Ngaruawahia Primary School

Page created by Francisco Sims
Ngaruawahia Primary School
saw each of our 4 NETBALL teams in weekend being awarded a number
        Ngaruawahia Primary School                                             of medals and ribbons because they were successfully placed in their
                                                                               sections, ‘Teamwork ‘saw the effectiveness of our 10 week afterschool
                           ~Mana te Tuatahi~
                               ~Honour First~                                  Tainui Iwi sponsored Literacy Reading programme making a difference
                                                                               in the student’s reading achievements,
                                                                               ‘Teamwork’ saw all students being provided valuable learning
                                                                               opportunities through education outside the classes experiences i.e zoo
                                                                               visit, museum visit, Amazing race event, Ngaruawahia High School
 Issue 9 & 10 Term 2                                 Thursday 7th July, 2016   Expo, Matariki day etc… ‘Teamwork” has seen the successful elections
                                                                               and appointment of our school’s Board of Trustees and new teaching
               Galileo Street, P.O. Box 95, Ngaruawahia                        staff and ’teamwork’ has seen US teachers presenting school wide
                     Ph (07) 824 8426 Fax (07) 824 5953                        student data in Reading, Writing and Maths in relation to National
                     E-mail                       Standards as from February 2016 to June 2016 to the Board which will
                                                                               be shared with Parents/Caregivers first week of next Term.
Tena koutou katoa
                                                                               I take this opportunity to acknowledge our hardworking and dedicated
Quote for Today                                                                team of teachers, support staff, the Board of Trustees, our outside
               “It always seems impossible until its done”
                                                                               agencies and parents/caregivers who have actively contributed to our
                                                                               school’s successes. It is greatly appreciated!!!!!      Mana te Tuatahi
                       TERM 2 REFLECTIONS
As principal of Ngaruawahia Primary School I am proud and
                                                                               Enjoy the well deserved holiday break with your families and tamariki.
privileged to be part of a dedicated and committed team i.e. Board of
                                                                               We look forward to another stimulating and exciting Term
Trustees teachers, support staff i.e. teacher aides, administration , clean-
                                                                               recommencing Monday 25th July.
ing/caretaker, Resource Teachers, SWIS (Support worker in Schools)
public agencies like KIDSCAN, Fonterra, Breakfast Club, the Sand-
wich Gang, parent helpers/caregivers …...who (as our school’s mission          Farewell to Leaving Staff Members
statement states;)                                                             We would like to take this opportunity again to acknowledge Whaea
                                                                               Rose, Whaea Miriama and Whaea Tavoi for their many contributions,
...provide effective learning opportunities that allow all                     commitments and dedication they have given our tamariki and school
learners to achieve their full potential.                                      during their time with us. As mentioned “teamwork” has impacted on
                                                                               our school’s successes and these teachers have indeed been invaluable
It has been a busy term ONCE AGAIN. Being back in the classroom                team players. We wish them all the very best and no doubt we will
has reaffirmed that our focus to accelerate our students achievement           continue to keep in contact with them.
levels is happening and that “Teamwork /‘Kotahitanga” is a major
contributing factor which is turning this into reality.                        We would also like to thank Matua Awatea who has shared teaching
                                                                               with myself in Room 8 for the last 4 - 5 weeks. His contributions and
‘Teamwork’ saw last Friday’s ‘Expo” event highlighting our students            support for myself and our students has been greatly appreciated.
abilities to confidently share their learning with everyone, ‘Teamwork’        He mihi nui ki a koe e Matua!
Ngaruawahia Primary School
Calendar of Events
                                                                                              Wednesday 6th July        Parent Interviews                12:30– 6:00pm
Parent Interviews
Thank you to the many whanau who attended last nights Parent Interviews.                      Friday 8th July           Whole School Assembly            11:15am
Educational Research indicates that when schools (like ours) have parents/                                              Last Day of the Term             1:00pm
caregivers who take an active interest in their children education, success in                Wednesday 20th July       BOT Meeting Staffroom            4:00pm
raising student achievement levels is evident. Having a strong home/school                    Monday 25th July          First Day of Term
relationship is therefore of utmost importance. For Ngaruawahia Primary
School we know whanaungatanga (family oriented) is what makes us unique.                                                  SCHOOL CLOSING EARLY
                                                                                                                           FRIDAY 8th July at 1 p.m.
For those who were unable to attend, we will organise another time to meet
with you in the near future. Classroom teachers will contact you individually                   As it is the last day of the term, school will be closing early at 1 p.m. We ask that
to confirm a suitable time for you.                                                                     parents/caregivers please make arrangements for their children to be
                                                                                                                                 collected at this time.

                                                                                                     NGARUAWAHIA PRIMARY SCHOOL ”Student Roll of Honor”
                                                                                                     We congratulate these wonderful recipients for being OUTSTANDING
                                                                                                        students at Ngaruawahia Primary School in WEEKS—7 and 8
                                                                                                                         TUMEKE TAMARIKI MA!

                                                                                                                                                        Week 7
                                                                                                                                             Te Huinga Crosby, Ngahiraka
                                                                                                                                        Pohoiwi-Horne, Sharnty Randall, Jaylain
                                                                                                                                      Pohoiwi-Horne, Legend Tukere-Fraser, Azaria
                                                                                                                                            Punga-Mathews, Phoenix Houia,
                                                                                                                                                     Anie Herbert,
On Friday we extended a warm welcome to our new staff members. The students and                                                            Demazyane Reti, Chaz Thompson,
staff were amazing                                                                                                                                 Stafford Waraki

The netball season for our 4 Netball teams was very successful. Each team were placed in                         Week 8
their sections and won medals and / or ribbons. A huge thank you to all our committed           Rangimarie Miller, Lestant Noda, Te Ataiti
coaches, managers and                                             umpires who made the           Poasa-Pomana, Braxton Wilson, Waka
season for our tamariki                                           such an AWESOME               Mathews, Stafford waraki, Te Ingoa Tukere
event. A special mention                                          to Whaea Joyce the Nga-
ruawahia Primary School                                           netball
co-ordinator. All aspects                                         of netball ran like clock
work under her leadership.                                        He mihi nui ki a koe e      Week 9
Whaea!!!                                                                                      Tyler Starnes, Jaiden-Chanel Taha, Chrome Nahu-Mahara, Bobby-Joe Thompson,
                                                                                              Hori McGarvey, Monique Pocock, Unique Simon-Wharakura, Chelsea Tengu,
                                                                                              Hinematioro Hiwinui, Bailee Wetere-Kumeroa, Pono Herbert
Ngaruawahia Primary School
                                 TERM 3

Principal                             Maria Hamill
Deputy Principal (Snr/MiddleSchool)   Sarah Hack
Assistant Principal (Technology)      Pratima Achari
                                                                                      Last week on Friday the 1st July we put on a School Expo day for
                                                                                   Parents, Whanau’s, Schools and Kindy’s in the area. The expo was a lot
Senior/Middle School Syndicate
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL                      Sarah Hack           Room 9       Year 7/8   of fun. The Staff and Students put so much effort into making the expo
Fixed Term                            T.B.A                Room 8       Year 6/7                       an incredible experience for all.
Scale A                               Te Waaka Konui       Room 6       Year 5/6     Thank you to everyone that came and showed your support for our
Scale A                               Erica Stewart        Room 5       Year 4/5                             Tamariki’s learning.
Junior School Syndicate
Fixed Term                            Ange Birks           Room 3       Year 3/4
Scale A                               Kim Rangihika        Room 2       Year 1/2
SENIOR TEACHER                        Andrea Arnott        Room 1       Year 0/1

Technology Syndicate
ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL                   Pratima Achari       Food / Soft Materials
Scale A                               Scott Callis         Electronics / Control
Scale A                               Johnny Regnier       Biotechnology
Scale A                               Geoff Irving         Hard Materials

Early Intervention Syndicate
                                      Mawhera McNicol
Teacher Aides                         Anne Tuki
Librarian / IT                        Hohi Moeke

Support Worker (Part time)            Karen Tata           (SWIS)
RTLB                                  Helyn Huirama
Public Health Nurse                   Airini Hopa

Caretaker/Cleaning Syndicate
CLEANING TEAM LEADER                  Anne Tuki
Part time Cleaners                    Sharee Whanakore
                                      Joyce Symons
Caretaker (Fulltime)                  Ashley Turner

Administration Syndicate
Personal Assistant                    Pauline Haydon
School Secretary                      Danielle Lightfoot
Ngaruawahia Primary School
Attention Year 8 Students / 2017 Year 9 Students!
                                                                                               School prospectuses are coming out now.
                                                                                       Make sure you enrol into your chosen High School NOW!
                                                                                     Attend your parent interview in week 10 to receive your school
                                                                                                       report for your enrolment.
                                                                                  HAMILTON BOYS HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                  ENROLMENTS FOR 2017
                                                                                                                                               Hillcrest High School
                                                                                  Enrolment Applications open: Mon 30 May 2016
                                                                                  Information Evening: 6 - 8pm Wed 6 July 2016               Open Day/Evening:
                                                                                                                                             Thursday 4th August
                                                                                  Open Day: Tues 9 Aug 2016                                  9:15—1:30—5:30
                                                                                  Tours and Headmaster’s Address:
                                                                                  9.30am 11.30am 1.30pm                                      Phone: 07 8570297
                                                                                  Yr 9 Enrolment Applications close: Wed 31 Aug    
                                                                                  Yr 9 Ballot: Fri 9 Sep 2016
                                                                                  Yr 9 Notification by: Fri 23 Sep 2016

                                                                                  HAMILTON BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                  Phone: 07 853 0440                                            Saint Pauls Collegiate
                                                                                  Email:                                      School
                                                                                  or visit                                       Apply now for
                                                                                  Enrolment packs are available                                          2017
                                                                                  by contacting the school.                                  Open Day:
                                                                                                                                             Sat 3rd Sept 2pm
                                                                                 Hamilton Girls High School
                                                                                                                                             Tihoi Open Day:
LOST PROPERTY                                                                    Year 9 Enrolment Applications close Wed 31st August.        Sun 11 Sep 8am
Will be out for collection on Friday Morning, Please make sure you have a look   OPEN DAY:         Tuesday 9th August
for anything that your child may have been missing.                                                Please report to Auditorium               Phone: 07 9578899
                                                                                                   1:30pm or 5:00pm

                                                                                 Ph: 07 8391304                                              Email:
                         Up Coming Birthdays                                     Email:                   
Tamatu Matika, Chloe Mclaren, Zion Miller, Te Hira Mulhern, Phoenix Paul,
    Kasdal Pohoiwi, Tiomeiha, Pohoiwi-Horne, Jvl-De’brighton Taha,               FRASER HIGH SCHOOL                            Ring now for an enrolment Pack and book an
    Tokorangi Taiaroa, Renae Tamati, Toko Tamati, Mikaere Te Tomo,               Information Evening: Thursday 28 July         appointment
                           Santana Waitere                                       Fraser High School Hall at 5.30 pm            Ph:847 9044
                                                                                 Open Day: Wednesday 3rd August– 9am—5pm       Email:
                                                                                 Year 8 Fraser Days: Thursday 17th Nov 9-3pm
Ngaruawahia Primary School Ngaruawahia Primary School Ngaruawahia Primary School Ngaruawahia Primary School Ngaruawahia Primary School Ngaruawahia Primary School
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