Page created by Manuel Garza
                                  Autumn/Winter 2020

                         GOULBURN VALLEY GRAMMAR SCHOOL

Virtual Classroom
Fraser & Leanne Pogue
Jenny McCaffrey
                                              NEXUS 2 0 1 9 / 1
From the Principal

         Nexus                                             t the start of the year few of us      wall with the fitting words “when the
         Nexus is a GVGS school community                  would have imagined that our           going gets tough the tough get going”.
         publication largely brought together              lives would be so comprehensively      The school operated out of the football
         by members from within our                 changed only some weeks later. Many           clubrooms for all of Term 1 and only
         community. It is published twice a         of us have commented that it seems            commenced on the Verney Road site on
         year. We welcome submissions to
                                                    difficult to believe the reality of change    the first day of Term 2.
         Nexus from staff, students, alumni
         and those connected with the school        that has occurred in such a short time
                                                                                                  During that first assembly in Term 1
         community. Email: amy.depaola@             frame. I have felt frustrated at the impact
                                                                                                  amongst the builder’s rubble that is now                           this situation is having on our school
                                                                                                  the Copulos area, the school community
         Nexus Co-ordination: Amy De Paola          community and wishing we could simply
                                                                                                  gathered and made a common pledge.
         (nee Hill, Class of 1989)                  all return to Verney Rd immediately.
                                                                                                  “We understand that this school consists
                                                    Recently I have thought about the
         Contributing Writers: Liz Mellino (Class                                                 of many members, students, staff,
         of 2012), Clare Winter-Irving (Class of    inspirational commitment and resilience
                                                                                                  parents. Council and friends, and we                               From the Board
         2010) Jodie Fleming (Current parent)       shown by the school community at
                                                                                                  pledge ourselves to work together in
         Samantha Schelling (Current parent),       various times in its history.
                                                                                                  unity and truth for the sake of each other     Hello to you all,
         James Sach (Staff), Jock Hatty (Class
         of 2018), Amy De Paola.                    Students first attended the school in         and for the school as a whole.”                                                                                                                      Mr Andrew Galbraith has been
                                                                                                                                                 Well, the exciting year that many of us             being familiar with a virtual classroom. Also,
                                                    Term 1, 1982. Despite the best efforts        Our school’s facilities, programmes and        were looking forward to at the School got           the staff are to be commended for uprooting       a member of the Goulburn
         Thanks to: Ms Michelle Schofield,          and incredibly hard work of the whole                                                        a “curveball”. Of course, this has not just         their usual teaching methods with very little     Valley Grammar School Board
         Mr Mark Torriero, Mr Glen Edwards,
                                                                                                  resources are so far advanced from                                                                                                                   since 2007 and was appointed
                                                    community the Main building was               those early years it is normally difficult     been for the School but everyone in our             time to adapt themselves and with many            to the role of Chair in 2018. As
         Mrs Pam Pogue, Shepparton News.
                                                    far from complete and there were no           to imagine the challenges they faced.          communities.                                        having their own children having to be at         a director of Shepparton law
                                                    classrooms available for teaching on-                                                                                                            home with them while they teach. Let alone        firm Dawes & Vary Riordan and
         Goulburn Valley Grammar School                                                           Our current experience offers a new            The Board was approaching the start of this
         Verney Road, PO Box 757,                   site. The School had to commence off-                                                                                                            that some may have partners who have been         with more than two decades of
                                                                                                  window into those times and the level          year with enthusiasm for several projects to                                                          experience in the commercial,
         Shepparton, Victoria, 3632.                site at the Shepparton United Football                                                                                                           stood down or have a fear of that happening.
                                                                                                  of resilience the founders demonstrated.       take some shape. There are always a number                                                            property and corporate sphere
         Telephone: 03 5833 3300,                   Clubrooms at Deakin reserve.                                                                 of improvements to the School which happen          Thank you to all parents. I have received
                                                                                                  The school overcame that and countless                                                                                                               Mr Galbraith brings a wealth of
                                                                                                  other challenges over the years. At each       over the Summer break. The most notable             many comments from parents over the last          business and legal experience
         Web:                  I am sure none of the foundation                                                                                                                                                                   to the position of Chair.
                                                                                                  stage those involved no doubt felt it          one was the connection of the School to the         few weeks complementing the School on
         Printing: Prominent Press,                 students, staff or parents were delighted                                                    town’s sewerage system. Finally. There were         how it has been so well prepared. Some new
                                                                                                  was frustrating and unfair. I frequently
         Shepparton                                 with the prospect of commencing school                                                       also preliminary steps put in place to update       parents have even said to me that any doubts
         Printed on 100% recycled paper.                                                          feel inspired by their courage and the         the science rooms and to progress with the          they had about whether the investment they
                                                    in the football clubrooms. It was hardly
                                                                                                  sacrifices they made to realise the vision     possibility of a junior school and early learning   have made in their child’s education was
                                                    the optimal learning environment. There
                                                                                                  for the school. It is only though their        centre development and entrance from the GV         worthwhile have gone away. I also want to
                                                    was no choice but to work through
                                                                                                  goodwill and commitment that we have           Highway.                                            compliment you on your approach to fees.
                                                    the period of disruption to maintain
                                                                                                  the unique school community we all                                                                 The Board felt it was most important to assist
                                                    continuity of learning until classes were                                                    But along came COVID-19.
                                                                                                  enjoy today.                                                                                       with some fee relief and your response to this
                                                    able to commence on site. Perhaps the                                                                                                            has been very encouraging.
                                                                                                                                                 I think everyone in our School community
                                                    experience of many students and staff         We have seen this same attitude alive          is to be congratulated on how they have
                                                    was captured by foundation student Kim        throughout our school community in                                                                 Finally, to the students. They have given up
                                                                                                                                                 responded to the severe restraints put on all
                                                    Morvell who recalled arriving at school       recent weeks. If we can sustain this spirit,                                                       camps, concerts, carnivals and other events.
                                                                                                                                                 of us.
                                                    on the first day in 1982, “I just burst       we will emerge a stronger and even                                                                 They have had to adapt. They have missed
                                                                                                                                                 I will start with our staff, ably led by Mr Mark    their friends. Although they can see them
                                                    into tears and developed a feeling of         more united school community.
                                                                                                                                                 Torriero. Quality leaders are ones who can          electronically, nothing beats being with your
                                                    absolute and overwhelming dread and                                                          respond and adapt. From the start of it all,        mates.
                                                                                                  The above is an extract from the
                                                    then we got on the buses to go to begin                                                      Mark and the leadership team have been
                                                                                                  Newsletter editorial for Week 1 of Term 2.                                                         I think everyone must be relieved that the
                                                    our schooling at the football sheds. It                                                      diligent, focused and communicative on this
                                                                                                  It seemed appropriate for this edition of                                                          recent State Government announcement
                                                    was just surreal. I cried for three days                                                     significant issue. I am so proud of how the
                                                                                                  Nexus.                                                                                             has given all schools, their staff and students
                                                    non-stop.” Mr Alan Humphries, former                                                         School was well prepared to have all students
                                                                                                                                                                                                     direction. We will see you all back there soon!
         COVER PHOTO: In response to the            Deputy Principal and foundation staff         Semper Ulterius                                ready for online learning before the end of
         recent bushfires students were asked       member vividly remembers the smell            Mark Torriero,                                 Term 1. It meant that the start of Term 2 was       Semper Ulterius
         what they were grateful for. Their                                                                                                      much easier with students, staff and parents        Andrew Galbraith, Board Chair.
                                                    of liniment and the large sign on the         Principal
         responses were then displayed for
         others to see.

2 / GOU LBUR N VAL LE Y G RA MMA R S CHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NEXUS 2019 / 3
THIS PAGE FROM TOP: Ms Nicole Sleeth, Year
                              12 student Amelia Priestly, Mrs Nicole Bensch’s                                                                                                                                                                    COVID-19 news
                                               Unit 3/4 Data Analytics class.

    Virtual Classroom
                                                                                                                                                                               “We are extremely fortunate that as we
                                                                                                                                                                               face limitations on our social gatherings,
                                                                                                                                                                               we have online opportunities to remain
                                                                                                                                                                               in touch and in contact, unlike previous

   T   he true test of any
       community is not when
   things are going well but when
                                          From the outset, the school has
                                          focussed on two core aims when
                                          developing its responses to the
                                                                                                                                                                               generations who have been socially
                                                                                                                                                          isolated in such times. Life is going to be quite different, your
   serious disruptions occur. The         challenges. Firstly, to protect                                                                                 experiences will be quite different but let’s make an effort to
   Coronavirus has proved to be           the health of the school and                                                                                    support each other, talk to each other and learn”.
   a profound challenge to all            wider community. Secondly,
   schools including ours. It has         to minimise the impact on                                                                                       Extract from a letter to the school community written by 2020 School
   fundamentally changed the                                                                                                                              Captains Nell Ryan and James Nethersole at the end of Term 1.
                                          the educational outcomes of
   way we are able to operate and         students.
   tested us to find solutions in
   very short time frames.                To care for our health, we
                                          progressively restricted the
                                                                                                                                                         Year 5/6 perspective                    our learning this way, but I
   The response from our                                                                                                                                                                         look forward to getting back         Subjects were run much
                                          school’s programmes back to                                                                                    I set up my computer on my
   school community has been                                                                                                                                                                     to regular face to face classes.     the same as if we were in
                                          core learning activities. This                                                                                 desk in my bedroom where
   inspirational and we are indebted                                                                                                                                                             Emma Verrocchi, Year 5               a classroom. Although we
                                          resulted in much valued events                                                                                 it was nice and quiet, and if I
   to students, staff, and families for                                                                                                                  needed help my parents were                                                  couldn’t do band in music, we
                                          such as Open Day, assemblies                                                                                                                           In the last week of Term 1, all
   the steadfast way in which they                                                                                                                       there to help me because                                                     still had a normal lesson and
                                          and productions being                                                                                                                                  Year 5 and 6 classes went from
   have adapted so positively to                                                                                                                         they were working at home               having normal school one day         practiced our technique. We
                                          cancelled or postponed.
   these core challenges.                                                                                                                                too. I liked how I could see my         to virtual classrooms at 9am         had been sent home with sheet
                                                                                                                                                         friends on the Zoom meetings            the very next day. This was          music and our instruments so
                                                                                To protect learning continuity    commenced early holidays.              we had, it was nice to keep             because Victorian Premier,           we could do this.
     We wanted to take the                                                      of students, the school           These four days were valuable          in touch. I think that I learnt         Daniel Andrews announced that        I would like to thank all the
     opportunity to extend both our                                             prepared for a rapid transition   in enabling further trialling          lots during the virtual lessons         there would be no school for         staff at GVGS who helped us
     appreciation to staff for how                                              to off-site learning. Firstly,    and improvement of our                 and it also helped me with my                                                all with the transition to online
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the last 3 days of term because
     they have conducted themselves                                             we designed a model and           remote learning programme. It          computer skills. I think it also                                             learning.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of the COVID-19 pandemic that
     during this unprecedented set                                              developed a comprehensive         enabled the school to smoothly         made me more organised.                 has become a threat to Australia     Sophie Fletcher, Year 6
     of circumstances. The school’s                                             set of protocols for what would   recommence Term 2 with the             I’m glad that we can continue           and its citizens.                    (pictured above)
     foresight and proactive approach to                                        become known as our ‘Virtual      virtual learning well established
     swiftly establishing on-line learning                                      Classroom Programme’. The         for students, staff, and families.
     has been extremely beneficial to our                                       programme used our existing                                            We have sought feedback from
     children. Although it continues to                                                                           The school’s capacity to
                                                                                learning management system                                             students and staff and continue
     be quite the challenge to study from                                                                         respond so quickly and
                                                                                Agora for the provision of                                             to evolve our protocols and
     home and maintain enthusiasm,                                                                                effectively to this environment
                                                                                resources, timetabling, and                                            guidelines as we learn more
     these are surmountable obstacles                                                                             reflects the professionalism
                                                                                communication. Zoom was                                                about what works best in this
     in the grander scheme of things,                                                                             and dedication of our teaching
                                                                                used as the core delivery                                              new learning environment.
     particularly compared to the                                                                                 and operational staff. At the
                                                                                system, enabling our teachers                                          We have commenced
     potential challenges that our                                                                                same time, our teachers
                                                                                to connect with students                                               virtual year level meetings,
     children could have been facing                                                                              have consistently praised our
                                                                                daily and follow their usual                                           tutorials and staff briefings.
     had they not been at Grammar. The                                                                            students for their goodwill and
                                                                                timetable while ensuring                                               We also launched our virtual
     consistent professional and positive                                                                         good faith in their response to
                                                                                a comprehensive learning                                               assembly, to connect our
     communication between the school,                                                                            this unfamiliar environment.
                                                                                programme was provided.                                                school community in these
     parents and students alike, has                                                                              It has been particularly
                                                                                                                                                       socially distanced times. We
     helped to ease anxiety and promote                                         The planning involved             impressive to see the student
                                                                                                                                                       all look forward to the times
     a positive attitude towards making                                         trialling, consultation, and      attendance rate consistently
                                                                                                                                                       when we are able to resume
     it to the other end of this very                                           professional learning. These      remaining and around 99%
                                                                                                                                                       on-site and will have an even
     interesting situation.                                                     efforts enabled the school to     each day. Equally, our parents
                                                                                                                                                       greater appreciation for the
     The above is an extract from an                                            transition seamlessly to our      have been very supportive
                                                                                                                                                       importance of our relationships
     email to the school written by a                                           ‘Virtual Classroom Programme’     and patient given the many
                                                                                                                                                       and community.
     GVGS Parent.                                                               on Tuesday 24 March while         impositions on work and family                                                 Individual music tuition classes continued during off-site learning, here
                                                                                many schools in the state         this situation has caused.           Mark Torriero, Principal                  Lilia Plunkett attends her weekly drum lesson with Mr Bruce Archibald.

4 / GOU LBUR N VAL LE Y G RA MMA R S CHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                NEXUS 2019 / 5
Our community

    Seeds for
    sustainability                                                                                                                                                                                               My gap year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 While many students from GVGS head straight off to university, some choose to

    thirst sown in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 experience the world beyond the classroom before undertaking further study. In this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and future editions, Nexus aims to share the stories of our past students and their gap
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 year adventures. Our first article is written by Class of 2018 alumnus, Jock Hatty.

    childhood                                                                                                                                                                                                   I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    completed Year 12 at GVGS in 2018 and         most days, where I would often be on a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    was accepted into Latrobe University for a    motorbike working alongside the other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bachelor of Agricultural Business. I chose    ringers on the ground and in the scrub while
                                                                                                                                                                                                                to defer as I had always wanted to take a         helicopters would do areal mustering from

   U   nderstanding the relationship between
       micro-organisms and plants has
   changed the way Fraser Pogue (class of 1996)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                gap year. Growing up on a cropping farm in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tocumwal, I have always been particularly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                interested in agriculture. With the goal of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  above. The skills the pilots had was quite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  remarkable and very impressive to watch.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  After mustering cattle, some of which had
   farms.                                                                                                                                                                                                       further developing my skills and gaining          not been mustered for four years, we spent
   It’s also seen him receive the 2019 Australian                                                                                                                                                               experience in a different area of agriculture,    time in the yards processing them for the
   Government Landcare Farming Award and                                                                                                                                                                        I found a position as a ringer on a remote        export market, abattoirs and breeders. This
   feature in Damon Gameau’s documentary                                                                                                                                                                        cattle station called Wollogorang on the          was a dusty job that again required patience
   “2040”, released last year. In the film, which                                                                                                                                                               Northern Territory and Queensland border          and at times the agility to quickly scale
   focuses on climate-change solutions, Fraser                                                                                                                                                                  in the Gulf of Carpentaria.                       fences to get out of harm and horns way.
   explains the importance of soil health and                                                                                                                                                                   Not knowing exactly what I was getting            Due to work commitments, limited
   how his farming approach sequesters carbon                                                                                                                                                                   myself into, I made the 3600km road               opportunities and vast distances, social
   into the soil.                                                                                                                                                                                               trip to the station. It is quite an isolated      outings were minimal however we did
   Fraser and his wife Leanne (née Kohne, class                                                                                                                                                                 location, being about 800km from Mt Isa,          manage to attend a couple of rodeos which
   of 1997), along with his parents Cliff and Jan                                                                                                                                                               with the closest populated area being an          were a minimum of 6 hours drive and one
   Pogue, farm 320 hectares of mainly loam                                                                                                                                                                      Aboriginal Mission called Doomadgee               of which I participated in. I also managed
                                                    cover crops and sub-surface drip irrigation,        “We used to call our approach ‘sustainable         Archie, began Year 5 this year. Maggie, now          which is a 150km drive. The team at the           to see close friends from school who were
   plains at Ardmona. Leanne also runs Pogue
                                                    with biological liquid fertilisers and minimal      farming’. Another term for it is ‘triple bottom    Year 3, will follow in 2022.                         station included 12 full-time workers of          completing a similar year on different
   HR Consulting, servicing SMEs across the
                                                    insecticides and fungicides.                        line’, that is, having good environmental                                                               which five were ringers, all of similar ages, a   stations.
   Goulburn Valley.                                                                                                                                        While the couple knew each other at GVGS, it
                                                                                                        outcomes, good financial outcomes and                                                                   manager, full-time cook, pilot, bore runner
                                                    Fraser says, “I’ve always been concerned                                                               was 10 years later at a chance meeting at The                                                          I thoroughly enjoyed my year on the station,
   Frustrated with the conventional farming                                                             good social outcomes, all largely stemming                                                              and a mechanic as well as contractors and
                                                    about environmental problems – whether                                                                 Aussie, that their romance kindled.                                                                    spending time with people of similar
   model, Fraser began researching soil health                                                          from the health of the soil and plants in your                                                          helicopter pilots coming and going.
                                                    it’s littering or overpopulation. My interest in                                                                                                                                                              interests, learning many new skills and the
   several years ago. The results have seen                                                             farm ecosystem. Really, I just call it good        Leanne says, “Looking back, Fraser was
                                                    sustainability goes right back to when I was a                                                                                                              As a ringer I was initially involved with         value of working hard. After coming home
   microbes in the naturally enriched soils                                                             farming.”                                          always really into sustainability, even doing
                                                    child; I had veggie gardens and have always                                                                                                                 maintaining fences after the wet season           and spending the summer with my family
   on “Belturbet” create an environment for                                                                                                                courses outside school to learn. He was a
                                                    been interested in growing things. Then at          Strong grounding                                                                                        throughout the 1.5-million-acre property.         and on our farm, I have recently made the
   efficient crop growth, improve water use and                                                                                                            little bit of a hippy, and it’s interesting to see
                                                    school, my interest grew into permaculture.”                                                                                                                This involved travelling up to 60km a day         decision to return to the station for another
   protect the soil from drying out, make it less                                                       Both Leanne and Fraser say GVGS gave them          this is the area he’s worked into commercially
   susceptible to heat and frost extremes, and      Post school, Fraser did a Bachelor of Applied       a strong grounding in life, encouraging them       as a career. It’s something that’s always been       on a motorbike equipped with just a radio,        year. Beyond this, I plan to come back home
   increase crop resilience.                        Science in Agribusiness at Melbourne Uni’s          to continue seeking information and to learn.      really important for him.”                           fencing tools, water and a packed lunch. If       and go to university to study agriculture.
                                                    Dookie Agricultural College, and in the past                                                                                                                the distance was too big to get back before
   Today, Fraser is at the forefront of                                                                 Leanne, who was school captain in 1997,            Fraser, who will represent Victoria at the 2020      dark I would be picked up and drop off
                                                    six years he’s done an enormous amount of
   regenerative agriculture and innovative                                                              says, “These were key experiences which then       National Landcare Awards in the Landcare             the next morning by one of the helicopters
                                                    research into microbes and their effect on
   cropping practices. An early adopter of                                                              naturally shape what decisions you make            Farming Award category, hosts field days,            which was a definite highlight, flying over
                                                    soil health. Along the way, he came across
   minimum tillage, he uses multi-species                                                               from the choices you have. GVGS builds on          workshops and open days at their property.           the boundless expanse of scrub. Within
                                                                globally renown Central NSW
                                                                                                        your life values. I felt supported to be myself,   He is also involved with the Goulburn Murray         the first two weeks, we were evacuated to
                                                                Tablelands farmer Colin Seis.
                                                                                                        but at the same time, I gained confidence to       Landcare Network, the Victorian No-Till              Cloncurry, Queensland for a week due to
                                                                Winner of the 2014 Bob Hawke
                                                                                                        go after things that I may not have otherwise.     Farmers Association and the Goulburn                 Cyclone Trevor which luckily only left a few
                                                                Landcare Award, Colin pioneered
                                                                                                        You may not quite realise it at the time, but in   Broken CMA.                                          more fences to be repaired.
                                                                “pasture cropping”, where annual
                                                                                                        retrospect we can see all the positives, how
                                                                crops are sown into permanent                                                              He says, “All my research into soil health           We worked 6 days a week, using our time off
                                                                                                        it allowed us to create our identities and our
                                                                pastures. It was his friendship with                                                       has led me to being able to work on                  to do laundry and making the hour and a half
                                                                                                        sense of self. It very much set us up for life.”
                                                                Colin that saw Fraser be part of the                                                       environmental problems from an agricultural          drive to the northern coast as the property
                                                                 “2040” documentary.                    Fraser has similar comments, also citing the       perspective. For me, it’s come around full           had 80km of frontage onto the Gulf. Here we
                                                                                                        school’s values and community-family feel.         circle, which is pretty cool.”                       would spend time fishing for Barramundi
                                                                “When the film crew rang me I
                                                                                                        “Going to Goulbourn Valley Grammar School                                                               but unfortunately definitely no swimming as
                                                                said ‘that’ll be fine’, just thinking                                                      TOP: Fraser Pogue (middle), flanked by
                                                                                                        just shapes you.”                                                                                       crocodiles and sharks were in abundance.
                                                                it would be a backdrop. But then                                                           Damon Gameau (left) and Colin Seis (right),
                                                                the next thing we knew, we were a       Both Leanne and Fraser have enjoyed the            with crew from the “2040” documentary.               Once we started mustering, we would work
                                                                big part of it!                         reconnection with GVGS, as their eldest            LEFT: Fraser and Leanne Pogue.                       13 days on, 1 day off, from 5am until 6pm

6 / GOU LBUR N VAL LE Y G RA MMA R S CHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NEXUS 2019 / 7
     2019 Dux profile

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Outstanding Learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                              The School is focused on changing the lives of young people through learning. Our
                                                                                                                                                                                                              efforts and decisions work towards promoting this core goal. The learning growth of
                                                                                                                                                                                                              our students in 2019 certainly reflects this purpose.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              VCE 2019

     A passion for                                                                                                                                                                                            The Class of 2019 demonstrated their genuine
                                                                                                                                                                                                              commitment to learning through effort and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              persistence. We commend our students on
                                                                                                                                                                                                              their great commitment, determination, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   •    we set high expectations for each student
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        regardless of their starting point
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A focus on knowing the impact of our efforts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   has been vitally important in both informing

     W     hen Muhammad ‘Farhan’ Islam started
           at GVGS in 2012, he could never
     have predicted the strong relationships
                                                                                                                                                                                                              discipline in their approach to learning.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              At the same time, they managed to get the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and sustaining improvement decisions. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   use of performance data such as NAPLAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   is a key element in sharpening our focus
                                                                                                                                                                                                              balance right and have kept closely involved
     he would build with both his teachers and                                                                                                                                                                and connected with all aspects of school life.       and informing our decisions. NAPLAN aims
     fellow students over the years to come. “I                                                                                                                                                               They appreciated and valued involvement              to measure student progress in core skills
     remember coming in for my Year 5 interview                                                                                                                                                               in sport, productions, public speaking,              essential to future learning and engagement
     with Mr Torriero and being very nervous,” he                                                                                                                                                             community service, leadership, and music.            with work and society.
     says. “I look back on that day and it feels so                                                                                                                                                           The Class of 2019 has been one of the most           The recently released data on the My Schools
     weird because now they’re like an extension                                                                                                                                                              effective year levels at reaching out to younger     website tracks the NAPLAN progress of
     of my family.” Reflecting on his time as a new                                                                                                                                                           year groups across the school, leaving a fine        students who were at the school in 2017
     student to the school, he fondly recalls his                                                                                                                                                             legacy both as learners and citizens.                and 2019. The latest information reveals
     orientation and the first few weeks. “I was                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the above average impact of our learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Highlights - GVGS students exceeded 89% of
     really nervous when I met my buddies, they                                                                                                                                                                                                                    programme.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Victorian schools
     just seemed like these scary giants,” he says.                                                                                                                                                                                                                These gains reflect hard work and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              • 2nd regional school in Victoria (out of 536)
     “Then when I got to know them I just thought     beginning was that everyone at the school         Farhan is equally passionate about his              south, taking on the adventures that lay          • only one other regional school in the top          commitment to learning shown by our
     they were amazing people…we really               is focused on you getting a good academic         favourite sport, badminton, and was the             ahead with gusto. “I just love expanding my           77 schools                                       students. They also affirm the commitment
     bonded because they showed a genuine             outcome and making sure you succeed,” he          2019 Badminton Captain. “I’ve done Friday           horizons,” he says. “I want to acclimatise        • more than ½ of our students placed in top          of our teaching staff, particularly those in
     interest in me as a person.”                     says. “When you look at the achievements          night badminton every year since I started          to living by myself and being an adult.”              20% of the state                                 the Mathematics and English Departments
                                                      that happen here at this school it really         here, I really love it,” he says. Farhan was also   Undertaking the notorious quintet of Year 12      • 73% of students placed in top 30% of the           who have worked hard, embraced data, and
     From day one, Farhan felt right at home at
                                                      is remarkable.” Farhan is grateful for the        School Community Prefect for 2019. “Being           subjects – Specialist Maths, Maths Methods,           state                                            enhanced the impact of their teaching.
     GVGS. With his dad working as a general
                                                      teachers he has had for each of his classes,      School Community Prefect is all about               Physics, Chemistry and English – has left         • 91% of students received a first-round             Learning growth for students transitioning
     practitioner here in Shepparton and his
                                                      appreciating the high calibre of teaching staff   promoting a healthy and happy environment           Farhan with this advice for future students: “I       tertiary offer that was either their 1st, 2nd    from Year 5 (2017) to Year 7 (2019) when
     mum as a local accountant, he developed
                                                      across the whole school. “You can tell that       for all students,” he says. “As well as raising     think in reality it’s about studying smart, not       or 3rd preference.                               compared to students with a similar starting
     a keen interest in mathematics and science
                                                      the teachers are aware of all the different       awareness of major issues that affect school-       studying hard…you can be so much more                                                                  score and background.
     and the support from the school community
     as a whole empowered him to achieve              abilities,” he says. “They know how to cater      aged kids, such as bullying.” Over the past         productive when you are strategic about how       NAPLAN                                               •    Well above average growth in Writing
     his best year after year. “The one thing         to your needs and that helps us be the best       12 months in this role, Farhan assisted with        you study.”                                       Our commitment to student learning begins            •    above-average growth in Numeracy.
     that was really noticeable to me from the        we can be.”                                       the school formal and combined “Pelic-nics”                                                           from key entry points of Year 5 and Year 7. For
                                                                                                                                                            At the recent school Presentation Evening,                                                             Learning growth for students transitioning
                                                                                                        – a venture coined by the School Captains                                                             years, the school has articulated a clear focus
                                                                                                                                                            Farhan received numerous awards in                                                                     from Year 7 (2017) to Year 9 (2019) when
                                                                                                        of 2018 where all students are invited to                                                             on building student learning growth. This            compared to students with a similar starting
                                                                                                                                                            recognition of his outstanding community
                                                                                                        share a picnic lunch with each other on the                                                           aim has been guided by a set of underlying           score and background.
                                                                                                                                                            engagement and thirst for learning.
                                                                                                        lawns to raise awareness of bullying among                                                            principles:                                          • above-average growth in Reading, Writing
                                                                                                        teenagers.                                          Farhan was also presented with the                                                                        and Numeracy
                                                                                                                                                                                                              •    we believe in the capacity of all students
                                                                                                                                                            most respected award of the school, the                to learn                                        • the majority of students demonstrated
                                                                                                        Beyond school Farhan is aiming for a career
                                                                                                                                                            Senior Citizenship Award for outstanding          •    we strive to achieve at least one year’s           learning growth significantly above-
                                                                                                        in Biomedical Engineering. “Biomedical
                                                                                                                                                            contribution to the school community.                  learning growth for each student each year         average in Writing and Numeracy.
                                                                                                        engineering combines my fascination of
                                                                                                        the health sciences with problem-solving,”          Following the release of the VCE results for
                                                                                                        he says. “I’ve always been an academic              2019 Farhan was also recognised as Dux of         GVGS VCE ATAR Scores - Class of 2019
                                                                                                        at heart…I have a real love for learning,           the School. Farhan achieved his goal and
                                                                                                        especially maths and science.” He says he           was offered a place studying Biomedicine
                                                                                                        is keen to mature and grow when he moves            at the University of Melbourne and one of                                                                                      73%
                                                                                                                                                            the University’s most prestigious awards              60%          State Avg
                                                                                                                                                            the Melbourne Chancellors Scholarship.                             GVGS 2019                                  51%
                                                                                                        PICTURED: Outstanding Achievers for                 He was also offered a place at residential            40%
                                                                                                                                                            college International House where he also                                                                               30%
                                                                                                        2019 L-R Hugh Farrell (98.25), Muhammad
                                                                                                        Islam (99.9), Ishan Wijesingha (98.2),              received the Weickhadt Academic Potential                                                             20%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  20%                               25%
                                                                                                        Lucy Asquith (99.7), Joshua Dillon (98.45),         Scholarship.                                                                    10%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5%     13%
                                                                                                        Larissa Watts (97.4). INSET: Milla Pogue
                                                                                                        (97.7), Lynton Hoey (97.5).                                                                               0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               95+                90+                   80+              70+

8 / GOU LBUR N VAL LE Y G RA MMA R S CHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        NEXUS 2019 / 9
Our community

            Mrs Jenny McCaffrey has been supporting GVGS

                                                                                                                                                  Mandhree takes on senior role with Girl Guides Victoria
            for over 40 years. She is picture right with friend
              Ms Serrin Haigh volunteering at the tuckshop.

     Showing support
                                                                                                                                                   Class of 2016 School Captain, Mandhree Ekanayake has been busy since her departure from GVGS. The following is
                                                                                                                                                   an extract from an article by Liz Melino which was printed in the March 31, 2020 edition of the Shepparton News. It
                                                                                                                                                   gives some insight as to what she has been up to.

     for over 40 years
                                                                                                                                                        t just 20 years of age,                ‘‘For girls and young women to see me,      ‘‘Girl Guides Victoria has now gone
                                                                                                                                                        Shepparton’s Mandhree                  a 20-year-old Sri Lankan woman, as          completely virtual,’’ Ms Ekanayake said.
     In 1982 GVGS welcomed not only the first                                                                                                           Ekanayake (pictured) is the            part of the state team would mean they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ‘‘Virtual Girl Guiding provides a space
     students but also an emerging community of                                                                                                   youngest and first culturally diverse        could imagine themselves in similar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           where our youth members can
                                                                                                                                                  Victorian Girl Guide to hold the role of     positions,’’ she said.
     parents and friends. Over the years many have                                                                                                                                                                                         continue to learn valuable life skills,
                                                                                                                                                  Assistant State Commissioner.
     continued to contribute to and support the                                                                                                                                                ‘‘It would mean that they could dare        stay connected and be of service to
     school. In this and coming editions, Nexus will                                                                                              After calling the 3rd Shepparton Girl        to dream of themselves in leadership        their communities.’’
                                                                                                                                                  Guides home for nearly 10 years while        roles regardless of their age or cultural
     acknowledge some of these long-standing                                                                                                                                                                                               She said Virtual Girl Guiding included
                                                                                                                                                  attending Goulburn Valley Grammar            background and that diversity was
     members of our community.                                                                                                                                                                                                             Girl Guides TV — a weekly video series
                                                                                                                                                  School, Ms Ekanayake is now working          valued and appreciated within Girl
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           released each Sunday, which includes
                                                                                                                                                  to support the State Commissioner’s          Guides.’’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           activities focusing on arts, life skills, the

                                                                                                                                                  vision and approach to leadership
       n 1979 a much advertised and                   “I started volunteering as I                 Not only did Jenny attend the first
                                                                                                                                                  while living and studying to be a doctor     Guiding goes online
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           outdoors and services.
       anticipated meeting was held at the                                                         Mother’s Club Luncheon, but she has
       Alex Rigg Theatrette with some 250             still wanted to be involved                  attended every luncheon since. For             in Melbourne.                                While the world is currently working        It also includes a Girl Guides Hub for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           youth members and volunteers to
    people attending. The meeting was to              in the school because it has                 Jenny, it has always provided the              With a strong passion for female             to come to terms with the coronavirus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           connect and share ideas, activities
    gauge community interest in establishing                                                       opportunity to catch up with the many          empowerment and the role of women,           pandemic, Mandhree Ekanayake said
    a local private school. With 2 young
                                                      been part of my life for years”.             friends she has made over the years.           Ms Ekanayake said she loved helping          Girl Guides Victoria was also working to    and challenges along with virtual unit
                                                                                                                                                                                               adjust to the change.                       meetings which allow for regular unit
    daughters approaching their secondary                                                                                                         other young women achieve their goals
                                                      Grace’s paddock has now been                 Jenny has also managed to attend all                                                                                                    meetings to take place online.
    years, Jenny and Don McCaffrey were                                                                                                           through Guiding.                             The group made the decision to
                                                      transformed to the school grounds now        GVGS Presentation Nights since they
    among the crowd. Impressed by the                                                                                                                                                          suspend all activities as of March 14,      Ms Ekanayake said it was great to see
                                                      known as Goulburn Valley Grammar             began and is in awe at how all the             ‘‘There is something truly special about
    initial proposal, the McCaffrey’s were one                                                                                                                                                 and since then has been working to          the Guiding community stay connected
                                                      School.                                      students present themselves.                   belonging to an organisation that
    of many families in the Goulburn Valley                                                                                                                                                    ensure youth members and volunteers         during challenging times.
                                                                                                                                                  advocates for young girls and ladies to
    to show their support for making the              To begin with, many parents certainly        “I always come from the events thinking                                                     can stay connected and involved in          For more information, visit
                                                                                                                                                  identify their potential and empower
    school a reality. It was also the beginning       had reservations about enrolling their       the students are so erudite and confident.                                                  Guiding while in isolation.       
                                                                                                                                                  them to access equal opportunities,’’
    of their long-standing involvement with           children in such a new school. For the
                                                                                                   “This is a credit to their parents, school     she said.
    the school community which Jenny is still         McCaffreys and the many other families
    very much part of today.                                                                       and themselves.”                               ‘‘Girl Guides is all about presenting
                                                      who came on board in the early days it
                                                      was about the big picture and long-term      Jenny’s three grandchildren, Donald,           opportunities and empowering girls to
    Don, who passed away in 2018 was one                                                                                                          say ‘yes’.”
                                                      goals, ‘You just had to have faith’, Jenny   Hugh (Class of 2018) and Elizabeth
    of a 30 strong contingent to serve on the
                                                      said.                                        (currently in Year 12) have all attended       In her new role as assistant state
    interim school council from 1979-1981.
    Jenny recalls that the council aimed                                                           GVGS. Although her youngest                    commissioner, Ms Ekanayake hopes
                                                      Jenny and Don’s two daughters, Sarah
    to rally interest for the school. Several                                                      granddaughter is about to finish her           to establish a youth forum to provide
                                                      (Class of 89) and Alexandra (Class of 91)
    people would get into a caravan after                                                          secondary education, Jenny is still keen       young girls with a platform to share
                                                      commenced in Year 7 in 1984 and 1986
    work and travel around the Goulburn                                                            to be part of the GVGS community.              ideas, along with creating a five- to
    Valley and beyond to inform people of                                                                                                         10-year advocacy plan to help Guides
                                                                                                   Last year, Jenny started volunteering at
    the new school and provide them with              Jenny, a nurse at the Shepparton                                                            advocate for issues they are passionate
                                                                                                   the tuckshop.
    information.                                      Private hospital, says “I was not good                                                      about.
                                                      at attending Mother’s Club meetings          “I started volunteering as I still wanted to   The role also recently gave her
    In the early days, there was also a number        because of my work commitments. But I        be involved in the school because it has
    of community events.                                                                                                                          the opportunity to be part of an
                                                      was always available to support in other     been part of my life for years”.               International Women’s Day panel
    “In October 1980 we held a fundraising            ways.                                                                                       where she shared her thoughts on
                                                                                                   “So I went last year a few times and have
    picnic under a gum tree in Grace’s                                                             just started back again this year. The food    providing an environment where young
                                                      “One of the first Mother’s Club Luncheons
    paddock.                                                                                       is just wonderful,” she said.                  girls can achieve anything.
                                                      was held in the Shepparton Football
    “There were a plethora of prams and               Clubrooms, we were heating up the main       “It has been such a privilege to be part       The position is initially for a three-year
    pushers. Now some of those children are           course in pie warmers”.                      of the GVGS community and I value the          term, and Ms Ekanayake hopes to use
    parents of present-day students.                                                               friendships that have resulted, even           that time to inspire young Guides to
                                                      “Now the Mother’s Club lunch is such a
                                                                                                   though my contributions to the school          make a change in the world for the
    “I remember someone saying that day,              grand affair. There have been many great
                                                                                                   have been minimal.”                            better.
    ‘This is the site of a great school’.”            inspirational speakers over the years”.

10 / GOU LBUR N VALLE Y GRA MMA R S CHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    NEXUS 2019 / 11
                2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     House Captains
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CLOCKWISE FROM TOP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LEFT: Dunlop House
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Captains - Jack Cassidy and
                        BACK ROW L-R:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Molly Cox; McLennan House
        Principal Mr Mark Torriero, Lucy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Captains - Matthew Price and
      Bourchier, Merdi Yamfu Bwanga,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Taryn Cameron; Ryall House
       Hugo King, Frederick Thompson,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Captains - Emily Schreck and
               Samuel Morgan, Samuel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lucy Worsfold; Fairley House
        Brown, Thomas Loughnan, Elly                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Captains - Jackson Barnett
       Miechel, Tegbir Kaur and Year 12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and Kate Adams.
      Coordinator Mrs Chelsea Pohlner.
         FRONT ROW L-R: Kate Lon Ho
          Kee, Sithmi Kulatunga, Laura
          Hatty, James Nethersole, Nell
         Ryan, Mia Lawley, Meg Eishold
                and Chloe Charnstrom.

                                   School Captain profile   Nell Ryan
                                                            N    ell Ryan started at GVGS in 2013
                                                                 as a Year 5 student and quickly
                                                            embraced the extracurricular activities
                                                                                                         the end of 2019, Nell received the
                                                                                                         Inaugural Reverend John Lever Award.
                                                                                                         The Reverend John Lever Award is
                                                                                                                                                    has been fantastic,”, she says. Although
                                                                                                                                                    she has focused much of her senior
                                                                                                                                                    studies on history, Nell’s aspirations
                                                                                                                                                                                                  in 2019 where she was fortunate
                                                                                                                                                                                                  enough to shadow an Anaesthetist and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  observe a variety of surgeries. “I got to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              isn’t only Olivia Bolton who has left a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              lasting impression on Nell. She recalls
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the impact 2019 School Community
                                                            the school had to offer. “I’ve always        presented by Ecumenical Schools            for the future are altogether different.      see so much,” she says. “I was really       prefect, Farhan Islam had on the GVGS
                                                            been involved in school productions…         Australia - a network of co-educational    “History is just something that I really      lucky, I got to sit in on an emergency      students during his leadership role and
                                                            I’ve been in all of them since I started     independent schools - and                  enjoy…I really want to do medicine            Caesarean…it was amazing.”                  the respect for him that echoed across
                                                            here in Year 5, except for one,” she         recognises Year 11 students who have       though.”                                                                                  all year levels. “I remember Farhan
                                                            says proudly. She was excited to             demonstrated a spirit of compassion,                                                     Although Nell plans to head straight to     learned the name of pretty much every
                                                                                                                                                    When quizzed as to why she’s planning         university in 2021, she has travel plans
                                                            pursue her passion for music, singing        resilience, the ability to connect with                                                                                              single person in the school…he made
                                                                                                                                                    on studying Medicine at Monash                in sight. Having already travelled to
                                                            and theatrics as a primary school            others and broad-mindedness. Nell is                                                                                                 a connection with everyone,” she says.
                                                                                                                                                    University next year, Nell’s answer is        Sumatra, Indonesia for the GVGS World
                                                            student, and this has continued right        also a badged netball umpire and has                                                                                                 “He genuinely cared for the school
                                                                                                                                                    quite extensive. “In Year 7 I became          Challenge in 2017/2018 and visited the
                                                            throughout her schooling. “I’ve been         navigated her way through some tricky                                                                                                community and I’d love to be able to
                                                                                                                                                    quite unwell, and through that I              USA for the GVGS STEM Tour in 2017,
                                                            singing for so long,” she says. “I started   situations, subsequently developing                                                                                                  emulate that.”
                                                                                                                                                    had the opportunity to meet some              Nell is looking forward to continuing
                                                            singing lessons when I was in primary        a strong sense of resilience during        incredible medical people,” she says.
                                                            school and I’m still doing them now.”        her time as an adjudicator. “It can                                                      her globetrotting after high school. “I’m   Recently, Nell hit a highly anticipated
                                                                                                                                                    Nell then details her relationship with       really looking forward to doing some        milestone as School Captain: her
                                                            The eldest of four children – Hugh (Year     sometimes be a bit intimidating…           Professor Sonia Grover from the Royal
                                                                                                         people can get very competitive, and                                                     overseas travel during the semester         prefect speech. “I did my prefect
                                                            8), Eve (Grade 4) and Ewan (Grade 1) –                                                  Children’s Hospital and Dr. Simon             breaks,” she says. “I love travelling.”     speech on Friday just gone; I can’t
                                                            the confident, outgoing, and articulate      they’re a fair bit older than me usually   Cohen from Monash Children’s Hospital
                                                                                                         too,” she says. “It’s been good; it’s                                                                                                believe it’s over,” she says of the
                                                            17 year old was humbled when she                                                        that developed during her time as a           With much of the year still to unfold,      bittersweet moment in time. “I’ve
                                                            was offered her senior leadership role       taught me how to stand my ground.”         patient. “For me, what those doctors          Nell is moving through 2020 with            always wanted to do a prefect speech,
                                                            for 2020. “My preferred [Year 12 prefect]    Nell has chosen to take on four            did for me at that time changed my            School Captain partner James                ever since year 5, and now it’s over.”
                                                            portfolios were Music and School             mainstream subjects for 2020 - English,    life,” she says. “If I could even have half   Nethersole and is guided by the words       When asked about her goals for 2020,
                                                            Community,” she says. “I wasn’t a Year       Chemistry, Mathematical Methods and        the impact they had on me on another          of wisdom from friend and 2019 School       Nell knows for certain what she wants
                                                            6 or Middle Years Leader, so getting this    Indonesian as a Second Language            person that would mean the world to           Captain, Olivia Bolton. “When I spoke       to get out of her time as GVGS School
                                                            position was a pleasant surprise.”           – as well as ‘VCE Plus History’; a La      me…that’s what drives me to want              with Olivia, she said to get involved       Captain. “I really want to leave a legacy
                                                            Although a significant responsibility        Trobe University subject. “Having Dr.      to study medicine.” Also confirming           with everything and to enjoy the year       once I’ve gone,” she says. “I want to
                                                            to take on during her final year of          von Güttner as my teacher for History      Nell’s desire to study medicine was           because it flies,” Nell says. “She also     have an impact on people.”
                                                            VCE, Nell felt she was adequately            Revolutions last year and now having       her work experience opportunity at            told me to make sure I’m organized; it
                                                            prepared to be School Captain. At            him as my tutor for my VCE Plus class      the St John of God Hospital in Ballarat       makes everything much easier.” But it

12 / GOU LBUR N VALLE Y GRA MMA R S CHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NEXUS 2019 / 13
Students achievements
                                                                                                                                    Canberra ‘Power-Trip’
                                                                                                                                     n November 2019 Lucy Bourchier, a then Year 11 student, earnt
                                                                                                                                     herself a trip to Canberra through the Country to Canberra

    Creating History
                                                                                                                                     competition. Country to Canberra is a programme which aims to
                                                                                                                                   empower young rural women to reach their leadership potential.
                                                                                                                                   The 2019 competition required entrants to write 400 words or create a
    C   ongratualtions to Aditya Bhattacharya who wrote
        the winning entry in the 2019 Historical Fiction
    Competition in the Year 5/6 category. Offered by the
                                                                                                                                   2-minute video addressing: ‘Overcoming the Odds - how can we push
                                                                                                                                   through the barriers to achieve gender equality’.
    History Teachers’ Association of Victoria (HTAV) students                                                                      Lucy chose to submit a written piece and was one of 15 girls selected
    were asked to create stories based on historical events                                                                        from across Australia who travelled to Canberra for the 5-day ‘power
    and people. Students could write about any period of                                                                           trip’. There they had a busy schedule of tours and workshops, they also
    history as long as the entry had a convincing setting that
                                                                                                                                   met with several female MP’s including Jacqui Lambie, Tanya Plibersek
    was historically correct in time and place.
                                                                                                                                   and Zali Steggall as well as the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison.
    Aditya, who was in Year 6 in 2019, chose to write about
                                                                                                                                   When asked what was the highlight of the trip Lucy said “probably
    his great -grandparents who came from Bangladesh,
                                                                                                                                   getting to meet all of the inspiring female politicians”.
    formerly East Pakistan. “My grandparents have told me
    many stories about their parents childhood experiences.                                                                        For more information regarding the programme visit:
    When I heard about this competition I immediately                                                                    
    wanted to choose this topic and began researching it. I
    researched it for several weeks before I finally submitted

                                                                                                                                                                                               Australia Day recognition
    the final entry” Aditya said.
    Last year’s success has inspired Aditya to once again

    submitted an entry for this year’s competition. “Fingers
                                                                                                                                                                                                      he winners of the 2020 Australia Day awards were announced at
    and toes crossed”, he said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ceremonies across Greater Shepparton on Sunday, January 26.
    For more information regarding the competition                                                                                                                                                    Congratulations go to GVGS student Sam Brown (Year 12) who                                                                                                                                                was the recipient of the Sports Award in the Shepparton region. Sam
                                                                                                                                                                                               is one of the highest-ranked juniors in Australasia in Dancesport. He
                                                                                                                                                                                               prides himself on being a great role model to younger children, whether
                                                                                                                                                                                               it be at school, tennis, soccer or dance. He is a good sport and fair to
                                                                                                                                                                                               all, always encouraging, mentoring and inspiring people to take up the
                                                                 GVGS ICAS record achievement                                                                                                  sport of dance. Sam promotes the benefits of health and fitness, both
                                                                                                                                                                                               in the social aspects and also the competitive arena. Sam has proudly

                                                                       or many years now GVGS students have had the                                                                            represented Shepparton on the national stage, winning multiple
                                                                       opportunity to participate in the ICAS competitions.                                                                    Australian titles. Sam is also involved in Kialla Scouts, Shepparton
                                                                       ICAS is an independent skill-based assessment                                                                           Lawn Tennis, Shepparton Junior Soccer and is a member of Richmond
                                                                 programme which tests primary and secondary school                                                                            Football Club.
                                                                 students in a variety of subjects. The test assesses skills and

                                                                                                                                   Honour Roll - 2019
                                                                 learning abilities and this year 980,000 entries were received
                                                                 from across Australia. Medals are awarded to the individual

                                                                 student from a year level who achieves the top score in the          n addition to the Presentation Night academic awards,
                                                                 state for a subject.                                                 students are acknowledged for their leadership and
                                                                 Through their commitment to learning 5 GVGS students                 service. Also to be acknowledged is the addition of
                                                                 were awarded an ICAS medal at the official presentation           the inaugural Reverend John Leaver Award Ecumenical
                                                                                                                                                                                               Nell Ryan                  Patrick Bolton               Olivia Bolton                Farhan Islam
                                                                 ceremony in Melbourne on Saturday, November 23, 2019.             Schools Australia Prize. GVGS is a proud member of the      The Reverend John Leaver   Senior All-Rounder Award     Principal's Senior Award     Senior Citizenship Award
                                                                 This is a record number of GVGS students to earn the              Ecumenical Schools Australia (ESA) which is a valuable      Award Ecumenical Schools   The Maxwell Brown            for Service to the School    The Hunter Family Prize
                                                                 annually presented medals and it should be noted of the           resource in terms of funding, leadership, teaching ‘best    Australia Prize            Memorial Prize

                                                                 8 ICAS Writing medals awarded to Year 10-12 Victorian             practice’ and compliance. Reverend John Leaver was
                                                                 participants 4 of them were presented to GVGS students. It is     a key figure in establishing ESA. Founding three of the
                                                                 also the second time Cliona Ingram has been awarded with          current member schools, he also served as Chaplain at
                                                                 the ICAS Writing medal having earnt one in 2018.                  The Peninsula School (a ESA member) for over 30 years.
                                                                                                                                   John provided outstanding encouragement, support and
                                                                 ICAS Writing medals were presented to Farhan Islam (Year          guidance throughout GVGS’ application process to join
                                                                 12, 2019), Akhil Gadde (Year 10, 2019), Cliona Ingram (Year       ESA. He passed away in 2018. All VESS member schools        Tom Nethersole              Anna Howell                     Ruby O’Callaghan
                                                                                                                                                                                               Junior Citizenship Award    Principal’s Junior Award        Year 5/6 All-Rounder,
                                                                 10, 2019) and Alexandra Ashburner-Hill (Year 11, 2019).           have been offered the opportunity to present this award     The Parents & Friends       for Service to the School       The Glen Edwards Prize
                                                                 Lucy Bourchier (Year 11, 2019) was awarded an ICAS English        to one student each year.                                   Association Prize

14 / GOU LBUR N VALLE Y GRA MMA R S CHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NEXUS 2019 / 15
Staff news                                                                                                                                  Mr Widdicombe with wife Chris and
                                                                                                                                                                  sons Sam (left) and Oliver.

     The at end of each year GVGS
     recognises the contribution of
     long serving staff. 2019 saw
     a number of significant GVGS
     staff milestones.                                                                                                                         Mr Widdicombe
                                                                                                                                               A   fter 26 years at Goulburn Valley
                                                                                                                                                   Grammar School, Mr Mal Widdicombe
                                                                                                                                               taught his final mathematics class at the
                                                                                                                                               end of last year.
                                                                                                                                               Following a decision to relocate to
                                                                                                                                               Geelong with his wife Chris, the school          Most recently he held the position of         curricular activities including coaching
                                                                                                                                               farewelled Mal - a much admired and well-        Coordinator of Senior Mathematics and         football, cricket and basketball, playing
                                                                                                                                               respected member of the teaching cohort.         Data Analytics which saw him pioneer the      in many staff verse students sport
                                                                                                                                               He admits the move was not an easy               PATAR system, learn growth calculations       competitions, international exchange
                                                                                                                                               decision to make, saying he greatly misses       and excel in the new AYRA learning            programmes, Italy tours and was a regular
                                                                                                                                               the staff and students at GVGS and the           analytics platform.                           attendee of the yearly school reunions.
                                                                                                                                               memories he made at the school since his

    Mrs Mary Bayly
                                                                                                                                                                                                Mal also proudly witnessed his three          With a proud list of achievements from his
                                                                                                                                               commencement in 1994.                            children - Emma class of 2013, Sam            26 years at GVGS, Mal admits he could not
                                                                                                                                               “I miss all the people I worked with at          class of 2015 and Oliver class of 2018 -      pick just one highlight from his time at the
                30 Years of service                                                                                                            GVGS, especially in places like the maths
                                                                                                                                               office and around the admin building
                                                                                                                                                                                                move their way through the school who,
                                                                                                                                                                                                much like their father, made significant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              He said staff, students, the wider
                                                                                                                                               where I spent so much time,” he said.            contributions to the GVGS community.          community and everyone else he met

    A   fter 30 years at Goulburn Valley
        Grammar School there are countless
    things Mary Bayly says have made her
                                                   for an interview and instantly fell in love
                                                   with the school and its facilities.
                                                                                                 With her two sons Harris and Max also
                                                                                                 attending the school throughout the
                                                                                                 years Mrs Bayly admits she will always
                                                                                                                                               “Shepparton was really great for our family
                                                                                                                                               and we loved it there.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                “It was an amazing school to teach at and
                                                                                                                                                                                                the friendliness of the school community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              along the way made his time at GVGS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              hugely memorable and a real highlight of
                                                   Appointed to the school on February 1,                                                      Mal accepted a job at the school as an           and beautiful grounds made it an              his teaching career.
    time in the job so memorable. But one                                                        fondly look back on her time at GVGS.         Information Technology teacher in 1994           awesome place to teach,” he said.
                                                   1990 Mrs Bayly began her role as Head of                                                                                                                                                   “The best thing about the school is it’s
    thing that stands out the most she says is                                                                                                 after previously living and working in
                                                   Accounting and Keyboard Skills teacher.       “Probably the only reason I have been                                                          “The culture, of it being a good thing to     people and I really enjoyed working with
    the students.                                                                                                                              Darwin.
                                                   She went on to teach Industry and             here 30 years is because it’s a hard school                                                    excel in your studies, is something that      the staff, teaching the students and getting
    Over the past three decades Mrs Bayly has                                                    to leave - I can’t think of another school    Also teaching Physics early on, Mal said         is so hard to achieve and most schools        to know the community over that time,”
                                                   Enterprise and junior Humanities studies,
    taught hundreds of students who have                                                         where I would really enjoy teaching or        his love for “magnificent mathematics”           would give anything to have that culture      Mal said.
                                                   along with being a Year Level Tutor and
    come through the school gates each year.                                                     really want to be,” she said.                 reigned supreme and saw him teach the            as entrenched as it is at Grammar.”           “I also always loved going back to
                                                   Year Level Coordinator.
    While teaching Business and Humanities                                                                                                     subject for the majority of his time at the      Mal’s professional achievements saw           reunions in November as I am always in
                                                   Over the years she has also been involved     “It’s the culture of the school really, the   school teaching both VCE Unit 3 and 4
    studies she has gotten to know many                                                                                                                                                         him serve as a VCE assessor in both           awe of what our students have gone on
                                                   with the school’s Senior Leadership           culture is such a positive one - when         Mathematical Methods and Specialist
    students who she fondly remembers –                                                                                                                                                         Information Technology and Mathematical       to do – it is humbling to think you had a
                                                   Team along with being appointed the           students come here they actually learn.”      Mathematics classes.
    some she even keeps in contact with                                                                                                                                                         Methods, run countless parent                 small part in helping them along and way
                                                   Business Studies and Humanities Heads
    today.                                                                                                                                     In his second year at GVGS Mal took up the       information evenings, communicate the         and incredibly satisfying.”
                                                   of Department.                                While the industry has seen many
                                                                                                                                               role of Head of Senior School which paved        intricacies of VCE and ATAR calculations      Mal is relocating to Geelong after 26 years
    “It doesn’t feel like 30 years, I suppose                                                    changes over the years, including
                                                   Her co-curricular involvement is wide                                                       the way for a number of other leadership         and processes, all the while finding time     of outstanding teaching and leadership
    it’s hard for me to think of any times I                                                     the introduction of e-learning and
                                                   and varied including school productions,                                                    roles he held during his time including          to complete a Bachelor of Laws while          and has accepted a VCE coordination
    wasn’t here, but the time has gone really                                                    the opportunities this presents in the
                                                   Tournament of the Minds, SRC,                                                               Year Level Coordinator, Staff Mentor, VASS       working at the school.                        and Senior Mathematics teaching role at
    quickly,” she said.                                                                          classroom, Mrs Bayly said she believes
                                                   Presentation Balls, World Vision Group                                                      Coordinator and VCAA Coordinator.                He also involved himself in many co-          Geelong Grammar School.
                                                                                                 the culture of the school will always out
    “A variety of students for a variety of        and for many years leading the ANZAC
                                                                                                 weigh the facilities.
    reasons have made contact in the last          Day service.
    few years and it’s been really special,
    it’s just lovely - it’s really heartening to
                                                   Over the past 30 years Mrs Bayly has also     With students and teachers arriving with
                                                                                                 a smile on their faces each day, she said
                                                                                                                                               20 Years of service
                                                   worked as a VCE Exam Assessor and a                                                         We know that this wonderful school culture and
    think you have impacted on people in a                                                       she hopes to continue teaching at the
                                                   State Reviewer, two titles she says she                                                     physical environment is due to the outstanding
    positive way.”                                                                               school for many years to come.
                                                   holds in high regard.                                                                       teamwork of our staff. The stability provided
    Previously working at Aldrige State High                                                                                                   by long-term staff who hold the institutional
                                                   Along with this more than 15 of her           “For me that’s more important than
    School in Queensland, Mrs Bayly said a                                                                                                     memory and culture of the school and play a
                                                   students have received Premier’s Awards       anything else - resources, technology or
    move to beat the heat was on the cards.                                                                                                    particularly important role. In 2019 we thanked
                                                   for their work in Industry and Enterprise     academic results - that feeling that you
                                                                                                                                               and congratulates the following staff for their      Mrs Clare Nolen     Mrs Chelsea Pohlner   Mrs Anne Smith      Mrs Jo Yarwood
    After hearing of vacancies available at        - something which clearly demonstrates        and the students are on the same side as
    GVGS she and her husband Steve came            her skill and passion for the study.          each other,” Mrs Bayly said.                  20 years of service to the school:

16 / GOU LBUR N VALLE Y GRA MMA R S CHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                NEXUS 2019 / 17
Past student news - the Class of 2014
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Past student news

                                                                                                         Geelong. Played Division 2 NCAA Basketball          CHARLOTTE GEMMILL: Studied at Australian            decided what I wanted to do. The following        CLAIRE MARRIOTT: In 2015 took a gap year
                                                                                                         for college at University of Wisconsin, Parkside.   Institute of Music. Signed a record deal with       year I decided to start at RMIT. I commenced      and travelled to Europe. From 2016 to 2019,
                                                                                                         RILEIGH EYLES: Studying a Bachelor of               Universal Music. Signed a publishing deal.          a double degree Bachelor of Applied Science       I studied a Bachelor of Rural Science at the
                                                                                                         Education (Primary). Currently working as a         Toured with Matt Corby, and through Europe          and Chiropractic, which I am currently still      University of New England, Armidale NSW.
                                                                                                         Nanny.                                              with Dean Lewis.                                    in. Have just finished my 4th year and have       I completed my Honours as part of my final
                                                                                                                                                             RACHEL GRAHAM: Attended the Class of 2014,          one year remaining. I am living in Richmond       year. Recently accepted a graduate position
                                                                                                         RYAN EVANS: Have been employed at Tatura
                                                                                                                                                             5 Year Reunion.                                     and love it and planning to become a Yoga         with the Australian Agricultural Company. I
                                                                                                         Milk manufacturing plant since finishing Year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 instructor in my free-time in 2020.               attended Robb College, where I was an active
                                                                                                         12. Started an electrical apprenticeship at         AARON HOEY: Graduated Bachelor of Science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AMI-SHEREE LAFFY: Completed Bachelor              member in many aspects of College life.
                                                                                                         Thales, Benalla in 2019.                            in 2017. Commenced work at JPS Health and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of Applied Science (Psychology) in 2017 and       Played and coached the Robb A-Grade netball
                                                                                                         SOPHIE EVANS: Attended the Class of 2014, 5         Fitness 2018.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)       team over 4 years. Deputy Senior Resident
                                                                                                         Year Reunion.                                       LILY INNES-IRONS: Attended the Class of                                                               Tutor, 2018. Have been selected as a member
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in 2018 at RMIT University. Currently working
                                                                                                         MIA FALLON: After taking a gap year and             2014, 5 Year Reunion.                                                                                 of the 2020 Australian National Meat Judging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 as an Outreach Mental Health Support Worker
                                                                                                         working as the Sports Trainee at GVGS, I            EMANUEL JACOBS: Studied Bachelor of                 and Team Supervisor for NDIS support service      Team to travel to the USA in January.
                                                                                                         began studying a Bachelor of Pharmacy               Science at Monash University. Currently             Conscious Care. Now a Youth Advisor for           TORI MARWOOD: Attended the Class of 2014,
                                                                                                         at Monash University, Parkville. I have just        employed as a Forensic Scientist.                   Headspace Elsternwick, advocating for youth       5 Year Reunion.
                                                                                                         accepted a full-time Pharmacy Intern position       NICHOLAS JOHNSON: Studied Civil                     mental health in the surrounding community.       NICHOLAS McCALLUM: Completed a
                                                                                                         at Barwon Health, Geelong for 2020 following        Engineering and Business at Swinburne               OLIVIA LARSON: Completed Bachelor of              Bachelor of Environments in 2017 at the
                                                                                                         my graduation at the end of 2019. I have            University until 2016. In 2017 I began a            Science 2015-2017 and lived at St Hilda’s         University of Melbourne. Currently completing
                                                                                                         been playing netball for Mooroopna Cats             carpentry apprenticeship and will be qualified      2015-2016. Research support Peter MacCallum       a Master of Urban Planning.
                                                                                                         while studying. I have just had my second ACL       in 2020. Best decision I have ever made and
                                                                                                         reconstruction, the first was while I was in Year                                                       Cancer Centre 2017-2019. Doctor of                MOLLIE MERRIGAN: From 2015-2016 I studied
                                                                                                                                                             love going to work every day. Spend most
    Every year, class reunions are                    JASON COHEN: I moved to Melbourne in               12 at GVGS.                                         of my spare time surfing. I began a small
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Physiotherapy 2019. I also took a gap year and    a Bachelor of Health/Science at Latrobe
                                                      2015 to study a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of                                                                                                               travelled overseas for 4 months in 2018.          University, Bundoora and lived at Menzies
    held at GVGS. Attendees from the                  Commerce at Deakin University in Burwood. I
                                                                                                         FREYA FINDLAY: Completed undergraduate              business manufacturing surfboards.
                                                                                                         studies in Politics and Sociology and                                                                   EMILY LAWSON: Graduated Bachelor of               College. At the end of 2016, I decided to go
    Class of 2014, held on November                   graduated with majors in Film and Television                                                           DYLAN KARUNARATNA: Completed a                      Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne in     abroad on a working holiday visa. I lived in
                                                                                                         a concurrent Diploma of Languages in                Bachelor of Biomedical Science and a
    23, 2019 were provided with                       and Accounting. Spent my final year as a News                                                                                                              2017. In 2018 commenced Doctor of Medicine        Edinburgh, Scotland for 2 years and returned
                                                                                                         Indonesian. Enjoyed a break between studies         Bachelor of Science at Monash University
                                                      Camera Operator/Editor and have been full                                                                                                                  at the University of Melbourne. Over this time,   home to Australia in August 2019. During my
    the opportunity to share their                    time for the past year. I have also continued as
                                                                                                         and spent 2019 gaining experience and               2018. Now going to study a Master of                I was an academic tutor at St Hilda’s College.    time in Edinburgh, I worked for a catering
                                                                                                         working in legal administration and also for
    personal achievements since                       a TV freelancer on weekends.
                                                                                                         a not for profit organisation in Melbourne.
                                                                                                                                                             Engineering (Biomedical and Business) at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ANDREA MARTIN: I took a gap year in 2015          company called Heritage Portfolio, mainly
                                                                                                                                                             the University of Melbourne in 2020. Currently
    leaving GVGS.                                     EMMA COSSAR: After completing my 4th year          Returning to studies in 2020, undertaking                                                               and travelled to Canada and Hong Kong.            based at the Signet Library. I was lucky to work
                                                      at Deakin University in Geelong I am now                                                               working with NAB for the Superannuation                                                               at the Royal Garden Party in July and the 2019
                                                                                                         a masters of Public Policy with the hope of                                                             Studied a Double Diploma of Travel and
    DALE BEETON: Graduated Bachelor of                completing my Masters in Organisational                                                                Company, MLC in the Wealth Operations team.                                                           BBC Showcase that featured appearances
                                                                                                         working in the area of social policy. I have                                                            Tourism and Business. Started at Flight Centre
    Commerce 2017. Working full time as Senior        Psychology at Deakin in Burwood. Through                                                               After completing my undergraduate degree                                                              from Sir David Attenborough and Dr Brian Cox.
                                                                                                         relocated to Melbourne and enjoyed settling                                                             in 2017 and have worked at the Shepparton
    Accountant at KPMG.                               my studies, I have primarily worked in mental                                                          in 2018, I travelled around Scandinavia and                                                           I have also travelled through Europe.
                                                                                                         into a lively city. Have met a wonderful range                                                          Office and Melbourne Airport Office.
                                                      health and disability outreach. Volunteered                                                            Sri Lanka. In my spare time, I play cricket for a
    EMMA BLACK: Studied a Bachelor of                                                                    of people through college, university and work                                                          Participated in a dance
                                                      with AIME, where I worked with Aboriginal                                                              team in Melbourne.
    Commerce, majoring in Marketing at Deakin                                                            and during my break from study have also                                                                group to Hong Kong in
    University at Burwood. I was fortunate to         teenagers in the Geelong area. I have recently     enjoyed travelling.                                 LAURA KEPPEL: Attended the Class of 2014, 5         2015 and performed
    receive a graduate job at Ford Motor Company      started teaching undergraduate Psychology at                                                           Year Reunion.                                       at Disneyland. Played
                                                                                                         JESSICA FISHER: Completed a Bachelor
    of Australian in their Marketing and Sales        Deakin. While living and studying in Geelong,                                                          MADELEINE KUCZYNSKI: Started at Latrobe             ‘extra’ roles in TV
                                                                                                         of Arts (Psychology & Forensic Science) at
    division. My current role is an Accessories       I played netball and this year started playing                                                         University and stayed at Glenn College in           films such as Picnic at
                                                                                                         Swinburne University in Melbourne. During
    Marketing Analyst. I took a gap year after        football. I have also spent time fostering and                                                         2015. Studied a Bachelor of Science until I         Hanging Rock.
                                                                                                         that time gained an AUSTSWIM qualification,
    Year 12. I went to Canada for 4 months and        rehoming cats and kittens.
                                                                                                         and worked as a swim teacher at Melbourne
    volunteered at a summer camp in the Rocky         JESSIE COX: Completed a Bachelor of                City Baths. Currently still swim teaching and
    Mountains, teaching children to ride horses.      Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne         have also become an afterschool educator
    At Deakin University, I lived on campus for 2     in 2017, majoring in Human Structure and           in Melbourne. I was a founding member of
    years and in my second year volunteered as        Function and I am now studying a Doctor of         the Swinburne Badminton Club & remained
    a Residential Leader. I was excited to receive    Medicine also at the University of Melbourne.      a committee member during most of my
    Deakin University’s Bowater Trust Medal for       This year I moved to Bendigo for my first year     time at University. I continuously work on my
    my contribution and academic achievement          of Clinical Placement at Bendigo Hospital.         photography and have become a freelance
    throughout my degree.                             During my studies I have worked as a               photographer, photographing dance schools
    ALISHA BUCHANAN: I worked in hospitality for      secondary school maths and science tutor.          & concerts, families, weddings and balls.
    a few years. I found my passion working for the   TRENT DIMITROPOULOS: Attended the Class            ELLEN FORSTER: Studied undergraduate
    Victorian Government in an outward-facing         of 2014, 5 Year Reunion.                           Medicine, graduating in 2021. Rural placement
    community role. I have travelled to many          GEORGINA EISHOLD: Graduated from the               in Sale 2019. Completing a BMEDSC                                                                                  Tilly Dalton and JamesFROM  TOP LEFT: L-R - Dale Beeton, John Nicoll, Eloise Vaughan,
    countries over the past 5 years with plans for    University of Wisconsin, Parkside with a           Research at Alfred NRTI in 2020. Have had 3                                                                                             Emanuel Jacobs, and Kyrra Rea; Brady Webster, Trent
    future travel. I have a miniature dachshund,      Bachelor of Science, majoring in Psychology.       volunteering overseas medical trips to Ghana,                                                                                           Dimitropoulos, Madeleine Kuczynski, Charlotte Gemmill and
    Rufus.                                            Moved back to Australia, working as a Personal     Malawi, Zimbabwe and Nepal with Volta Aid                                                                                               Rileigh Eyles; Bronte O’Connor, James Caldwell, Sophie Evans,
    THOMAS CAUGHEY: Attended the Class of             Trainer in Echuca and have been accepted to        Foundation, Team Med and Pangea Global                                                                                                  Ella Murdoch and Alisha Buchanan.
    2014, 5 Year Reunion                              start my Masters of Social Work with Deakin,       Health Education.

18 / GOU LBUR N VALLE Y GRA MMA R S CHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NEXUS 2019 / 19
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