Friday Post Friday 7th February 2020 - st. leonard's first school

Page created by Katie Powell
Friday Post Friday 7th February 2020 - st. leonard's first school
Friday Post
                                                     Friday 7th February 2020

                        Our School Value: Courage
   The mouse (Edie) was                                       Tovah has been “making porridge”
finding her ‘inner brave’ to
talk to the lion (Miss King!)

                                    Taking exercise in the

                                            School Councillors are discussing various school
                                          projects including a new recycling system in school.

  A fantastic performance
   from our Dancers on
  Tuesday at Wolgarston
    High School’s Dance

Executive Headteacher: Mrs T.A Parton,
St Leonard’s First School & Nursery,
School Lane, Dunston, ST18 9AG
Tel: 01785 712488
Friday Post Friday 7th February 2020 - st. leonard's first school
School Attendance
            Please search for                       27/01/2020 - 31/01/2020
        St Leonards First School
               & Nursery                                   Class Foxes
         We currently have 78                                 95.8%
      followers on our Facebook
       page - please help us to                            Well Done!
             reach 100!!

 As all children
 now take part
in the ‘Daily Mile’ please make sure they
have a filled and NAMED water bottle in
             school everyday.

                       Last week in ECO club
                       the children helped to
                      put up 3 bird boxes and
                          2 bat boxes. They
                         learnt how to use a
                       hammer safely and to
                      understand where best
                        to place the boxes in
                       the woodland to help
                          the birds and bats
                                thrive.               Our new Parent App
                                                       ‘The Parent APP’
                                                Download and search for ‘Leonards’ to
                                                  keep up to date with current news.
                                                Once you have downloaded the app to
                                                 your phone you can get notifications
                                                when we add diary dates or events to
                                                             our website.
Friday Post Friday 7th February 2020 - st. leonard's first school
Children in Church
                           Thursday 6th February

George showed great courage yesterday
 as he trusted Reverend Sue during our
           Collective Worship.

                                          George said “I did a ‘bush tucker trial’
                                          with Reverend Sue. There were three
                                           boxes, I had the courage to put my
                                          hand in to the boxes, when I couldn’t

   “In the first one was Lego, in the
 second one was cold baked beans, it
felt like slime! In the third box was a
   chocolate Mars Bar, I kept that!”
George felt happy that he had been so

                                             The choir lead singing and signing
                                            our school hymn ‘This Little Light of
Friday Post Friday 7th February 2020 - st. leonard's first school
Stars of the Week
       Bow         George M Isla

             Keston           Oliver
   Well Done Everyone!

                 A reminder that our school car
                 park is for staff & visitors only.
                   Please ensure other family
                members who drop off or collect
                          are informed.
                Thank you for your co-operation.

  Family                                   Family
                             To sign family put together your index
                            finger and middle finger on each hand.
                          Then place them on top of each other, this
                           makes the sign for the letter “F”. Once in
                          place move your hands in a clockwise circle
                                      whilst saying “Family”

Makaton - in school we use Makaton which is a language
 programme that gives everyone a helping hand to talk.
Friday Post Friday 7th February 2020 - st. leonard's first school
Sickness & Diarrhoea
                                      Can we please remind
                                       parents if your child
    We are planning two exciting     has been suffering from
  activities to celebrate World Book    either sickness or
     Day on Thursday 5th March.
                                       diarrhoea that they
Firstly, children may come to school   should not return to
dressed as a character from a book.   school until 48 hours after they were
  If you have a copy of the book in
                                                      last ill.
 which the character appears, bring
            that along too!              Thank you for your co-operation

 Secondly, we would like children to
     bring in photos of themselves
  reading a book in a very unusual
(but safe) place. There will be a prize         Thanks for filling up the box with old
    for the best idea in each class.           toners we will be sending them off this
 Photos may be brought into school week but you will still be able to bring any
   or emailed to the office any time                     you have into school.
     between now and 5th March.
                                                Thursday 13th February children are
                Reading Books & Book Bags      invited to wear pyjamas and wellies to
             Could parents please make sure   school for a £1 donation. All funds raised
               that the children bring their
                                                will be added to the class wellies and
  book bags to school EVERY day and return
   any reading books that you may have at    money will then be used to make the wellie
             home. Thank you.                                    racks.
                                        Children can then bring their party clothes
                                        to change into ready for the school disco 3-
                                        4.30pm. Tickets are £3 per child which will
                                        include a hotdog and doughnut! Tickets are
                                          on sale from the PTFA both before & after
                                        school. Funds raised will go towards wood
              Inset Day
                                         to build a treehouse that the children have
        Friday 14th February                              asked for!
      school closed to children
                                          Coming soon every 4th Friday will be the
            School Opens                                 treat trunk!
    Monday 24th February 2020                      Thanks for your support.
Friday Post Friday 7th February 2020 - st. leonard's first school
Tuesday 11th February         Safer Internet Day

Thursday 13th February        Pyjama & wellie day - £1 to our PTFA funds

Thursday 13th February        3-4:30pm - School Disco £3 per child

Friday 14th February          Inset Day

Thursday 27th February        Children in Church

Friday 28th February          Choir @ Stafford Gatehouse Theatre 7pm

Tuesday 17th March            Mothers Day Lunch - Foxes - more info to follow

Thursday 19th March           Children in Church

Thursday 19th March           Mothers Day Lunch - Hedgehogs & Owls - more info to follow

Tuesday 24th March            Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 25th March          Parents’ Evening

Thursday 2nd April            Easter Service in Church

Friday 3rd April              Last Day - school closes at 1:30pm

Monday 6th April              Easter Break

Thursday 16th April           Reception Places Allocated

Monday 20th April             Back to School - Summer Term

Friday 8th May                Holiday - Government change to the May Bank holiday

Thursday 21st May             Census Day

Friday 22nd May               Inset Day

Monday 25th May               Half Term

Friday 3rd July               Inset Day

Monday 20th July              Inset Day

  Don’t forget to keep up to date by following us on ..

       Please search for          Our School website
   St Leonards First School              Please search for
          & Nursery                @StLeonardsDuns
Friday Post Friday 7th February 2020 - st. leonard's first school
Snow Closure

   May we take this opportunity to remind you of the procedures for
      school closures due to adverse weather/unforeseeable events:
 An assessment is made by Executive Headteacher or Head of School.
  If the site is considered to be unsafe or if we consider that staff will
    not be able to travel, arrangements are made to close the school.
A message will be placed on the school website and a text message will
                                   be sent.
  The closure will also be shown on the Staffordshire County Council
     website. Navigate to
 and search for school closure list. Local radio stations also broadcast
                       details of school closures.

      Safeguarding Notice
  We have been made aware by one of
 the high schools in Staffordshire that
there is a concern regarding Instagram
     and a bogus modelling agency
  grooming children. West Midlands
 Police have advised that students at a
  number of Secondary schools in our
 area have been contacted by a bogus
  modelling agency called Starlett or      Pop along to see the work
Scarlett Bookings Agency. Initially they    that the children created
    request photos of the child in their
                                             during their pollinators
favourite outfit, then a bikini shot and
  finally they ask for a naked photo so
                                              workshop last week.
 that they can analyse their body type
   coupled with threats if they are not
   From: Staffordshire Safeguarding
          Education Service.
Friday Post Friday 7th February 2020 - st. leonard's first school
       y 25th F
Friday Post Friday 7th February 2020 - st. leonard's first school
Free School Meals
Did you know that for every child registered for Free School Meals we get an extra
£1,320 per year in our school budget? We continue to receive this extra funding
for a further 6 years, even if your child is no longer eligible! You may be entitled
to Free School Meals depending upon your financial circumstances, and even if
your child doesn’t want to have a school meal, we would encourage you to
register. Please go on-line and check. If in any doubt ask at the school office or
FreeSchoolMeals/Overview.aspx It only takes a couple of minutes and the decision
is instant. Please advise the office if you are eligible asap.

                                                                                       St Leonard’s are performing on
                                                                                       Friday 28th February 7pm start
We’re offering visitors the chance to get up close and feed our spring lambs
                           this February Half Term!                            We have been informed there are very few tickets
                                Lamb Week
                            Bottle feed lambs*
                  Take Farmer Ray’s tractor trailer ride
                Bounce till you drop on our inflatable play
                See rare breeds of sheep, goats, and cows
                      Meet our rabbits & guinea pigs
                       Walk the fun ‘sheepy’ trail

           February Half Term: Sat 15th – Sun 23rd February

             *Lamb Feeding times must be booked in advance.
                         Early Booking Discounts:
                         - 20% off until 31st Jan -

                          - 10% off until 7th Feb -
                           (applied at checkout)

                           Lower Drayton Farm
                           Lower Drayton Lane
                          Penkridge Nr. Stafford
                                ST19 5RE
                           t: 01785 330757
Friday Post Friday 7th February 2020 - st. leonard's first school
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