Lady Eileen Hudson TBM; works at Tantangara

     Snowy 2.0 is now in full                     ceremony, the TBM has moved                   closer to the rock face.
                                                  through various stages of final
     swing, with steady progress                                                                The final stage of commissioning
                                                  preparation and construction of
     at a number of sites across                  the support infrastructure needed             will see a further seven blind
     the project.                                 for tunnelling, including the                 rings installed to push the
                                                  process water treatment plant and             TBM’s cutterhead and shields
     At Lobs Hole, the Lady Eileen                                                              underground. At this point,
                                                  concrete grouting plant.
     Hudson tunnel boring machine                                                               permanent segment rings will
     (TBM) is completing the final                The first stage of commissioning
                                                                                                be installed, and in parallel,
     stages of commissioning. This                the TBM involves installing six
                                                                                                progressive installation of the
     TBM will excavate two separate               temporary segment rings, which
                                                  are the same dimension and                    remaining gantries as more room
     tunnels – the main access                                                                  is made available in the TBM
     tunnel to the location where                 shape as the permanent segments
                                                  that will line the tunnels as they’re         cradle. With the 137-metre TBM
     the underground power station                                                              completely underground, the
                                                  excavated. This stage takes around
     will be built, followed by the
                                                  a week, with one ring installed               tunnel conveyor will be installed,
     tailrace tunnel.
                                                  each day against a thrust frame to            allowing the excavated material to
     After the recent official naming             gradually push the 11m cutterhead             be removed.

Next up is the assembly of the
second TBM in preparation for
excavation of the cable tunnel.
Over recent weeks, more than
57 oversized loads containing
components of the second TBM
have moved up the mountains
for delivery at Lobs Hole. A police
escort was required for 27 of the
loads – thank you to NSW Police,
Transport for NSW and Lampson
transporters for facilitating the
move, and to local residents          JOULE RIDGE
for their patience throughout
deliveries. The TBM main bearing          he bulk earthworks to prepare the Joule Ridge 126-bed
drive, weighing 165 tonnes, was          accommodation facility in Cooma are almost complete. The
the single heaviest component            next stage of the project is underway, with the installation of
and needed four prime movers             services such as stormwater, sewer, firewater, potable water
(two at the front and two at the         and power.
back) to make the trip.
                                         Improvement works by Transport for NSW have been
At Tantangara, the headrace               completed at the intersection of Solomon Lane, Monaro
adit portal is largely complete           Highway and Yareen Road to improve access to the site. The
and a temporary cofferdam has             accommodation modules will begin arriving in late June.
been built to mitigate any risk of
flooding during construction. The         his development will house workers on the Snowy 2.0
third TBM has started its journey,       project working at the Polo Flat segment factory and the
with hundreds of deliveries to the       Future Generation Joint Venture office. Accommodation will
Tantangara site throughout late          include 90 single rooms and 36 self-contained units.
May and into June.


     Stored segments at Polo Flat                                             SNOWY 2.0 JOBS

                  roduction is well         until the automatic carousels      More activity means more
                  underway at Polo Flat,    are ready for operation. After     positions are opening
                  with hundreds of huge     the mix cures, the segments        up across all Snowy 2.0
                  concrete segments         are removed from the mould         work fronts. Over 1,000
                  lined up in the storage   and transferred to an outside      workers are now involved
        yard ready to be transported.       storage yard, before being         in construction of the
        Viewed from above, the              loaded onto trucks for the trip    massive pumped-hydro
        precast segment factory is a        to Lobs Hole.                      project, bringing welcome
        telling example of the scale                                           opportunities to the region.
                                            Once onsite, the segments
        and complexity of the Snowy                                            Future Generation Joint
                                            will be loaded into the tunnel
        2.0 project.                                                           Venture is looking to fill
                                            boring machine and used
        The Cooma facility is a hive of     to line the tunnels, creating      more than 150 open roles
        activity, with up to 100 workers    enormous 10 metre diameter         at multiple sites including
        onsite producing segments,          rings. Nine concrete segments      Lobs Hole, Tantangara and
        and carrying out final electrical   are required to create each        Marica for trades people,
        and mechanical works for            ring, with 14,500 rings needed     water treatment plant
        commissioning of carousels          for the 27 kilometres of power     operators, stores people
        and the concrete batch plant.       waterway tunnels.                  and labourers. Recruitment
        Every day more than 20                                                 is ongoing across all sites
                                            When fully automated, the          for engineers and quality
        segments emerge from the
                                            Polo Flat facility will produce    inspectors, as well as
        manual production line, with
                                            4,500 segments – that’s 500        construction supervisors,
        output to increase significantly
                                            complete rings – every month.      tunnelling supervisors,
        as automated components of
                                            With increased truck activity      conveyor supervisors and
        the facility come online.
                                            transporting the segments,         more. Interested applicants
        Currently, each segment is cast     a temporary traffic signal         should head to http://
        manually, with the mix poured       has been placed in Cooma 
        into large steel moulds directly    to ensure traffic flows freely     au/job-opportunities-1 for
        from the concrete agitator          during peak periods.               further information.

Jindabyne students at Young Driver training


Young driver training

          stablishing positive                According to instructors at           The students go through
          driving behaviour                   Driving Solutions, who deliver        different braking exercises in a
          is essential for                    the training, drivers of all ages     controlled and safe environment
          everyone’s safety                   tend to think, ‘it won’t happen to    to better understand their
          on our roads,                       me’. The training emphasises that     options.
 particularly in the Snowy                    driving is the most dangerous
                                                                                    They also learn how to scan for
 Mountains, where drivers face                activity most of us will do in
                                                                                    trouble approaching intersections
 unique conditions including                  our day, and to be mindful of
                                                                                    or safety zones, and how to
 snow and ice, high speeds                    the risks.
                                                                                    make smart decisions to limit
 and wildlife on the road.
                                              The course also helps build           distractions and stay focused
 The Snowy Hydro Young Driver                 confidence in young drivers           on the task of driving.
 Program is a hands-on course                 in their ability to handle an
                                                                                    Around 250 students will go
 to prepare learner and                       emergency situation, and to
                                                                                    through the training program in
 provisional drivers to better                learn how long it takes to stop
                                                                                    2021 as part of Snowy Hydro’s
 handle local conditions. The                 a vehicle.
                                                                                    commitment to the safety and
 program also addresses
                                              A common misconception is             wellbeing of young people
 common myths and any bad
                                              that braking hard can cause a         living in the Snowy region.
 habits young drivers may have
                                              vehicle to crash or lose control,
 picked up from
                                              but instructors explain this is not
 their parents.
                                              the case when driving current-
                                              model cars equipped with ABS.


     Matt Graham
     World champion freestyle                      Tell us about winning the                      You recently spent some time in
                                                   World Cup title.                               the Snowy Mountains. What did
     skier Matt Graham fell in love                                                               you get up to?
     with his sport during family                  Winning the World Cup title has
     ski holidays as a child. The                  always been a goal of mine. It                 I haven’t been down there in the
                                                   is considered one of the major                 off-season for many years, so it
     self-described adrenaline                     achievements in our sport, so to               was great to go on some hikes and
     junkie started mogul skiing                   win it felt amazing! It was such               see the mountains. I also spent
     at the age of seven.                          a long and tough season for the                some time mountain biking around
                                                   team travelling around the world               Jindy and enjoying some quality
     2020 was a challenging year –                 during a pandemic so to finish on              food and drinks around town. The
     how did you adapt your training?              top made it all worth it.                      Main Range walk up Mt Kosciuszko
                                                                                                  was probably the highlight!
     Once Australia went into lockdown
     last April, I purchased some home             What’s your focus for 2021?
     gym equipment to continue my                                                                 Will we see you on the ski slopes
                                                   2021 is the Olympic lead-up year,              in Australia this winter?
     strength and conditioning training.
                                                   which is always a big year for
     During the first half of the year, we
                                                   athletes. My focus is to maximise              Yes, and I cannot wait! I will likely
     were unable to do any skill-based
                                                   every training opportunity we can              be down in the Snowy Mountains
     training so I watched a lot of old
                                                   get. I am also studying part-time              from mid-July until mid-September.
     mogul videos and training footage
                                                   this year, which is keeping me
     to keep my mind active and in
                                                   busy in my off-time.

                                                              Matt Graham in action.

     Red Energy is 100% Australian-owned. For more information about its great plans, go to or call 131 806
Lauren Parker is a medal-winning paratriathlete
Lauren Parker
Eleven months after a                        a run session in my racing chair               How are you feeling about the
                                             is about 10-30km. My week also                 Tokyo Paralympics?
devastating accident ended                   includes three gym sessions,
her triathlon career, Lauren                 physio and massage.                            This question is difficult because
Parker won a Commonwealth                                                                   I’ve just had the worst and
                                                                                            hardest three weeks I could have
Games bronze medal in                        How was your sport impacted by                 imagined. I’ve just spent 16 days
paratriathlon. The world                     the pandemic?                                  in hospital due to a complication.
champion now has her                         At the start of 2020 I was ready
                                                                                            I was the fittest and strongest I’d
sights set on the Tokyo                                                                     ever been before going to hospital
                                             and focused on the 2020
                                                                                            in early April, so it was definitely a
Paralympics.                                 Paralympics. I had prepared my
                                                                                            major setback in my preparation
                                             body and was really on-track.
                                                                                            and threw my plan out. However,
What does a typical training day             When the pandemic hit and the
                                                                                            I have overcome far worse, so I’m
look like for you?                           games were postponed, I felt
                                                                                            choosing to be positive and just
                                             deflated because of all the hard
I train three times a day, with 2-3                                                         get the job done. I only have one
                                             work I had put in. But I also chose
hour sessions and every day is                                                              mission for Tokyo and that is to
                                             to look at the positives, and that I
different. My swim sessions are                                                             come home with the gold medal!
                                             would be fitter, stronger and faster
between 3-5km. Bike sessions                 with another year of training for the
are between 30km-100km and                   2021 Paralympics.

   Red Energy, owned by Snowy Hydro, has a deep connection with Australian skiing and snowboarding
   and helps to provide power to most of Australia’s snow resort operations. In NSW, Thredbo powers all its
   major resort operations with an agreement with Red Energy for the supply of 100% renewable electricity
   to the resort.

Red Energy is 100% Australian-owned. For more information about its great plans, go to or call 131 806
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